
Kvass from rye crackers at home. Kvass from black bread - dark, vigorous, refreshing! Kvass recipe on brown bread without yeast

The same kvass, for which there were queues on the streets of the city, and which was always present on the table in the rural courtyard, remained far in the past.

But today we have a great opportunity to make homemade kvass by right the number one drink in the house. The recipes for making this wonderful drink with its unique taste, as it has been prepared in Rus' for a long time, are carefully passed from hand to hand by our grandmothers and mothers, as well as culinary specialists - experts in their field.

The drink that came to us from ancient Egypt took root in Rus', becoming at the same time food. After all, there are countless dishes, the recipe for which includes kvass.

Do-it-yourself homemade kvass has a beneficial effect on our health. It regulates the metabolism in the body, improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, saturates us with enzymes, minerals and vitamins, and helps to remove toxins from the body. I suggest you prepare a great drink - according to the traditional recipe of rye crackers, as I do.

Homemade rye kvass

You will need one loaf of rye bread, 8 liters of water, 55 grams of yeast, 220 grams of sugar and raisins to taste.

  • First, I dry the breadcrumbs in the oven over high heat. They should turn out golden in color, while I always make sure that they do not burn. Kvass from rye breadcrumbs, cooked at home, is pleasant with its sweet and sour taste of rye bread. It quenches thirst well, tones and gives strength. It was he who was taken with him to haymaking by our ancestors.
  • Then I boil water in a large saucepan and pour sugar into it, stir. I add crackers to the water and leave everything to cool and infuse.
  • After making sure that the base has cooled down, in its small amount I grind the yeast to its liquid state and pour everything into the base. Yeast for this is better to take fresh pressed. I stir the mixture well so that the yeast is completely distributed in the water, and the maturation of homemade kvass occurs evenly.
  • I tie the pan with the future kvass with a thin towel so that any flying creatures do not covet it, and set it aside for fermentation for a day and a half.
  • If you like kvass with a sharper taste, you can let it stand longer. I start drinking my drink in a day, but since I prepare a large amount of it at once, it becomes sharp over time, I also drink it with pleasure, and treat my friends.
  • After a day and a half, I filter the finished drink into another container and add more sugar to taste. But a little, so that the drink is not too strong.
  • I add a handful of raisins there, so that my homemade kvass acquires a specific aftertaste. Raisins give the drink a special flavor, and also contributes to additional fermentation, and it becomes carbonated. You can easily add blackcurrant and mint leaves, rowan berries, honey to kvass. This will diversify the taste of the drinks you prepare.
  • I leave it for another day and then, draining from the sediment, filter it completely. I wash the raisins and again fall asleep in the finished kvass.
  • I put the drink in a cool cellar. In your case, this could be a pantry or a refrigerator.
  • I use the wort remaining after straining to make homemade kvass a second time.
  • To do this, I boil another 7 liters of water and add 100-120 grams of sugar to it. I cook kvass as in the previous recipe, adding 300 grams of crackers and 40 grams of yeast. The second time the drink turns out tastier, acquiring a pleasant sour taste.

Recipe for kvass from rye bread with yeast

  • Black rye bread cut into small pieces, put on a baking sheet and put in the oven to dry. Be careful not to overcook or burn the bread. And then the finished kvass will be bitter.
  • To boil water. Pour crackers into a jar (preferably 3 liters). Rusks for such a jar need about half a loaf. The layer is approximately 8-10 cm thick.
  • Add sugar (3-4 tablespoons) and pour hot water. Pour water over the shoulders.
  • When the water has cooled to a temperature of 35-37 degrees, add diluted yeast (half a bag of dry or a small piece of fresh). To breed yeast from a jar, pour a little infusion into a cup and dilute the yeast in it. You can also use just warm water.
  • Mix everything well, cover the jar with gauze or a napkin folded in several layers and leave for a day and a half.
  • For more intense fermentation, you can add a tablespoon of raisins.
  • Then strain the finished bread kvass, bottle it. Add a few pieces of raisins to each and refrigerate for 6-8 hours. I leave overnight.

The next portion of kvass can be prepared without yeast. Add some fresh crackers, one or two handfuls, 3-4 tablespoons of sugar, a few pieces of raisins. Fill with water and repeat the process as described above.

Bread kvass without yeast

In the first portions of kvass according to the above recipe, you first feel the taste and smell of yeast. Many people don't like it very much. Therefore, I will give a recipe for kvass from black rye bread without yeast.

