
Milk chocolate ganache to cover the cake. Cream ganache for cake: recipes for French confectioners

A confectionery product originally from France is chocolate ganache. The delicacy is characterized by ease of preparation, exquisite taste, versatility of use. Confectioners use cream when decorating cakes, decorating cakes, decorating cupcakes, creating sweets.

How to make delicious chocolate ganache

A thick, well-hardening chocolate cream - ganache - can be applied to the cake before mastic, they also level the surface of the dessert. In order for ganache to perform all its functions, it is very important to properly prepare the delicacy. The main rule is quality products:

  • To make ganache, you need to choose only real dark chocolate, with a high cocoa content (65-70%). The composition should not contain palm oil, ideally cocoa products or cocoa butter, but not their substitutes. Only such a product will give the cream a rich chocolate flavor.
  • Cream - the fatter, the better (more than 33%).
  • Sugar is used white or brown, but not powdered sugar.
  • Condensed milk, cream, sour cream, milk - these products make the delicacy softer, the chocolate taste is not so pronounced. Depending on the recipe, one ingredient or several can be used at once.
  • Butter is chosen natural with a fat content of 82.5%. If you use a low-quality product or spread, then the ganache may not harden.
  • Cocoa powder is chosen natural, without sugar or other additives. When using this product instead of chocolates, the ganache will come out not so rich and fragrant.

Bitter dark chocolate icing will turn out to be the most brilliant, beautiful and smooth, but with a characteristic bitterness and the least sweet. Pay attention, the thicker the ganache turns out, the thicker you can cover the dessert. If it is necessary to apply the cream thinly, then the mass is applied in a warm state. To obtain a thick coating, the ganache is cooled and then applied to the surface.

  • Time: 15 minutes.
  • Servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 446 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: French.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Traditional ganache is made from heavy cream and dark chocolate, which are taken in equal proportions. The result obtained is 100% dependent on the quality of the ingredients used.


  • natural dark chocolate - 2 bars of 90 g each;
  • cream 33% - 180 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Break the chocolate into small pieces. Place in a container.
  2. Pour the cream into a saucepan, put on fire. Heat up, stirring constantly. Do not bring them to a boil. As soon as the first bubbles appear on the walls, remove from heat.
  3. Pour hot cream over chocolate.
  4. Stir until smooth. The resulting chocolate mass should be uniform, smooth, without oily layers or lumps.
  5. If something didn’t work out during the preparation process, then poor-quality chocolate is most likely to blame.
  6. Store in refrigerator up to 48 hours.
  7. Chilled cream is not recommended to warm. You need to get it out of the refrigerator, leave it for several hours at room temperature. So it will reach the desired consistency.
  • Time: 20 minutes.
  • Servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 435 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: French.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Cocoa ganache is often used to make homemade truffle sweets or layers of cakes. The finished delicacy turns out to be less creamy, but in these dishes this is only a plus.


  • cocoa powder - 2 tablespoons;
  • granulated sugar - 2-2.5 tbsp. l.;
  • liqueur or rum - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • fat cream - 60 ml;
  • butter - 50 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat cream until hot, but do not boil.
  2. Add cocoa powder and granulated sugar, mix thoroughly with a whisk so that there are no lumps.
  3. Then add oil, and at the very end alcohol.

  • Time: 25 minutes.
  • Servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 462 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: French.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Cream ganache for the cake can be made from milk or white chocolate. The ratio of dark chocolate to cream is 1:1, milk - 2:1, white 3:1 or 4:1. The lower the content of cocoa butter in the bar, the more chocolate will be needed for the cream. The recipe uses butter to achieve a smooth, uniform texture and improve taste.


  • milk chocolate - 500 g;
  • cream 33% - 350 ml;
  • butter 82.5% - 50 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat cream.
  2. Add chopped chocolate to them.
  3. Stir until the mixture becomes homogeneous.
  4. Add butter. Stir to melt it.
  5. Ready!

  • Time: 20 minutes.
  • Servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 523 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: French.
  • Difficulty: easy.

You can make ganache with whole milk. If cream is removed from the recipe, then the missing fat content must be compensated for with butter. Such a milk chocolate cream is difficult to bring to the density of ganache. In liquid form, the glaze is good to use as a sauce for pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, ice cream or fruit.


