
How can you grease waffle cakes. Cooking waffle cake with sour cream

Wafer cake is one of the quick and delicious cakes. But its taste completely depends on the cream. I offer a recipe for cream for waffle cakes - tender, tasty. The cake is just amazing.


  • Boiled condensed milk - 350 grams
  • Honey - three tablespoons
  • Softened butter - 350 grams
  • Shortbread cookies - 200 grams. Cookies are better to take with the taste of baked milk
  • Milk - four tablespoons

Preparation of cream for waffle cakes

Grind the cookies into very fine crumbs using a food processor or immersion blender.

Butter must be kept at room temperature for several hours. Then it is convenient to work with him. Whip the butter into a fluffy foam using a mixer or immersion blender. Add honey to the butter and beat again.

Continuing to beat, add condensed milk in parts. Whisk until fluffy each time.

Sprinkle crushed cookies. Mix well until smooth.

Boil milk and cool. Add to cream. Mix. The cream should turn out to the consistency of thick sour cream.

Recipes for making cakes at home with photos

waffle cake

30 minutes

340 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Waffle comes from the German word “Waffel”, which means “cell” or “honeycomb”. Indeed, wafer cakes look like honeycombs.

This dessert is very easy to prepare and requires a minimum of time and ingredients. Even a child can handle it. By the way, you can involve the kids in the cooking process, because the dish is always tastier if cooked with your own hands. In our family, I usually whip the cream for a waffle cake, and the child spreads the cakes: this is how the child joins cooking at home. So, let's move on to the recipe.

Kitchen appliances and utensils: mixer, bowls, ladle, dish, long knife.

Required Products

How to make waffle cake at home.

Now let's take a look at the cooking process step by step. It would seem that this dessert can be difficult. But I myself was once a novice cook, so I know perfectly well how exciting it is to cook something for the first time, even if it is a very simple dish. Therefore, in my recipes, I try to paint everything in great detail.

cream recipe

Cream for waffle cakes is very easy to prepare and consists of only two ingredients - butter and boiled condensed milk. We take the butter out of the refrigerator in advance and let it lie down at room temperature for a couple of hours.
It should become very soft. Then we shift it into a deep bowl, add boiled condensed milk.

Condensed milk was patented in 1856 by the American G. Borden.

First, mix everything thoroughly with a spoon, and then beat with a mixer at high speed for a couple of minutes. Cream is ready!
If you want more cream in the waffle cake, you can add ordinary condensed milk to it, about half a can.

Now let's start assembling the cake. To do this, we need a flat dish or cutting board and a long knife with which we will spread the cream. Wafer cakes are usually sold in packs of 6 pieces; in this recipe, the calculation of the cream was made from this amount. The cream is visually divided into 5 parts, because. We will not spread the top cake. So, put the first cake on a dish, spread a portion of the cream on it and spread it evenly over the entire surface.

Make sure the edges are well sealed. If the cream is not smeared to the brim, the cake will be dry in these places.

We put the second cake on top, press it down a little and also grease it with cream. We do this procedure with all the cakes.
In principle, a cake made from ready-made wafer cakes with condensed milk is ready. But I will show you how to make it even more appetizing and delicious.

How to beautifully decorate and serve a waffle cake

For decoration, we need a chocolate bar. You can choose to your taste: bitter, milky or even white. We take a small ladle, fill it with water and put it on fire - this will be our water bath. Next, we need a shallow bowl of a size that can be placed on top of the ladle. Grind chocolate into it and set to heat in a water bath. Stir continuously with a spatula until all the chocolate is melted.

You can add a small piece of butter to the melted chocolate, then the icing will shine beautifully.

Further, everything is simple: we take our cake and dip its sides in melted chocolate.
You know, in this regard, a waffle cake with boiled condensed milk has undeniable advantages. Indeed, in decorating any cake, the most difficult thing is to coat the sides. It is always inconvenient and troublesome. Everything is simple here! Due to the fact that the cakes are initially dry and hard, we simply take our workpiece in our hands and dip it into the icing. Then return to the dish and cover the top of the cake with the remaining chocolate.

Next, chop the nuts. You can take whatever you like best. In this case, I used walnuts. And also grind corn flakes, they will add a delicious crunch to our dessert. Mix nuts and cereal, then sprinkle on top of the cake.
You need to do everything quickly enough, until the glaze is frozen. For beginners, I recommend preparing the decor in advance to decorate the cake immediately after icing.

