
Sugar icing without powder. How to make frosting with icing sugar and lemon juice

It can be compared with the work of artists. At the same time, the painters have no idea what the final touches of the paintings will be. But confectioners always know what they will do. As a rule, in their work, the final touch is icing, with which a variety of cakes, gingerbread, cookies, cakes and cupcakes are covered on top.

Variety of icing sugar

At this point, cooks can show all their creativity, as icing sugar can be quite varied. Common in all its types is the fact that all of it is made using sugar or powder.

Various ingredients can be added here. Among them, egg whites, starch, milk, cream, butter, sour cream, cocoa, juices and vanilla are very often used.

The powder is mixed with milk until it reaches a soft paste. Then sugar syrup is added, and flavoring is also put here. After that, you can start whipping the resulting mixture. Beating is done until the icing sugar for the cake is smooth and shiny.

After obtaining the optimal result, you need to decompose the icing into small cups and add the dye of the desired color to each. A characteristic feature is that the more of the corresponding dye is put, the brighter the color of the icing on the cake will subsequently turn out. When icing cookies, for example, you need to dip them in colored icing or spread it with a small brush. In the process of drawing, sugar icing, the recipe of which was described above, is laid out in a special confectionery syringe, after which various color patterns are applied to the cake.

Gingerbreads with translucent icing and white stains are very tasty. The composition of this glaze is quite simple. This includes water and sugar. A feature of her recipe is the secret of cooking and the direct method of glazing gingerbread.

It is necessary to take one glass of granulated sugar and half a glass of ordinary water, which is poured into a saucepan. Then you need to dissolve sugar in it and bring this mixture to a boil. You need to boil, constantly removing the foam until large transparent bubbles appear.

After cooling such a glaze, flavors should be added to it, including vanilla, almond or rum. After that, you need to cool a little more and you can start glazing. For relatively large products, icing for gingerbread is applied with a brush. Small ones can simply be immersed in syrup, gently mixing and then removing them with a slotted spoon. After that, you need to put the gingerbread on the grate, so the excess syrup will drain and the rest will harden. This will make gingerbread frosting.

These are the various recipes for icing sugar that serve as the final beautiful touch to any confectionery creation.

After reading this article, you will know how to make sugar icing. To create it, you do not need egg whites and powdered sugar. Enough water and sugar. The only drawback of this glaze lies in the fact that it hardens rather quickly. Therefore, after cooking, it must be immediately applied to baking.


To make the simplest and most delicious sugar icing, you need to prepare:
two hundred grams of granulated sugar;
one hundred and twenty milliliters of hot water;
three teaspoons of lemon juice.

Glaze preparation

White sugar icing is created very quickly and very simply. First you need to pour sugar into a saucepan. There you need to pour hot water. Cook the mixture over low heat until the sugar syrup begins to bubble and thicken. As soon as it becomes clear that the syrup is slowly draining from the spoon, it must be removed from the heat, add lemon juice to it and quickly stir with a spoon.

Making white sugar icing will seem less labor-intensive if you use a mixer to beat the sugar syrup. As soon as the sweet mass begins to turn from transparent to white, the icing can be considered ready. At this point, it must be quickly applied to pastries. After all, as a rule, it freezes in a matter of minutes.

Skillful housewives who know how to make sugar icing manage to turn hardened sugar fudge into liquid. They recommend adding a little water to the saucepan with glaze and stirring, heat the mixture over low heat. However, it should be noted that when heated, the white icing can become transparent again. Therefore, you should try not to miss the moment so as not to make sugar syrup out of the glaze.

How to make colored sugar icing?

As mentioned earlier in this article, this recipe creates a rather whimsical sweet fudge. Once the sugar syrup turns white, it usually begins to solidify. If you want to make a different shade of fondant, food coloring should be added along with lemon juice to a hot and thick syrup. And only then mix the mixture with a spoon or mixer to make it opaque.

