
How to cook mash from wheat. Proper wort preparation and fermentation conditions

Moonshine made with yeast is faster, but the taste and smell of the product suffer greatly. If you cook without yeast, then the cooking process is delayed, but moonshine is much better. The preparation of mash should be approached responsibly and carefully follow the instructions for preparation. In this case, it will go through the fermentation stage no worse than yeast.

Moonshine from wheat without yeast

To make moonshine without yeast, they should be replaced by some kind of substrate. Most often in its role is cereal malt. Braga is soft, with a pleasant taste. The preparation time is usually about fifteen days.

First of all, you should choose high-quality grain. It must meet the following criteria:

Water for the preparation of wheat mash is taken clean. It can be spring water or store water, without gas. It is not recommended to use tap water. Even a small amount of chlorine in the water can kill the living microorganisms that will be involved in the fermentation process. The ingredients for the mash are selected in the following proportion: thirty-five liters of water will require ten kilograms of selected wheat grains and the same amount of sugar. To make moonshine from sprouted wheat, you must carefully follow the technology.

Moonshine from germinated wheat without yeast

Recipe for grain mash:

Surely many have heard about the benefits of germinated wheat for the human body. Moonshine prepared in this way absorbs all the useful qualities of grains. It is much better and safer than industrially produced vodka.

In order for the mash on wheat without yeast to ferment and as a result alcohol is obtained, enough wheat malt, which is formed in germinated wheat. It is absolutely not required to add additional components to activate the process.

There is another recipe for making mash with wild wheat yeast. In this case, it is ground into flour and poured into water in this form.

Wheat mash recipe for moonshine

Pre-sprouted grain is dried in the oven and ground. Then mixed with sugar and poured with water . About four days the wort will be prepared. The temperature should be at least twenty-seven degrees.

As soon as the fermentation process is over, the alcohol is sent to the still for distillation. It is best to clean such moonshine with kefir.

In order to get a good mash from wild wheat yeast, follows one part grain sprout. Thus, fermentation processes are activated in wheat. And already sprouted grains will affect the rest. Otherwise, germinated grains are called malt. For its preparation, one kilogram of sugar per five kilograms of selected wheat is enough.

There are recipes in which sprouting is not required, but in this case, additional components are needed to activate fermentation.

How from wheat for moonshine?

Grain mash on wheat

To put grain mash without yeast, you will need fifteen liters of purified water, three kilograms of wheat and three sugars.

The recipe is the following. The grains are prepared as follows: the rotten parts and husks are removed, sieved and necessarily washed. Half a kilogram of sugar is mixed in one liter of pure water and wheat is poured with this syrup. To prepare wheat mash, it is recommended to take a container with a wide outlet, otherwise the cooking process will be delayed.

After four days, foam appears on the surface. The remaining sugar is added to the mixture and the container is closed with a water seal. The fermentation period of such a mash is about ten days.. During this time, the container is periodically opened and stirred, so that oxygen enters the liquid and activates the work of fungi.

Under optimal conditions, from five kilograms of wheat, you can get four and a half liters of good moonshine. Moreover, its strength will not be lower than forty degrees.

Unfortunately, sometimes the result is worse than expected. The cause is often a small amount of starch in the grain.

In order to make pale malt from wild wheat yeast, you need pure water and sorted wheat. Recipe:

Braga cooked with wheat malt is purified with kefir or activated charcoal. Coal is quite enough to take fifty grams per liter of drink. Distillation will require at least two. If the fortress exceeds forty degrees, add clean water. When the liquid contains too much alcohol, the moonshine can break. The best option is to lower the level to twenty degrees with water. Such a composition will be better cleaned of harmful impurities.

During the second distillation, fusel oils are separated, and moonshine is obtained with a strength of forty-five degrees.

Moonshiner Timofey: mash on wheat

Hops are brewed and dry malt is added to it. How to prepare malt from germinated wheat is described above. Two liters of pure water will require two glasses of dried hops and a glass of flour. Instead of sugar, chopped pears and apples are added. Such a mash roams for at least ten days.

Attention, only TODAY!

Each country has its own trends and traditions in the production of alcohol. In Mexico it's cactus tequila, in Holland it's juniper gin, in Switzerland it's wormwood absinthe, and so on. In Russia it is without a doubt wheat vodka. Since ancient times, wheat has been the main component for the preparation of strong drinks. It gives alcohol a pleasant bready taste, light aftertaste and softness. Braga on wheat is considered a "classic" for forcing a strong drink, popularly referred to as moonshine. If you follow the elementary rules and the exposure time, you can achieve an excellent result.

Important nuances

To prepare wheat mash without yeast for moonshine, you need to include “cereal malt” in the base. It is a natural product consisting of germinated cereals. Here, the main thing is to withstand millet for a strictly specified time, because during overexposure, the drink will have an unpleasant musty smell and sour taste.

It is very important to choose the right raw materials and give preference to high-quality wheat.

