
Chocolate Napoleon with cherry. Napoleon from ready-made pastry with cherries

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: 90 min

Cooking time: 90 minutes
I want to offer lovers the original recipe for the Napoleon cake with cherries. An easy-to-prepare and very tasty cake with a pleasant cherry note will diversify the festive table and delight your loved ones with its wonderful taste.

To make the cake we need:
- flour - 500 g;
- eggs - 2 pcs.;
- margarine - 250 g;
- sugar - 0.5 tbsp.;
- sour cream - 1 tbsp.;
- cherry in own juice.

For cream:
- milk - 2 tbsp.;
- sugar - 1 tbsp.;
- cherry jelly in powder - 2 tbsp. l.;
- flour - 2 tbsp. l.;
- butter - 250 g.

How to cook with a photo step by step

1. Knead the puff pastry for the cake. First you need to grind margarine with flour, then add a glass of sour cream and 2 egg yolks. Set the whites aside for now, it is better to take them out to the cold. Place the finished dough in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

2. Divide the chilled puff pastry into 6 even pieces.

3. Beat egg whites with granulated sugar into a stiff foam.

4. Put the canned cherries in their own juice on a paper towel, then add it to the whipped proteins and mix everything gently.

5. Roll out one of the six pieces of dough thinly.

6. Transfer the rolled dough to a greased baking sheet and evenly cover it with a protein mass with cherries.

7. Roll out another ball of dough and place it on top. Walk along the edges of the workpiece with your fingers so that the dough sticks together and the protein mass does not come out during heat treatment.

8. Bake the cake with protein-cherry filling in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees for 20 minutes. In this way, we prepare three cakes for cherry Napoleon.

9. When the cake layers are ready, start preparing the cream. Pour 2 cups of cold milk into a small saucepan, add a glass of sugar, 2 tablespoons of powdered cherry jelly and 2 tablespoons of flour.

10. Thoroughly beat the entire contents of the pan with a whisk, breaking all the lumps.

11. Brew the cream over medium heat, without ceasing to stir it with a whisk, until the cream thickens.

12. From the hot saucepan, transfer the custard to a deep bowl and let it cool completely. Then adding a piece of softened butter, beat the cream with a mixer until a fluffy homogeneous mass. For a better flavor, you can add a little vanilla to the cream.

13. Cut the cakes so that they are the same. Trimmings will be needed to decorate the cake. Spread custard generously on the cake.

15. Coat the sides of the cake with cream, and sprinkle with crumbs from scraps.

16. We will cover the top of Napoleon with cherries with chocolate icing. To do this, melt a bar of black or milk chocolate in a water bath with the addition of a few tablespoons of milk.

17. Spread warm icing evenly over the entire surface of Napoleon and take it to a cold place so that the chocolate hardens well and the cakes are soaked with cream.

18. You can decorate the finished cake as you wish. Brew tea, cut a cake, and enjoy delicious homemade cakes.

Bon appetit everyone!
Author: Lilia Purgina

Cake Napoleon with cherry

Cake "Napoleon" ... Oh, how much there is talk about it! πŸ˜€ Someone considers it the king of cakes - refined and delicate, but someone doesn’t like it at all and seems faceless... Probably, this indicates that this cake occupies a special place in cooking, because there are simply no indifferent to it !

I don't know which category you fall into πŸ™‚ Hope you let us know in the comments! πŸ˜‰ For myself, I can say that the classic version of "Napoleon" is not my favorite cake. But with a layer of raspberries, currants or cherries - already yes ... In my opinion, these berries give a bright touch and shade the tenderness of the whole cake in the best way ... πŸ˜‰

By the way, there is a version that the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the expulsion of Napoleon Bonaparte from Russia has nothing to do with this dessert. And the name came from the birthplace of the cake - Naples, but over time it has undergone a distortion. Who knows how it really was ... And is it important? Especially when you enjoy a tasty piece?! πŸ˜‰

Napoleon with cherry

When I bake such cakes, the first thing I decide is how many cakes to make? I think less than 6-7 just makes no sense to mess around πŸ™‚ And this is the closest to the standard size. But this time I swung at 10 cakes πŸ˜€ And I didn’t regret it! πŸ˜‰

