
What is Turkish delight made of recipe. What is Turkish Delight made of? Oriental sweets

This sweetness is better known in our country as Turkish delight, which, in principle, is not entirely correct. Turkish delight in the homeland of these sweets - in Syria and Turkey - is called only one of the types of delight, in the preparation of which flour is used. There is also lokum without flour, which is commonly called shaker-lokum.

We have Turkish delight - Turkish delight is very popular. Most often, on the shelves of shops or in the markets, it is sold in the form of chopped pieces, abundantly sprinkled with powdered sugar. By the way, it is for this look that this sweetness got its name: Turkish delight in translation from Turkish means “a convenient piece”. And it is Turkish delight that is a delicious souvenir, which is most often brought by tourists from sunny Turkish resorts. There it can be of any color, any taste and with a variety of fillers in the composition: oriental chefs know a lot about frills.

But with all the popularity, Turkish delight is a confectionery product. And some might even suspect that, like any sweet, Turkish delight can be unhealthy for all its virtues. So let's dot the "i".

Composition of delight

The main components of the composition that are present in all varieties of Turkish Delight without exception are starch, water and sugar. Slightly boiled in water, and then hardened starch provides a pleasant soft consistency of the product. The sugar gives it a sweet, desserty taste. These are the only ingredients in the composition of the so-called white delight. Any other species that differs in taste or color contains natural or synthetic dyes or in its composition.

Of course, various fruit juices have long been used to make Turkish delight. It was in them that starch and sugar were added, getting soft sweets with a natural taste. No less often sweets were filled with nuts or peanuts. In some cases, sugar in the composition was replaced with honey, in others, flour was added to the composition. Very refined, in addition, was considered Turkish delight with the addition of rose petals.

All these components that make up Turkish delight, mixed, cooked and specially aged for a certain time, determine the qualities and properties of this delicacy.

What is useful

Turkish delight is a sweet battery for the body. The simple sugar or honey contained in the treat is a rich source of energy for the muscles and brain. Starch is the same simple sugars, collected in long chains. In the body, it is also broken down with the release of large amounts of energy.

But even greater benefits of Turkish delight in fruit or nut varieties. But only in those cases when really natural juice is used for preparation, and not dyes and flavors diluted with water. And nuts, and juices, and rose petals - they all contain certain vitamins and minerals that will be very useful to the body. One has only to take into account that even in natural juices, after preparation and concomitant heat treatment, some of the vitamins are destroyed. Nuts, in this respect, are more stable, therefore, Turkish delight with nuts can be considered the most useful.

And one more very important point: like any sweetness, Turkish delight lifts the mood. Moreover, for this there are not only psychological (this is always a small surprise!), But also purely physiological prerequisites. The sugars in Turkish delight cause the release of serotonin into the bloodstream, which, by acting on the nerve endings in the brain, leads to an increase in brain activity and improves mood. So, one side of the coin is visible to us well. Let's look at another one now.


With all its virtues, Turkish delight is sweet. The same sugars that make its taste pleasant and unforgettable can turn into big trouble in the case of unbridled passion in the use of even such a soft and unsweetened candy. First of all, Turkish delight should not be consumed by those who suffer from diabetes. An increase in blood sugar levels will occur immediately. At the same time, even a certain amount of starch, which is capable of slightly lowering this level after hyperglycemia, may not help.

If you overeat this oriental sweetness, it can affect the condition of your teeth. And although this is not such a “hard” sweetness as, say, or, the remains of powdered sugar in the mouth will do their job.

Even containing many easily digestible carbohydrates, Turkish delight alone will not be able to cause such severe metabolic disorders that can lead to obesity or diabetes. But together with other sweets - cakes, buns and chocolate - it will fully support this trend. Well, one cannot help but recall the current habits of Turkish delight producers to prepare it using various dyes and food additives. This sin is not only our, domestic producers. Sometimes even Turkey itself - the birthplace of Turkish delight - cannot boast of a lack of oriental sweets. And they, as you know, do not carry benefits to the body.

