
Waffle cone recipe. Wafer cones - useful properties and recipe

Crispy waffle cones can be used as a delicious container for ice cream, cream, boiled condensed milk and other desserts or fruits. They turn out crispy and very tasty. You can make waffle cones a table decoration. If you dip their edge in icing and glue on some pastry sprinkles, nuts or coconut flakes.

Moreover, their manufacture does not require special skills and will not take you much time. From 15 minutes to knead the dough and 6 minutes in a frying pan. This is for one waffle pancake. And about 50 minutes to bake in the oven. It turns out that it is not at all necessary to buy a waffle iron for this. Perfectly you can do with a frying pan or a baking sheet. Unless, of course, you bake waffles every day.

In order to wrap the waffle in the horn, it is advisable to wear clean and thick cotton gloves. Otherwise, you may get burned. And so that the horn does not lose its shape when folding. You can use a special cone or just a rolling pin handle.


  • Egg whites - 100 gr (from 3 medium-sized eggs)
  • Sugar or powder - 115 grams
  • Milk - 40 ml
  • Melted butter - 30 gr
  • Vanillin - to taste
  • Flour - 150 grams

For decoration:

  • Melted chocolate - any of your choice
  • coconut flakes
  • chopped nuts
  • confectionery sprinkling

From this set of products, approximately 8-19 wafer rolls are obtained. The amount depends on the size, which you yourself adjust during the baking process.

Sugar, proteins + salt, you need to mix with a whisk until the sugar dissolves.

Pour in some milk. Everything is not needed, since with the help of milk we will adjust the density of the dough. And beat again with a whisk.

Sifting through a sieve, add flour. And mix.

The butter should be at room temperature by now. Pour it into the dough. And mix.

Add the rest of the milk if the dough is too thick and knead. The dough should be not too runny and not too thick.

ATTENTION! The pan must be cold! If you have a Teflon or ceramic coating on the pan, then you can not lubricate it. And if not, then coat with a very thin layer.

Spread out a thin layer of dough. Diameter optional. Based on what size you need.

Over medium heat, fry one side for about 3 minutes.

We turn off the pan. We remove the pancake. And on the cutting board we turn into a cone. Don't let the "pancake" cool down. Otherwise it will harden. It can be softened by heating. But at the same time, it can dry out and become too brittle.

The waffle cones turn out quite beautiful. But if you want to decorate them further. There are plenty of confectionery decorations in stores. For example, coconut flakes, almond plates (it is better to crush them beforehand) and confectionery topping. The base can be icing or melted chocolate, in this case dark.

Now you need to dip the edge of the waffle cone into the melted chocolate. And sprinkle with sprinkles or other product for decoration. And dip the bottom cone of the cone into the chocolate. This is to close the hole. Which is formed when twisting the "pancake" into a tube.

After that, you should have a traffic jam. Otherwise, ice cream or cream may leak when eaten.

Approximately these are the waffle cones you get. Now you can put ice cream or cream there, or some other soft dessert or berries.

WAFER CONE for ice cream without waffle iron

This recipe makes about 30 small tubes.

  • Chicken egg - 1 piece
  • Milk - 1 faceted glass
  • Flour - 200 grams (180 grams in a glass)
  • Sugar - 200 grams (180 grams in a glass)
  • Vanilla sugar - ¼ teaspoon

Beat the egg, milk, sugar and vanilla for 10-12 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved. This is a must. Wafer cones are baked very thin. And when baking, undissolved sugar crystals will dissolve and break the structure of the cone.

It is better to pour the workpiece into a bowl. And add sifted flour. Beat for 5 more minutes. The dough should be as thick as liquid sour cream. and uniform in structure.

And if you want waffle cones to be glossy and less brittle. Then leave the dough for a day.

Now preheat the oven to 220 degrees. And we take something like glasses or glasses. So that the waffle cones retain their shape when cooling.

We cover the baking sheet with paper. If the paper is of good quality, then it is not necessary to lubricate it. And if not, then spread it with butter (not vegetable!) Butter. So that waffle pancakes do not stick to the paper.

Draw an oval on paper. In order for you to be guided by what size you need to spread.