  • dark chocolate - 200 g;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • milk - 100 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Butter must first be removed from the refrigerator so that it becomes soft.
  2. Heat the milk in a saucepan, but do not boil.
  3. Break the chocolate into pieces, melt in milk.
  4. Soft oil to enter 1 tbsp. l., stirring constantly, bring to a homogeneous density.


Chocolate ganache for cake coating: recipe with cocoa powder

Economy version of chocolate ganache cream to cover the cake. Important! In order for the cream to turn out delicious and in no way inferior to the coating of full-fledged chocolate, you need to use high-quality cocoa powder. Sugar can be added to taste more, but not more than 2 tablespoons, otherwise the consistency may suffer.


100 g of oil;

5 tablespoons of cocoa;

4 tablespoons of sugar;

160 ml milk.


1. We take out the oil in advance in a warm room, you can cut it into cubes so that it softens faster.

2. First combine cocoa and sugar, stir. Grains of powder will rub against the sand, there will be no lumps.

3. Now dilute the sugar mixture with milk, stir and put in a water bath. But you can cook such a cream in a regular saucepan with a non-stick coating. In this case, turn on a small fire and cook, stirring constantly so that the cocoa does not burn.

4. As soon as the sugar dissolves, the cream becomes homogeneous, you can remove it from the stove.

5. Cool the chocolate mass a little and put the softened butter. Stir quickly until smooth. It's okay if the butter melts. As the cream cools, it will still thicken.

6. We use ganache to cover the cake or decorate cakes, ice cream, homemade sweets.

Chocolate ganache to cover the cake: a recipe for cream with chocolate

Another very simple ganache recipe, but it is important to use at least 30% heavy cream for it. It uses both chocolate and cocoa powder.


200 g cream;

170 g of dark chocolate;

4 tablespoons of sugar;

1.5 tablespoons of cocoa;

1.5 tsp cognac;

50 g butter.


1. We heat the cream to a hot state, but do not boil. Up to about 70-80 degrees.

2. Add granulated sugar combined with cocoa powder. If they are poured separately, lumps may appear. Stir cream quickly. Leave for a few seconds and remove from heat.

3. We crumble chocolate. Can be chopped quickly with a knife. Transfer to a bowl.

4. Pour the chocolate pieces with hot cocoa cream. Cover the bowl for a couple of minutes to melt the pieces.

5. Open, stir.

6. Add softened butter. But, if the cream is of high quality, then it is possible without it.

7. Pour cognac for aroma. This amount is enough for the cream to give off a little walnut, but at the same time it does not feel alcohol.

Chocolate ganache for cake coating: recipe with milk powder

A recipe for chocolate ganache to cover the cake, which can be prepared not only with milk powder, but also with cream. It will turn out even tastier, since the fat content of the product will be higher.


50 g of dry milk;

60 ml fresh milk;

110 g of oil;

150 g of chocolate;

1 spoon of sugar.


1. Crumble chocolate, put in a water bath.

2. Add sugar to powdered milk, dilute it all with fresh milk or ordinary water, put it separately on the stove and heat it up to 50 degrees.

3. Beat the butter with a mixer, gradually add milk to it. We do this slowly so that the oil absorbs all the liquid.

4. Remove the melted chocolate from the water bath, mix well. It shouldn't be hot. If necessary, then cool a little.

5. We introduce the chocolate mixture into the butter, without stopping whipping the cream.

6. Ganache is ready! To taste, add vanillin or cognac to it, as we did in the previous recipe. Use the cream immediately before it hardens.

Chocolate ganache to cover the cake: a recipe with orange zest

In fact, you can make a cream with lemon zest, but there will be a completely different taste and aroma. Choose a citrus of your choice. Do not forget to wash it thoroughly with a brush and pour boiling water over it.


200 g dark chocolate;

1 st. l. orange peel or 1 tsp. lemon peel;

150 ml of milk;

1 pinch of salt;

1 spoon of oil.


1. Build a water bath. Put all the chocolate in the upper bowl, after chopping it into small pieces. We start melting.

2. The zest needs to be chopped, add immediately to the chocolate.

3. Warm up the milk with a pinch of salt. If you want to get a sweeter cream, then pour two or three tablespoons of sugar, but no more.

