
Felt cherry jam recipes? What can be prepared from felt cherries for the winter.

Felt cherry is a special variety that grows on undersized trees or shrubs, completely strewn with small emerald leaves. The taste of fresh berries of felt cherries is juicy and sweet, you can cook a lot of unusual desserts for the winter from them: especially for you, we have selected interesting recipes for making jams, compotes, jams and other preparations.

What do you know about felt cherries?

The culture received such an unusual name due to its intense pubescence: shoots, leaves, pedicels and even fruits seem to be covered with the most delicate felt. Felt cherry is most often grown by gardeners as an ornamental and at the same time fruit-bearing plant with oval or round fruits.

A characteristic feature of felt cherries is a light fluff that covers the fruit.

The fruits hang from the bush on short stalks, they fit so tightly to each other that the shrub is somewhat reminiscent of sea buckthorn. The plant traditionally begins to bloom at the end of April, and it is already possible to enjoy ripe fruits by the beginning of July. However, the exact ripening time depends on the weather conditions prevailing in the region.

Interesting! The culture came to us from China and became known thanks to the works of Michurin I.V., who studied it and recommended gardeners to pay attention to this phenomenal plant.

How useful is this berry?

Not every gardener knows about the benefits that the use of felt cherries can bring to the body. It contains fructose and glucose, citric and malic acid, pectins and vitamins C, P, PP, B, various trace elements, due to which the fruits of the culture have a capillary-strengthening effect, stimulate metabolic processes, reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks and, attention ... improve appetite!

Berry is healthy and very tasty

And despite this, felt cherry is practically not found in traditional medicine, although doctors recommend paying special attention to this unusual culture, especially for those who suffer from high blood pressure.

What else are its fruits useful for? The kernels of the seeds contain a huge amount of oil (up to 40%), enriched with acids that have an anti-atherosclerotic effect. However, in addition to the healing effect, fresh fruits are known as a tasty and juicy berry, from which you can cook a lot of desserts and preparations for the winter:

  • fragrant compotes;
  • the most delicate jams;
  • incomparable jams;
  • rich fruit drinks and syrups;
  • everyone's favorite marmalade.

The process of preserving a felt berry is very similar to preserving ordinary cherries.

Advice! By replacing sugar with fructose, you can get an excellent treat for diabetics.

Features of storage and processing of berries

After harvesting, immediately preserve felted cherries - they are not intended for long-term storage.

  1. Since the peel of the fruit is easily deformed, it is better to use shallow containers or boxes for storing fruits. A mature culture is removed from the branch along with the stalks, which are not removed until conservation. This will allow the berries to retain their juiciness for as long as possible and not deteriorate.
  2. Unfortunately, these fruits cannot be stored for a long time: soon they become lethargic and begin to rot. For this reason, it is best to eat and preserve freshly picked cherries. The maximum time that a culture can “spend” in the refrigerator is two days.

cherry compote

To prepare a delicious saturated felt cherry, you should use water (1 l), sugar (400-500 g) and, of course, fresh berries.

Felt cherry compote has an interesting sweet and sour taste.

First you need to select fruits that are intact and dense from the entire berry mass, rinse them under running water and dry. Dry berries are laid out in pre-sterilized jars and filled with boiling syrup made from sugar and water in the specified volume. Filled jars must be sterilized again for 5-7 minutes and rolled up with lids.

Important! In order for the seaming to stand all winter, the jars are wrapped up. First, they are allowed to cool, and then transferred to the basement.

Fragrant jam

To prepare this culinary masterpiece, you will need water (150 ml), cherries and sugar (1: 1 ratio).
The berry, thoroughly washed and dried from excess moisture, is transferred to a bowl, poured with hot syrup and set aside for 3-4 hours. After that, the container is placed on the stove, the mass boils and already languishes on a less intense fire until fully cooked. Do not forget to stir regularly and remove the foam.

Felt cherry jam will be a wonderful addition to winter desserts.