As for the berry layer - I chose cherry ... In terms of baking, this is my favorite berry! Pies, puffs, donuts, pancakes, cheesecakes, cakes - everything is mega delicious with her! πŸ˜€

Napoleon with cherry

How many such layers to make - you decide too! I proceeded from the fact that I had 300 g of cherries - I applied it in three steps. Now I'll tell you about everything in detail! πŸ˜‰


For cakes:
Napoleon with cherry

Premium wheat flour - 700 g
butter - 250 g
eggs - 1 pc.
water - about 200 ml
salt - a pinch

For cream:

Milk - 1 liter
sugar - 250 g
eggs - 6 pieces
premium wheat flour - 8 tbsp.
butter - 250 g

For the layer:

Cherry - 300 g
sugar - 3 tbsp.


Kneading dough for cakes:

First of all, I sifted all the flour - 700 grams. Napoleon with cherry

Then she put butter to it, chilled - cut it into cubes. Napoleon with cherry

Rubbed flour with butter into crumbs. Napoleon with cherry

Break an egg into a glass and beat it with salt. Napoleon with cherry

Top up the glass with filtered water to 250 ml. I got a little more than 200 ml of water, because. the egg was a little less than 50 ml. Napoleon with cherry

Stirred and poured into crumbs. Napoleon with cherry

Kneaded elastic dough. If you get the dough too dry or vice versa wet, you can add a little more water or flour, respectively. Napoleon with cherry

I put the dough in a food bag and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Napoleon with cherry

Dough division:

I took the dough out of the refrigerator and cut it into 10 approximately equal parts. Napoleon with cherry

I rolled up a dozen cute balls;) Napoleon with cherries

Each of them was rolled out very thinly on a board lightly sprinkled with flour. Napoleon with cherry

I poked the dough with a fork so that it does not bubble too much during baking. Napoleon with cherry

Cake baking:

Carefully, using a rolling pin, transfer the dough to a baking sheet. I attached a plate and cut a circle on it with a wooden spatula so as not to scratch the Teflon surface. I chose a plate with a diameter of 24 cm. Napoleon with cherries

Baked in an oven preheated to 180-200 "C for 5-7 minutes, until lightly browned. Napoleon with cherries

The finished cake was immediately removed from the baking sheet and transferred to a wire rack to cool. Napoleon with cherry

Thus prepared all 10 cakes. Napoleon with cherry

Preparation of crumbs for sprinkling:

Cut off the sides and baked pieces of cakes folded separately. Napoleon with cherry

I broke them and sent them to the chopper (blender). Napoleon with cherry

I ground it into crumbs, which I will later cover the sides and top of the cake with. Napoleon with cherry

If you don't have a blender, no problem. These pieces can be converted into crumbs in any mill. Or use a pestle or a rolling pin for this - just knead them. You can still try to grate :) But this option seems to me the most time-consuming.

Cream preparation:

I poured a liter of milk into an aluminum saucepan and put it on a slow fire to heat up. I took store-bought UHT milk with a fat content of 3.2%. Napoleon with cherry

Eggs combined with sugar. Napoleon with cherry

Whipped into foam. Napoleon with cherry

The milk was heated to a hot state, not allowing it to boil. Napoleon with cherry

She poured a couple of ladles of hot milk into the egg mass, stirred it. Napoleon with cherry

After that, she poured the entire egg mass into the hot milk in a saucepan. Napoleon with cherry

Cook, stirring constantly with a spoon, not allowing lumps to form, until thickened. Even if you get small lumps, do not worry - the mass can be beaten and converted into a homogeneous one. Napoleon with cherry

In the photo I tried to show the consistency of the cream. It should be pretty thick. But it's important not to overdo it. It took me about 10 minutes to heat up with stirring. Napoleon with cherry

Remove the cream from the heat and let it cool completely. I usually place the pot in a basin or sink filled with cold water. Well, if I cook in the cold season, then I just take it out to the balcony. But you can be patient and wait for the cream to cool naturally just at room temperature.