4. As soon as the chocolate and zest warm up and become homogeneous, add butter, stir.

5. Next, pour in a thin stream of milk, do not rush.

6. Warm up the ganache for another minute in a water bath and remove.

7. Cool to a warm, but not cold state. Use to decorate the surface of the cake or for any other purpose.

Chocolate Ganache for Cake Coating - Tips and Tricks

Ganache hardens quickly and you can't cover the cake? Place the bowl in a saucepan of warm water, let the mixture heat up and stir constantly. Pick up the icing immediately from it, cover the cake.

White chocolate is much more capricious than dark. It may not melt at all if the product is of poor quality or even a drop of water gets in.

To bake a delicious, aesthetically attractive cake, you need to prepare ganache cream for it. It perfectly suits the mask. What is ganache, and why does it attract housewives so much. The main quality of the cream is the minimum amount of products used. It is suitable for any type of baking and has an exquisite taste. To cook ganache correctly, you need to have skill. It comes with experience, but you must definitely try your hand.

What is ganache

Creamy chocolate cake cream is no surprise now, but it wasn't always like that. This emulsion was invented quite by accident, but its delicate taste was quickly appreciated. Chocolate ganache in the classic version is prepared on the basis of cream. But confectioners have gone further and offer a variant of buttercream. It can also consist of these two components. A prerequisite for the cream is the presence of chocolate.

The history of the cream

The recipe for chocolate ganache appeared thanks to an accident, and was entrenched in cooking for a long time. In his invention, again, it was not without French chefs. They have long been considered tastemakers.

The young chef accidentally spilled cream into the melted chocolate. For this offense he was very strongly scolded by the chief. He called the negligent confectioner "ganache", which is translated from French as a fool. Subsequently, they tried milk chocolate ganache and were amazed by its delicate taste, but the unpresentable name stuck to it forever.

There are several types of this French delicacy. Chocolate buttercream is made with cream, butter, or both. The main thing in cooking is the proportions and quality of the ingredients. Use chocolate ganache for cakes, muffins and pastries.

Composition features

A ganache recipe may include different types of chocolate. This is the main component, the quality of which determines how successful the cream will be.

Any chocolate can be used for ganache. It is necessary to correctly observe the proportions in order to achieve the necessary fat content and consistency.

  1. Classic ganache involves the use of dark chocolate. The components in this case are taken by weight in a ratio of 1:1.
  2. Ganache on milk chocolate is less fat. For him, the proportion changes to 2:1.
  3. White chocolate needs a lot of cream. Their proportion to sweetness is 4:1.
  4. Ganache on dark bitter chocolate is also made at the rate of 1: 1, but it has a specific taste. The kids probably won't appreciate it.

The proportions of the cream depend on how much cocoa butter is contained in the chocolate. The smaller it is, the greater the need to compensate for fat content. In white chocolate, cocoa butter is practically absent, so the proportion looks like 4:1.

Cream ganache is considered the easiest to prepare. It also has fewer calories and is easier on the stomach. A delicious cream can be created using cream and butter. It is the most difficult to prepare. The oil composition is easy to prepare. It turns out fatty and heavy for the stomach.

traditional recipe

Cream ganache for covering the cake according to the traditional recipe performed by French chefs looks like a clearly proportional cream in which every gram must be taken into account. At home, you can experiment and look for the most acceptable options. Covering the cake with ganache allows you to correct the roughness of the cakes and give the dessert a respectable look. The cream is very tasty. It is rich and very chocolatey.

Composition of products

In order for the ganache to turn out right, it is necessary to observe the proportions and adhere to the classic set of products. For the cream you will need:

  • 250 g of heavy cream;
  • 250 grams of dark chocolate.

Ganache with butter can not be called a classic, but this product is a substitute for cream. In order for the cream to turn out to be of high quality, the ingredients must be only selected. Dark chocolate ganache has a rich taste. The percentage of fat in products is very high, and this is one of the features of the product. Chocolate ganache cream has a viscous consistency and is used hot.


Having chosen the best products, you need to start the cooking process. To properly make chocolate ganache according to the classic recipe, you need:

  1. The tile must be broken into pieces. Chocolate is placed in a saucepan. No need to grind too much, the product will still melt at a temperature.
  2. Cream is heated in a separate bowl. They must be brought to the appearance of bubbles around the edges, but do not boil.
  3. Warmed cream is poured into a saucepan with pieces of chocolate. Do not do the opposite so that the product does not burn.
  4. Next, you just need to stir with a spatula so that the chocolate is completely dispersed.