Do not use feed wheat or bulk with mold and wormholes. Even after a thorough search of such a product, moonshine will not get better.

Braga from germinated wheat, cooked according to all the rules, will be able to please you with excellent taste only if you use good selected grains.

Basic cooking steps

Independent production of grain alcohol is not limited to one option. You can cook wheat mash without or with yeast, on sprouted or regular grains, with or without sugar. Numerous recipes have one thing in common - the same manufacturing steps, which are as follows:

  • selection, cleaning of raw materials;
  • determination of proportions and preparation of mash;
  • distillation of moonshine;
  • alcohol purification.

To choose the most suitable option for yourself, it is recommended to try each mash recipe. Perhaps you will find that perfect way to create a branded strong drink that can surprise not only you - wow, I didn’t even believe it! But also guests.

Without the use of yeast

As a result of the use of grain mash on wheat without yeast, a 100% natural product will be obtained without any impurities and additives. For manufacturing you will need:

  1. Prepare 5 kg of grain wheat, thoroughly clean, sift and remove dust, husk particles, and other foreign matter.
  2. Next, the mixture is poured with water at room temperature so as to completely cover the grain and there was still a couple of centimeters on top. You can’t pour cold or hot water - in both cases, the wheat may not “hatch” and then all efforts will come to naught.
  3. 1.5 kg of sugar is poured into the consistency, after which it is transferred to a wide but low pan or basin and sent to a dark place for germination.

  1. It is important to carefully monitor the growth process of the cobs so as not to miss the right moment. When the first sprouts appear, 15 liters of clean water at room temperature and another 5 kg of sugar are added to the germinated wheat. This process can already be carried out in a more capacious container, in which there is a water seal. It is placed in a warm place and left for 10 days.

After that, moonshine is cleaned with activated carbon or any other method and distilled again to improve quality and taste effects.

Wheat brew with yeast

To make mash with yeast, you can use one of two main methods. It should be noted that if you want to drive out more moonshine, you can double or triple the indicated proportions.

Method number 1

4 kg of grain must be ground into powder and mixed with 1 kg of sugar, add 100 g of yeast, pour all 3 liters of clean water at room temperature. The mixture is well mixed and brought to a homogeneous consistency. It is necessary to withstand the components for 1 week in a warm place. Braga on wheat is well filtered and banished 2 times.

For cooking, it is recommended to use special alcohol yeast. With them, the fermentation process is faster and with less foaming. But most importantly, this strain produces the most products of secondary metabolism. Among them are fusel oils, esters, acetic and ether aldehyde, etc. All this creates unique organoleptic properties.

Method number 2

It will take 2 kg of sifted cereal, 1.5 liters of water at room temperature, everything is mixed and left for 3 days until the cobs germinate. After this period, in a separate large container, heat 15 liters of water to 50 ° C, dissolve 4-5 kg ​​of sugar, cool to 35 ° C, add 100 g of yeast and germinated wheat.

Place the mixture in a large container with a lid and keep for 2 weeks, but before that, be sure to wrap it in a warm blanket.

It is very important to choose a tank with a large margin for the fermentation process, since the reaction of the yeast causes an increase in mass volumes. It is stirred daily with a wooden spoon or stick to use as much organic matter as possible.

To maintain the desired temperature, use a conventional aquarium heater. During the entire fermentation process, the temperature should be kept at around 22-28 ° C. Not higher and not lower, otherwise the mushrooms will simply die.

VIDEO: Braga on wheat and wild yeast

Dried cereal base

This recipe makes it possible to get strong moonshine on wheat without yeast, which as a result will convey a slightly tart aftertaste. There are more complex methods, but we will consider a simplified one that requires 4 days for the whole process.

So, how to make wheat mash and what ingredients are needed for this.

We need the following components:

  • cereals - 5 kg;
  • pure water at room temperature - 15 l;
  • sugar - 7 kg.

The initial stage is to germinate the grain until the first sprouts appear. After that, the cereals are laid out on a baking sheet and dried in the oven. It is very important to monitor the process so that the feedstock does not burn, otherwise this will affect the deterioration in the taste of the starter from the grain.

After the millet is completely dry, it must be ground into coarse flour, which must be mixed with sugar and poured with warm water. Observe the above proportions, otherwise the sugar and cereal mash may not reach the stage of decomposition of organic substances or simply turn sour.

Before putting the mash on wheat, heat the water to 22-24°C. If it is colder, the mass will not begin to ferment; if it is hot, it will curl into lumps that will then be impossible to break.

All components are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained and placed in a container, which, in turn, stands in a dark and warm place. The duration of fermentation does not exceed 4 days, therefore, after this time, the finished wheat brew for moonshine is sent for distillation using a traditional distiller with a steamer and a coil.

Whichever wheat wort recipe is chosen, the distillation process is no different - 2nd distillation with separation of tails and heads and subsequent purification

Ready-made moonshine must be immediately cleaned with one of the most suitable methods - activated, charcoal, egg protein, rye bread or other options. If, after the second or third distillation, the degree of wheat moonshine has risen greatly, the alcoholic drink can be diluted with spring or filtered water. After that, the drink is infused for 3-5 days.

