
Alcohol lowers blood cholesterol. How different alcoholic beverages affect blood cholesterol levels

There is still no unequivocal opinion on the effect of alcohol on the human body, disputes continue. There are a lot of experts who prove the harm of alcohol with the results of research. Also, with the help of research, the beneficial effects of alcoholic beverages on health are established. In particular, the ability of alcohol to fight cholesterol. Is it really?

With all the harm to the liver, alcohol in certain doses is able to remove lipids from the blood.

How does alcohol affect cholesterol?

Despite the reasoned danger of alcohol, it also has a useful property, which is also proven. It removes cholesterol from the body. In this case, it is necessary to fulfill the condition - to comply with the measure. As part of the fight against cholesterol, alcohol is allowed once a week, strictly limiting the dose: 150 ml of wine or 300 ml of beer, or 30 ml of alcohol. In this case, the harm provided by alcohol will be minimal, but it will still be. It is important to understand that alcohol cannot only be beneficial.

Grape wine contributes to the effective reduction of cholesterol in the blood. No less effective in this regard is grape juice. The second option will really bring only benefits. Both of these drinks trigger certain processes in the body, as a result of which “bad” fatty alcohols are replaced by “good” ones. Consequently, cholesterol levels are reduced.

How does alcohol fight cholesterol?

The fact that alcohol has a vasodilating property is known to all. Through dilated vessels, blood flow increases and “washes away” deposits from the walls of blood vessels. Thanks to ethanol, clots dissolve in the blood. When the vessels return to their normal state, the blood flow will not encounter obstacles in its path. This is where the benefits of alcohol came from. Another similar result is achieved by proper nutrition and an active lifestyle.

It is better to refrain from "alcohol" cholesterol therapy, preferring more rational methods.

  1. Whiskey. The strength of the drink is 40-50 degrees. It is produced from grain, and it acquires its taste and aroma due to long aging in oak barrels. There is an opinion about the benefits of whiskey in moderation. Malt whiskey contains ellagic acid, a powerful antioxidant. It is able to prolong the youthfulness of the skin and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. It is this feature that allows the drink to lower cholesterol levels. Ellagic acid also frees the body from free radicals, prevents the formation of cancer cells.
  2. Vodka. Classical vodka is only water and alcohol, and the strength of the drink is exactly 40 degrees. However, there are options on the market with additives and strength variations. Based on vodka, they make sweet tinctures with berries and bitter tinctures with medicinal herbs. High-quality bitters make vodka useful due to the benefits of the herbs on which it is infused. There are a number of "balms" that strengthen the immune system and are a good prevention of colds. Such "balms" are sold in pharmacies. The fact that after a moderate intake of vodka the level of cholesterol decreases is explained by the expansion of blood vessels under the influence of alcohol and the cleansing of their walls by increased blood flow. The use of this drink for medicinal purposes is minimal.
  3. Cognac. It is prepared by re-distillation of dry white wine, and then aged in oak barrels. The longer the cognac aging, the brighter its taste and the higher the cost. The fortress is 40 degrees or more, depending on the exposure time. It contains ethyl esters, tannin, a number of organic acids, tannins. Cognac has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties, promotes the absorption of vitamin C by the body. Taking cognac in the fight against cholesterol is considered beneficial in moderate doses.
  4. Wine. Speaking about the benefits of wine, you need to understand that we are talking only about red wine. It is really good for the cardiovascular system, because the seeds and skin of red grapes contain antioxidants flavonoid and resveratrol. In addition, red wine contains a lot of vitamins and microelements: iron is the main weapon against anemia; magnesium - strengthening the cardiovascular system, normalizing its work; chromium - breaks down fatty acids; rubidium - removes toxins and radionuclides from the body. Red wine has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, preventing the destruction of nerve cells. It is used to treat colds, increase immunity, improve sleep and appetite. Recommended in small amounts for weight loss. This is especially true for people with diabetes. Wine promotes the burning of fat cells and inhibits their development. More red wine: lowers bad cholesterol; increases the level of good cholesterol; prevents the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels.
Beer raises the level of “harmless” fats in the blood.
  1. Beer. Studies have shown that drinking this drink can bring benefits. According to Italian scientists, 1 bottle a day is enough to reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases by 31%. It turns out that this foamy drink increases the level of "good" cholesterol, which, in turn, protects the heart and blood vessels. This property is provided by the phytoestrogen found in beer. It also causes serious harm to those who are prone to beer abuse. A small amount of the drink suppresses the production of the hormone testosterone. If you allow yourself more, estrogen will prevail over testosterone, i.e. female hormones over male ones. Estrogen is associated with "bad" cholesterol: the more of the first, the more of the second. As a result, the functioning of the cardiovascular system is disrupted. In the end, it's all about the dose. Moderate consumption of the drink increases "good" cholesterol, excessive - "bad". Spanish scientists have established another link that allows you to reduce "bad" cholesterol with the help of such a popular drink. It has been experimentally proven that cholesterol levels are normalized if you drink 1 liter of non-alcoholic beer every day. The main thing is to drink only non-alcoholic beverages. But it's not the lack of alcohol, but different ways of processing drinks.