  • To prepare bread kvass according to this recipe, also take rye bread, or sourdough bread, hop sourdough.
  • Cut into small pieces, dry in the oven. For the first portion of kvass, take a little more bread. Pour crackers into a three-liter jar (almost half of the jar).
  • Boil water and dissolve sugar in it (10-15 tablespoons), cool and pour crackers. For more intense fermentation, add a handful of raisins.
  • Cover the jar with gauze and leave to ferment. After a day or two, fermentation will begin. The crackers in the jar will begin to stir up and down, increasing in intensity every day. The first portion of bread kvass will be ready in 3-4 days.
  • Drain the finished kvass from the jar. There is no need to throw away all the crackers. Leave about half of the original volume. Add to them a handful of fresh dried crackers, 2-4 tablespoons of sugar, a few pieces of raisins, cover with gauze and leave to ferment. If you pour a new portion of kvass in the evening, then in the morning it is usually ready. Then we repeat the process until there is a desire to cook kvass.

A lot of sugar is put in the first portion of kvass. This is necessary in order to cause the fermentation process and kvass does not turn sour. If there are no raisins, then you can add more sugar. The next time, sugar can be added to kvass from bread to taste, 3-4 tablespoons.

A few small useful tips for making homemade kvass from rye bread.

  • You need to cook kvass in a container that does not oxidize. If you cook kvass in a saucepan, it is better to take an enameled or stainless steel saucepan.
  • Add sugar to taste. If you like it sour, then put less sugar. Sweeter - add sugar. Add a little more sugar to the first portion of kvass.
  • The saturation of the color of kvass depends not only on the type of bread, but on the degree of roasting of crackers. But it’s still not worth overcooking crackers; kvass will have both the taste and the smell of burnt bread.
  • The intensity of fermentation, which means the readiness of bread kvass, depends on the temperature in the room. Higher temperature - fermentation will begin faster. Therefore, this moment must be taken into account so that kvass does not peroxide.
  • Raisins cause not only the fermentation process, but also give kvass some sparkling, saturate kvass with carbon dioxide.
  • If you do not immediately prepare a new portion of kvass, then do not throw away the remaining softened crackers. Transfer them to a jar and refrigerate. Before cooking, take out the jar, warm it up in the room, add sugar and the sourdough for a new batch of kvass is ready.

Rules for making homemade bread kvass

  1. Yeast must be the freshest, and bread for the wort must be rye.
  2. Kvass is prepared on cooled boiled water.
  3. It is recommended to store kvass in a cold place.
  4. Ready kvass should be consumed in 2-3 days. With longer storage, it loses its taste and becomes sour.
  5. The utensils in which the wort is infused should be glass or enameled; kvass cannot be cooked in aluminum utensils, as it oxidizes.
  6. For the preparation of berry kvass, only ripe selected intact berries are used.

Those who want to get a healthy and tasty drink are advised to prepare homemade bread kvass according to the following recipes. We will be the first to publish a recipe for kvass without yeast.

Kvass without yeast

Sourdough for kvass without yeast

2 cups boiled water cooled to room temperature.
0.5 slices of rye bread.
1 tsp granulated sugar.
For sourdough, take a glass of lukewarm boiled water, 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar, and half a slice of rye bread. Place all ingredients in a 0.5 liter jar. Let's break up the bread. Cover the sourdough jar with a cloth and leave to sour in a warm place. Without yeast, sourdough fermentation takes a little longer: a day or two.

How to make bread kvass without yeast at home from sourdough

1 st. a spoonful of granulated sugar
1 - 2 slices of rye bread
0.5 l of cooked sourdough
1.5 l chilled boiled water

And so a day or two passed, you tasted the leaven and made sure that it was ready. The liquid should be cloudy and sharp in taste. First, take a 2 liter jar, pour the sourdough into it, add 2 slices of rye bread (grind), 1 tbsp. a spoonful of granulated sugar and add cold boiled water to the edges of the jar. Close the lid and let it sit for a day. You can also put crackers dried in the oven until golden brown in a jar. In this case, kvass will infuse much longer, but acquire a golden color almost immediately. After a day or two, having tasted the first kvass, pour 2/3 of the liquid into a separate container. Pour the leaven remaining in the jar with boiled water cooled to room temperature, add 1-2 chopped pieces of fresh rye bread, close the lid and insist again.

Recipes for homemade bread kvass

Since kvass from the store can hardly be called useful, many people want to learn how to make kvass at home. After all, homemade bread kvass is much tastier and healthier. In addition, cooking kvass at home is not difficult for experienced housewives.

