
Picnic birthday in nature. How to create a festive mood? Finished paper decorations

You don’t need much to go out into nature, which is why such trips are good even with a crowded company. It is enough to think over the menu for a picnic in nature for a birthday in advance, purchase necessary products, grab a barbecue, coals, knives, disposable tableware and mosquito repellent - and you're done! The main thing is not to forget anything necessary, such as:

Skewers, grates, coals
thick maple for laying an impromptu table
seat pads
napkins, cutting boards, foil, bags, matches
sunscreen, mosquito and tick repellent

Further water, drinks, garbage bags (it is necessary to monitor the state of nature so that other arriving companies can enjoy their vacation and contemplate nature, and not rubbish heaps after the previous company).


If all this was collected, the meat for the barbecue was bought, marinated, you need to take care of the appetizers - after all, while the fire is kindling, until the coals appear and the barbecue is cooked, everyone will be pretty hungry, and you won’t get enough of the barbecue alone. Therefore, we additionally collect more products:

Cheese, sausage (preferably s / c or semi-smoked)
more vegetables, they go with a bang in nature - cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, all sorts of greens a few bunches
potatoes (required!)
bread, lavash
oil for salads
fruits in abundance
sauces for meat, fish

If you are traveling for at least a day, take a cauldron and cereals with you. A kulesh cooked on a fire or an ear from a fish caught in a river is incredible tasty dish, there will be everyone!

Picnic menu

A birthday in nature is a great opportunity to entertain and deliciously feed friends. But now about the main thing - the main food that you will feed the guests. The most important thing is the fire, so we adjust all the dishes to it. Meat, fish, chicken - for barbecue, vegetables for roasting in a fire in foil, buns for quick creation sandwiches, pita bread - you can quickly wind rolls from a wide variety of products.


Chicken wings

Further: chicken wings or thighs - they turn out very tasty on the grill. And it is not necessary to marinate them in something - just rinse. dry and take with you. Since the chicken cooks much faster than pork, the same wings can be cooked in a simple way - laying it on the grill, just salt it - and that's it! Well toasted, these wings will simply go with a bang with a beer while you cook the barbecue.

Zucchini on the coals

2 kg zucchini
olive oil

Cut the zucchini quite large and in circles, for example, 3 centimeters each. Prepare the dressing by mixing olive oil with spices and lemon juice. Next, tear off small piece foil (so that the circle of zucchini is well wrapped in it), coat with the prepared mixture, and wrap tightly in foil. Everything, as soon as the coals burn out a little, throw zucchini there, burying it in the coals. The same can be done with potatoes - either just throw them into the fire, or wrap them in foil. Great Supplement to meat - will go with a bang!

Stuffed peppers on the grill

Such an appetizer will look very beautiful and tasty: buy large colored thick-walled peppers, peel them at home, rinse and put them in a bag. Prepare the filling of cheese, garlic, herbs and butter. Upon arrival at the picnic, put the peppers on the grill, in which the fire is already smoldering, put in the filling, sprinkle with herbs and very soon everyone will salivate from the aromas - delicious!

Thinking about where to celebrate a birthday, many stop at non-standard version- going out into nature. The place of celebration will definitely affect not only how the celebration will take place, but also on the menu. It's obvious that layered salads and a three-story cake will not work. What then to cook?

Snack in anticipation

Preparing for a holiday outside the city, many often forget that they should not forget about breakfast or a snack. As a rule, people leave for a picnic in the morning, when some have not had breakfast yet, and the road is sometimes long. Therefore, those who are waiting for a barbecue or other hot food must be fed.

For example, you can cook in advance and take it with you, but they will look better if you grab only the ingredients, and assemble the entire “construction” on the spot. What will be included in such an appetizer?

  1. Slice rye bread, a thin layer of mustard or horseradish, ham or boiled pork, fresh cucumber and red onion rings.
  2. Piece of ciabatta, lettuce leaf, layer canned tuna, circle of tomato. Such a sandwich can be supplemented with boiled eggs.
  3. Bruschetta, or rather its lightweight, one might say, camping version: on a slice of bread, grilled or in advance at home in a pan, spread a mixture of tomatoes, garlic and basil. Salt and pepper is better ready sandwich. For 4 slices of bread, take 2-3 tomatoes, 3 cloves of garlic and 12-15 basil leaves.