Of course, you want to try the cake immediately after cooking, but you need to be patient and put it in the refrigerator for several hours, and preferably at night. Thus, wafer cakes with condensed milk are well soaked and the cake will be even tastier.

There is one more little tip. I often hear that no cake can be made without a mixer, so people who do not have such utensils do not even start making homemade desserts. I hasten to please you that cream for homemade waffle cake can be prepared without this unit.

We do not need special splendor, we just need to carefully combine the components. Suitable blender with a nozzle or a hand whisk. At worst, you can just mix well with a spoon. I promise this won't change the taste of the cake!

waffle cake video recipe

In this video you can see all the steps of preparation. For beginners, video recipes are always useful. For example, here you can clearly see what consistency the cream should be, and one of the options for decorating the cake is also presented.

Waffle cake from ready-made cakes is a very simple recipe.

Waffle cake made from ready-made cakes is a great addition to tea drinking. Crispy, tasty, light and at the same time quick to prepare. This recipe uses ready-made wafer cakes and a cream of boiled condensed milk and butter. Top the cake with melted chocolate and sprinkle with chopped nuts. We put the prepared waffle cake in the refrigerator overnight so that it is well soaked. The next morning it can already be served on the table, for tea. Bon appetit!

Waffle cake with condensed milk after cooking can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time (7 days exactly), since its cream contains only condensed milk and butter. Delight your loved ones with such a dessert more often, and they will definitely thank you for it!

#Waffle Cake Cake #Cake # Cake Recipe # Waffle Cake Recipes # Waffle Cake



Invitation to discussion and possible improvements

Please ask questions and also share your waffle cakes by posting photos. Perhaps you have your own cooking secrets or unusual design ideas. I look forward to your comments!

If you want to please your loved ones with a delicious dessert, while not making any special effort during cooking, make a waffle cake with delicious cream.

Preparing a cake is very easy. Every culinary specialist can cope with this task.

If earlier the wafer layers were smeared exclusively with boiled condensed milk, now you can even make an exquisite cream for a wafer cake, as in the photo.

The variety of toppings is impressive. This will be discussed in this article.

A bit of history

For the first time, waffles became known back in ancient Greece.

The secret of their preparation was kept secret for a long time, but the restless confectioners still managed to unravel the original method of preparation and created a lot of its variations.

It is not surprising that today there is a huge number of pastries for every taste.

What kind of cream to use for waffle cakes is up to you. Choose a recipe from my article, grease the cakes, but do not forget that the cake must be infused before serving.

Sour cream for wafer cake dessert

This method of preparing a dessert from ready-made waffle cakes will allow you to make a delicious treat for an unexpected tea party at home in a short time.

Dessert is prepared as quickly and simply as possible, but this does not negatively affect the taste of the treat.

The cream is airy and soft. But there is another plus - it is made on the basis of affordable products.

Components: 500 gr. sour cream with 20% fat; 1 tsp van. Sahara; 150 gr. sugar powders; a pack of ready-made cakes.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I mix sour cream in a bowl and send it to a saucepan full of ice or ice water.
  2. Let stand for 20 minutes and beat with a mixer at minimum speed. You need to get a thick foam.
  3. I mix the ingredients. I bring sah. powder, I only advise you to sift it through a sieve in advance.
  4. I grease the cakes and decorate the cake at my discretion. For example, you can grate a chocolate bar on top, as in the photo.

That's it, the cream is ready. The sour cream filling will not be stable, and it cannot be stored for a long time, and therefore, after preparing the filling, you need to smear the cakes and invite your family to the table!

Cream "Pyatiminutka" for waffle desserts

Very interesting cream. It is perfect for cake assembly. It is sweet, tasty and tender. In 5 minutes, the waffle cake cream will be ready.

You can even make it colorful. Just spread the cream in different bowls, then drop food into them. dye. This cake design is perfect for a children's party.

