
Sandwiches and canapes for a children's holiday. Snacks for children's birthday

One of the most beautiful and impressive dishes on a festive table or a buffet table is none other than a canape. Canape is found in different types, fillings and executions, but it is always incredibly beautiful, tasty and elegant.

In this article, the Site news portal has prepared for you several options for preparing and decorating fruit canapes.

Fruit canapes on any holiday table and buffet will be in place: whether it's a children's birthday, a wedding celebration, New Year's Eve, a youth party or an ordinary meeting with friends or girlfriends.

Creating such an amazing dish is a little troublesome, but the result is worth it. Fruit canape can be an excellent snack for white or red wine, alcoholic cocktails, champagne or liqueurs. Also, fruit canapes will look great next to a sweet dessert: cake, pie, pastries and ice cream.

So let's get started...

How to make fruit canapés?

You can use long wooden kebab skewers or short colorful plastic skewers to decorate fruit canapés. Some craftsmen even manage to use ordinary toothpicks as the basis for canapes. In a word, you choose.

The choice of the length of the skewer for a dense canapé will depend on what kind of fruit you will use, and what company your dish is designed for. If the company is planned to be large, then long wooden skewers should be preferred, because more fruit can be placed on them. If the holiday is for children, then it is better, on the contrary, to arrange canapes on short plastic skewers, because it will be much easier for a small child to feast on delicious fruits from a short skewer.

One of the most impressive design options for fruit canapés can be safely considered - fruit barbecue.

Fruit canape "Fruit Barbecue"

To make it you will need:

  • big watermelon;
  • wooden sticks for barbecue;
  • celery;
  • assorted fruits and berries.


Watermelon must be washed well and wiped dry. Then cut it in half. From the pulp of a watermelon, you can prepare fruit balls, squares for creating canapes.

At the bottom of the watermelon, make three small holes into which you need to stick the celery stalks - these will be the legs.

Then stick wooden sticks into the half of the watermelon (see photo) - this will be the fruit barbecue grill.

Put the berries and fruits inside the empty watermelon, and lay the fruit canape on the grate itself.

Such an original design of fruit canapes will not leave any guest indifferent.

Fruit Canape "Rainbow"

"Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits!" - everyone knows this fun rhyme, which is a great reminder of the order in which the colors are in the rainbow. Use this feature in the design of fruit canapes.

Select fruits by color and string them on a skewer in the order that the well-known counting rhyme speaks of. Incredibly colorful and bright dish you will be guaranteed.

Fruit Canape "Santa Claus"

If you are preparing a festive New Year's table, then a Santa Claus headdress can be an excellent option for decorating a fruit canapé.

To create such a fruit canape, you will need:

  • bananas;
  • white grapes;
  • strawberry;
  • air marshmallow;
  • toothpicks or short skewers.

You can decorate any cold appetizer and desserts with such fruit canapes.

Fruit canape "Figured"

If you have a variety of molds for shaping cookies, then you can create curly pieces for fruit canapes in the same way.

Watermelons, melons, pineapple, apple and pear are great for creating stars, hearts, flowers and other shapes.

Fruit canape "Funny caterpillars"

This type of fruit canape is very popular with kids.

Use long wooden skewers and grapes to create a long caterpillar. Eyes can be made from drops of sweet glaze, yogurt and a piece of chocolate.

The news portal "site" wishes you not only tasty, but also healthy holidays. After all, fruit canapes are not only an exquisite and surprisingly beautiful dish, but also very healthy.

Hi all!

Today we will talk about what kind of sandwiches for a child's birthday can be prepared. And best of all, canapes for children have proven themselves. These are small sandwiches that are ideal for a buffet table and other festive table. The good thing is that they can be prepared from any products, guided by the possible options for a reasonable combination and your own taste.

So, we bring to your attention several recipes for sandwiches (canapes) for a child's birthday.

1. Canape "Ships"

It is not difficult to cook them, but they turn out to be quite cute, they are able to decorate any table, and not only for children. To prepare canapes "Ships" you need to cut out "boats" from bread. Or use a cucumber in the form of a boat. To do this, you need to remove the pulp from it.

