
Sweet dishes on the buffet table. Recipes for snacks on the buffet table

A buffet is an organized reception, guests eat standing up, choose any snacks and drinks on their own and serve themselves. A fork is most often used as a device. Chairs are not provided.

The main advantages of the buffet:

  • More space for dancing, competitions, games;
  • Free movement and communication of people;
  • Possibility to invite more guests;
  • The amount of furniture is not related to the number of guests;
  • Savings in the cost of conducting;
  • Short time spent (several hours);
  • Self-service;
  • Large selection of food and drinks;
  • Lack of change of dishes and their heating.

This option for organizing a feast is great for youth parties, business events, mini-holidays.

Important! The main rule of a good buffet is a wide variety of snacks and drinks!

Organization of a buffet table

Proper organization of the buffet table is important! Appetizers should look attractive and appetizing, and guests should feel relaxed and at ease.

On a note! Even knowing the exact number of guests, set the buffet table, taking into account at least a double supply of dishes and cutlery.

  • Choose high buffet tables so that people have to bend over for snacks.
  • Cover the buffet table with a plain tablecloth of a muted and calm shade. For example, white, beige, light gray. In addition, burgundy and black colors look rich on the table. Plates with appetizers on bright tablecloths will simply get lost and look gaudy and ugly.

  • Decor. The festive table can be decorated with fresh flowers, candlesticks with candles. If the buffet table is dedicated to a certain holiday, then the table can be organized thematically. For example, on New Year's Eve, put Christmas trees, snowmen on the table, take a tablecloth with micro-glitters, creating the effect of snow. And if this is a wedding, then beautiful wooden inscriptions, hearts can be put on the table. All decor ideas depend on imagination and give the holiday a special warm atmosphere.

  • It is advisable to use dishes and cutlery in the same style and color so that they are in harmony with the tablecloth and decor. Crumbly snacks can be placed in small glass jars by tying the containers with a ribbon.
  • Multi-level dishes will save space on the buffet table and decorate its overall appearance.

  • In addition to bottles of alcoholic beverages, you will need beautiful decanters or lemonades. If they are transparent, then slices of lemon, orange and fresh mint leaves can be added to the decanters.
  • A lot of glasses for drinks will come in handy, as the whole evening guests will not drink from one glass. Therefore, they must be prepared in advance. You can buy multi-colored stickers for wine glasses, on which you can write the name of the invitee
  • Do not serve snacks that cannot be eaten with a fork or hands

  • List the dishes that last the longest for the longest time first.

  • Serve appetizers with mayonnaise and caviar last, so as not to wind up

Rules for serving a buffet table

Serving a buffet table is of 2 types:

  • Unilateral. Tables are served on one side, leaving room for guests of honor. A table with food is placed perpendicular to the main table or one side to the wall. Most often, this type is used at wedding celebrations.
  • Bilateral. Tables are served on both sides with appetizers in equal quantities, guests move freely between tables, choosing what they want at any time. This serving option is the most popular and convenient.

Regardless of the serving, the table must be large to accommodate all the dishes. You can also move two tables and cover them with a common tablecloth, as long as they are at the same height.

The legs of the buffet table should be covered with a tablecloth or buffet skirt.

The table, covered with a festive tablecloth, begins to be served from glass. Glasses, wine glasses and glasses, when served on both sides, are displayed in a snake, herringbone or groups.

Glasses with drinks are placed to the right of the plate. If their number is more than three, then they are placed in 2 rows. It is important that large glasses do not overlap small ones. The size of the container depends on the strength of the alcohol.

On a note! Red wine is served with meat and red fish. And for white wine - low-fat fish, fruits and snacks.

Important! All plates, saucers, wine glasses and napkins should be in an accessible place so that guests can take what they need at any time.

Dessert and snack plates must be placed in piles at the edges of the table, or along the table at regular intervals. Their number is determined at the rate of 2 dessert and 1 snack plates for each guest.

Snack plates are laid out in piles of 10 pieces along the festive table on both sides, 2 cm from the edge. The distance from the end of the table to the dishes is 1.5-2m.

