
How to dye eggs for Easter stylishly, fashionably and without store dyes. How to paint eggs for Easter? Photo of colored eggs

Easter- a bright and clean holiday for all believers. On Easter, it is customary to bake Easter cakes, give Easter souvenirs to loved ones, and also paint eggs. Easter eggs and dyeing eggs for Easter, a traditional family-unifying tradition.

In this article, you will learn why eggs are dyed for Easter, how to dye eggs with natural dyes, how to decorate them beautifully with your own hands.

Why are eggs painted for Easter?

According to church canons, eggs are dyed on Maundy Thursday, on this day it is customary to clean the houses, wash yourself and cut your hair. Colored eggs at the festive table are eaten first. Also, colored eggs are usually given to each other, because they represent a talisman. By tradition, Easter eggs are distributed to the poor and brought to church.

How to paint eggs for Easter

Currently, on the eve of Easter, there are many food colorings, films, glitters, stickers and other items for decorating Easter eggs with your own hands on the shelves.

There are also the usual improvised means for these purposes, these are natural products: onion peel, beet juice, red cabbage juice. Let's discuss in more detail all the natural dyes option:

  • Onion peel. Peel the husk from several onions, pour water over it, put it on low heat for 40 minutes. Strain the broth and boil eggs in it for 10 minutes after boiling water. The color of the eggshell will turn yellow-brown.
  • Nettle or greenery. If you want green-colored eggs, boil them in a saucepan along with nettles. Nettles can be dried. Green eggs can be obtained by holding them, already boiled, in brilliant green.
  • Turmeric and violet. If you want a beautiful golden hue of the shell, add turmeric seasoning to the water where the eggs will be boiled.
  • Walnut shell. If you boil eggs together with walnut shells, they will turn out to be a beautiful beige color.
  • Coffee. The brown color of the shell can be obtained if you brew coffee, and then hold an already boiled egg in the broth.
  • Beet juice. you will get a glamorous pink egg with the help of these products. To do this, boil the beets and add vinegar. Then put the eggs in the broth and boil them.
  • Cranberry. Rinse the berries, squeeze out the juice, and boil the eggs in the juice.
  • Carrot juice. Peel the carrots, squeeze out the juice, boil the eggs in the juice.
  • Hibiscus tea If you boil eggs with hibiscus tea, you will achieve a pink shell color.
  • Mint. Eggs boiled with mint will have a pistachio hue.

Natural dyes are good because they are harmless to humans.

You can adjust the degree of brightness of the eggshell, if you want to get a brighter color, do not remove the eggs from the broth until the water has cooled.

Carefully remove the dyed eggs and water and put to cool on a plate. You can leave the eggs plain, or you can do their further decor.

If you use non-natural dyes, do not use the egg as food, it is better to pre-blow the egg out of the shell, so it will please your eye as a souvenir.

Tip: before painting the eggs, they need to be washed and degreased with alcohol, the paint will lie more evenly.

After dyeing the eggs, coat the shell with a cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil, the eggs will shine beautifully and become brighter.

Tip: To prevent the egg from cracking, add a teaspoon of salt to the solution.

Eggs painted in one color are called eggs, and those painted with ornaments or plot patterns are called Easter eggs. Classic pysanka is a complex way of painting Easter eggs, where wax, steel feathers or hooks are used, as well as special paints. But along with the traditional methods of coloring, there are a large number of simpler and more original methods for painting an egg. Even kids can paint Easter eggs with watercolors, gouache or markers. You can also use watercolor pencils, corrector, felt-tip pens, gel pens and other standard writing instruments. Dyeing and painting eggs for the main Christian holiday, Easter, is a long tradition. One of the legends says that when Saint Mary Magdalene came to the emperor Tiberius and told about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the emperor did not believe and said that it was just as impossible as the fact that a chicken egg would turn red. At the same moment, the hen's egg, which he held in his hands, turned red in confirmation of the news of Mary Magdalene. Other versions refer the origin of the tradition to pre-Christian times.

