
How much is cherry wine. Homemade cherry wine

With a bone, it is remembered for a slight bitterness and a characteristic almond flavor. But the bones contain harmful substances: cyanide and hydrocyanic acid. To make a tasty and at the same time safe drink, you need to follow the proposed cooking technology exactly. Proper holding time and an increased proportion of sugar will neutralize harmful substances.

In most cases, cider is made by fermenting apple juice with wild yeast. But any other juice is suitable, for example, pear, the technology does not change.

Pitted cherry wine needs sweet and sour berries. First, the raw materials must be carefully sorted out, removing unripe, spoiled or rotten fruits. Even one bad berry can ruin the whole batch. To avoid contamination with pathogenic microorganisms, the containers used should be sterilized with boiling water and wiped dry, and only clean hands should be handled with the wort.

It is advisable not to wash the cherry, so that wild yeast remains on the skin, which will start fermentation. If you still had to wash the dirty berries, then to get a guaranteed result, I advise you to use store-bought wine yeast (in no case dry or pressed bakery yeast) or make homemade sourdough from raisins.


  • cherry berries - 3 kg;
  • water - 3 liters;
  • sugar - 1 kg.
  1. Knead the berries peeled from the stalks with your hands without splashing the juice. Each berry must be crushed.

Attention! If the stones are damaged, the finished wine will be too bitter, so mechanical methods of processing cherries are not suitable.

2. Place the resulting mass together with the bones in a container with a wide neck - an enameled or plastic pan (bucket). Due to oxidation by cherry juice, aluminum and other metal containers should not be used.

3. Add 400 grams of sugar (40% of the total) and all the water. Stir, cover with gauze or a thick cloth to protect against flies, transfer the wort to a dark room at room temperature. Leave for 3-4 days.

After a maximum of a day (usually after 6-12 hours), signs of fermentation should appear: foam on the surface, hissing, a slight smell of sour. From the moment of adding water and sugar, be sure to stir the wort with a clean hand or a wooden stick every 8-12 hours, drowning the pulp in the juice - the surfaced skin of berries and pulp. Without agitation, the wort can turn sour or moldy.

Foam indicates the beginning of fermentation.

4. Filter the juice through cheesecloth. Press the pulp well. Add back to pure juice about a quarter of the seeds and 200 grams of sugar (20% of the proportion in the recipe). Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. The remaining pulp is no longer needed.

5. Pour the cherry juice with pits into a fermentation container. Leave at least 25% of the volume free for the remaining sugar, foam and carbon dioxide. Install a water seal of any design on the neck or a medical glove with a hole pierced by a needle in one of the fingers. Transfer the container to a dark room (or cover with a thick cloth) with a stable temperature of 18-25°C.

6. After 5 days, add the next portion of sugar - 200 grams (20%). To do this, remove the water seal, pour 200 ml of wort through a tube into a separate container (the amount in milliliters is equal to the added sugar in grams), dissolve the sugar. Pour the resulting syrup back into the wort and close the neck with a water seal.

Attention! Before adding sugar, taste the drained wort, if it is too tart or bitter, remove the stones. After fermentation and aging, the taste will improve.

7. After another 6 days, filter the wort through cheesecloth to remove all the bones. Add the remaining sugar - 200 grams (20%), mix, pour back into a well-washed fermentation tank and install a water seal.

Depending on the yeast and temperature, cherry wine ferments for 25-55 days, then the water seal stops releasing gas (the glove deflates), almost all the foam disappears, a layer of sediment is visible at the bottom, and the wine itself becomes lighter. If these signs appear, proceed to the next cooking step.

8. Drain the young wine through a straw, without touching the sediment. To taste. If desired, add more sugar (the amount is up to you) to increase the sweetness. You can also raise the fortress with vodka or pure ethyl alcohol (3-15% by volume).

Since pitted cherry wine has an almond flavor, fortifying and sweetening after fermentation enhances the flavor. But I advise you to first determine the optimal proportions on a small amount of wine, so as not to spoil the entire batch.

9. Fill storage containers with wine (to minimize contact with oxygen, preferably under the neck). Close hermetically. The first 10 days can be kept under a water seal in case the fermentation has not completely stopped.