So, options for canapes "Ships"

Option number 1:"boat" of bread, on top - a strip of sausage and a strip of fresh cucumber. We put on a skewer two pieces of cheese (one larger and one smaller) so that we get sails. The skewer needs to be stuck into the boat, and a “flag” cut from carrots or bell peppers should be attached to the top.

Option #2:“boat” made of bread, melted cheese on top, then ham or salmon cut in the shape of a boat. You can also make a layer of hard cheese. As in the previous version, we make sails from hard cheese strung on a skewer. You can decorate a sandwich with greenery.

Option number 3: In the form of a boat - a cucumber. It needs to be cut in half and the pulp removed. Inside put a spoonful of any salad. Make sails out of sweet red pepper.

Edible boats look unusual and delicious!

2. Canape "Amanita", appetizer "Amanita"

Canape "Amanita" is a great appetizer for a children's holiday. Canape "Fly agaric" - unusual, amazing, funny. You can cook them in several ways. We offer you 3 options:

Canape "Amanita". Ingredients: toast, eggplant caviar, a slice of cheese, a quail egg, cherry tomato, greens for decoration and a little mayonnaise. Eggplant caviar adds spice to these sandwiches. Quail eggs need to be boiled, peeled and cut off the top. Cut cherry tomatoes in half. Put half a tomato on top of a quail egg. Spread caviar on toast, put a slice of cheese on top. Put two mushrooms on it and draw white specks on the cap with mayonnaise.

* Snack "Amanita". Ingredients: quail eggs, cheese, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, mayonnaise, herbs. Eggs need to be boiled and peeled. Grate them on a fine grater and cheese too. Add some mayonnaise and mix well. We cut the tomatoes in half, and cut the cucumber into rings, 0.5 cm thick. From a mixture of eggs, cheese and mayonnaise, we form the legs of fungi. We spread them on slices of cucumbers. We put red tomato hats on top and draw white dots on them with mayonnaise. And greens can be used to create a clearing on which our mushrooms grow.

* Skewers from "Amanita". Ingredients: quail eggs, cherry tomatoes, mayonnaise, herbs. Quail eggs need to be boiled and peeled. Cut the tomatoes in half and carefully scoop out the flesh with a small spoon. String eggs and tomato halves onto a skewer, forming mushrooms. Apply white dots to the caps with mayonnaise. Decorate with greenery. You can use sour cream instead of mayonnaise.

3. Cheese skewers, cheese skewers

cheese skewers easy to prepare. It is enough to chop cubes of hard cheese and cherry tomato on a skewer.

Canape with cheese, grapes and mango. It is very easy to prepare. Diced cheese is strung on a skewer, then mango, cut into the same cubes, and then grapes.

Canape with cheese and cucumbers. Hard cheese mode cubes. If you like cheese, you can take it, but it should not be soft and too wet. Cut the olives in half. Cucumber cut into circles. We string cheese on a skewer, then half an olive, a circle of cucumber and a cherry tomato.

Cheese skewers with grapes. For their preparation, you will need several varieties of cheese and beautiful, large grapes. On a skewer you need to put cheese, cut into cubes, and between it a large grape, whole, or cut in half.

4. Layered canapes

Layered canapes look very impressive and they are easy to prepare. We bring to your attention several recipes:

Ingredients: black and white bread, cream cheese, cucumber, red fish, tomato, bell pepper.

We cut the same size pieces of white and brown bread. Grease a white slice with cream cheese and put a cucumber of the same shape on it. Grease again with cheese and put a piece of black bread. Lubricate with cheese and lay out a piece of red fish. Cover with a piece of greased black bread. Bell pepper and tomato can be used as beautiful bright layers. It remains to stick a skewer.

Ingredients: black bread, butter, herbs, red fish, tomato or red pepper. Cut the bread into equal-sized pieces. Add herbs to the oil. We form a canape: grease a slice of bread with butter, put a piece of red fish on it. Grease again with oil and cover with bread. Put a slice of red pepper or a slice of tomato on top, from which we remove the pulp. We pierce with a skewer.