Components: 250 gr. sl. oils; 1 st. condensed milk; 1 tsp van. Sahara.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Sl. I take the butter out of the refrigerator so that it is soft.
  2. I put it in a bowl and beat with a mixer at the highest speed of the device. The mass must be white. In the event that the mixer is not at home, you can work with a whisk. Only then get ready for the fact that you will have to make great efforts.
  3. When sl. the butter will turn white, you need to introduce condensed milk a little bit. Introduced 1 tbsp. condensed milk, slaughtered the mass, etc.
  4. I beat until the cream becomes fluffy. After I introduce vanillin and mix. That's all, the creamy mass is ready.

I'm making a cake. Yes, and you can use this oily composition to decorate pastries or serve as a simple dessert.

It will be very sweet, and therefore, if you do not want a sugary-sweet treat, while working with a mixer, you can introduce a few drops of lemon juice.

Remember that you can allow experiments in the kitchen, and therefore you should not be afraid of them. Enter in the gr. nuts, banana, coconut flakes or cocoa powder.

None of these products will negatively affect the taste of the cream, but only perfectly emphasize the sophistication of sweetness.

Custard for crispy waffles

Do not want to wait for the holiday to please yourself and loved ones with a delicious dessert?

Then a waffle cake with custard filling will delight you with its ease of preparation and surprisingly delicate taste. This dessert will appeal to all lovers of Napoleon.

Ready-made waffle cakes can be bought in one of the city's supermarkets. This greatly simplifies the way of cooking, saving you time and effort.

Components: 1 tbsp. flour and starch; vanillin; ¼ st. Sahara; 2 pcs. chickens. eggs; 1 st. milk.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I pour milk into a saucepan and add vanillin, put on fire at medium power. I'm waiting for the composition to boil.
  2. Mix the beaten chicken in a bowl. eggs and sugar. The mass will be uniform.
  3. I introduce starch and 70 ml of hot milk into the mass. I mix the ingredients.
  4. Pour the milk into the mixture in a thin stream. I cook so that the composition thickens.
  5. I take it off the stove and wait for it to cool down.
  6. I grease the cakes with warm mass. Then I leave it for a few hours in the cold. Choose a decoration for waffle desserts at your discretion, for example, I rub chocolate or put chopped fruits or berries on top.

Coffee cream for cake based on sheet wafers

The coffee cream recipe is a popular one among cooks. It decorates various desserts. The composition is tender, tart, but there is a special zest in it.

The cream has an amazing taste, if everything is done correctly, as the recipe indicates, then the mass will turn out amazing!


1 tbsp ground coffee; 0.5 st. milk (take fatter); 1 st. Sahara; 250 gr. sl. oils; 0.5 st. water; 1 PC. chickens. egg.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I'm making coffee. I let it sit for 15 minutes. I chain with gauze. Pour into a bowl, mix with milk and sugar. I bring it to a boil.
  2. I kill chickens. egg. Whip until the composition becomes homogeneous. I pour it into the mass with coffee, preferably very carefully.
  3. I mix the mass. Cook over medium heat for 3 minutes. I remove it from the fire and let it cool.
  4. I knead sl. oil with a fork and add to the mass with coffee. I mix with a mixer. The cream will be homogeneous and has increased by 2 times.
  5. I collect a cake from waffle cakes. I crush with shredded coconut.

To sl. the oil is well softened, I advise you to get it on the table 2 hours before preparing the creamy mass.

Curd and berry filling for waffle cake

Waffle cake will be tender and satisfying if you make curd and berry cream. This is a very tasty filling and the fatter it is, the more tender the dessert will turn out.

Curd filling with fragrant berries will appeal to all sweet lovers. Berries take at your discretion. There is a great chance to experiment in the kitchen!

You need to use high-fat cottage cheese and milk chocolate.


8 pcs. cakes; 350 gr. cottage cheese; 1 st. sour cream fat content from 20%; 50 gr. chocolate 100 gr. Sahara; half tsp van. Sahara; 250 gr. strawberries.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I wipe the cottage cheese with a sieve. The cream will be airy and homogeneous. I pour sugar, van. sugar, add sour cream. I beat with a mixer.
  2. I wash the strawberries under water, cut into mugs.
  3. I cover the cake with curd cream. I put strawberries on top.
  4. I cover the side and top with a creamy mass. Sprinkle with grated milk chocolate.
  5. Decorate with strawberries. I invite everyone to the table!

Recipe for a light cake from ready-made waffle cakes

Wafer cake is a very high-calorie dessert. But you can make a light cream with nat. yogurt, cottage cheese and fresh berries.