And we begin to spread with a layer of 1-1.5 mm. For one tube, you will need a tablespoon of dough.

Bake for 8-10 minutes. We lay out the finished waffle cones on the table along with the paper.

We turn into a horn while the dough is hot and put in glasses to cool.

And if the dough is still hardened. Then put the tray in the oven. Not for long, until the pancakes soften. Don't overdo it!

If you baked on quality paper. Then you can reuse it. For the second batch of waffle cones. And if not, then the paper must be replaced.

After the waffle cones have completely cooled, you can decorate them and fill them with a soft dessert.

Here is the video version of the recipe.

SUGAR ROLLS without waffle iron

What if you have a waffle iron? That recipe for such horns is also very simple.

You will need:

  • Eggs - 4 pieces
  • Butter or margarine - 200 gr
  • Flour - 1 cup
  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • waffle iron
  • Cone for twisting waffle cones

Break 4 eggs into the pan. Add sugar and mix well. To dissolve grains of sugar.

Add melted butter or margarine there. And stir again.

Gradually pour in a glass of flour, constantly stirring the dough. And breaking lumps of flour.

The dough should turn out like thick sour cream. Without sugar and lumps.

Turn on the waffle iron and wait until it warms up.

Spread out 3 tablespoons of dough.

We close the lid. We wait 1 minute and check. If the waffle is not browned, then we wait another 15 seconds.

As soon as browning has begun. Pull out and twist the horn with a cone.

Leave the waffle cone alone for 1 minute. For it to harden.

And when all the waffles are ready. You can decorate. Or immediately fill with something tasty. For example, .

How to make a WAFER CONE. Simple Inexpensive Recipe

Let's take black and white chocolate, as well as any nuts, coconut flakes and any confectionery topping. You can use food coloring for white chocolate.

Or use beet or carrot juice. Extract the juice with a juicer. If it is not, then just grate on a fine grater and squeeze through gauze. Beetroot juice produces very beautiful colors in confectionery. This is checked and you need to add drop by drop. Since beetroot juice has a very good coloring effect.

Finely and very finely cut the nuts.

We take absolutely dry dishes. And we break black and white chocolate into different bowls.

Melt in a water bath. You probably know that you need to put a bowl of water on the fire. And a bowl of chocolate on top. On low heat and stirring constantly.

Or in the microwave.

Now decorate with dark chocolate. And sprinkle with nuts.

Now let's try with the dye. After all, it's interesting. To do this, add more white chocolate to the bowl. Because it's not very economical. This is because it is porous.

The food coloring in this case is pink.

And put the mass back on the stove. If the chocolate curdles, then you need to add a little milk. And a very, very good mix.

Here is the resulting color. And this wafer roll is sprinkled with coconut flakes.

waffle cones are a kind of edible packaging for many delicacies. For many, the cone is associated with ice cream, although the product has a wider use. This confectionery product is produced in certain forms, usually in the form of a cone or a torch (see photo). As a base, a liquid whipped dough is used, which is prepared from a very small amount of ingredients: eggs, wheat flour and confectionery fat, the role of which is most often played by butter or margarine.

For the production of waffle cones, special machines are used on an industrial scale, as well as their household version in the form of a waffle iron at home.

Beneficial features

The benefit of waffle cones lies in their chemical composition. There are vitamins in the dessert, for example, H, E, D, etc. Horns also contain a large amount of minerals that have a positive effect on the activity of the whole organism. You can study the composition of the product in more detail in the corresponding table at the end of the article.

Horns are also a wonderful source of energy, they quickly satisfy hunger.

It should be borne in mind that if you combine wafers with other ingredients, then the beneficial and harmful properties may change.

Use in cooking

Wafer cones in cooking can be used to prepare a huge number of desserts and more. They can be the base for ice cream, they can also be filled with condensed milk or whipped cream. The horn can be stuffed with chopped fruits and berries, which are poured with sour cream or some kind of cream. In addition, if you make horns with a minimum amount of sugar, then they can be used for savory dishes. For example, they can be stuffed with minced meat, vegetables and mushrooms. In general, waffle cones and fillings for them are a springboard for fantasy.

How to make waffle cones at home?

