
Homemade gooseberry jam. Gooseberry jam - recipes for blanks from a notebook

In Russia, this berry has always been valued and planted in every backyard or summer cottage. In the Old Slavonic language there is such a word - "bersen", it is translated as gooseberry. People loved the fruits of this shrub so much that they named the embankment in her honor - Bersenovskaya. And this is no accident. The fact is that delicious berry has the ability to remove radiation from the body, and thanks to some trace elements included in its composition, it protects against premature aging.

Pre-treatment of berries

First of all, the entire harvest of berries from the gooseberry bushes must be sorted out and washed under a cool running water. At this time, rotten and diseased fruits are rejected, as well as too soft. In addition, all tails are cut off during the sorting process.

It should be noted that each method of preparation implies its own level of ripeness of the berries.

For example, for "Royal" or "Emerald" jam, it is necessary to collect fruits in a semi-ripe state, while they still have green color. In other recipes, the ripeness and softness of the berries is important.

Gooseberry Jam Recipes

There are a great many recipes and methods for making gooseberry jam. Each hostess experiments in her own way, adding new ingredients, changing proportions, and so on. But there are also recipes that are considered classics, many have long been to the taste and have become the most popular.

You can also make some changes to their composition, for example, add fruit or lemon for sourness. The proportions indicated in each recipe are calculated for 1 kilogram of berries.

Royal jam

It was the gooseberry dessert prepared according to the recipe described below that Stalin loved so much. Royal, or as it is also called Royal jam, is made from large unripe fruits. First, the pulp is removed from each berry, then the shell is filled with finely crushed walnuts.

Ingredients used:

  • Gooseberries - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - one and a half kg.
  • Walnuts - 180-220 grams.


The pulp and seeds that were originally taken out of the berries are recommended to be rubbed through a sieve and discarded all the remaining seeds so as not to spoil the consistency of the jam. Pour the indicated amount of granulated sugar into the resulting mass and put on water bath until the last ingredient is completely dissolved.

Then when berry puree already ready, add berries stuffed with nuts to it, put everything on the stove and wait for it to boil. After we cool and repeat this cooking 5 more times, until the jam acquires a beautiful emerald hue.

When using gooseberries of red varieties ready jam will have amber.


This jam should not be confused with the cooked "royally" - walnuts are not used for the Emerald, but otherwise the recipes are similar.


  • Water - one and a half glasses.

Cooking method:

Water must be put on fire, then poured into it granulated sugar and boil until a syrup is formed. Prick the berries with a fork or a toothpick - so they let the juice go and remain whole, and pour the resulting boiling mass for 5 hours. After the specified time has elapsed, the syrup must be drained, boiled and refilled with fruits. After another 5 hours, it is necessary to bring to a boil all the jam along with the berries for 10 minutes.

gooseberry and orange


  • Gooseberries - 1 kilogram.
  • Sugar - 1.2 kilograms.
  • Orange - two large.

We take out the seeds from the citruses and twist the citruses together with the zest in a blender, food processor or meat grinder. Pour the resulting mass with sugar, put on the stove and boil for 10 minutes. Then we cool for 5 hours and boil again for 10 minutes. After that, pour the jam into prepared glass jars.

Gooseberry with cherry leaves

Cooking Ingredients:

  • Fruits - one kg.
  • Sugar - 1.3 kilograms.
  • Water - one and a half glasses.
  • Cherry tree leaves - 20-25 pieces.

We pierce each berry with a toothpick and fill it with water for about 8 hours. After that, we drain the water, put all the prepared cherry leaves into it, add sugar and bring to a boil over a fire. Next, remove the leaves, filter the syrup and let it cool.

Then boil the syrup again, pour the berries into it and keep it on fire for 5-7 minutes. Remove from heat, cool, boil for 10 minutes and pour into glass jars. As a result, it turns out beautiful jam with cherry flavor.

Fructose jam

A recipe designed for people with diabetes or on a diet.


  • Gooseberry fruits - 1 kg.
  • Fructose - 1 kilogram.


Each berry needs to be pierced so that it starts up its juice and falls asleep for a couple of hours with fructose. Then add not a large number of boiling water, put on fire and boil the jam for about 8-12 minutes. Then remove the dessert from the heat and cool. Repeat the process 3 times and pour into jars.