10. Transfer the wine for aging to a dark, cool room - a cellar, cellar or refrigerator. The recommended temperature is 6-16°C. Leave at least 4-6 (preferably 8-12) months for ripening.

As a sediment 2-4 cm thick appears (at first every 10-15 days, then less often), filter the wine by pouring it through a straw. When the sediment does not appear for more than a month, the drink can be bottled for storage and hermetically sealed. Cooking completed.

When stored in a refrigerator or cellar, the shelf life is up to 5 years. Fortress - 10-12% (without additional fixing).

Cherry wine has long been one of the favorite drinks of many winemakers. And for sure each of them already has their own signature recipe. But if you are just starting your journey in the world of winemaking, then you will definitely be interested in different variations of this drink.

Cherry wine classic recipe


  1. Ripe cherries - 3 kg
  2. Sugar - 1.5 kg
  3. Water - 4 l

Cooking Method

  1. The fruit does not need to be washed. It must be sorted out, the rotten fruits removed and all the bones removed. It is very important to preserve all the juice as much as possible.
  2. We heat the water to 25 degrees, mix with 500 g of sugar and pour the pulp of the cherry with such a light syrup.
  3. We cover the neck of the container with gauze and transfer it for 3-4 days to a dark, warm place.
  4. In a day, the first signs of fermentation should already appear. And now every day we mix the wort several times.
  5. After the active fermentation stage is completed, we filter the liquid through a fine strainer or gauze.
  6. Mix the resulting juice with 500 g of sugar and pour into a clean fermentation container. The container must be filled to a maximum of 75%.
  7. We install a water seal or a medical glove and transfer the vessel to a dark place with a temperature of 18–25 degrees. The fermentation process can last 25-60 days.
  8. After 4–5 days, we introduce 250 g of sugar into the wort. After another 5 days, repeat this procedure.
  9. After the end of fermentation, young wine must be drained from the sediment through a straw.
  10. At this stage, you can take a sample and further sweeten the drink or add alcohol / vodka in an amount of 2-15% of the total volume of wine.
  11. Pour the cherry wine into a clean container and transfer it to a room with a temperature of 6-16 degrees. As sediment settles, the drink must be poured through a straw into a clean container.
  12. As soon as the sediment ceases to fall, the wine is bottled and corked well.
  13. Store the finished product should be no more than 5-6 years in a cool place. The strength of the drink is 11-13%.

Cherry wine without water


  1. Cherry - 10 kg
  2. Sugar - 5 kg

Cooking Method

  1. Unwashed, but selected cherry fruits, together with the seeds, are transferred to a container of a suitable volume, sprinkling each layer with sugar.
  2. Close the container with a lid and transfer it to a cool place. This stage may take from 1.5 to 2 months.
  3. Stir the contents of the container from time to time so that the sugar is completely dissolved.
  4. After the end of fermentation, the wort must be filtered, and the pulp must be squeezed out with gauze.
  5. We bottle young wine and send it to a cool place for a couple of months. Then you can start tasting.

Simple cherry wine


  1. Unwashed cherries - 1 kg
  2. Water - 1 l
  3. Sugar - 700 g

Cooking Method

  1. To begin with, you need to sort out the cherries, remove spoiled berries, excess debris and remove the seeds.
  2. In a container with a wide neck, mix all the ingredients, cover with gauze and leave warm for 2-3 days. Stir daily with a wooden spatula or spoon.
  3. When the number of bubbles and foam becomes less, leave the mixture for another 3-5 days and do not stir it any more.
  4. During this time, all the pulp will rise up, it must be collected with a slotted spoon and then squeezed through gauze.
  5. The resulting liquid is poured into a clean glass container and a water seal is installed.
  6. After a week, a precipitate will appear. The wine should be carefully drained and bottled. Then leave it for 15 days under the same conditions.
  7. Now we transfer the young wine to a cool place and leave it for 1.5–2 months to stabilize the taste.

Cherry compote wine


  1. Cherry compote - 6 l
  2. Sugar - 400 g
  3. Raisins - a small handful

Cooking Method

  1. If you only have boiled compote, then it should be placed in a warm place for 2-3 days so that it begins to ferment. If you use conservation, then we skip this step.
  2. We mix the drink with unwashed raisins and granulated sugar, install a water seal and leave it in a warm place until the fermentation is complete.
  3. Young wine must be filtered and bottled in glass bottles.
  4. Before tasting, it must be kept in a cellar or refrigerator for at least 4-5 months.