As a snack, you can eat something else. For example, bring cheese and cold cuts, pickles, canned olives and olives, etc. Sausages on the fire are also suitable: they do not require hot coals, so they will cook much faster than barbecue.


It's hard to imagine a trip to nature without a barbecue in the summer. It is prepared from chicken, lamb, beef and pork, marinated at home, and once at a picnic, they just string it on skewers and watch it brown evenly. Almost every man (namely, representatives of the stronger sex are considered the best barbecue) has his own way of cooking pieces of meat. But for those who decide to deviate from tradition and do something different, we can advise the recipe for fragrant kebab on the grill.

Lula kebab is prepared from different meat, but for the most juicy version recommended to stop at minced pork or mixed with beef in a ratio of 1:1. It will require 2 kg.

  1. In minced meat, add chopped onion (at least 4 heads), as well as 5-7 cloves of garlic, salt and pepper, cut into small cubes. Greens take any quantity - to taste. It is finely chopped and also put in minced meat. That's all the ingredients, no eggs, bread, etc. is needed. Perhaps this is one of the simplest and most fast food for a country picnic.
  2. Now you need to carefully beat off the resulting mixture. It is to beat off, not to knead. To do this, it is picked up and thrown into a bowl or onto a cutting board. This is done to rid the stuffing of excess moisture. This difficult task will take about 10 minutes.
  3. Already at the heated brazier (the heat should be quite strong), a kebab is formed. To do this, the minced meat is firmly crushed on a skewer, forming a sausage no more than 4 cm thick.

When the meat appears appetizing crust, the skewer begins to turn frequently, maintaining the heat of the coals. So you need to do 12-14 minutes, and then immediately serve the dish to the table. It will match perfectly fresh vegetables, greens and lavash. If you need a sauce, it is better to use tomato with garlic and herbs.

For meat dishes

Eating meat alone, even the most delicious, will not work. Yes, and the occasion implies some variety in the menu. What to supplement it with?


Salad with this unusual name perfect for outdoor dining. It does not contain mayonnaise, so it will endure the heat with firmness. Ingredients can be mixed in advance and brought to the picnic already ready meal in a container. What is included in the salad:

  • a can of canned red beans in their own juice;
  • 1/3 can canned sweet corn;
  • 2 dense tomatoes;
  • bell pepper;
  • 1 head onion;
  • a few green onion feathers;
  • cilantro, dill, etc. - to taste;
  • juice of 1 lime, 2 tsp. wine vinegar, 125 ml olive oil, salt, pepper, 2 tsp. dry mustard - for dressing.

Peppers and tomatoes are cut into cubes, onions and herbs are chopped. In a bowl, mix the chopped vegetables with beans and corn, pour over the dressing. The dressing should be brought in a separate bottle and pour over the salad just before serving. Gourmets can also add 1 cubed avocado to the dish. This dish is ideal with meat and corn nachos.

Grilled stuffed peppers

Vegetables are considered an ideal side dish, so you should not deviate from tradition and cook them on the grill. By adding toppings to them, you can get a truly festive dish.

  1. 4 identical bell peppers(for 8 persons) cut in half lengthwise, rinse well, remove seeds, dry and take with you to nature.
  2. The filling is prepared at home, and then brought in a separate container to a picnic, where peppers are filled with it: grate 200 g of parmesan, mix with garlic (2-3 cloves) passed through a press, a chopped bunch of basil and 100 ml of olive oil.
  3. Cut 1 small onion into half rings and fry in oil until soft. Mix onion, cheese-garlic mixture with canned corn or beans (1 can), after draining the liquid.
  4. First, peppers are laid on the grill with the cut down for 5 minutes, then they are turned over, filled with the prepared salted mixture, sprinkled with grated cheese (50-60 g) and left for another 5-7 minutes.

More hearty option- add a glass to the filling boiled rice. Ready Peppers sprinkle with herbs or pour over with a mixture of olive oil, salt and chopped herbs.