  • Berries - one kilogram.
  • Sugar - half a glass.


Pierce the berries with a toothpick, pour water and wait for the boil. Add granulated sugar, mix and boil for about half an hour. After this time, remove from heat, insist 3 hours and repeat boiling. Jam can be poured into jars for further storage.

Gooseberry jam "Five minutes"

"Five Minute" is a simplified recipe that will certainly appeal to those who do not have the opportunity to spend a lot of time making jam.


  • Berries - one kg.
  • Sugar - one kilogram.
  • Water - two glasses.

In order to reduce the cooking time and do everything quickly, gooseberries must first be soaked overnight with two glasses of water. In the morning, add sugar and boil everything for 4-7 minutes at maximum heat. After the jam can be poured into jars for storage.

gooseberry jam

Compared to jam, jam has more thick consistency. For its preparation choose only ripe fruit with thick skin. There are also a very large number of recipes, but the simplest and most common among all is the "Classic". You can diversify it at your discretion, add orange, currant, kiwi, mint leaves and so on.

You can choose the fruits of any variety of gooseberries.


  • Gooseberries - one kilogram.
  • Sugar - one kilogram.
  • Water - 80 milliliters.

Step by step cooking process:

Washed gooseberries are placed in a saucepan, basin or any other suitable container with water, covered with a lid and put on fire. Already after 4-7 minutes the berries should soften. At this point, the fruits must be removed from the pan and rubbed through a sieve.

Put the resulting mass back into the pan, cover with sugar and put on the stove. Stirring constantly, wait for the jam to boil, remove the foam, and then reduce the heat to a minimum. So you should continue to cook the berry mass for half an hour. The resulting dessert can be poured into jars for subsequent storage for the winter.

A few minutes before the jam is completely cooked, add to the mass a small amount of citric acid or juice.

From wide variety options for preparing gooseberry desserts, each housewife will be able to find a recipe that meets the requirements for storage, consistency and possible flavors.

Good day to all. With the advent of summer, we rejoice not only with good weather, the presence of days off and holidays, but also with a constant harvest of vegetables, fruits and berries. So, gooseberries are very popular. It is not whimsical enough to grow and gives an excellent harvest.

And from ripe berries they make very delicious jam, jam, marmalade and even marshmallow. The fruits of this plant can also be frozen and treated with vitamins in the cold winter.

There are currently quite a number a variety of recipes for preparing sweet treats. However, never forget classic ways preparations, according to which nothing superfluous is added to the composition, except for the berries themselves and sugar.


  • Gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 600 grams.

Cooking method:

1. Sort the gooseberries, then pour cold water. This will allow unnecessary debris to rise to the top. Remove all debris, then drain the water and carefully pinch off the tail from each berry, or better cut with scissors.

In order for the gooseberries not to lose their shape during cooking, pierce each berry with a needle or a toothpick.

2. Pour the prepared fruits with sugar and leave overnight. During this time, the mass will become soft and give a lot of juice.

3. In the morning, put the pot of berries on the fire and bring to a boil. Boil for 5 minutes and then remove from heat.

4. That is, within 2-3 days in the morning and in the evening you need to boil the contents of the pan for 5 minutes. And then pour everything into clean sterile jars and cork with metal lids.

5. Store in a cool dark place.

Recipe for jam with orange and lemon for the winter

But to diversify the dessert, you can add additional components such as citrus fruits. Then the aroma and taste will be unique.


  • Berries - 1.5 kg;
  • Lemon - 1 pc.;
  • Orange - 1 pc.;
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the fruits, remove the debris and cut off the ponytails with scissors. Wash citrus fruits too and cut into pieces along with the peel, remove the seeds.

2. Pass the prepared berries and fruits through a meat grinder or blender. You can add some sugar.

3. Transfer the resulting mass to a saucepan, add sugar and mix. Put on fire and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Boil contents for 15 minutes.

To cook jam, you need to use an enamel pan or a cauldron with a thick bottom so that the contents do not burn.

4. Hot treats need to be rolled up in sterile jars.

Cooking frozen gooseberry jam

That's just for such a case there is a special manufacturing technology. So take note of the next photo recipe!


  • Gooseberries - 500 gr.;
  • Sugar - 500 gr.;
  • Water - 100 ml.

Cooking method:

1. For frozen berries, cut off the tails on both sides.

It is not necessary to defrost gooseberries first.