To create a multi-layered canape, you can use different breads, pita bread, hard cheese, cream cheese, greens, red fish, sausage and much more. The main thing is that the products are well combined with each other.

5. Canape "Roses"

To prepare sandwiches with roses, you will need smoked or slightly salted red fish. It is best suited for the formation of flowers.

We offer several options for creating canapes "Roses":

Ingredients: red fish, cream cheese, bread. Red fish should be thinly sliced. Bread or a loaf is also cut into beautiful identical shapes. You can use cookies instead of bread. Spread cream cheese on bread or cookies. We turn a thin long piece of fish into a spiral and place it on the cheese. Very tasty and beautiful canapes are obtained.

The ingredients are the same, plus greens. You need to mix cream cheese with finely chopped greens. Spread a mass of cheese and herbs on slices of bread. Cut the fish into thin long pieces and roll up to make roses. Fix the roses on the canapes, decorate with greens.

As you can see, it is not at all difficult to prepare canapes for children in the form of small original sandwiches. The main thing is a little imagination and free time. Such sandwiches for a child's birthday are able to decorate the table and cheer up.

Canapes for a children's holiday are one of the tasty and healthy dishes. Preparing festive treats for kids obliges parents to solve many problems - so that the food is not harmful to the growing body, stimulates appetite and attracts attention. These dishes can saturate, interest young guests and decorate the festive table with rich colors.


Canape for a children's holiday, photo

Mini dishes for buffet

This festive, beautifully presented treat comes in the form of small sandwiches of various thicknesses, which may include fresh or toasted bread with some delicious toppings. In addition, a canape for a children's holiday can consist not only of bread, but of fruits, vegetables and other products. Such food is served on the buffet table, decorating it with a large number of mini-snacks, weighing no more than 50-60g. These sandwiches can be prepared independently, or can be ordered from firms involved in organizing holidays.

In most cases, the solemn menu is thought out by parents (you can find tips and tricks in our article and). Components for children's treats, it is desirable to select neutral ones that do not contribute to allergies. Children will appreciate simple and mouth-watering delicacies.

The attraction of these dishes is as follows:

due to the miniature size, it is easy to withstand the portions necessary for the baby;

it takes a little time to cook, which is quite convenient;

multifunctionality - canapes can be presented at home, outdoors or in transport;

a sandwich on a skewer does not crumble, which often happens with little gourmets;

the child's hands will remain clean, because he does not take food with his hands;

Snacks for children's party

Recipes for children's mini snacks can be divided into the following types:

  • classic treats - similar to ordinary sandwiches. Apply bread covered with butter, curd mass, pate or sweet jam. There may also be layers of pieces of cheese, meat or fish cuts;

  • fruit - without the use of bread, created using various types of berries and fruits;

  • vegetable - similar to fruit, only consisting of raw or boiled vegetables;

  • combined - involve a combination of different products. Such options are not always popular with children.

Canapes for a children's holiday can be on skewers. The stick plays a role not only an aesthetic role, but also provides convenience in the process of eating. You can take it and not get your hands dirty, while sending all the ingredients into your mouth completely.

Canape without a skewer is a tiny sandwich that can be created tasty and beneficial for a growing organism. Its basis is bread or toast. The shape of the bread slice can be of different configurations. This kind of snack can be both a treat at a child's birthday party and an alternative to unloved porridge.

A very important point in the preparation of canapes is to give them an aesthetic appearance. Originally decorated sandwiches will add grace and beauty to the solemn feast and give a sense of celebration.

When designing, it is worth taking into account several recommendations:

  • Ingredients cut in the form of various figures will look great. They can be obtained using molds for vegetable cutting or special knives;

  • stringing components of different colors on skewers, you can get a bright and cheerful treat;

  • if you create a lot of different canapes for a children's party , then they should be placed on a capacious dish in rows by type. On one tray - meat, on the other - vegetables or fruits, on the third - desserts;

  • you can form various figurines of animals and flowers, combining a variety of gifts of nature;

  • a good solution would be to decorate dishes with dishes with green twigs or flowers;

  • sandwiches can decorate various dishes.