I took out the butter in advance - by the time it is combined with the cooled part of the cream, it should be completely softened. She crushed it with a spoon. Napoleon with cherry

Then another part, again stirring with a whisk. Napoleon with cherry

Thus, I combined the butter with the entire milk boiled mass. Cream is ready! Seems like a lot? But no! Everything will go away... ;) Napoleon with cherries

Layer preparation:

I washed the cherry with cool water and removed the seeds from it. Napoleon with cherry

I sent it to the blender along with sugar. Napoleon with cherry

Beat at maximum speed until smooth. Napoleon with cherry

Cake assembly:

Layering can be done anywhere. I decided to distribute it evenly. And since I had three cherry layers in my plans, I decided to apply them like this - between the 2nd and 3rd, 5th and 6th and between the 8th and 9th.

I laid the first cake on the cake stand, smeared it with cream. Then she placed the second cake, again covering with cream.

I distributed 1/3 of the cherry layer over the cream.

She laid the third, fourth and fifth cakes, smearing each of them with cream. On top of it - again a cherry layer.

Next - the sixth, seventh and eighth cakes with cream. The last time I smeared it with cherries.

Now the ninth and last tenth cake is also with cream. I left a couple of spoons of cream for decoration, but this is not necessary.

I sprinkled the sides of the cake with the previously ground crumbs.

I put all the remaining crumbs on top of Napoleon.

I decorated it like this - at an equidistant distance from each other I put 12 balls of cream, about 0.5 tsp each. every. Those. placed according to the type of watch face. I put one ball of cream in the center.

I put a cherry on each ball (washed, dried, pitted) and pressed it a little into the cream. Placed 3 berries in the center.

I left the cake to soak at room temperature for half a day (it can be less, but it should still stand for 6-8 hours).

The cake turned out incredibly tender and delicious! With a pleasant cherry sourness... ;)

Along with the words "Very tasty!" I was touched by the phrase of my guest: "He has a taste ... real!" :) It was the best reward for my work! ;)







Hi Hi! We have +25 and summer has sold out in earnest))

Probably, there are hardly any people who do not like Cherry. Are there any of you?
at least I haven't seen one yet.)

I love cherries (and sweet cherries) with all the fibers of my soul, I can eat tons and it practically doesn’t bother me. But only when there are quite a lot of them ... As happened this season: my father-in-law, knowing that I am not indifferent to this berry, just arranged a cherry-cherry boom at home. Baskets, basins and other kitchen utensils are filled to the eyeballs with berries and, of course, I can’t eat so much of it even in a week. What to do? Of course, you can cook something from your old favorite recipes, for example, or make jam , jams (which I actually did in the first place). But the soul demanded something different, different.

Cake! The most cherry cake ever! (Just by the time my idea became a reality, I was expecting an influx of male relatives, so it would be most welcome)

For the basis (cakes), I took the good old, family favorite

And she modified it: she used two types of cream and fresh cherries. It turned out to be a good updated summer version of the Napoleon cake.

300g - butter
3pcs - eggs
3/4 cup - sugar
200g - sour cream (15-20%)
1.5 tsp - baking powder
1 sachet - vanilla sugar
4 tbsp flour (sifted)

1. Cut the butter into small pieces in a bowl. Add sugar and vanilla sugar. Add eggs, sour cream and baking powder.

2. Gradually adding flour, knead the dough.

3. Transfer the dough from the bowl to the board, adding a little flour. Knead the dough until smooth. The dough should not turn out cool.

4. Divide the dough into 11 parts. Form balls from each part and put in a bowl. Put the dishes with the dough in the refrigerator for an hour.

5. After an hour, take out one ball at a time and roll out a very thin circle with a diameter of 24 cm.
Make holes with a fork.

Fold the finished cakes in a pile. As soon as the stack of cakes is ready, prepare the cream.

The baking sheet does not need to be lubricated with anything, it is enough to dust with flour (lightly)
The cakes are cooked very quickly, I turn them over.
Oven temperature - 180C


The most convenient in this option - cream(both the first and second) is prepared for one or two and does not require almost any time costs.

Cream 1(for a layer of cakes)
2 cans - condensed milk
2 packs - butter (very good quality)
1 sachet - vanilla sugar

Beat butter (room temperature) with condensed milk and vanilla sugar

Cream2(to cover the top of the cake and the sides)
200g - Philadelphia cream cheese
50 ml - cream (33-35%)
powdered sugar to taste

Whisk cream cheese with cream and powdered sugar.