Ganache in oil also turns out smooth and uniform. Its quality depends only on the selected products. Knowing how to make ganache can quickly decorate cupcakes and cakes. The cream can be stored in the refrigerator under cling film for 2 days, so it is sometimes prepared in advance. It does not require warming up, at room temperature it takes on the necessary consistency.

Chocolate ganache to cover the cake with honey

Delicious chocolate cream on cream has a lot of variations. You can cook ganache with milk or sour cream, add condensed milk and butter to it. Also popular is the option with honey. The recipe for chocolate ganache for smudges on the cake has a delicate taste and aroma.


  • 100 g cream;
  • 150 g dark chocolate;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 50 g honey.

This ganache is used to cover the cake. It is better to use dark chocolate in it, as it will be very sweet with white cream. Chocolate ganache for coating is used under mastic or to coat the sides, make streaks, give color variety, layer cakes. This cream can be called universal. Ganache for a cake with honey is prepared in the same way as the classic one.

  1. It is necessary to heat the cream, melt the chocolate in them.
  2. Heat honey slightly and mix with creamy mass.
  3. At the end, add the oil and mix everything until smooth.

Cream ganache for the cake is soft and fragrant. It can be stored in the refrigerator. Ganache with honey, milk and white chocolate will be very sweet, it is advisable to choose black.

Chocolate ganache video

Chocolate cream ganache recipe

Delicious and fragrant chocolate cream with cream can decorate the cake. When purchasing products, you need to pay attention to their composition. It is planned to use chocolate cream cream for the cake, then the bitter tile will not work. Especially when the main eaters are children. In this case, it is better to choose a ganache recipe made from milk chocolate. It is not as tart and more sweet.

There is less cocoa butter in the white and dairy product. Its fat content is significantly reduced. In order for the ganache to be the right consistency, it is necessary to balance the content of chocolate and cream, as well as introduce oil.


  • 500 g white or milk chocolate;
  • cream in the amount of 350 g;
  • butter - 50 g.

In a pastry shop, ganache cream for decorating a cake is prepared in compliance with all proportions. Professionals have a lot of experience in this matter. When preparing ganache at home, you can adjust the amount of a particular product to achieve the optimal consistency and taste. As a result, the cream should be smooth and uniform.

In order to make ganache for the cake correctly, you must:

  1. Cream is heated on fire until bubbles appear.
  2. They are poured into pre-prepared chocolate and mixed until smooth.
  3. At the final stage, softened butter is introduced, which should melt from the temperature. This requires constant stirring.

Cream for a cream and chocolate cake without butter may turn out to be less concentrated. The main task is to achieve uniformity by constant mixing. Knowing how to make milk and white chocolate ganache, you can not worry about the quality of your baking.

Ganache for mastic

To create a culinary masterpiece with smooth surfaces, the method and technology of making ganache are important. Mastic is spread only on perfectly “disguised” cakes. Chocolate ganache is suitable for decorating and leveling the cake.


  • 100 g dark chocolate;
  • 100 g butter.

In order to prepare chocolate ganache for mastic, you need:

  1. We cook only on a steam bath. All devices and products must be prepared in advance.
  2. Chocolate and softened butter are placed in a saucepan with a thick bottom. It is necessary to heat the mass until the main component is completely dissolved and with constant stirring.
  3. After the cream becomes homogeneous, it is removed from the steam bath and sent to cool for 30 minutes.

To properly pour the cake with ganache, you need to cool it a little so that the cream thickens. Water carefully and level with a knife. Ganache cake becomes smooth and ready for fondant.

glaze ganache

Chocolate ganache to cover the cake can be thick or thinner. Then it will become a good layer for cakes. Can milk cream ganache be applied to the top layer of dessert? Of course, you only need to cool it a little and water it in doses so that it does not spread. For glaze you need:

  • 350 ml of milk;
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • 400 g chocolate.

Cooking ganache with milk is similar to the classic recipe. As in other cases, the basis is the quality of the products and the observance of proportions.

  1. On a large fire, milk is heated to 90 degrees.
  2. Sugar is poured into it and mixed until completely dissolved.
  3. Finally, you need to add the milk mixture to the chocolate and melt it. Regular stirring will help achieve uniformity.
  4. The soft component of the stewpan is whipped with a mixer at high speeds. The ganache is light and airy.