Therefore, it is difficult to make an unambiguous conclusion about the usefulness of "pieces of pleasure". The sweetness of Turkish Delight is a gastronomic pleasure. It cannot be eaten, like bread, in kilograms - then all its virtues will be lost and only harm will remain. But if you eat a little natural fruit or nut variety from time to time, savoring it and enjoying every bite, then it will definitely have a beneficial effect on both the emotional state and the health of the body as a whole.

Three centuries ago, these elastic pieces of pleasure with a floral flavor were available only to the elite.

Today, the delicious creation of the confectioners of the Ottoman Empire - Turkish delight - is considered one of the best means of preventing depression.

Turkish delight is one of the most famous oriental sweets.

What else is Turkish delight useful for, what is it made of, and is it possible to prepare a delicate delicacy at home?

Eastern fairy tale

According to legend, in order to please the sultan, who was tired of being content with hard oriental sweets, the Turkish confectioner of the late 18th century, Ali Mahiddin, poured a viscous mass of hot sugar syrup and starch dissolved in water into a flat mold, and when the sweet mixture froze, sprinkled it with powdered sugar and cut it into small pieces. , comfortable pieces.

Convenient pieces - this is the translation of the Turkish name Turkish delight that is most widely used. But there is another meaning - pleasure for the throat.

Soft pieces of pleasure pleased not only the fastidious Sultan, but also the numerous inhabitants of his harem, which became the reason for further confectionery experiments. Figs, nuts, honey, fruit juices, spices and even rose petals were added to the simple recipe. The form of the treat has also changed. Modern Turkish delight resembles animal figurines and fruits; it can be “rolled” into a roll, whole or two-layered.
Today there is an unimaginable number of varieties of Turkish Delight

Pleasure with benefits

Whether Turkish delight is good for the body can be judged by its components.

Water, sugar, and starch are the only ingredients in white delight and are required in other varieties.

A representative of simple sugars - glucose, which abounds in a delicate delicacy, promotes increased secretion of "happiness hormones" - endorphins, generates energy for the heart and brain, and has a positive effect on the condition of the hair.

Its tandem with another simple sugar - starch - after certain chemical metamorphoses is converted into a special substance with antiviral activity, which prevents susceptibility to colds.
Thanks to this set of "utilities", the classic white Turkish delight is not contraindicated even when breastfeeding. You need to introduce it into the diet gradually, using it in the morning and observing the skin reaction of the baby.

When using Turkish delight during pregnancy, you should be content with small "portions of pleasure" - like any sweet treat, it can cause bloating.

What else can Turkish delight contain, and how is it useful?

The more natural ingredients Turkish delight contains, the higher its benefits. Thus, the addition of nuts and honey to the recipe contributes to the activation of sexual function in men and women. Turkish delight with bergamot tones well, and with rose oil it drives away depression and restores strength. If Turkish delight is “mixed” with orange juice, its beneficial properties are determined by the antiviral activity of ascorbic acid.
Orange Juice Turkish Delight is a Great Source of Vitamin C

Knowing of limits

But still, you should not actively lean on Turkish delight: the product contains a considerable amount of “fast” carbohydrates, and its immoderate consumption threatens with a significant weight gain.
The calorie content of one cube of regular Turkish delight is 60.3 kcal; walnut - from 63 to 65 kcal. The least high-calorie pink and chocolate Turkish delight: the energy value of one soft candy "fits" in 56-59 kcal.

On average, one sweet piece contains 3 teaspoons of sugar. For this reason, nutritionists do not recommend using Turkish delight in a diet aimed at combating obesity, as well as for diabetics.

People seeking to lose weight often ask another question: is there any fat in Turkish Delight?
Its content in 100 grams of tender treats is 0.2 - 0.7 grams. Therefore, Turkish delight can become a sweet “compromise” for weight loss - eat 1-2 pieces of it in the morning instead of rich desserts with cream. The only exception is a delicacy made from carrots, which contains up to 15 grams of fat.

Often, lovers of Turkish delight doubt: is it possible to use it in fasting? All the ingredients of these fragrant sweets are exclusively of plant origin, the use of which is not forbidden even during fasting.

