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New Year's table is always in the center of attention of guests. How to decorate it beautifully and in an original way, using improvised means - read the article.

The table for the New Year's celebration requires much more attention than on other holidays. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, such expanse for fantasy!

Of course, each year dictates its own rules, sets limits. But, without abandoning the traditional Olivier and herring under a fur coat, you can come up with many non-standard dishes. And the serving is varied: from a solemn for a corporate meeting to a fun one for a children's matinee.

Options for decorating the New Year's holiday table

Classic style: red and white with gold

Out of time was and remains the setting of the festive table in red and white. Majestic and ornate. With the addition of gold in the form of decor for glasses and cutlery, the decoration takes on an even more solemn sound.

You can combine these colors in completely different ways. White tablecloth, red napkins, checkered coasters and so on.

Each personal place is additionally decorated with New Year or Christmas elements. These are embroidered napkins, Christmas tree branches, tinsel and serpentine. Cutlery is packed in bags specially sewn for the New Year. In everything solemnity, anticipation of joy, happiness is felt.

Ice glare of the snow kingdom

Much less often among the options for decorating the New Year's festive table, blue and other cold shades are used, unless, of course, there is a special theme for such a decision or the personal preferences of the owners. From the change of color solemnity will decrease a little, but with it some stiffness will also go away, lightness and fun will appear. Serving in cold colors most often serves as an addition to the overall decoration of the home.

Minimalism, ecology and other styles

Adherents of a certain style will make the serving elegant without much difficulty. A wooden table without a tablecloth, complemented by cones and twigs laid out on it, will look environmentally friendly. Linen napkins, jute twine for attaching toys - everything natural is welcome.

Minimalism in blue tones will delight lovers of high-tech. No frills in the form of tinsel, no glamorous brilliance. Concise, however, but looks stylish.

Delicious New Year's table decorations

Dishes prepared for a New Year's party serve as decorative elements in themselves. Hot dishes, salads, fruit plates - every hostess strives to come up with something unusual, to diversify delicious New Year's table decorations.

Christmas decorations on the table from food, products and dishes

The highlight of the main dish, which sets the mood for the whole feast, can be its design, taking into account the Chinese horoscope. For example, 2017 was the Year of the Rooster. Therefore, a roasted rooster or chicken on a beautiful dish will come in handy. Bright slices of oranges and apples, parsley, onions, cucumbers and tomatoes will help to beautifully present them.

Stuffed peppers are loved by many gourmets. Simple manipulations will help to make something unusual out of an ordinary dish - plant a Christmas tree in each pepper using a carrot, cucumber or the same pepper, only of a different shape and color. And the stuffing recipe itself can not be changed!

Cheese, meat and seafood plates will also decorate the table if they are formed, combining not only products, but colors and shapes. Complemented with shaggy twigs of spices reminiscent of Christmas trees, the dishes will look great.

New Year's decorations from food, products and dishes include sweets. And the cake requires a New Year's decoration, which, by the way, can be made even from ordinary cheese. Cut out Christmas trees with a sharp knife and place them on a chocolate clearing.

New Year's table decoration from fruits and vegetables

Tangerines, oranges, pineapple and apples are the most New Year's fruits. Make and place an unusual Christmas tree in the center of the New Year's table using fruit slices. This is not difficult: slices of citrus fruits, pears, apples, grapes are placed on a pineapple base with skewers in such a way that a cone shape is obtained.

In the form of a beautiful Christmas tree, tangerines are also added, if there are a lot of them. Mixed with spruce branches, they will decorate the living room.

Christmas tree theme can be used for all kinds of vegetables and fruits.

Decorate the New Year's table of fruits and vegetables in the year of the Rat in the form of these animals. Pineapple, watermelon and a little fantasy.

Decoration of salads on the New Year's table

The traditional salad "Olivier" is never alone on a holiday. Bright colorful culinary masterpieces are sure to be placed nearby. Having prepared the salad according to the usual recipe, but decorate it with shaggy dill, parsley, thin shavings of carrots and olive and pomegranate beads. As a result, you will put a colorful New Year's wreath on the table.

Using finely chopped egg white, carrot straws, red bell pepper, it is easy and simple to decorate a salad with a dense consistency. Decorating salads on the New Year's table is not a problem, the main thing is that the salads themselves are tasty and appetizing.

