
Cherry jam with gelatin for the winter. Video: Chocolate Cherry Jam Recipe

Cherry jam is the favorite of almost everyone. . This lovely dish distinguished by its sophistication, color, and of course taste. Cherry jam is good to use in winter time with a cold, if there is no famous raspberry jam. It is best to prepare several types of cherry jam. As a rule, housewives prepare two types of jam. This is a thick viscous in order to drink tea with it in winter.

And the second type of jam, as a rule, goes for some recipes or in baking. Today you will learn how to cook unusual jam. This is jelly jam. For such a jam, you need very sour cherries, but along with this, the berries must be fleshy and full of juice. And such a cherry is, as a rule, a cherry early varieties. Due to its acid, jam turns out like jelly. When preparing such a jam, it is best to use pitted cherries.

After all, it is the bone that gives the jam subtle note almond flavor. The jam does not turn out too sweet, on the contrary, it is sour. Therefore, jam-jelly is very good to eat when a person is sick. You can not cook jam for a long time. In this recipe, the cherry is cooked for a very short time. And the color is amber cherry.

What is required for cooking cherry jam jelly:

  • Cherry about 1 kg.
  • Sugar 1 kg.
  • Water 1 glass
  • Sterile jars and lids.

Cherry Jelly Jam - Recipe

First you need to wash the cherries well. Rinse cherries under running water. Let the cherry lie down for a while so that the cherry dries out a little.

Pour 1 kg of sugar into the pan.

Add 1 glass of water to sugar. Mix the contents of the pot well and put on fire. The syrup should be boiled until it begins to caramelize. Be careful not to build up too much sugar on the sides of the pot.

When the syrup stops dripping quickly from the spoon, add cherries to the pan.

The photo shows how thick syrup. This is the consistency the syrup should be.

When the jam boils, then it must be removed from the heat and allowed to cool completely.

When the jam has completely cooled, then it must be put back on the fire and brought to a boil. Next, you need to boil the jam until it starts to “puff”, so to speak. From the pan, not a gurgling will be heard, but “puff”, “puff”. That's when you need to remove the jam from the fire. By the time the jam was cooked for about 30 minutes.

Before decomposing into sterile jars, you need to remove the foam from the jam. Carefully remove all foam with a teaspoon.

Jam should be transferred to clean sterile jars and sealed with lids.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Gelatin is rarely used in preparations for the winter, but in some cases it is indispensable. For example, when to weld thick jam and do not spend two or three days cooking, the syrup is thickened with gelatin. How thick the jam will turn out depends on the amount of gelatin added. You can make it almost like jelly, or you can only slightly thicken the syrup. The recipe for seedless cherry jam with gelatin is great way quickly process a large batch of berries and make for the winter delicious preparation from cherry.
Cherry jam with gelatin can be served not only with tea, but also as a dessert, complement casseroles, and use berries as a filling for open and closed pies, mannikov, charlotte.


- cherry (weight is given without pits) - 500 gr;
- sugar - 350 gr;
- water - 3 tbsp. l;
- gelatin (powder) - 1 tbsp. l.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Pour cherry cold water for 10-15 minutes to make it easier to wash off dust and other contaminants. Then we drain the water, remove the stalks, rinse the berries two or three times under clean water. We remove the bones. Weigh without draining the secreted juice.

We fall asleep cherries with sugar, alternating layers of berries and sugar. Cover, leave for 4-5 hours to extract the juice. Stir gently several times to melt the sugar.

In a few hours, all the cherries will be covered in fragrant syrup.

We put the dishes with berries on a gentle fire. We bring to a boil. Cook, stirring.

When boiling, foam will rise, which must be collected with a spoon or spatula. We continue to cook the cherries for half an hour over low heat, periodically removing the thick foam.

Remove the pot and let it cool down a bit. At this time, we sterilize the jars and boil the seaming lids.

We breed gelatin, focusing on the recommendations indicated on the package. Pour powdered gelatin with cold water, put on water bath, where we heat it until the thickened mass becomes liquid again. Pour the gelatin into the jam, warm it up, but do not boil, and immediately turn it off. It is impossible to boil the jam after adding gelatin, it will not thicken.