2. Boil sweet in a saucepan sugar syrup: pour water, add sugar and bring to a boil to dissolve the sugar. Pour the prepared berries with boiling syrup, cover and leave for several hours.

3. When the contents have cooled, bring it to a boil and cook for 20-25 minutes over medium heat.

4. Then pour into prepared jars and store in the refrigerator.

Emerald gooseberry jam with cherry leaves

By the way, have you ever wondered why this treat bears the royal (royal) name, or emerald? In fact, everything is rich color Well, and unique taste.

True, here you have to work a little to get the desired result in the end. Well, cherry leaves will add a special color and fragrant aroma.


  • Gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 kg;
  • Cherry leaves - 300-400 gr.;
  • Water - 3 glasses.

Cooking method:

1. Cherry leaves (leave 10 pieces) soak in cold water. And then send to the fire and bring to a boil, cover with a lid, turning off the fire. Let stand for 5-10 minutes.

2. Rinse the berries and cut off the tails. Then carefully pierce each fruit with a needle. Pour prepared fruits into hot cherry infusion. Now rotate the pan a few times without using a slotted spoon or spoon.

Cover the top with clean cherry leaves.

The more cherry leaves you put in, the richer the emerald color of the jam will turn out.

3. In the morning, carefully remove the berries with a slotted spoon, and add sugar to the infusion. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly until the syrup dissolves. Then carefully enter the berries and cook over low heat for 20 minutes.

5. Store in cool place. It turns out everything is insanely tasty and beautiful in appearance.

Cooking a dessert of berries with orange

The following cooking method is suitable for those who did not have time to harvest and the gooseberries have already overripe. A meat grinder or a blender will come to your aid, because the integrity of the berries can no longer be preserved, but sweet jam available.


  • Oranges - 2-3 pcs.;
  • Gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 2 kg.

Cooking method:

1. Cut off the tails of the berries, then rinse the fruits and dry a little.

2. Wash and cut oranges into slices, remove the seeds.

3. Fruits and citrus twist through a meat grinder.

4. Pour the resulting mass with sugar and mix. Leave for 15-20 minutes to allow the sugar to dissolve.

5. Your treat is ready. Pour it into jars and close the lids. Store best in the refrigerator.

Using this cooking recipe, you will save all the vitamins of berries and fruits.

Video on how to cook royal gooseberry jam

Still emerald delicacy considered the most sought after. Therefore, I want to tell you again in detail how you can get it. And I found a great story, watch and listen, and of course remember and repeat the result.

A simple no-boil jam recipe

And here is another option for cooking without cooking. What is the benefit of this meal? So in the fact that, firstly, everything is prepared quickly, and secondly, it turns out to be useful. And thirdly, it is made without any additives.


  • Gooseberries - 2 kg;
  • Sugar - 2.5 kg.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the fruits well in cold water and dry. Cut off the stems of all berries.

2. Then pass them through a meat grinder. You can also use a blender.

2. Add sugar to the prepared mass and mix everything well.

3. As soon as the sugar is all dissolved, pour the jam into sterile jars and cover with plastic lids. Store in refrigerator.

Cooking gooseberry jam at home for the winter through a meat grinder (on a blender)

And in conclusion, I want to invite you to cook a real ruby ​​​​jam. The recipe is simple and easy to make, so a cook of any level can handle it.


  • Gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

1. Pour berries with cold water for several hours. Remove debris and cut off tails.

3. Transfer the resulting mass to a saucepan and turn on the fire. Bring to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes, but be careful not to burn anything.

4. Now add sugar and cook until desired density, 25 minutes.

5. Pour into sterile jars and close with sterile lids. Turn the blanks upside down and keep in this state until completely cooled. Then store in a cool and dark place.

If you have never made gooseberry jam yourself, then it's time to correct yourself and start cooking, especially since I painted everything in detail and with high quality. The recipes are all proven and give a tasty, beautiful and healthy result. I wish you all excellent culinary creativity and inspiration!


Hello my dear readers! I sincerely apologize for the long silence. Believe me, there were very good reasons for this! I am very glad to see and hear all of you in the comments, I really need your support. We have cold, completely indecent for this time of year. Usually in April we are pampered practically summer heat. Although the harvesting season is still far away, but still today we have gooseberry jam in the program.