New Year's table decoration with napkins

An ordinary cloth napkin, beautifully folded and decorated with New Year's paraphernalia, looks very festive on a white plate.

To give the napkin an even more New Year's look, it is folded in the form of a Christmas tree and complemented with thin tinsel, ribbons and artificial small fruits. Or put on a plate with a cone.

Decorating the New Year's table with napkins may require preliminary preparation. For example, double-sided fabric napkins may well complement the New Year paper print. But they will have to be sewn in advance.

New Year's table decoration with candles

New Year's table setting will remain incomplete if there are no candles. It doesn't matter if they are large or small, colored or solid, handmade or bought from a nearby shop! The main thing is that they are. The light of a candle will turn an ordinary evening into a fabulous magic.

Depending on the overall design and the availability of free space on the dining table, the design for the candle is selected. There can be many on the table if space permits. Or one or two, surrounded by a wreath of fir branches and Christmas decorations. Decorating the New Year's table with candles is not limited to one style.

Do-it-yourself candles are decorative, it’s a pity to burn them, you just want to admire them. In this case, make sure that there are simpler candles for evening gatherings.

If you decorate the candles with cinnamon sticks and orange slices, they will look like an exotic dish.

Christmas trees to decorate the New Year's table

A live Christmas tree twig lying next to a serving plate or decorating a napkin is an affordable solution. Applicable for any style of decoration, since a Christmas tree is an indispensable attribute of this holiday.

And if there is no big main beauty, decorated with toys, then the Christmas trees on the table will fit just right.

Separate small branches are placed in small containers with water and placed around the table. Complement the decor with candles and cones. It turns out a composition worthy to decorate a family holiday.

Spruce wreaths are not considered a traditional Russian decoration, but they are increasingly found on festive tables in the area with candles.

Original decoration of the New Year's table

It can be difficult to come up with an original decoration for the New Year's table on purpose, but the ideas are on the Internet. Here, for example, why not use the technique of decorating with candles not in classic candlesticks, but using the bottoms of glasses, as in the photo.

Turn the high-stemmed wine glasses over and place candles on their base. Illumination is much better with a high location of the fire. And unusually interesting.

Use brightly colored wrapping paper to wrap small gifts. It is very simple and quick to do this: roll up the bag in the usual way and you're done. Put sweets inside - and on a plate for each guest. The recipe is perfect for serving the dessert part of dinner.

Bottles can be not only with drinks. An unusual lamp will look great on the table. Place a New Year's garland in a champagne bottle, decorate it with sparkles, rhinestones and tinsel - a flickering light will decorate evening gatherings, creating a holiday atmosphere.

Or dress up the bottles in winter clothes!

An unusual table decoration can be made from orange peels. Cut the stars with cookie cutters, decorate the candles with slices baked in the oven.

When decorating a table, don't forget the chairs. Decorate the backs with the same decor that was used for the table setting.

Simple New Year's table decorations: photo

To decorate the New Year's table with your own hands does not take much time and effort. Several sheets of white writing paper, scissors - snow-white snowflakes look great on a colored tablecloth or napkins.

Fasten ordinary napkins with New Year's "rain" and tinsel - simple, affordable and, most importantly, elegant!

If there are no exotic vegetables and fruits, make a slide out of an ordinary salad and decorate it with the same vegetables that are at hand.

Decoration of the children's New Year's table: photo

Children's table should not be overloaded with cutlery and intricate decorations, so as not to worry about broken cups. Children will be happy with dishes made in the form of snowmen, Santa Clauses and other winter heroes of fairy tales.

As for the serving itself, show your imagination here, and even better - involve the kids themselves in the process. Put funny hats on bottles of drinks, tie beautiful bows on spoons. Buy napkins with a bright pattern, understandable to the child.

In any case, it is important to stop at the right time. Do not overload the festive table with details, after all, it is intended for food, and not for decoration. Products also do not tolerate tightness.

Be careful with candles, especially thin ones: use special candlesticks to keep them from falling until they are completely burned out. And do not decorate the composition with candles with flammable decor: dry spruce branches, nylon bows, etc.

Do not use candles on the children's table, toothpicks that hold the fruit tree parts together, as described above, are also not the best option for children's dishes. It is better to arrange a fruit plate a little more prosaically, but safely.