Mini-snacks in bowls or wine glasses will look great.

Canapes for a children's holiday - how beautiful to decorate.

To create these holiday treats, you will need: toothpicks or skewers, an assortment of products and boundless imagination. And if children are involved in the manufacturing process, then as a result of collective creativity, exceptional culinary delights will arise.

To create attractive, palatable canapes, it is recommended to heed these tips:

  • in addition to the usual thin sticks, special multi-colored plastic skewers are on sale;

  • sausage is better to prefer chicken, beef or turkey cuts;
  • oil is used for the stability of the filling;
  • preferably soft cheese.

Canape for a children's holiday, recipes with photos

fruit canape

It is necessary to thoroughly wash such fruits as pears, apples, bananas, peaches, kiwi, multi-colored grapes. After drying, it is necessary to clean and remove the seeds. Before serving, cut into different shapes with the help of molds. For longer preservation, you can sprinkle the finished product with lemon juice.

Various canapes with skewers

Many products are used to prepare simple mini-snacks. Meat delicacies, seafood, various vegetables, mushrooms, cheese, olives, herbs go very well. To acquire good taste, it is not always necessary to take many different products. The main task is their correct combination. If the treat is beautifully designed, then the baby will gladly eat the ingredient that he does not like very much.

Nut and fruit joy

Lubricate a piece of loaf with sweet jam. Top with sliced ​​pear and banana slices. Decorate with a peach flower. Sprinkle with nut crumbs.

Sausage cartoon characters

What kid doesn't love cartoons! You can make a sandwich with the image of your favorite character in this way: put a plate of cheese and a lettuce leaf on the fried toast, and then reproduce the outlines from different sausages and tomatoes.

Attractive roses

Butter a piece of French baguette. Twist roses from slices of ham and put them on the prepared slices of bread. Decorate with a circle of boiled eggs, asparagus shoots, herbs and cucumber.


Brush bread slices with cream cheese. Put a bed of salted salmon. Lay out the shape of an insect from a part of a tomato and ¼ of a black olive on top. Make eyes from mayonnaise, and dark dots from particles of olives. Decorate the invented dish-clearing with a treat of parsley.

Great pleasure will be delivered by your own invented combinations of products, their design and names. So fantasize, experiment, and delight your children and their friends!

There are a large number of recipes for how to cook canapes for a children's holiday. But the most beautiful and delicious will be those that are made with individual creativity and love.

If you have a little birthday boy growing up in your family, it's time to think about treats for such an important holiday. An interesting option is mouth-watering canapes for children. Sandwiches combine a variety of products. They can be meat, fish, sweet, it all depends on your imagination and culinary abilities.

Housewives fell in love with canapes for their ease of implementation and a minimal grocery set. The main thing is a successful flavor combination of the main ingredients. We will talk about the most unusual recipes for snack sandwiches.

What is canape

Small sandwiches were invented by talented French chefs. Today you can see canapes on the festive table and buffet. In the skillful hands of hostesses, pieces of bread, sausages, cheese, olives turn into real masterpieces.

As for the children's holiday, mini-sandwiches are a great solution for it. Canapes for kids, in addition to external beauty, have the following advantages:

  • During the festive dinner, children will not get their hands and clothes dirty.
  • As the main ingredients, useful, but not loved by children, components (olives, tomatoes, broccoli) are used. They can be beautifully disguised in a canapé so that the baby does not suspect anything.

Remember that foods should not cause allergies in children.

Cooking rules

For cooking you will need quite a few canapes:

  • skewers or toothpicks;
  • desired ingredients;
  • flight of fancy and good mood.

By the way, plastic colored skewers are sold in stores, which will give bright colors to canapes.

As for products, children's nutritionists advise following these rules:

  1. Sausage is recommended to be replaced with chicken breast, turkey, beef.
  2. Vegetables and fruits are cut into small pieces, if necessary, they are freed from the peel and seeds.
  3. For cheese canapes, soft low-fat varieties are suitable.
  4. The dish is prepared immediately before serving, so that it does not get weathered and does not lose its appearance.