Cherry juice wine

This recipe calls for the addition of sourdough. To prepare raisin sourdough, you can use the recipe that we previously published in the topic: “Raisin Wine”.


  1. Cherry juice - 3 l
  2. Sourdough - 500 g
  3. Sugar - 500 g
  4. Alcohol - to taste

Cooking Method

  1. In a glass container, mix cherry juice, sugar and sourdough. Leave in a warm place for one week.
  2. On the 7th day of fermentation, drain the liquid from the sediment and pour in alcohol according to your taste preferences.
  3. The resulting drink is bottled and kept in a cool place for at least six months.
  4. Cherry wine is ready! You can serve it to the table.

Alternative recipe for cherry wine


  1. Cherry - 4.5 kg
  2. Unrefined sugar - 400 g

Cooking Method

  1. Sort the cherries, remove the stalks, wash thoroughly, dry.
  2. Remove the bones and set aside. Mash the berries. Transfer the resulting mass to a barrel or similar wooden container.
  3. Weigh the bones, take a sixth, finely crush, mix with sugar and add to the cherry.
  4. Bury the barrel for safety in the sand two-thirds of its height. It is necessary to ensure that the barrel is always full, and, if necessary, top it up with cherry juice.
  5. When the wine stops fermenting, seal the barrel tightly. Store in the cellar for 2 months.
  6. The fermented wine is carefully, using a thin hose, poured into another container, trying not to disturb the sediment, and bottled.
  7. Cork bottles, store in a cool place, in a horizontal position.

Cherry pulp wine


  1. Cherry pulp - 5 kg
  2. Sugar syrup - 4 l
  3. Water - 3 liters of water

Cooking Method

  1. Put the cherry pulp in a 10-liter bottle and pour warm 35% sugar syrup (350 g of sugar per 1 liter of water).
  2. Tie the neck of the bottle with gauze and put in a warm place.
  3. On the 4th-6th day, when the pulp in the bottle floats, remove the gauze from the neck, install a water seal and seal.
  4. Fermentation time, depending on the room temperature, ranges from 30 to 50 days. After this period, carefully drain the juice into a clean bottle, and squeeze the pulp.
  5. Filter the juice obtained from it, drain it into a bottle, reinstall the water seal, seal it and keep it under a water seal for another 20-30 days. Then the wine is carefully drained from the sediment and poured into clean, dry bottles, corked and taken out to a cold, dark storage room.

Strong cherry wine


  1. Cherry juice - 10 l
  2. Sugar - 3.5 kg
  3. Water - 2.5 l
  4. Alcohol - 0.5 l

Cooking Method

  1. Wash ripe cherries, chop, removing most of the seeds (70-80%), squeeze the juice.
  2. From juice, water and 2.5 kg of sugar, make wort, add yeast starter, put on fermentation.
  3. After 10 days, remove the wine from the sediment, add alcohol, 1 kg of sugar, mix and hold for 7-10 days.
  4. Filter, bottle and cork carefully.

Cherry and white currant wine


  1. Juice of sour cherries - 1 l
  2. Water - 1 l
  3. Juice of white (red) currant - 1 l
  4. Sugar - 500 g

Cooking Method

  1. Pound ripe sour cherries. Cover the resulting mass and keep at rest for 24 hours.
  2. Then press or squeeze the juice and add water, currant juice and sugar to it.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture into a small barrel, cover it and stir occasionally for several days, and then let it ferment.
  4. After the end of fermentation, top up the barrel with boiled water to the very top and after a few days filter the wine and bottle it.

Cherry wine: benefits and harms

Before talking about any properties of cherry wine, it should be remembered that an alcoholic drink can only be beneficial if drunk in moderation.

But even a small dose is not always beneficial. Especially cherry wine is contraindicated for people:

  1. With high acidity and diseases that are associated with it. For example, hyperacid gastritis.
  2. Diabetes mellitus.
  3. Gastric ulcer.