6 pcs. cakes; 0.5 l Nat. yogurt; 650 gr. cottage cheese; 200 gr. blackberries and raspberries, low-fat cream; 1 pack gelatin; 150 gr. Sahara; 100 gr. sl. oils.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I crumble the cakes into slices. I'm heating up oil in the microwave oven. I mix mass. I soak the cakes. I leave to soak in the form, immerse in the oven at 180 gr. I bake for 10 minutes.
  2. Whip with a food processor. yogurt and cottage cheese, add sugar. When the mass becomes homogeneous, it is worth dividing it into 2 parts. I wash the berries, dry with a paper towel.
  3. A couple of pieces you need to leave as a decoration, and grind the rest into a puree with a blender. I introduce a lot of berries into a mixture of yogurt and cottage cheese.
  4. I dissolve gelatin in water, it should be infused for 10 minutes. I warm the cream and pour it into the gelatin solution, cook for 5 minutes.
  5. I pour the cream into the curd mass. I interfere.
  6. In the form I make sides from baking paper, cover the waffle base in layers. First I put the berry mixture, then the filling without berries.
  7. I let the cake stand for 2 hours in a cold place. I remove the paper, decorate the dessert and serve it to the table!

Delicate wafer cake with cottage cheese filling and prunes

This time you need to coat the waffle base of the cake with curd cream. I advise you to take low-fat fermented milk products to make a light dessert.

As an addition to the cream, it is worth using prunes.


1 pack waffles; 500 gr. cottage cheese; 200 gr. prunes; 0.5 tsp van. Sahara; 0.5 st. Sahara; 300 gr. sour cream fat content from 30%; 50 gr. dark chocolate.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I scald the dried fruit with boiling water. I let it stand for 10 minutes in cold water and then recline it in a colander. In the same place, prunes should be set aside for a while so that it dries completely. I cut into thin strips.
  2. The filling will be airy if the cottage cheese is rubbed with a sieve. I introduce sour cream and sugar, van. sugar. I interrupt the composition with a mixer.
  3. I cover the blanks with curd cream. Sprinkle chopped prunes on top.
  4. I generously smear the whole cake with cream on top and on the sides of the cake. I sprinkle with chocolate chips.

That's all, a quick and easy cake is ready! Happy tea!

Wafer cake with butter cream with condensed milk

To lubricate the waffle cakes, this time I propose to prepare an oil layer. It is prepared on the basis of ready-made boiled condensed milk, which can be bought at the store.

Be sure to take a product with the GOST marking. Sl. the oil will not let the waffle base soak, while it will perfectly soak them.

In order for the filling to beat better and not delaminate, you need to warm the products in advance, laying them out of the refrigerator on the table before cooking.

Components: 8 pcs. waffles; 570 gr. boiled condensed milk; 3 tbsp simple condensed milk; 1 pack sl. oils.

Components for decoration: 80 gr. cookies (preferably with a crumbly structure); a handful of peanuts (roast).

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I take out the products from the refrigerator in advance so that they are all the same temperature. The filling will then have a uniform and delicate texture.
  2. I mix condensed milk in a bowl, sl. butter and beat with a blender on medium power. I introduce unboiled condensed milk. I shake again. If you decide to use multi-colored waffles, alternate them to make the cake look even more interesting.
  3. I grease the sides and top of the cake with cream.
  4. In a blender I interrupt nuts and cookies. I decorate the cake with sprinkles.
  • The filling will have a nutty flavor if you introduce a handful of chopped gr. nuts.
  • Butter filling with condensed milk is ideal for berries and chocolate. The cake will be tender.
  • You can make ice cream from the finished cream if you freeze the rest in the refrigerator. The kids will love this dessert.

My video recipe

Few people will refuse a delicious cake for tea, especially if it can be easily and quickly prepared from waffle cakes with cream. In this post, the best cream recipes will help you choose the waffle cake cream of your choice and treat your family and guests to a crispy cake with a delicate layer.

The taste of such a cake directly depends on the cream itself, because waffle cakes have an absolutely neutral taste. And the right cream is the key to the success of such a dessert.

Waffle cake with such cream turns out very tasty. The cream is tender, not cloying, tasty and harmonizes perfectly with wafer cakes. Optionally, in the composition of such a cream, you can additionally add a few tablespoons of pre-roasted ground nuts - it will turn out great too.