Dessert plates are placed in stacks of 3-4 in front of the eateries on the right side. All emblems on dishes should face the guest.

Forks placed on edge are placed to the left of the plates with the sharp side up, and knives are placed to the right.

Napkins in beautiful holders are placed along the table. You can put toothpicks and decorative skewers next to them, put them in beautiful jars or cups. Salt, pepper and other spices are placed around the edges of the table. If a dish needs a special sauce, then it is placed next to this dish.

Alcoholic drinks are poured in advance into jugs or glasses. The remaining drinks are placed on the table so that the labels are visible. For tea and coffee, delimit a separate area on the table.

The rest of the glass and dishes are removed to the auxiliary serving table.

Advice! If the same dishes were not found, then distribute the plates in homogeneous groups on the buffet table.

Appetizers themselves, salads and sliced ​​​​bread are placed closer to the edge. At the back of the table are hot and multi-tiered dishes, fruits, sweet desserts and pastries. Place the appropriate cutlery on each dish.

Advice! Leave a separate edge of the table free so that guests can put dirty dishes there or select a utility table.

Assortment of dishes

A competent buffet menu includes snacks, decorated in small portions. They must be presented effectively. For convenience, snacks are best served in baskets, tartlets, on crackers. Thread canape onto skewers. In addition, spread the skewers next to the sliced ​​\u200b\u200band fruit plates.

  • Tartlets with caviar and salads

  • Various canapes. Consider the canapes for each alcoholic drink, some will bring out the taste of white wine, and others - red.

  • Toast in batter. Suitable for dessert types, served with herbs and olives.

  • Lavash rolls with fish;
  • Small pies with savory fillings.
  • Light salad on homemade chips;
  • Grilled king prawns or mussels;
  • Snacks;
  • Meat and vegetable cuts;

  • Cheese plate

  • Berry and fruit assortment;

  • Light desserts;

  • Confectionery;

  • Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks;

How to revive the buffet table

Each organizer of the holiday wants his party and table to be remembered by the guests.

If various contests can be included in the program to entertain guests, then for the exclusive serving of the buffet table, you need to come up with something unusual.

Recently, the chocolate fountain has come into fashion. Melted chocolate slowly flows down the tiers in smooth cascades. Such a dessert does not leave guests indifferent, they tend to dip pieces of fruit in warm chocolate mass.

Next to the fountain, put pieces of fruit and berries in advance. Strawberries, chopped pineapple, banana, marshmallows, ice cream balls are perfect. There should also be enough skewers.

If you are tired of ordinary cakes, then they will be perfectly replaced by cake pops. These are mini cakes on a stick, designed to look like lollipops. Inside they are made of biscuit with different fillings, and topped with chocolate or icing. This dessert delights guests. Cake pops can be styled according to the theme of the holiday, for example, at a bachelorette party they can be decorated in pink and nude colors. And at a children's holiday in the form of figures of heroes.

A slide of champagne looks bewitching on the buffet table.

Glasses are sequentially placed on top of each other, forming a pyramid. Bottles of champagne are poured into the topmost glass, from where the drink is poured into the lower glasses. A golden drink with white foam slowly flowing down the glasses is a very beautiful sight. The hill itself can be decorated with berries, pieces of fruit, fresh flowers.

The buffet menu at work always includes a variety of snacks and salads - this is its basis, which is the easiest to prepare. What can you come up with in a hurry and at no extra cost? Of course, any meat, cheese and fish cuts, decorated in an unusual way, or salads in tartlets or wide chips. We must not forget about sandwiches, which have a huge number of varieties.

The main snacks at any buffet are sandwiches of all stripes: they can be both light and familiar options with cheese and sausage additions, as well as more multi-layered and unusual flavor combinations. In addition, it is not always necessary to use bread as a base: why not replace it with other flour or starch products: crackers, chips, crispbread? And on the surface there may be not just plastic bacon, but a whole small salad.

  • Do you want originality? The basis of the sandwich will be chips (large and wide, such as Lays), and they will be complemented by a mixture of grated soft cheese, herbs, mayonnaise, ham and olives.