How to lighten up

So that sedimentary elements do not burn in the cooked mash, it needs to be clarified. To do this, modern moonshiners use betonite clay absorbent.

This component is mixed with clean water in proportions of 1:5, after which it is left to swell, this requires at least 4 hours. Water is drained and diluted with a small amount of moonshine, mixed, infused for 1 hour and poured into the total volume of cooked mash. After the purification process, the drink is filtered, and the sedimentary components are eliminated.

It is forbidden to drain the sediment into the general sewer, as the betonite hardens quickly, resulting in strong plugs.

After filtering and following all the rules of distillation, you will get a good moonshine with a pleasant smell and a bready aftertaste.

VIDEO: Wheat moonshine - step by step technology from mash to tasting

As in all areas of human activity, trends and fashion have also formed in moonshine. Today we will talk about the actual method of making this drink, or rather, wheat moonshine. Which so harmoniously combines the natural taste of wheat, quality and a pleasant bready aftertaste.

To make moonshine without the use of yeast, they are replaced with a special substrate made from germinated wheat, the so-called "Cereal malt". In this method, the main thing is to responsibly approach the preparation process and follow the deadlines, because overdoing it a little or overlooking it can spoil the result, and, most importantly, the impression of this drink.

Wheat must be bought only of high quality, it is unacceptable if it contains rot or wormholes. It is not worth sorting out such wheat. It is better to take good quality right away, since many defects will not be visible to the naked eye, but they will give a negative result during fermentation. Only in this case, moonshine will have an excellent taste, and will delight you and your friends with a clean, deep taste.

There are a lot of recipes for cooking mash at home, the main thing here is to strictly follow the sequence and at first exclude improvisation in order to exclude the negative result of our work. Good luck, on our website you will find many useful recipes and tips!

Old-fashioned method of making mash

We offer to surprise guests with wheat moonshine prepared by you personally - a drink that harmoniously combines natural taste, quality and strength. Let's take a closer look at how mash is obtained on wheat without yeast at home.

It has become relevant to drive moonshine without the use of yeast, for this they are replaced with cereals obtained from germinated wheat, also, so that the fermentation process begins, the main thing is to responsibly prepare the ingredients.

For germination, it is necessary to select good quality wheat grains so that they do not have wormholes, signs of diaper rash, and an unpleasant odor, that is, wheat must be of high quality, then wheat mash without yeast for moonshine will have an excellent taste.

It is important that at this stage we prepare high-quality raw materials. Then the wheat mash for moonshine will be of high quality.

A recipe that is used by several generations of moonshiners and allows you to get a good product at the end:

  1. Wash 10 kg of wheat with water several times;
  2. Fall asleep in the tank;
  3. Pour water five centimeters above the level of raw materials.

The technology in which wheat swells takes 2-3 days. Then, in warm water with a volume of 15 liters, dilute 3 kg of sugar, be sure to mix thoroughly so that the sugar dissolves, pour the resulting mixture into a container, leave it under a water seal. It should be noted that the fermentation temperature should be . As soon as the fermentation process is over, dilute another 3 kg of sugar in 5 liters of warm water and pour into the mash, leave it under a water seal. After fermentation, the mash has a golden color, smells like bread, and it tastes bitter, while the grain settles to the bottom. All, the fermentation process is over, drain through the mesh (so that the grain remains in the tank) and distill.

And in the tank (we have grain left in the tank), re-fill the diluted sugar in water (6 kg of sugar per 20 liters of water). And so you can do 4 times, but each time the fermentation period increases by 3 days. Also during the second distillation, the bread smell disappears.

The output of moonshine, subject to this proportion, is 7 liters, a fortress of 50 degrees.

homemade drink recipe

The recipe for wheat mash for moonshine contains the following ingredients:

  • 5 kg. grains of wheat;
  • 7 kg. Sahara;
  • The required volume of water is 15 liters.

We mix the ingredients, pour water, mix everything thoroughly, pour it into glass jars and move it to a warm place for 4 days. If possible, it is convenient to use special containers with a water seal, which can be purchased or made independently. If glass jars are used, a rubber glove is a good tool to effectively observe fermentation, it is pulled over the jar, having previously made a puncture at the site of the finger.

We are waiting for the mash to come up and ripen, it will take us 4 days. We have dismantled how to prepare wheat mash for moonshine, now we can proceed to the distillation of moonshine.

Recipe using wheat sourdough

How to make wheat mash for moonshine with the gradual addition of ingredients, we will consider in this recipe. First, let's prepare the starter:

  1. We wash 1 kilogram of grains and fill it with water so that it is 5 cm higher than the level of wheat.
  2. We do not disturb during the day;
  3. Then add 0.5 kg. sugar, mix
  4. We send raw materials for 10 days to a warm place.

