
Bake a cake for the new year. Comic predictions - wishes for the New Year

The New Year is getting closer and the hostesses are already thinking about what to cook for the New Year, original and interesting, in order to surprise and please loved ones. Any festive menu cannot do without dessert, so cakes and pastries, of course, are necessary on the New Year's table. We bring to your attention some simple and delicious recipes for a festive cake for the New Year 2020, any of which will surely please the guests, and will be a worthy culmination of a festive dinner.

Yeast fruit cake

Pies are quite diverse, and it is worth spending more than one hour to choose the most suitable one. And if you take into account the fact that this cake should also be New Year's, then you should carefully delve into it. In order to help you, we offer a very simple and delicious recipe with a photo of a yeast fruit cake that you can cook in one moment and be amazed at its bright beauty.


For test:

  • Flour - 1 kg.;
  • Kefir - 0.25 l.;
  • Cream (15%) - 0.25 l.;
  • Yeast (live) - 60 g;
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • Sugar - 7 tablespoons;
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • Refined sunflower oil - 3 tablespoons.

For filling:

  • Berries black and red currants, cherries, mulberries, raspberries, gooseberries (whatever you eat or what you like) - 0.5 kg;
  • Sugar - 200 gr.;
  • Vanilla is on the tip of a knife.

Preparing the dough:

  1. All foods must be at room temperature, take them out of the refrigerator in advance.
  2. Grind yeast with sugar, add kefir, cream, eggs, then flour and salt.
  3. We knead the dough until it turns into soft, like plasticine, then add sunflower oil and knead again.
  4. If your dough is too soft, add more flour.
  5. To do this, add more flour to the cutting board.
  6. The dough should be elastic.
  7. We leave the dough in a warm place for 30-40 minutes, it should come up 2 times during this time.
  8. The first time we crush it, but the second time we are already preparing a pie.

Now the stuffing:

  1. Boil 1.5-2 cups of water and dissolve sugar in it.
  2. Sort the berries and wash.
  3. Pour the boiling syrup over the berries (the syrup should cover the berries) and let stand for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Then strain, let the syrup drain, and dry the berries.
  5. You can put simply prepared berries and sprinkle them with sugar on top.
  6. But then the dough inside will be “wet”, and not everyone likes it.
  7. When the dough rises, divide it into two equal parts. We roll one according to the size of our baking sheet.
  8. Grease a baking sheet with oil or line parchment. We put the cake, berries on it.
  9. The second part of the dough is rolled out more thinly and cut into strips.
  10. We twist the strips with flagella (this is much faster than rolling out the strips from the dough) and spread them on the berries in the form of a grid.
  11. Let it rise again, then smear the top with yolk and sprinkle with sugar and vanilla.
  12. We put in the oven for 20-25 minutes. Do not look into the oven for the first 15 minutes. You can look further carefully. When the top is browned, you can take it out. To make the bottom of the cake crispy, first place it not on a plate, but on a kitchen towel.
  13. We still have a syrup in which we soaked the berries, you can make compote from it. Do you have berries? I think yes. Dilute the syrup with water and put the berries in it, let it boil, put a little vanilla or mint for a twist - you get a delicious and very natural drink, familiar to many from childhood.

Bon appetit!

Video instruction on how to bake a cake quickly and easily

Banana pie in a slow cooker

In order to celebrate the New Year 2020 cheerfully and pleasantly, you must definitely look through our recipe with photos and cook a simple and tasty banana pie in a slow cooker, which will certainly cheer you and your loved ones up on a festive night.


  • Butter - 100 gr.;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Bananas - 2 pcs.;
  • Flour - 1.5 cups;
  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • Sour cream - 1/2 cup;
  • Chopped nuts - 1/2 cup;
  • Vanilla - 1 tsp;
  • Soda - 1 tsp

For cream:

  • Sour cream - 400 gr.;
  • Cottage cheese - 200 gr.;
  • Vanilla - 10 gr.;
  • Sugar - 150 gr.


  1. Peel bananas and mash with a fork.
  2. Melt the butter and pour sugar into it, mix thoroughly, add eggs, vanilla, sour cream. Mix again.
  3. Add flour with salt and soda to the dough, and then bananas and nuts, mix quickly, transfer to a multicooker pan, lightly brushing it with butter.
  4. Set the "baking" mode for an hour, after an hour, open the multicooker, check the readiness with a toothpick (the toothpick should come out of the cake clean).
  5. Leave the banana pie (in the slow cooker) on the "warming" mode until fully cooked, then turn the pie onto a dish, cover with another dish and turn over again. Ready-cooled banana pie, if desired, can be smeared with sour cream - curd cream or some other.
  6. Beat the chilled sour cream with a mixer with cottage cheese, sugar and vanilla. After the cream becomes homogeneous and thick, put it in the refrigerator for an hour. After this time, grease the cake with cream. Bon appetit!

Apple pie with a twist

For the test you will need:

  • 270 g flour;
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 125 g butter;
  • egg.

For the filling and decoration:

  • 600 g of sour apples;
  • 70 g of sugar;
  • 50 ml of any liquor;
  • 8 biscuit sticks or cookies;
  • egg yolk;
  • 40 g apricot jam.