Pour the jam into jars, capturing the syrup and berries. Or first lay out the berries, then pour the syrup. Screw on the lids.

Cooling down, the jam will thicken, but will not acquire the consistency of a dense jelly. If you want the syrup to harden well, put the jars in the refrigerator before use, or first spread them in bowls and then cool well for several hours. Good luck with your preparations!
See also how to cook delicious

Decided to cook it lovely jam, then you are not afraid of difficulties and are ready to decide on such a monotonous, but pleasant job of removing pits from cherries. But the output will be very tasty, tender, healthy jam. And what is no less important, it will not be necessary to spit out cherry pits. I also recommend to evaluate.

delicious Cherry jam has a number of advantages. It is endowed with such abilities as antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and also antibacterial. The content of such a large amount of vitamin C in the berry, especially in the winter season, helps to strengthen immune system. But using it constantly, fortified circulatory system, you are clearly provided.

Pitted cherry jam five minutes (5 minutes) for the winter


  • Pitted cherries - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

To prepare, the first step is to rinse in cold water berry and remove all the seeds from it. Transfer to a bowl or saucepan and sprinkle with sugar. Leave aside for 6-8 hours until the juice appears.

Now put the pan on maximum heat, bring to a boil, stir occasionally, immediately reduce the heat to low. And after that, cook for another five minutes, while removing the resulting foam.

Remove the pan from the stove and leave it to cool completely. We do the same procedure two more times. After that, pour the necessarily hot jam into sterilized jars and twist the lids. We wrap the jars in a warm blanket, in this way we let them cool completely, and after the jars of jam can be removed in cool place, for long-term storage.

How to make thick pitted cherry jam with gelatin


  • Cherry - 1 kg
  • sugar - 800 gr
  • gelatin - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

In this recipe, as well as in the previous one, we first need to sort out the berry, wash it and remove all the seeds. Then we mix gelatin with sugar, mix it and combine it with cherries in a suitable saucepan. Mix well, put in a cool place and leave for 4-5 hours so that the berry releases juice.

Next, put the pan on high heat, stirring, bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and cook for 3-5 minutes. And do not forget to remove the foam. Remove the jam from the stove and transfer it hot to sterilized jars.

It remains only to tighten the lids, turn over, wrap in a warm blanket and leave to cool completely.

Tasty and simple cherry jam for the winter - a recipe with step by step photos


  • Pitted cherries - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

First of all, we wash the berries in cold water, then remove all the seeds and combine the already peeled cherries in layers with sugar in a deep basin or saucepan.

We leave it alone for 3-4 hours, in this way we let it brew and give the cherry juice. Then we send to medium fire, stirring occasionally so that the sugar does not burn, bring to a boil and cook for another five minutes, but only over low heat.

Next, remove the pan from the heat and let the jam cool completely to room temperature. We repeat the same procedure two more times and do not forget to remove the resulting foam. After the third brew, pour still hot ready jam on sterilized jars and roll up the lids. Wrap in a blanket and leave to cool completely.

How to cook seedless cherry jam with pectin


  • Pitted cherries - 1 kg
  • sugar - 600 gr
  • pectin - 10 gr.

Cooking method:

We sort the berries and wash them in cold water. Then we remove all the bones and transfer it to a suitable pan or to an enamel basin in which we will prepare the jam.

Add sugar, but not all, leave 4-5 tablespoons for pectin. Stir and put in a cool place for 3-4 hours so that the juice stands out and sugar dissolves.

After the cherry has let the juice go, proceed to the next step. We put the pan on the fire, stirring constantly so that the jam does not burn, bring the jam to a boil. After that, cook on low heat for another five minutes.

While the jam is cooking, mix the pectin with the reserved sugar and add this mixture to the boiling mass. Mix everything thoroughly and after 2-3 minutes remove from heat, as more long time cooking can negate all the properties of pectin.

It remains only to pour the hot jam into sterilized jars, roll up the lids, turn over and wrap in a warm blanket until it cools completely.

This is what I think is the best best way making cherry jam with pectin. Of course, you can experiment with the amount of ingredients, but as for me, these proportions are the best.