Drink alcohol responsibly. With high cholesterol, drinking alcohol is not prohibited. It is important to observe the measure and monitor the quality of drinks. The parallel use of alcohol and taking medications leads to an increase in the side effects of drugs. The abuse of alcoholic beverages provides increased "bad" cholesterol, negatively affects the work of all systems of the human body.

There is an opinion that alcoholic beverages help lower cholesterol in the blood, that under the influence of alcohol cholesterol is excreted from the body. Some even argue that with the daily use of small portions of alcohol, cholesterol levels can be normalized. But it is known that everyday alcohol consumption is fraught with irreparable consequences for health. So which of the opinions is the most reliable and worthy of attention?


Alcohol can affect cholesterol levels, scientists say, but drinking alcohol once a week, for example, 30 ml, is enough for this. alcohol or 300 ml. beer, 150 ml. any wine. It is these dosages that can reduce the risk of a heart attack by 35%. But if you take cholesterol-lowering drugs in parallel with this, then alcohol, on the contrary, will provoke an exacerbation of adverse reactions. Also, the use of alcohol is categorically excluded for people with gastrointestinal pathologies and high cholesterol.

Yes, alcoholic beverages can remove cholesterol, but when it enters the bloodstream, ethanol begins to have a destructive effect on the vascular walls, activating the formation and further development of atherosclerotic deposits. Since alcohol is often eaten with fatty and unhealthy foods, this destructive effect is intensified.

But ethanol is even more harmful to the coronary vascular network of the myocardium, namely for those vessels in which there are already signs of cholesterol deposits and atherosclerotic process. With the penetration of alcohol into the myocardium, increased dystrophy of the coronary vessels occurs, the processes of blockage and thrombus formation are stimulated, and the likelihood of a heart attack increases. And these are only cardiovascular lesions, in addition to which alcohol affects and destroys the structure of other organs.

What you need to know about cholesterol

Why does our body need cholesterol, if it only harms us. It turns out it's needed. Cholesterol is a white viscous and oily substance that performs an important function in our body.

  • when a person finds himself in extreme conditions of existence, then cholesterol acts as an additional source of energy and calories;
  • Normally, cholesterol is a building block for fats, hormones, and glucid compounds. The cholesterol component is present in every cell structure of the human body.

Those who believe that cholesterol molecules enter the body only together with food are mistaken. If this component in the food is not enough, then the body proceeds to produce it independently. If there is not enough cholesterol, then hypocholesterolemia develops, which is dangerous for mental disorders and an increased risk of developing malignant oncological processes. Under the influence of low cholesterol, vascular elasticity, serotonin receptor activity are disturbed, intestinal permeability increases, vitamin D stops being produced normally, the risk of obesity and infertility increases, hyperthyroidism develops, etc.

Low cholesterol is as dangerous as its high content, which creates favorable conditions for the development of atherosclerosis. High cholesterol levels provoke thrombosis and the occurrence of vascular congestion, which leads to insufficient supply of nutrients and oxygen to the heart. As a result, necrosis appears in certain parts of the heart muscle, then the dead tissue is scarred and a heart attack occurs. And because of cholesterol deposits, the vessels become fragile, narrow, blood flow is disturbed, large blood clots form, which interfere with the normal movement of blood and can completely stop it, which leads to death.

Causes of high cholesterol

Experts say that healthy cholesterol is unable to provoke cardiovascular disorders. They develop as a result of its excessive content, which can arise due to many factors.