Boiled condensed milk - 350 g
Butter - 350 g
Honey - 3 tbsp. l.
Milk - 4 tbsp. l.
Shortbread cookies - 200 g

Cooking delicious cream with condensed milk for waffle cake

Grind 200 g of cookies into small crumbs. A food processor (metal knife nozzle) does an excellent job with this.

Beat 350 g of butter at room temperature in a fluffy foam. Add 3 tbsp. l. honey and beat again.

Partially add boiled condensed milk (350 g) to the butter mixture, whisking constantly.

Mix in crushed biscuits.

Add boiled and chilled milk (4 tablespoons). Mix. The mass should become like thick sour cream.

The cream is ready to go.

Enjoy tea drinking with waffle cake!

How to make a delicious cream of sour cream and condensed milk

The fatter the sour cream, the easier the cream will whip. In the recipe, sour cream is 35% fat. It is recommended to put sour cream with low fat content (15-20%) on gauze and squeeze out the whey, then the cream will turn out to be dense. Better yet, take boiled condensed milk, instead of the usual one. And the cream will turn out tastier, and the shape will be denser.
Condensed milk boiled - 1 can
Sour cream - 300 ml 35%
Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet


Put all the sour cream in a bowl, after throwing it on cheesecloth and getting a denser consistency. Add half of the condensed milk and vanilla sugar or vanilla. Why half? And to regulate the degree of sweetness of the cream. Not everyone likes a very sweet cream, but there is a choice. Beat condensed milk with sour cream until smooth.

Taste, and if there is little sweetness, add more condensed milk.

A well-whipped cream has a fluffy and uniform texture.

This part of the cream of sour cream and condensed milk for the cake was left for the final chord to coat the sides. Decorate your cake, have a nice tea party!

Recipe for a delicious chocolate-lemon cream for waffle cake

An interesting combination of creams, and even with a lemon note, will cheer you up and children will certainly like it too!
1 can of condensed milk
200 g butter
100 g roasted and chopped almonds
1 tsp lemon juice
zest of half a lemon
0.5 bars of dark chocolate
For glaze:
0.5 bars of dark chocolate
50 g butter
For decoration:
lemon peel and almond kernels


For chocolate cream, melt chocolate in a water bath or microwave, add 100 g of butter, mix.

Pour in half a can of condensed milk, mix everything well.

For the lemon almond cream, combine the remaining condensed milk with the butter, add the lemon zest and juice.

Then add almonds. Mix well.

Lubricate each waffle cake in turn with different creams and stack on top of each other.

Until all the ingredients are gone. Put a weight on the cake and put it in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

For glaze, melt chocolate, add butter, mix. Brush the top layer of the cake with frosting.

Decorate the cake with whole almond kernels and lemon zest.

Bon appetit!

Cottage cheese cream with coffee for cake

Curd cream is both tasty and healthy. With this cream, you can layer waffle and biscuit cakes, fill eclairs or profiteroles with it, or you can serve it as an independent dessert.
You can flavor such a cream with anything, in the recipe coffee extract, which can be replaced with 0.5 tsp. instant coffee. Coffee will need to be dissolved in 1 tbsp. l. water and add to the cream. Or you can just add coffee at the stage of whipping cottage cheese with sour cream. Since the cream is curd, it is better to use it immediately.

Soft cottage cheese - 400 g
Butter - 180 g
Sour cream - 200 g
Condensed milk - 0.5 cans (can - 380 g)
Coffee extract - 1 tsp


Put cottage cheese and sour cream into the bowl of a food processor. We beat.

Add condensed milk and beat again.

Whip room temperature butter until light and fluffy.

Add curd mixture and beat again.

Then the turn of the coffee extract. And the final beating is literally a couple of seconds for the extract to disperse.

Curd cream with coffee is ready. It is very tender, fluffy, tasty and fragrant. With this cream, you can layer waffle and biscuit cakes, fill eclairs or profiteroles with it, or you can serve it as an independent dessert.

Happy desserts!