The resulting mass is packaged in jars and sealed with lids. Do not hesitate, the jam will be very fragrant and divine in taste! This, for sure, will not stand idle for a long time in winter - with pancakes, rolls and cereals, it will “leave” for a sweet soul.

Raw cherry jam

To make a blank, you will need a cherry, separated from the seeds (1 kg) and sugar in the same amount.

To begin with, the cherry is rinsed under water, the bones are removed from it, and the released juice is drained. Moderately squeezed cherries are mixed in a container with sugar and set aside until the latter dissolves. Then the berries with sugar are transferred to sterilized jars and closed with lids. Such a blank is best stored in a cool place (it can be a balcony, a basement or a refrigerator).

Amazing cherry jam

The recipe is simple to the point of impossibility: the berries (1 kg) are washed, doused with boiling water and carefully rubbed through a sieve. Sugar (1 kg) is added to the resulting cherry puree, mixed and put on the stove, where the jam is boiled until cooked.

Felt cherry jam is very tender and fragrant

The finished aromatic mass is laid out in jars and closed with lids. Such an unusual dessert will become a favorite treat for young sweet teeth!

Fresh berry syrup

To prepare a fragrant, rich syrup, you need to use sugar and fresh berry culture in a ratio of 1: 3. We also need 250 ml of water.

Thoroughly washed berries with seeds are ground with a wooden pestle. The finished cherry puree is transferred to an enameled container, covered with a lid and set aside for a day in order to form juice. After the specified time, the cherry mass is filtered through cheesecloth. This separates the juice.

Felt cherries are very juicy and will make a lovely syrup

Then a syrup is made from water and sugar. After you notice the foam, juice is added to the finished syrup and warmed up over low heat for about 20-30 minutes. Do not forget to constantly stir and remove the foam.

The resulting cherry syrup is poured into sterilized jars and rolled up. It is best to store such a workpiece in a cool place, for example, in a refrigerator or basement.

healthy juice

To make not only tasty, but also healthy preparation, you need to wash the fruits, sort them out, remove the spoiled ones, and dry them a little. Then the stalks come off (but it is better to leave the bones) and the berries are placed in an enameled container.

Felt cherry juice retains a maximum of useful substances

To crush the cherry you will need a wooden pestle. In order to separate the juice from the resulting mass, you can use the cold and hot method. In the first option, the mass is pressed in such a way that the integrity of the bones is not violated, and with the hot method, the cherry is heated to 70 ° C.

The released juice is heated on the stove to 85-90 °, sugar is added to it (at the rate of 200 g per 2 l) and the juice is filtered with the help of gauze folded in several layers. After that, the juice is heated again, but does not boil. Ready cherry pleasure is poured into jars, sterilized and rolled up.

dry cherry recipe

Selected and washed berries are blanched in water with the addition of soda for ½ minute, then washed in cool water. The fruits are laid out in one layer on a baking sheet and dried at a temperature of 45 ° C. When the cherry becomes wrinkled, the temperature can be raised to 80°C. At the same time, you need to ensure that the dried berries do not stick together when they are squeezed in your hands.

Cherry frost

Preparing a frozen berry is very simple (as well as): for this you need the cherry itself and the desire of the hostess! So, the fruits are washed, moved, the stalks are removed, and the berries are laid out on a dry surface. Dried fruits are put into the freezer right on the tray, then they are transferred to containers or plastic bags.

Delicious, and most importantly, healthy preparations for you!

Felt cherry: video

Felt cherry blanks: photo

Amazing jam can be prepared from cherries for the winter, taking note of this simple recipe. Often the jam is overcooked and the berries are shriveled and dry. Today I will tell you how to cook cherry jam with seeds correctly. The berries are dense, juicy, not boiled, bright in color, the syrup is thick and transparent.
Cherry jam with pits turns out to be more fragrant, the pits give a unique rich taste.
Even if your cherry is not simple, but felted, and, most likely, it is, because the crops ripen in the gardens, you can still use this recipe. Pitted felted cherry jam will taste slightly different. It's more flavorful, isn't it?