  1. Heredity. If there is a family history of pathological conditions such as hypercholesterolemia, dysbetalipoproteinemia or hyperlipidemia.
  2. specific pathologies. It has been proven that renal pathologies such as nephroptosis or kidney failure lead to an increase in cholesterol levels. Also, the cause of hypercholesterolemia is hypertension, pancreatic pathologies (pancreatitis or cancerous tumors), hypothyroidism or diabetes, liver pathologies (cirrhosis, jaundice, hepatitis), etc.
  3. Smoking. Nicotine addiction and passive smoking can provoke the accumulation of cholesterol deposits.
  4. The presence of chronic pathological processes over the age of 50 years.
  5. The period of pregnancy is characterized by the accumulation of bad cholesterol and a decrease in the level of good cholesterol.
  6. Some medicines. Taking diuretic, hormonal and contraceptive drugs leads to an increase in cholesterol levels.
  7. Metabolic disorders or obesity.
  8. Alcohol dependence or frequent alcohol abuse also contributes to the accumulation of cholesterol reserves in the body.
  9. Physical inactivity, inactivity, rare forays into fresh air and lack of physical activity, the abuse of junk food - all this also causes an increase in cholesterol levels.

An interesting fact is that in men, cholesterol in the blood can increase after the age of 35, and in the female population, its normal indicators remain until the menopausal period.

The danger of "treatment" with alcohol

The removal of cholesterol reserves with the help of alcoholic beverages can be dangerous, because ethanol has a destructive effect on all organic structures. As soon as alcohol enters the mouth, an instant reaction occurs, which consists in the active production of gastric juice, causing a feeling of intense hunger. But this juice will contain an increased content of the hydrochloric acid component, which threatens the development of gastric catarrh or gastritis.

In addition, alcohol can provoke the development of inflammation in the gastrointestinal organs, which is often combined with diarrhea and constipation. And regular drinking is fraught with the development of hemorrhoids and gastric ulcers. But the liver, which is involved in its metabolism, receives an even more tangible blow from alcohol. Even small doses of alcohol provoke damage to hepatocyte cell structures, which is dangerous for cirrhosis, hepatitis and sclerotic processes in the liver. It follows that alcohol and cholesterol are substances that cannot be combined in any way. And even more so, you can’t even try to reduce cholesterol levels through drinking alcohol.

To reduce cholesterol deposits, it is not at all necessary to take a lot of different drugs, sometimes you can solve the problem with the help of some adjustments in the diet. With food, only 25% of cholesterol enters the body, and the remaining 75% is produced by our liver. To reduce this substance, it is recommended to limit its intake with products. During a diet with cholesterol, it is recommended to exclude or reduce to a minimum the consumption of foods like:

  • fatty meat;
  • fatty dairy products (sour cream, cream, cheeses) and butter;
  • egg yolk;
  • offal (heart, beef brain, kidney or liver);
  • fast food
  • sausage products;
  • confectionery products containing margarine;
  • coconut and palm oil.

Nutritionists say that there are foods that help lower cholesterol levels. These include fresh fruits (grapefruit, avocados, apples, grapes) and bran, vegetables (tomatoes and carrots or pumpkins and beets), and legumes. From drinks recommended green tea, grape juice. For the normal course of lipid-exchange processes, the body needs polyunsaturated acids, which are found in unrefined oils like linseed, sunflower, corn or olive.

What we have. Alcohol can help reduce cholesterol deposits, but only if consumed once a week and in minimal amounts. If you abuse alcohol daily, then the results will be disastrous. Therefore, the best way to normalize cholesterol levels is an active life and a healthy diet.

Elevated blood cholesterol is a fairly common and urgent problem. Many patients believe that cholesterol can be overcome with folk remedies. Some see the solution in the careful selection of foods and nutrients for the diet, others are confident in the benefits of alcohol. How do alcohol and cholesterol affect human health and how are they related to each other?

It is believed that drinking alcohol with high cholesterol can reduce its concentration in the blood. Such an opinion is by no means unfounded. Alcohol in moderation has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, being a powerful vasodilator. Due to this, the lumen of the arteries expands, blood flow increases, and part of the formed atherosclerotic plaques is washed out by the blood flow from the walls of the vessels. Regardless of gender - both men and women - this effect can only be achieved with small doses of alcoholic beverages. In excessive amounts, they increase the content of triglycerides, which harm almost the entire human body - the brain, liver, heart.