Recipe for kvass from crackers

How to cook homemade kvass from crackers:
Rye crackers (1 kg) are fried in the oven until golden brown. Put in a saucepan, pour warm water and leave in a warm place for a couple of hours, stirring occasionally. The infusion is drained. The remaining crackers are poured over again with water, insisted for 1-2 hours and poured into the infusion that was obtained earlier. The resulting wort is cooled to 20 degrees. Sugar is added (for 3 liters of water - 1.5 cups of sugar) and yeast (40 g), diluted with the same wort. Leave warm for 12 hours. Ready kvass is poured into jars or bottles and stored in a cool place.

Boyarsky kvass recipe

How to cook boyarsky kvass at home
Ingredients: 1kg stale rye bread, 5l water, 1.3 sugar, 60g yeast, 1st wheat flour, mint to taste.
Prepare starter. To do this, dilute the yeast with a glass of warm water and put in a warm place. Dried mint pour boiling water and leave to infuse. Bread cut into slices, pour boiling water and cool to 30-40 degrees. Add starter, mint infusion and leave for a day, then strain, add sugar, stir until it is completely dissolved. Pour kvass into bottles, cork them well and store in the cold.

Borodinsky kvass recipe

Cooking Borodinsky kvass at home
Ingredients: 3 liters of water, 2 pieces of Borodino bread, 15 g of yeast, 1 teaspoon of flour, a handful of raisins
How to cook Borodino kvass. Cut the bread into slices and lightly dry in the oven. Pour boiling water, let the wort brew for 3 hours. Dilute the yeast with flour, add to the wort. Leave for a day. Strain. Pour into bottles, add a twist to each. Keep warm for 3 hours, then put the bottles in the refrigerator. After 3-4 days, kvass can be drunk. Borodino kvass is ready.

Vigorous kvass with horseradish

Cooking at home kvass with horseradish, raisins and honey
Ingredients: 4 liters of water, 800 g of rye crackers, 20 g of yeast, 100 g of honey, 100 g of grated horseradish, 50 g of raisins
How to cook vigorous kvass with horseradish. Pour boiling water over crackers and let stand for 3-4 hours. Strain. Add yeast and leave to ferment for 5-6 hours. Add grated horseradish and honey. Stir, pour into bottles, adding a raisin to each. Let it brew for 2 hours. Vigorous kvass with horseradish is ready.

Beet kvass recipe

How to cook beet kvass at home
Ingredients: 1 kg of beets, 2 liters of water, 20 g of sugar, 1 piece of black bread, a clove of garlic, salt to taste
How to cook beet kvass. Peel the beets, grate on a coarse grater. Put in a 3-liter jar, pour water. Add a piece of black bread, sugar, a little salt. Cover the jar with gauze and put in a warm place for 3-4 days. In almost ready kvass, you can add a clove of garlic. Beet kvass is ready.

Bread kvass is a favorite delicacy of the Russian people. He met on the tables of simple peasant families and nobility, monks and kings. Every hostess wanted to learn how to make high-quality kvass, wanting to feed her family and protect her from diseases of the digestive tract and cardiovascular system. Despite the simplicity of preparation, such a drink really has healing powers. Let's see what else is useful for kvass from bread and how to cook it yourself at home.

What is good bread kvass

Useful properties of bread kvass are not known to everyone. The drink inhibits pathogenic flora and improves the course of digestive processes, increases efficiency and stabilizes metabolism, which allows it to be classified as a dietary product. Regular consumption of kvass serves as a prevention of beriberi, because its composition contains amino acids, vitamins, and trace elements.

How useful is bread kvass, judge for yourself:

Useful qualities of the product are recruited from yeast, cereals and phyto ingredients. You can cook it in any variety - sour and sweet, rye with horseradish and bread with mint, fruit and berry, yeast-free and okroshka.

If the drink turned out to be sour, it is undesirable to abuse it. It is harmful for liver pathologies, gastritis with high acidity, peptic ulcer and gout. To correct the sourness, honey is added to the drink.

Drinking real kvass will not work, because the old Russian recipe is difficult to execute. At first, the Russians processed grain: they soaked it, germinated it, steamed it, dried it and ground it. Flour was used for wort. It was filled with water and allowed to ferment for several days. In such conditions, the drink had to wait a long time, so the kvass recipe was constantly improved.

Today, experienced "kvass" give housewives different recommendations, the observance of which allows you to prepare high-quality bread kvass:

  • Bread for wort is better to take rye, yeast is the freshest.
  • Utensils for infusing the wort can be any, but not aluminum (the substance can oxidize).
  • Water for the future drink should be boiled and cooled.
  • Kvass will taste better when stored in a cool room.
  • You need to drink it in 3 days, otherwise it will turn sour.
  • If the kvass is berry, the fruits should be selected only whole and without a wormhole.