Painting Easter eggs in watercolor

An easy way to make unique and colorful Easter eggs with your own hands is to paint Easter eggs with watercolors, combined with watercolor pencils. Keep in mind that this is not a permanent dye, but it is an easy, affordable and fun decorating method, and you can also create a real watercolor effect right on the shell.

The saturation of the pattern depends on the degree of dilution of the paint with water. You can first cover the entire surface of the egg with a light layer of watercolor, and then, while the paint is still wet, add more concentrated and saturated spots.

The core of watercolor pencils consists of pressed watercolor, which allows them to dissolve with water. In other words, we draw as if with colored pencils, and then we pass over the image with a wet brush or cotton wool and get a watercolor drawing. In this case, you can draw with a watercolor pencil on the still wet surface of the egg. It turns out the effect, as if the pencil is melting. As a result, soft and slightly blurred lines perfectly draw details.

Painting Easter eggs with gouache

But such a wonderful painting of Easter eggs can be done with gouache, acrylic paint and permanent markers!

Painting Easter eggs with a marker

Stylish black and white Easter eggs - forget about paints and different materials! Only black permanent marker and your imagination!

Painting Easter eggs with a gel pen

Fine gel pen drawing:

Painting Easter eggs with fingers and sticks

Doodles, dots, specks, stains made by the fingers of children's hands!

Easter eggs from Kinder Surprise

With markers and felt-tip pens, you can paint plastic eggs from Kinder Surprise. Interestingly, the child can then combine the halves of the egg himself, creating a new egg each time.

Is it possible to paint eggs with gouache for decoration on the Bright Resurrection of Christ? Of course yes, but we are talking about egg blanks - a whole shell of Easter eggs without contents - which will be used to decorate the festive table. The same applies to the answer to the question of whether it is possible to paint eggs with watercolors. Yes, and there are various decor techniques, but not for eggs that you will use for food.

The latter are best dyed with natural dyes - beetroot juice and spinach pomace. So, today we will look at three options for decorating Easter eggs using watercolor and gouache, and we will also create an unusual Easter egg composition.

What you need:

  1. acrylic primer
  2. soft synthetic brush
  3. fine soft brush with natural bristles
  4. brush with elastic bristles
  5. gouache paint
  6. watercolor paints
  7. rubber gloves for hand protection
  8. chicken egg preparations
  9. oil paint set
  10. gouache paint set
  11. PVA glue
  12. beads
  13. felting needle №38
  14. thermal gun

Easter eggs with marble effect

Step 1

The eggs that you will decorate must first be freed from the contents. To do this, use an awl or any other suitable pointed object. In a circular screwing motion, begin to make a hole on the surface of the egg. It is better to make it from the sharp end of the egg.

Step 2

After that, you need to make a hole on the opposite side of the egg and blow its contents into a glass. To facilitate the process, you need to shake the egg well.

Step 3

After that, the eggs need to be well primed. Coat the surface of the egg with a soft synthetic brush and acrylic primer. You will get beautiful white blanks. Do not forget that egg coloring should only be done with rubber gloves. Acrylic primer will give the eggs a beautiful white color and strength.

Step 4

Prepare a few small containers for paints. For the first decor option, you will need several tubes of oil paint. Squeeze paints of various colors into a container. Add some non-oil based solvent. Thus, prepare several options for dyes. Prepare a container of water - wide enough to dip the egg into.

Step 5

Take a natural thin brush with natural bristles, as for watercolor. Pick up some paint on the brush and dip it in water. After that, repeat the procedure with paints of other colors. In contact with water, oil paint remains on the surface. Carefully lower the egg into the water, paint in the form of fancy patterns will cover its surface. Get a pronounced marble effect.

Easter eggs "Starry sky"

Step 1

Prepare the bases of the eggs, as in the previous case, thoroughly covering them with acrylic primer. After the eggs are dry, you need to cover them with black paint.