The cream can be used warm or chilled. Ganache is suitable for covering a cake with smudges or just for pancakes and pancakes.

Cream for filling cakes

Chocolate ganache can decorate not only a cake, but also small cupcakes or cakes. It is used as a cream and does an excellent job of this function. You need to know a few secrets that allow you to make it light and airy. Not only chocolate cake, but also cake will acquire a special taste with butter cream.


  • 150 g of chocolate;
  • 100 g cream;
  • 50 g butter.

If dark chocolate is chosen for the cream, then you can add granulated sugar to taste. A ganache cream recipe is being prepared according to the classical principle. The cream is heated, chocolate is melted in them and butter is added at the end. Let the ganache cool slightly in the refrigerator. Before use, it is required to beat it with a mixer for 3 minutes to add airiness. It turns out ganache for cakes - the best cream intended for decoration.

Ganache on sour cream

If there is absolutely no time, and the cake requires decoration, then the technology for making ganache on sour cream will conquer with its simplicity. You don't even need to buy chocolate for cream. The question arises how long such ganache can be stored or kept in the refrigerator. The cream can stand for 2 days. Chocolate ganache has a simple and affordable recipe. It will require:

  • 8 spoons of sour cream;
  • 6 small spoons of cocoa;
  • 6 teaspoons of sugar.

All components must be placed in a saucepan. Put it on the fire and cook, stirring constantly, until it thickens. Sugar is used in cream to give it more sweetness, as sour cream sours. Whipped dark chocolate ganache becomes more airy. It needs to cool down a bit in the fridge. Whip the ganache for 3 minutes at high speeds. If the cream includes cream and chocolate, then it is perfect for cake, pastries and other pastries. Ganache can also be used to decorate cakes and cupcakes.

Ganache with condensed milk

Non-standard ganache made from chocolate, butter and condensed milk is prepared without cream. It can be used for filling the cake as a cream. This recipe uses condensed milk as the base.


  • chocolate - 250g;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 150 g of condensed milk.

Ganache for the layer and for the filling of the cake turns out to be softer, but very tasty. In order to make ganache correctly and achieve the desired consistency, you must:

  • melt chocolate and butter in separate containers on a steam bath;
  • bring condensed milk to room temperature;
  • mix it with melted butter and beat lightly;
  • add the resulting mixture to the chocolate;
  • stir until smooth.

With this mass, you must immediately lubricate the chocolate cake or start baking. It can be stored in the refrigerator, but it hardens quickly.

Cream with white chocolate

One of the most difficult cream options is ganache for covering a white chocolate cake. It is required that it spread, and not lie in one unpresentable cake on the top cake.

We'll need

The softest and lightest chocolate ganache includes the following ingredients:

  • cream - 50 ml;
  • 100 g of white chocolate;
  • 25 g butter.

Milk ganache is suitable for a layer of chilled cakes. Warm cream can decorate the top of the dessert.

Cooking step by step

It is not difficult to prepare chocolate ganache as a decoration for a cake, you only need to strictly observe the proportions so as not to disturb the consistency.

  1. Cream is heated to 90 degrees.
  2. They must be poured into dishes with prepared chocolate.
  3. The whole mass is mixed until smooth. The chocolate should melt.
  4. Finally, butter is added to the cream and mixed.
  5. To decorate a cake or pastry filling, the mass is cooled and whipped.

The cream can be used for cakes, meringues or tubes. For all desserts except cake, chocolate ganache requires 3 minutes of whipping.

Rum ganache

A cake covered with rum ganache is perfect for an adult company. It has a delicate aroma and spicy taste. The dish has a variety of recipes, but ganache with expensive alcohol remains the privilege of adults. It clearly felt notes of cognac or rum. This ganache is needed for a cake or small pastries. It doesn't dry out too much and is soft.


The rum-flavored chocolate ganache recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • chocolate - 250 g;
  • cream - 250 ml;
  • a spoonful of expensive alcohol.

A small list of products brings the cream into the category of the most affordable and in demand.

How to cook

To make a colored ganache for smudges or classic black with rum, you need:

  1. On the stove, you need to heat the cream strongly, but do not bring it to a boil.
  2. Pour the hot liquid into the previously broken into pieces chocolate.
  3. It is recommended to mix the mass until it acquires a uniform consistency.
  4. At the end, add another spoonful of cognac or rum and mix again.
  5. For cakes, you can make whipped ganache. Before this, the cream cools down. Then it is whipped for 3 minutes.