Application of icing sugar

Since sugar fudge is so easy to make, it can be used to decorate any type of baked goods. As a rule, this type of sugar icing for Easter cake is created. But some housewives decorate gingerbread, cookies, muffins and donuts with it. This icing has a nice smooth texture, so it looks great on any type of baked goods. It's just that you can't fill the cake with it. I liked this icing. The recipe is very simple indeed. It can be made when there is only sugar in the cupboard and no powdered sugar or eggs.

Features of sugar fudge

Now you know how to make white fondant and the fact that it hardens very quickly. But it should also be noted that it also crumbles if you cut it into pieces, filled with it, or bite into a cookie decorated with it. Therefore, if you prefer to create perfect pastries, then this fondant will most likely not suit you. It is still in case when you need to make pastries attractive, and there were no chicken eggs and powdered sugar in the house.

Milk glaze both decorates and improves the taste of baked goods. It turns out tender, with a light creamy taste. It can also be used as a layer of cakes. Fruit and ice cream are served with milk glaze.

Milk glaze - the basic principles of preparation

To make a simple milk glaze, you only need two ingredients: milk and powdered sugar. Milk is poured into a saucepan and boiled. Powder is gradually introduced into the hot liquid and beat for five minutes. Glaze is ready.

Most often, chocolate icing is prepared for baking. It looks especially impressive on confectionery. To prepare it, take butter, cocoa, milk and powdered sugar. Melt the butter, cool slightly and combine with powdered sugar, beat with a whisk. Then pour in the milk and continue to beat for five minutes. At the end add cocoa and mix.

Properly prepared glaze should not be thick and not too liquid. Thick glaze cannot be applied in an even layer, and liquid glaze will drain and the layer will turn out to be too thin. The ideal icing is the consistency of medium-fat sour cream. For this, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions indicated in the recipe.

Simple milk icing can be applied to baking patterns, or used to glue products.

Recipe 1: Simple Milk Glaze


150 g of powdered sugar;

60 ml homemade milk.

Cooking method

1. Sift the powdered sugar to get rid of lumps.

2. Pour milk into a small saucepan and boil.

3. Gradually pour the boiling milk into the bowl of powdered sugar and beat thoroughly with a mixer for five minutes. Start using the frosting as soon as it has cooled slightly and thickened.

Recipe 2. Milk glaze with cocoa


50 g butter;

cocoa powder - 50 g;

75 g of powdered sugar;

50 ml of homemade milk.

Cooking method

1. Put the butter in a saucepan, melt over low heat and cool slightly.

2. Add powdered sugar to it and beat well. Add cocoa and stir until smooth.

Recipe 3: Chocolate milk glaze with honey


cocoa powder - 50 g;

30 g plum oil;

chocolate - 50 g;

50 ml of milk;

honey - 40 g;

100 g of powdered sugar.

Cooking method

1. Break the chocolate into small pieces. Put in a saucepan, add oil and melt everything over low heat or a water bath.

2. Sift powder and cocoa powder. Combine them with milk, mix and pour into the chocolate mixture. Whisk thoroughly.

3. Cool slightly and add honey. Stir again and use to decorate pies, cakes and pastries.

Recipe 4: Curly Boy Cake with Milk Icing



200 ml of kefir;

75 g cocoa;

three eggs;

flour - 150 g;

125 g of sugar;


stack sour cream;

125 g of granulated sugar.


30 g plums. oils;

milk - half a glass;

50 g cocoa;

sugar - 100 g.

Cooking method

1. Beat the eggs into the mixer bowl and beat for about three minutes until a fluffy mass is obtained. Add vanilla and continue beating, adding sugar little by little. Beat for at least seven minutes.

2. Pour kefir into the egg mixture and beat for a couple of minutes. Pour in half the flour, after sifting it. Add soda, quenching it with vinegar. Stir gently. Then add the remaining flour and continue beating until you get a mass without lumps.

3. Divide the dough in half. Add cocoa to one part, mix, and then beat with a mixer. Grease the baking molds with oil and put the light and chocolate dough in them separately. Bake for 25 minutes at 180 C. Check readiness with a toothpick.