Kvass from bread according to the simplest recipe


This kvass recipe is basic. A drink is prepared with yeast (20 g), stale rye bread (1 kg) and sugar (300 g of sand). The loaf is cut into slices and browned in the oven until golden brown. Next, the crackers are poured over with hot water (3 l) and the ingredients are periodically stirred. The must will be ready in 2-3 hours.

To prepare the classic version of kvass from black bread at home, it is necessary to cool the wort to 20 ° C, add yeast and sugar diluted with it. Dishes with a drink remain to be held in a warm room under a clean cloth for at least 12 hours. The drink is poured into clean bottles carefully, trying not to stir up the cloudy sediment. The container is tightly corked and cleaned in a cool place for 72 hours. The drink is now ready to drink.


If you want to get a lot of non-alcoholic kvass from black bread, use the recipe for 10 liters of water:

  • Sugar - 1 cup.
  • Black / rye loaf - 1 pc.
  • A bucket of cool boiled water.

How to make yeast-free kvass? Toast the bread slices so that they are slightly charred. Fill the crackers with water, and add sugar. Leave the mixture under the sun for 48 hours to ferment. Once the bubbling stops, drain the liquid into bottles and refrigerate. Use the product as a soft drink and for okroshka.

with raisins

Many housewives include raisins in the recipe to sharpen kvass. But it is not supposed to wash grape drying, since on its surface there are substances that trigger fermentation processes. With raisins, bread kvass acquires a specific taste and bubbles, like champagne. How to make sharp kvass at home?

Take the classic version as a basis, but when bottling the final product, throw 3 to 5 raisins into each bottle. Let the drink stand for at least a day, then tightly seal the container and place in the refrigerator for 4 days.

Golden kvass

You can make delicious homemade kvass from dry rye bread according to the previous recipe, with the only difference being that the raisins will go into the wort along with half the amount of sugar and yeast. In a warm place, the workpiece should stand for 3-4 days, then the golden liquid is poured into a separate bowl and the rest of the sugar is added. Pour kvass into dark bottles and add 3 raisins to each. Tightly sealed containers are taken out to a cold place for at least 2 days.


  • Sugar - 5 tablespoons
  • Raisins - a handful.
  • Water - 5 - 6 liters.
  • Rye crackers - 1 kg.
  • Yeast - 2 tbsp.

Refreshing mint

Bread kvass with mint can be made following the technology of a classic recipe. The difference is the addition of mint infusion to the wort (1 cup). If you have 5 liters of wort, take 3 tbsp. dry phyto raw materials. Pour boiling water over the greens, and let it infuse for several hours. Pour the infusion into the wort and appreciate the delicate aroma of the drink. It is best consumed in exhausting heat, when other drinks do not quench your thirst.

With currant leaves

Kvass from crackers with currant leaves is pleasant in taste and fragrant. It is not used for okroshka. This is a standalone drink. What can you make fragrant kvass on bread and currant leaves from? To prepare 4 liters of wort, housewives will need:

  • Yeast - 40 g.
  • Sugar - 200 g.
  • Rye crackers - half a kilo.
  • Blackcurrant leaf - 8 - 10 pcs.

The drink is infused for 12 hours, filtered and bottled, not forgetting to put a few raisins. In a tightly sealed form, the dishes should stand for 3 days.

With hemp seeds

Hemp kvass from Borodino bread will add variety to the usual drinks prepared at home. Such a drink will please the household with an unusual taste and will have the effect of a sedative. Let's learn how to make it from the following components:

All components (without bread) are poured into a saucepan with water and heated, preventing the mixture from boiling violently. Bread is added to the broth and immediately cooled. The cool liquid is reheated. As soon as the temperature reaches 40°C, kvass is bottled and infused for 5 days.

With horseradish

Vigorous homemade bread kvass is obtained by adding horseradish. We list all the ingredients of his recipe:

You need to make this kvass in stages:

  1. Pour crackers in a jar with boiling water, leave for 4 hours and strain.
  2. Add yeast and let the mixture ferment for 6 hours.
  3. Add honey and grated horseradish to the mass, mix thoroughly.
  4. Pour liquid, add raisins.
  5. Infuse the drink for only 2 hours and enjoy the vigorous sharp aftertaste.

For okroshka

Kvass on bread, water and sugar is ideal for okroshka. It will not be difficult to make it if you follow this recipe.

With wheat and honey

Do you want to learn how to make fortified bread kvass with bifidobacteria? If everything is done correctly, the output will be a rich, healthy drink that is not ashamed to be served at the festive table. It will replace carbonated treats and improve the functioning of the digestive system, which often suffers after a feast.