It is required to use ganache immediately so that it does not lose volume. A very simple cream always favorably decorates pastries.

Each dessert requires a special approach. In order to prepare ganache at home, you must follow a few simple rules.

  1. In order for the ganache to turn out correctly, it is recommended to adhere to the ratio and proportions of chocolate and cream.
  2. Products must be of the highest quality.
  3. Cream for cream is used from 33 percent fat and above.
  4. Any chocolate can be included in the composition of products, but the proportions of the entire cream depend on the amount of oil in it.
  5. Dark chocolate ganache is richer. Products are taken in equal proportions.
  6. To make ganache, you can also take bitter dark chocolate, but it is designed for an amateur. Powdered sugar makes it sweeter.
  7. Ganache dessert should be of a uniform consistency. If you can’t mix it, it means that the quality of the products is failing or the heating is done incorrectly.
  8. A simple chocolate ganache can be with milk or condensed milk, honey or cream. The main thing: keep the proportions.

How to make ganache for a cake, every housewife should know. They can decorate any other dessert, grease cakes or arrange cupcakes. Knowing how to decorate a cake with ganache, you don’t have to be afraid for the taste and appearance of your baking.

Fans of homemade cakes used to look with envy at cakes prepared by French confectioners. Such confectionery products delight with their beauty and originality. The secrets of the French masters have been revealed, and now every housewife can make cream ganache for a cake in her kitchen.

Cream for ganache cake: recipe

Do you like to bake cakes in your free time, and their unusual creative decoration is your hobby? Then you probably need to master the technique of making ganache cream to decorate confectionery. Most often, such a cream is used specifically for leveling cakes and decorating. But for the impregnation of cakes, it is better not to use ganache.

If you believe the legends, then the ganache cream has French roots and it was invented quite by accident. One confectioner, due to his awkwardness, spilled cream into melted chocolate, for which he was scolded and called ganache. It turns out that in translation from French this word means blockhead.

So, a lot of time has passed since then, and the resulting product has become an exquisite cream, known throughout the world. The name has remained - ganache. Today you will learn how to prepare chocolate ganache cream for a cake.

On a note! Milk or dark chocolate is used to make ganache. Even better - choose a confectionery glaze.


  • 0.5 kg of butter;
  • 1 kg of chocolate icing.


Cooking cream according to the French recipe

Even the most experienced and eminent confectioners baked goods are not always perfect. To hide all the shortcomings, the cakes must be "primed" or "putty". Cream ganache is ideal for coating the cake.

As already mentioned, there are several options for its preparation. You can make ganache with cream and chocolate.

On a note! Take not only bitter or milk chocolate as a basis. For example, white chocolate or confectionery icing is used to decorate wedding cakes.


  • 0.3 kg of milk chocolate;
  • 0.3 kg of dark chocolate;
  • 0.3 l cream with a fat concentration of 20%.


On a note! If you need to make a multi-colored ganache, use white chocolate and food coloring. By analogy, a ganache cream is prepared for a mastic cake. If the mastic is not very elastic, take cream with a high percentage of fat and dark chocolate.

Universal cream ganache

Cakes are associated with the holiday. Unfortunately, festive events are not too frequent guests in our lives. If you like to spoil your household and often cook cakes or cookies, you can use ganache cream to decorate such pastries. And its recipe is very simple.


  • cow's milk - 1 tbsp.;
  • cognac - 1 tsp;
  • cocoa powder - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 160 g;
  • granulated sugar - 0.3 kg.


  1. Sift the cocoa powder through a fine sieve.
  2. Add sugar to the same bowl.
  3. Mix dry ingredients. In no case do not allow the formation of lumps.
  4. Now pour in cow's milk at room temperature.
  5. Once again, mix everything well.
  6. Pour this mass into a heat-resistant dish and send it to the stove.
  7. Boil the mixture for a quarter of an hour. Don't forget to stir it constantly.
  8. Remove from stove and cool slightly.
  9. Now add soft butter.
  10. Add cognac.
  11. Beat the cream with a blender or immersion mixer.

On a note! Ganache cream prepared according to this recipe can be used to decorate cookies, muffins, and cakes. Checking its readiness is simple: put a little cream on a saucer. If the drop holds its shape, then you have made the perfect ganache.