Fried pitted cherry jam in a pan (video)

Bon appetit!!!

Cherry jam with gelatin is a product with a pleasant texture and special benefits. After all, gelatin is natural substance, derived from animal products, which helps keep skin, bones and hair healthy. Besides, folk treatment joints with gelatin - completely effective method therapy. So, despite the seeming uselessness, gelatin is very, very valuable. Also in the composition of the jam, this substance helps to preserve the maximum benefit. fresh berries, since the time for heat treatment is significantly reduced.

One of the recipes is a must-try during the cherry picking season, and if you always cook such a delicacy for the winter, then surprise your family with something new. For example, use a recipe with cocoa or wine!

Seedless cherry jam with gelatin

Preparing cherries for a pitted dish can take several hours if you don't have special device to extract bones. However, the effort expended is worth the result: the product will turn out to be tender, soft, without any discomfort while eating. The gelatin in this recipe gives the dish a thick texture:

Take 2 kg ripe berries, you can choose even overripe fruits;
for getting perfect taste it will take about 1.8 kg of sugar;
12 g of gelatin (can be taken in plates);
1 liter of water.

Cooking process:

1. Before cooking, the berries should be carefully sorted out, cleaned of legs and other hard parts. Then they are crushed in a blender, you can use a meat grinder.
2. Separately bring water to a boil and add sugar. After 10 minutes, the sweet syrup is removed from the stove and cooled.
3. Pre-soak gelatin according to the instructions.
4. Gelatin solution is poured into sugar syrup, lay there the crushed berries.
5. All components are well mixed and boiled for 30 minutes after the start of boiling.
6. In the process, it is better to remove the foam to get a transparent color for the jam.
The finished dish in a hot state is laid out in sterilized jars and immediately rolled up.

Pitted cherry jam with five-minute gelatin

The recipe is perfect for both storage and instant consumption! It saves maximum benefit all ingredients, and the use of pitted berries reduces cooking time. For implementation required:

0.5 kg of good ripe cherries;
quite a bit of sugar for such a portion - 150 g;
water in an amount of 0.4 kg will help achieve perfect consistency;
and gelatin will need only 1 teaspoon.

Step by step cooking plan:

1. Rinse the cherries well and dry them with a towel so that excess liquid does not penetrate into the final dish.
2. In parallel, prepare gelatin by pouring water.
3. Pour 150 g of sugar into the pan where the yummy will be cooked. Remember that when more ingredients, it is better to choose stainless steel dishes, not enameled ones.
4. The indicated amount of water is poured into the sugar, cherries are added and the mixture is boiled for 5 minutes.
5. After the specified time, swollen gelatin is laid out to the jam (there should be no crystals).
6. The mixture is very well mixed so that the gelatin granules disperse throughout the mass. Don't boil! Remove the pan as soon as bubbles appear.
7. Pour the resulting jam into prepared jars. The mixture will be liquid, but after a day it will harden.

After transfusion, foam may form in the jars. It must be removed, otherwise the product may ferment. After the jars have completely cooled, they are cleaned in a cold place - a cellar or a refrigerator. The recipe is sweet and sour due to the reduced amount of sugar.

The original recipe for cherry jam with wine

This recipe also uses a gelling element, there are other components:

The peculiarity of this dish is that you need to use classic cherry jam with or without a stone, which was prepared in advance (without gelatin). It will take about 150 g;
3.5 cups of red wine are taken for the indicated serving of berries;
half a glass lemon juice;
instead of gelatin, 80 g of pure pectin is used;
and take as much sugar as you want, for example, half a glass.

Cooking process:

1. Mix all liquid ingredients and pectin in a good saucepan, except for jam.
2. Syrup from jam must be separated and added to the liquid parts. Small amounts of cinnamon or cloves are allowed.
3. The liquid mixture is boiled for 1 minute on fire after boiling, and then immediately poured into jars.
4. Cherry berries are thrown into the resulting workpiece and cooled.

store original jelly in the refrigerator, its consistency is loose, closer to jam.