What to do with products for kvass? Rinse the wheat and soak in cold water for 9-11 hours. Drain the water and rinse the beans again. Cover the bowl, leaving the material to germinate for a day or two. If the room is warm, germs will appear quickly. If the process is delayed, the grains must be periodically washed and the old water drained.

Pass the sprouted shoots through a meat grinder. Pour water into a 5-liter bottle (not to the eyeballs), throw in prepared wheat, sugar and add kvass wort. Stir the composition and add water, if there is space. Cover the jar with a napkin and keep the battery for 2 days. Homemade kvass will be ready as soon as a foam cap appears on the surface. Drink the drink with pleasure, but do not forget that it is low-alcohol.

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Almost every country has its own popular national drinks, and housewives often share their secrets with neighbors and friends. Our national drink is kvass, and we will be happy to share with you how to make bread kvass at home - to quench your thirst and health. Thanks to its special composition, this invigorating drink increases our efficiency, improves digestion and saturates the body with nutrients.

Kvass is the oldest drink, known in ancient Egypt for the 3rd millennium BC. And the Slavic peoples brewed kvass when Kievan Rus did not yet exist. Starting from the 12th-13th centuries, kvass became a ubiquitous and daily drink in Rus', and by the 15th century there were more than 500 kvass varieties! In Russia, a very honorable profession was the profession of "kvass", and its carriers were narrow specialists in the preparation of certain kvass varieties.

And until now, in the villages where national traditions in the consumption of kvass drinks have been preserved, they talk about how to “brew” kvass, and not cook it, which very eloquently speaks of the deep roots of popular love for this amazing drink.

Homemade kvass from black bread can be cooked with or without yeast. Yeast accelerates the maturation of the drink, and therefore this method is very popular among chefs.

But yeast-based kvass drinks have serious contraindications - they should not be drunk by children and pregnant women, because, one way or another, yeast makes the drink low-alcohol. But for all other people it is very useful to drink it, and therefore consider the popular recipe for making bread kvass with yeast.

* Advice from Cook
The main rule for obtaining high-quality bread kvass at home is clean and soft water. Therefore, before using tap water in a home recipe, it must be boiled. You can also use filtered water or spring (forest) water. Well water is often characterized by increased hardness and it is also recommended to boil it.

How to make kvass from bread at home using baker's yeast, but in such a way that the smell of yeast is not captured? This is possible if you have patience and do everything according to technology. The technology is three-stage, but as a result you will get homemade kvass of the highest quality!

Stage I: making sourdough on bread and yeast

We dry small pieces of black bread with crusts in the oven until light blackness. The color of the final product depends on the degree of roasting of crackers.

We begin to prepare the starter: in a clean jar with a capacity of 3 liters, we pour 100-150 g of crackers, 3-4 tbsp. sugar and pour boiling water over three-quarters of the volume of the jar. Leave to cool to 30-35 degrees. It is better to fill the crackers at night, covering the jar with a terry towel to retain heat for the maximum time.

Dissolve 15 g of pressed yeast in half a glass of warm water, pour into a jar of breadcrumbs, stir and cover the container with a towel or gauze. We put in a warm corner for fermentation. You will have to wait a day or a little more for the starter to be ready. During fermentation, the softened crackers rise to the top, and the sourdough remains at the bottom.

After a day, we select the top layer of crackers with a spoon, pour the liquid into the sink, because it smells strongly of yeast and is unpleasant to drink. What is left at the bottom of the jar is the yeast starter. We put it in a clean 3-liter jar and proceed to the second stage of preparing a drink from bread.

* Advice from Cook
The most popular homemade kvass recipe is made from Borodino bread, which gives the folk elixir a piquant sourness and flavor. Try it too!

Stage II: preparation of young sourdough kvass

Young sourdough on fresh sourdough will have a slight yeasty smell, but with each new portion of the drink, the smell of yeast will become weaker and soon disappear completely!

We add 150 g of Borodino bread crackers to the freshly prepared sourdough, a third of a glass of sugar (the finished product can then be sweetened more) and pour warm (30-35 degrees) boiled water, without adding 5 cm to the neck. Cover with a towel and set to ferment.

In about a day, kvass is ready. We pour the finished infusion into a clean bowl through a layer of gauze so that the drink is pleasing to the eye and suspended particles of bread do not float in it. Before putting it to cool, we bottle it, throw a few raisins into each, close it tightly and put it in the refrigerator for carbonation.