We make out according to the rules

We agreed that canapés are the perfect appetizer for a celebration. An elegant and original presentation is necessary for the festive table, so the chefs have developed design rules goodies:

  • Give the ingredients an unusual shape. Cut out stars, hearts and string the figures on skewers.
  • Try to combine products by color. For example, on one toothpick there can be red and green colors, on the second - orange and yellow.
  • If your menu provides for the preparation of several types of sandwiches, for example, meat, fish and fruit, arrange them on a tray in longitudinal or transverse rows.
  • Do not be afraid to decorate plates with canapes with flowers, berries, herbs.
  • For a change, place fruit skewers in tall glasses and bowls.

Ideal if you are familiar with carving techniques. You can cut indentations, patterns, figures on the fruits. Artistic cutting of a watermelon or melon is another way to beautifully serve a dish on the table that children will love.

Canape with fruits

Fruit recipes are a great alternative to unhealthy sweets.

Multi-colored canapes will surely please the little ones!

Create a rainbow

For a rainbow, your children's favorite fruits are suitable, but on the condition that they are bright and tasty. We propose to prepare a fruit mix from:

  • kiwi;
  • orange;
  • banana
  • raspberries;
  • blueberries.

How to cook :

  1. Wash the ingredients, cut them into slices.
  2. String on skewers in random order.

pineapple boat

For cooking you will need:

  • half rings of canned pineapple;
  • bananas;
  • nectarine.

Execution technique:

  1. The pineapple acts as a sail, the rest of the fruits are intended for deck construction.
  2. Carefully cut circles from banana and nectarine with a knife.
  3. Put a pineapple half ring on a skewer - this is a sail.
  4. Connect the fruits on a toothpick in the form of a boat and put on a tray.

Sweet fruit canapés are one of the favorites of children.

strawberry splendor

Main snack ingredients:

  • strawberry;
  • banana;
  • mint.

How to cook :

  1. Cut a ripe banana into slices and sprinkle with lemon juice so that it does not darken during cooking.
  2. Thread the food onto the skewer in this order: banana, strawberry, and mint leaf, like a berry cap.

Since the canapés are meant for a children's party, draw smiley faces on the strawberry with whipped cream. The kids will love this treat!

Father Frost

The delicacy is perfect for a themed New Year's party. To prepare a fabulous bearded hero, you will need:

  • banana;
  • 150 g strawberries;
  • marshmallow;
  • grape;
  • skewers.

Cooking :

  1. Traditionally, cut the banana into circles and lightly flavor with lemon juice.
  2. We form Santa Claus in the following order: grape, banana circle, strawberry and marshmallow.
  3. Carefully draw the "face" of a fairy-tale wizard on the strawberry, make eyes from pieces of grapes.

We are sure that on New Year's Eve such a dish will become the main decoration of the table and will bring a lot of joy to children. Aromatic fruit canape will remind you of summer and its bright colors.

colorful peacock

Fruit canape recipes are not only delicious, but also original. An example of such creativity is a sandwich on a skewer - "Colorful Peacock".

Ingredients :

  • pear;
  • 2 tangerines;
  • 2 bananas;
  • grape;
  • a handful of blueberries, raspberries and blackberries.

How to cook :

  1. The peacock should be formed from the tail. It is based on tangerine slices and banana slices.
  2. String fruits on skewers in this order: grapes, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, grapes.
  3. We pass to the body, which will serve as a pear. Put it in a dish, complement it with a beak and paws cut from a tangerine peel.
  4. Make peacock eyes from pieces of blackberries or blueberries.

Entrust the process of decorating a bird to children.

Air marshmallow

The main ingredient in this dish is marshmallows. Give preference to treats without icing. Ideally, if you prepare sweetness for canapes at home from natural products.

Recipe :

  • 5 marshmallows;
  • kiwi;
  • prunes;
  • banana.