If you have a waffle iron, then you can easily make horns with your own hands at home.

To start cooking, you need to stock up on a pack of margarine, 5 eggs, and 1 tbsp. flour and sugar. Melt margarine in a water bath. In a separate container, combine eggs, sugar, flour, melted margarine. The resulting dough must be thoroughly mixed, after which you can start baking the horns in a special waffle iron.

Each wafer, while still hot, must be placed on a cone-shaped nozzle or carefully twisted into a horn on its own.

Harm of waffle cones and contraindications

Wafer cones can cause harm if there is an individual intolerance to the components of the product, and therefore their use is contraindicated in case of allergies. You should not eat them in large quantities, as this can negatively affect weight. Obesity is a contraindication to the consumption of this product, and, in addition, the presence of sugar in the composition makes waffle cones harmful in diabetes.

Ice cream lovers have probably thought more than once about how to cook this dessert at home. In order to make it tasty, you need to take care of the waffle cone. The crispy wafer complements the taste and makes the ice cream even more attractive. But few know how to make a horn on their own.

A waffle cone is a regular waffle rolled into a cone. It may have smooth or uneven edges. There are many recipes for making horns. If you do not know how to cook horns and have never tried to do it, then you should start with the following recipe.

Quick cone recipe

You will need:

  • 70 g butter
  • 150 g powdered sugar
  • 1 vanilla sachet
  • 1 glass of milk


  • Melt the butter and slowly pour in the milk. Then add sugar little by little.
  • Add vanilla sugar and flour.
  • Thoroughly mix the mixture to get a homogeneous mass.
  • Let the dough rest for half an hour.
  • Bake waffles from the resulting dough. From the given amount of ingredients, 14 waffles should be obtained.

crispy cone recipe

If you want to learn how to cook delicious horns, then try this recipe. Waffle cones cooked on it are very crispy and are stored for a long time. Still, it is better to eat any waffles fresh, as they can lose their properties over time.

You will need:

  • 120 ml milk (you can use water)
  • 140 g sugar
  • 1 vanilla sachet
  • 1 egg
  • 70 g butter
  • 170 g flour


  • Melt the butter and beat it together with the sugar, egg and vanilla sugar. You don't need to beat very hard.
  • Slowly add flour and continue stirring the mixture.
  • Pour in the milk and continue to mix the resulting dough. It should be liquid and homogeneous.
  • Leave the dough for two hours. You can skip this step, but then the horns will turn out not so tasty and crispy.
  • Bake until golden brown. From the given amount of ingredients, 12 waffles should be obtained.

How to cook horns in a waffle iron

Waffles for cones are prepared using a special device - a waffle iron or an electric waffle iron. There are several types of waffle irons. In order to prepare a cone, a waffle iron for thin waffles is best suited. After the dough for future horns is cooked, you can start preparing the waffle iron.

  • Heat the waffle iron to operating temperature.
  • Lubricate both work surfaces with oil.
  • Pour three tablespoons of batter onto the bottom work surface and spread it out.
  • Close the waffle iron carefully, as there is a risk of burning yourself.
  • After a few minutes, open the waffle iron and take out the finished waffle.
  • While the waffle has not cooled down, roll it into a horn. After cooling, it will become hard and crispy. The horn is ready.

When the hot waffle has cooled down and the cone has hardened, you can put ice cream, jam, chocolate pudding, boiled condensed milk or any other filling of your choice into it. Cooking sweet waffle cones with filling does not take much time and does not take much effort.

If you are a happy owner of an electric waffle iron, then you should not rack your brains and think about what to cook for dessert for tea or how to please a child with a sweet tooth. In a short period of time, you can easily prepare waffle cones or tubes with cream that your family and friends will like.
In ancient times, waffles were enjoyed exclusively by the poor on holidays. Waffles were baked from the rest of the dough on the water, and poured with syrup. But soon everything changed dramatically and waffles became a delicacy of the rich (they were baked quite high). And then everyone could afford waffles, a frying pan was invented that allows you to bake them. A little later, waffles began to be shaped like a tube or a cone.
If we consider in detail the technology for preparing wafer dough, it can be noted that during kneading, the dough must have a suspension (liquid) consistency and a minimum amount of viscosity. Wafer dough needs to spread evenly and quickly on the surface of the waffle iron mold (to obtain a thin sheet). The quality of the dough is also affected by the flour we use (it is necessary to take premium wheat flour).
Wafer cones are most often filled with creamy ice cream, pieces of fruit, on top they can be poured with melted chocolate, various syrups. Today, with the help of a waffle iron, we will prepare a dessert - waffle cones with protein cream.