With elevated scores

Alcohol with high cholesterol helps to increase secretion and blood levels of a useful type of cholesterol. Despite the fact that the indicators of its "harmful" type - LDL (low-density lipoproteins, which are the main cause of cholesterol diseases.) - do not decrease, there is a positive trend in the ratio of these two types of cholesterol.

At normal rates

With normal cholesterol levels in the tests, drinking alcohol in certain doses also stimulates the production of good cholesterol. But in addition to affecting the level of a certain fraction of cholesterol, the level of triglycerides in the blood increases by about 5.9%.

Safe doses to consume

Drinking alcohol for a positive effect on cholesterol levels is allowed once a week at a limited individual dosage. Usually it is about 150 ml of wine, or 250-300 ml of light beer, or 40-50 ml of liquor. When such an amount of alcohol enters the body, the concentration of HDL (high-density lipoprotein - a benign type of cholesterol) rises to an indicator of 3.9-4.1 milligrams per deciliter.

The effect of alcohol on blood vessels

As mentioned earlier, alcohol is a powerful vasodilator. However, at high doses, ethyl alcohol changes its effect and can cause opposite reactions in organ systems. In rational doses, alcohol helps to cleanse the blood vessels of excess cholesterol, prevents the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, increases the elasticity of the vascular wall, stimulates the work of the heart muscle. With the already developing phenomena of atherosclerosis, alcohol can even dissolve cholesterol plaques.

Effect of alcohol on cholesterol levels

The association of alcohol with cholesterol levels differs depending on the type of drink consumed by the patient. Which of them can be drunk with elevated cholesterol levels? The main criterion is the quality of the selected alcohol. According to research, the most appropriate and safest alcoholic drink for our patients is wine. Red dry is the most useful variety. However, the abundance of types of alcohol prepared by a variety of technological processes poses an urgent question for us - how do its individual varieties and types affect high cholesterol?


The use of vodka for medicinal purposes with cholesterol in medical practice is minimal. The change in the balance of good and bad cholesterol is explained only by the direct effect of alcohol on the vascular system. Arteries and veins expand, blood pressure rises and cholesterol is washed out of the walls of blood vessels.


Speaking of wine, you need to understand that only red wine is useful. It is not for nothing that it is the most useful of all the products listed today. Grapes contain flavonoids and resveratrol. These antioxidants, entering the body, reduce inflammation in the vessels at all stages of atherosclerosis. A lot of trace elements and vitamins - iron, magnesium, chromium, rubidium - strengthen the cardiovascular system, tone up and stabilize the nervous system, help remove toxins from the body, increase immunity, improve the ratio of HDL and LDL, increasing the concentration of a useful type of cholesterol.


With high cholesterol, moderate doses of brandy are also considered useful, since brandy promotes the absorption of vitamin C by the body, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.


Whiskey contains a strong antioxidant - ellagic acid. It is known that it is able to preserve the youthfulness of the skin, helps the body to get rid of free radicals. Therefore, it has an indirect anti-atherosclerotic effect.


With this drink, patients with cholesterol diseases should be careful. As such, it does not carry useful properties in terms of cholesterol, and the abuse of champagne is one of the risk factors for the development of atherosclerosis.

An increase or decrease in blood cholesterol often indicates the development of various pathological processes. In case of deviations, patients are prescribed a diet that excludes all foods that can raise or lower blood lipid levels. Experts disagree about whether cholesterol and alcohol are combined.

Some people think that the consumption of strong drinks has a positive effect on blood cholesterol levels. You can find a large number of tips for daily alcohol intake to reduce lipid levels. There are those people who claim that alcohol causes irreparable harm to human health.

In case of deviations

With a high level of cholesterol in the blood, doctors do not prohibit the use of alcohol-containing drinks, but strongly recommend not to abuse them. Otherwise, against the background of an increased concentration of lipids, a person will acquire such complications as:

  1. Increase in blood pressure.
  2. Pathologies of the digestive organs.
  3. An increase in the amount of insulin in the blood.
  4. Myocardial damage.
  5. Calcium deficiency due to its active leaching.