Cooking :

  1. Banana and kiwi cut into slices of arbitrary thickness.
  2. Steam the prunes and cut into halves.
  3. Put marshmallow halves on a dish, add kiwi, banana, prunes on top.

Pierce the pyramid with a colored skewer and serve.

strawberry heart

To prepare a sweet heart you will need:

  • strawberry jelly;
  • loaf;
  • boiled condensed milk.

How to cook :

  1. First, prepare the jelly according to the recipe and leave in a cold place.
  2. Cut out the pulp from the bread slices using a pastry cutter-hearts.
  3. Apply condensed milk along the edge with a special syringe.
  4. The most interesting thing in the recipe is the filling. Pour the slightly frozen jelly into bread molds and refrigerate.

Tip, you need to prepare canapes on the eve of the child’s birthday, otherwise the jelly simply will not have time to harden.

Unusual bread

The secret of the dish lies in the multi-colored powder, which children love so much. The recipe will complement your piggy bank of canapes on the children's holiday table.

Ingredients :

  • White bread;
  • curd;
  • decorative powder.

Cooking :

  1. Cut the bread into small squares and brush each of them with a thin layer of cottage cheese.
  2. Top sandwiches with sprinkles.

Meat options canapes

Sandwiches with meat components must be present on the menu for children. Firstly, such canapes are nutritious, and secondly, they are beautiful and healthy.

The main ingredients are boiled pork, beef, chicken, vegetables, lettuce and everything that is good for children.

With boiled pork

To prepare diet sandwiches you will need:

  • 200 g boiled pork;
  • Altai;
  • butter;
  • cucumber;
  • olives;
  • greenery.

How to cook :

  1. Cut Altai into thin slices and brush with butter.
  2. Top with sliced ​​cucumber, lettuce and olive.
  3. Thread the food onto the skewer in the same order.

Decorate the finished sandwiches with dill.

green freshness

If a child in your family is a spring birthday, then the following recipe is just for you. For cooking, only fresh, juicy products are used:

  • slices of white loaf;
  • cheese paste;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • ham or raw smoked sausage;
  • kiwi;
  • physalis or other yellow berries.

How to cook :

  1. Lubricate slices of bread with cheese spread, put lettuce leaves, slices of ham, kiwi and halves of berries on them.
  2. Pierce canapes with multi-colored skewers and serve it to the birthday man as soon as possible.

Duck with persimmon

Canapes will appeal to little gourmets. The basis of the appetizer is duck and persimmon. Unusual notes of taste will delight children and diversify the usual festive diet.

grocery set for canapes:

  • duck fillet;
  • orange juice for marinade;
  • persimmon;
  • blueberry;
  • mint.

Cooking steps:

  1. Marinate meat in orange juice for 24 hours.
  2. Then cut the meat into thin slices and fry in a pan.
  3. Chop the persimmon into slices.
  4. String canapes on a toothpick in this order: blueberry, mint, piece of duck, persimmon.

The dish turns out juicy, appetizing and with an interesting taste. In addition, duck meat is very healthy for children.

Canape without skewers

A great alternative to sandwiches on skewers. This type of delicacy is a small sandwich, which is based on fried bread. For children's canapes, croutons have a round, square shape, and a different set of ingredients that are useful for a child, in particular, these are:

  • cereal bread;
  • oil;
  • cottage cheese;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • meat.

Try not to use too fatty and salty foods for children.

Meat rosettes

You can cook roses from ham, boiled pork and other meat, which easily takes the desired shape and does not tear. We propose to make flowers from the first. For the substrate under the roses, a piece of baguette is used, oiled and decorated with an egg.

How to cook :

  1. Cut the ham into thin slices.
  2. Roll each piece into a tight roll and secure with an onion ring.
  3. Carefully place the rose on the prepared base.

You can supplement the culinary composition with greens or red caviar. Canapes are served to the table as soon as they are ready.

Did you order pizza?

Pizza is a favorite treat for many, so treat your little one to a delicious homemade treat this holiday.

