
11 grams of dry yeast. How dry activated yeast differs from instant yeast

Yeast is widely used in cooking. In order for them to give the desired result, you need to know how to choose them correctly, store them and check for freshness, and it is also important to be able to determine the correct ratio of dry and fresh yeast.

For different dishes - a different type of yeast. For pies and muffins, fresh or dry are most often used, for the manufacture of mash and moonshine - pressed. Fast-acting granules are very convenient when there is no time to wait for the dough to rise.

Types of yeast

  • Dry. Prepared by the method of evaporating the liquid (moisture content of dry yeast is not more than 8%). They are mainly produced in granular form of different diameters and types;
  • Fresh. They are popularly called "raw". The humidity concentration in them is 70%. They are usually produced in the form of a pressed rectangular piece (from 100 g to 1 kg). Their color can be from light to dark cream. Their scope is wide - baking, brew, moonshine and so on;
  • Granular. They are made by the method of evaporating the liquid (they contain up to 66% liquid). Available in the form of small light granules;
  • Instant (high-speed). Available in the form of small long granules. The peculiarity of this type is that when used in baking, they do not give it a yeasty smell and aroma. That is why they are so popular. They are mainly used for baking;
  • Beer. Rarely used for baking, and if used, they are diluted by half fresh. In their pure form, they give baked goods a strong yeasty smell and do not rise well. Basically, brewer's yeast is distributed as a biologically active food supplement.

The ratio of dry and fresh yeast in different cases

Yeast for baking can be correlated according to the following proportion - 1: 3, that is, 3 g of fresh (raw) can be replaced by 1 g of dry (3.5 g of dry is in 1 tsp).

The most accurate ratio for mash is 1:6 - 100 g dry can replace 600 g raw.

For the preparation of moonshine, you can use both dry and raw yeast. 500 g fresh can be replaced with confidence 80-100 g dry. The proportions are close in value to 1:5.

As a result, the exact amount in grams of fresh (pressed) will come out.

50 g of raw yeast is equal to 1 sachet of dry.

Proportions for replacing dry with fresh:

  • 1 st. l. dry is equal to 25 g pressed;
  • 2 tbsp. l. dry equal to 50 g fresh;
  • 3 art. l. = 75 g.

We offer you to watch a video on how to choose the optimal amount of dry yeast for mash:

Proportion table

If you need to quickly determine the amount of yeast, for example, according to a recipe, with only a teaspoon on hand, then the following table will help:

How to determine freshness

By smell

A good fresh product should have a specific yeasty smell. The sour milk smell is the main sign of the freshness of this product.

If the piece smells of mustiness, it means that this yeast has been lying for a long time and it is possible that the process of spoilage or decay has already begun in them. In this case, they not only will not bring benefits, but can also harm the human body.

by color

A good fresh bar of yeast should have a natural cream color.

The color of the entire bar should be uniform, without dark spots and traces of damage.

The white top layer of the piece is a sign that it has been lying for a long time. But this is not a sign of damage.

It is enough to cut off the top layer and it can be used for its intended purpose.

By consistency

First of all, the consistency of a quality product should be uniform and tightly compressed. There should be no voids and clearly defined layers on the cut.

The piece should crumble easily in the hands, without sticking to the fingers. Yeast should break into small pieces, not spread.

If they become sticky, then they can no longer be saved - just thrown away. The appearance of a dark layer on the bar is still unacceptable.

Browning means that the yeast has not been stored properly and has lost all of its beneficial properties.

If the white coating can be cut off and the rest used, then a piece with a dark coating can only be thrown away.

Rules for long-term storage

How to properly store pressed yeast:

  1. In order to preserve the properties of pressed yeast for a long time, they must be crushed into very small pieces and mixed with a small amount of flour. Rub everything. Lay on a paper towel to let all the moisture evaporate. Leave for 1-2 hours. Pour the resulting mass into a glass jar and put in a dark, cool place. So they can stay fresh for 20-30 days;
  2. The rest can be saved in the following way. Put the remaining piece in a glass jar. Pour in sunflower oil so that it completely hides the piece. Close the jar tightly and put it in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. When needed - get a bar from the jar and you can use it for its intended purpose;
  3. The optimum temperature for storing fresh yeast is between 0° and 4°C. Under such temperature conditions, they are able to remain suitable for 2 weeks.