Winter menu

Many of those who were born in winter believe that they will never be able to celebrate their birthday in nature. However, this is not so, because if you get away from stereotypes, you can try. The table will be somewhat different than the summer one, but still it will be to your taste.

Recipes festive dishes a lot, almost any of them can be adapted for an off-site meal. Therefore, you can choose your favorite hot and snacks. Perhaps only complex decorations made of creams and sauces will fail, but this is not so important at a picnic.

Every parent wants their child's birthday to be remembered for a long time and be the brightest and most cheerful. For a holiday in summer time you can choose a place outdoors. Organization children's day birth in nature is not the easiest task, but it is creative and interesting. Parents need to prepare an entertainment program, take care of gifts, menus and some other equally important issues.


Celebrating a children's birthday in nature has a whole mountain of advantages compared to traditional gatherings at home or in a cafe or restaurant. Consider the main ones:

  • Budget savings. Ordering an additional entertainment program for a children's birthday in a cafe will not be cheap, and the event itself is unlikely to be from the category of "economy".
  • You do not run the risk of breaking expensive dishes in a cafe or damaging furniture and interior items during active children's games.
  • Fresh air. If a picturesque corner away from the city is chosen as the venue, then the event will not only be fun, but also beneficial for health.
  • Active games. In nature, there is more space for outdoor games and competitions, children will not be shackled by the walls of the apartment. Every child wants to run enough, and where else to do it, if not in nature?
  • Appetite. There will be no need to persuade children to eat, because in nature the appetite is excellent, and the menu, consisting of dishes cooked on a fire, will especially appeal to children. It is unlikely that there will be a child who refuses mini marshmallows (marshmallows) fried on a fire or delicious sandwiches.


No one is immune from the vagaries of nature: a thunderstorm may suddenly break out or a gust of wind may blow. In this case, there should be a backup plan in case of force majeure. In any case, the birthday must take place.

A safe place to celebrate means:

  • No broken glass, nails, holes.
  • No dangerous items (bags, cans, garbage).
  • If you plan to cook food on a fire, extra care must be taken. Only adults should cook food. If children are allowed to participate in cooking, then this process is necessarily controlled by parents.

Organizational matters

If you have weighed the pros and cons and made a positive decision, remember that hosting a children's birthday in the bosom of nature will require a little more effort from you than, say, a home celebration. However, the result is definitely worth it! You need to take care of a number of questions in advance:

  1. Choosing a place for a holiday in nature.
  2. Delivery of guests to the holiday and their subsequent delivery to their homes.
  3. Buying food and drinks.
  4. Menu development and preparation of festive treats.
  5. Fun and at the same time safe games and contests.
  6. Entertainment for parents of children.
  7. Gifts for participants of competitions and many other questions.

To make the holiday perfect, it is better to think over all organizational issues in advance.

Let's dwell on some in more detail.

Choosing a place for a children's holiday

This list item should be taken very seriously. You can choose from several options:

Square or park in the city

The advantage of this choice is a convenient location. Your guests will be able to independently get to the place of celebration and also safely go home after the event. There is only one drawback here: a good place in the city with a high degree of probability can be busy. Especially on a nice sunny day. In city parks, as a rule, it is always crowded.

Picturesque corner or gazebo outside the city

Outside the city limits, the air is cleaner and there are fewer people - this is an indisputable plus. Discuss in advance with a parent the delivery of children for their birthday and their subsequent delivery to their homes. You will most likely need several cars to bring in all the guests and groceries.

It is desirable that the company was attended by two or three adults. After all, you need to control this small restless anthill every minute. Keep all children within sight so that no one gets lost or injured. If there are a lot of people, do not hesitate to periodically count the children.

The disadvantage of this option for holding a birthday is the same as in the previous case - on a weekend, a gazebo or meadow outside the city may be busy. Exit: Someone needs to go to the place in advance and prepare everything.

Country house or country house

A huge advantage of a country holiday is the "native" walls, as well as the availability of water and amenities. You know what you have and where it is, and you can remove dangerous items in advance in a place inaccessible to children. Birthday will pass without unpleasant surprises. Think in advance how to deliver guests.