Cherry jam for the winter - a simple recipe. How to cook cherry jam with pits

Cherry 1 kg
Sugar 1 kg
For syrup (in case the cherry does not release juice when infused with sugar):
Water 1 glass
Sugar 1 cup

1. Wash my cherries, sort them out, put them in a saucepan in layers and sprinkle with sugar. If the cherry has released juice during this time, then the stage with syrup is not needed, just put it on the stove and cook as it is written. But often cherries do not release juice (this was the case with me), then syrup comes to the rescue.

2. Cook syrup from 1 cup of water and 1 cup of sugar. When it boils, we throw cherries with sugar into it.Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Boil 5 minutes. It is not necessary to boil for a long time, otherwise the berries will become dry and wrinkled. No more than five minutes.

3. Remove from heat, wait for complete cooling and again - on the stove, boil for 5 minutes. And then we go through this circle for the third time.
4. Can be closed in jars.
If I have little time, then I cook everything in one go. I mix cherries with sugar. I cook syrup from 1 glass of water and 1 glass of sugar, add it to the cherry. And I boil.
Such a five-minute cherry jam with seeds retains a maximum of useful substances due to a short heat treatment.
Try making cherry jam for the winter. A simple recipe ensures that you get a wonderful homemade treat. We really liked it, a real jam from childhood.

A species of cherry, which is a small shrub or tree up to 3 m high and nowadays belongs to the genus Plum, is called "Felt Cherry", or scientifically "Prunus tomentosa Thunb". This plant is completely strewn with small chased dark green leaves with soft pubescence, outwardly resembling felt, which is the reason for its name.

Felt cherries are grown as a highly ornamental and fruit plant with juicy non-acidic oval or round berries. Cherry fruits hang on short stalks, tightly adhering to one another, as well as sea buckthorn fruits. The flowering time of the plant falls on the period from late April to early May, fruit ripening - from late June to early July, depending on weather conditions and the region of growth.

Felt cherries are native to Mongolia, China, and Korea, where they grow wild; in Europe and North America, they became widespread only in the middle of the 20th century.

Felt cherry - useful properties and composition

Felt cherries contain pectins, 16-32 mg of vitamin C, 8-10% sugars (glucose and fructose), 1% malic and citric acid, and tannins. 100 g of berry pulp contains 0.6% anthocyanins, 0.29% catechins and 0.17% flavonols, as well as bioactive polyphenols. Thanks to these substances, felt cherry is an effective capillary-strengthening agent.

Despite all the beneficial properties, felt cherries are practically not used in traditional medical practice, however, many doctors recommend eating fruits to increase regular bowel activity, improve the digestion of fats and proteins, and increase appetite.

The kernels of the bones are rich in fatty oil (from 17 to 35%), which contains linoleic acid, which has an anti-atherosclerotic effect. Without the recommendation of a doctor, it is better not to use them, because they contain amygdalin glycoside, which, splitting in the intestine, forms hydrocyanic toxic acid.

Felt cherry is rich in vitamins C, B, PP and P, and it contains more iron than apples. It is useful for anemia, helps to reduce the growth of atherosclerotic plaques, lowers blood pressure, and prevents the development of stroke and heart attack.

The energy value of 100 g of felt cherries is 52 kcal, the protein content is 0.8 g, fat - 0.2 g, carbohydrates - 10.6 g.

Felt Cherry - Recipes

Sweet felt cherry berries are a dietary product, they can be used in the presence of kidney and liver stones, gastritis and ulcers of the intestines and stomach, as well as those who want to lose weight.

According to reviews, felt cherries are most useful and tasty fresh, but in cooking it is customary to process or dry them, make juices, jams, compotes, jams, syrup and fruit drinks from it.

The process of preserving the berries of this variety of cherries is similar to the recipe for blanks from ordinary garden cherries. If sugar is not added to it, but fructose is used as a sweetener, such a delicacy can also be consumed with a mild form of diabetes.