Cherry jam with cocoa

Another original recipe for those who are tired of regular jam with cherry! For its preparation such components are required:

550 g fresh cherries, pitted;
for the indicated number of berries take 0.25 kg of sugar;
cocoa powder should be taken in a quantity of 1.5 tbsp. l.;
pre-boil natural coffe and take about 0.5 cups;
about 0.5 st. any wine; I remember about beneficial features red dry wine, you can choose it.
to give a special flavor, use a pinch of citric acid;
so that the consistency is successful, take 15 g of gelatin.

Cherry making process:

1. Peeled cherries are covered with sugar, cocoa and coffee are added to it, as well as gelatin (without soaking). Still needed lemon acid, the benefits of which are also beyond doubt. All mix well and wait for the separation of the juice.
2. The resulting mixture is put on the stove and heated to a boil, boiled for 5 minutes, constantly ridding the mixture of foam.
3. After a specified period of time, wine is added, and cherry jam with coffee and cocoa is immediately poured into sterilized jars.

Store received fragrant dessert better in a cellar or refrigerator, since sugar is not enough here for normal preservation when room temperature.

Cherry jam with or without pits with the addition of gelatin goes well with bread. Can be served as an appetizer festive table in tartlets, can be used in original pastries. It is also suitable for serving with meat, for example, chicken. A sour note with a chocolate flavor allows you to achieve incredible culinary combinations!

Cherry jam - favorite treat which is relevant both in winter and summer. If you are bored traditional recipes this dessert, then find out from this article alternative options making cherry jam.

Cherry jam This is a favorite treat for the whole family. If you cook it correctly for the winter, then eating a couple of tablespoons of jam with tea in the winter, you can replenish vitamins needed by the body. This article is exactly about how to make delicious and healthy cherry jam and what products it can be combined with for a delicious mix.

Cherry jam recipe for the winter: how much sugar to put, how much to cook, how much jam you get from 1 kg of cherries

Cherry jam combines delicate fragrance And pleasant taste, therefore, together with raspberry and apple, it is the most popular and easy to prepare. Let's take a look at one of the most optimal recipes tasty and healthy winter dessert.

For cherry jam, use southern varieties of cherries, choose maroon berries. The darker the berry, the tastier the jam will be.

In order for any preservation for the winter well kept, had correct color and taste, it is necessary to prepare and store the product in proper utensils. For processing and boiling berries you need use only enamelware or container from of stainless steel. Otherwise, the container, even before rolling into jars, will acquire an unpleasant shade due to oxidation of the dishes.

You only need to keep the jam V glass jars that must first be sterilized in the oven or on the teapot(remove the lid from the kettle and place the neck of the jar in the kettle, thus hot steam sterilization).

In order for the jam to be tasty and sweet, housewives usually use sugar. in the ratio of 1 kg of sugar per 1 kg of cherries. Those who do not like sweets can use it less, but the essence of this amount of sugar is that over time it gives the jam the right thickness and thanks to this preservation better stored.

The ideal ratio when cooking cherry jam is 1 kg of berries per 1 kg of sugar

You can cook cherry jam in different ways, depending on the recipe. In this article, you will definitely find out various recipes jams with detailed instructions.

With 1 kg of cherries and 1 kg of sugar you will get about 3-4 half liter jars jam. This will depend on with or without bones You are planning to prepare a sweet dessert.

Do not stop reading this paragraph, then you will learn detailed recipes for delicious cherry jam in various combinations.

Pitted cherry jam

Eating cherry jam is very useful for those who suffer cardiovascular disease. Due to the fact that cherries have the ability to thin the blood, the risk of developing blood clots is reduced.

Cooking pitted cherry jam is a painstaking task.

For cooking pitted cherry jam You will need:

  • 1 kg cherries
  • 1.2 kg of sugar (if you do not like too sweet, you can reduce to 1 kg, but no less)

In order to prepare such a jam, you will definitely have to arm yourself a device that removes bones or take them out by hand. Wash the cherry and push all the seeds out of it. Ready cherries put in a container and sprinkle with sugar at the rate 2/3 sugar for all cherries. After that, leave the cherry to stand for 2-3 hours.