Stage III: use of the starter for the next portions of the starter drinks

Before preparing a new portion, we select all large pieces of bread from the remaining thick, and put fresh kvass on the remaining sourdough. Thus, you will always have at home an invigorating and very useful drink for digestion - a real elixir of health!

The amount of starter will increase, it will become stronger and more effective, and the smell of yeast will completely disappear. Of course, you do not need so much, and therefore you either distribute it to acquaintances, relatives and friends or throw it away.

The sourdough will not spoil if stored in the refrigerator. Before storage, do not add anything to it (especially sugar), dilute it with boiled water a little, close it tightly and place it in the upper section, closer to the freezer. The sourdough will keep for more than 2-3 weeks.

To prepare fresh kvass infusion from bread, all you have to do is take out the treasured jar from the refrigerator and put a new portion! Remember that you need to cook it not only in the summer heat, but in winter it will give you strength and health, support immunity and normalize metabolism. Bread kvass at home is a guarantee of high quality and product safety!

Kvass: simple recipes

The best recipe for making kvass from rye bread at home. How to choose the ingredients, secrets and subtleties of making a tonic drink.

2 l

3.5 days

30 kcal

5/5 (1)

Kvass began to be prepared thousands of years ago. It replaced modern sodas for people and remains our favorite today. In hot weather, it perfectly quenches thirst and restores strength. And the best thing is that we can make kvass ourselves from bread or bread sourdough for kvass at home.

But first, let's figure out what kind of bread kvass is beneficial and what harm. It can harm only people who suffer from gastritis or ulcers, hypertension and cirrhosis of the liver.

It is also not recommended for young children and pregnant women. But what home-made bread kvass is useful for, many have known since childhood. It contains vitamins of groups B, PP, E. It contains useful trace elements and substances that help improve metabolism, reduce weight and maintain immunity in general.

I always loved grandfather's kvass when I came to the village, and today I want to tell you how to make homemade kvass from black bread according to a simple old recipe.

Kitchen appliances: oven, two cans (3 and 0.5 l), spoon, knife.

Required Ingredients

For sourdough

For kvass

  • Rye crackers - 200 g (3 handfuls).
  • Leaven.
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.

How to choose the right ingredients

To make kvass tasty, like in childhood, you need:

  • Take only quality yeast.
  • Self-dry croutons from two or more types of high-quality rye bread.
  • Use clean filtered water.

Cooking process

  1. Pour a couple of handfuls of bread into a small jar. Add yeast, sugar and cover with water. Mix well and close the lid. Leave for 2 days in a warm place in direct sunlight.

  2. Cut the bread into cubes and place on a baking sheet. Put in the oven for 40 minutes until the bread turns into browned crackers. Let them cool down. Then put 3 handfuls of ready-made crackers and sugar in a large jar. Slowly pour in 1 liter of boiling water, stirring all the time. Cool the mixture to room temperature and add the starter. Stir thoroughly, cover the jar with gauze and place for another day in a warm sunny place.

  3. When the kvass is ready, strain it through a sieve, pour into another bowl and refrigerate for another 5-6 hours. After that, cold fresh kvass can be drunk!

Video recipe for making kvass

Now watch a video where a man tells how to make bread kvass at home. He explains all the nuances of making kvass, clearly shows and comments on each of his actions.

What to serve kvass with

Kvass is a drink that is great on hot days. At such a time, you don’t feel like eating at all, and therefore it’s not customary to serve anything to him. But you can, for example, make a delicious afternoon snack for children and serve a fresh bun or a couple of stumps with cold kvass. And there are many recipes in which kvass is used as the basis for cold summer soups.

In the summer, perhaps the best drink that quenches thirst, gives strength and refreshes, is natural kvass. It is impossible to say exactly how it affects our body. Some say that there is no better and healthier drink to be found. Others claim the opposite.

Kvass. Benefit and harm

The benefits are endless. Traditional medicine with both hands for the introduction of this drink into the diet. This is explained by the following useful properties. For example, the natural yeast contained in the composition has a positive effect on the state of health in general, as it contains a large amount of trace elements and vitamins. Kvass has a good effect on the nervous system, helps to strengthen hair, nails, and also improves the skin. This drink not only perfectly quenches thirst, but also effectively fights against fatigue and anemia. It will also help those who suffer from insomnia and poor appetite. However, in addition to all the above useful properties, kvass also has the opposite qualities. In general, any specific product has certain contraindications for use.

For example, it should be borne in mind that kvass, made from rye bread at home, contains about two percent alcohol. The concentration is quite small, and, in fact, does not cause any harm to health, no matter how much the drink is consumed. However, alcohol is still present in it, so it is not recommended to give it in large quantities to children. In everything you need to know the measure. Its use should also be limited to persons who are addicted to alcohol. You also need to be careful for those who suffer from chronic diseases of the gallbladder, liver, and pancreas. This also includes various colitis, gout, liver disease, as well as the presence of allergic reactions to products that contain gluten.