To make pizza canapes, you will need:

  • loaf;
  • ketchup;
  • water;
  • favorite vegetables;
  • sausage;

Step by step cooking canape:

  1. Cut the loaf into thin slices, dry it slightly in the microwave or oven.
  2. Mix ketchup with water in such a proportion that it resembles sour cream.
  3. Lay the pizza bases on a baking sheet, brush them with the tomato mixture and top with the toppings.
  4. Bake canapés in the oven or microwave until tender.
  5. Sprinkle the finished pizzas with cheese and leave for a couple of minutes in a warm place.

Believe me, such fragrant and tasty canapes will disappear from the festive table in a matter of seconds!


An original appetizer for children's parties in the form of ladybugs will appeal to the most sophisticated little gourmets. In the composition of edible insects, the following ingredients stand out:

  • loaf or baguette;
  • cream cheese;
  • salted salmon;
  • cherry tomatoes;
  • olives.

Cooking :

  1. Cut the bread into thin slices and brush with cheese paste.
  2. Make an impromptu featherbed out of salmon.
  3. Lay the tomato halves on top of the blanket. Lay small pieces of olives on their backs.
  4. Attach a head from a half of a black olive to the body, draw eyes with mayonnaise.

Serve the canapes on a large platter garnished with a sprig of parsley.

Getting ready for a birthday

Birthday is always an exciting and long-awaited holiday, for which parents begin to prepare in advance. And if you are at a loss for treats, listen to the opinion of the organizers of children's events, who advise not to overload the table with dishes, but to prepare light but mouth-watering snacks.

Canapes for a cheerful children's birthday are a great alternative to mayonnaise salads and pork.

Fly agaric in the forest

The appetizer is formed using skewers, on which products are strung in a certain sequence. For fabulous mushrooms you will need:

  • Cherry tomatoes;
  • eggs;
  • mayonnaise.

Cooking :

  1. Put on a toothpick half a tomato, a quail egg, in which you can slightly cut off the top.
  2. To make the fly agaric look like a forest guest, decorate its foot with greenery.
  3. Where would a mushroom be without a decorated hat! On the red cap, apply dots of sour cream with a thin toothpick.

fish mood

Such canapes are prepared from dietary salmon or trout.

Cut the fish into thin slices and wrap one olive in it. Prick the roll onto a skewer and secure with a mango or apple wedge.

Canape is suitable for teenage children, as babies can develop allergies to certain foods.

Layered Variations

When preparing a sandwich, connect all your imagination and imagination. The most popular recipe is a composition with the addition of red fish, fresh cucumber, tomato and cheese.

The appetizer is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. Cut black and white bread into thin slices.
  2. Spread black with cheese paste and put a plate of cucumber on top.
  3. Spread a slice of white cheese on both sides and place on top of the cucumber.
  4. We collect canapes further. Place thin fish pieces, black bread, sliced ​​​​tomatoes on a white loaf.
  5. Fasten the finished sandwich with a skewer.

Salmon and egg

Fish canape is suitable for a children's sea party or a themed birthday. The combination of salmon, egg and cucumber will appeal to little critics.

Cooking :

  1. Cut the cucumber into slices of medium thickness, the eggs in half, and the salmon into squares.
  2. Lay out the ingredients in the following order: cucumber, salmon, egg.

Pierce the canape with a skewer and serve.

Don't wait until a special holiday to experiment with canapé recipes for kids. Prepare sandwiches on a weekday, wrap your child with them to school. If you are planning a celebration, take care of the beautiful serving of dishes in advance, think over the decor yourself or look at the photos on the Internet.

Delicious fruits, birthday cakes and canapes for children, photos with mouth-watering sweets and snacks are becoming an integral part of modern life. Parents of birthday people try to surprise small and big guests with delicious dishes.

In the modern rhythm of life, more and more time is given to convenience and compactness, so you can use sandwiches and canapes on beautiful skewers for treats.

Mini sandwiches on skewers appeared thanks to the trend of Europe, where there is a tradition of quick snacks. This tradition was also liked in our country, but the dish took root more on the festive table.

Initially, skilled French chefs put a piece of bread with pate on skewers. This technology appeared not for the sake of sophistication and beautiful serving of dishes on the table, but for convenience and clean hands.