The resulting sourdough can be poured into a bottle or other container, add another 3 kg. sugar and 3 kg. wheat, fill everything with warm water, leave for 7 days, after which you can cook moonshine.

Recipe for a drink made from dried wheat grains

Grain mash on wheat is also prepared using the following recipe:

  • grains are dried in the oven;
  • crushed to the consistency of flour;
  • pour sugar;
  • mix the ingredients;
  • are filled with water.

The ratio of the composition to the mash:

  1. 5 kg. grains of wheat;
  2. 7 kg. Sahara;
  3. the required volume of water - 15 l;
  4. The fermentation technology takes 4 days, the raw materials for this are also placed in a warm place.

The formed mash is distilled in the same way as in the preparation of moonshine, in the classical way.

To achieve the maximum result: improving quality, eliminating taste, improving transparency, it is recommended to use moonshine cleaning with bentonite or activated carbon.

  1. Grain fermentation.
  2. Alcohol formation.
  3. Distillation of moonshine from the total liquid mass.
  4. Purification of the resulting product.

During fermentation, an alcohol-containing drink is released. But its purification and bringing to the usual form of alcohol is possible only after distillation through a special apparatus.

Classic, strong moonshine should not pour, but only drip. The first portions are the strongest (they can contain at least 70), they are diluted with the rest of the moonshine, achieving the desired degree. Ordinary sugar drink is inferior to moonshine made from wheat without yeast . And there are a number of reasons for this.

grain alcohol

It costs more than any other. This is due to the fact that a natural product is used in its manufacture. During fermentation, the sprout is able to break down starch, release sugar, form alcohol, and all this while maintaining the astringency of the whole grain.

Factory production still sins by adding any enzymes to the drink. And natural moonshine in its composition has only wheat and water. Wheat moonshine is easy to drink, has a mild taste and the strength necessary for the drink. This can be achieved by following a proven recipe for moonshine made from wheat.

It is important! Grain should be taken only of high quality, not processed for sowing, dry and without prejudice. At least part of the wheat must be germinated. High-quality raw materials will make it possible to prepare a good mash.

The main part of whole grains is starch. This special sugar is not absorbed by the yeast. In grain, the starch content can be from 40 to 70%. The indicator depends on the type of product. The process of getting alcohol at home looks like this:

  1. The grain is boiled to the composition of the paste.
  2. With the help of malt (sprouted grain), the composition is saccharified.
  3. There is a withdrawal of starch from the grain in a free state.
  4. With the help of enzymes, malt breaks down starch into sugar molecules.
  5. The resulting product is distilled into alcohol.

Wheat moonshine can be made in two ways. The first involves a separate production of malt, in the second fermentation of the grain occurs without it. There is no need to add yeast or factory enzymes.

Braga from wheat without yeast

Good mash is infused without yeast. Their role will be performed by wheat malt mixed with sugar. So you need

  • 4 kilograms of quality wheat grain;
  • 4 kilograms of sugar;
  • 30 liters of water.

The process of preparing mash is usually stretched for 2 weeks. Sort and rinse clean grain before use. The preparation steps are as follows:

  1. Take a quarter of the grain and put it on the bottom of the container. Pour water over the wheat so that it is barely covered. Close the container with a tight lid. In 1-2 days in a dark, moist environment, the grains will begin to germinate.
  2. Now add a half-liter jar of sugar and mix the grains well. This time, tie the top of the container with gauze and leave in a warm place for 10-12 days. This time is enough to get the starter. It will cause fermentation.
  3. Pour the starter into a glass container with a narrow neck (green glass bottles are suitable for making wine). Add remaining sugar and wheat. Pour everything with lukewarm water.
  4. The mash bottle does not need to be removed from sunlight. Put a rubber glove on her neck. Room temperature is sufficient for the fermentation process, which should be completed in 1-1.5 weeks.

Now moonshine from wheat will need to be distilled into alcohol. For this purpose, any moonshine still is suitable. The described method of making moonshine at home is quite laborious. However, the risks of not getting a quality drink are reduced to zero here.

The second recipe for moonshine from wheat does not involve the preparation of sourdough separately. But here, until the very end, it may not be clear whether alcohol is released in the total mass.

Cooking wheat mash without sourdough

This method takes the same time, but its technology is a little simpler. It will take

  • 5 kilograms of wheat grain;
  • 6.5 kilograms of sugar;
  • 15 liters of water.

The main difference of this recipe is that all wheat is used for germination at once. At the same time, pouring it into a container, add 1.5 kilograms of sugar. The first sprouts on the wheat will serve as the signal to add the rest of the sugar and warm water.

On the container in which all the ingredients are located, you need to put on a rubber glove. In 10-14 days, the process of making moonshine will be completed. After distillation, the finished drink should be filtered.

The use of quality raw materials, adherence to time intervals and temperature conditions, as well as thorough cleaning ensure that the resulting moonshine belongs to the category of well-made alcoholic beverages. Still, it’s not worth talking about the benefits of the product, but there will be no poisoning after drinking it.