My St. Petersburg aunts called their favorite jam in the old, dear manners - “gooseberry”. Cooking this jam turned into a real family event.

Everyone from young to old took part in the many hours of action, and even ancient old women with the strongest nerves. Only they could make jam from ripe gooseberries with walnuts.

Real emerald gooseberry jam - an old recipe

Preparatory process

Young people, under endless conversations about everything in the world, processed the berries of the precious bottle-green, completely unripe, tart, astringent gooseberries. It is in this form and color that the traditional “royal” emerald-colored jam is obtained from gooseberries, amazing taste, with a subtle aroma of cherry leaves.

Jam was made from "hairy", with pubescent gooseberries, which was called "English" ( correct name or not, I don’t know, but they called it that way) and small, bright green, fragrant “rootless” - it made the most “just right” jam.

The meditative process began with a careful sorting of berries from sticking leaves, twigs, debris and malicious forest stink bugs, perfectly camouflaged among green fruits.

Then the "tails" and dry "noses" were removed. It's still fun! Young ladies plucked dry whisks with their nails, older ladies cut off the excess "good" with scissors. Then the kids enthusiastically pierced the most small fruits a special device that today would be called a "kitchen gadget" - wine cork with many sewing needles stuck in her body.

At the same time, someone was brewing a decoction of cherry leaves. The number of leaves per liter of water is about two good handfuls. To make the broth a dense green color, it is boiled for no more than 2-3 minutes (otherwise it turns red!).

As it happened brewed emerald jam in St. Petersburg

A decoction of cherry leaves served as the basis for sugar syrup, which was poured over prepared gooseberries. For only 1 kg of berries, you need to take one and a half kilograms of sugar, but the syrup is not made with all the sugar, but only with some of it. Approximately 500 g of sugar was taken per 700 ml of broth. This amount was poured into 1 kg of gooseberries prepared for making jam.

Prepared berries were placed in ice water for half an hour, then they were thrown back on a sieve, put in a basin and poured with prepared syrup. Since the gooseberries were collected not in buckets, but in buckets, they cooked it very “confusingly” - in four steps.

After the first pouring with syrup, the brew was immediately placed in a basin with ice water so that the berries in the syrup cooled quickly, the water was changed. Until she got cold. After such an execution, the gooseberries were kept in syrup for 5-6 hours.

After the required time, the berries were removed from the syrup, a quarter of the remaining sugar (250 g) was added to it. The syrup was brought to a boil, boiled for 10 minutes, the gooseberries were poured again, the cooling procedure in ice water was repeated and the exposure was repeated again.

This was repeated twice more, each time adding 250 g of sugar to the syrup. Last brew future jam was already made together with berries before being tested for a ball (so that it would not spread on a saucer). Ready gooseberry jam was immediately cooled in a bowl of ice water.

The warmed water was poured under the apple trees (it was believed that after that they would bear fruit perfectly) and replaced with very cold water five or six times. Only in this way, as the aunts said, is it possible to preserve the beautiful bottle color of gooseberries in jam.

Emerald wealth was packaged in sterile dry jars, each with a circle of parchment soaked in vodka. Better yet, alcohol. Covered with sterile lacquered lids, rolled up and stored in a cool place until use.

If you be patient and repeat exactly technological process, then you will get a real emerald or, as it is also called, malachite jam - the biggest pride of the hostess Middle lane making a lot of preparations for the winter.

Gooseberry jam - cooking recipes

The easiest jam


  • 1 kg of gooseberries.
  • 1 kg of sugar.
  • A little vanilla (optional).

How to cook

  1. Rinse the gooseberries, cut off the "tails" and "noses", cover with half the sugar, leave it overnight.
  2. In the morning, stir the mass, add the remaining sugar, leave for 8 hours.
  3. After the required time has elapsed, mix the mass, cook with constant stirring until tender.
  4. Make a test - if a drop of jam does not spread on a saucer, then it is ready.
  5. We quickly pack the boiling jam in sterile jars, roll it up with boiled lids, and cool it.

    You can store such jam even when room temperature!


    Only ripe gooseberries are suitable for cooking - it does not need to be pierced and cut.

Gooseberry with oranges


  • 700 g gooseberries.
  • 700 g sugar.
  • 1 large orange
  • 1.4 kg of sugar.