Use disposable decorations, so you will part with the used decor without much regret the day after the holiday.

Engage in decorating the house, setting the table with the whole family. It's fun and will help you become friends.

Video: New Year's table setting

On the New Year's table there should be a lot of original dishes that will win the heart of the Pig. However, the decor should not lag behind the menu: it’s not for nothing that they say that “as you celebrate the New Year, so it will pass.” Keep in mind that aesthetics should be in everything this year. Get inspired and pay attention to details!

Table setting for the New Year: what to do to please the Pig?

In the decor of the New Year's table, the emphasis is best placed on simple materials, natural tones and the most natural elements. Use more natural materials: decorate large dishes with spruce paws, place cones near candles.

New Year's table setting can be in a rustic style that is popular today. To do this, you should buy linen tablecloths and napkins. Dry bouquets that can be bought or prepared in advance will also be appropriate in this style. If you have imagination, you can complement the table with fruit and vegetable compositions. Pay attention to such details as, for example, a samovar with a bunch of bagels or mouth-watering buns woven into pigtails. You can also safely use bunches of red pepper and a few bunches of straw (making them yourself is easy). Rustic style in decorating the New Year's table will be especially relevant if you celebrate the holiday in the country or in a colorful rented estate.

How to serve the New Year's table: what should be the dishes?

Remember the main rule: all the dishes on your holiday table must be exclusively real. Forget about plastic salad bowls and plastic glasses and plates. Ideal if you have Gzhel porcelain. But if not, then it doesn’t matter: just stock up on bright stylish dishes. Among the variety of colors, choose green and blue shades. As for cutlery, you can use hand-painted dishes, such as spoons or bowls. Clay dishes will also harmoniously fit in.

Pay special attention to glasses. The easiest option to make them stylish is to tie a small, neat satin ribbon bow on each glass of champagne or wine. In the same way, you can decorate the bottle with a drink directly.

How to set the New Year's table: more red

Focus on red. This is the most Christmas color that you can think of. The red tone creates a special festive coziness. We offer the simplest, which has become a classic serving option. We take several spruce branches and tie them at the bottom with a red satin ribbon. Make a stylish bow. Such branches can be laid out on the table around the main dishes, in your opinion. By the way, the red ribbon can be diluted with gold. Also scatter some cones on the table, put candles (it is better to use a beautiful candlestick). As for the tablecloth, it is better that it be snow-white, but the napkins, on the contrary, are red. In each plate, you can put a homemade Christmas tree made of red paper in postcard format. Guests will be pleased to read a personal New Year's wish in it.

New Year's table setting: choosing an eco-style for the New Year's table

It is this style that becomes the trend of the coming year, along with the rest of the desire to dress concisely, eat healthy food, use natural cosmetics ... It should be noted right away that this style is very tightly intertwined with the well-known Scandinavian motifs in the design. We focus on brown, green and beige shades. Eco-style practically excludes the use of red (except in some point accents). In the center of the table, it is recommended to put a composition of pine branches and cones. To make this is absolutely not difficult, using even a minimum of imagination.

Decorate with candles. Do not choose color options, but simply use thick white candles, which can be “wrapped” at the bottom with a spruce paw or wrapped with a ribbon, for example, brown or green.

The main rules of impeccable serving

Please note that this season the tablecloth is not the main attribute of the holiday. In no case should she draw attention to herself. But at the same time, of course, the tablecloth must be perfectly ironed and clean. Do not forget that the tablecloth should not hang down much at the edges - a maximum of forty centimeters.

You need to start serving with plates. Only after that we lay out a number of cutlery, and then glass or crystal.

The napkins you choose should be in clear contrast with the tablecloth. If you use cloth napkins, then you can lay them out exclusively on snack plates. If you use paper napkins, then be sure to hide the corners under part of the plate. Or you can just use a napkin holder.

Spoons and knives are laid out on the right side, forks - on the left. Do not forget that each cutlery should lie on the table with exclusively convex sides down.

Glasses and glasses are located on the right side of the plates. And do not forget about the main rule: the guest must see a whole, beautiful picture. And this means that the New Year's table setting should be kept in the same style.