For cherry layer

250g cherries (fresh) pitted
1-2 tbsp - sugar

Sprinkle the cherries with sugar and let stand for 30 minutes.


Layer the cooled cakes cream 1
layer cake like this : soak the cake syrup (from cherry), then cream 1 And berries
Other cakes (except top) layering cream 1

Brush the top layer and sides of the cake cream 2

Decorate the finished cake as desired and refrigerate for at least 10 hours.

First of all, I sifted all the flour - 700 grams.

Then she put butter to it, chilled - cut it into cubes.

Rubbed flour with butter into crumbs.

Break an egg into a glass and beat it with salt.

Top up the glass with filtered water to 250 ml. I got a little more than 200 ml of water, because. the egg was a little less than 50 ml.

Stirred and poured into crumbs.

Kneaded elastic dough. If you get the dough too dry or vice versa wet, you can add a little more water or flour, respectively.

I put the dough in a food bag and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Dough division:

I took the dough out of the refrigerator and cut it into 10 approximately equal parts.

I rolled up a dozen cute balls;)

Each of them was rolled out very thinly on a board lightly sprinkled with flour.

I poked the dough with a fork so that it does not bubble too much during baking.

Cake baking:

Carefully, using a rolling pin, transfer the dough to a baking sheet. I attached a plate and cut a circle on it with a wooden spatula so as not to scratch the Teflon surface. I chose a plate with a diameter of 24 cm.

Bake in an oven preheated to 180-200 "C for 5-7 minutes, until lightly browned.

The finished cake was immediately removed from the baking sheet and transferred to a wire rack to cool.

Thus prepared all 10 cakes.

Preparation of crumbs for sprinkling:

Cut off the sides and baked pieces of cakes folded separately.

I broke them and sent them to the chopper (blender).

I ground it into crumbs, which I will later cover the sides and top of the cake with.

If you don't have a blender, no problem. These pieces can be converted into crumbs in any mill. Or use a pestle or a rolling pin for this - just knead them. You can still try to grate :) But this option seems to me the most time-consuming.

Cream preparation:

Prepared the required ingredients.

I poured a liter of milk into an aluminum saucepan and put it on a slow fire to heat up. I took store-bought UHT milk with a fat content of 3.2%.

Eggs combined with sugar.

Whipped into foam.

The milk was heated to a hot state, not allowing it to boil.

She poured a couple of ladles of hot milk into the egg mass, stirred it.

After that, she poured the entire egg mass into the hot milk in a saucepan.

Cook, stirring constantly with a spoon, not allowing lumps to form, until thickened. Even if you get small lumps, do not worry - the mass can be beaten and converted into a homogeneous one.

In the photo I tried to show the consistency of the cream. It should be pretty thick. But it's important not to overdo it. It took me about 10 minutes to heat up with stirring.

Remove the cream from the heat and let it cool completely. I usually place the pot in a basin or sink filled with cold water. Well, if I cook in the cold season, then I just take it out to the balcony. But you can be patient and wait for the cream to cool naturally just at room temperature.

I took out the butter in advance - by the time it is combined with the cooled part of the cream, it should be completely softened. She crushed it with a spoon.

I added a few tablespoons of the milk part of the cream from the pan to it.

Then another part, again stirring with a whisk.

Thus, I combined the butter with the entire milk boiled mass. Cream is ready! Seems like a lot? But no! It's all gone... ;)

Layer preparation:

Prepared the necessary products.

I washed the cherry with cool water and removed the seeds from it.

I sent it to the blender along with sugar.

Beat at maximum speed until smooth.

Cake assembly:

Layering can be done anywhere. I decided to distribute it evenly. And since I had three cherry layers in my plans, I decided to apply them like this - between the 2nd and 3rd, 5th and 6th and between the 8th and 9th.

I laid the first cake on the cake stand, smeared it with cream. Then she placed the second cake, again covering with cream.

I distributed 1/3 of the cherry layer over the cream.

She laid the third, fourth and fifth cakes, smearing each of them with cream. On top of it - again a cherry layer.

Next - the sixth, seventh and eighth cakes with cream. The last time I smeared it with cherries.

Now the ninth and last tenth cake is also with cream. I left a couple of spoons of cream for decoration, but this is not necessary.

