
Chocolate fountain. What to dip in a chocolate fountain

One wonderful variety chocolate fondue can be called chocolate fountain , without which Lately not a single buffet, party or wedding takes place.

This is unusual and beautiful dish is an adornment of any table and holiday.

Represents chocolate fountain a set of cascades (usually from 3 to 7) with a height of 20 cm to 1.5 meters, through which it circulates melted chocolate. The heating device of the chocolate fountain maintains a constant temperature of at least 60 degrees, which does not allow the chocolate to harden.

By the way, for a chocolate fountain do not use ordinary chocolate, which we used to buy in stores. For the fountain, special chocolate is taken, which has a high content of cocoa butter, so it melts easier and faster and has a lower viscosity.

idea to create chocolate fondue such unusual shape appeared in Canada in the mid-1980s. But this idea was not widely adopted. The popularity of the chocolate fountain came already in the new millennium, somewhere since 2003.

Now installations for a chocolate fountain can be bought and rented. They are available in various sizes, depending on the number of guests and the scale of the holiday.

By the way, for a standard chocolate fountain up to a meter in size for 3-5 cascades, you need at least 15 kg of chocolate.

In 2007, the highest chocolate fountain was entered into the Guinness Book of Records., which is located in Las Vegas and was coined French confectioner Jean-Philippe Maury. As far as we know, no one has broken his record yet.

So his chocolate fountain for 6 years is considered the highest. Many people come to look at this miracle, but to try chocolate miracle does not work, because the chocolate fountain is behind the glass. At the Bellagio Hotel, Jean-Philippe created his unusual pastry shop, where he installed a floor-to-ceiling chocolate fountain right in the wall. He spent ten whole years preparing this project, and it took engineers and designers another two years to install the chocolate fountain.

The height of his offspring is 8 meters. 6 pumps drive a ton of melted dark, milk and white chocolate through more than 500 pipes, which slowly flow down into glass bowls through special clear glass drains. The fountain dispenses over 100 liters of chocolate per minute.

This entire structure took 150 meters of stainless steel pipes.

So if you're in Las Vegas, don't forget to visit the Bellagio Hotel and visit Jean-Philippe's Patisserie to see this chocolate marvel created by the indefatigable imagination of the human soul.

His record no one was even going to beat, because it is very, very difficult to create such a miracle, although it remains to be realized that the famous Jean-Philippe did not think about, how much effort and years he will put into it, he just created, just like many people do chocolate masters, whose records then become world famous and sold out for details, such as the famous Andrew Farrugia chocolate train, or exhibited at the famous Chocolate Week in Brussels.

The history of chocolate began over three thousand years ago. The Indians were the first to discover the special taste of cocoa beans, preparing crushed grains with water and chili peppers. The drink was consumed chilled and was considered a privilege exclusively for leaders and priests.

Cocoa beans were brought to Europe only in 1517 by the conquistador E. Cortes and brought as a gift to the king of Spain. There, the recipe for making chocolate changed - cinnamon, sugar were added to it, pepper was excluded and consumed hot. So appeared hot chocolate, which within 10 years has gained immense popularity in the Old World. In the 19th century, a method for making solid chocolate was invented, which quickly won the competition with a liquid drink.

Pretty liquid chocolate for a long time remained a rare occurrence and only now slowly began to win a place in our lives. IN trendy cafes and restaurants, hot chocolate made according to traditional recipes or a newfangled chocolate fountain with fruits and marshmallows. And by the way, it was the idea of ​​​​a chocolate fountain that revived a person’s interest in a drink made from cocoa beans.

The chocolate fountain is an invention of the Canadian firm Design & Realization. The product was announced in the 1980s, but it only began to gain popularity in 2002. This unusual device is a fountain with a height of 30 centimeters to 1 meter with 3-7 tiers. Under the lower tier is a heating element that melts the chocolate until liquid state and temperatures of 60 degrees. Otherwise, the system works like a regular fountain: chocolate rises up, from where it descends through the tiers in a beautiful and tasty stream with an awesome smell that will impress any sweet tooth.