Candles always create a festive entourage. And how to use them correctly? The main thing is to be careful. But to beautifully decorate the New Year's table with candles, there are several ideas:

  • Standard: candles to match the tablecloth in beautiful stable candlesticks.
  • There is also an option for floating candles. Prepare a deep bowl of water and dip the lights into it. You can throw pieces of tinsel, and put colored pebbles or bright beads on the bottom. If you are planning the New Year for two, then rose petals in the water will add romance.
  • A high fire will provide more light. If you do not have suitable candlesticks in your house, then use transparent glasses with high legs. Turn them upside down, place a pine branch or a New Year's toy for decoration under the glass, and put a candle on the upside down bottom. It is better to take those that are intended for "swimming" - in small round plates.
  • A large dish with several candles of different sizes will look very beautiful and original in the center of the table so that the lights are at different levels. Lay cones from the nearest forest or park along the edges - you get an interesting New Year's composition, inexpensive and original. If desired, the cones can be painted in silver or gold.

How to decorate the New Year's table: decorate holiday dishes

Filling the New Year's table with delicious dishes is not enough. It is desirable that they be beautifully and originally decorated. It can be "Christmas trees" made of fruits or vegetables with sprigs of greens, originally served salads, tartlets, canapes and much more. Even an ordinary "herring under a fur coat" can be decorated so that you don't want to destroy it. With due imagination, the most ordinary products can be served in a very original way: stuffed eggs in the form of mice, make a Santa Claus hat from tomatoes, lay meat or vegetable cuts in the form of a fancy flower, and lay out a bouquet of sweets. Imagine, experiment, create!

Ideas for decorating the New Year's table. Symbol of the year

The Chinese calendar with its symbols came to us relatively recently. According to this calendar, there is a twelve-year cycle, and each year an animal presides. Adhering to this symbolism, the design of the New Year's table can partly be dedicated to the creature responsible for the coming year. And it's not just figurines, figurines and images. The whole decor can somehow be subordinated to the Eastern calendar. For example, if the year of the Tiger comes, then the tiger print on various table setting items will be relevant.

You can also decorate the New Year's table with your own hands with those items that the main animal loves. For example, in the year of the Rooster, it is important to put several bouquets of cereals or place a composition of dry ears and stems.

New Year's table and surprises with wishes

New Year's Eve is not complete without congratulations and wishes. Why not do it in an unusual way. Write all kinds of wishes in advance on beautiful pieces of paper. For example: "This year you will have amazing luck", or "This year will be full of pleasant surprises." Prepare small beautiful boxes decorated with ribbons and bows, and hide the leaves with the text there.

The abundance of mini-gifts on the table will not only decorate it, but also create intrigue and good mood. Ask the children to help you decorate the surprise boxes, let them make them themselves. You can even take a matchbox, glue it with foil on all sides, wrap it with gift paper, tie it with ribbon or tinsel, fasten a small bow - the chest is ready. If this is not a corporate party in an expensive restaurant, then such a "home" option is quite acceptable, and a good mood is guaranteed.

Instead of boxes, you can take walnut shells, decorated with gold, silver or just bright multi-colored paints so that guests do not confuse them with treats. Put an accordion-shaped wish inside and glue the shells with ordinary glue. Do you feel how much you can entrust to children?

How beautiful to decorate the New Year's table: design ideas

Usually New Year's tables are decorated in the traditional way: beautiful dishes, napkins, sometimes mysteriously folded, and in the center - candles, pine branches with cones, shiny tinsel or toys. Bouquets of twigs are best done low, almost recumbent. After all, this is a decor, and it should not occupy the entire table, making it difficult to arrange plates, dishes and drinks. In the festive serving, figurines symbolizing the New Year will also be appropriate.

Balls are always festive. If miniature Christmas trees and candles are not enough, and you don’t want to bother with the design of salads and fruit cuts, then decorate the table with the most common helium-filled balloons. Fasten the threads in a beautiful heavy box, and let the balls themselves "fly away" to the ceiling so as not to block the faces of the guests.

Cutlery can be placed not in napkins, but in cases in the form of red socks and mittens. Although the symbol is Christmas, in our culture these two holidays have long been mixed up. Does your daughter know how to knit socks a little more than a doll? Great! Let not only cuts salads.

Tablecloths, folded napkins, Christmas decorations, all kinds of accessories and trinkets - everything can be used as a New Year's decor. Take any proposed idea and develop it in your direction to make it beautiful and original. Happy New Year!


Thank you for the article.. . With coming! I'll take note..

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