Cooking method:

  1. Knead the dough, shape into a ball, then wrap in foil and refrigerate.
  2. Peel apples and cut into slices. Put in a bowl, add 20 g of sugar, pour over with liquor. After 30 minutes, put it on a sieve and collect the juice.
  3. Roll out the dough and then put it into a mold (the edges should hang down a little), prick with a fork.
  4. Sponge sticks crumble and pour on top.
  5. Lay the apples nicely on the dough and sprinkle with the remaining sugar.
  6. Trim the edge of the dough evenly. It should be 2 - 3 cm higher than the form. Wrap the edge inward and make decorative grooves with a knife or spoon.
  7. Brush the edge with a lightly beaten egg.
  8. Bake the cake for about 40 minutes in the oven.
  9. Mix apricot jam with liqueur drained from apples, heat a little and grease the still warm cake.
  10. Our advice: you can bake a closed apple pie in the same way. Sliced ​​apples boil in 1/2 cup water, 1/2 cup white wine with grated zest, cinnamon and 40 g sugar until soft. The liquid should evaporate completely, put 2/3 of the dough into a mold, sprinkle with biscuit crumbs, then lay out the filling. Drizzle with liqueur, sprinkle with raisins and nuts. Roll out the dough and place over the apples.
  11. Cut a small hole in the middle. Brush the top of the pie with beaten yolk. Bake for about 45 minutes in a preheated oven.

Ready apple pie can be sprinkled with powdered sugar!

Pie with cherries in a slow cooker

A pie with cherries in a slow cooker for the New Year 2020 turns out to be very lush and delicate in taste, which you are unlikely to soon forget.


  • Flour - 250 gr.;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Vegetable oil - 8 tbsp. l.;
  • Cherry - 300 gr.;
  • Sugar - 150 gr.;
  • Milk - 100 ml;
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp


  1. Beat eggs, gradually adding sugar.
  2. Without ceasing to beat, add part of the flour, vanilla, milk, vegetable oil. Then add the remaining flour and beat until the dough is thick, soft and without lumps.
  3. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with butter and, if desired, sprinkle the bottom with semolina, and then pour in the resulting dough. Put cherries on top, you can frozen.
  4. Turn on the Baking mode for 60-70 minutes (depending on power). The finished cake can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

The recipe for a cherry pie in a slow cooker is simple and will not take you much time to prepare. It turns out just as beautiful as in the photo.

To change the traditional apple pie a little and make it more festive, you can add cottage cheese to it and the dessert will sparkle with new colors, and you can pleasantly surprise all your relatives with a new dessert for the New Year 2020.

For test:

  • 170 g of cottage cheese;
  • 65 ml of milk;
  • 20 g vegetable oil;
  • 5 drops liquid concentrated stevia extract;
  • 170 g flour;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder.

For filling:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 350 g of cottage cheese;
  • 10 g liquid concentrated stevia extract;
  • 3 apples.

How to cook it:

  1. Mix the above ingredients into a smooth dough.
  2. Roll out the dough into a layer and line a baking dish with a diameter of about 23 cm.
  3. For the filling, rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, then add the eggs, stevia extract and mix.
  4. Pour the mixture into the mold over the dough.
  5. Wash the apples and, removing the cores with seeds, cut into eighths.
  6. Lay the apple slices on top of the curd filling, slightly drown.
  7. Bake in the oven for 35 minutes at 180°.

For 10-12 servings we will need:

  • 350 g butter, melt;
  • 225 ml of dessert wine, for example, "Muskatel";
  • 300 g of light cane sugar;
  • 4 large eggs;
  • 350 g flour + another 10 g;
  • 20 g baking powder;
  • 3 large handfuls of small seedless black grapes, cut in half
  • 150 g demerara sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Preheat oven to 180°C. Form, with a diameter of 23 cm, grease with butter and sprinkle with flour.
  2. Bring the wine to the boil in a saucepan and reduce to 85ml (about 12 minutes) and set aside.
  3. Whisk the softened butter, sugar and eggs in a bowl, then stir in the flour and baking powder.
  4. Add cooled wine and mix thoroughly.
  5. Transfer the resulting dough into the prepared form.
  6. Mix the grapes with 10 g of flour and sprinkle on the dough along with half of the demerara sugar.
  7. Bake for approximately 1 hour until golden brown.
  8. 10 minutes before done, sprinkle with the remaining demerara sugar and brown.
  9. The grapes will make this cake a little wet, so don't check for readiness with a skewer, just press down a little: if the dough easily restores its shape, it is baked.
  10. Serve the pie slightly warm. Bon appetit!

And finds many fun ways to do it. For example, in China (or in the USA - these two countries are constantly arguing about who was the first), fortune cookies were invented.

Before you eat a treat, you need to break the cookie into two parts - inside there will be a treasured piece of paper that will tell the secret of your future or help you make a decision.

We offer three simple ways to prepare magical sweets.

Recipe 1 (basic)

You will need:

  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 50 g sugar
  • 2 egg whites
  • vanillin

Step 1. Whisk the egg whites. Add sugar, flour, vanilla. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous dough is formed (consistency as for pancakes). We put in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. We heat the oven to 180 degrees. We cover the baking sheet with parchment.