A wild place, clearing or shore of a reservoir far from the city limits

Such places store a lot of dangers: anthills, broken glass, poisonous herbs, stumps and others. It is better not to choose such places for a holiday with young children.

In nature, children find many exciting activities.

Tourist recreation center

You will need to book a gazebo or a house, which will increase the cost of holding a holiday. But on the other hand, the birthday will take place in a clean, beautiful and fully equipped place for relaxation. You can arrive early and decorate the site.

Menu development

Meals should be simple and do not require cooking or heating. Suitable slices of vegetables and fruits, sandwiches, canapes. For the main dish, you can cook barbecue. Better to do common table and portion cutting than trying to seat the guys and hold a banquet in accordance with all the rules using forks, spoons and knives. Should not be taken with you perishable products. There should be a lot of sweets on a birthday: cakes, cakes, sweets and cookies.

It is better to buy disposable dishes (there is a very large assortment of colorful plates and glasses in stores). Additionally, take a bright tablecloth with a cheerful pattern. Multi-colored skewers of bizarre shapes and bright straws for drinks will also add color to the table.

If there is no table and benches in the place you have chosen to celebrate your birthday, bring folding furniture from home. Alternatively, take a few blankets with you for gatherings on the grass.

Games and contests

If you decide to arrange children's holiday in nature, then you need to focus on the organization of games and competitions or sports competitions.

Arrange themed tasks, for example, "Treasure Hunt". Invite the children to be pirates on their birthday. An adult needs to visit the place of the celebration in advance and bury the treasure (a box of sweets). You will need to draw a map or several parts of the map and organize contests. Before receiving a new map fragment, participants must complete the task. A birthday should be remembered, for this, prepare for each child a piece of clothing or an accessory on the theme of a holiday in nature (a pirate's hat, a spyglass, a toy dagger, a crab brooch) and give it out at the beginning of the holiday. At the end of the day, have each child take this item with them.

The main advantage is the ability to play outdoor games freely.

You can also arrange a birthday party on the theme "Fairy Glade" or "Jungle".

Outdoor play options:

  • "Hit a bump in a tree." Each participant is given 3 attempts to hit the tree from a distance of 10 steps of the child.
  • "Lapta". Build a figure from branches, and invite the children to knock it down with a stick.
  • "Forest angler". Invite the children to catch a prize with an impromptu fishing rod. Make a fishing rod from a branch and thread, tie a bag with a safe little thing (bumps, ball) to the end. Children should swing the bag and knock down a gift for themselves, which is not far away at a distance slightly greater than the length of the stick.
  • "Take the item." A wolf is appointed - one of the children. He is given the task of guarding objects (pots, glasses, bottles, towels). The wolf's house is outlined - a circle with a diameter of 2-3 meters. The wolf becomes in the "house". On command, other children try to take his things, and the wolf catches them. There is a condition: the wolf can only catch those thieves who have empty hands. The next wolf is the captured child.
  • "Catchers". A game of ordinary catch-up, with only one caveat: you need to hold an empty plastic bottle between your legs.
  • "Relay race". Children are divided into 2 teams and line up. It is suggested that the first participant take an object (bump, stick), run around a nearby tree and return, passing the object to the next participant.
  • "Tournament on a log." Find a wide log and inflate long balloons. You need to stand on your feet and try to knock down an opponent with a ball.


birthday is fun party and everyone should have a pleasant experience. After the competitions, each participant should have a gift - a small souvenir. It can be small soft toys, puzzles, whistles, key rings, balls, pens and other nice little things. It is important not to deprive every child of attention, and even the loser in all competitions should have a consolation prize.

Photo for memory

A birthday should be remembered for a long time, so take pictures of children during contests and games. The more photos you have, the more interesting moments will remain in your memory. Photos will be interesting, in which the guys will be painted by each other or by their parents. For such experiments, you can use only harmless paints (finger). In nature, especially colorful photos are obtained.

If you are not confident in your abilities as an organizer, then a specially invited animator can organize a holiday in nature, who will provide for games, competitions, decorations, and gifts.