At normal rates

If a person has no problems with blood vessels, then alcohol is not prohibited. Alcohol does not particularly affect the level of fats in the blood. But even a healthy person is advised to drink alcohol in a minimal amount and as rarely as possible, since its effect can be detrimental to the body.

Safe doses to consume

The following doses of alcohol with high cholesterol will not harm health:

  • 100 ml red wine.
  • 250 ml white wine.
  • 300 ml beer.
  • 30-40 ml of liquor.

Despite the safety of these dosages, they should not be consumed daily.

The harm of alcohol for blood vessels and internal organs

Alcohol in small doses can and is able to normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood, but during its action there is a negative effect on the internal organs. Alcohol begins its action immediately after penetration into the blood.

It actively constricts and expands the walls of blood vessels. As a result, they lose their density, elasticity, become brittle, which often leads to damage and ruptures that cause bleeding. The narrowing and expansion of the vascular walls occurs until the alcohol is completely out of the body.

During the action of alcohol, the heart begins to work several times stronger. If a person suffers from heart disease, it can lead to severe injuries and even death.

Drinking also damages the liver. After all, it is in this organ that its metabolism is carried out. Alcohol can damage liver cells called hepatocytes. With regular consumption of strong drinks or the development of alcoholism, the tissues of the organ undergo gradual necrosis and the development of serious diseases.

Alcohol causes harm to the gastrointestinal tract, causing inflammation, indigestion, ulcers, hemorrhoids. These diseases will interfere with the full absorption of nutrients into the blood.

Impact of different drinks

There are many types of drinks that differ in the composition and effect of alcohol on cholesterol levels.


This is the most widely used product. It contains alcohol and water. She doesn't do any good. High cholesterol and alcohol of this type are not advised to combine in any quantities.


The strength of this drink varies between 9-25 degrees. The most useful wine is made from grapes. It has many valuable components, for example, antioxidants, vitamins.

The most useful is red grape wine. It is recommended to take it at a high concentration of cholesterol. Such wine can only reduce the amount of lipids in a moderate dosage.


This drink is quite strong - over 40 degrees. It is produced by distilling white wine and aging in barrels made of wood. In addition to alcohol, useful tannins and tannins are contained.

Due to this composition, it is able to suppress the inflammatory process, provide the body with vitamin C. The drink also has an antioxidant property. Cognac has a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels, but only in a minimal proportion.


This drink is also very strong. It is made from grain crops and aged in oak barrels for a long period of time. Such drinking has a beneficial effect, because it contains ellagic acid. It is the strongest antioxidant that performs the protective function of the heart, blood vessels, and skin. But for a favorable effect, again, a minimum dose is required.


Such a drink to lower cholesterol is not recommended to drink. Even healthy people are not advised to use it in any quantities. The presence of bubbles in champagne only exacerbates the negative effect of alcohol.

Can you get rid of cholesterol with alcohol?

Opinions about the use of alcoholic beverages to reduce cholesterol levels are very different. Scientists have done a lot of research on this topic. The result shows that patients can consume alcohol-containing products, but the dosage should be moderate and it is allowed to drink it only once a week.

Drinking alcoholic beverages with a high lipid content is allowed because they have the ability to remove excess cholesterol from the body. Alcohol penetrates the bloodstream, dilates blood vessels, which leads to increased blood circulation and leaching of plaques formed on the vascular walls.

When alcohol ceases to act, the lumen of the vessels narrows, but the blood flow does not become worse, because all obstacles in the path of blood are removed. This effect can be achieved not only by the moderate use of alcoholic products, but also by dietary nutrition and sports activities. It will be much more beneficial for the whole organism as a whole.

Opinion of physicians

Specialists are generally against the use of alcohol-containing products for problems with cholesterol, even in small doses. Some doctors believe that you can drink a little wine throughout the day. The effect of such alcohol on cholesterol is positive. Who of them is right and who is not, it is impossible to say.

Doctors identify only a few reasons for which the action of wine is needed. These include the body's need for antioxidants, tannins, flavonoids, and increased production of nitrous oxide.

Thus, cholesterol and alcohol only pair with each other when drinks are consumed in moderation. If you drink regularly and in large doses, then the body will suffer enormous damage.

Cholesterol plaques on the vessels are a provoking factor for the development of many dangerous conditions and diseases. There is a widespread belief that alcohol and cholesterol interact, resulting in a decrease in the proportion of cholesterol deposits on the vessels.