Step 2 Pour one teaspoon of the mixture onto a baking sheet and level it with a spatula to circles with a diameter of 8 cm. It is better to do no more than four pieces at a time.

Step 3. Put the cookie sheet in the oven for 4-5 minutes. Make sure it doesn't burn. The tortillas should brown slightly around the edges. During this time, prepare predictions and a tea cup.

Step 4 We get a baking sheet. Wait 10 seconds and flip each cookie with a spatula. Now we put a piece of paper with a prediction on each “pancake”, fold the cookies in half, pinch the ends and “hang” on the cup - we get the shape we need. While the first cookies are cooling on the cup, load a new baking sheet.

Step 5 We bake cookies until the predictions run out. By the way, cookies can be dipped in chocolate, colored sprinkles or coconut flakes.

Recipe 2

You will need:

  • 2 egg whites
  • 1/3 cup sugar (powdered sugar)
  • 4 tablespoons butter
  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 tsp vanillin
  • a few drops of lemon juice

Step 1. Whisk the egg whites. Add sugar and continue beating egg whites until smooth. Add melted and chilled butter, flour, salt, vanillin and a couple of drops of lemon juice to the egg mass. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous dough is formed (as for pies). Preheat the oven to 160-170 degrees.

Step 2 We roll out the dough with a layer 3-4 mm thick. We cut out circles with a diameter of about 8 cm. We put a note with a prediction in the very center of the circle. Fold the dough in half so that the note is inside. In a straight line of the resulting semicircle, bend the dough in half again.

Recipe 3

You will need:

  • 2 egg whites
  • 4 tsp water
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon starch
  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 3 art. l. vegetable oil
  • vanillin
  • 1/4 tsp salt

Step 1. Beat the whites (to start for 10 seconds), then add vanilla and vegetable oil. Continue whisking until the mixture begins to foam slightly.

Step 2 Pour sugar, starch, salt, flour into the second bowl, add water. Use a mixer to get a homogeneous mass.

Step 3 Continuing to beat slowly, pour in the egg whites. The result should be a fairly thick mixture. At this time, preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

Step 4 Lubricate the baking paper with butter, spread the dough on the paper with a spoon. Bake for approximately 10 minutes.

Step 5 Insert the fortune cookie into the cookie, using the rim of the mug to shape the cookie into the desired shape (see Recipe 1).

Step 6 Arrange folded cookies in a muffin tin and bake for another 5-10 minutes. Ready!

48 prediction ideas from the site portal

We decided a little and came up with almost five dozen magical predictions that you can put in your cookies. There are only good forecasts and wishes here: we know that such a small note can inspire new achievements or just

Greetings to all readers, the new year is approaching and housewives are starting to prepare for the big holiday. A lot of things need to be prepared on the table and today we want to talk about holiday pies. Let's try to please the upcoming symbol of the new year.

Baking always looks beautiful on the table. I immediately remember my childhood, when my mother and grandmother prepared goodies for the New Year, including cookies, cakes and various pies.

Someone cooks traditional pies that the whole family likes, and someone likes to experiment and cook something new, there are a lot of recipes, and if you also make a New Year's decoration, then it turns out just a fairy tale.

We offer you some simple and very tasty recipes for delicious pies for the New Year, we hope you enjoy it and you can choose something to your liking.

An amazing cake that the kids love. It prepares without problems and quickly. It is especially important when there is little time left before the holiday, and there is still a lot to prepare.

We will need:

  • Flour - 200 g;
  • Sugar - 200 g;
  • Butter - 110 g;
  • Sour cream - 130 g;
  • Egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Banana - 2 pcs.;
  • Cocoa - 30 g;
  • Soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • Lemon acid.

For glaze:

  • Butter - 30-50 g;
  • Dark chocolate - 100-200 g.

First of all, mix sugar, sour cream and butter, beat with a mixer. Sour cream turned out to be about 4 tablespoons and a pack of butter was divided into 4 parts, we use 3, and leave the fourth for glaze.

Beat sugar, butter and sour cream

Then add the eggs and beat again with a mixer. You should get such a homogeneous mass:

Now add soda slaked with lemon juice. To do this, directly on a spoon with soda, drip lemon juice and add to the dough, stir with a spoon.

Then sift in the flour and sift in the cocoa powder. We beat everything with a mixer until a homogeneous mass.

dough is ready

And while you can cut bananas into rings, not very thick, but not thin.

Slicing bananas

Now grease our mold with butter. It can also be vegetable, but creamy is better, then the cake does not stick strongly to the mold.

Pour our dough into it and lay our bananas on top, melting a little.

We send it to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for 55 minutes. We check readiness with a toothpick or a match.

When ready, take out our cake and transfer to a plate. We let him cool down.

this is how the cake turned out

While the cake is cooling, we melt the chocolate with butter in a water bath.

It took us about 200 grams of chocolate, we break it into pieces.

Everything happens quickly enough, do not forget to stir constantly.

When ready, we spread our icing on the cake, it turns out something like this:

Then let the cake cool down and you can serve it to the table, bon appetit.

Snack pie "Yolochka".

A very simple cake, but beautiful. Looks great on a holiday table. You can use any filling, at your discretion, but today we will do it with smoked brisket.