Yeast is most often used for baking various goodies. Pancakes are always appreciated!

And in you will learn everything about cooking pies in the oven. We have collected the best recipes of our grandmothers for you.

How to properly store dry yeast:

  1. Shelf life dry - from 6 to 12 months in a closed package. In this case, the temperature should not exceed 15 ° C;
  2. Opened packaging can be stored for up to 1 month. To do this, place it in a glass container and tightly close the lid so that air does not enter them;
  3. The opened bag can be wrapped and sealed with tape. If this is done immediately after opening, then it can be stored in this state for up to 4 months.

How to check a raw product for rise at home

After buying or storing yeast, it must be checked for rise.

It doesn’t matter what they will be used for (baking or mash), you need to check in any case.

To check, you need to take a small piece (5-10 g), crumble it into small pieces and put it in a glass. Pour about 20-30 ml of warm water there (30°-35°). Stir and leave for 15-20 minutes.

A good product during this time should enter the fermentation process. Foam should form on the surface.

The thicker and higher the foam, the fresher the yeast. If no signs of fermentation appear, then they cannot be used, there will be no sense from them.

Dry yeast can be tested in the same way.

Pressed yeast leaves the freezer for a very long time - sometimes it must lie all day. Never try to defrost them with a microwave or oven. They should leave only at room temperature.

If there is no time to wait, then you can do the following. Break off the desired piece from the frozen bar. Crumble it with a knife or fork.

Put in a glass and pour 30 ml of water (35°C). Stir until all crumbs are dissolved. Leave for 15 minutes to check for fermentation.

It is worth remembering that all yeast deteriorates at temperatures above 30 ° C, so they must be stored properly.

In order for it to give the desired result, you do not need to put a lot of effort. All that is required is to choose them correctly and accurately calculate the proportions and ratio of dry to fresh yeast and vice versa.

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Dry yeast are a necessary ingredient for every housewife. They are divided into instant and active yeast. The first type of yeast is used in bread baking, it dissolves without soaking. And active yeast requires soaking. Dry yeast can be stored for 1-2 years. They are more resistant to external influences. They do not need to be stored in the refrigerator.

Amount (in grams) of dry yeast in various tableware and containers

Sometimes we need a certain amount of this product, but it often happens that special scales are not at hand. In this case, ordinary kitchen utensils, which are always found in the kitchen of every housewife, will come to the rescue.

Below is a table by which you can determine how many grams of dry yeast are contained in various tableware and containers.

In a tablespoon - 8 g (with a slide - 11 g)

In a teaspoon - 3 g (with a slide - 4 g)

A Few Facts About Using Dry Yeast

  • This product has the following beneficial properties: the presence of protein (up to 60%), amino acids (10%), minerals (potassium, phosphorus, magnesium), vitamins B (for those suffering from the nervous system, improves sleep, alleviates apathy), dietary supplement, which is necessary for adequate body work.
  • It is useful to use yeast if you have a reduced tone of the gastrointestinal tract, if you have a peptic ulcer or gastritis.
  • If you suffer from anemia, then dry yeast is necessary.
  • Also, dry yeast is considered an excellent ingredient for making hair growth products to provide them with beauty and strength. To do this, you should mix about 2 teaspoons of yeast with warm water. After an hour, add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey and a little kefir. Mix everything and distribute on the hair along the entire length. Wash off with warm water after about an hour.

Before dry yeast came into the industry, our grandmothers used only fresh yeast. Therefore, even in many old recipes, you can find exactly the right amount of fresh yeast. But how to replace fresh yeast with dry yeast and will it affect the final result?