Step 2

Wait for the black paint to dry. After that, use a sponge to create the effect of nebulae in the cosmic sky. Use purple gouache paint. Carefully apply it to the surface of the egg with a sponge in different places. Apply paint in patches. Repeat the procedure with blue.

Step 3

Cover the work surface with a protective sheet. Take a container of water and a brush with elastic bristles. Take mother-of-pearl and white paint. Dilute a little pearlescent paint with water, draw on a brush, and then bring it to the egg and sort out the wax so that the pearlescent splashes evenly cover the surface of the egg.

Step 4

Repeat the same with the whites. Splashes of such paint will create the effect of larger stars on the surface of a dark sky.

Easter eggs composition

Step 1

Prime the surface of the eggs, as shown in the previous two cases. Wait until the soil is completely dry.

Step 2

Apply glue with a brush to a small area of ​​​​the grooved surface of the egg. Attach the pale green beads tightly to each other.

Step 3

Thus, beads need to cover the entire surface of the egg. Try to fasten the beads as tightly as possible to each other so that there are no gaps. Alternately glue the sections of the egg with glue and continue to fasten the beads until you cover the entire surface with beads. Leave the egg to dry. This is the first copy of the composition.

Step 4

The next grooved egg is painted with watercolors to match the beads. You can also use gouache paint of the same color.

Step 5

The third egg remains white. It remains only to even out its color with a tone of white. Well coat all areas of the surface of the egg with white paint. After drying, decorate this egg with a thin satin ribbon of the same pale green color.

Step 6

At the end of the composition, we will make an unusual woolen egg. Use a #38 felting needle. Scroll the material in your hands, gradually giving the egg the desired shape. You will get a fairly dense egg of the correct rounded shape. A woolen egg can be decorated with small white buttons. They need to be glued with a thermal gun in a circle.


Believers often have a question, is it possible to paint eggs with gouache for Easter in principle? The use of this decor material does not contradict any church canons. The only thing to consider is the decor options themselves. They must be associated with Christian symbolism and, of course, not contradict it.

Is it possible to paint eggs with watercolors for Easter? Yes, and you will get a very delicate decor that matches this bright Christian holiday.

We will only repeat that for gouache and watercolor, as well as oil paint and other dye options, it is better to use only “dummy” egg blanks that you will not use in writing.

Easter eggs

Egg dyeing is a small household sacrament that sets its participants in a festive mood. While we collect onion peels, herbs for coloring eggs or prepare paints and brushes, and then we are engaged in dyeing or painting Easter eggs, we have time to think, remember the old days, childhood, when you dyed eggs with the whole family, surrounded by the warmth and care of loved ones. Who loved you just like that, for no reason, simply because you are their best, beloved daughters and sons, grandchildren and granddaughters!

When we prepare for Easter, our soul lives a real, right life, filled with love and kindness. Watch for yourself, and you, too, will experience an uplifting and joyful warmth inside when you bake Easter bread - Easter cake, paint eggs or cook an Easter cottage cheese treat - Easter.

Easter Pictures

Of course, you can use a set of food colorings, it's quick, boil eggs, open a bag, bring a coloring solution, hold eggs in it and that's it. However, it seems to me that purchased dyes somewhat contradict the spirit of the great feast of the Resurrection of Christ. I think it is much more important for the family and for the soul of each person to get together at the table and do a common joyful thing - making Easter eggs!

Painted eggs and eggs in thermal labels

There are many ways to color or paint eggs.

In terms of Christian Easter traditions, eggs should be reddish brown because the egg itself is a symbol of life, and the red color of the shell means the blood and death of Christ. Therefore, when we break colored Easter eggs, we symbolically show how life conquers death! This Easter ritual expresses our faith in the Resurrection of Christ and there is a hint that for happiness we need to act (it is our hand that breaks the egg), and not go with the flow.

Therefore, if you are a believer, then in your Easter basket there must be brown-red eggs!