  • Puff pastry - 300 g;
  • Smoked brisket - 200 g;
  • Onion - 1 pc;
  • Milk - 1 tablespoon;
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.

First, prepare the filling, for this we cut all the ingredients into cubes and fry in a pan. Start with the onion, until golden brown, then add the breast. A couple of minutes and remove from the fire. Transfer to a separate bowl and let cool.

You can cook absolutely any filling that you like best.

In the meantime, we separate the protein from the yolk, the yolk is useful, put it aside. Protein will glue the details of the Christmas tree. Shake it up a bit with a fork.

Now we take puff pastry, if you have it in one layer, then just take 1/3 and roll it into a rectangle. We have small pieces, so we immediately cut out such rectangles from them. We need 4 of them.

like this, there are 4 triangles

See the dimensions of the Christmas tree for yourself, if the layer is large, then you can cut out two large triangles at once.

Now prepare a baking sheet and lay parchment on it. We start from the bottom of the Christmas tree. To do this, take two triangles and lay them out in the form of a Christmas tree. We connect together, smearing the junction with protein. We connect and press.

connect two triangles by lubricating the joint with protein

We cut out a leg from the dough and glue it in the same way at the bottom of the Christmas tree.

Now spread the filling on top and leave the edges. We coat them with protein.

coat the edges

We put the second triangle (glued) on top and press the edges.

Top second triangle

Now we cut the strips, it is better to do this with a pizza cutter, it is more convenient. We leave the middle not cut through, as in the photo and the strips are not very thin.

Making cuts

Now twist the strips. From below we do about three twists and from above two or even one, look at the situation.

We still have to glue an asterisk on top, cut it out of dough and glue on top.

Now add a tablespoon of milk to the yolk and mix until smooth. They grease our Christmas tree from above.

We send our cake to the oven, heated to 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes, depending on your oven.

When ready, we take out and, while hot, grease the top with melted butter.

Let cool, you can decorate with more berries or something else tasty and serve, bon appetit.

Meat pie for the New Year "Pig".

Here is another simple recipe for a suitable pie for the New Year. It is made from yeast dough, and you can also take any filling you like.

We can say that these are a kind of simple pies, only larger and made in the form of a pig. You can choose any size of your pie, or you can even make a composition from different sizes of pig pies, below I will present a couple of photos.

By the way, you can do it not only in the form of a pig, but also in the form of a mouse, in honor of the symbol of the new year.

We will need:

  • Yeast dough;
  • Egg (for brushing)
  • Any filling (the volume depends on the amount of dough), we have minced meat fried with onions and carrots.

You can take any yeast dough, we have left after pizza, for example, you can make dough according to the following recipes:

First, cut off part of the dough from the total mass. These will be the ears, tail and heels. Cut off by eye.

Roll out the rest into a circle, but not very thin.

Then, on a prepared baking sheet, greased with oil or lined with parchment, put our cake with the seam down and shape the body of a pig.

From the left piece of dough we make ears, a tail and a patch. Attached to our pig.

We also make holes in the heel - nostrils. They can be made with a toothpick or a match.

We made eyes from peppercorns.

Let the piglet stand like this for 10 minutes, then send it to the oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for about 30 minutes.

Then we take it out, beat the egg and coat our pig pie on top. Then we send it back to the oven for 5-10 minutes. After that, the cake is ready, as it cools down, you can serve it to the table.

In addition, you can decorate our cake in different ways, there are many options, for example like this:

Bon appetit!

Pancake pie "New Year's Tale" (video).

To be honest, we have not cooked such a pie ourselves yet, but we did something similar. We will definitely make such a miracle and share our impressions with you, and invite you to try this amazing cake.

It is prepared in a very original way and looks beautiful on the festive table, those who cook it, be sure to write your impressions in the comments.

New Year's Greek pie "Vasilopita".

Amazing orange taste, it goes well with the new year, be sure to please your family with such a delicious pie.

It is also considered a tradition to put a coin in the cake when cooking, and the one who finds it (eat carefully))))) will be happy all year.


  • Flour - 1 kg;
  • Baking powder - 50 g;
  • Sugar - 400 g;
  • Egg - 2 pcs;
  • Butter - 400 g;
  • Orange juice - 200 ml;
  • Orange - 1 pc;
  • Cranberries - 400 g;
  • Walnut - 400 g;
  • Salt - a pinch.

In a separate bowl, mix dry ingredients - flour, salt and baking powder. We mix everything thoroughly.

In another bowl, mix sugar and softened butter, beat with a mixer until smooth.

Break the eggs, send them to a bowl, beat thoroughly until airy.

In the resulting mixture, we send flour in small portions. We grind, avoiding the formation of lumps and not mixed mass. The dough should be crumbly.

Now we rub the lemon zest on a fine grater and send it to the dough together with the juice, mix thoroughly.

Walnuts must be crushed with a knife or slightly crushed in a mortar. Check beforehand that there are no shell fragments.

If you are using frozen cranberries, it is best to thaw them first. Thawed cranberries, chopped nuts are sent to the dough. Mix and prepare the baking dish.

We set the temperature in the oven to 180 degrees, send the cake to bake for 1 hour.