After that, the cherry should already let juice, bring the mixture to a boil, stirring constantly. After boiling, leave the future jam until completely cool, and repeat the procedure again, adding the rest of the sugar.

Cooled down jam pour into jars and delicious winter dessert ready. Thanks to the efforts spent on the preparation of preservation, in cold winter evenings You will be happy to enjoy hot tea with delicious cherry jam.

Pitted cherry jam five minutes

You, for sure, after reading this title, were inspired and decided that already in 5 minutes You will have a full cellar of cherry jam. Forced to disappoint you Not certainly in that way. Although the preparation of jam according to this recipe is really takes 5 minutes, but the cherries themselves still need to be collected, washed and covered with sugar. This of course will not take the specified time.

But still, the cooking process itself is very simple due to the fact that:

  • from the berry you do not need to remove the stone
  • it is not necessary to sprinkle cherries with sugar and wait 2-3 hours. If you are still in no hurry, it is better to let the berry brew in sugar syrup, so it will be softer and delicious. But if you do not have time, then this recipe does not involve a long wait

For cooking "five minutes" You will need 1 kg of cherries and sugar. Mix the ingredients and immediately send to cook. Having boiled 5 minutes, stirring with a wooden spoon and can be poured into pre-sterilized jars. You can also save time by sterilizing jars while making jam.

In this express way, you can quickly make blanks for the whole year. The main thing to remember is that jam with seeds should not be stored for more than a year, since from the bones, after a year of storage, substances will be released that can cause food poisoning.

Video: Five Minute Cherry Jam

Thick pitted cherry jam

Thick cherry jam seedless the best stuffing for pies. For a delicious dessert, you need a kilogram cherries and sugar, as well as a glass of water.

Write down or memorize detailed recipe:

  • Wash the berries, remove the seeds and sprinkle with sugar, let stand 2-3 hours
  • When the cherry gives enough juice, mix it with water and cook until it boils, remove the foam and remove from the stove
  • Through 2-3 minutes repeat the previous step again
  • Repeat previous step 4 times, constantly skimming off the foam
  • Remove the jam from the heat and immediately place in dry and clean jars

This jam is extremely tasty not only as a filling for pies, but also simply with tea or as a standalone dessert. Although cooking takes a lot of time, but having tasted it in the winter, you will not regret the day spent in the kitchen.

Cherry jam with gelatin

Another extraordinarily delicious recipe for cherry jam is jam with gelatin. In this way, you get not only delicious canned cherries, but also fragrant cherry jelly . To prepare treats you will need:

  • 1 kg cherries
  • 2 tsp gelatin
  • 800 ml water
  • 300 g sugar

Cherry jam with gelatin - an unusual dessert

It will take you about 2 hours. Follow the instructions below:

  • Wash the cherries, fill with water, after boiling and boil 5 minutes
  • Dilute gelatin according to the instructions and add to the cherries
  • Cook over low heat until it boils.
  • Pour into pre-sterilized jars

You can store this jam in the fridge or basement. Very original dessert can be created by decorating cakes, ice cream or pastries with it.

Simple cherry jam

The fastest, but no less tasty cherry jam is jam with bones. Firstly, it saves time for processing berries, and secondly, cherries remain juicy and tasty. You will need per kilogram of sugar, cherries and a glass of water for making sugar syrup.

To begin with, you just need to pour water into the sugar and boil sugar syrup. After that, pour them over cherries and leave to infuse overnight. In the morning, separate the cherries from the syrup with a slotted spoon and arrange in jars. Bring the syrup to a boil pour cherries in banks.

This jam can be used already in a week. During this time, the remaining sugar will melt, and the cherry will be well fed with sugar syrup.

This optimal recipe t for making cherry jam. It does not require too much effort or time from you. Even though cherries in syrup should insist all night, you, in fact, only need to wash the berries and boil the syrup. A quick and tasty recipe for simple cherry jam is sure to please housewives who have little free time.

Cherry jam in jelly

Such a delicious dessert is very useful for you on winter evenings with hot tea. Use for this recipe, as for all others, is preferable fresh ripe cherries.