It should also be remembered that a large amount of cherry drink can destroy tooth enamel. Therefore, it is better to drink it a little bit, then you will have an appetite, your mood will improve, and “bad” cholesterol will also come out of the blood.

It has been repeatedly proven by various studies that wine has many beneficial properties - bactericidal, tonic, soothing. A small amount of red wine reduces the risk of heart disease, an excellent prevention of colds, it is recommended as a sedative - of course, if you use it in small and reasonable quantities.

Now in stores you can choose wine for every taste and budget, but are you sure that it will be of high quality and useful? If the spirit of a winemaker has awakened in you or you just love real homemade wines, then you should try making wine from cherries at home.

Why cherry? The climatic conditions of our country do not allow growing, as in other countries, a large number of grapes. And cherry is on almost every farmstead, in the undergrowth, even along roads, and after grapes, it is the best option for making wine.

It produces an excellent, tasty, dark, slightly tart wine with a wonderful aroma and rich taste. In addition, homemade cherry wine is easily fermented and also easily clarified.

It should be noted that different types of cherries grow in different regions of Russia. Since the author lives in the Far East, his favorite wine is made from felt cherries - small and sweet and sour cherries.

Wine made from steppe cherries can afford most of the country's inhabitants - it grows in the middle part of Russia, in the Volga region, in Western Siberia, in the North Caucasus and the Urals. Cherry of this type is distinguished by its sweet and sour taste, while it is the easiest to process - thanks to its taste, any recipe is suitable. But for the most part, wine is made from common cherries (and its varieties - sour cherries).

It is best to use real cherries - sweet and sour, dark in color, fully ripe. Wine made from overripe or very sweet cherries will not be fragrant or tasty. But you can’t use a very unripe one either - you will get one sour meat.

If you decide to make wine from cherries yourself at home, you should take into account one nuance - it has a lot of acid and little sugar, and so that the wine does not turn out sour or weak, winemakers use one little trick - be sure to add water to the juice and increase the amount of sugar .

The basic algorithm for making cherry wine

  1. Store the collected fruits in the refrigerator for no more than three days.
  2. Soak the cherries in water, remove the pits (wine made from pitted cherries will have a slight hint of bitter almond - if you like this unusual taste, then a few pits can be left).
  3. Pour the pomace of cherries with water for one day. This is necessary due to the fact that cherries are quite dense and it is very difficult to squeeze the must out of them without water treatment.
  4. Squeeze out the must. Consider the amount of water that you squeezed out - it will need to be added back.
  5. If the purest cherry wine does not suit you, you can add other berries. Cherry goes well with currants (especially black), plums and raspberries.

Homemade Cherry Wine Recipes

All recipes below are designed to produce approximately 20 liters of wine.

Cherry fortified wine

We will need:

  • 1 bucket of cherries (10 liters);
  • 2 kg. Sahara;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 0.5 liters of alcohol;
  • wine yeast.

Follow the cooking algorithm. After squeezing the must, add wine yeast and leave the composition for 10 days for fermentation. Remove the sediment, add alcohol and sugar. Keep for another 10 days, filter and bottle.

Light cherry table wine

The ingredients are as follows:

  • 1 bucket of cherries (10 liters);
  • 1.5-2 kg. Sahara;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 3 gr. tartaric acid (or a sachet of citric acid).

Follow the algorithm, mix all the ingredients, let it wander for 10-15 days, filter and bottle.

Dry cherry wine (cherry)

For cherry we need:

  • 1 bucket of cherries (10 liters);
  • 4 kg. Sahara.

Pour cherries with sugar, put in the sun for fermentation for 1-1.5 months, tie the neck of the bottle with gauze. Strain the composition. Wipe the remaining berries through a colander or sieve or squeeze, add to the composition and leave for another three days in the sun. Strain the wine well and leave to ferment for one to two weeks. If the wine is too dry and strong, add 1-1.5 liters of water.

Classic recipe

The easiest way to make cherry wine at home (recipe from the times of the USSR, used in the Far East, works well for felted, as well as small and sour cherries):

  • 1 bucket of cherries (10 liters)
  • 1 bucket of water
  • 3 kg. Sahara.

We act according to the algorithm, put all the components in a large bottle, put on a surgical glove. As soon as it ceases to swell and begins to fall off - after 3-4 weeks - the wine is ready. If your cherry wine requires long-term storage, add 0.5 liters of alcohol or quality vodka.