I sprinkled the sides of the cake with the previously ground crumbs.

I put all the remaining crumbs on top of Napoleon.

I decorated it like this - at an equidistant distance from each other I put 12 balls of cream, about 0.5 tsp each. every. Those. placed according to the type of watch face. I put one ball of cream in the center.

I put a cherry on each ball (washed, dried, pitted) and pressed it a little into the cream. Placed 3 berries in the center.

I left the cake to soak at room temperature for half a day (it can be less, but it should still stand for 6-8 hours).

The cake turned out incredibly tender and delicious! With a pleasant cherry sourness... ;)

Along with the words "Very tasty!" I was touched by the phrase of my guest: "He has a taste ... real!" :) It was the best reward for my work! ;)

There are many recipes for preparing a turkey, but today we will focus on my favorite holiday option - a brisket roll with dried fruits baked in the oven. The recipe is not complicated, it is much easier to cook than, for example, from a rabbit. It turns out very tasty, tender and fragrant. Just lick your fingers! Serve turkey breast roll immediately hot with boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes, or chilled as an appetizer, it will perfectly decorate your holiday table. For the filling, we will use figs, dried apricots and prunes, tender turkey meat goes well with them. Ready? Ingredients Large turkey breast 200-250 g bacon, thinly sliced ​​5-6 dried apricots 5-6 prunes 5-6 figs A couple tablespoons of cognac A spoonful of soy sauce A spoonful of olive oil, Salt, black pepper, oregano, thyme, rosemary A handful toasted and ground walnuts Great for him as a spice, Georgian seasoning - Svan salt

Happy birthday my beloved granddaughter. I wish your life to be beautiful in all its manifestations. Granddaughter, just know that your grandmother loves you madly and is always proud of you! My joy, be always cheerful and cheerful, versatile and direct. And let your heart experience only happiness and love!

Happy new year dear friends! I would like to wish everyone that in the coming year the very miracle that we all dream of will happen to us. Although everyone has their own, but it is necessarily the most necessary and most important. I wish that we all be alive and healthy, that we do what brings us pleasure. I wish to reach new heights and self-realization. And I also want to wish more joyful moments that will turn into pleasant memories, and cozy meetings with friends and loved ones in the household.

It always gives a feeling of celebration and has a bright rich taste, so familiar and traditional since childhood - baked duck with apples! Many consider the crust to be harmful and throw it away, but not in this case, it turns out so tasty and fragrant that it is impossible to resist πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Š We need a duck πŸ¦† preferably dumb 1.5-2 kg 🍎🍏 4-5 apples A mixture of peppers, oregano, Seasoning for duck or goose Salt to taste Olive oil Half a cup of water Cooking in the comments, save the recipe, share with friends, and delight your loved ones with delicious dishes! Merry Christmas!

The time of boundless happiness next to my beloved people embraces me on Christmas holidays, rays of kindness seem to permeate the space around, small surprises carefully wrapped in parchment tied with a tricolor woolen thread with a green sprig of spruce, under an elegant Christmas tree make even such an adult girl like me believe in a fairy tale ... Cozy Christmas evening to you, dear friends, with a cup of tea and a slice of delicious Walnut cake with caramelized apples next to your loved ones and dear to your heart people (according to the recipe from the wonderful chef Irina Chadeeva). Everything in it is as I like fast, simple and most importantly delicious. Calvados, which is not found in our area, was boldly replaced with our favorite cognac. Thinking that I did not need an additional 100 g of sugar instead of icing, I prepared more buttercream. Biscuit: 4 large eggs 120g sugar 70g flour 30g starch 25g ground roasted nuts 30g melted butter Cream: 2 yolks 80g sugar 100g butter 50ml milk half vanilla bean 25g ground roasted nuts 1 tbsp. calvados Apple filling: 2 large apples 25g brown sugar 20g butter a pinch of ground cinnamon a pinch of ground ginger 1 tsp. with a hill of flour Glaze: 100g powdered sugar 1 tbsp. Calvados 1-2 tbsp lemon juice Decoration: 100g roasted nuts cinnamon stick ground cinnamon caramelized sugar or raisins apple Merry Christmas πŸŽ„#happyyear_foodie_challenge by @andrrresky See the comments for preparation πŸ‘‡πŸ»