Cooking technology

If you decide to put moonshine on wheat, then you have to choose a manufacturing method. So, it can be made with or without yeast, adding granulated sugar or neglecting this ingredient. Wheat is taken either ordinary or germinated.

The most important steps:

  1. Selection and purification of raw materials.
  2. Making mash.
  3. Distillation.
  4. Moonshine cleaning.

To understand which method suits you, it is advisable to try to prepare a drink according to all recipes.

Moonshine on wheat - cooking without yeast

This option is very popular. It differs from others in that the output will be the most natural product.


First you need to prepare the raw materials. Take 5 kg of wheat and sift it so that the fraction remains clean (impurities and dust are removed). Grains need to be filled with warm water so that it slightly hides the top layer.

Add 1.5 kg of granulated sugar to the wheat mass. Place the container in a warm place. Now you need to germinate wheat for moonshine. If you did everything right, then soon you will see the first young sprouts.

As soon as the grains have sprouted, add 15 liters of water and 5 kg of granulated sugar to the container. If the old container allows, then you can do it in it. Otherwise, take the container deeper, with a narrow neck. Install a water seal and leave the mass in a warm place for 10 days.

After this time, wheat mash without yeast is considered ready. It can be sent to the moonshine for distillation. After the first distillation, purify the alcohol. Most often, activated charcoal is used in this case. For 1 liter of liquid, take 50 g of powder obtained from crushed tablets. Pour it into moonshine and leave it like that for a week. Filter the drink and send it to the secondary distillation.

Making moonshine with yeast

There are 2 options for making mash for distillation.

1 way

Grind 4 kg of peeled wheat into flour. Add the following ingredients to it: 100 g of yeast, 1 kg of sugar, 3 liters of water. Mix the mass very carefully, install a water seal. Place the container for a week in a warm and dark place. After 7 days, filter the mass. Now it should be distilled and cleaned. This is followed by a second distillation.

2 way

Take 2 kg of sifted wheat. Pour in 2 liters of warm water. Leave for 3 days in a dark and warm place. During this time, the grains should germinate. Take a large saucepan and heat 15 liters of water in it to 50 degrees. Enter 5 kg of granulated sugar into the container. Cool the water to 35 degrees and add 100 g of yeast and wheat. Stir the mass and put in a warm place for 15 days. So that you can track the fermentation process, equip your container with a water seal. Wrap the container with a warm blanket. After active fermentation has passed, filter the mass. Braga is ready for further distillation.

Sprouted grain moonshine

To prepare a great drink, you need to prepare it, observing all the technology. In addition, there are some tricks that will be very useful to you in the moonshine brewing process. For example, some people make alcohol from wheat without sugar. We will not consider this method, since there is no shortage of granulated sugar in our country, and a drink without this ingredient is not so tasty. So, let's look at the technology in detail.

We will need:

  • 2.5 kg of grain;
  • 20 liters of soft water;
  • 100 gr dry yeast;
  • 6 kg of sugar;
  • 0.5 l of fermented baked milk or kefir.

Proper preparation of wheat

To get good moonshine, you need to take the resting grain. It must be kept in stock for at least 2 months. Only harvested wheat will give the worst result.

It is best to make alcohol from germinated wheat. Therefore, spread your grain on a pallet and fill it with warm water. Do not use boiling water or cold water. Provide conditions for germination for grain: warm and dark room. After 2-3 days, the first shoots will appear. If this did not happen, it means that your grain has “died” and is not suitable for home brewing.

Wait until the sprouts become large - 1-2 cm in length. Remove raw materials from pallets. In this case, you should not unravel the growth. The raw material can be used immediately, or you can dry it and grind it.

We make mash

Braga from wheat is prepared very simply. Enter warm water, granulated sugar, yeast (it is possible without them), grain (flour from it) into the container. Install a water seal and send the container to a warm place for 2 weeks. Limit the access of light to the room with mash.

Cooking moonshine

After fermentation, the liquid must be carefully filtered and add fermented baked milk or kefir to it. They will save your drink from fusel oils by 70%. Now you need to distill.


There are a lot of ways to clean moonshine. In this case, it is best to clean with activated, charcoal or coconut charcoal. And how to do it, you can see here.

Second distillation

It is carried out if you want to make moonshine of really high quality. Dilute alcohol with soft water in a 1:1 ratio. Now re-distill the drink. The first 50 g per 1 liter must be drained. Further, moonshine continues to be collected until its fortress drops below 40 degrees.

Finishing touches

When you distill all the drink, check its strength. If it's big, no problem. Add water to the moonshine and leave to infuse for three days. After that, you can set the table and try the resulting masterpiece.

The finished drink combines a harmonious natural taste, high quality product and a pleasant aftertaste. In the process of creating a fire drink on grain, yeast is usually not used. Such a simple ingredient is replaced by a pre-prepared substrate called cereal malt. The recipe for moonshine from wheat at home requires careful attention to all processes and careful adherence to deadlines.