It is quite possible to make cherry wine at home, the main thing is to follow the technology. As raw materials, you can use fruits grown in your own garden, or bought in a store. There are many recipes for cherry wine, but so that the first experience does not become the last, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the features of preparing a delicious aromatic drink.

Features of making homemade wine

The technology for making wine at home is almost the same. A detailed description will be given in this section so as not to dwell on the features in each recipe.

Homemade cherry wine is prepared in several stages.

Raw material preparation:

  1. For wine at home, depending on the recipe, you can take fresh cherries, jam, fermented compote, juice.
  2. Fermentation requires sugar, yeast, and boiled water.
  3. The use of yeast is optional, it all depends on the recipe.
  4. Fresh berries are not washed, because there is a whitish coating on their surface. This is wild yeast.

Dishes. For fermentation at home, plastic or enameled containers are used. The fact is that cherry juice oxidizes in metal dishes.

Adding ingredients. Sugar and water are added to the resulting mass according to the recipe, put in a warm place at a temperature of 15 to 20 degrees for fermentation.


  1. The must is stirred daily.
  2. On the 4-7th day, strain through gauze and add sugar again.

Further fermentation:

  1. The filtered liquid is poured into jars, leaving a third of the volume free in each of them so that there is room for fermentation.
  2. Install a water seal or pull on a glove (a hole is pierced in it with a needle) and cleaned in a warm place.

Adding sugar:

  1. After 5 days, 200 g of wine liquid is poured, sugar is added.
  2. Then the syrup is poured into the total mass for further fermentation.

Removal from sediment:

  1. After 6 days, sediment will appear at the bottom of the jar.
  2. The wine must be disposed of by pouring it carefully into a clean dish.
  3. The rest of the sugar falls asleep, the glove is pulled on again or a water seal is installed.

Re-sludge removal:

  1. After 25-55 days, fermentation stops.
  2. The wine is poured into a clean container, being careful not to damage the sediment.
  3. If necessary, add granulated sugar, mix.


  1. The drink is poured under the very neck into bottles or jars, tightly closed and put into a room with a temperature of 6-16 degrees.
  2. In this form, the wine will mature for 4-12 months.

Third skimming:

  1. During maturation, the wine is removed from the sediment several times.
  2. When the bottom of the bottle is clean, the cherry wine is ready to drink.

Important! When preparing raw materials, it is not necessary to crush the bones, they must remain intact so as not to spoil the taste of the wine.

This is what a water seal is.

Each recipe has its own nuances that must be taken into account when making a homemade drink.

How to make cherry wine at home

As can be seen from the technology of making wine from cherries or other berries, the process is quite lengthy and complex. Each recipe contains its own nuances that should not be missed. Further, recipes for making homemade wine from cherries, not only from fresh berries, will be given. You can use last year's jam, juice, compote, as well as frozen cherries.

Classic recipe

To make homemade cherry wine according to the recipe, traditional winemaking methods are most often used. You will need:

  • 3 kg of ripe berries;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar;
  • 4 liters of water.

Recipe secrets:

  1. A third of the sugar is dissolved in warm water, the syrup is poured into a bottle, the pitted cherries are poured over.
  2. Cover the container with gauze and put in heat. Fermentation will start in 24 hours. So that the mass does not become moldy, the pulp of the berries is lowered daily to the bottom.
  3. When the hissing and foaming stops, the liquid is filtered and 0.5 kg of sugar is added. The next 250 g of granulated sugar fall asleep after 5 days, the rest - after another 5. For 25-60 days, cherry wine at home is kept under a glove.
  4. When the wine begins to lighten, and the sediment is at the bottom, the wine is poured into a clean bowl. The sediment will have to be removed several more times. By the time it is ready, the drink will have a strength of 1-13%.

Important! Homemade cherry wine can be stored for up to 6 years.

Homemade dry cherry wine

Winemakers call dry wine cherry. For cooking you need:

  • 10 kg of cherry berries;
  • 4 kg of granulated sugar.