How to cook

  1. Prepare the gooseberries in the above way, wash the orange with a brush, place for a few minutes in Apple vinegar, Rinse.
  2. Grind gooseberries and orange together with zest through a meat grinder or chop in any way convenient for you (combine, chopper, blender).
  3. Pour the resulting puree with sugar, mix, leave for 5-6 hours. During this time, mix the mass several times.
  4. We send a container with berries to a small fire, bring to a boil.
  5. We cook the jam for 15 minutes, pack it in pre-prepared sterile jars, roll it up with boiled lids.


    Get ready for the winter! The jam is perfect amazing aroma A mixture of summer and Christmas.

    On a note

    Lemon and gooseberry jam is made in the same way.

Royal or royal gooseberry jam

Today, a rare housewife cooks centners of jam for the winter. Many prepare mainly five-minute jams, use various gelling agents to quickly “thicken” the jam. I call such blanks lazy. They have a reason, but still it is worth welding a couple of jars using the old long-playing technology royal jam with walnuts from not too ripe (but not green) gooseberries. This jam also called "royal".

I do not claim the correctness of my recipe in any way. You can find hundreds of options and cooking methods on the Internet. This is my royal jam according to the recipe of the St. Petersburg branch of my mother's family.


  • 600 g gooseberries.
  • 70-80 g of walnut kernels.
  • 650 g of granulated sugar.
  • 10-12 bright green cherry leaves.
  • 200 ml of clean, non-chlorinated or settled water.

Cooking technology

Blackcurrant jam


  • 400 g gooseberries.
  • 650 g red, white or black currants.
  • Sugar at the rate of 1.2 kg per 1 kg of prepared berry mixture.

How to cook

  1. Sort currant berries, clean from debris, leaves, twigs, wash, crush with a “crusher”, pour water so that it does not reach the top layer of berries a little. Bring the mass to 100 ° C, cook until soft, wipe through a colander with small holes or a sieve.
  2. Sort the gooseberries, cut off the stalks and dried "antennae".
  3. Weigh the resulting broth, add sugar to it (taking into account the mass of prepared gooseberries). Boil syrup.
  4. Pour gooseberry syrup over. Bring the mass to a boil, remove the foam, give 8-10 hours to cool and hold. Heat up again and leave to cool for another 7-8 hours. Bring to a boil a third time, cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, about 4-5 minutes.
  5. Pour into sterile dry jars, roll up, turn over, cover with something warm, cool.

    For borrowing

    For cooking, regular and rhfcysq gooseberries are suitable.

    According to this recipe, raspberry and gooseberry jam is excellent.

Cherry and gooseberry jam


  • 700 g gooseberries.
  • 700 g cherries, pitted.
  • 1.7 g sugar.

How to cook

  1. Prepared cherries (washed, freed from stalks and seeds), we cover with sugar. After a while, the juice will stand out, now mix the contents. Take out the cherries, now you need to heat the liquid to 100 ° C, boil for 5 minutes, omit the cherry and gooseberry syrup (prepared as above).
  2. Cook in three batches, like currant jam with gooseberries.
  3. Pack in pre-washed and sterilized dry jars, roll up.

    On a note

    Cherry contains little pectin, and in the "company" with gooseberries, you can get absolutely amazing fragrant and thick jam from it

Slowly we reached the end of our meeting today. I gave you the most favorite recipes for jam from gooseberries underestimated by many. Prepare assorted gooseberry jams with any berries that ripen at the same time as it. There will be questions about how to do it more efficiently and better - write, I will answer everyone by all means!

I really love jam. I drink tea without sugar, but always with a spoon, or.

Happy tasty and unusual jams you, my dear readers!

A big request to all of you - please share the recipes in in social networks and please leave your comments. I will be very grateful to you.
I hope I don't disappear for so long again. Health, which has been shaky more than a month ago, is slowly returning to normal. I really want to create and delight you with interesting stories and recipes.
Always yours Irina.
I continue to introduce you to my favorite artists.
Caro Emerald

If you want to diversify your diet and pamper your loved ones with a delicious, unusual, truly royal treat, cook royal jam from gooseberries for the winter. This berry is not very popular and completely in vain. With a little effort, a little time, you can get cooking masterpiece the taste of which will be remembered for a long time.