Culinary experiment

It was mentioned above that ganache is not suitable for lubricating cakes and filling confectionery. Improve the recipe a little, and you will get the perfect filling, prepared according to the recipe of French confectioners.


  • dark chocolate - 0.1 kg;
  • butter - 70 g;
  • 50 ml cream;
  • 50 g strawberries.


  1. We wash the strawberries with running water.
  2. We remove the tails.
  3. Grind the berries to a puree consistency.
  4. Lightly heat the cream in the microwave.
  5. Break the chocolate bar into pieces.
  6. Combine with cream.
  7. Mix well and add soft butter.
  8. Strawberry puree grind in a sieve and add to the bulk.
  9. Once again, mix well until smooth.
  10. We insist the cream in the refrigerator until thickened.
  11. This ganache is used for filling and decorating pastries.

Ganache is a French chocolate cream, plastic, having a soft but dense texture. It is almost universal: it is used as a filling for sweets and croissants, layers of cakes, coating cakes and pastries, leveling their surface under mastic. The composition of ganache is simple: chocolate and cream. A recipe with cream and butter is also considered a classic. Other ingredients (powdered sugar, flavorings, rum, cognac) are added at will, they are not mandatory. It is easy to prepare this unusual cream.

Cooking features

There are many recipes for ganache, because in French cuisine it is believed that even a few drops of syrup added to the cream change its taste dramatically, allowing you to get a new dish. But there are also general principles.

  • The optimal consistency of ganache depends on what it is intended for. Usually, a thinner cream is prepared to cover cakes, which spreads easily, smoothly enveloping the confectionery. For a layer of cakes, cream options with oil or alcohol components are often used, which allow the cakes to be soaked at least a little. If the cakes are made from dough that does not absorb cream well, it is better to use not ganache for impregnation, with something more liquid (syrup, liquor, Madeira). Croissants are filled with thick ganache, usually with butter added. For sweets, a product with a high density is also needed.
  • The quality of the finished product depends on the quality of the original ingredients. In chocolate intended for the preparation of cream, the cocoa content must be at least 40%, cocoa butter - at least 20%. High-quality chocolate melts already in the hands, and when the bar is broken, a characteristic crunch is heard. At the same time, good chocolate does not crumble.
  • The ratio of chocolate and cream depends on the cocoa content in the main ingredient. If ganache is made from dark chocolate, cream is taken about the same or slightly less than the main ingredient. Milk chocolate will need 2 times more than cream, and white - 3 times. Part of the cream is often replaced with butter.
  • A common mistake novice cooks make is using foods at the wrong temperature to make ganache. The oil must be warmed up to at least room temperature, softened, so it is taken out of the refrigerator in advance. The cream is heated on a stove or water bath, but do not let it boil. When melting chocolate in cream, boiling is also not allowed. This must be done either with slight heating, or by removing the container of cream from the stove.
  • The classic ganache recipe allows you to do without the help of kitchen appliances, but many housewives prefer to beat the cream with a mixer.
  • Mix chocolate with cream and butter until the product acquires a glossy sheen. After cooling, the cream will become matte, but this is already considered normal.
  • For glazing confectionery products, ganache is used liquid, otherwise it will harden and its use to cover cakes will become difficult. For layering cakes or filling sweets, ganache is recommended to cool for 1-2 hours, then beat with a mixer.
  • Properly cooked ganache should have a uniform consistency. If it delaminates, the technological process at some stage was disrupted. Most often this happens when using ingredients of different temperatures. Correcting the situation is not difficult: you need to heat the ganache to a temperature of 40–45 degrees and mix well using a mixer.

If you haven't used all of the ganache, you can cover it and put it in the fridge. It will remain usable for 2 months. Before use, it will be enough to heat it in a water bath and beat. This applies only to the classic version of ganache, which contains nothing but chocolate, cream and butter. In other cases, it is better not to take risks and try to use the product within 3 days.

Classic ganache recipe without oil

  • bitter chocolate - 0.4 kg;
  • cream with a fat content of at least 30% - 0.2 l.