After baking, the cake should turn out to be quite voluminous. Sprinkle with non-melting icing sugar on top! It will turn out a very beautiful effect of winter snow. Well, you can dream up a little and decorate, for example, with powder.

That's it, bon appetit and happy new year.

Pie "Christmas star" from yeast dough.

This appetizer pie is similar to the Christmas tree pie, the principle is the same, but instead of the filling, we use chocolate or nut paste, it also turns out very beautiful and tasty.

We will need:

  • Flour - 5 glasses;
  • Egg - 2 pcs;
  • Milk - 1 glass;
  • Butter - 180 g;
  • Sugar - 1/2 cup;
  • Quick yeast - 11 g;
  • Chocolate or nut paste - 200 g;
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon.

The dough must be prepared in advance, because. it should lie in the cold for at least 8 hours. By volume, it is enough for two pies.

Dissolve salt, sugar, softened butter, eggs in warm milk, add sifted flour and instant yeast. We knead the dough.

We wrap it in a bag or cling film and put it in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours. In texture, it resembles plasticine - as it should be.

We take out the dough, let it warm up and divide the dough into 4 equal parts.

Each roll out 4 mm thick into a circle. Lay it on baking parchment. Grease with paste.

We lay the second cake on top, also grease it with chocolate paste. We do this with all cakes, except for the last one, it does not need to be lubricated.

Now we find the center of the circle, mark it with a circle with a glass. We divide the circle into four equal parts, moving from the glass to the edges. Now we divide each part into four equal parts. It turned out 16 strips.

We take two adjacent ones, twist them in opposite directions and connect the bases in pairs, twist the upper corner down. Thus we act with all parts.

Top with yolk and bake for 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

When ready, we take out our pie, grease it with melted butter and let it cool, when ready, you can serve it on the table. Bon appetit!

Delicious pie for the New Year "Zebra".

Quite recently we saw this recipe and tried to cook it, it turns out very tasty, and most importantly, there are not many ingredients and it is very easy to prepare. Turning on the fantasy, you can beautifully decorate with powder in the New Year's style, I advise you to cook it.


  • Egg - 5 pcs;
  • Cocoa - 1 tablespoon;
  • Butter - 100 g;
  • Sugar - 200 g;
  • Sour cream - 200 g;
  • Baking powder - 1 sachet;
  • Flour - 2 cups.

Beat eggs with sugar until foamy and sugar dissolves.

Soften the butter and add to the egg mass. Add sour cream and flour mixed with baking powder here. The resulting mass must be diligently and thoroughly knead. It should turn out to be of medium density, like pancakes, even thinner.

We divide the whole mass into two equal parts, in different bowls. Add cocoa to one part and mix thoroughly.

Grease a baking dish with oil. In the center, with a tablespoon, pour a little white mixture, pour dark on top.

So continue to the top until the dough runs out.

Now that all the dough is in place, you need to make a beautiful pattern in layers. For example, such as in the photo.

Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Bake the dessert for about 30-40 minutes.

When ready, you can cover with icing on top, for every taste and decorate with bright powder on a New Year's theme.

Dessert is ready, bon appetit.

Mandarin pie cupcake for the New Year (video).

This pie is simply amazing, sweet and very beautiful, we offer you to cook a delicious tangerine pie for the new year, you will not regret it. And it's very easy to prepare.

We hope you enjoyed our small selection of holiday cakes, leave your comments below and join us in Odnoklassniki.

Bye bye everyone and see you soon.

Based on materials from sites: kopilpremudrosti.ru; vkusno-gotovit.ru; garim-parim.ru.

Pies for the New Year 2020 - simple and delicious ideas for the festive table. updated: November 16, 2019 by: Subbotin Pavel

Hello! I saw here in contact the idea of ​​a gift for the new year. I downloaded a file with 365 predictions, printed the truth on plain paper, cut it into strips, twisted it into rolls and tied it with colorful ribbons. I decorated the lid and jar with ribbon, tinsel, beads, sequins. It was not possible to print the label from the original, because she herself made it close to the original and here is the result.

I apologize for the quality of the photos, I didn’t want the camera to work

And this is a top view of the lid and the jar box

Here is a list of predictions, I slightly corrected it by replacing some predictions:

Such a sun can only have everything

depends on you!

Are you moving towards a better life?

situations. This applies to both deeds and ideas.

There seems to be an obstacle in your way, but

delay may be favorable

think about health

Strong hugs await you

Ahead - a gentle kiss

You are lucky! So be humble

Don't get too relaxed

Come to the chief from the left foot - and you are waiting for


Smile always! And no one will call you

gloomy person. Be quiet! And no one

call it boring.

Beware of the bald

Life is about to take a big turn

Today is the best day for you! Like all


You are on the right track.

Having conquered one mountain, start storming

A surge of energy will help you deal with

a large amount of unplanned work.

Accept what you cannot change and you

you will feel better.

Nature, time and patience are the three great physicians.

It's time to act!

May the world be filled with peace and


Working with new partners will be very


Work on diplomatic

abilities - they are very useful for

implementation of ideas.


Romance will move you in a new direction.

From now on, your kindness will lead you to

Today is going to be a beautiful day for you.

Measure seven times, cut once!

Listen to everyone. Ideas come from everywhere.

Nightingales are not fed with fables.