How to make gooseberry jam

Emerald berry - a real storehouse beneficial vitamins and microelements, which certainly need to be preserved and used in winter. gooseberry jam prepared with cherry leaves (to create a special flavor), vodka, pectin, add Walnut, orange peel, citrus fruits, jams are made, with whole berries, etc. In this case, all varieties of gooseberries are used: red, emerald, black gooseberries.

Gooseberry jam recipes

Cooking methods delicious dish there are many: raw jam, all kinds of jams, treats with the addition of gelatin, etc. Photo famous dessert royally can be found in any cookbook - the process of creating a blank is laborious, but the result will delight even discerning gourmet. Check out classic recipes and new, but already repeatedly tested experienced housewives.


Servings: 5 persons.
Calorie content of the dish: 205 kcal / 100 g.
Cuisine: Russian.

This method is one of the simplest and is within the power of any novice hostess. The taste of the treat is sweet, with a subtle sourness, and the emerald color is mesmerizing. Start creating a dessert by selecting fruits: green, slightly unripe berries are suitable for this method. It will take granulated sugar, water and a little patience to clean the gooseberries from the tails. Use nail scissors for this.


  • gooseberry fruits - 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 2000 g;
  • water.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash, clean the fruits from the tails.
  2. Place the berries in a deep container, fill with water so that the fruits are completely covered.
  3. Put the pan on the stove, turn on the low heat and bring the mass to a boil, stirring constantly with a spoon.
  4. Enter granulated sugar, mix, boil again and immediately remove from the stove.
  5. Remove foam from the surface, pour over clean banks, roll up.
  6. If you want to get a more uniform structure of jam, wipe it through a sieve or grind it with a blender.


Preparation time: 1 day 180 minutes.
Servings: 5 persons.
Calorie content of the dish: 265 kcal / 100 g.
Purpose: dessert, preparation.
Cuisine: Russian.
Difficulty of preparation: medium.

This type delicacy deserves the brightest epithets, as it differs unsurpassed taste, color and aroma. There are some features of this recipe: the cooking process will take time, the presence of certain products and perseverance, but in the end you will get an excellent dessert, the photo of which can be found everywhere on the net. Please note that for cooking you will need unripe gooseberries, cherry leaves.


  • water - 400 ml;
  • cherry leaves - 3 branches;
  • gooseberries - 1000 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Free the fruits from leaves, tails, rinse and cut each in half.
  2. Carefully remove the berry seeds, place the gooseberries in an enamel container, fill with water.
  3. Rinse the cherry leaves, put them on each layer of berries and let stand for 5-6 hours. This ingredient helps preserve the gooseberry color and gives the dessert a special flavor.
  4. At the end of the period, drain the water, discard the fruits on a sieve.
  5. Boil the syrup separately. Pour water into a saucepan, add granulated sugar. Put the container on low heat, let the sugar dissolve, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes.
  6. Place the fruits in boiling syrup, leave for 3 hours.
  7. Then you should cook the dessert in 3 sets to make it thick: each set for 5 minutes, after 4 hours of infusion.


Cooking time: 90 minutes.
Servings: 5 persons.
Purpose: dessert, preparation.
Cuisine: Russian.
Difficulty of preparation: medium.

This type of dessert is a simplified way of making royal jam. To do this, gooseberries of green varieties are stuffed with a piece of walnut, boiled in sugar syrup. Before preparing this kind of blanks, the fruits are cleaned of tails with scissors, incised and the core is removed. You can use other types of nuts: pistachios, peanuts, but they should not be salty.


  • nuts - 2 handfuls;
  • gooseberries - 1000 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1500 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the fruits and rid them of the tails and stalk. Chop the berries and pour water for half an hour.
  2. Cut each berry in half, remove the seeds, pulp and pass everything through a sieve. The skin must remain intact.
  3. Peel the nuts, chop them in small pieces.
  4. Place the gooseberry pulp in a deep container, add sugar and heat until it dissolves.
  5. Stuff the skin with nuts, place the fruits in the berry mass. Boil for 5 minutes in several approaches.

with orange

Cooking time: 90 minutes.
Servings: 5 persons.
Calorie content of the dish: 278 kcal / 100 g.
Purpose: dessert, preparation.
Cuisine: Russian.
Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Before you cook gooseberries for the winter, check out the recipes for gooseberry jam, which are presented in abundance on the Internet, because photos of these delicacies really cause a remarkable appetite. For example, this recipe gooseberry jam involves the addition of an orange, which will not only give unusual taste delicacy, but also a wonderful amber color.