  • Need something very satisfying? Take rye bread with sesame topping, put bacon folded in four on it, place lettuce and parsley between layers, put half a cherry tomato on top.

  • Even easier? Dry the slices of a white loaf in the oven, put on top a layer of soft cheese, a circle of tomato, a chopped clove of garlic, a new layer of cheese, and sprinkle with chopped green onions. Put in a hot oven for 10-15 minutes so that the cheese floats a little.

  • Change the usual form? Mix curd cheese with greens and chopped pear, put it in a dense layer on pita bread, roll it into a roll and cut into slices 1-1.5 cm thick.

Chef's tip: even a simple creamy filling can be given a twist by squeezing it onto the surface of a sandwich from a pastry syringe through a carved mold.

Read also:

The simplest buffet snacks that can be whipped up from almost any product are, of course, canapes: this is a kind of subspecies of sandwiches, but in most cases they are made without bread. Canapes do not have a base as such - they are just small pieces of food strung on a skewer or even a toothpick. They are used as an aperitif for alcoholic beverages and do not satisfy the appetite at all. The only rule-recommendation when creating such a quick snack is tasty, attractive and not layered. What options can you come up with?

  • Take cubes of cheese as a basis (feta or feta cheese will be especially good, but hard cheese with large holes can also be used), fasten it with a skewer with bacon, prunes, half a cherry tomato or even dried cherries. Cheese is universal, and any product can become a “tandem member”. The most traditional union is cheese, olive and basil leaf.

  • More complex and satisfying canapes, almost like sandwiches: a piece of avocado, canned sprats, cherry tomatoes and quail eggs, with a small leaf of parsley. Or rolled salmon, capers, olives and a mint leaf.

  • If there are sweet teeth among the guests, you can make fruit canapes: from any pieces of fruits and berries, which will be complemented by lemon slices and nuts in a small bowl.

Very soon your baby will celebrate his next birthday. He is looking forward to this significant event with great impatience. Strikes out dates on the calendar. He tries to guess what gifts he will receive. Diligently paints invitations to his guests. And he lives in anticipation of a miracle, magic, fairy tales. So give him this fairy tale! After all, this is something you can do. The main thing is to think over all the details in advance. And the theme of the holiday, and the design, and, of course, the menu for the birthday of the child. Turn on your fantasy, activate your childhood memories, and go ahead - towards a brilliant extravaganza created only for your one and only little birthday boy!

Favorite children's holiday

Birthday. The most desired children's holiday. Why do kids love him so much?

It's a pity, as Gena the Crocodile correctly noted, that such a wonderful day happens only once a year. Therefore, it is your sacred duty, as parents, to make sure that your child remembers the previous one with great delight until his next birthday. And I was looking forward to when he would become an adult for another year. And again a fairy tale will come into his life ...

Create a holiday atmosphere for the little birthday boy and his guests. Decorate the room with balloons, lights, tinsel

Solemn entourage

How does a child's birthday begin? Of course, with the decoration of the holiday. And it, in turn, depends on the theme of the celebration. There is no limit to the flight of the imagination.

Start from what your little one likes. Heroes of fairy tales or cartoons, travel, pirate stories, space adventures, robots, princesses, fairies, scientific discoveries, etc.

And more balls, tinsel, lights. Caps for guests, whistles, pipes and drums are required. What is a holiday without all this? The little birthday boy needs to be congratulated loudly, colorfully, solemnly. And nothing else!

Decorate the room in which the holiday will take place, according to the chosen theme. Children notice little things and details. Forms, paints, colors. Costumes, scenery, effects. Let it all be purely symbolic, sham. But it should be.

The menu for a child's birthday should include simple dishes that are convenient to eat with your hands: sandwiches, tartlets, canapes, for example.

Festive menu for a child's birthday

But for the festive table at the children's birthday, their own requirements are put forward. Due to the fact that the kids are active and frisky, long gatherings at the table are unlikely to become such an interesting pastime for them. What alternative can you offer?

Buffet. Here's the perfect option for a kids' party. He does not oblige little tomboys to anything. They want to eat, they want to play.