4. Beat sour cream with a mixer for five minutes. If you want the cream to be thick, put it on cheesecloth and leave it hanging for at least an hour.

5. Gradually add sugar to the sour cream and continue to beat for another seven minutes.

6. Pour milk into a saucepan and put on fire. Add sugar to hot milk and stir until sugar dissolves completely. Now add cocoa and simmer, stirring constantly, for about three minutes. Remove from heat, add butter and stir until completely melted. Glaze is ready.

7. Remove the finished cakes from the oven. Light cut into equal cubes. Cut the chocolate cake in half lengthwise. Cut off the tubercle from the top to make the cakes even.

8. Put the dark cake on a dish and pour over with sour cream, cover with a second one and pour over with sour cream again. Dip pieces of light cake in sour cream and spread on chocolate cakes in a slide. Top the cake with milk icing and leave to soak for a couple of hours.

Recipe 5. Honey caramel in milk glaze


300 g of sugar;

5 g cinnamon;

100 g of natural liquid honey;

3 g vanillin;

one and a half stack. drinking water;

10 g of citric acid.


third stack. milk;

20 g of powdered sugar;

100 g sugar.

Cooking method

1. Pour the water into a small saucepan and bring it to a boil. Pour all the sugar in small portions, add honey and citric acid, continuously stirring with a spoon. Add cinnamon and vanilla. Cook until thickened.

2. Pour the hot caramel mixture into molds and cool.

3. Pour sugar for icing into a saucepan, pour boiling milk and stir until it is completely dissolved. We put on an intense fire. When the syrup begins to boil, remove the foam from the surface with a spoon. Cover with a lid and cook until done. A couple of minutes before the end of cooking, add vanilla sugar and beat.

4. Cut the caramel mass into cubes. Dip each one into the glaze and place on a plate.

Recipe 6: Day and Night Cakes with Milk Icing


400 g crackers with poppy seeds;

stack walnuts;

400 g homemade sour cream;

150 g sugar.


sachet of coconut.

Chocolate milk glaze

50 ml of milk;

30 g cocoa powder;

100 g white sugar;

50 g plums. oils.

sour cream

quarter stack. Sahara;

stk. homemade sour cream.

Cooking method

1. Put the crackers, nuts and sugar into the blender bowl. Break everything down to crumbs.

2. Add sour cream and beat again in a blender.

3. Prepare milk glaze. Pour milk into a saucepan, add sugar, cocoa and soft butter, rub the mixture well. Put a large pot of water on the fire. As soon as it boils, place a saucepan with the resulting chocolate mixture on top. Cook until boiling, stirring constantly. The sugar must melt. Cool while stirring.

4. Combine homemade sour cream with sugar and beat until smooth.

5. From a mixture of nuts, sour cream and crackers, we form balls the size of a chicken egg. Press lightly with the palm of your hand. Dip one half into the icing and the other half into the buttercream. Roll the sides in coconut flakes. Lay out on a platter. Decorate with nuts.

Recipe 7. Cake "Eskimo" with milk icing



two chicken eggs;

half stack. flour;

125 ml of drinking water;

20 g cocoa;

half stack. white sugar;

2 g vanillin.

2 g vanillin;

250 g plums. oils;

stack milk;

stack granulated sugar;

two eggs;

chocolate milk glaze.

Cooking method

1. Separate the proteins from the yolks. Beat egg whites until soft peaks form. Pour sugar and vanilla into the yolks. Rub it white. Pour in drinking water. Add the sifted flour and cocoa and beat everything with a mixer until smooth. Enter the whipped proteins and gently, with movements from top to bottom, mix so that they do not settle.

2. Cover the form with baking paper. Pour the dough into it and bake at 180 degrees for half an hour. Do not open the oven door during baking! Cool the finished cake in the form and remove it.

3. Pour sugar into a saucepan, add vanilla and eggs. Pour in the flour. Whip everything. Then gradually pour in the warm milk and whisk again until smooth. Put the saucepan on a small fire and cook, stirring constantly, until the cream thickens.