Currently, two main types of yeast are produced, which are used to make dough:

1. Fast-acting - this is the most common and sought-after type, because they are convenient and easy to use. Such yeast is sold in small bags and added immediately with flour. Thanks to. That they do not need to be pre-prepared, they help to reduce the time spent on preparing the dough, which is why many housewives prefer to choose them.

2. The second type of yeast produced is active. In appearance, they look like small round granules. Such yeast must be soaked in water before cooking so that it activates.

How dry activated yeast differs from instant yeast

Both instant yeast and dry yeast can be easily used to make dough. Products in the end will turn out equally well, but both types of these yeasts have their own differences both in the method of preparation and in the time of exposure.

Before you can start using dry yeast, it must be fully activated. This procedure will take you at least a quarter of an hour.

In this regard, working with fast-acting yeast is much easier. Because in order to start using them, you can simply immediately mix them with flour and knead the dough.

They also differ in how much yeast is needed for cooking. The most ideal ratio in this regard is to take dry yeast a couple of grams more than high-speed ones.

How to activate dry yeast

  • First you need to follow the recipe to measure the right amount of yeast. It should be remembered that dry yeast is different in shape and if weighed, they will differ in volume with the same weight. Therefore, measuring the right amount cannot be guided "by eye".
  • Heat the water in which you will soak the yeast. It should be around 40 degrees but neither cold nor hot.
  • Pour the water into a bowl and add a little sugar, letting it dissolve.
  • Pour the prepared yeast into the water and stir well to dissolve.
  • Cover the top of the bowl with something dense to block sunlight.
  • Let them sit for 15-20 minutes to activate.

What dry yeast can be used in the manufacture of Easter cake

For the preparation of Easter cake, absolutely any kind of yeast, both high-speed and active. At the same time, during cooking, you can easily replace one type with another according to the recipe and the cake will still turn out.

The most important thing in this case is to activate them correctly and observe the required amount.

Which yeast is better fresh or dry

Fresh yeast differs from dry yeast in its color and the presence of a peculiar smell. This yeast is absolutely natural and cannot be stored for a long time, as it begins to deteriorate. Their appearance is in the form of a briquette, which also distinguishes them from dry yeast.

If you try to compare these two types of yeast during the preparation of the dough, then the only difference between them will be the process of yeast activation, since fresh yeast takes a little longer to activate.

In addition, there is an opinion that fresh pressed yeast is much more beneficial for the body than dry yeast because they are made from natural products.

In addition, there is a slight difference in the taste of the resulting dish. A product made from fresh yeast may taste slightly flavored by the yeast itself. With the use of dry, this does not occur.

What yeast is better to bake Easter cakes

If you bake Easter cakes in a bread machine, then it is best to use dry yeast for its preparation. Then the dough will turn out much better and tastier.

When baking dough in the oven, you can take absolutely any yeast that you like best.

How to make natural yeast

Making your own natural yeast is easy enough. But this still requires small skills, so if you didn’t succeed at the first attempt, don’t be upset. It's an experience anyway, and you'll probably do much better on subsequent attempts.

Also very important is the smoothness of movements in the manufacture and strict adherence to the recipe. Because one awkward sudden movement can greatly affect the quality of the resulting product. So, first of all, prepare to be patient.

For the preparation of yeast, you can use flour of the second grade. She is perfect for this. The resulting mass is divided into two parts: the first is used to prepare the dough and further cooking, and the second is transferred to the refrigerator for preservation.

The production of yeast itself consists of the following steps:

  1. To begin with, take flour and water in equal amounts (100 gr.) And mix well so that the mass becomes homogeneous.
  2. Cover the mass on top with gauze or a thin rag, and then put it in a warm place.
  3. The next day, look at the mixture and if you notice that small bubbles have appeared on it, then this indicates that you can continue the cooking process.
  4. If the mass is ready to continue cooking, add the same ingredients to it again and in the same amount as originally.
  5. Mix and send to roam again.
  6. The next day you will see that the fermentation process is already more active.
  7. Then pour the same amount of flour into the mass, mix and send again to get upset.
  8. After a day, you will see that the mass has increased in volume. Then you can start using it.