Here he is, kvass. Benefit and harm, of course, relative, are combined in one drink. However, if you follow all the warnings and recommendations, then it will only bring health.

Cooking kvass

Many families traditionally prepare kvass at home from rye bread. It is the simplest and therefore the most common. To prepare this drink, you will need the following ingredients: water (ten liters), one kilogram of rye bread, 25 grams of fresh yeast and a glass of sugar, maybe a little more. Boil liquid. Bread must be cut, and then dried croutons. It is desirable that they acquire a dark crust. It is thanks to her that a slightly smoky aroma and spicy taste appear in the drink. Next, the cooked crackers need to be poured with boiling water and let it brew for about five hours. Then the liquid must be filtered and pre-dissolved yeast is added. Followed by a glass of sugar.

In the case when kvass is prepared from rye bread with dry yeast, then they should be taken at the rate of one bag of 5 grams per 25 grams of fresh. In principle, there is no difference in what form they are added. Therefore, you need to take the option that is more convenient. After the yeast and sugar are added, everything needs to be mixed well, but gently, covered and allowed to ferment for about five hours. After this time, kvass should foam, then it needs to be filtered again and after that it can be bottled. You can also put a few raisins in them. Then the drink will acquire a unique spicy aroma. This is how kvass is made from rye bread with raisins. Its taste is richer and richer. After that, the bottles are corked and put in the refrigerator for a couple of days.

Why does mold appear?

Many of those who have tried to make bread kvass on their own complain about the appearance of mold during the infusion process. This can happen for two well-known reasons. The first of them - if the containers where kvass was boiled or where kvass was poured were not clean enough. To avoid such troubles, it is best to sterilize the dishes. The second reason why mold can appear in the bottle is the presence of air, which creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of fungal colonies. Therefore, when pouring kvass into bottles, it is better to close them with a lid with a hole. A tube is threaded into it, with the help of which air is extracted from the container.


The following rye bread kvass recipe is very similar to the previous one in terms of the amount of the main ingredient used. You need five liters of water, 1.3 kg of sugar, 50 g of fresh yeast, one glass of wheat flour. This kvass is called "Boyarsky". In this case, you will need to pre-prepare the starter. It is done in the following way. Fresh yeast is dissolved in a glass of warm water with a little sugar added. Then the container can be additionally held over the steam. Heat and a small amount of sugar will effectively activate the yeast. This recipe for kvass from rye bread suggests the presence of mint petals.

Dried leaves must be steamed with boiling water. Rye bread can be crushed and poured with hot water. You can also use crackers instead. You can cook them yourself by cutting slices of bread into cubes and drying them in the oven at a low temperature. But if you already have ready-made ones at hand, it is very convenient to use them. After soaking bread or crackers, the infusion must be cooled to 30 degrees and add sourdough, mint decoction, sugar to it. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Next, the liquid must be filtered. After that, it can be bottled or any convenient glass container that can be corked. The refrigerator is best for storage. A few days - and the drink is ready to drink.


Kvass from rye crackers called "Russian" has a rich and dense taste, for which many people love it. Thanks to these qualities, it can be called satisfying. He is really able to satisfy not only thirst, but also hunger. Which is not typical for this type of drink. Also, thanks to the combination of ingredients, it has a delicate classic aroma. How to cook rye kvass using crackers? Everything is extremely simple. It is necessary to take about a kilogram of rye crackers and immediately pour them with five liters of boiling water, then leave for about 5 hours, not completely covered. Meanwhile, 50 grams of fresh yeast should be dissolved in one liter of warm water.

To get a starter, you need to add a little sugar. If the yeast does not activate after a few minutes, and foam does not appear, then it is advisable to put the solution in a warm place, you can even cover it. This rye bread kvass recipe also contains raisins. For cooking, it is better to use a dark variety. This will give the drink not only a richer taste, but also a dark noble color. Raisins will need about 50 grams. After the time has elapsed, the infusion, sourdough and another glass of sugar must be mixed and left for about a day. After 12 hours, the liquid must be filtered and poured into containers. Kvass will be infused in them for the next few days, so washed and dried raisins are added directly to the bottle. The drink ripens best in the refrigerator, and its best taste qualities appear on the fourth day.

Kvass, familiar from childhood

It is also impossible not to recall the traditional version of kvass preparation, to which many have become accustomed since childhood. For him, you need only a few slices of dark bread, Borodino is best. You also need a handful of raisins and a teaspoon of dry yeast, as well as a glass and a half of sugar.