Brown dyed eggs (onion peel)

How to Prepare Eggs for Boiling and Dyeing

To prevent eggs from cracking when boiled

  • Warm the eggs after the refrigerator. Let them lie down for half an hour at room temperature and come to life. You can fill it with warm (so that your hands are warm, but not hot) and let stand for 10 minutes.
  • Add to egg water 2 tablespoons of salt per 0.5 liters water. If you put even more salt (a very salty solution), colored eggs can then be stored for a whole year at room temperature and not deteriorate, but with such long-term storage, they will no longer be eaten, as you might guess. I checked this method many times - they are really stored. Thanks to Veronica who taught me how to boil Easter eggs in heavily salted water.

So that the paint lies well on the eggshell

  • Degrease the shell. It's very simple - wash the eggs with soap or baking soda (you can use a cloth or soft washcloth).
  • acidify the paint: add a little vinegar or lemon juice to the coloring solution.

How to make the shell color thick and saturated

  • span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>Butter: Dry the dyed eggs and lightly brush them with vegetable oil - the color of the eggs will be more saturated and will shine beautifully.
  • More dye: Use more coloring matter and boil longer eggs with a coloring base (or infuse already boiled eggs in paint).
    In the case of coloring with onion peel, you need to take a lot of peel (so that there is a thick brew, little water and a lot of peel) and cook it for about half an hour without eggs. And then add the eggs.

How to make eggs red, brown, yellow, green and purple

IN red or brown will paint the colors of the eggs

  • onion peel (the thickest color is from purple onions);
  • coffee .

The most famous and common way of coloring eggs is by boiling eggs in a large amount of onion peel. There should be a lot of husks (it can be collected at least the entire Great Lent, maybe just enough), the eggs should not float, but almost lie in this thick onion brew.

Depending on the color of the onion peel, the eggs are obtained reddish, reddish, burgundy or colors cherry jam with chocolate (dark brown). In Greece, the most beautiful are considered reddish purple eggs, which are obtained from the husks of red lettuce (purple). You can boil eggs in the shell from 10 minutes to an hour, the longer you cook, the more the paint will stick to the shell.

The coffee will color the eggs chocolate brown very delicious color.

Brown - coffee, green - nettle, yellow - turmeric

Beautiful Easter eggs dyed with onion skins

Yellow, orange or gold eggs will be obtained by dyeing with turmeric or saffron infusion.

Greenish color will give the eggs a herbal decoction of nettle.

Fresh currants, cranberries and blueberries will color the eggs in lilac, lilac or purple color, depending on how many berries you have. That is, the more coloring matter, the darker and thicker the color of the eggs will be.

You just need to take a handful of berries and, pressing them to the shell, rub them on a clean boiled egg. As soon as the egg is all smeared with berry juice, let it dry. And that's it.

Purple Easter eggs dyed with currants

Chocolate, dark brown (coffee)

Proportions for paint:

  • 2 teaspoons of instant coffee;
  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 1 tablespoon of vinegar (6-9%).

How to make chocolate paint: R dissolve coffee in salted water, add vinegar and boil eggs in it.

Light green color (nettle decoction)

For paint from nettle you need:

  • Dried nettle - 5 tablespoons;
  • Water - 0.5 liters;
  • Table vinegar (6-9%) - 1 tablespoon.

How to make green paint : boil the nettle for 15 minutes, strain, add vinegar or 2-3 drops of vinegar essence to the infusion, put the eggs and cook for an hour. When boiling, it is necessary to add water, so that the eggs are covered with water all the time and dyed evenly. If you do not add water, then at least turn them over. You can also leave for half an hour - an hour in the broth, so that the color is thicker.

Eggs dyed yellow with turmeric, green with nettles, and brown with coffee

In addition, green color is given by water colored with brilliant green (put boiled eggs in it and let stand), you can still chop spinach (larger) and boil eggs with it.