To make cherries in jelly you need:

  • 1 kg cherries
  • 0.7 kg sugar
  • 2 tbsp gelatin

Fill the cherry with water for a couple of hours. If this homemade cherry from your garden, it is possible that they can live inside worm pests. So that an unpleasant surprise does not fall into the jam, leave the cherry in the water to let everything else come out. After that, drain the water and clean the berries.

Add a mixture of sugar and gelatin to dried cherries and leave for 10 hours. After this time, the berries will start juice and you can start the main cooking.

Put a container with cherries on low heat and boil after boiling 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly. Foam may form on top of the berries, which must be removed. We lay out the finished cherries in jars, turn upside down and warmly wrapped until the next morning. The next day, the jam can already be sent to the refrigerator or basement.

in winter cherry in jelly will delight you with its extraordinary taste. Children love this dessert very much, adding it to ice cream. Such jam can be added to pies and buns, as the main filling or as fruit mix.

Cherry jam in a multicooker

For modern housewives all conveniences in cooking have been created - electric meat grinders, combines, multicookers. With the help of the latter apparatus, you can also make jam - quickly and easily. Find out exactly how below:

  • Wash the cherries, if desired, remove the seeds and put in a multicooker bowl
  • Sprinkle the berries on top with sugar and turn on the “Extinguishing” mode for 2 hours
  • At this time, wash and sterilize the jars
  • Arrange the finished cherries in jars, roll up and leave for a day at room temperature

Jam in a slow cooker is not only quick and easy to prepare, but also very healthy - thanks to languishing in a bowl, berries retain all their vitamins.

Delicious jam: cherry in chocolate

Another amazing recipe cherry jam is Cherry covered in chocolate. Despite the simplicity of preparation, having tasted the taste of dessert once, you will forever leave it in a place of honor in notebook. You can use it like sweet paste for a sandwich or as a filling for any pastry.

To make chocolate covered cherries You will need:

  • 1 kg cherries
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 0.1 kg cocoa

Do not use too many berries and do not double the serving, based on the recipe below, you will understand the reason:

  • Wash and remove pits from berries
  • Put the cherries with sugar in a deep container and cook until boiling.
  • Remove from fire and leave for an hour brew
  • Use a colander to separate the cherries from the syrup and bring the liquid to a boil.
  • Again mix the cherries with the liquid for an hour, repeat the procedure three more times
  • At the fifth boil, add cocoa syrup to the cherries and, stirring gently, cook until boiling.
  • Pour the resulting jam into jars and store only at room temperature

For the resulting dessert, your family will queue up, asking for an addition. It's so delicious treat that you should definitely try it.

Video: Chocolate Cherry Jam Recipe

Delicious jam: cherry with currant

There are a lot of vitamins in currants, which are useful in winter. By using currant jam treat colds and bronchitis. But if you add cherries to currants, you get just explosive vitamin mix a must have in the pantry in cold weather. You can make delicious jam with both black and red currants, the taste of dessert in any case will be amazing. To prepare cherry-currant jam, you need:

  • 2 kg cherries
  • 1 kg black or red currant
  • 3 kg sugar
  • 300 g water

It is very easy to make delicious jam with these ingredients:

  • Wash the berries, remove the cherry stones and twigs from the currant
  • Put the berries in a container and cook for half an hour
  • Through 30 minutes add sugar and cook until you see a homogeneous mass
  • If the jam has already thickened well, then remove it from the heat and let it cool.
  • Arrange the cooled jam in jars and roll up

Cherry jam with currants is very tasty, with a little acidity. Add a teaspoon of jam instead of sugar to children's tea and replenish the supply of vitamins in the child's body.

Felt cherry jam

Felt cherry is a shrub that grows small, sweet berries. Its leaves are soft, fluffy, similar to felt, which is why the name went. Such a shrub grows mainly in the expanses of the East. To make jam from this berry, you will need a felt cherry and sugar in a 1:1 ratio.

The harvesting method is similar to the above recipes:

  • Prepare cherries and sprinkle with sugar
  • Let the berries brew sugar juicecouple of hours
  • Cook over medium heat until boiling
  • After that, leave the jam for an hour cool
  • Repeat the previous two steps twice more
  • After the third boil, pour hot jam into jars

jam from felt cherry Very thick consistency , which will be a definite plus in baking.