The ratio of dry yeast to fresh pressed, table

One teaspoon of dry yeast is how much fresh

When choosing the proportions of yeast replacement, it is very important to first of all be based not on measuring in teaspoons, but in grams. Because different types of dry yeast give a different number of grams.

If we take the average figure, then in one teaspoon there will be about 5 grams of dry yeast, therefore, in relation to fresh yeast, this is about 20 grams.

25 grams of fresh yeast is how much dry

An important role in the calculation is played by what kind of dry yeast you use. For example, you will need a little less fast-acting yeast than active yeast.

In order to replace fresh yeast according to the recipe with high-speed yeast for such an amount, 8 grams will be enough for you.

If you use active yeast for replacement, then you need to take them in an amount of 10 grams

100 grams of fresh yeast is how much dry

If you need to take 100 grams of fresh yeast according to your recipe, then to calculate the required amount of dry yeast, it is enough for you to divide this figure by 3. Thanks to this calculation, you get the figure of 33 grams. This amount is enough for a replacement.

150 grams of fresh yeast is how much dry

Determining the amount of dry yeast to replace fresh is also easy. When counting, the amount is 50 grams. This is the amount of dry you need to use.

11 grams dry yeast how much fresh

In order to replace 11 grams of dry yeast with fresh yeast, you can also count, but only in the opposite direction. The resulting amount is 33 - this is the most ideal indicator of how much fresh yeast to take.

The ratio of dry fast acting and activated dry yeast

With regard to fast-acting and active dry yeast, unfortunately there is no one simple formula that would help you quickly and easily calculate the required amount. As mentioned above, activated yeast needs a little more than dry yeast.

In this case, you can use a teaspoon to measure. For one teaspoon of activated, you need about ¾ teaspoon of fast-acting. In grams, this is approximately 5-4.

Video: how many grams of yeast in a tablespoon of dry and fresh

Translation of weights and measures, if you cook often and like to try new recipes, the question is relevant for you. In the article below, NameWoman will tell you how many grams of dry yeast are in a teaspoon and a tablespoon, how to replace live yeast with dry yeast, and what are their main differences.

How much dry yeast is in a teaspoon? How much dry yeast is in a tablespoon?

One teaspoon contains 3-4 grams of dry yeast . In a tablespoon of dry yeast, there are three times more - 9-12 grams.

If you frequently bake with yeast, a set of measuring spoons, including a teaspoon, a tablespoon, half a teaspoon, and a half tablespoon, may come in handy. They have a convenient rounded shape of the “container” and a smooth edge, which allows you to measure the product as accurately as possible “without a slide”. Also on sale you can find special accurate spoon scales, it is very convenient to use them just to determine the weight of yeast and spices.

How much dry yeast is needed per kilogram of flour?

Per kilogram of flour you need from 5 to 10 grams of dry yeast (1-2 teaspoons) . Basic recommendation: dry yeast should make up 1-1.5% of the total amount of flour, it is this formula that allows you to make bread with a fermentation / rise time of about three hours.

The exact amount is determined by the particular recipe taken, as the dosage depends not only on the amount of flour (and type of flour, whole wheat or a combination of wheat and rye flour needs more yeast than regular wheat flour) and liquid, but also on the amount of fat used and additional ingredients, as well as the technology of preparation. So, for example, cinnamon and garlic reduce yeast activity, and for making bread in a bread machine in the “quick baking” (or “quick”) mode, they always take a little more yeast.

If the recipe calls for live yeast, how much dry yeast should I use?

1 gram dry yeast = 3 grams live yeast , i.e. the ratio of dry and live yeast is approximately 1 to 3. Accordingly, if live yeast is indicated in the recipe, then dry yeast should be taken 3 times less. If the recipe says 1 teaspoon of dry yeast, then fresh yeast should be taken 10 grams.