Focus on family and harmony with

the surrounding world.

A happy life is right in front of you.

Now it's time to try something

Patience! You are almost there.

He who knows is rich enough.

Do what your soul and body asks for

He who does not expect gratitude will never

will be disappointed.

Good luck guides you through all the hard times.

Pay special attention to old friendships.

Physical activity will greatly improve

your outlook on life today.

Good time to finish the old


Good news will come to you in the mail.

Well done is better than well said.

Even though some try to stop you, you

you will still achieve your goals.

Man is never old to learn. New

knowledge will bring you success.

Whatever is done - all for the better.

Do what you must, and come what may.

This is the time to move. your mood

will improve.

You have to consider the unexpected


Don't give up and get what you want

Someone needs your support

If you want to be successful, you must look

just like you have it.

Best the enemy of the good.

The most ridiculous desire is to be liked by everyone.

What we ask for is what we receive.

The only difference between the winner and the loser is

that rises one time more than

Remember that every day is the first in the rest

parts of life.

In life there is the main thing and not the main thing, but we often

we waste energy on trifles.

Not as good as I wanted, but not as bad either.

how could it be!

The other side of the crisis is new opportunities.

When God closes a door, he opens a window

A journey of a thousand miles starts from the first

Never be afraid to do what you can't.

Remember, the ark was built by an amateur.

Professionals built the Titanic!

It's better to regret what you did than what you did


Whoever stands still goes backwards.

What is not done, everything is for the better.

No one is defeated until they recognize

himself defeated.

The fight is always justified if you know what


The main thing is not to forget the main thing. And then you forget

the main thing, and this is the main thing!

Don't be a hero until they call you.

These people and these events of your life turned out to be

here because you yourself brought them here. That,

Never ask anyone for anything, especially those

who is stronger than you - they themselves will come and give everything

Only fools get lucky once. Smart lucky

Evil is not in what enters the mouth of a man, but in

what comes out of them.

Do what you can with what you have

where you are now.

will happen.

Today, that tomorrow has just come, about which

you were worried yesterday.

There are no hopeless situations: even if you were eaten,

you have at least two choices.

If you were born without wings, don't disturb them

A dog has so many friends because it wags.

tail, not tongue

You are unique, just like everyone else.

Love your enemies... that will surely lead them to


There are no hopeless situations. Usually way out

is where the entrance is.

It’s not enough to know your worth - you still need to use it

You are blown by the wind of wanderings.

Be carefull!

Wait for change.

Don't miss important news.

Wait for the budget replenishment.

Be careful on the road.

The stars are favorable to you.

Make time for your home.

You are waiting for a meeting with an important person.

Lead an ordinary life in an extraordinary way.

Do not look for external enemies: to understand that

hinders your development, look inside

Be attentive to the clues of fate.

If the well is clogged, then it's time to


Winning comes from what you owe

breake down.

It's time to end the old and start the new.

If you do not want serious shocks,

analyze your attitude towards your own


Let go of your past: it has exhausted itself.

Don't expect too much and don't overthink

end result.

Explore your shadow sides; understand that

attracts unhappiness into your life.

Finish what you started.

Be patient and if the decision is yours

That's right, the universe will support him.

Don't get emotional.

Take a look at your health.

Enjoy your luck and share it with

the people around you.

Don't expect quick results.

Important news will come very soon.

Be persistent in the battle with your own


Your energy is draining due to thoughtless or

untimely action.

Go with the flow of life without judgment and

trying to understand her.

Do not overestimate your strength: it can

lead to stress.

Events are completely out of your control.

Think and don't rush into action.

It's time to act, even if from you

you need to jump into the void.

Do not stubbornly exercise your will

a life that until now has been a mystery

Be alert and avoid trouble.

If you take the initiative, success will not

will make you wait.

Your hopes and plans will come true beyond all


The problem is not where you think.

Someone is trying to interfere or harm

Everything is the will of God: to influence the situation is not in

Your power!

The answer to your question has something to do with

a man, perhaps well known to you.

Something new will come into your life

greatly affect your personality.

Take a close look at your

surroundings: someone can take you to the very

decisive moment.

You hope not in vain!

The result of your actions may be


Time will dry all tears and heal all wounds.

You will finally be able to unlock the rusty

What you strive for is not worth your

The main characteristic of the current situation


The offer that will be made to you, you will not

Forward and only forward: the case that you

think it's right!

Alone you cannot cope with your


From sowing grain to reaping must pass

Wait a little, and the next day

will bring you unexpected long-awaited

You were aiming for a long time, but you made a mistake. Your

shot hit the wrong animal. However, this is your

booty, just try your best

appreciate it.

The storm is raging around. But in your house

cozy and warm.

To not feel very lonely

help others reach the top as well.

A better chance awaits you soon.

The more you hunt for the big ones

Stop thinking about wealth often and it will

will surely come to you

Show your pride less and be

careful in actions.

The “seed” you sowed a year ago will sprout at

waning moon. Harvest is expected

rich, most importantly, make sure that no one


People have repeatedly unsuccessfully tried to kindle

fire. You came and the long-awaited fire

flashed instantly - here it is, the hour has come

your triumph.