Modern culinary specialists have diversified snacks strung on bright sticks and began to use them at any holiday.

Arranging a children's party with the help of sandwiches and funny skewers, you can easily surprise your little guests. The main thing to remember is that the products must be neutral and not cause allergies.

Canape for children for a birthday, photos of amazing masterpieces

There are many delicious canape recipes for children for their birthday, photos of which will be presented below. Choose the funniest, most delicious of them and the children will remember the holiday for a long time.

fruit canapes

The most common type of dessert on the children's holiday table. The following fruits are suitable for slicing: apple, pear, tangerine, banana, grapes, kiwi, peach and strawberry. You can experiment with others, but remember that their consistency should be dense and not fall apart.

Forming canapes, fruits are cut into plastics, squares or funny figures.

Tip: when serving such a dish, do not forget that the fruit may darken, so cut them just before laying them out on the festive table.

  1. Fruit birthday cake.

An interesting solution for treating birthday guests. It can be an alternative to a sweet cake, as a festive candle can be placed in the middle.

To create a masterpiece, you need to cut out the middle of the watermelon. It is not necessary that the watermelon figure be symmetrical, it can be in the form of an iceberg. Take long peaks, stick the brightest fruits and berries on them: peach, kiwi, strawberries, watermelon, green grapes and stick them into the watermelon base.

Place a beautiful candle or several candles in the middle. The birthday cake is ready!

  1. Sugar fantasy.

For this dessert, strawberries, bananas and tangerines are suitable. Restrained colors, uniform fruit rounds sprinkled with powdered sugar or coconut flakes will create a mysterious feeling of snow.

You can use powder and coconut flakes at the same time, then the dish will not only be very beautiful, but also unusually tasty.

If children are not allergic to chocolate, dark or white chocolate chips are suitable for sprinkling.

  1. Solar boat.

An interesting idea for little pirates and sailors. It is necessary to have two fruits of pineapple in whole circles and a banana. A sail of semicircular pieces of pineapple is strung on a pike. We cut the banana into circles, try to cut the pineapple in the form of a circle and connect them with a skewer with a sail so that the base of the boat stands steadily on the table.

For one of the layers of the base or additionally, strawberry rings can be added.

  1. Fruit tale.

An excellent and simplest option would be slicing berries and fruits strung on a skewer. Use any fresh fruits and berries, in any combination.

The main thing to remember is that a canape looks more beautiful from approximately equal pieces in size.

Hearty canapes

A children's holiday is not complete without outdoor games and fun catching up. Therefore, during the evening, the kids will undoubtedly want to eat. To do this, please guests with canapes from hearty products, such as: bread, cheese, ham and more.

  1. Cheese trio.

Appetizing and healthy dish for the little ones. Consists of rye bread, hard and processed cheese. Choose the freshest products, processed cheese can be with ham or bacon additions, you can fill soft cheese with delicious spring greens yourself.

Mini-sandwiches are suitable for a snack of a cheerful children's company in combination with tea, juice or compote.

  1. Air castle.

Delicious sandwiches with bacon or ham roll. At the base of the dish are slices of rye bread and fresh cucumber.

To prepare the roll, you will need a boiled egg, mayonnaise (sour cream) and slices of ham or bacon. Separate the protein from the yolk and wipe them separately on a fine grater. Mix the egg white with mayonnaise, fill the bacon with the mixture and wrap in small tubes.

Dip the edges of the roll in mayonnaise, and then in the grated yolk. Put a roll, cucumber and then bread on the pike. Interesting mini-canapes are ready!

  1. Cupcakes on peaks.

Simple cupcakes with raisins, chocolate or candied fruit, which are sold in stores, will help to complement a bright children's holiday. You can bake a sweet dessert yourself, add them with beautiful peaks and another dessert is ready!

Marshmallow and marmalade canapes will be a delicious addition.

Improvise, prepare delicious canapes for children for their birthday, photos of which you will find in this article. Then the holiday of your baby will be truly unforgettable and magical.