50 grams of live yeast (most often they are sold in packs of 25, 50 or 100 grams) is approximately equal in effect to 17 grams of dry yeast.

11 grams of dry yeast (product volume in small saf-moment bags) is 33 grams of fresh yeast.

Which yeast is better: dry or live

It is rather difficult to answer this question unambiguously. Each hostess in the process of gaining culinary experience develops her own vision. Most are convinced that with fresh yeast, baking is more natural and correct. However, in the opinion of NameWoman, it is not possible to determine from the finished product which yeast was used in baking. However, to make it easier for you to decide which yeast is best - dry or live - for you and the recipe you have chosen, we will present several main differences and nuances in handling these products:

1. Dry yeast in the store can be found next to flour or next to spices. Look for fresh yeast in the dairy section and only take it from the refrigerator. At room temperature, pressed yeast can be stored for no more than a day! Fresh yeast, perhaps, can be attributed to a rarer commodity.

Carefully evaluate a piece of fresh yeast before using it. Even if we discard the issue of harmfulness, then a spoiled product will at least work worse, and the smell of baking can give a very specific one. The corners of a cube of fresh pressed yeast should not differ in consistency and color from the main part. Windward parts indicate staleness or poor storage. Do not use sweet and unpleasant smelling fresh yeast. Remember that good yeast has a rather dense consistency, it crumbles, but does not smear.

2. Pressed live yeast is stored worse than dry. It is better to store the former for no more than a week (pay attention to the instructions on the package) and only in the refrigerator, but the shelf life of the latter under normal room conditions reaches a year or even two. However, after opening the package, due to contact with air and high humidity, dry yeast may lose its activity, become “weaker”. Use special clips to close the pack or jar with hermetically sealed lids, store the yeast in a dry, dark place, away from heat sources.

Experienced chefs use the following ratios of dry and pressed yeast:

  • A certain amount of active dry yeast is the amount of pressed divided by 2-2.5.
  • A certain amount of instant yeast is the amount of fresh pressed yeast divided by 3.

It is difficult to talk about the exact mass of dry yeast that can replace fresh pressed yeast. Much depends on the manufacturer and the recipe of the dish. An approximate estimate can be made according to the information indicated by the manufacturer on the package.

There are live bacteria in the pressed yeast briquette. However, their activity is half that of the dried counterpart. This is where the above mass ratio comes from. It is enough to activate dry yeast in slightly warmed water, taking half the prescribed rate of fresh yeast, and the result will delight you with the same taste and splendor.

Experienced housewives do not use instant or active yeast in the manufacture of heavy dough intended for Easter cakes and other pastries that require long standing. A large mass is too heavy for them. Therefore, in this case it is better to use live yeast from a briquette.

There are some nuances of using foreign yeast. Very important attention should be paid to the manufacturer. According to studies, Western dry yeast is almost twice as “stronger” than Russian, so they should be taken 4-6 times less than pressed yeast made in the Russian Federation.

If fresh yeast is made by a Western manufacturer, then their activity is also twice as high as domestic ones. Therefore, in order to comply with the recipe according to Russian standards, it is necessary to reduce the weight of the imported analogue by half.

Storage rules

Yeast activity can be maintained for 5-6 months, depending on storage conditions. It is best to store yeast in the freezer. Before that, the pack is cut into pieces the size of a matchbox and each of them is wrapped in a film to prevent them from sticking together. The yeast will retain its activity, and the hostess will be able to use a precisely known amount at any time. The activity of yeast bacteria when kept in the refrigerator is sharply reduced and disappears after a couple of weeks. Plaque, darkening are also signs of the expiration date of the product.

Instant yeast should be kept refrigerated and not used after the stated expiration date.

The above information is more than enough to create an amazing according to all culinary rules. It may seem that there are a lot of nuances, but only once you figure it out, you will clearly navigate the ratios, rules for buying and storing yeast for their use in the implementation of different recipes.

Prepare delicious yeast pies according to the following video recipe.