Birthday is a special holiday. On this day, I want to have fun and feel a little sad. The joy of meeting friends and family, a large number of gifts and surprises sometimes overshadows the understanding that the years are coming.

It can come to mind both young people and adults. Whatever feelings visit the birthday man and his guests on this day, you need to take care of the treats.

Lucky for those people who have a birthday in the summer. There are plenty of opportunities to celebrate a name day, because there are plenty to choose from! Lake, sea, nature, forest or cottage? You can go anywhere, because the weather conditions are not terrible.

Even if summer rain falls on a holiday, this will only make it easier, because it will bring a long-awaited coolness.

Summer menu: beware!

Let's look at the features of compiling a birthday menu in the summer in nature. The insidiousness of summer lies in the fact that products in nature without a refrigerator deteriorate very quickly or lose their shape. Of course, you can take a mini-fridge with you and get at least salads from there, but if it is planned big company people, then all of them may not be enough due to the small dimensions of the unit.

Mayonnaises and other fatty sauces are strictly contraindicated in the heat. A dish with them in a matter of minutes will turn into a source of danger, but no one wants to spend the rest of the day in the bushes. It is better to use vegetable oil as a dressing, at least it will definitely not disappear.

Of course, no holiday is complete without barbecue. If a decision has already arisen to cook it, then this must be done almost immediately upon arrival in nature. So the meat does not have time to turn sour in a large amount of marinade, and the finished pieces will last longer.

All products must be covered with towels or paper. Wasps and bees can flock to the aromas of food, and guests risk eating them along with the dish, getting a lot of problems in the process. It’s good if just redness appears at the site of the bite, but there are people who are prone to allergies. In this case, the larynx or nasopharynx may swell, and then a real threat to human life will already arise.

So that guests do not languish with thirst, a place for a holiday should be found next to a spring or take enough water with you. Juices and fruit drinks - too great option, but carbonated drinks are not recommended. They will make you want to drink even more.

Important menu: choosing the right recipes for holiday dishes

Entertainment in nature more than enough. Guests themselves will find something to entertain themselves, the weather will not let anyone get bored. So, what can you still cook for a birthday party in the summer in nature for a cheerful company of guests? What to feed them? The main thing is that it is tasty, quick and simple, because guests will definitely come hungry.

Stuffed with vegetables tomatoes

Ingredients Quantity
round tomatoes - 8 pcs.
Bulgarian yellow pepper - 1 large
cucumbers - 2 large
greenery - beam
white bulb - 1 large
vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
garlic - 2 cloves
radishes - 150 g
salt - taste
cheese - 150 g
Cooking time: 40 minutes Calories per 100 grams: 87 kcal

Wash vegetables and herbs. Cut the tops off the tomatoes and scoop out the pulp with a spoon. Peppers, cucumbers, onions and radishes cut into cubes. Finely chop the greens. Pass the garlic through a press, and grate the cheese on fine grater.

Mix the chopped vegetables, herbs, garlic and cheese in a bowl, add salt and pour over with oil. Stuff the tomatoes and you can treat guests.

Such an appetizer will look beautiful on the table. Even if the juice from the vegetables flows, the tomatoes will keep their shape and look quite appetizing.

"Snow Snack"

To prepare a snack for 2 people you will need:

  • 6 small tomatoes;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • 1 st. l. mayonnaise;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 200 gr. cheese;
  • Ground pepper to taste.

Wash the tomatoes and cut into medium rings, put in a single layer on a plate.

Peel and grate the garlic, mix in a bowl with mayonnaise and sour cream.

Cheese grate on a fine grater. Sprinkle tomato circles with pepper, grease with garlic sauce, sprinkle with plenty of cheese.

Spread circles of tomatoes, grease and sprinkle with cheese until you get a small slide.

The main thing in this dish is to sprinkle it well with cheese. It looks interesting, and everyone will like the taste.

Surprise baked potatoes in foil

What is a holiday without potatoes? You can’t make standard mashed potatoes in nature, and baked potatoes in coals have become boring for a long time. An interesting option can become potatoes with mushrooms and carrots (they will be the very surprise) in foil.