  • granulated sugar - 1000 g;
  • gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • orange - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse ripe berries, remove tails.
  2. citrus fruit wash, cut into pieces.
  3. Pass everything through a meat grinder, including orange zest.
  4. Add granulated sugar to the mass, place in an enameled container and cook until boiling, stirring constantly.
  5. The mass must have uniform consistency.
  6. Boil in 3 stages, cooling the jam each time.
  7. Arrange the finished treat in sterilized jars.

Without cooking

Servings: 5 persons.
Calorie content of the dish: 225 kcal / 100 g.
Purpose: dessert, preparation.
Cuisine: Russian.
Difficulty of preparation: medium.

To preserve the benefits of berries, you need to use cooking methods with minimal heat treatment. For this prescription will do like red gooseberries, or any other - it will be delicious in any case. This type of preservation must be stored in the refrigerator for a short time. In winter, a jar of such treats will be an excellent vitamin supplement for your family.


  • gooseberries -2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 3 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Sort the fruits, wash, remove the tails.
  2. At the next stage, the berries are crushed - to do this, pass them through a meat grinder or beat with a blender.
  3. Add sugar to the mass, rub well.
  4. Place the treat in sterilized jars. Store in refrigerator.

with gelatin

Cooking time: 60 minutes.
Servings: 5 persons.
Calorie content of the dish: 297 kcal / 100 g.
Purpose: dessert, preparation.
Cuisine: Russian.
Difficulty of preparation: medium.

This type of delicacy cannot be confused with anything: it has a stunning shade, and the taste is beyond praise. Beautiful, transparent berries, jelly-like consistency will surprise the most demanding gourmet. For cooking dessert, fruits of any variety are used: they are first washed, then poured with hot syrup, boiled in own juice. If you want to keep beautiful colour gooseberries, you can add a little lemon juice or lemon peel.


  • gelatin - 100 g;
  • gooseberries - 1000 g;
  • vanilla - a pinch;
  • water - 1 tbsp.;
  • granulated sugar - 1000 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash and sort the fruits.
  2. In a saucepan, boil the syrup from sugar and water, to do this, mix these ingredients and bring to a boil.
  3. Pour berries with sugar syrup, cook for another 10 minutes.
  4. Let the jam cool - it must be cooled down.
  5. After that, add gelatin and vanilla, stir.
  6. Put the container with the dessert back on the fire, bring to a boil, boil for exactly 3 minutes and turn off the stove.
  7. hot dessert place in dry jars.

Gooseberry jam Pyatiminutka

Cooking time: 30 minutes.
Servings: 5 persons.
Calorie content of the dish: 234 kcal / 100 g.
Purpose: dessert, preparation.
Cuisine: Russian.
Difficulty of preparation: easy.

This type of preparation is different in that all vitamins are preserved in gooseberries. Pick berries with a dense skin, they should not be overripe. Wash them, being careful not to damage them. Some housewives do it in enamelware, just fill the berries with water. Please note: you need to cook "Five Minute" not on strong, but on medium heat in order to preserve vitamin composition.


  • gooseberries - 700 g;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • sugar - 600 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the fruits: rinse, peel, dry.
  2. Pour in the berries necessary quantity sugar, let the gooseberry lie down so that it starts up the juice.
  3. Pour water, stir. Cook dessert exactly 5 minutes after boiling.
  4. Do not forget to stir the mass with a wooden spoon and remove the foam.
  5. hot product put in jars.


Boiling whole fruits in syrup

From two glasses clean water and kilograms of sugar boil syrup. In the boiled for 5 minutes, the base is laid a kilogram of red gooseberries. Boil the berries for 5 minutes, and then turn off the fire. The jam is insisted, covered with a clean towel for 8-10 hours, and then boiled again for 20 minutes.

Advice: To prevent the berries from deforming, shake the bowl of food periodically while stirring, and choose a cooking container with a wide bottom.

The finished jam is laid out in jars. To extend the shelf life of the workpiece, the container is pre-sterilized. Read tips for sterilizing empty jars.