Cooking method:

  • Chop the chocolate. To do this, you need to break it, crumble it with a knife or grate it. The more crushed chocolate is, the faster it will dissolve in hot cream and be distributed more evenly.
  • On low heat or in a water bath, heat the cream, without bringing it to a boil.
  • Pour in the chocolate. Stir until it is completely dissolved.
  • Remove the pot of ganache from the heat (or water bath). Let cool to desired temperature and use as directed.

Ganache prepared according to this recipe is universal. It can be used hot to cover a cake, or cooled, whipped and layered on cakes, filled with sweets or buns.

Classic butter ganache recipe

  • bitter chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 60% - 100 g;
  • fat cream - 100 ml;
  • butter - 40 g.

Cooking method:

  • Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance so that it softens.
  • Break or chop the chocolate on a grater.
  • Heat cream. Once they start to boil, remove from heat.
  • Pour hot cream over chocolate, leave it for 5 minutes.
  • Beat the creamy chocolate mass with a whisk.
  • Continuing to beat, add the butter.

Ganache prepared according to this recipe hardens very quickly, especially if you place it in the cold. If you want to cover a cake with it, you should not hesitate - it can thicken even at room temperature. More often, such ganache is used as a cream for a layer of cake, filling sweets.

Chocolate ganache with rum

  • bitter chocolate - 0.25 kg;
  • cream - 0.25 l;
  • rum - 20 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Slice the chocolate with a knife.
  • Bring cream to a boil, but remove from heat without letting it boil.
  • Combine cream with chopped chocolate.
  • After a few minutes, whisk everything with a whisk.
  • Pour in the rum, stir well or whisk again. Rum in this recipe can be replaced with cognac or another similar ingredient.

If you cool and beat the ganache made according to this recipe with a whisk or a mixer, it will become airy. When hot, it is liquid, does not immediately harden. This version of the cream is ideal for covering the cake or decorating it.

white chocolate ganache

  • white chocolate - 0.6 kg;
  • fat cream - 0.2 l;
  • food coloring, berry flavoring (optional) - according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Cooking method:

  • Chop up the chocolate.
  • Heat the cream in a water bath.
  • Put chocolate into hot cream. Stir without removing from the water bath until the chocolate pieces are completely dissolved.
  • Remove the container of ganache from the water bath. If you want to give it a bright color and aroma, add the appropriate components. Mix well.

Ganache prepared according to this recipe can be used to cover or decorate confectionery.

cocoa ganache recipe

  • cocoa powder - 30 g;
  • powdered sugar - 30 g;
  • cognac - 40 ml;
  • fat cream - 80 ml;
  • butter - 50 g.

Cooking method:

  • Remove the oil from the refrigerator. Wait until it becomes soft.
  • Warm up the cream.
  • Mix cocoa with powdered sugar.
  • Spoon the dry mixture into the cream, mixing thoroughly each time.
  • Pour in cognac, beat with a whisk.

This version of ganache is very different from the traditional one, but the cream turns out to be “working” on it, it is well suited for covering cakes and leveling their surface for mastic.

Ganache recipe with condensed milk

  • bitter chocolate - 0.25 kg;
  • butter - 0.2 kg;
  • condensed milk - 100 ml;
  • cocoa powder - 30 g.

Cooking method:

  • Beat the softened butter with a mixer.
  • Add condensed milk and chocolate to butter. Whisk it all together.
  • Break the chocolate and melt it in a water bath.
  • Pour the melted chocolate into the butter. Beat everything together until the mass acquires a homogeneous consistency.

Ganache prepared according to this recipe is usually used to decorate pastries and cakes.

Ganache without cream (with powdered milk)

  • dark chocolate - 0.3 kg;
  • butter - 0.2 kg;
  • whole milk - 125 ml;
  • dry milk - 100 g;
  • powdered sugar - 50 g.

Cooking method:

  • Grind the chocolate on a grater, melt in a water bath, temporarily set aside.
  • Mix dry milk with powdered sugar.
  • Heat liquid milk in a water bath to 50 degrees, dilute sugar and milk powder in it.
  • When the butter is softened, beat with a mixer.
  • While continuing to beat, add the milk mixture to the butter.
  • When the mass becomes homogeneous, add the melted chocolate. Whisk.

You need to cover confectionery with such ganache as soon as it is ready - it quickly hardens. Cooled ganache made from milk powder is good for stuffing sweets.

If you love to spoil your loved ones with homemade cakes and pastries, you just need to learn how to make ganache. This almost universal chocolate cream can help out in a variety of situations.