Recipe Features:

  1. Remove the seeds from the berries, cover with sugar and place in a bottle. Be sure to tie the neck with gauze folded in several layers to prevent insects from entering.
  2. Within 30 days, fermentation will occur, the mass is stirred. Then filtration is carried out to remove the pulp. The wine is placed under a water seal or a medical glove is pulled on.
  3. After 7 days, the cherry drink is removed from the sediment, tasted. If the wine is too strong and thick, boiled water is added and sugar is added.
  4. Left for another week under a glove, then poured into bottles and sent for maturation.

Wine from frozen cherries at home

If you have frozen cherries in your freezer, you can use them to make homemade wine.


  • berries - 2 kg 500 g;
  • granulated sugar - 0.8 kg;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • raisins - 2 tbsp. l.

According to this recipe, cherry wine has been prepared since ancient times:

  1. The berries are thawed at room temperature, then the seeds are removed, crushed with a blender.
  2. Pour into a jar, add raisins. It does not need to be washed, so as not to remove wild yeast. The container is kept warm for 2 days.
  3. After 48 hours, water (40 degrees) is added to the puree, mixed and filtered through cheesecloth. The squeezed cake is no longer needed. The liquid is poured into a clean sterile jar.
  4. After the sugar falls asleep, pull on the glove and remove the fermentation container in a dark, warm place for 20-40 days.
  5. Several times the drink is drained from the sediment. When the fermentation process stops, the drink is poured into bottles and put on maturation.

Important! The longer the wine stands, the more the taste and aroma are revealed.

Cherry wine at home with stones

True connoisseurs of homemade cherry wine always prepare it with pits. They give the finished drink a special aroma and taste, astringency and spicy bitterness.


  • cherry - 1 bucket;
  • granulated sugar - 3 kg.

Attention! If mold appears during the fermentation process, the cherry mass will have to be poured out.


  1. The berries are sorted out, bones are left.
  2. Knead the cherries with your hands, transfer to a fermentation container, add water and sugar. Put gauze on top.
  3. Stir the wort for a week to lower the pulp to the bottom and prevent the development of molds.
  4. On the 8th day, filter the mass, squeeze the pulp to the last drop of juice.
  5. Pour into a bottle, put on a glove. During fermentation, it will inflate and stand upright, as in the photo below.
  6. A month later, when the glove hangs, the young wine is poured into bottles and put to ripen in a cold place.
  7. After 30 days, the drink can be tasted.

Wine from fermented cherry compote

Do not throw away fermented cherry compote. If there is no mold on the surface, it can be used to make wine.

Comment! They take less sugar, because the compote is sweet.

What is necessary:

  • 6 l compote;
  • 0.4 kg of granulated sugar;
  • a handful of raisins.

Features of the homemade cherry wine recipe:

  1. Pour sugar and unwashed raisins into the compote, put on a glove or water seal.
  2. Put in heat and do not touch the bottle until the fermentation process is over.
  3. Strain off the mass, being careful not to touch the sediment. Pour the young wine into bottles.
  4. Drink tasting can be done after 5 months.

After watching a video about making homemade cherry wine at home, you can learn more about the secrets of winemaking.

Cherry wine at home without yeast

On unwashed cherries, yeast fungi are present, due to which fermentation occurs.

Products for making wine:

  • cherry - 3 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 3 l.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Cherries with pits are poured with water, sugar is added and put in heat, covering the pan with gauze.
  2. After a week, the mass is filtered, ground to remove the bones.
  3. Pour into a bottle, pull on a glove.
  4. When fermentation stops, remove from the sediment and pour into clean bottles.
  5. As the young wine matures, the sediment will have to be removed several times. Be sure to taste the liquid. If sugar is not enough, it must be added.

Cherry wine at home: a recipe with yeast

The recipe will require:

  • berries - 3 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 3 l;
  • pressed yeast - 200 g.

How to cook:

  1. Crush cherries, remove pits.
  2. Pour the mass with water and add sugar.
  3. Add yeast.
  4. Close the bottle with a water seal or a glove.
  5. At the end of the fermentation process, filter the young wine and pour into clean bottles, seal tightly.
  6. In this form, the wine will stand in a cold place from 20 to 60 days.

Advice! The drink will last longer if you add a small amount of alcohol to the wine.