Overexposure or underexposure is fraught with a change in the finishing characteristics. It is also important to procure high-quality raw materials, so wheat is selected of the highest grade without wormholes and charms. Purchased wheat grains should be carefully examined for flaws, since at this stage the foundation of the product is laid.

The main stages of production are:

  • selection of grain at a specialized point of sale;
  • the process of making mash;
  • direct distillation into raw alcohol;
  • final cleaning of the product.

There are different ways to make moonshine from wheat at home. Which one to choose is up to the distillers to decide on their own.

VIDEO: How to germinate wheat and put mash

General principles of working with cereals

  1. The choice of grain - it must be dry, without signs of damage by insects or mold.
  2. It is possible to use only those cereals that are aged in a warehouse for the preparation of wheat mash without yeast for moonshine, and at least two months have passed since grinding.
  3. Work with cereals begins with sifting and separation from litter and husks.
  4. Warm water is added, poured so that it completely covers the grain plus 3-4 cm.
  5. The container has a wide neck - it is easier to control the process and work with the wort in the future.

  1. For every 5 kg of cereals, 1.5 kg of sugar is used, which is poured into the water that covers the wheat. After the appearance of the first "loops" (growth begins), add more warm water - 3 liters for each kg of grain and sugar per kilogram. These are the basic proportions.

Recipe for wheat mash without yeast

This option is the most natural. It is widely used among amateurs and professionals.

During the manufacturing process, you will need to perform the following operations:

  • For moonshine from wheat, we sift 5 kg of grain from possible debris and the resulting husk.
  • Fill with clean water at room temperature (cold or hot liquid is strictly not allowed), slightly exceeding the backfill level in a wide and flat container.
  • We add 1.5 kg of granulated sugar and send it to a warm place for germination.
  • After the appearance of seedlings from the grains, add 15 liters of water and add 5 kg of sugar so that the must continues to cook.

  • We pour such a composition into a container with a water seal and leave it for 10 days also in a warm place.
  • After 10-12 days, the mash will be ready for distillation.

Some moonshiners find it difficult to answer how much mash roams on wheat without yeast, which depends on the temperature and quality of wild yeast. On average, this period does not exceed 2 weeks.

Distilled moonshine from wheat without yeast at home is cleaned by a convenient method, for example, charcoal.

Grain distillate with added yeast

The first recipe for mash on wheat without sprouting in this case will be as follows:

  • We select the grain in the same way as for the yeast method.
  • Grind 4 kg and mix the grind with 1 kg of sugar and 100 g of yeast.

  • Pour 3 liters of pure water into the mixture and mix thoroughly.
  • We keep wheat mash for making moonshine in a warm place for exactly a week.
  • We decant the liquid and send it for double distillation to Dobrovar.

There is another, simpler recipe for how to put mash:

  • We prepare 2.2 kg of grain, sifting and separating it from a possible husk.
  • It will be necessary to fill with water at room temperature, slightly exceeding the backfill level.
  • We send to a warm place until sprouts appear. It usually takes 3-4 days.
  • We heat 15 liters of water to 45-50 ° C in order to dilute a five-kilogram packet of sugar in the liquid.
  • The syrup cools down to 35-40 ° C, then we add to it ingredients such as yeast 100 gr. and prepared parostki.
  • Mix the mixture well and send it to a warm place for two weeks.

We wrap the mixture in advance and cover to ensure a constant position temperature.

The easiest way to achieve a stable temperature is to use a conventional aquarium heater. Set the desired interval, connect and lower into the container.

Before preparing moonshine from wheat by distillation, we separate the liquid from the cake.

VIDEO: Recipe for wheat mash with wild yeast

Without sourdough

Such grain mash on wheat without yeast is prepared in time for exactly the same time, while the process itself is simpler and clearer even for beginners.


  • grain - 5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 6.5 kg;
  • drinking water - 15 liters.

The fundamental difference between this recipe and others is that the entire volume of cereals is used immediately.


  1. Pour wheat into a bucket, add 1.5 kg of sand and fill with water.
  2. As soon as the grains "hatch" add the remaining sugar and warm water. Put a water seal or put on a glove to control the process of gas formation.
  3. After 2 weeks, the glove will fall off, which is a signal for filtering and distillation.

Helpful information

You can prepare this method not only moonshine on wheat, but also use other ingredients for this purpose, for example, rye, barley, peas or corn. The result will also be an unusually tasty drink that is not inferior in strength or organoleptic parameters to its classic counterparts.

The process should involve not fresh, just harvested grain, but aged for a couple of months, so that excess moisture is removed from it. You need to choose a light and clean mass.

The purpose of germination is to achieve the maximum enzyme content in the prepared material. During languor, the enzyme base is strengthened.

Soaked wheat must be carefully and regularly monitored. Otherwise, it can turn sour. This can be prevented by periodically stirring the composition so that no acid is formed.