Chocolate is used to make the fountain. high content cocoa butter, which melts at more than low temperatures and has a higher viscosity. These are mainly products from Belgium, France and Switzerland. The fountain can be made from dark, white, and even colored chocolate, prepared with natural fruit colors like strawberry, blueberry, or lemon. As a side dish, fruits, marshmallows, crackers, dried fruits are served, which are put on skewers and dipped in a fragrant liquid.

Children will be special connoisseurs of such pleasure, so sweet happiness will be most appropriate at children's holidays and birthdays. This is an unforgettable performance with flowing streams divine drink will not leave indifferent any adult, everyone can feel like a real gourmet, tempted in exquisite sweets. A chocolate fountain can become a real event at a holiday, create a magical mood, gather people around it and give them moments of sweet pleasure.

A significant event is expected in your family (birthday of a child, wedding, anniversary or anniversary of some memorable date) and you want to make your holiday unforgettable for everyone? Then a mini is just what you need.

  • will pleasantly surprise all guests (since this is a fairly new holiday accessory for Russia);
  • will create an atmosphere of celebration and a feeling of fulfillment of the childhood dream of many guests of the older generation;
  • fill the room with the delicious aroma of chocolate and cheer up everyone present;
  • will give each guest unique opportunity choose and create a treat to your own taste (everyone present is “his own chocolatier”);
  • will replace, though tasty, but everyone is already pretty bored with a birthday cake;
  • will become the very “highlight” of your celebration, which all your guests will remember for a long time and with delight.

How is the device arranged?

small chocolate fountain comprises:

  • base part with electric motor;
  • lead screw;
  • turrets (tubes) with tiers.

How a chocolate fountain works

The heating element, located under the bowl of the device, heats the chocolate placed in it and maintains a constant temperature of the melted chocolate mass at 60 degrees.

Chocolate, heated to a liquid state, with the help of a rotating feed screw located inside the tower, is fed to the uppermost tier, overflows over the edge and slowly flows down in a continuous stream.

There he again falls into the bowl with the heating element, and the process is repeated again and again. The chocolate fountain is a mesmerizing sight. The buttery, sparkling mass of melted chocolate is really very beautiful. And what flavors does it give off?

Making a chocolate fountain

How to make a chocolate fountain?

  • Assemble the pre-washed and dried parts of the device according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Install your fountain on a perfectly flat surface and turn it on (the switches on the device must be on the “off” mark).
  • Pour into the lower bowl the amount of chocolate recommended by the manufacturer of the device (since the capacity of the mini-fountain bowl can be from 300 g to a kilogram).
  • Turn on the heating element and stir occasionally chocolate mass, making it evenly melted.
  • The completely melted mass should fill the bowl to the very brim. If you see that there is not enough chocolate, add more.
  • Has the chocolate completely melted and is the consistency uniform? So it's time to start the engine. The chocolate will rise to the top of the tower and begin to flow down.
  • After two minutes of operation of the device, the motor must be turned off for about half a minute so that air bubbles come out, which prevent the chocolate from flowing evenly. After that, the motor can be turned on again.
  • Add unmelted (hard) chocolate to the appliance with the motor running.
  • Adding cold liquid to an operating device: the movement of the chocolate will stop immediately.

What absolutely cannot be done

Can regular bar chocolate be used?

There is an opinion that ordinary chocolate is not suitable for making a chocolate fountain. bar chocolate. This is wrong. For this purpose, you can use any kind of chocolate: dark, white, bitter, and porous.

The only condition: this chocolate must contain at least 60% grated cocoa and it should not contain any additives containing solid small pieces(nuts, waffles, cookies, etc.). Small particles can jam the rotating auger inside the tower and damage the instrument.

Bar chocolate is very thick, so to use it in a fountain, you need to change its consistency. For this:

  • chocolate must first be melted in the microwave or in a "water bath".
  • Then cream is added to the chocolate, strong alcohol or refined vegetable oil(at the rate of ¾ cup for two bars of chocolate).
  • After that, turn on the heating element of the device and let it work for a few minutes.
  • Pour the prepared chocolate mass into the bowl of the device and turn on the motor.

best chocolate for chocolate fountain

Most best effect gives the use of special chocolate containing a large number of natural oil cocoa.