Golden, yellow, slightly orange color (turmeric)

For coloring with turmeric, you need:

  • Turmeric - 2 tablespoons;
  • Water - 0.5 liters;
  • Table vinegar (6-9%) - 1 tablespoon.

How to make yellow paint: add eggs, turmeric and vinegar to the water and boil the eggs in it until cooked. If you want a more orange, reddish color, use more turmeric.

Lilac, purple, pink, mauve (berry)

Berries (everything that is usually strongly painted: blueberries, currants, blackberries, cherries, cranberries, strawberries - can be frozen) should be crushed with a crush and roll boiled eggs in berry puree. You can just take a handful of berries and, pressing, rub boiled eggs with them.

Then shake off the used pulp and dry the eggs. As soon as the paint dries, grease with a drop of vegetable oil.

Such multi-colored eggs are obtained, dipped in different food colors. You just need to know what colors you get when you mix them.

Berries do not need much, puree (crushed berries) can be reused.

In general, friends, eggs can be dyed with everything bright and edible that usually stains us when cooking: beetroot and carrot juice, all sorts of berries that make hands and lips turn blue, infusion of saffron and marigolds ... unless sea buckthorn is not suitable, because it is oily and will not stick to the shell.

How to make speckled eggs or leave stencil drawings of blades of grass and leaves, paint eggs with wax, you can read in the story about the Greek traditions of celebrating Easter.

And how to color eggs in several colors by dipping in liquid food coloring -.

Eggs dyed with onion skins

Egg stencil

If you decide to decorate Easter eggs with a pattern ( a mixture of gouache and PVA glue 1: 1) and you don’t know how to portray this, or if you don’t know how to draw, then you can use a stencil. The stencil is made of paper in which holes are cut - randomly or in the form of an ornament, in the form of circles, squares, flowers, stripes, leaves - anything can be cut out. How to cut - remember how we make snowflakes on windows - fold the paper several times and cut through the layers of paper at the folds.

Then the stencil is applied to the egg and paint is applied.

Ready-made stencils can be bought, for example, in Indian stores - ask there for stencils for painting palms with henna, you will just get a small and elegant pattern with flowers and herbs.

Painting eggs with acrylics

You can also paint eggs with acrylic paints (such sets are sold in many stationery departments). It is better not to eat such eggs (after all, this is not food paint), but to store them for beauty (to be stored for a long time, boil in a very strong saline solution for 30 minutes).

This is how Natasha Rybka painted boiled Easter eggs:

These flowers are painted on the testicles with acrylic paints.

To prevent the paint on the eggs from smearing, it is better to place the eggs on stands. Acrylic (and a mixture of gouache with PVA glue) dries pretty quickly.

If you have your own way of coloring or decorating eggs with photos, we will be happy to post your tips and pictures of Easter eggs.

It is rooted in ancient times, when on the last, most rigorous week of Great Lent, on Maundy Thursday, Christians carefully cleaned the house and prepared treats for the Easter holiday - Easter cakes, Easter and eggs, which personified the beginning of a new life. The first meal at Easter was often an Easter egg.

Everyone remembers the religious basis of this tradition, but many began to forget that the meaning of the process of dyeing eggs is also that children, along with adults, join the preparation of the holiday, stay close and listen to stories.

The minutes spent with the kids for creativity are absolutely priceless, so it makes sense to put aside any business and enjoy the joint process and the result. There are many ways to color eggs, everyone chooses the one that guarantees the best result, depending on the presence or absence of artistic talent. We will try to help those who can only draw a house and offer some ideas to talented artists.

Regardless of the method chosen, the eggs must be prepared for painting - take them out of the refrigerator an hour before work, wash and dry thoroughly (for acrylic).

The most affordable, traditional and never failing way is a decoction of the husk. To prepare a rich broth, there should be a lot of husks, ideally a full pan (it is better to take a metal or dark one inside). Pour the husk with water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 30-40 minutes, then cool and strain. Many lay eggs directly in the pot with the husks, it's a question of the number of eggs and the size of the pan - many eggs will not physically fit in the average container along with the husk.