Do not throw away the used thick mass. She can serve again. To do this, it is poured with water, sugar and put the mash. The second batch is no less qualitative than the first.

Stable control over the state of the product is important. This is done with fire. We bring a lit match to the upper region of the mash. If the emitted vapors do not extinguish it, but it continues to burn, then this is a sure sign of readiness for distillation.

Raw alcohol obtained as a result of primary condensation should be purified from fusel oils and harmful impurities. Enough 50 gr. charcoal per liter of finished liquid to eliminate the maximum amount of unwanted components.

It must be taken into account that the surface of the grain can be covered with a large number of harmful bacteria. You can get rid of them by disinfection. Before grinding the malt, for malted milk or before drying, you can soak the composition in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 1-0.5 hours. A similar result gives a 1% solution of sulfuric acid.

distillation technique

The finished mash is distilled using distillation steam generators. It can be a home-made moonshine or an industrial design. The volume of the cube is filled to 2/3. This will prevent foam from being released. It is possible to heat up to the boiling point quite quickly, but at the first signs of the start of boiling, it is important to reduce the heating power to an acceptable level of alcohol vapor condensation.

When the resulting moonshine from wheat is supposed to be used as a finished product, then you need to carefully consider cutting off unwanted fractions - “heads” and “tails”. The initial heads removed are 3-5% of the estimated volume of alcohol. In more detail, they are determined empirically and by the smell of rubbing in the palm of your hand.

The food fraction is selected quickly enough. It is important that splashes of boiling mash do not get into the finished product, as they will muddy the finished product. If the liquid is less than 40% ethanol, then the selection into the food fraction stops, as the “tails” containing fusel oils follow. They do not burn from a lit match, but it is customary to use the mass selected in this way for the next distillation.

You can not cut off the "tails" and "heads" if further rectification is expected. All moving mass is taken away.

VIDEO: Wheat-sugar moonshine with wild cereal yeast

Wheat moonshine, a recipe with or without yeast, is a classic of the genre. Many distillers are aware that grain-based mash is of high quality and excellent taste characteristics. Alcohol, the basis for which was wheat, has a high strength and a mild, pleasant taste. In addition, the grain helps to avoid unacceptable odor. If you put the brew on wheat, in the end you will be able to get a distillate with a bright and juicy aroma.

Moonshine from wheat

  1. Strong.
  2. Delicious.
  3. Fragrant.
  4. Does not have a strong odor.
  5. Easy to drink.
  6. Suitable for the preparation of noble drinks.

Wheat has been used as a basis for distillate for several centuries. Often, moonshine obtained from such mash is the basis, it is insisted, supplemented with various components and turned into elite alcohol. For this reason, moonshiners with experience prefer grain mash.

But the product also has disadvantages. They are mainly related to the manufacturing process, the choice of raw materials and the fermentation process.

Main cons:

  1. When using wild yeast, the mash ferments for a long time.
  2. Can become infected with pathogenic microflora.
  3. When using low-quality raw materials, there will be problems with the germination of raw materials.
  4. If the wheat is not germinated, it will be difficult to release all the sugar, which will undoubtedly affect the amount of moonshine.

Grain-based alcohol is marked "alpha" - this is a high quality product, it is used in the manufacture of vodka. Such an alcoholic drink will cost a lot.

Braga on wheat is very capricious, but despite this, it has good organoleptic characteristics. At home, it will not be easy to make such a product, there may be problems with grain germination, etc. But the work will be rewarded if everything is done correctly. As a result, you can get a high quality drink with outstanding characteristics.

Wheat distillate has its own characteristics, but if you strictly follow the recipe and do not change the proportions, you can get a very high-quality product, spending a moderate amount of time and effort. In addition, creating such alcohol at home will help save money on buying a similar product in the store.

Classic recipe: yeast-leavened wheat mash

It is yeast microorganisms that play a key role in the process of creating moonshine. They process sugar, turning it into alcohol. There are several recipes that are popular among distillers.

Brazhka on wheat with yeast, ingredients:

  • 3.5 kilograms of high quality grain, the age of which should not exceed 1 year;
  • 25 liters of specially prepared water (you can use well or spring water);
  • 6 kilograms of sugar (do not be afraid, sugar will not spoil the product, in the end it will help increase the yield of distillate);
  • 100 grams of dry or 500 grams of pressed yeast (preference should be given to alcohol-resistant microorganisms that will help increase the strength of moonshine and the resistance of the brew to temperature changes);
  • 500 milliliters of kefir or high-fat fermented baked milk.

To do with the use of wheat begins with the germination of grain. Wheat is laid out in an even layer on baking sheets or pallets. Pour the grains with warm water, so that the liquid barely covers their surface. The water should barely cover the grain, otherwise it will not germinate. Wheat is placed in a warm place with a temperature of at least 20 degrees.