Felt cherry marmalade is very popular, the recipe for which has been passed down from generation to generation in Korea, from where it has spread throughout the world. Cherry fruits (600 g) are thoroughly washed under cold water, cleaned of stalks and seeds, placed in a large saucepan, poured with 3 glasses of water and boiled until boiled.

Then the berries are passed through a sieve, the resulting cherry mass is again put on a slow fire, 150 g of sugar is added to it and boiled until it begins to thicken. Then 2 tbsp are added to the cherry mass. l. honey and 5 tbsp. l. starch, diluted in the same amount of water, the liquid is constantly stirred and boiled until its consistency begins to resemble thick jelly. The finished mass is poured into molds and cooled for 3 hours, after which the marmalade is cut and ready for use.

Many housewives prefer to peel the fruits of felt cherries from stones and cover them with sugar, then lay them out in jars and close with plastic lids, getting a kind of jam.

Felt cherry jam is cooked using the same technology as any other jam, however, you can put a much smaller amount of sugar into it, because sourness is not characteristic of the berries of this cherry variety.

According to reviews, felt cherries are an excellent raw material for making compotes for the winter. The berries are washed and laid out in sterile jars, doused with boiling water, filled to the very neck with boiling sugar syrup and closed with sterile lids. One liter of syrup should contain 400 g of sugar, ready-made compote can be stored for no more than 8 months in a dark, cool place.

Felt cherry is a fruit plant that has spread throughout the world from Asia, and gained popularity due to its delicious and sweet berries. The beneficial properties of this variety of cherries allow it to be used in the treatment of various diseases, and the low calorie content makes it an ideal product when following a diet.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Felt cherry is a small shrub with a decorative appearance. Ripe fruits are very juicy, they are unusually obtained. It is not difficult to prepare various jams, compotes and jams, as there are many recipes for canning felt cherries.

Felt cherries grow in almost every yard, but few people know what useful properties this variety has and what culinary masterpieces can be prepared from its berries.

The composition and properties of felt cherry fruits

Felt cherry fruits are the juiciest and sweetest among all related varieties. In addition, they are very useful:

Felt cherry is unusual in that its fruits and leaves are covered with a delicate fluff

  • contain glucose, a significant mass fraction of vitamin C, as well as vitamins of groups B and PP;
  • rich in carbohydrates and organic acids (malic, citric);
  • contain pectins and tannins;
  • due to the presence of biologically active polyphenols and bioflavonoids, they are able to strengthen capillaries;
  • include iron slightly more than in apples.

The fruits of felt cherries also have a beneficial effect on the human body:

  • increase appetite;
  • regulate the activity of the alimentary tract and blood clotting;
  • reduce pressure;
  • prevent the occurrence of heart attack and stroke;
  • protect against the occurrence of atherosclerosis (nucleus of the bones);
  • used for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory infections.

Application of felt cherries

The berries of Chinese cherries are dietary, they are allowed to be eaten by people with diseases of the kidneys and liver (when there are restrictions), as well as the stomach and intestines. It is also a great alternative to sweets during weight loss (sugar composition 8-13%).

From felt cherries, as well as from ordinary cherries, various jams, compotes and jelly are prepared for the winter.

It is tastier and healthier, of course, to eat freshly picked cherries, but since it is not stored for long, it is better to prepare various preparations for the winter from it: jam, compote, jam, syrup, which will enrich the body in winter with the missing vitamins, micro and macro elements.

Other cherry dishes are considered no less tasty: kvass, fruit drink, mousse, jelly and marmalade prepared according to an old Korean recipe.

How to Prepare Felt Cherries for Canning

Each housewife has her own canning secrets, but since the felt cherry differs from the usual size and quality of the fruit, it is necessary to cook goodies for the winter using a slightly different technology.