Cooking a delicate delicacy with our own hands

It seems that they figured out what it is - Turkish delight and what it is made of. But let's add a secret: current manufacturers often "imitate" the delicate aroma of oriental sweetness, replacing natural ingredients with synthetic dyes and flavors. And even in the homeland of delight - in Turkey - they often sin with completely unhelpful E-components. And therefore, it is more reliable to cook Turkish delight with your own hands.

But first you need to familiarize yourself with some technological tricks:

  • Factory-made Turkish delight contains preservatives, which is why its shelf life can reach six months. When preparing homemade treats, they are not used, and therefore it should be eaten within a few days;
  • To freeze the Turkish delight, it is placed in the refrigerator for 12-14 hours;
  • So that the sweetness does not gain moisture over time, it is first rolled in starch, and then in powdered sugar;
  • In addition to food ingredients, you will need 2 containers - a brass basin for making jam and an enameled cauldron.

How Turkish delight is made in the factory - see the video:

How to cook Turkish Delight at home?

It is best to start a confectionery experiment by preparing Turkish Delight as the classic Turkish recipe recommends:

  • Wheat or rice starch (750 gr) pour 2 cups of cool water and leave it to swell;
  • At the same time, we cook sugar syrup, observing the proportion for 900 grams of sugar - 2 cups of water. During its preparation, foam is formed, which should be carefully collected;
  • After waiting until the sugar syrup becomes completely transparent, stir the “approached” starch to a homogeneous mass and, stirring constantly, pour it into a container with syrup, which is left on fire until the sweet mass begins to lag behind its edges and walls.

    When this happens, remove the container from the heat, add a small amount of diluted gelatin or gum tragacanth to the resulting brew - they will give the future delicacy lightness and tenderness;

  • Harmless food coloring can be added if desired;
  • Now is the time to stir well and pour the sweet mass onto the prepared sheet, and take it out to the cold. Cut the frozen mass into pieces, which are gently rolled in powdered sugar.

Video recipe for classic Turkish Delight:

It is easy to make Turkish Delight at home using this recipe:

  • Dilute 3 cups of starch in the same amount of water, stir the lumps and leave for a while;
  • After pouring 3 cups of sugar into another container, pour it with 3 cups of water; stirring, bring to a boil and periodically remove the foam;
  • When the sugar syrup becomes transparent, pour the starch solution into it, not forgetting to quickly stir the latter;
  • Add half a glass of peeled and halved almonds;
  • Stirring continuously, boil the sweet mass until it becomes thick;
  • Put the thickened mass on a baking sheet, and, moistening your hands with cold water, form a layer 2-2.5 cm thick;
  • When it cools down, cut into “convenient” pieces for you and roll each of them in powdered sugar.

Turkish delight from carrots will not make you spend a lot:

  • Grated on a fine grater 800 g of carrots, pour 250 g of sugar and, putting it in a saucepan, simmer over medium heat for 15 minutes, until the juice is released. In order not to burn, you can add 3-4 tbsp. water;
  • Prepare and add lemon and orange zest to carrot syrup, 1 tbsp each.
  • Dilute 150 g of corn starch in 50 ml of cold water, break up the lumps and, combining with carrot puree, cook for a few more minutes, stirring thoroughly;
  • Soon the mass will turn orange and begin to thicken. As soon as she begins to “depart” from the walls of the saucepan, remove it from the stove and take care of the walnuts;
  • Coarsely chop them half a glass and, combining with the carrot mixture, stir with a wooden spatula;
  • Put the finished mass in a low layer (2-2.5 cm) in a low container covered with foil and send it to “spend the night” in the refrigerator;
  • In the morning, cut into "comfortable pieces" and dip each in coconut flakes or powdered sugar.