You have cared for the tree long and hard, and

finally, it gave many fruits. His branches

bend under their unbearable weight -

it's time to harvest the well-deserved harvest.

The one who in the coming days will make you

nice gift first, knows about you almost

All. It is he who will lead you through the long, difficult

path, but you can only reach its end

You have become an obstacle to someone's dream.

Step aside carefully

consider your dream - it is next to you.

He who does not expect gratitude will never

will be disappointed

Soon you will get rid of the bad habit and

get two new ones.

Soon you will find yourself in a magical cave with

treasures. Be smart, don't take

everything - take exactly as much as you can

carry away. But give half, by all means,

You are lost in a deep, dark forest.

Look around you - a man who,

will certainly help you get out, is

very close to you at a distance of your

outstretched hand.

Open up and let the light into that part of your

life, which until now has been a mystery.

Whatever you heartily give to others will come back to you.

you doubly.

The dawn is coming, for which many are waiting

of people. But only you can catch the first

joyful sunshine. Lucky - you

live to be 100 years old!

You are sitting on the seashore, but for some reason not

You can take a deep, full breath.

Take courage: and then luck will come to

you from magical countries.

Your soul mate thinks you're awesome

With great love you will be turned to the stormy

Something exciting awaits you

Carried away by feelings, you won't feel

his age

You will meet with your soul mate

Your soul mate will help you in everything

household chores

Your partner will show you their feelings

A romantic trip awaits you

first class

A special morning awaits you

You will be immensely happy

Something special awaits you

You will smell the scent of love

You will live without looking back

Your soulmate will not strictly judge you for

Your wrongdoings

you are the perfect couple

Ladies and gentleman - your roles this year

Many magical moments await you for solitude

A romantic dinner awaits you

Something cute and naughty awaits you...

Emotions will overwhelm you

An extraordinary trip awaits you

Trust your intuition, the more you will

think, the less you will understand

You will see your soul mate in everything

Something exciting awaits you both

A romantic walk awaits you

You will understand who is the love of your life

Something seductive awaits you

A homemade surprise awaits you

You will be in each other's heart

You should change your outlook on life

A responsible conversation awaits you

Someone is very concerned about your feelings and

Your spouse will invest everything in you

You will see everything with every glance

Many things will become clear to you

You will get answers to your questions

You will be warmed by the warmth of a loved one

You are at the start of something new

Together you will open a new chapter

You will receive a good sign

The world of a loved one will revolve around

You Can Easily Handle Relationship Complications

You will be inundated with gifts

Don't be afraid to fantasize what your

living together

A joint sports holiday awaits you

Your life will not be boring

Everything in your life will be for two

Someone will sacrifice their dream for yours

With your soul mate you will have more fun than with

someone else

A hurricane of emotions awaits you

Someone will take very good care of you

Confessions of love are waiting for you

Take photos together

The house will be the most comfortable place

Your soul mate will be the best support for you and


You will be the helmsman of the relationship

You don't have to collect heart pieces

You will be the perfect couple

Love will warm you from the inside

Emotions and feelings are the best cure for despondency

Love, love, love - that's what should be the main thing for you now

For your soul mate - you are something special

You will have someone to fool around with

Write a wish list

Your romantic dreams will come true

Catch a thousand kisses

waiting for an amazing reward

Someone is looking for a way to your heart

A chance meeting awaits you

You have to make the biggest bet in

of your life

You will shine brighter than the stars

You are in for a luxurious vacation.

Catch air kisses...

Wait for an unusual declaration of love

Take a closer look at your


Thoughts of love will help you move mountains

Someone is looking forward to meeting you

Crazy fun awaits you

Don't exaggerate other people's mistakes

You will choose with your heart, not your mind

Wait for a romantic phone call

you will miss someone

Look at life from a different angle

The worst is over

Some problems remain, and solve them

better not alone

Concentrate all your strength on the realization of the main

Do not rush things - it will bring harm

Events are developing rapidly. Trust

their course

Don't change your course.

In love, you are currently subject to

a lot of things.

Don't be afraid of obstacles, they will make a difference

even sweeter.

Less complaints!

Avoid quarrels.

Don't deviate from your principles.

You are full of energy and in love you can move mountains.

Get important advice from others

Don't chase profit.

Do not limit your freedom, otherwise in your personal

life will be chaotic.

You have to make concessions. Forget old grudges

It's time for updates.

There is a lull in your life so far, but ahead

rise is expected.

Communication is needed more than ever.

You are at the cherished goal or very close to it.

Decide on your desires

A joyful event awaits you, but you need

be as friendly as possible.

Only well-thought-out plans will come true.

Appreciate what you already have.

The fulfillment of a cherished desire is already close.

Try not to take hasty

decisions - clarity will come soon.

It does not hurt to seek advice from the wise

and experienced person.

You are on your way to the top of a relationship.

Show courage and determination.

Make smarter plans!

Your slogan is patience and no haste.

Soon there will be a person who will help you.

If you follow the chosen direction,

the result will exceed all expectations.

A very good time to implement your

Take your desires seriously


Thoughts are more realistic.