For 4 persons delicious potatoes you will need:

  • 8 potatoes;
  • 2 large young carrots;
  • 8 large champignons;
  • Salt and pepper to taste;
  • A bunch of greens;
  • 50 ml olive oil.

Wash potatoes, carrots, mushrooms and herbs. Cut the tubers into 4-6 parts, carrots into medium rings, and champignons into halves. Finely chop the greens.

Season vegetables and mushrooms with salt, pepper and drizzle with oil. Mix gently and spread on foil in portions.

Wrap the foil on all sides so that when the dish is turned over, the food does not spill out.

Lay the foil envelopes on the coals of the fire and cook for about 20 minutes, during which time you need to turn the dish 2 times. Unwrap cooked potatoes and sprinkle with fresh herbs.

Potatoes may well come down as a main dish, and together with mushrooms and carrots, it will also be beautiful.

"Miracle fish": bake deliciously on the grill

Another main course is grilled fish. Which fish to cook depends on personal preference. Red fish cooks quickly and looks appetizing.

For 2 persons "Miracle Fish" you need:

  • 4 salmon steaks;
  • 2 tbsp. l. seasonings for fish;
  • 2 tbsp. l. grated ginger root;
  • 1/2 lemon;
  • Salt to taste;
  • 60 gr. olive oil.

Mix spices, oil and ginger root, squeeze the juice from half a lemon and marinate the steaks in this mixture for about 40 minutes. During this time, melt the barbecue.

Put the salmon on the grill and fry over a fire for 3 minutes on each side. The fish will turn out tender, even if it is a little damp, the principle “salmon is never raw” applies to everyone.

Fish - light product, they can have a bite to eat in between entertainment and swimming in the pond.

Fresh vegetables or greens can be served with the fish, but strong alcohol and containing few degrees are suitable.

Sauce - guests will rate 5+

The sauce for meat and fish is important, it will emphasize the taste of the dish. You should choose it based on the ingredients of the main dish, more meat suitable sauce based on tomato, for fish - with mayonnaise. If you experiment and add various herbs and spices, you get the original mixture.

For the meat kebab sauce, you need to take:

  • 1 jar of Krasnodar sauce;
  • A bunch of greens (parsley, dill, cilantro);
  • Several branches of tarragon;
  • Ground black pepper to taste;
  • 1 bulb.

Peel the onion from the husk and chop finely. Rinse the greens, also finely chop. Add herbs and onions to the sauce, season with pepper and mix well. Herbs will complement the taste of meat.

Dessert "Sweet tooth"

There is no birthday without dessert. Of course, it is very dangerous to take a cake or cream cakes to nature without a refrigerator. It is quite possible to prepare a sweet without cream and an oven, while guests enjoy nature.

For the sweet tooth dessert, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 1 pack of wafer cakes;
  • 1 can of condensed milk;
  • 2 bananas;
  • 1 sour apple;
  • 1 tsp citric acid.

Wash apples, remove seeds and skin, chop thin plates. Peel banana and cut into slices. Every waffle cake grease with condensed milk, put a few slices of apples and bananas, sprinkle them with lemon.

Continue like this until all layers are laid. Leave the top layer clean. Let the dessert stand for at least a couple of hours. Then cut it into pieces and offer to guests.

The dessert is prepared quickly, but it needs time to soak. The top cake remains clean so that the pieces can be taken with your hands and eaten neatly. Nothing will happen to the cake in 2 hours. If you put it in the shade, it will not deteriorate, but the birthday boy will have a real birthday cake.

And what will the guests drink, alcohol? - No, refreshing lemonade!

To quench your thirst, you can put bottles of drinks in a pond, they are on for a long time keep cool. And if it is possible to take a mini-refrigerator with you to nature, then you can put a large amount of ice in it.

By adding it to drinks, there is a real way to not die of thirst while making lemonade.

To prepare lemonade for 2 persons, you need to take:

  • 0.33 l of sprite and Tarragon drink
  • 1/2 lime;
  • 2 sprigs of peppermint;
  • 160 gr. ice.