You will find a detailed recipe for carrot Turkish delight in the video:

Another delicacy that is good for the body is Protein Bars. You can read all about them

Delicious pumpkin Turkish delight in diseases of the digestive system is indicated as a sweet medicine:

  • Cut into large pieces 200 gr pumpkin;
  • Pour 400 g of sugar into a separate pan and pour it with 100 ml of water, boil until completely dissolved. Add pieces of pumpkin to the finished syrup and continue to cook over medium heat;
  • When the pieces of the sunny fruit become soft, remove the pan from the heat, let the sweet mass cool slightly and use a blender to turn it into a smooth puree;
  • Add the juice of half a lemon, mix and - again on the fire;
  • Dissolve 2 cups of starch in 1.5 cups of water and, getting rid of lumps, add it to the boiled puree. Don't forget to stir;
  • After a couple of minutes, remove the pan from the heat;
  • Pour the cooled puree into a low form greased with butter (up to 2.5 cm) and refrigerate for a couple of hours;
  • Cut the frozen mass into pieces and dip each in powdered sugar.

After preparing delicious Turkish delight and comparing its benefits and harms to the body, enjoy the pieces of pleasure without forgetting the sense of proportion.

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Dessert Turkish delight appeared in the confectionery industry thanks to the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire during the 18th century. According to legend, the Sultan ordered his culinary specialist Hadji Bekir, under pain of death, to create a new delicacy. And he did it literally overnight. The name Turkish Delight is translated from Arabic as "comfortable pieces". Since the dessert was to the taste of both the Sultan himself and his harem, the court confectioner began to come up with new options for delicacy.

Turkish delight - composition, what is dessert made of?

Turkish Turkish delight, created by the Sultan's culinary specialist, consisted of only three components.

What is Turkish Delight made of?

  • water;
  • sugar;
  • lemon juice.

These products are the basis of the dessert, which is already an independent dish. It is enough to sprinkle the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpieces of frozen syrup with powdered sugar and the dish is ready. But since progress does not stand still and sweet tooths require new tastes and sensations, the delicacy has acquired many options with the addition of different accents.

So, now Turkish delight is presented on the confectionery market with a variety of impurities made using different technologies:

  • fruit;
  • walnut;
  • strawberry;
  • honey;
  • with pistachios;
  • roll;
  • almond;
  • fig;
  • apple;
  • two-layer;
  • rice;
  • white;
  • chocolate;
  • cubic;
  • citrus;
  • with the addition of rose petals;
  • children;
  • pumpkin;
  • vanilla;
  • carrot.

And this is not a complete list. Some varieties are created exclusively as a dessert, while others, such as carrot or pumpkin Turkish delight, are also a source of vitamins.

Classic Turkish delight recipe

So, let's prepare a classic tender Turkish delight.

Execution technology:

  • sugar - 300 g;
  • starch - 55 g;
  • 1 ½ cups of water;
  • citric acid - a pinch is enough;
  • for powder - powder.

Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar, starch. Mix well until the starch is completely dissolved in the water. Prepare the syrup by stirring constantly. It is better to take a wooden spoon. When the syrup begins to thicken, add citric acid. Various flavorings and food colorings can also be included if desired. Pre-prepare the form in which you want to place the syrup for solidification. In this case, you can use silicone molds, well sprinkled with powdered sugar. Readiness is judged by the density of the mixture - it should become quite thick, holds its shape, and is difficult to mix. Ready syrup should be quickly poured into a mold, smooth the surface with a spatula. When the dessert has completely hardened, cut the layer into cubes and roll in powdered sugar or coconut flakes. Dessert is ready.

How to cook from pumpkin?

It is extremely rare to call a dessert a healthy dish.

But Turkish delight with pumpkin is an exception and a lifesaver for moms with sweet tooth babies:

  • 0.4 kg of sugar;
  • pumpkin pulp - 200 g;
  • starch - 2 stacks;
  • juice of ½ lemon;
  • water.

Divide pumpkin pulp into small pieces. To prepare the syrup, add sugar to 100 ml of water, boil. Put the pumpkin slices into the syrup, continue to cook the mass over low heat. The pumpkin will be ready when its texture is soft. Leave it in the syrup until it cools. Grind pumpkin with syrup with a blender until smooth. We introduce a lemon product into the resulting puree. Mix well. Dissolve starch in one and a half glasses of water. Bring the pumpkin puree to a boil again, pour in the diluted starch. After a few minutes turn off the stove and let it cool down. The mixture is poured into a mold, left in the cold. After 4 hours, the dessert will be ready. Divide the layer into the usual pieces, cover with powder.