You can put eggs in the prepared solution right away, but it’s more interesting to make them unique by decorating them with natural decor. As a decoration, use leaves and dried flowers or. Attach the selected decor to the egg, wrap it with a piece of nylon tights or golf, pressing it tightly and secure with bank elastic bands. Boil eggs in onion solution for 7-9 minutes, transfer to cold. Carefully grate the finished dyed eggs to give them shine using a paper towel.

One of the simplest ways, but there is a chance that paint will get on the egg white (it’s even better not to eat it), so you need to boil the eggs as carefully as possible beforehand. As a rule, the method of staining for all dyes is the same - dilute the dry paint with water (each in a separate container), add and omit. Keep them in dyes until you achieve the desired shade.

This method can also be improved - the eggs are dipped not entirely, but in parts, then in a different paint to make multi-colored bright abstract drawings. Or stick patterns, stripes, specks on the eggs with paper tape, and then dip them into the dye.

For this method, the remains of floss threads are suitable, with which you need to randomly wrap the eggs. Carefully put the eggs in cold water, bring to a boil and cook for 8-10 minutes, transfer to cold water, let cool and remove the threads.

Unusual colors of eggs will be obtained using old men's ties or scarves. It is necessary to wrap the eggs in a cloth so that the front side is inside, secure with threads or bank elastic bands. Pour water into a saucepan, add vinegar (3 tablespoons per liter) and boil the eggs for 10 minutes after boiling. Cool, remove the fabric.

Of the natural dyes, a solution is often used, strongly brewed and welded. Eggs dyed in one of the proposed ways are called krashenki, and those on which drawings are applied with brushes - Easter eggs. Eggs are painted not only with paints, but also with wax crayons, permanent markers and felt-tip pens for children's creativity.

With a little bit of artistic talent, a set of food colors, thin brushes and a desire to create, you can create a masterpiece with your own hands. For convenience, pre-boiled eggs are placed in stands and apply the desired patterns using tubes of paint. Let each color dry, then turn the eggs over and continue on the other side.

How to paint eggs with acrylic paints

The principle of working with acrylic is the same as in the previous method, only you need to remember that the eggs must be absolutely intact in order to avoid paint getting inside.

For very assiduous creative masters, there is a great way to apply their skills - decorating eggs with legumes, cereals and cereals. For this purpose, any medium-sized bulk products are suitable -, and, etc. If wooden or plastic blanks are used, then it is best to glue the decor on PVA glue, and if chicken eggs, then it is more useful to cook a paste - liquid jelly from and (you can use). Coat the egg with glue in parts and apply patterns with tweezers.

The fastest way to decorate Easter eggs is with thermal stickers, which are also very convenient because you can pack eggs that are slightly cracked during cooking. You need to boil the eggs, pack them in thermal stickers, boil water and lower the eggs one at a time for a few seconds. It is convenient to use a slotted spoon, a spoon with holes or a small metal sieve so that the water drains and does not burn.

Another modern way to color eggs is to paint them with varnish. But just painting with varnish is not interesting, so we suggest painting them with varnish on the water. To do this, drop a drop of different varnishes into a glass of water. With a toothpick, make patterns from varnish. Immerse the egg in water and assemble the entire pattern onto the egg. It is better to do this with gloves. Dry with a hair dryer. Since the varnish can penetrate the shell, we advise you to paint the eggs in this way purely for decoration, that is, after removing the contents of the egg, piercing a hole in the shell with a syringe.

Summing up, let's say that the imagination of our hostesses has no limits, therefore, lace and buttons, and decoupage napkins and vegetable oil for a "marble" effect are also used to dye and decorate eggs. The main thing is to paint eggs with pleasure, in a good mood and with faith in a bright holiday.

And you can find out the recipes for cooking Easter cake and Easter in ours.