Mix drinks, add sliced ​​​​lime slices and mint leaves torn by hand. Lightly crush the ingredients with a fork or mortar. Pour the drink into tall glasses and add ice. Decorate with a cocktail tube or umbrella.

The drink will quench your thirst and come in handy for a non-alcoholic party. But you should drink it carefully, as there is a risk of getting sick. In the heat, ice drinks can play a cruel joke on the human body.

  1. When preparing treats in nature, you need to think about their composition. Appetizers and salads with fatty sauces must be offered first so that they do not have time to disappear;
  2. In the summer you want to drink all the time, so you need to take a lot of drinks, but less alcohol. The heat does not affect a tipsy person in the best way, you need to be careful;
  3. All vegetables and fruits should be washed before adding to dishes or just eating. A large number of disease-carrying insects can get on food and subsequently cause disease;
  4. Ideal snack for summer menu skewers count. Cheese, sausages, olives, gherkins, baby corn and other products in various variations quickly satisfy hunger and will look spectacular on the table.

A birthday in the summer in nature gives vent to fantasy about entertainment, but you need to be careful with treats so as not to get poisoned by the missing products and not ruin your holiday.

It's always nice to make holiday menu for a picnic in nature for a long-awaited birthday! And it's not just about getting closer. wonderful holiday- the whole charm lies in the fact that the festival fell on a hot season! For residents of central Russia, where the snows finally disappear only at the beginning of May, celebrating a birthday on a picnic is even sweeter! For the summer, and especially for July, many Russians make grandiose plans throughout the year. What a joy it is when a child's birthday is included in the list of summer adventures!

About the benefits of a birthday in the summer

What specifically can be the advantages of a summer picnic:

  • if you are lucky with the weather on the chosen day, then the birthday boy and invited guests will find a wide expanse of greenery flooded with sunlight filled with the chirping of grasshoppers and butterflies. Perhaps there will be a river nearby, where everyone will definitely take a dip in the sun.

    Be careful and be sure to take mosquito repellent with you. It is better to choose a place for a picnic where the treatment for ticks was carried out. Also, find out in advance whether the pond is suitable for swimming in order to protect yourself and others from various unpleasant consequences;

Be educated and do not leave garbage after your vacation. Moreover, do not leave bags collected with garbage, be sure to pack everything you bring and throw it away already at home.

A little about security

It would seem that there are some pluses that completely cover minor inconveniences. However, you should not lose your head from joy and anticipation. Always be aware of the dangers associated with insects and dirty water.

What is included in the list of alarms:

Thinking about your own health is extremely important. Therefore, do not dismiss excuses that you do not want to unnecessarily strain vacationers with rules and restrictions. It is better to limit yourself a little on this day than to undergo treatment for weeks or months later.

About the menu and its features

Now that the most important points have been agreed, you can start eating. Obviously, with the onset of summer, the diet will change to a lighter and colder one. For this, they even came up with okroshka, which is cold soup. But we are still not talking about an ordinary picnic, but a birthday party with a field trip - you should not forget about this.

Not all ingredients need to be put into complex dishes, something nice to eat and separate. First, let's talk about what is suitable for this holiday format:

The dishes themselves, of course, are best prepared in advance - but cutting vegetables, fruits and sausages can be done on the spot.

Recipe: Three Wonderful Appetizers

The most common picnic food is snacks. There are a lot of cooking options with different ingredients, but we will look at some of them.

For cooking you will need:

  • flour - 200 g;
  • olive oil - 200 g;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • hot water - 200 ml;
  • Provencal herbs;
  • pita bread - 3 sheets of 30 × 50 cm;
  • carrots in Korean - 200 g;
  • cheese - 150 g;
  • mayonnaise;
  • greenery ( green onion, dill);
  • ham - 150 g;
  • boiled eggs- 2 pcs;
  • Bell pepper;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • pickled cucumbers - 1 pc;
  • buns - 2 pcs;
  • seasoning for salads;
  • salt with garlic and herbs.

The presented ingredients will be useful for all three snacks, so do not be intimidated by such an abundance of necessary products!

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the specified amount of flour into a deep container. Pour salt, olive oil and mix thoroughly.