Turkish delight is a traditional, perhaps the most famous oriental sweet. All oriental recipes are not particularly difficult to prepare, but, nevertheless, they invariably have an excellent, incomparable taste and aroma. Just Turkish delight is the clearest confirmation of this rule, it is not without reason that in the east this magnificent sweetness is referred to as “a piece of pleasure”. To prepare Turkish delight, the simplest, most affordable, and most importantly natural products are required. No flavor enhancers, animal fat and palm oil for you! That is why Turkish delight belongs to the category of ecological, healthy confectionery products. In addition, Turkish delight, made on a purely plant basis, is a real joy for vegetarians or people who observe strict fasting.


  • 1 cup fruit or berry puree
  • 300 gr. Sahara
  • 200 ml. water for syrup + 150 ml. water for starch
  • 1 cup cornstarch + 2 tbsp. for sprinkling
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1/2 cup powdered sugar
  • First, let's prepare the sugar syrup. To do this, pour 200 ml into a ladle or a small saucepan. water, add sugar.
  • Add a spoonful of lemon juice.
  • Stirring, heat, and then boil for 5-10 minutes. In this case, the sugar is completely dissolved, and the resulting syrup thickens slightly. Ready syrup for Turkish Delight should leave clearly visible streaks on the walls of the saucepan.
  • While the sugar syrup is being cooked, we have time to prepare fruit or berry puree. For puree, any fruit and berries are suitable. Of course, it is very beautiful when colorful cubes of Turkish delight lie in a vase or on a tray, but to achieve this, you will have to tinker and prepare several portions of sweetness, each time using a new fruit base. For red Turkish delight, strawberry or cranberry puree is suitable, for green - from kiwi, for yellow - from apricots, peaches or oranges, for purple - from blackcurrant or chokeberry. And you can use both fresh fruits and canned.
  • As a first try, I suggest making Turkish Delight from an orange. This is my favorite option. It turns out incredibly fragrant sweetness with a slight sourness. Although, I’m explaining to you, my dear readers, because you all perfectly remember the taste of orange marmalade!
  • To prepare orange puree, peel an orange and divide it into slices. Grind the slices with a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • Pour the orange puree into the syrup on the fire.
  • In the version with orange, it is not necessary to strain the puree, since the orange is completely ground with a blender knife, but if you are preparing Turkish delight from kiwi or other berries containing small seeds, then here I advise you to rub the puree through a large sieve to remove seeds or large skin pieces.
  • After we put the fruit puree into the syrup, mix the resulting mixture well and boil for a few more minutes.
  • Dilute starch in 150 ml. water. Mix thoroughly until completely dissolved.
  • In a thin stream, pour the starch solution into the sugar-orange syrup and continue to cook over low heat.
  • Without ceasing, stir the mixture with a wooden spatula. The starch-fruit mixture begins to thicken very quickly. Moreover, it does not thicken throughout the entire volume, but forming separate clots. This is fine. We continue to stir vigorously and soon the clots will grow and combine into a thick paste.
  • It is required to watch vigilantly so that nothing burns, in which case, reduce the fire.
  • After 3-5 minutes, the paste will thicken so much that it will become quite difficult to mix it. This means that our Turkish delight has been cooked and now, after cooling, it will solidify well and will not freeze.
  • At the end of cooking, spread the mixture into a flat culinary form, previously abundantly sprinkled with starch. The form can be any: glass, silicone, detachable, etc. The dimensions of the mold should be such that the prepared mixture forms a layer 2.5-3 cm thick on it.
  • To make the surface of the mixture smooth, without bumps, lightly sprinkle it with starch, and then press down with a spoon. Thanks to the starch, the mixture does not stick to the spoon.
  • Let the form with hot Turkish delight cool at room temperature for 10-12 hours.
  • After cooling, cover the form with a cutting board, and turn the whole structure upside down. A layer of Turkish delight is very easily separated from the mold and falls out onto the board.
  • A layer of Turkish delight is cut with a sharp knife into square pieces 2.5-3 cm in size. Considering that the thickness of the layer we had was about the same, as a result, nice even cubes are obtained.
  • Roll cubes of Turkish delight in cornstarch, shake off excess, then repeat this operation, but with powdered sugar. You can put more powdered sugar and even sprinkle our sun cubes with plenty of it, this is an additional protection against sticking.
  • That's all the magnificent fruit Turkish delight is ready. You can enjoy the taste and imagine yourself in the exotic east. Yes, one more thing: it is better to store Turkish delight in a vase with a lid or a closed taper in a cool place, away from sunlight.