Remove the stalks of cherries immediately before conservation so that the berry is not glass

  1. First of all, you need to harvest the crop correctly, since the fruits of felt varieties of cherries have a very delicate structure and cannot be stored for a long time.
  2. Felt cherries should be plucked along with the stalk, so it will last longer and not lose its useful qualities.
  3. Harvesting begins early in the morning when the dew dries.
  4. So that the berries do not wrinkle, they are carefully folded into a shallow basket or box.
  5. Store fruits in the refrigerator for 3-4 days. If there is a need for longer storage, you can place the berries in plastic bags, seal them tightly, and then set the temperature on the refrigerator timer closer to 0 ° C. Under these conditions, cherries will stay fresh for up to 30 days.
  6. Bones from the fruit are removed immediately before processing.

Important! All fruits, even those collected from one bush, must be sorted by variety, color and degree of maturity.

Recipes and rules for making felt cherry jam

You can cook jam in several ways: dry (ground with sugar) and in your own juice, as well as with and without a bone. To improve the aroma and taste, other fruit components are often added to it: strawberries, apples, apricots.

Felt cherries can be closed with or without a stone

Rules for making cherry jam:

  1. Cherries are boiled in several steps - until a light brown, but not black color appears. Otherwise, the berries will lose their qualities.
  2. During cooking, it is necessary to collect the foam so that the cherry jam can be stored for a long time.
  3. Glass containers must be sterilized in a microwave oven or with dry steam before filling.
  4. All bones (if the jam is cooked without stones) are removed. But since the fruits are small, this process will take a lot of time, so you should use a special device.
  5. Cooking utensils can be stainless, enameled or copper, but in no case aluminum, otherwise harmful oxide impurities will get into the jam.

Felt cherry jam recipe

Important! Sugar in Chinese cherries should be added half as much as in ordinary cherries, as it is much sweeter.


  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • pitted cherries - 1 kg.

Rinse the berry thoroughly to remove the remains of leaves or insects that may have got into the berries from the branches.

Cooking technology:

  • carefully washed and pitted berries are laid out in layers in a cooking container. Sprinkle each layer with sugar;
  • then the container with the berries is placed in the refrigerator for several hours until the juice appears;
  • mix the cherry mass and boil over moderate heat: bring to a boil and remove. Repeat the cooking process 2-3 times;
  • hot jam is poured into jars, rolled up with lids and allowed to cool at room temperature for 10-12 hours.

Cherry jam, made from felted cherries with pits, has a slightly different cooking technology. The main difference is a syrup made from sugar and juice, in which the berries are first aged and then languish over a small fire. According to many housewives, this jam is more fragrant, with a characteristic almond flavor.

Felt cherry compote recipe with irga

Irga goes well with felt cherries. The result is a very rich, tasty and fragrant compote.

Proportions per liter jar:

  • 2 tbsp. cherries;
  • 1 st. irgi.

Felt cherries make incredibly fragrant compotes

This preparation for the winter is being prepared as follows:

  • washed berries are placed in a container;
  • pour boiling water and hold for 10-15 minutes;
  • the syrup is drained, mixed with sugar (to taste);
  • boiled for 10-15 minutes and again poured into jars with berries;
  • jars with compote are closed with lids, turned over and covered with a blanket;
  • the workpiece is infused for 12-24 hours.

The recipe for harvesting felt cherries in their own juice

Felt cherries prepared in their own juice are a very tasty and healthy delicacy, especially for children and people who have digestive problems. Another plus of this recipe is that you do not need to waste time taking out the bones.

Cherry in own juice is a very simple recipe. Such a preparation can be done even if you have absolutely no time.

  1. Liter jars are washed with soda, scalded (sterilized) and turned upside down.
  2. The berries are sorted, washed and thrown into a colander.
  3. Lay the cherries in jars so that the top layer peeks out of the container. Pour three tablespoons of sugar into the middle of each jar.
  4. Jars of berries are put on a baking sheet for an electric oven. Carefully slide the baking sheet into the oven and set the temperature to 120 ° C on the timer.
  5. Boil the cherries in the oven for about 2 hours.
  6. After that, the oven is turned off, and the jars are taken out in turn, rolled up and quickly wrapped in a blanket or towel.

Pickled and Dried Cherry Recipes

Not only jams and compotes are harvested from felt cherries, they are also marinated and dried.