And if so, then the menu for such a table should be appropriate. And serving - interesting, bright, attractive. So that children will have the desire to interrupt their games and entertainment, and try something that looks so unusual.

Place treats on a table that is not too high. A coffee table is also suitable for this purpose.

So, what to serve and how to serve your baby's guests on his birthday?

  1. The table on which you place the treats should correspond to the height of the guests.
  2. Serve it with bright dishes, cover with a colorful tablecloth.
  3. Do not ask children to eat. This is a holiday for them.
  4. Instead of one long feast, arrange several short snacks in between contests, entertainment, and games.
  5. Children's table is not for spicy, salty, fatty, smoked.
  6. When inviting kids to a holiday, ask their parents if the little ones are allergic to certain foods.
  7. Prepare healthy and simple meals. which are convenient to eat.
  8. Don't come up with anything fancy. Kids enjoy eating well-known, traditional dishes.
  9. Decorate them according to the theme of the holiday. Or so as to interest children, to amaze their imagination.

Vegetables, despite the fact that many children do not really like them, can be served in such a way that it will be simply impossible not to try them.

Vegetables and salads (with photo)

Vegetables in the children's menu are not the last. Therefore, their presence on the festive table is fully justified. Although some peanuts do not eat them very willingly, this problem can be solved by serving an originally designed salad garden of cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, and herbs. And it is better to refuse more complex salads at a children's holiday. Especially if the guests are just kids or preschoolers.

Cut vegetables into neat slices so that they are easy to prick with a fork or skewer.

Photo gallery "How to serve vegetables to children?"

cucumber snake Funny bull made of pepper olive palms Salad in balls Swarm of happy bees in the meadow mushroom meadow To get kids interested in more than just sweets, present vegetables in a fun way.

Snacks: sandwiches, canapes, tartlets

The main dishes of the festive table for the birthday of a child should be those that are convenient to take and convenient to eat. And this, just, all kinds of sandwiches, canapes and tartlets.

We do not allow kids to “snack” and “bite” in everyday life. But, for some reason, that's what they like to do the most. So let them give free rein to their true passions at least during the holiday.

Children's sandwiches look very appetizing if you approach their design with a soul.


Sandwiches can be made with cheese, sausage, ham, pate, butter, eggs. And supplement them with vegetables, herbs, olives, pineapples. Here, the choice is yours.

Try cutting out the bread with a cookie cutter. You will get sandwiches in the form of bunnies, Christmas trees, cars, stars, ships. It will be interesting for kids. If you don’t have molds, then it’s better to buy a baguette instead of a traditional loaf. It will turn out small neat children's sandwiches.

Canapés in the form of penguins will make a splash among your baby's guests

Canapes differ from sandwiches in their smaller size and in that their ingredients are pricked on special skewers. This is a one bite meal.

To prepare canapes, you can use meat and sausages, cheeses, vegetables, fruits and berries, as well as everything that you have in the refrigerator and everything that your imagination tells you.

You can also make canapés from fruits. But it would be more appropriate to serve them along with a sweet table.

Canape with sausage and tomatoes (recipe)

To prepare such canapes, you will need 1 baguette (better than black grain bread, but white is also possible), 200 g of sausage (boiled), cherry tomatoes (1 sprig), processed cheese (150 g), lettuce and parsley. And you also need to find something with which you can squeeze out small circles. For example, a Kinder Surprise container, a baking dish or a small thin-walled glass.

  1. Cut the bread into thin slices, and then squeeze out small circles from them with a mold.
  2. Spread them with melted cheese and put on each lettuce leaf.
  3. Put bread on skewers.
  4. Then cut the sausage into very thin slices.
  5. Bend them four times, putting parsley sprigs inside.
  6. And put the sausage on skewers.
  7. Cut cherry tomatoes into rings.
  8. And place them on the skewers on top.

Canape with sausage and tomatoes are ready.

Video "How to cook canapes?"


For tartlets, it is better to buy molds in the store. And you can cook the filling yourself. As mentioned above, children are not very fond of salads. But tartlets stuffed with vegetable, meat, fish or fruit salads, and originally decorated, they will surely appreciate.