4. Put the soft butter in a bowl and beat it with a mixer until fluffy. Add it to the custard and beat for a couple more minutes.

5. Coat the cake with the finished cream and put it in the cold for half an hour. Prepare the chocolate icing according to the above recipe and cover the cake with it. Decorate as you please.

  • You can add a little rum or cognac to the glaze. It will make its taste and aroma more interesting.
  • As a flavoring, citrus zest and juice, cinnamon, vanillin are used.
  • For the preparation of chocolate milk glaze, only high-quality cocoa or chocolate is used. An instant mixture for preparing a drink is categorically not suitable for this.
  • The icing will cook much faster if you use powdered sugar instead of sugar.

Icing is a semi-finished confectionery product that is used to decorate cakes, pastries and pastries. The basis of the glaze is powdered sugar, which can be stabilized with proteins and citric acid, as well as invert syrup. The finished mass has a boiled white color and a barely noticeable glossy sheen.

To shade the taste of the semi-finished product and give it color, natural fruit and vegetable juices without pulp are added to the composition: pomegranate, carrot, beetroot, orange, cranberry, raspberry, lemon and others.

A pleasant aroma of glaze is given by infusion of dessert alcohol (cognac, liqueurs, liqueurs), cinnamon, vanilla, citrus zest, chocolate. Instead of natural raw materials, artificial colors and flavors can be introduced.

Depending on the recipe and the products to be decorated, after application, the glaze is dried in an oven at low temperatures (90-110 degrees) or left as is. For example, a semi-finished protein product is usually dried.

How to make icing from powdered sugar is described in detail below.

simple icing

Icing - "minute" for decorating various cookies and gingerbread. Lemon juice or water acidified with citric acid is taken as a diluent.

List of ingredients:

  • Powdered sugar - 100-200 g.
  • Flavoring powder (not granulated sugar) - a pinch.
  • Citric acid - on the tip of a knife either.
  • Lemon juice - 30 ml.
  • Water - 40 - 60 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the powdered sugar into a deep bowl. Pour in some water and rub vigorously with a whisk or beat with a mixer.
  2. Gradually add all the liquid and beat until a thick air mass with a slight glossy sheen is formed.
  3. Apply to the products with a confectionery silicone brush and leave to dry.

Chocolate glaze

Dark chocolate-based icing, which is usually used to decorate biscuits and cakes.

List of ingredients:

  • Powdered sugar - 150 g.
  • Chocolate bitter - 100 g.
  • Citric acid - 0.25 tsp.
  • Water - 100 ml.
  • Butter - 30 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Melt the pieces of chocolate and a cube of butter in a water bath. Stir the mass continuously, after complete dissolution, remove from the stove.
  2. Boil invert syrup from 100 ml. water, 150-200 g of powdered sugar and citric acid (juice). Reduce by a quarter and remove from the stove.
  3. Put the bowl with chocolate back in a water bath, heat it up and pour in a thin stream of invert syrup.
  4. The icing must be constantly whipped. It is better to do this with a mixer with one whisk.
  5. The glaze blank should boil down a little more. As soon as the mixture thickens and begins to acquire a noticeable glossy sheen, the icing is ready.
  6. Cool it to 60 degrees and can be used for its intended purpose.
  7. Coffee glaze with rum

    Luxurious icing for decorating chocolate biscuits and other desserts.

    List of ingredients:

  • Natural coffee - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar sand - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 100-200 ml.
  • Citric acid - a pinch.
  • Powdered sugar - 300 g.
  • Rum or liqueur - 20 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil 50 ml. very strong coffee. To do this, boil natural coffee with sugar and 100-200 ml. water. Strain and pour out the right amount.
  2. Pour citric acid into powdered sugar and pour in rum. Pour in coffee syrup in a thin stream and stir regularly.
  3. After the formation of a glossy sheen, transfer to another dish and apply as directed.

Icing on squirrels

Protein glaze is lighter and more airy. It decorates gingerbread cookies and Tula gingerbread, marzipans cover.