With crushed red gooseberries

Kilogram ripe gooseberries chop with a blender or meat grinder to a puree state. Add a kilogram of sugar, and mix everything thoroughly. The jam blank is left in a warm place for 30 minutes. During this time, the berry will give juice, and the sugar will partially dissolve.

Before cooking, a glass of water is added to the thick mass. With constant stirring, gooseberry puree is boiled for 10 minutes. After the mass has completely cooled, the bowl of berries is returned to the stove and brought to readiness for another 15 minutes.

When cooking such a jam, it is very important to prevent the berries from burning, so the workpiece is constantly monitored, armed with a wooden spoon or spatula.

The channel "Recipes from Lirin Lo" offers you its own version of the preparation of gooseberry dessert

Five-minute from red fruits

A kilogram of gooseberries is processed according to the scheme indicated above. Fruits are laid in boiling sugar syrup (1.2 kilograms of sugar and 3 glasses of water). Cook the mass over low heat for 5 minutes. Next, the jam is removed from the heat and covered with a clean cotton cloth. In this form, the workpiece is left for at least 10 hours. Gooseberries should be well soaked in syrup.

The translucent berry, after the expiration of time, is again sent to the stove. The workpiece is boiled again for 5 minutes, and then immediately laid out in jars.

With cherry leaves

per kilogram ripe fruits red gooseberries take 10 leaves of a cherry tree, 1.3 kilograms of sugar and 2 glasses of water.

The berries are peeled and cut into halves. The cut is thickly sprinkled with sugar and cherry greens are added to it. The mass is gently mixed and infused for 2-3 hours. Before cooking, cherry leaves are removed, they have given up their flavor.

Cook the jam for 15 minutes, stirring constantly and removing clots of foam from the surface. Finished gooseberry jam packed in glass jars and twist the lids scalded with boiling water.

With gooseberry leaves

Another option is to take the leaves of the mother gooseberry bush instead of cherry leaves. The main thing here is that the greenery should be free of signs of damage and disease.

Gooseberry leaves 10 pieces are added to the puree of a kilogram of red fruits mixed with the same amount of sugar.

The mass is insisted for several hours, and then sent to the fire, adding 1.5 cups of clean water. After boiling, the jam is boiled for 10 minutes. Before packing ready dessert on banks, gooseberry leaves are removed.

Watch the video from Natalia Musina with step by step instructions jam preparation

With oranges

3 large oranges are taken per kilogram of red gooseberries. Citruses are washed with a brush, and then from one of them fine grater peel the zest. Then all the fruits are peeled and sorted into slices. In parallel, remove all seeds and, if possible, dense white fibers.

Then the berries and pieces of fruit and zest are passed through a fine grate of a meat grinder. The resulting puree is mixed with 1.5 kilograms of sugar, and infused at room temperature for half an hour.

Cook jam in three approaches. To do this, bring the fruit and berry mass to a boil on the stove, mix thoroughly, and remove from heat. Next stage heat treatment after 5-6 hours, when the jam has completely cooled. The third and final brewing is carried out after the same period of time. The duration of boiling jam at each stage is 1-2 minutes.

in the microwave

For cooking, choose heat-resistant dishes with high sides. It contains 200 grams ripe berries and the same amount of sugar. 150 milliliters of pure water is added to the main products and the container is covered with a lid with a hole for steam to escape.

Cook the jam for 20 minutes on medium microwave power. During this time, the dessert is mixed three times. Ready meal transferred to a sterile jar for storage for the winter.

The simplicity of cooking dessert in the microwave has its drawbacks. The main one is the inability to cook jam in large volumes.

From frozen gooseberries

Syrup is boiled in a saucepan. To prepare it, 200 milliliters of water are mixed with 600 grams of sugar. After boiling and dissolving all the crystals, frozen red gooseberries (500 grams) are laid in the base. Cook jam for 20 minutes after boiling.

Partner Fruits

Gooseberry jam can be cooked in combination with other berries and fruits. Good allies for red gooseberries are blackcurrants, raspberries, blackberries and apples. The taste of jam from very sweet berry can be balanced by adding freshly squeezed lemon juice to the workpiece.

How to store gooseberry jam

The sweet dessert is wonderfully stored in the basement or cellar for a year. However, so delicious preparation does not stay that long, and is usually eaten, depending on the number of jars prepared, within the first two months.

In addition to jam, others are made from gooseberries. winter preparations. The most popular of them, and.