Belgian chocolate for a chocolate fountain is what is guaranteed to ensure the smooth operation of your magic device and delight your guests. Benefits of Belgian chocolate:

  • low (below 45 degrees) melting point;
  • it gives a plastic chocolate mass of the desired viscosity level (no oils and thinners need to be added to it);
  • has exquisite taste.
  1. Belgian chocolate of the Puratos company: black protein colade 56%, bitter protein colade 28%, milk protein colade 34%, white protein colade 28%. Chocolate of this brand is made in the form of blocks or tablets and is sold in packs of 5 kilograms.
  2. Belgian chocolate from Unifine: Maracaibo (34%), San Felipe ( dark chocolate 56%), "Cabo Blanco" ( White chocolate 27%). This chocolate packaged in 5 kg bags.
  3. Belgian company Trick: milk chocolate 37.8%, dark chocolate 56.9%. Packed in bags of 2.5 kilograms.
  4. Chocolate glaze of the Italian company Italika: dark and white icing in packages from one to 25 kilograms.
  5. Chocolate icing Italian company Unitron: icing "Karibe" (produced in the form of disks) goes on sale in bags of 25 kilograms.

Chocolate coating is made using non-lauric cocoa butter substitutes, so they are an order of magnitude cheaper than chocolate. However, the melting point and good taste qualities make the icing quite suitable for use in chocolate fountains.

What can be served with chocolate fondue?

The chocolate fountain mini will perfectly complement:

  • pieces of fruit (bananas, apples, pears, kiwi, orange, mango, apricots, peaches, nectarines);
  • fresh berries (strawberries, cherries, raspberries, blackberries);
  • marshmallow, soufflé, marmalade;
  • cookies, biscuits, waffles, nuts, small cupcakes, slices of bread.

Don't forget to prepare special skewers, forks or long toothpicks so that guests can prick whatever they like on them. If there are seeds in berries or fruits, it is better to remove them in advance.

Safety rules for handling the device

  • The chocolate fountain is easy to operate, even a child can handle it. But at the same time, there must be an adult nearby who is able to control the actions of the child.
  • Handle the device carefully so as not to burn yourself with hot chocolate and heated parts of the device: at the time of operation of the fountain, only touching its buttons is allowed.
  • Make sure in advance that the fountain is installed on flat surface: This will prevent the danger of it tipping over.
  • The fountain can only be used indoors. Don't take it outside.

Recently, at every holiday you can notice, as it has become an integral and important part of any celebration. Due to its originality, originality, uniqueness, the fountain is more popular and in demand than multi-tiered ones. delicious cakes, candy bars. That is why, it is worth understanding how a similar device appeared for working with your favorite delicacy - chocolate.

How the device works

Many are probably interested in the question, what is a chocolate fountain, and how to use this device? If to speak in simple terms, then the chocolate fountain is a special device made of steel highest quality, consists of two main parts.

The detailed description shows that the first part of the chocolate fountain contains a corresponding bowl designed to heat the chocolate mass. If you look at the photo, you can see that under the bowl there is an electric drive, equipped with an engine, it performs the function of an auger. What is a screw for? Using this function allows you to direct the liquid mass of chocolate upwards.

As for the fountain itself, it has the shape of a hollow cylinder, around it there is enough cascades. In turn, they are needed to ensure that the circulation of the melted, hot mass of chocolate is continuous.

Based on such information, the question arises, how does a chocolate fountain work? First you need to place special chocolate in the bowl of the device, namely the lower one, due to elevated temperature the melting process takes place. Melted chocolate goes upstairs, where it beautifully and very appetizing descends down the cascades.

Chocolate fountains are at the peak of popularity, they can be ordered for any adult and children's holiday: weddings, birthdays and anniversaries, bachelorette parties, proms, New Year's morning performances in kindergartens. Believe me, any child will be delighted, as the working fountain is of interest and surprise.

It is important to note that the height, namely the number of tiers, affects how many people can try the sophistication. In order for all guests to be satisfied, it is important to choose the right fountain. For example:

if the height of the fountain is 40 cm or 50 cm, then you will need 2.5-3 kilograms of chocolate, it will be enough for 20-30 people;

height 70 centimeters - 5 kg consumed good chocolate, designed for 30-50 people;
height 90 centimeters - uses 7 kg of product, enough to treat 40-70 people.