For pickled cherries, pre-prepare the marinade:

  • 700 g of sugar are dissolved in 1 liter of cold water;
  • bring to a boil;
  • add 2/3 tbsp of vinegar, 7-10 peas of allspice and a pinch of cinnamon;
  • mix thoroughly.

Hot marinade is poured into jars with berries, then they are placed in a pot of boiling water and sterilized for 3-5 minutes.

Dry felt cherries like this:

  • the fruits are sorted, separated from the stalk, washed and filtered;
  • 1 tsp baking soda is dissolved in 1 liter of boiling water;
  • in the prepared solution, boil the cherry for 30-40 minutes;
  • the berries are washed with cold water and allowed to drain;
  • lay the cherry in one layer on a baking sheet and send it to the oven (t - 40-45 ° C);
  • after the berries begin to wrinkle, the temperature is increased by 30-35 ° C;
  • the delicacy is ready when the berries do not coalesce when squeezed in the hand.

Felt cherry has many useful qualities, so it has found wide distribution in gardeners' plots. But most importantly, fragrant and very tasty preparations for the winter are obtained from its fruits.

How to cook cherry jam: video

Felt cherry blanks for the winter: photo

Felt cherry is considered one of the sweetest varieties of cherries.

The berry is famous for its high content of useful substances that make up its composition, namely, vitamins of group B, C, P, malic and citric acid, fructose, glucose, tannins. And the amount of iron in felt cherries exceeds the content of the precious trace element in the apples themselves.

Today jam, marmalade, compote, jam, marmalade and jelly are prepared from felt cherries.

Jam from this berry turns out to be fragrant and sweet, without the sourness characteristic of ordinary cherries.

Homemade is a thick mass that is convenient to use for baking or desserts. It is especially useful to eat such jam to normalize the activity of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, reduce high blood pressure and reduce the growth of atherosclerotic plaques.

Felt cherry jam

Felt cherry jam recipe for the winter

Sugar - 1 kg

Felt cherry - 1 kg

Cherries are thoroughly washed with cold water. Take out a stone from each berry. Spread a dense layer of cherries in an enamel bowl. Sprinkle sugar on top of the berries. Continue by alternating to lay layers of cherries and granulated sugar. At the end of the process, leave the mass until the juice appears, mix thoroughly.

Send the dishes with jam to the stove, bring to a boil over moderate heat. The mass is periodically stirred, after which the gas is turned off. Let the jam brew for about thirty minutes, bring the mixture to a boil again. Repeat the cooking process two more times.

The cherry mass is laid out in sterilized jars, rolled up with lids. Keep the jam at room temperature until cool, and then transfer the jars to a cool place (pantry, cellar).

In some recipes, felt cherry jam is made with pits. It is believed that such homemade preparation is more fragrant, with a pleasant almond flavor. But the method of preparing this preservation is different than.

Due to the fact that whole cherries absorb the syrup more slowly, each fruit is pierced with a fork before the cooking process. Then the prepared berries are poured with hot syrup. To prepare the syrup, pour one kilogram of sugar into the pan, pour in a glass of water, bring the mixture to a boil. The berries are kept in a sweet liquid for three hours.

At the end of the time, simmer the jam over low heat for ten minutes, take a break for five hours. The procedure is repeated three times, and only then sterilized jars are filled with a sweet mass, rolled up with lids.

Dry felt cherry jam

Cherry - 300 g.

Granulated sugar - 1 kg

Felt cherries are washed with running water. Pour the berries into a separate container, add sugar, carefully stir the cherries with sugar. Spread the mass on a baking sheet in one dense layer, and then send the sheet with cherries to an oven preheated to 200 °.

After the mass begins to bubble and boil, the temperature is lowered to 100 °, and after thirty minutes the cherries are removed from the oven. Transfer the berries to a separate plate or wrap in foil, continue to dry the fruits at room temperature.

Transfer to a glass jar with a lid or a food container, cover the berries with powdered sugar. Store the finished felt cherry jam in a dry, warm place.