List of ingredients:

  • Invert syrup - 100 ml.
  • Chicken proteins - 4 pcs.
  • Vanilla flavor.
  • Dye optional.
  • Lemon juice (acid) - 15 ml. or 0.25 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil thick invert syrup from 150 ml. water, 200 grams of powdered sugar and a pinch of citric acid (15-20 ml. juice).
  2. Cool it down to 60-70 degrees.
  3. Drain four proteins in advance into a small bowl and refrigerate. Take out and beat in foam with a couple of drops of lemon juice or a pinch of fine salt.
  4. Invert syrup must be poured into a lush protein mass in a thin stream, ensuring a continuous mixing process.
  5. Ready glaze is used in a warm form. After application, dry in the oven.

Icing on cream

Creamy glaze is made from ordinary boiled syrup (not inverted) with the addition of various flavors. Like the previous recipes, it can also be colored with freshly pressed natural juices.

List of ingredients:

  • Cream 20-25% fat - 200 ml.
  • Powdered sugar - 300-400 g.
  • Orange juice - 30-40 ml.
  • Vanilla flavor.
  • Butter - 30-40 g.

Cooking method:

  1. From cow's cream and powdered sugar, cook a thick creamy syrup.
  2. The mass should evaporate by about a quarter to a third.
  3. Remove the dishes from the stove, and cool the contents to 60-70 degrees.
  4. Pour in orange juice, put a cube of oil and flavoring.
  5. Beat again and use for dyeing until the icing has completely cooled.


Glaze for decorating confectionery

The main attraction of confectionery products lies in their decoration and filling. Glaze is basically a sugar paste with various flavors and is thin enough to pour and spread in a thin layer. It is used not only for decoration, but also to improve the taste of a wide variety of dessert pastries. The basis of the glaze is sugar or powdered sugar, which can be stabilized by egg whites, citric acid, and invert syrup. The finished mass has a boiled white color and a barely noticeable glossy sheen.
Almost all types of glaze, which includes sugar or powdered sugar, are called "sugar". Preparing the glaze is quite simple: all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed with a whisk or mixer. When using powdered sugar, a finer and more delicate texture is obtained, which significantly improves the quality of the product.
Glazing confectionery products can be done in two ways: simplified or real icing . If the icing is prepared without egg whites, this is a simplified icing, and the icing with whipped egg whites is a real icing. Products with real glaze look more beautiful and taste better.
Glaze is applied to the surface of the cooled flour confectionery products with a special silicone brush, and then (depending on the recipe and the products to be decorated) it is dried in a non-hot oven (80-100 ° C) or left as is. For example, a semi-finished protein product is usually dried.
To shade the taste of the semi-finished product and give it color, natural dyes are introduced into the glaze. From the juice of vegetables, berries and fruits you can get a wonderful palette of food colors.
A pleasant aroma of glaze is given by infusion of dessert alcohol (cognac, liquor, liqueur), cinnamon, vanilla, citrus peel, chocolate, etc. Instead of natural raw materials, artificial colors and flavors can be introduced.

● For the preparation of lean glaze, it is advisable to use drinking filtered water, which should be placed in the freezer in advance.
● In order for the glaze to be homogeneous, smooth and without lumps, all dry powder components must be sifted through a strainer.
● The icing must be allowed to cool slightly before use, as the hot mixture may run off the baking sheet or lay unevenly.
● In order for the icing to cover the confectionery product evenly, you need to apply it in layers using a special spatula: first, over the entire surface of the cake or pastry in a thin layer, and then walk several more times.
● If the icing is cold-cooked, it is recommended to apply it to the surface of the confection immediately, because over time it will harden strongly and cannot be evenly distributed over the baking surface.
● Top glaze can be decorated with chopped nuts, coconut flakes, pieces of multi-colored marmalade, candied fruits, jellies, dried fruits - it all depends solely on the baking recipe and your taste preferences.
● If you want to apply buttercream decorations on the glaze, then you need to wait until it completely hardens.
● If the icing is applied to a surface smeared with cream, then it is advisable to sprinkle it on top with cocoa powder or powdered sugar.