Knowing how to choose a chocolate fountain can make any day a holiday. For the home, you can buy a small device 40 cm - CF16A. It holds about 800-1000 grams of chocolate. There is a metal finish on the body.

The best chocolate

The instructions for use indicate that you need to choose chocolate correctly, you should not save and take a tile product. It is important to use special varieties that have an increased percentage of cocoa butter. This reduces the temperature of the melting process, as well as the viscosity of the product. It is forbidden to use ordinary chocolate bars, because they have a very high temperature for melting, as a result, the mass will turn out to be not very fluid and too thick.

Speaking of children's holiday, many prefer to enjoy food coloring but natural. With their help, you can color the chocolate mass in any non-standard color: blue, pink and red, green, orange. If you add flavorings, you get flavors of apricot, peach and strawberry, citrus, pineapple.

  • Puratos (Belgian);
  • Unifine (Belgian);
  • glaze Italica, Unitron (Italian);
  • Trick glaze (Belgian).

If you use glaze, you need to know that it is made on the basis of non-lauric cocoa butter substitutes. This explains why it costs less than the chocolate itself. However, despite this nuance, its taste and melting temperature allow it to be used in a fountain.

What to serve with

What can be dipped in hot, liquid, fragrant and very delicious chocolate? As practice shows, for such a dessert are great:

  • fruit pieces: mango and banana, nectarine, orange and peach, pear, apple and kiwi;
  • berries: raspberries, cherries and blackberries, and do not forget about juicy strawberries;
  • marmalade, soufflé, marshmallows, waffles, small cupcakes and biscuit, nuts.

An important nuance, do not forget to prepare long toothpicks, corresponding skewers or forks, so that it is convenient to prick specific foods.

As for the chocolate fountain, the video will help you figure out all the little things and nuances that you need to know about before using this device.

Thus it is original decoration for any celebration that causes a lot of joy, surprise, tenderness and delight. Every guest who tries it will be satisfied.

Cocoa beans were brought to Europe only in 1517 by the conquistador E. Cortes and brought as a gift to the king of Spain. There, the recipe for making chocolate changed - cinnamon, sugar were added to it, pepper was excluded and consumed hot. This is how hot chocolate appeared, which within 10 years gained immense popularity in the Old World. In the 19th century, a method for making solid chocolate was invented, which quickly won the competition with a liquid drink.

Chocolate in liquid form has been a rare phenomenon for quite a long time, and only now has it slowly begun to win its place in our lives. In fashionable cafes and restaurants, hot chocolate prepared according to traditional recipes or a new-fangled chocolate fountain with fruits and marshmallows has become an obligatory menu item. And by the way, it was the idea of ​​​​a chocolate fountain that revived a person’s interest in a drink made from cocoa beans.

The chocolate fountain is an invention of the Canadian firm Design & Realization. The product was announced in the 1980s, but it only began to gain popularity in 2002. This unusual device is a fountain with a height of 30 centimeters to 1 meter with 3-7 tiers. Under the lower tier is a heating element that melts chocolate to a liquid state and a temperature of 60 degrees. Otherwise, the system works like a regular fountain: chocolate rises up, from where it descends through the tiers in a beautiful and tasty stream with an awesome smell that will impress any sweet tooth.

For the preparation of the fountain, chocolate with a high content of cocoa butter is used, which melts at lower temperatures and has a higher viscosity. These are mainly products from Belgium, France and Switzerland. The fountain can be made from dark, white, and even colored chocolate, prepared with natural fruit colors like strawberry, blueberry, or lemon. As a side dish, fruits, marshmallows, crackers, dried fruits are served, which are put on skewers and dipped in a fragrant liquid.

Children will be special connoisseurs of such pleasure, so sweet happiness will be most appropriate at children's holidays and birthdays. This unforgettable performance with flowing streams of a divine drink will not leave indifferent any adult, everyone can feel like a real gourmet, tempted in exquisite sweets. A chocolate fountain can become a real event at a holiday, create a magical mood, gather people around it and give them moments of sweet pleasure.