Tartlets can also be both salty and sweet. Everything will depend on the filling that you put in them.

Hot dishes

For hot little guests of your baby, it is also better to serve piece and unusual dishes. What is it about? Yes, even about chicken skewers on skewers. Or about small cutlets, meatballs, meatballs. Which may look like mice, chickens or ants.

Boiled beets and carrots, olives, green peas, a knife (curly or regular) and, of course, the dexterity of your hands will help them acquire such an appearance.

And for a side dish you can offer a very unusual treat.

Potato mushrooms. This side dish is sure to please the kids.

Potato mushrooms (recipe)

Cooking such mushrooms from potatoes is quite simple.

  1. Take as many potatoes as you expect guests.
  2. Wash them and boil them in their skins until they are almost done.
  3. Drain the water and let cool.
  4. Then, with a knife, cut out a mushroom-shaped blank from each potato.
  5. Salt potato mushrooms and brush with sunflower oil.
  6. It remains only to send them to the oven until golden brown.
  7. Before serving, mushroom caps can be painted with colorful sauces.

It is difficult to find a child who would not consider pizza one of the most ingenious inventions of mankind.

Another hot dish that the children certainly will not disregard. It is, of course, pizza. Nowadays it is difficult to find a child who is indifferent to this invention of Italian students.

And again, here you have an immense field for creativity. Pizza size, shape, toppings. All this can be so diverse that only the culinary preferences of each individual family have to be guided here.

Fruits can be served during the sweet table, or from the very beginning of the holiday. Children, having fun, will not refuse to feast on them periodically


The children's holiday menu cannot but include this item. Fruits. They are tasty, healthy and, with the appropriate design, very effective. If they are cut into pieces, you can lay out whole fruit pictures on dishes. Fruit canapés are also very popular with kids.

And fruit salads, unlike vegetable salads, the little ones will gobble up with great pleasure. Moreover, they are prepared very quickly and simply.

In fruit salad, the ingredients may vary depending on the time of year or the birthday person's preferences.

Fruit salad (recipe)

To prepare a fruit salad, you will need 1 banana, 1 orange, 1 apple, 1 kiwi, 200 g seedless grapes (quiche-mish), 200 g low-fat yogurt, strawberries or raspberries for decoration, you can grated chocolate or crushed nuts to taste.

  1. Wash fruits under running water.
  2. Peel them off.
  3. Cut into cubes and mix.
  4. Divide the salad among the bowls.
  5. Top it with yogurt.
  6. Decorate with strawberries, raspberries, nuts, grated chocolate.

And remember: fruit salad is prepared just before serving.

Sweet table - the climax of the children's holiday

sweet table

The sweet table is, in addition to fruits, sweets, cookies, cakes, ice cream, all kinds of desserts. And, of course, the main attribute of any birthday is a birthday cake. Necessarily with candles, which the hero of the occasion must blow out. This is what is considered by children as the culmination of the holiday.

It is the cake, this recognized symbol of the birthday, that should be not only the most delicious, but also the most beautiful. Of course, not in your concept. And in the concept of a little birthday boy.

Therefore, it is best to ask the baby in advance how he imagines his birthday cake. And pre-order exactly the one that your little one so dreamed of.

That's where the magic is! That's where the fairy tale is! What’s more, it won’t be hard for you. Today, skilled confectioners will build you any miracle of culinary skills, bring to life any fantasy and any whim.

You just admire what masterpieces can be on the festive table on your child's birthday!

Photo gallery "Birthday cakes for children"

Shaun the sheep Hello Kitty! Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Cake in the form of a ship for sea lovers Cake with smeshariki If you are celebrating a double birthday, this cake is for you. Lightning McQueen for racing fans

What drinks to prepare

As for drinks, you should stock up on them in sufficient quantities. Compote, homemade fruit drinks, freshly squeezed juices, as well as cocktails prepared by you yourself, will be just right. Especially if you pour them into tall glasses and decorate with multi-colored umbrellas and straws.