Cherry jam without sugar

To prepare such, at first glance, unusual dessert You will need 1 kg frozen cherries. The jam will be prepared for steam bath, so you should find two bowls - a larger one and a smaller one. Write a step by step recipe:

  • Bring water to a boil in a large bowl and place a smaller container with frozen cherries in it, so that the bottom of the small bowl does not touch the water.
  • cook 3 hours, stirring occasionally. If the water in the bottom bowl has boiled away, then add the liquid again
  • Already about after 2.5 hours the jam will be thick enough, but if you want a denser consistency, then you should leave the jam on the steam bath for more for half an hour
  • Remove the bowl of cherries from the heat and cover with cling film.
  • When the jam will cool down, place in jars and close with a screw cap

You can store this dessert in a refrigerator or any other cool room.

A delicious addition to the aroma of jam will be vanilla or cinnamon stick added during cooking. Such a dessert can be consumed with pastries, tea, or used to make jelly or compote.

Gooseberry jam with cherries

Cherry gooseberry jam is different exquisite sourness, which gives the jam an unusual and pleasant taste. To prepare a delicious dessert you will need 1 kg of cherries, 1 kg of gooseberries and 2 kg of sugar, 0.5 l of water. A cinnamon stick will be a nice flavor addition.

How to make jam with gooseberries and cherries:

  • Wash the berries and remove the seeds
  • Make sugar syrup with cinnamon
  • Pour boiling sugar syrup over berry mix and brew 10 minutes
  • Let the jam set 3-4 hours and repeat the previous procedure 4 times until the syrup thickens
  • Pour into banks

Let's share with you one more delicious recipe, which can be prepared with the same ingredients, but without water:

  • Grind gooseberries with a blender and cover with sugar
  • Add cherries to the resulting sugar syrup with gooseberries and cook 15 minutes
  • Arrange the jam in jars and send to a cool room.

Both proposed recipes are not inferior to each other in terms of taste characteristics. The only difference will be that in the first recipe, the jam will initially more liquid. But by the winter cherry gooseberry dessert will be an indispensable addition to the evening tea drinking.

Strawberry and cherry jam

When summer comes to an end, you want to remember the taste of ripe strawberries and cherries. Opportunity to try delicious berries only remains in winter through conservation. Now you will learn how to make delicious strawberry and cherry jam. For this you will need strawberries and cherries. in a ratio of 1:1 and twice as much sugar.

Strawberries and cherries are the perfect combination

The cooking process is very simple and consists of the following steps:

  • Berries must be peeled and washed
  • Be sure to remove the pit from the cherry
  • Put the cherries and strawberries in a bowl or basin and sprinkle evenly with sugar
  • Leave berries for 2-3 hours until they run out of juice
  • After that, cook over low heat, stirring occasionally so that the jam does not stick to the bottom.
  • After the jam has thickened, it will take about an hour, pour the dessert into jars and roll up

Cherry strawberry jam very easy to prepare, but the taste of such a fruit mix is ​​very delicate and pleasantly sweet.

Delicious jam: raspberry with cherry

Ripe raspberries are loved by adults and children. Its wonderful aroma and delicate taste attaches piquant note in any dessert. In order to prepare tender cherry jam with raspberries You will need:

  • 1 kg cherries
  • 0.5 kg raspberries
  • 2 kg sugar
  • 300 ml water

To start, wash the berries well and be sure to remove pits from cherries. Mix sugar with water and make sugar syrup. After preparing the syrup, place the berries in it and leave overnight. During this time, cherries and raspberries will be saturated with sweetness and become even more fragrant.

In the morning, put the resulting mixture on fire and cook for one and a half hours. During this time, the jam will become thick and tender, all sugar should dissolve.

Determine the readiness of the dessert you can do this: if you drop a drop of syrup on a saucer and tilt the plate a little and at the same time the drop does not spread, then the jam can be considered ready.

Among all the possible combinations, it is the most popular cherry jam with raspberries. Try it, and maybe from now on you will write down a delicious dessert in your favorites.