It is important!

Lemon acid found in lemon and some other fruits and berries, but it is obtained mainly by fermenting sugars. Citric acid goes on sale in crystals. 1 spoon of crystalline citric acid is dissolved in 2 tablespoons of hot water and the resulting solution is used in the manufacture of blanks, dosing it in drops or teaspoons (50-55 drops in 1 teaspoon of acid solution). The juice squeezed from 1 lemon corresponds to about 5 g of crystalline acid, or 2 teaspoons of its solution.

Recipe 1. The simplest glaze glaze

The simplest glaze is a paste of powdered sugar, warm water or fruit juice, which forms a translucent, not quite hard glaze. A harder matte glaze is made by mixing sugar (in the form of sand or powder) and egg whites. This icing called "royal" spreads easily and hardens quickly.

✵ water - 60-70 ml (2-3 tablespoons).
Sift the icing sugar over a bowl to eliminate lumps.
Gradually add warm water, spoon by spoon, into a small indentation made in the powdered sugar, stirring and rubbing after each addition to create a light, runny consistency.
Then beat the mass until it becomes white and homogeneous.

When preparing the glaze, it should be borne in mind that if it turned out to be a little watery, then powdered sugar is added, but if it is too thick, then water should be added. The finished glaze should cover the spoon with a thin layer.
You can add a few drops if you like.
The prepared glaze-glaze hardens quickly, so it must be used immediately.

Cook with pleasure!

Recipe 2. Custard Icing from Powdered Sugar

✵ powdered sugar - 100 g (5 tablespoons);
✵ water - 25-50 ml (1-2 tablespoons).
Sift powdered sugar into a Turk or saucepan, add water and put on fire.
Bring to a boil, stirring constantly, and simmer for 2-3 minutes until the mixture becomes clear. It is very convenient to check the readiness of the glaze with a twisted wire. When you dip it, a stable film is formed.

Now you can cover pastries: coat or dip directly into the icing. The icing hardens very quickly, so it needs to be used quickly or then simply melted again over a fire.
If desired, you can always increase the number of ingredients, as well as add natural food coloring so that the pastries look original and festive.

Cook with pleasure!

Recipe 3. Simplified powdered sugar icing

✵ powdered sugar - 160-180 g (1 cup);
✵ water - 75 g (3 tablespoons);
✵ aromatic substances - optional;
✵ food coloring - optional.
Sift the powdered sugar through a sieve into a small saucepan, add warm water, aromatic substances and, stirring with a spatula, heat to 40 ° C.
If the glaze is too thick, you need to add a little water, and if it is too thin, powdered sugar.
If desired, the glaze can be painted in any color.
To speed up drying and improve the quality of the glaze, instead of water, you can add 3 egg whites (i.e. replace every 1 tablespoon of water with 1 protein).

Cook with pleasure!

Recipe 4. Simple icing

A simple recipe for such icing becomes a real lifesaver in the post.

✵ water - 100-125 g (0.5 cup).
✵ flavors (vanilla, almond, rum) - optional.
Pour water into a saucepan, dissolve sugar in it, bring to a boil and boil, removing foam, until large transparent bubbles appear (they appear at a syrup temperature of about + 110 ° C).
Cool the icing until hot (the finger endures, but it is very hot).
Add flavorings and you can start glazing.
Apply glaze on large gingerbread and gingerbread with a special brush. Small gingerbread cookies can simply be dipped into the icing, mixed, then carefully removed with a slotted spoon and placed on a wire rack so that the excess syrup drains and the remaining syrup freezes, turning into gingerbread icing.

Cook with pleasure!