And one more secret. Before filling the glasses, dip the rims in water and then in sugar. A beautiful and, moreover, tasty border is formed. Toddlers will love this presentation.

There should be a lot of drinks at a children's birthday party. And they should be tasty, healthy and, again, well presented.

Video "Recipes of non-alcoholic cocktails"

It only at first glance seems that organizing a festive table on the birthday of your child is so difficult. The main desire. And there are always ideas. Do not be afraid to ask the hero of the occasion himself, what he wants, what he dreams of. And do not try to impress the kids with delicious delicacies. Leave the frills for a more respectable audience. For kids, the main thing is that the holiday is fun, interesting, spectacular. Well, there was something to eat in between games. Follow this principle when compiling a menu for the guests of your little birthday.

Do you want to organize a buffet table at work? This method of admission is very convenient, because at the same time you do not have to solve many organizational issues. At the buffet table, guests do not sit at tables, but move freely around the hall with small plates in their hands, which does not prevent them from feeling comfortable and communicating with each other.

Recipes for a buffet at work can be very different. Usually salads, appetizers and desserts are served. And traditionally served soups and main hot dishes are not offered at such receptions.

How to set a buffet table in the office?

We will tell you in more detail what is better to cook for a buffet table at work. You can offer your guests cold snacks: sandwiches, sandwiches, canapes, stuffed vegetables, tartlets, rolls and mini-rolls with various fillings, etc., and serve fruit and desserts at the end.

All meals should be in portions so that guests do not have to cut or separate dishes in an attempt to take a piece. It should be convenient for guests to put dishes for a buffet table, which is held in the office, on a plate and eat them with just a fork (after all, la fourchette means “fork” in French), knives are not served at such a table.

The buffet table, which is set at work, is not complete without meat and sausage cuts, cheese plates, as well as fruit platters. The cheese plateau looks very impressive: for this, several types of cheese are cut in different ways: hard cheese is cut into plates or triangles, and soft cheeses are cut into cubes. The ingredients are beautifully laid out on a plate and decorated with nuts and grapes.

Snacks can also be fastened with skewers to keep their shape better. Meat cubes, pieces of ham and cheese, miniature pickled mushrooms and gherkins, cheese with grapes, various seafood - mussels, shrimp, etc. are strung on skewers. You can serve separately the ingredients for making canapes and, in addition to them, skewers.

We offer a simple recipe for a buffet table at work - canape with salmon.

For 12 servings you will need:

  • bread 6 slices,
  • smoked salmon, sliced, 360 g,
  • butter 6 teaspoons,
  • green onion 6 feathers,
  • lemon 2 pcs.,
  • dill greens.

How to cook this dish:

  1. Cut out circles 5 mm thick from slices of loaf and grease them with butter.
  2. Green onions need to be scalded, cut into strips and laid on the surface of the circles.
  3. Slices of salmon should be cut into strips, put in the center of the circles in the form of a flower.
  4. Decorate the canape with lemon slices and dill sprigs.

Recipes for buffet meals at work

What can be prepared for an office buffet? We offer a recipe for another original and tasty dish for a buffet table in the office - canape with mushrooms and cheese.

For 8 servings:

  • loaf 1 pc.,
  • fresh or frozen mushrooms 90 g,
  • butter 85 g,
  • onion 1 large head,
  • spicy cheese chips 200 g,
  • cheese 50 g,
  • sweet peppers of different colors,
  • olives of different colors, pitted,
  • ground pepper,
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the crusts from the loaf, cut it lengthwise into wide slices 5 mm thick, cut out circles with a cookie cutter. Fry the slices for
    butter until crispy.
  2. Finely chop the mushrooms and onion. Fry onions in oil, add mushrooms and fry everything together for 15-20 minutes (the mass should turn out juicy). Salt, pepper and add crushed chips.
  3. Lubricate the bread circles with mushroom mass, decorate with chopped olives, pepper slices and sprinkle with grated cheese.

As already mentioned, stuffed dishes are often served at such receptions. For a buffet table at work, you can cook eggs stuffed with mushrooms.