Appreciate what may disappear

Give half of yourself to your loved one

Help your soul mate in work matters

You are made for each other

You will be thrown into the heat of feelings and emotions

Don't let stress dampen passion

Always be on the side of your loved one

Forget about the past and new doors will open

Don't let your relationship stagnate

Defeat yourself first, and then the enemies. How

can control others who does not control himself?

Ornament of a person - wisdom, decoration

wisdom - calmness, decoration of calmness

Courage, the adornment of courage is softness.

The teachers open the door. You enter yourself.

You can lead a camel to the water, but you can't

make him drink.

Lush foliage in those trees that have roots


He who treads softly will go far on

your way.

"It's better to light a small candle than a lifetime

curse the darkness"

"To learn how to run, you must first

learn to walk."

The wise walk without leaving a trace

High towers are measured in length

the shadow they cast, great people -

the number of envious people.

Today you confess your love.

Worth a boat going against the current

stop, as it immediately carries back.

A near neighbor is better than a distant relative

Don't do to others what you don't want to do

Direct words are unpleasant to hear, but they

promote the right actions; good

the medicine tastes bitter, but it helps

There will be minor conversations.

In the end - happiness.

Don't take medicine. There will be joy.

Stick to who you follow.

Don't take loss or loss to heart


With the truth, you will go the right way

Rise up to the royal court

You will make your dwelling plentiful.

You are on the right track! Do not stop!

You hope not in vain!

Your goal is achievable!

Success will come if you don't listen to anyone

Act in accordance not with the old

right for yourself.

Be patient and if your decision is right

The universe will support him.

Focus on the present.

Trust what happens to you.

Unexpected news awaits you.

Look in the mirror and you will see a charming


Tomorrow you will brush your teeth.

Everything will be fine!

Do something useful!

If you don't believe in yourself, you won't start anything. A

if nothing starts, then nothing

will happen.

Remember, there is always tomorrow.

Pay attention to the beauty around you

You are unique - remember that!

Don't miss important news.

Wait for the budget replenishment.

The stars are favorable to you.

Make time for your home.

You are waiting for a meeting with an important person.

Think not only of yourself, but also of others.

Drop doubts.

Do not deviate from the chosen path.

There may be surprises.

Rethink your decision.

Only if you are collected and focused,

you will succeed both in business and at home.

To survive, stock up on strong threads


Brilliant prospects promise you this day.

Don't even try to calculate plans for

coming week! Still she will


Aunty will smile at you with a white-toothed smile

Today you will receive a worthy reward for

your courage.

At work and at home, everything will turn out very

successfully. Both colleagues and family members will be able to

to appreciate your extraordinary


Today is the best day for you! Like all


At work, everything is in your favor.

After the rain the sun shines brighter

Encourage your little weaknesses - allow yourself

have fun!

Today you will be, more than ever, inimitable! And on the spot you will defeat the opposite

Try to please your partner more often

cute gifts and nice


Beautiful will open before you

opportunities to climb the career ladder.

Most importantly, be decisive! Otherwise you will miss

lucky chance.

If you pay more attention to the second

half, your relationship will be simple


Do not relax! Lucky case

will turn up, if only you will not be lazy.

Work at full strength, and then you will find

well-deserved award.

The day is conducive to work, but not to excessive


What was previously not possible, can suddenly

get moving.

Creative energy combined with

pragmatic approach can give

results that will make you feel

inner satisfaction and positive

What cake to cook for the New Year and Christmas? We present recipes for a popular, long-loved holiday baking - cakes and pies. In our collection there are very simple New Year and Christmas recipes, thanks to which you do not have to stand in the kitchen for a long time.

Traditional German pastry for Christmas made from shortcrust pastry; filling of vanilla curd and sweet apples. The top of the cake is covered with meringue.

Delicious pie for the holidays - with apples, custard and nuts.

3. Apple pie from curd dough

Delicious pigtail pie made from yeast-free dough mixed with cottage cheese.

4. Apple crumble

This apple pie is for those who do not have the opportunity to mess around with pastries for a long time. No need to knead the dough. First, apples are laid out in a mold, then butter crumbs. Bake for 20 minutes.

5. Honey cake with lemon cream

A festive New Year's table deserves the most magnificent pastries - such as this honey cake with lemon cream.

Amazing beauty and taste sponge cake. Berries are suitable both fresh and frozen.

7. Meringue pie with prunes

The festive recipe consists of a flour cake, a layer of prunes and meringue air cream.

8. Chocolate meringue cake with nuts

The festive cake consists of crumbly chocolate cakes, airy meringue, chopped nuts. The sourness of the cranberries balances out the sweetness of the cake.

9. Oatmeal pie with curd cream

The pie consists of a crumbly cake and an air curd cream.

10. New Year's honey biscuit

The biscuit for the cake is prepared with the addition of honey, the cream is made from boiled condensed milk, butter and nuts.

Yeast-free dough pie on sour cream with berries and meringue.

The dough for the roll is very simple and surprisingly tasty - the crumb in the finished product is porous, with a creamy taste. The filling can be prepared from jam, jam, butter cream.

13. Apple pie with lingonberry jam


16. Puff pastry cake with strawberries

Ready-made dough and condensed milk for cream are used.

17. Christmas tree cookies

Airy, crumbly, with a creamy taste, unobtrusive notes of ginger - a New Year's cookie-delicacy for the Christmas tree.