Recipe for a delicious cream of condensed milk and butter

This is perhaps one of the simplest creams. The role of the custard base in butter cream with condensed milk is played by condensed milk. In addition to condensed milk, you will also need butter. The remaining 2 ingredients (cognac and vanilla sugar) are optional, you can do without them, although they significantly improve the taste of the cream. Instead of cognac, you can use any other flavor - rum, caramel, almond and others.
Butter - 150 g
Cognac - 1 tsp
Condensed milk - 120-150 g
Vanilla sugar - 0.5 sachet


Cut the butter into pieces and leave for a while so that it becomes soft: softened butter is easier to beat.

We add condensed milk to the butter gradually: first 2-3 tablespoons, beat with a mixer, then a little more, and finally, all the condensed milk is normal. We start whipping with a low speed of the mixer, and finish at a high one.

Add cognac and vanilla sugar. Beat the cream until the mass is smooth and fluffy.

Cream of butter and condensed milk is ready. You can use it for its intended purpose. And the scope of application of butter cream with condensed milk is very wide: cakes, custards, eclairs, baskets, cookies "Nuts".

Cream of butter and condensed milk is indispensable for simple cakes that are prepared without baking. In addition to waffle cakes, for example, a cake made from condensed milk and cookies or a cake made from corn sticks. In cream recipes, you can use both boiled condensed milk and white - not boiled. Bon appetit!

Custard for waffle cake

Such a cake will help you out when you urgently need something for tea, if guests are on the doorstep. The cream is easy to prepare and very tasty. This custard can be made for different desserts.
Milk - 500 ml
Flour - 2 tbsp. l.
Eggs - 2 pcs.
Sugar - 100 g
Butter - 100 g
coconut flakes


Take the butter out of the fridge ahead of time to melt it. In a saucepan with a thick bottom, beat the eggs, add flour and granulated sugar.

With a whisk or fork, grind this mass a little and then gradually pour in the milk several times, stirring all the time.

We put the resulting mixture on a gentle fire, and cook, stirring constantly. When the mass of custard begins to boil, immediately remove it from the heat and leave to cool. As it cools, it becomes thicker.

Once the mixture has cooled down a bit and the butter has softened, add the butter to the cream.

Mix it until smooth. Custard for wafer cake is ready.

Then we coat the waffle cakes with cream and collect the waffle cake.

Top the cake with colored coconut flakes or grated chocolate to your liking.

Put the finished cake for a while in the cold or immediately serve it on the table for tea. Bon appetit!

Cream for waffle cake with peanuts and condensed milk

Cream with a pleasant caramel peanut-chocolate flavor.
Chocolate cracker - 350 g
Boiled condensed milk - 650 g
Butter - 250 g
Roasted peanuts - 200 g

Pour the roasted peanuts into a grinder and grind it a little.
Similarly, grind the chocolate cracker a little. It is not necessary to grind into very small crumbs, small pieces should remain.
Cream butter at room temperature with a mixer. Add boiled condensed milk to it. We beat everything until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
Pour chopped peanuts and chocolate crackers into the resulting cream. Mix everything well with a spoon.
We collect a cake from waffle cakes with cream. Place the cake in the refrigerator for at least an hour.

Such a waffle cake is obtained with a pleasant caramel peanut-chocolate flavor. Everyone will love this cake. And most importantly, it will take you very little time to prepare it. Bon appetit!

The recipe for waffle cake cream can be useful to all lovers of quick and delicious desserts. You can cook a cake from waffle cakes and butter cream not only on holidays, but also on weekdays, since this process does not take very little time.

Cream for wafer cakes


  • butter - 200 g;
  • egg white - 4 pcs.;
  • bitter chocolate - 200 g;
  • powdered sugar - 150 g.


To prepare the cream for ready-made waffle cakes, it is necessary to grind the butter with half the sugar until a homogeneous white mass is obtained. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, and beat the whites with the remaining sugar until the consistency of thick foam.

Add the melted chocolate to the butter mixture in batches, stirring constantly. After that, you need to carefully introduce the proteins, also in portions. Ready can be used to make waffle cake.

Custard for waffle cakes


  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • milk - ½ tbsp.;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • cocoa - optional


To prepare the custard, you need to beat the egg with sugar, pour the mass with milk and put the dishes on a slow fire. While the mixture boils, you must constantly stir it. When the future cream boils, you should add pieces of butter to it and stir the ingredients again until the butter is melted. After that, you can remove the dishes from the stove and If you wish, add cocoa, mix thoroughly and put the cream in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Ready