For 6 servings you will need:

  • boiled eggs 12 pcs.,
  • pickled mushrooms 200 g,
  • mayonnaise 150 g,
  • chopped parsley 4 tbsp. spoons,
  • sugar 1 teaspoon,
  • salt.

How to cook this buffet dish:

  1. Cut the eggs in half and take out the yolk.
  2. Mix part of mayonnaise with sugar and salt. Finely chop the mushrooms, mix with mayonnaise and pounded yolks, setting aside two yolks for decoration.
  3. Before serving, sprinkle the dish with chopped herbs, put stuffed eggs on it. Pour with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated yolks.

Another recipe that can be used for a buffet table at work is cheese balls.

You will need:

  • cheese 200 g,
  • eggs 3 pcs.,
  • garlic 2-3 cloves,
  • wheat flour 1-2 tbsp. spoons,
  • vegetable oil for frying,
  • salt.

It is easy to prepare a dish according to this buffet recipe:

  1. Grate the cheese, salt and pepper to taste, mix with eggs, crushed garlic and flour. You should have a fairly stiff dough, add more flour if needed.
  2. Roll the dough into balls and roll them in flour or breadcrumbs.
  3. Fry the balls until golden brown in a pan with plenty of oil.
  4. We shift the balls into a colander or on a paper towel to drain excess fat, and then put it on a dish and decorate.

Another idea for a buffet table in the office is serving dishes in tartlets. These small baskets of rich, unleavened, puff or shortbread dough can be prepared by yourself, or you can buy in stores. Unsweetened salads and pates, berry jam, custard, and fresh fruits are also suitable for filling.

Preparing the filling for cottage cheese tartlets with herbs is quite simple.

For 100 g of curd cheese (Feta, Almette), take 1 clove of crushed garlic, 1/2 cup of chopped dill. Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous consistency, put in tartlets, garnish with slices of sweet pepper (preferably different colors).

And in conclusion, we offer you perhaps the most popular recipe that is used for a buffet table at work - salmon tartlets.

You will need:

  • salmon cut,
  • butter,
  • cream cheese (possible with herbs),
  • sour cream.

This buffet dish is prepared as follows:

  1. Put a thin piece of butter on the bottom of the tartlet, then place the fish.
  2. Mix cream cheese with a small amount of sour cream until the consistency of thick mayonnaise.
  3. Using a pastry syringe, decorate the middle of the tartlets with a creamy mass.

What else, as a rule, is prepared for a buffet table in the office? You can offer guests small puff pastry or yeast dough pies with a variety of fillings, various fruits and portioned desserts. As you can see, there are many options for dishes for a buffet at work, and you can organize such a reception without any problems.

The word "buffet" comes from the French "fork" and means "meal together." It is assumed that invited guests eat standing up, serve themselves, freely choose drinks and treats, and use forks as the main cutlery. There are no places strictly assigned to those present at the reception - this is also a distinctive feature of such events, and the buffet table is characterized by the absence of chairs.

When is the buffet

  • There are many guests, but not enough space.
  • The goal is set: active communication between people, not a feast.
  • Meeting time limit.
  • Birthdays, anniversaries.

Characteristic differences

  • Great variety of mini snacks.
  • Short duration (usually no more than two hours).
  • There are no serving waiters (or one waiter for several dozen people).
  • More participants than at a banquet at the table.
  • The tables are taller than usual, arranged so that they can be bypassed, and covered with special tablecloths.
  • Approximately 500 grams of snacks plus drinks are calculated per guest.

Buffet menu for birthday

The simplest and most common option: canapes or tartlets with various fillings, a couple of light snacks, fruits and drinks. But the exquisite buffet menu includes up to 15 cold appetizers! As well as a few hot, dessert, coffee, tea.

What is canape

One of the main attributes of the buffet table menu is canapes. This is the name of small toast sandwiches with a variety of ingredients. They look elegant and are perfect to fill the buffet table. They prepare fish canapes, as well as with caviar, with shrimp, with ham and cheese, with vegetables. Often used a variety of pastes, sauces, pastes. The main thing here is the ability to combine products correctly.