Recipe 5. Lean white glaze

We offer a glaze recipe for decorating various cookies and gingerbread. Lemon juice or water acidified with citric acid is taken as a diluent. At the same time, the taste of white glaze is simply incredible. It, giving a slight sourness and aroma of fresh lemon, very well complements even the simplest pastries.
✵ powdered sugar - 180-200 g (1 cup with a slide);
✵ water - 50 ml;
✵ lemon juice - 50 ml (or citric acid at the tip of a knife + 50 ml of water);
✵ flavoring - 1 pinch (optional).
Pour the powdered sugar into a deep bowl. Pour in water and intensively grind with a whisk or beat with a mixer. Then gradually add lemon juice and beat again until a thick viscous mass with a slight glossy sheen is formed. Apply the glaze to the confectionery with a silicone brush and leave to dry.
If desired, you can replace the lemon juice with any other citrus fruit or add crushed berries, which are likely to be found in your freezer. True, in this case, the glaze will already acquire the color of the introduced additive.

Cook with pleasure!

Recipe 6. Classic sugar icing


✵ lemon juice - 4-5 drops.
Pour hot water into powdered sugar and mix thoroughly with a wooden spoon to form a homogeneous shiny mass.
Boil until thickened in a water bath.
At the very end, add lemon juice.

Cook with pleasure!

Recipe 7. Protein glaze on invert syrup

This glaze is lighter and more airy. Gingerbread cookies and Tula gingerbread are decorated with it, and other confectionery products are covered with marzipans.
✵ egg whites - 4 pcs.;
✵ salt - 1 pinch;
✵ vanilla flavor - optional;
✵ dye - optional.
For invert syrup:
✵ water - 150 ml (6 tablespoons);
✵ powdered sugar - 200 g (10 tablespoons);
✵ Lemon juice - 20 ml (or 1 pinch of citric acid + 20 ml of water).
Cook a thick invert syrup from water, powdered sugar and lemon juice.
Cool the finished syrup to + 60-70 ° C.
Add a pinch of fine salt to the chilled egg whites and beat into a thick stable foam.
Then, invert syrup should be gradually poured into the lush protein mass in a thin stream, ensuring a continuous mixing process. If desired, you can add a little vanilla flavor and a couple of drops of natural food coloring.
Use the finished glaze to decorate confectionery in a warm form. Dry slightly in the oven after application.

Cook with pleasure!

Recipe 8. Sugar-protein glaze

Cookies and gingerbread with sugar-protein coating look prettier, retain their freshness better and taste better.
✵ granulated sugar - 180-200 g (1 cup);
✵ egg whites - 2 pcs.;
✵ water - 200 ml (1 cup);
✵ aromatic substances;
✵ edible paints.
Boil sugar and water until a soft ball is tested.
Beat the egg whites well into a fluffy foam.
Pour the hot thick syrup into the beaten egg whites gradually in a thin stream, continuing to beat the mass.
Then add aromatic substances, natural food colors and, stirring with a wooden spatula, heat up to 60-65°C.
After this product (baking) can be glazed with a special brush, and then dried.
Tip ☞ The icing will be even better and tastier if in this recipe, instead of sugar syrup, use boiled honey to the desired density.

Cook with pleasure!

Recipe 9. Perfect protein glaze

The protein-sugar glaze made according to this recipe is just perfect! It is dense, white, there is no transparency, it does not spread on the surface of the cake, but lies like a "cap". The whole secret is in dry egg white of increased whipping - albumin.
Ordinary chicken eggs have a number of features that interfere with the preparation of high-quality glaze. Firstly, the eggs must be very fresh, otherwise you will not see stable peaks. Secondly, it is unacceptable to get a single drop of yolk into the separated proteins - this significantly reduces their whipping. Thirdly, albumin is a product in which the parameters of whipping and foam stability are higher than in fresh egg white.
✵ powdered sugar - 110 g;
✵ albumin (dry egg white) - 8 g;
✵ water - 65 ml.
To calculate the weight of a particular product, a comparative table of measures and weights will help you.
To restore dry egg white, you need to pour a little water (5 ml) into it and mix thoroughly. Then, continuing to stir, add the rest of the water (60 ml). After 10-20 minutes, the powder will swell, and then it will be possible to beat.
Beat the reconstituted egg white slowly at first, and when the mixture begins to bubble, gradually begin to increase the speed. Continue beating until the proteins form a tight mixture (when you take out the whisk, protein peaks follow after it, which do not immediately fall off).
Finally, add the powdered sugar in parts (2 tablespoons at a time), beating after each addition.