Bread needs to be slightly dried and browned. To do this, it is better to send the slices to the oven, heated to 140-150 degrees, for about 20-25 minutes. After that, the resulting dark crackers should be placed in a three-liter bottle. It is also necessary to pour the indicated amount of sugar there, add raisins, as well as yeast.

Then everything is poured with ordinary water at room temperature. After that, you need to mix everything thoroughly. It is necessary to ensure that sugar crystals do not remain undissolved at the bottom of the jar. Next, the container must be loosely closed and left for about a day. After that, the liquid is filtered. It can be bottled or returned to an already clean jar and let it brew for at least another day. This will give the drink a richer and aged taste. Kvass can be consumed even after the first day after infusion. He's already ready.

The benefits of kvass prepared without yeast

Traditionally Russian is considered a recipe for kvass from rye bread without yeast. The question immediately arises - due to what then does fermentation occur? The fact is that yeast-free sourdough does an excellent job with this task. She prepares very simply. Crackers, along with crusts, are soaked in water with the addition of a small amount of sugar. When the mixture begins to ferment, a wort is formed - the same yeast-free sourdough. A drink based on it is considered very healthy and nutritious. Many useful trace elements and vitamins contain rye kvass. The benefits of it are about the same as from the regular use of sour-milk products. For example, kefir, curdled milk, fermented baked milk and others. Beneficial bacteria that arise during the fermentation process help to improve intestinal motility, and also normalize the work of the entire gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the drink has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

Step-by-step recipe for kvass without yeast

The process of making kvass on rye bread without adding yeast is conditionally divided into two parts. At the first stage, it is necessary to prepare the starter, which will act as a fermentation activator. To do this, you will need a couple of slices of rye bread along with a crust, one teaspoon of sugar, and two glasses of warm water. Before you mix everything, you should consider one more important point. Slices of bread should be slightly toasted.

This can be done in the oven or in a skillet. After that, they must be put in a half-liter jar, covered with sugar and poured with water. Next, the container should be covered with a towel and put in a warm place. Thus, after a day at a suitable temperature, the wort will be ready. If the container with the starter is in a cooler place, then it will take at least two days for fermentation. The readiness of the wort can be determined by the sharp sour smell and the cloudy appearance of the liquid itself.

Second phase

Then you can proceed to the second stage of preparation. To do this, prepared and ripened wort is poured into a three-liter bottle. Fried crackers, two tablespoons of sugar are also sent there, then the container is filled with water approximately to the level of the neck. The jar must be covered with a towel and placed in a warm or sunny place for several days. After the time has elapsed, the liquid must be filtered. You can do this not with the entire volume, but only with its upper third. Since the sediment sinks to the bottom at rest, the middle part becomes almost transparent. A characteristic foam forms on top, which should be disposed of.

After straining, sugar or honey can be added to the finished kvass to taste. One or two tablespoons per three-liter jar will suffice. You can already enjoy your drink. But gourmets are advised to bottle it with the addition of a few raisins to each. That part of the kvass that had to be filtered should not be poured out. It will come in handy for preparing the next batch of drink as a starter. The remainder should be about a liter. To prepare a new kvass, a handful of crackers and a few tablespoons of sugar are added to the sourdough. After that, the volume is brought by adding water to the initial mark of three liters.

The process is repeated again. Properly prepared sourdough can be used up to three times. If already in the second run the drink did not seem as successful as in the first, then the workpiece cannot be used.

White kvass

Among other recipes, one is also known for preparing white kvass from rye flour. It will take three liters of water, a slice of dark bread and sugar. And of course, the basis of the drink is rye flour. It will need about 300 grams. For cooking, you should take a container of about five liters, into which you need to pour flour, and then pour in water at room temperature. The pot must be put on a slow fire. The liquid should be constantly stirred and brought to a boil, then immediately turned off. In this process, the formation of lumps from the dough is not excluded.

To avoid this, flour should be pre-mixed with sugar. Next, you need to dry a slice of bread, preferably until a dark crust forms. It is more convenient, of course, to use ready-made crackers. Add them to the liquid and leave to ferment for a few days. When the process subsides a little, kvass can be filtered and bottled. It is better to store it in the refrigerator. The sediment remaining at the bottom can be used as a starter for making the next kvass.


Now you know the recipe for kvass from rye bread. This drink can be consumed separately, but do not forget that in Slavic cuisine a lot of cold soups are prepared on its basis. For example, a refreshing okroshka. What could be better in the summer heat!