For ease of use, canapes are put on small skewers, with which the product can be sent into the mouth as a whole. Sometimes small wooden sticks are used. Sometimes sandwiches are taken by hand, but skewers are still preferable. So hands do not get dirty, and canapes take up less space. It is not difficult to prepare such a dish for the buffet table menu. This can be done in just an hour, provided that all the ingredients are available and prepared in advance! And even more than that, you yourself can invent or develop recipes you already know: canapes love fantasy.

Equally important is how to serve and decorate these sandwiches so that they are pleasant to look at. This should be done as colorfully as possible, using greens, lemons, vegetables, exquisitely chopped. No wonder, probably, professional photographers like to shoot canapes! But let's finally move on to the recipes.

How to make canapes

Small sandwiches consist, as a rule, of a base, filling and decoration, fastened with a skewer (for example, a sail made from a slice of fresh cucumber). For the base, take bread, cookies, a piece of pastry, a slice of cheese. The shape of the base can be square, triangular, diamond-shaped, rounded. Bread is usually dried or lightly toasted so that it acquires firmness on the outside and remains soft on the inside. Cut along the length of the loaf into small slices, thickness - from 0.5 to one centimeter, diameter - up to four. Filling and decoration are placed on top.

Several topping recipes

  1. With cheese and salmon. Three cheese and mix with herbs, adding a little lemon juice, to a pasty state. Lightly salted fish (fillet) cut into small slices. Cucumber cut into thin circles. Pitted olives are used whole. We spread the base of dry bread with cheese paste, cover with a slice of salmon on top. We string an olive and a “sail” of cucumber on a skewer. We stick the skewer itself into the canapé. Ingredients: 300 grams of lightly salted salmon, 200 grams of cheese, herbs, a few medium-sized fresh cucumbers.
  2. With liver pate. Three pickled cucumbers on a grater and mix with pate. Hard-boiled eggs, cut into circles. Cut fresh tomatoes into slices. Pitted olives cut in half. We take crackers as a base. Spread with pate mixture. Put a piece of egg on top, cover with tomato and olive. Secure with a wooden or plastic skewer. Ingredients: 300 grams of liver pate, a couple of pickled cucumbers, a couple of fresh tomatoes, olives, three eggs.
  3. With red caviar. As a base, we use black dried bread, cut into slices for canapés. We spread the bread with butter, cover it with a ring of red Crimean onion on top, put a handful of red caviar on top. We stick a skewer.
  4. With bacon and cucumber. For lovers of Ukrainian cuisine. As a basis - black bread. We cover it with a thin piece of lard, cut to the size of the base. Put a circle of pickled cucumber on top and stick a skewer.

There are many more options. Show your imagination here. The main principle is the compatibility of products!

However, the buffet menu consists of more than just canapés. Often used tartlets. What is it and what do they eat with? Well, since you have already decided to prepare a buffet table for your birthday, let's figure it out!


Roughly speaking, these are baskets baked from dough. They are filled with certain types of fillings. Moreover, baskets can be baked both with filling and separately from it. It is said to be a French invention.

Buffet menu: tartlet recipes

This dish has many toppings. Let's consider just a few of them. In the preparation of tartlets, the main principle, as in canapes, is the compatibility of products used for fillings. The basis for the dish, as a rule, remains stably unchanged. The dough is prepared fresh (flour, water, butter, salt). It is baked in the oven (with or without filling) in special molds.

  1. The simplest. We fill the finished baskets with any salad already made in advance: Olivier, crab, carrot, cheese. A very convenient and quickly prepared dish can be decorated with sprigs of greens, olives, lemon slices.
  2. With liver pate. Mix liver pate with grated pickled cucumber. Add some chopped greens. Fill baskets with mixture. You can decorate the top with a circle of olives.
  3. Cheesy. Three cheese and crush the garlic. We mix these components with a small amount of mayonnaise. We fill the baskets with mass, decorate with parsley.

And you can also use fruit tartlets as a dessert. The choice is left to the hostess of the festive table, who prepares a buffet menu and shows her imagination.