Cook with pleasure!

Recipe 10. Royal icing

Royal icing is a thick paste made from powdered sugar and egg whites with lemon juice. This icing is perfect for Easter cakes. spreads easily and hardens quickly.
Royal icing is made from the freshest egg whites. For its preparation, eggs are taken that have been stored for no more than 7 days. Quality can be determined by the yolk: the more liquid it is, the less fresh the eggs are considered.
✵ powdered sugar - 1 cup (160-180 g);
✵ egg white - 1 pc.;
✵ lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon.
Carefully separate the egg whites from the yolks. It must be borne in mind that if particles of the yolk get into the protein, the icing may not work at all.
Sift the powdered sugar through a sieve so that there are no lumps. By the way, you can make it yourself from sugar using a coffee grinder.
Squeeze out lemon juice.
Gradually stir in half the powdered sugar into the chilled egg whites, then add the lemon juice.
Using a mixer, whisk or fork, beat the mixture vigorously until it is smooth and fluffy.
Adding parts of the remaining powdered sugar, continue beating until you get a dense, shiny protein mass that does not drain from the whisk at all and holds its shape well. Manually it will take 15 minutes, and with a mixer ‒ 7 minutes.

Ready glaze should be used immediately for its intended purpose or covered with a damp cloth to protect it from drying out. Protein glaze can be stored in the refrigerator under the film for several days.

Cook with pleasure!

Recipe 11. Protein glaze for Easter cakes

Cook with pleasure!

Recipe 23. Dark chocolate glaze

Dark chocolate-based icing, which is usually used to decorate biscuits and cakes.
✵ powdered sugar - 160-180 g (1 cup);
✵ bitter chocolate - 100 g;
✵ butter - 30 g (1 tablespoon with a slide);
✵ water - 100 ml (4 tablespoons).
✵ lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon (or ¼ teaspoon of citric acid + 1 tablespoon of water).
Melt the pieces of dark chocolate and butter in a water bath. Stir continuously and after complete dissolution, remove from the stove.
Cook invert syrup from 100 ml of water, a glass of powdered sugar and lemon juice. Reduce by a quarter and remove from heat.

Put the bowl with chocolate back in a water bath, heat it up and pour in a thin stream of invert syrup.
The chocolate mass must be continuously beaten (preferably with a mixer with one whisk).
The glaze blank should boil down a little more, and as soon as the mixture thickens and begins to acquire a noticeable glossy sheen, the glaze is ready. Cool it down to 60°C and you can use it for its intended purpose.

Cook with pleasure!

Recipe 24. Chocolate creamy milk glaze

Chocolate icing according to this recipe is almost classic. It makes a great addition to any baked goods. Cake, cookies or Easter cake will be even more beautiful and tasty, and most importantly, original, if you pour fragrant chocolate icing on top of them. It can decorate any desserts, ice cream and, if desired, enjoy just like that.
✵ powdered sugar - 2 cups (320-360 g);
✵ cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. spoons (50 g);
✵ fresh milk - 4 tbsp. spoons (80 g);
✵ butter - 2 tbsp. spoons (50 g);
✵ vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon (8 g).
Place butter in a saucepan and heat slightly.
Gradually add the sifted icing sugar, vanilla sugar to the softened butter and mix well.
Then gradually add milk and cocoa, stirring until smooth. Cocoa must be added last.
After that, hold the mixture on low heat, stirring constantly, no more than 3 minutes (do not boil). The main signs of readiness are sufficient density and a uniform, smooth structure.
Finished icing can cover pastries. You should not worry about the consistency of the glaze: as soon as it cools down, it will become even thicker. Delicious and fragrant chocolate icing will make baking interesting and appetizing.