Cherry jam from Alla Kovalchuk

To make cherry jam at home, you will need 1 kg cherries boneless and 1.5 kg sugar. Now you will learn the recipe-masterpiece from famous chef Alla Kovalchuk:

  • Wash the cherries and remove the stone, pour 1/3 sugar and leave overnight
  • Add the rest in the morning granulated sugar and put the enameled container on medium heat
  • brew 10 minutes, stirring constantly (repeat 2 times)
  • Boil jars and pour hot jam into them

Cherry jam from Alla Kovalchuk

This recipe is so easy to make many jars of delicious jam possible in less than one day. Do not regret the time spent - in winter, when you want to feel the taste of summer cherries, such a find in the pantry will be very useful.

Cherry jam jam

cherry jam- the main defender of immunity in winter. It is very useful for children viral infections and a cold. To make jam, use stainless steel cookware- so the jam will retain its natural color.

Wash and sort cherries remove stems and rotten fruit. For 3 kg of cherries you will need 1 kg of sugar and 1 tsp of soda.

In order for the jam to be homogeneous and without lumps, pass the berries through a meat grinder or use a blender. Pour the resulting mixture into a bowl and cook over high heat. After the mixture boils, you need to boil it another 45 minutes.

Add soda to jam Don't be scared if you see green foam. This is a common reaction that will change to a normal cherry color over time. When the color returns to normal, add sugar and cook over medium heat. another 40 minutes.

Then pour the jam in sterilized jars, with the specified amount of ingredients you will get 3 half liter jars dessert. Jam can be stored both at room temperature and in a cold room.

Cherry jam with walnuts

You have already thoroughly studied variety of options jams and cherry jam in combination with other berries, but in the end there is the most delicious - cherry jam with nuts. Already submitted? It is actually very tasty, although it will take painstaking work.

jam with walnuts and cherries - a difficult task for the hostess, but the result is worth it

For the preparation of cherry-nut jam you need to stock up on the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg cherries
  • 5 kg sugar
  • 0.3 kg of nuts (you can use any, but walnuts are preferable)
  • 200 ml water

memorize detailed original dessert recipe:

  • Wash the berries and carefully remove the stone from them
  • Divide the nut kernel into pieces equal to the cherry pit
  • Further action depends on your patience - ideal option will stuff all cherries nuts, but if patience is not enough, then just mix the ingredients
  • Mix sugar and water, boil sugar syrup
  • After the sugar has dissolved, carefully pour the berries into a bowl of syrup and cook until thickened.
  • Remove the foam and sprinkle on the banks

This jam is good for long term storage. If you intend to eat dessert after cooking, then the amount of sugar can be reduced.

Frozen Cherry Jam

If it's hot summer time You did not have time to cook cherry jam, but you froze a few kilograms of berries, then you can cook it from frozen cherries. You need these ingredients:

  • 300 g cherries
  • 0.5 kg sugar
  • 50 g water

Before making jam defrost cherries. You can do this in room conditions without any tools - just put the cherry in a saucepan or bowl to a warm place. When the berries melt in the pan, juice is formed - you should not pour it out.

Preparing jam:

  1. Sprinkle cherries with sugar and pour water, put on fire
  2. After boiling, reduce the heat and cook the berries within 25 minutes
  3. Then take the jam off the heat and let it cool down.
  4. Sterilize the jars and fill them with jam, close the lids

Cherry jam calories

The use of cherry jam good for immunity besides, it is extremely tasty and will not leave indifferent neither adults nor children. But at the same time, jam can bring significant harm to your body and its uncontrolled use will have negative consequences.

IN 100 g cherry jam contains approximately 64 g net carbohydrates, which is 256 kcal. Therefore, you can pamper yourself with jam only occasionally and Vsmall quantities.

You can reduce the calorie content of cherry jam if cook it without sugar, according to one of the recipes proposed above. If you like sweet jam, then it is healthier replace sugar with honey.

In this article, you learned about most of the recipes for cherry jam in one interpretation or another. Every recipe delicious and unique in its own way. Choose the best for you and enjoy delicious dessert all year round. Bon appetit!

Video: Pitted Cherry Jam