    It is important to mix well after adding the liquid ingredients so that lumps do not form in the flour. Do not ignore this step to avoid cooking errors;

  2. Pour in hot water(water temperature is about 80 degrees Celsius). Mix again until smooth. The result should be an elastic mass. We roll the resulting result into a bun, pack it in plastic bag and put in the refrigerator for the next 30 minutes;
  3. While the dough is cooling, take pita bread and coat one side with mayonnaise. We rub the cheese on a medium grater and evenly distribute it over the sheet. From above we cover with a clean sheet of pita bread, level it, coat it with mayonnaise and spread the carrots. We cover with a third sheet, coat with mayonnaise and spread the greens. Sprinkle salad dressing on top. The resulting cake is rolled into a tube, packed in cling film and leave for 30 minutes;
  4. Next, let's cut the following ingredients: ham, green onions, dill, boiled eggs, pickled cucumbers, sweet peppers. You can choose the cutting method at your discretion, the main thing is that the pieces are small. After cutting, we pour all the ingredients together, add sour cream and sprinkle with a mixture of peppers or salt with garlic and herbs. We mix everything well;
  5. Preparing buns. You need to cut a little above the middle to pull out the pulp. The incised "lid" cannot be cut off completely. Fill the cavity of the bun with the previously prepared mixture of ingredients and the first snack will be ready;
  6. We return to the test. Cut off about half, roll into a bun and roll it out with a rolling pin. We cut the rolled dough into thin strips, which we fold a little so that they look like spirals. Put them on a baking sheet, slightly moisten with water and sprinkle provencal herbs. We put it in the oven for 20-25 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. Baked spirals can be laid out on a saucer;
  7. We unfold the prepared pita roll, cut in half into small portions and we can serve it to the table, as the dish is ready.

It is better to cut the roll already at the picnic, as it is much more convenient to carry in this form. In addition, the products will not wind up.

Recipe: Lazy Pie

simple and quick pie which takes very little time to prepare. Without culinary delights but still delicious. Perfect option for a picnic!

For cooking you will need:

  • bread (loaf);
  • sausage (boiled);
  • tomatoes;
  • butter;
  • eggs - 4 pcs;
  • baking dish - round (optimally 20-30 cm in diameter);
  • milk;
  • greens (dill, green onion);
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. A long loaf could be bought pre-cut, but this is unprincipled, the main thing is that the pieces are not too thick. Now brush the cut pieces butter. The layer should be even and thin enough, so it is better to melt the butter a little in advance. You can skip this step and not use oil. Change the taste of bread a little, but the cake will turn out a little less greasy;
  2. Lubricate the selected shape vegetable oil. It is important to miss not only the bottom, but also the edges. Lay out slices of bread. Thus, a little space is formed between the pieces, you do not need to sculpt them tightly to each other. There will be an empty space in the center, which we will fill in later;
  3. Cut sausage and tomatoes. Ideal Shape cuts - circles, because they should be distributed throughout the slice of bread. We leave a little cheese for sprinkling, and cut the rest into thin plates. We put the chopped ingredients in the space between the pieces of a loaf, as if collecting a sandwich. In the empty center we put two pieces of a loaf with cheese, tomato and sausage;
  4. The cake is almost ready, it remains only to prepare the filling and bake. Break four eggs into a deep container, add a pinch of salt and milk. Mix everything well with a whisk or blender. If desired, you can chop the dill / green onion and add to the filling;
  5. Pour the filling into a mold, sprinkle with finely grated cheese and put in a preheated oven for 35-45 minutes. We bake at a temperature of 200-250 degrees.

AND lazy pie ready to eat! It remains only to take it out of the mold and bring it to the table. Since it is being prepared for a picnic, it is worth preparing it directly an hour before going out so that it does not have time to cool down too much.

Decoration and decoration

It was mentioned a little above that this case A picnic is not just outdoor recreation, but a birthday. Therefore, in addition to wonderful dishes, the design of the space is also required so that the feelings of the celebration of the birthday man do not disappear.

Suitable for decoration:

So, following the instructions, you can create a great menu for a birthday picnic!