An outlandish delicacy attracts the sweet tooth with its sugar barrel from the window of a sweet shop. Wonderful variety of tastes, a surge of energy, pleasure - all this gives Turkish delight. The composition of sweets for many buyers remains a mystery. Let's open the veil of secrecy over the composition, calorie content of the delicacy, and also find out the recipe for walnut delight.

A romantic story about the creation of Turkish delight

A gentle sweet delicacy was born for the sake of love. Or rather, as a gift to beloved women. The birthplace of Turkish delight is Türkiye, which has always been famous for its loving sultans and harems. At the end of the 18th century, the famous sultan and womanizer Ali Hadji Bekir ordered his confectioner to come up with a delicacy that would bring real pleasure to his beloved women. The gift before the night of love was to be Turkish Delight. The composition of the sweet helped to kindle passionate desires, add strength for love games. It was for this purpose that Turkish delight was first prepared. By the way, these properties of a confectionery product are not a legend at all, which even today allows lovers to pamper each other on a date with this culinary miracle.

Turkish delight: composition, calories and traditional Turkish recipe

The traditional mandatory components of oriental sweetness are starch, molasses, sugar. To give a variety of tastes, the composition includes sweet fruit juices, berries, nuts, candied fruits, chocolate, coconut, vanilla. Real Turkish Turkish Delight is a test of skill and patience of a confectioner. The recipe is so time-consuming that its implementation will take more than two days. The main secret of the taste of the confectionery delicacy is that the sweet mass is prepared with constant stirring, and freezes for a long time. Also, the composition of sweetness includes water infused with rose petals, lemon juice, cream of tartar. From these ingredients, confectioners make syrup, which must be kneaded and boiled for more than three hours until it acquires a golden hue. After that, fillers of your choice are added to the resulting viscous mass. It can be any confectionery products. Then the resulting composition is distributed on a baking sheet, allowed to harden for 12 hours. Only the field of this candy can be shaped, rolled in powdered sugar or coconut flakes. This is how difficult and long it takes to prepare a real Turkish delight. The composition of the components determines the calorie content of the product, which is 350 kcal per 100 grams of finished sweetness.

Turkish delight: composition and recipe at home

And what do housewives make Turkish delight from? After all, their delicacy is no worse both in taste and in useful properties. Let's try to simplify the traditional Turkish delight, the composition of which is rather complicated. We strive to achieve great results.


  • Starch - 250 grams.
  • Sugar - 200 grams.
  • Boiled cooled water - 300 ml.
  • Nuts to choose from: almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashews.
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon.
  • Powdered sugar for sprinkling.
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons.


First of all, you need to cook a thick syrup. To do this, pour 100 ml of water into the pan and add 200 grams of sugar, boil, stirring and removing the foam. In parallel, you need to dissolve 250 grams of starch in two glasses of water. Starch is gradually poured into the hot syrup, allowed to stand for a while until the mass becomes transparent. Then you need to grease the tray with sunflower oil, pour nuts, vanilla sugar into it. The sweet mixture is poured into the tray, allowed to cool for 5-6 hours (minimum). After that, the candy mass is cut into pieces and rolled in powdered sugar.

In order for the sweet to be well stored, it must be placed on a tin box. Bon appetit, sweet tooth!