TIME: 1 hour 20 min.


Servings: 4


  • 5 eggs
  • 200 grams of butter or margarine,
  • 1 cup of sugar,
  • 1 glass of flour.
  • For filling
  • 2 squirrels
  • 2 tbsp powdered sugar.


Let's prepare the dough. Beat eggs with sugar using a mixer.

Melt the margarine and add to the egg mixture.

Then add flour and knead the dough.

Let's heat up the electric waffle iron. Put a little dough with a spoon and bake a waffle.

We twist the waffle with a horn. I roll the horns by hand, some people use a cone cone. Such horns often come with electric waffle irons.

Here is a stack of empty horns you should form.

Now let's prepare the protein cream for waffle cones. As a cream, I used beaten egg whites with sugar. To do this, take chilled eggs, separate the whites from the yolks, add 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar to two whites and beat the whites to stable peaks.

The horn is a traditional waffle with even or uneven edges, rolled into a cone, like a paper bag. Manufacturers place the most diverse ice cream in it.

How did the waffle cone

In 1904, the first waffle cone was born. The place of his birth was a fair in St. Louis. According to historical data, this happened at the moment when the ice cream seller ran out of paper cups. Next to him was a waffle vendor. He baked waffles right in front of customers.

Two resourceful sellers figured out how to make wafer cones. One baked waffles and rolled them up, while the other filled them with ice cream. On that day, the people were delighted with the appearance of a completely new delicacy. And so the ice cream ran out very quickly.

For a very long time, the horn was produced only by hand, until in 1921 a special machine was released and patented for its manufacture. That's when the real era of the waffle cone began. Ice cream producers have received new opportunities, and lovers of this delicacy have begun to purchase their favorite ice cream in a waffle cone more often.

waffle cone today

Since then, the popularity of the waffle cone has only grown. Its taste acquires more and more shades. You can enjoy a horn with the addition of different types of nuts, chocolate, poppy seeds and sesame seeds.

A real waffle cone is different from a traditional cup. Because the glass is not crunchy and is not sweet. And the horn we love has many advantages, among which it is worth noting its unique taste, such a pleasant crunch, and of course the perfect appearance.

In addition, the waffle cone is able to protect against the flow of ice cream on clothes or hands. Which is an important quality, especially for tasting on the street.

How to make a waffle cone

To achieve a unique crunch, manufacturers make a cone from a double layer of wafer. The first layer envelops the ice cream itself, and the second is designed to give the taster the pleasure of crunching. Another nice point is the inner wall of the cone, which is often filled with chocolate.

The waffle cone is prepared according to a special recipe, in which the amount of sugar is 38% of the amount of flour. The wafer cone itself is a delicacy and can be used as a separate confectionery.

To date, several different sizes of horns are produced. The diameter of the base, that is, the wafers, can be from 47 mm to 80 mm. Each of them is designed for different weights of ice cream. The horn is usually very light, having a maximum weight of 150 grams.

Ice cream in a waffle cone can always be found in any store or cafe. It is present in every fast food restaurant. This type of waffle products is very loved all over the world. Therefore, the popularity of the horn is only growing.

Waffle cone at home

Very lucky for those who have a waffle iron at home for making thin waffles with a cone for folding the horns in the kit (for example, models,). After all, with its help you can cook great crispy waffle cones for ice cream. Usually sugar, milk, butter, flour and vanilla are needed to make the dough.

Many housewives are increasingly turning to culinary publications for making sweets at home. The reason for this is the reliability in the freshness and benefits of the ingredients from which this or that culinary masterpiece is prepared.

So, cooking waffle cones according to your favorite recipe, you can please your loved ones with an exquisite crispy treat at any time.