Cholesterol is an organic alcohol compound found in the cell membranes of all living things except plants. Most cholesterol is produced in the body itself, and does not come from food. Organs such as the liver, intestines, gonads, kidneys and adrenal glands are responsible for the production of this substance.

Thanks to cholesterol, cell membranes become stable in a wide temperature range. The substance allows the body to produce vitamin D, steroids (including cortisol, testosterone and estrogens), as well as bile acids. Cholesterol is also a source of calories if the body for some reason does not receive the right amount of food.

The danger to human health is not cholesterol itself, but its excessive amount. Settling on the vascular walls, cholesterol forms plaques, as a result of which the clearance necessary for blood flow decreases. Due to the reduction of the lumen and the violation of the normal elasticity of the vessels, the blood flow worsens, which leads to a variety of dangerous health conditions.

There are two types of cholesterol. They differ in the degree of density of the lipoprotein present in their composition. High-density lipoproteins do not remain on the vascular walls and belong to the so-called "good" cholesterol. "Bad" cholesterol includes low-density lipoproteins responsible for damage to the vascular walls.

A high level of cholesterol in the blood leads to the following pathological conditions and diseases:

  1. , heart attack. As a result of a decrease in the lumen in the coronary arteries, the patient experiences pain in the retrosternal region. Pain syndrome occurs periodically - in the form of angina attacks. The final phase of the dangerous condition is the complete occlusion of the lumen of the artery. Clogging leads to.
  2. . The mechanism for the development of pathology is exactly the same as described above, but the blood flow is disturbed in the vessels of the brain. The patient is tormented by headaches, vision and memory are deteriorating. Brain tissues do not receive the right amount of oxygen along with the blood. The result of circulatory disorders is a stroke - a life-threatening condition.
  3. Organ failure. Due to changes in the blood flow, the normal nutrition of human organs is disrupted, and their functionality is fading.
  4. . It is a disease associated with a persistent increase in blood pressure. One of the possible causes of the disease is an elevated level of cholesterol in the blood.

Interaction between alcohol and cholesterol

Alcohol has the ability to dissolve cholesterol. Due to the ability of alcohol to dilate blood vessels, the rate of blood circulation increases for a while (3-4 hours). During this time, the walls of blood vessels are cleared of cholesterol deposits. Thus, with elevated cholesterol, the concentration of this substance in the blood decreases. However, we should not forget that the effect is achieved only with moderate doses of alcohol. Otherwise, alcohol, on the contrary, increases the level of triglycerides (a component of cholesterol) in the blood.

Note! The effect of alcohol on cholesterol depends on the initial level of this substance in the blood.

Increased rates

When cholesterol levels are high, alcohol stimulates the production of “good” cholesterol in the blood. At the same time, the decrease in the amount of "bad" (low-density) cholesterol is not so pronounced, but the ratio of substances becomes more favorable.

Normal performance

If cholesterol levels are within the normal range, a reasonable amount of alcohol creates the conditions for the production of useful high-density cholesterol. It also increases the level of triglycerides in the blood.

Influence depending on the type of alcoholic beverages


This alcoholic drink is made from grain, in the process of aging in oak tanks. Whiskey strength usually fluctuates between 40 and 50 degrees. Small doses of whiskey are beneficial for people who have elevated blood cholesterol levels. Whiskey contains ellagic acid, which is a powerful antioxidant. The acid protects the cardiovascular system and slows down the aging process of the skin. Due to its healing properties, this element is called the “janitor of free radicals”.


Cognac is made from white grape wine aged in oak barrels. The fortress of cognac starts from 40 degrees.

Cognac contains ethyl esters, tannin, tannins and organic acids. Due to this composition, cognac has an anti-inflammatory effect, increases the body's ability to absorb vitamin C. Like whiskey, cognac has antioxidant characteristics.


There are many varieties of wine: from dry to fortified, from white to red. The strength of the wine varies from 9 to 27 degrees.

The usefulness of wine is determined by the presence of antioxidants and vitamins in it. The largest proportion of beneficial elements is found in red wine. This wine is especially effective in reducing blood cholesterol levels.


There are only two components in vodka - water and alcohol. The reference strength of vodka is 40 degrees. In addition to the basic components, sugar, thickeners, flavoring agents and stabilizers can be added to vodka. In addition to pure vodka, tinctures are produced containing all kinds of herbal ingredients.