Homemade cherry wine from juice

To make wine according to this recipe, you need sourdough. It is prepared in advance:

  1. Pour 500 ml of warm water (25 degrees) into a 2-liter jar and add 200 g of unwashed raisins, a little sugar.
  2. Tie the neck of the jar with gauze and put it in a warm place.
  3. The contents must be shaken for a week so that mold does not form on top.

Wine composition:

  • 3 liters of cherry juice;
  • 0.5 l of sourdough;
  • 0.5 kg of sugar;
  • alcohol.

What do we have to do:

  1. Combine juice, granulated sugar and sourdough. Leave warm to ferment for a week.
  2. On the 7th day, carefully drain the liquid so as not to disturb the sediment, add a little alcohol.
  3. Pour fortified wine into clean bottles, close.
  4. After 6 months of storage in a cold place, young wine can be tasted.

Cherry jam wine

There is always a jar of last year's jam in the cellar. It can be put into the production of wine:

  • cherry jam - 1 l;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • granulated sugar - ½ cup;
  • raisins - 100 g.

Recipe Features:

  1. Combine all the ingredients (except sugar) in a saucepan, put to ferment in a warm place where the sun's rays do not penetrate.
  2. After 10 days, filter the pulp, and pour the liquid into a large bottle. Do not top up! Pull a glove over the neck.
  3. After 1.5 months, the glove will deflate. This is a signal to strain the liquid and add granulated sugar.
  4. After another 2 months, the wine from cherry jam, prepared according to the recipe at home, is removed from the sediment. Poured into bottles, hermetically sealed and put on maturation.

Advice! After 2 months, you can invite guests for a tasting.

Fortified cherry wine

In order for the wine to retain its qualities longer and to better reveal its aroma, winemakers add vodka to it.

Prescription products:

  • fresh or frozen cherries - 3 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • water - 8 l;
  • vodka - 100 ml.

Comment! Frozen cherries do not need to be thawed before making a fortified drink.

Cooking features:

  1. The berries are poured with sugar immediately into the bottles, left warm so that the juice stands out.
  2. Add water, mix, put under a water dispenser or put on a glove. Fermentation lasts 2.5-3 weeks at room temperature.
  3. After the set time, the wort is filtered, the berries are thrown away.
  4. Vodka is added and young wine is poured into bottles, hermetically sealed.
  5. After 2 days, the wine that has stood in the refrigerator is ready for tasting.

How to make homemade cherry and raspberry wine

For making delicious homemade cherry and raspberry wine, this recipe is quite suitable.


  • fresh raspberries and cherries - 2.5 kg each;
  • water - 4 l;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Attention! The number of berries can be changed depending on taste preferences. If you take a lot of cherries, then you need a little more sugar.

The nuances of winemaking:

  1. The sorted berries are not washed. Bones are removed from cherries.
  2. The berry mass is crushed separately with a blender, the juice is filtered.
  3. Drain the liquid into the bottle by 2/3 of the volume, add half of the granulated sugar.
  4. Cover with gauze and put in a room with a temperature of 23 degrees. Fermentation continues for 7 days.
  5. Strain off the must, remove the pulp. In a small amount of juice, a part of granulated sugar is dissolved and combined with the total mass.
  6. A water dispenser is installed on the bottle or a glove is pulled on. Fermentation will continue for about 45 days.
  7. The young wine is drained from the sediment, poured into another container, tightly closed. Harvested for ripening in a cool room for 2-3 months.

Important! Every 2-3 weeks the drink is removed from the sediment.

Cherry and white currant wine

Another homemade cherry wine recipe.

Ingredients of the drink:

  • 1 liter of juice of sour cherries and white currants;
  • 0.5 kg of sugar.

How to make cherry-currant wine:

  1. Cherries are crushed and put in heat for a day.
  2. Then squeeze the juice and combine it with currant. Add water and granulated sugar.
  3. Drain into a prepared container, cover and leave to ferment. Mix several times.
  4. When fermentation is complete, add water. After a few days, when the drink becomes transparent, it is drained from the sediment and poured into clean bottles.

Store cherry-currant wine in a tightly closed container in a cold place.


Cherry wine at home is a delicious and healthy drink. With proper storage, it does not lose its qualities up to 3 years. You can pour the drink only into glass bottles.

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