The impact of vodka on cholesterol levels is determined not only by alcohol, but also by additional elements, if we are talking about herbal bitters. In reasonable quantities, vodka helps lower cholesterol levels.


Champagne has the lowest concentration of alcohol. In addition, domestic drinks cannot be called real champagne, this is just one of the varieties of sparkling white wine. Compared to other types of alcohol, champagne is the least beneficial for lowering blood cholesterol. You should also take into account the mechanism of action of champagne: it especially contributes to the expansion, and then a sharp narrowing of blood vessels, which negatively affects the well-being of a person.


Numerous studies point to a link between drinking small amounts of beer and lowering high-density cholesterol levels. According to the results of the study, if you drink 500 grams of beer a day, the risk of heart and vascular diseases decreases by 32%. Beer promotes the production of dense cholesterol.

Excessive drinking of beer will do much more harm than good. In particular, beer suppresses the production of testosterone, which leads to a decrease in sexual desire and the development of hormonal pathologies. In addition, a decrease in testosterone levels leads to the dominance of another type of hormone - estrogen. These elements are associated with the production of "bad" cholesterol.

Consequences of alcohol abuse

If the only organs in the body were the stomach and esophagus, then alcohol would do more good than harm. Excess fatty foods would be neutralized by alcoholic beverages, cholesterol would dissolve, and decay products would be removed from the body. However, human physiology is more complex.

Alcohol actually takes away dissolved fat, but it also goes through a process of breakdown in the liver. This body carries out the neutralization of ethanol. However, toxic substances remain in the liver, which adversely affects its functionality: over time, healthy cells are destroyed and replaced by connective tissue. Diseases such as chronic hepatitis, sclerosis or cirrhosis of the liver develop.

The kidneys are also affected by alcohol. To remove poisons separated as a result of ethanol processing, urination increases. As a result, a load is created on the kidneys, as they have to act in conditions of lack of fluid.

The response of the body to the ingress of alcohol into the oral cavity is the secretion of gastric juice. As a result, there is a feeling of hunger. The juice contains stomach acid, which lacks pepsin, a special enzyme needed to digest food. With prolonged alcohol abuse, this imbalance leads to a variety of stomach diseases, including catarrh, gastritis or ulcers.

The intestines also suffer from excessive alcohol consumption. The main symptoms of bowel dysfunction are inflammatory processes that lead to enterocolitis (regular bowel disorder). Also, people suffering from alcoholism are prone to hemorrhoids. An improperly functioning gastrointestinal tract causes a deficiency in the body of the microelements and vitamins it needs that come with food. As a result, additional diseases develop that are not directly related to alcohol consumption.

Algol negatively affects the nervous system and brain cells. With the abuse of alcoholic beverages, cell death and gradual degradation of the psyche occur.

The effect of alcohol on the vascular system is ambiguous. In the first time after drinking alcohol, vasodilation occurs. However, already after 3-4 hours, on the contrary, there is a sharp narrowing of the vascular lumen. The result of such a reaction is the wear of the muscular system of blood vessels, the walls become thinner, their integrity is easily violated.

To the greatest extent, dependence on alcohol affects the large arteries. They are responsible for the flow of blood to large organs, including the heart and brain. Insufficient blood supply causes the development of many diseases.

Safe dosages

For a positive effect on blood cholesterol levels, strictly limited doses of alcohol are allowed. Wine can be drunk no more than 150 grams per day, beer - 500 grams, liquor - 50 grams, vodka - 30 grams. Receiving a limited amount of alcohol can bring the level of beneficial HDL cholesterol to 3.8-4.2 milligrams per deciliter.

Lowering cholesterol without alcohol

It is possible to lower the amount of cholesterol in the body without the help of alcoholic beverages. To do this, you need to stop eating too fatty foods, play sports and not have bad habits.

The main way to fight cholesterol without alcohol is a healthy diet. You will have to completely exclude from the diet products such as butter (replace with vegetable oil), lard, offal. The consumption of fatty meat and eggs should be reduced. The menu should have a sufficient amount of nuts, peanut butter, legumes and avocados. fruits, especially citrus fruits.

So, alcohol really contributes to the normalization of cholesterol in the blood. The most important thing is not to go beyond the recommended dosages.