The first shoots should appear after 2-3 days. If this does not happen, then there is no point in soaking the wheat further. This means that the quality of the raw material is low, it must be thrown away and a new one must be bought.

It is also worth monitoring that during germination the raw materials do not become moldy or sour. To do this, it is recommended to stir the product once every 24 hours with a wooden spatula - this will help saturate the grains with oxygen and prevent the formation of mold.

When the sprouts begin to intertwine with each other and reach a length of 2 centimeters, it is worth taking them out of the water, unraveling, and not tearing the sprouts.

The malt obtained from wheat can be ground into flour, and then added to the mash. And you can leave the grain in its original form.

Pre-prepare the container, heat the water to 50–60 degrees, pour sugar into the container and pour it with water, mix everything thoroughly using a spoon or spatula. You will have to stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Instead of sugar, some distillers use glucose or dextrose (glucose is taken only in powder form). The fact is that a number of experts argue that sugar spoils the taste of mash.

Then we dilute the yeast with water, let it stand for a while and launch it into the future moonshine. When the malt, yeast and sugar are filled with water, mix the wort thoroughly for several minutes. We close the container with a tight lid, put a water seal on the wash and send it to a warm and dark place with a stable temperature.

When the mash is ready for distillation, it is worth assessing the degree of its readiness. This can be done by assessing organoleptic indicators (taste, color, sediment appearance). The liquid should be filtered, you can use a colander or a filter made of cotton and gauze. The base should not be thrown away; it can be used several more times, this will not reduce the quality of alcohol.

Before distillation, it is worth adding ryazhenka or kefir to the distillate - this will help rid the product of fusel oils and other harmful impurities.

It is advised to clean the moonshine after distillation, you can use a carbon filter, potassium permanganate, etc. for this purpose. This stage is considered optional, but experienced distillers recommend cleaning, as this procedure will improve the quality of the drink, make it cleaner and softer.

If desired, you can re-distill the distillate in the apparatus, the strength of alcohol will only benefit from this, and the quality too.

Wheat mash recipe with wild yeast

According to some moonshiners, a product with sugar and yeast does not have a very pleasant taste. To improve this indicator, they refuse to use yeast. Natural microorganisms are used, which are found on the surface of fruits, berries and grains. These microorganisms are wild yeast, which help the mash not to turn sour, but turn into alcohol, they process sugar and turn it into alcohol.

But wild yeast is not so active, the fermentation process of such a brew is slower and can take 50-60 days. However, the product may be ready earlier, it all depends on the activity of fungi and their number in the must.

So, what ingredients will be needed to make a distillate:

  1. Wheat - 4 kilograms.
  2. Sugar - 4 kilograms.
  3. 30 liters of good quality water.

Sugar will not spoil the aroma, will not affect the quality of the product, but it will help speed up the fermentation process and increase the amount of moonshine.

The process of creating a drink takes place in several stages:

  • The first step is to prepare a sourdough that will replace the yeast. To do this, we immerse the grains in a plate, level them with our hands and fill them with water and wait until the wheat germinates.
  • When the sprouts appear, add 500 grams of sugar to the plate and mix everything with your hands. If the mixture is thick, then you can add 10 milliliters of water to it. It is worth covering the container with gauze or a thick cloth. After about 10 days, the starter can be used for its intended purpose.
  • Place the starter in a glass container, send the remaining sugar and about 3 kilograms of wheat there. Pour everything with warm water, the water temperature should be about 30 degrees.
  • We put a water seal on the container, if it is not there, then you can use a glove by making a hole in it in the middle finger. Then we place the container in a room with a stable temperature of 20–21 degrees. The mixture will ferment for about 10-20 days, it all depends on the activity of the yeast.

Sourdough will significantly speed up the process, but from time to time it is still worth tasting the drink, assessing its condition.

When the water seal stops gurgling, you can take a sample from the mash: it should taste bitter, while being light, and all the must will settle to the bottom.

The finished product is poured into a distillation cube, it is filtered using gauze or a thick cloth. It makes sense to subject the distillate to processing twice, after the second distillation the quality of the drink will improve, the strength will increase.

Despite the fact that mash is prepared on grain, one should not forget that it is better to divide alcohol into fractions, to select “heads” and “tails”.

It is not recommended to throw away the wort - you can cook mash from it 2-3 more times, observing the proportions indicated in the recipe. The quality of the distillate will not suffer from this, but will only benefit. But after the third time, you should not use the wort.

Application of wheat without sprouting

Another recipe that does not involve sprouting grains. The process of making a drink takes place in several stages. To make moonshine, you will need the following components:

  1. 15 liters of water previously prepared for mash.
  2. 4 kilograms of high quality wheat.
  3. 1 kilogram of sugar.
  4. 100 grams of yeast.

You should start by grinding wheat - you can grind the grain in a blender or meat grinder. The grain is crushed to the state of flour, mixed with sugar and pre-diluted yeast.

The mass is thoroughly mixed and the container is sent to a dark but warm place with a stable temperature. After about a week, the product will be ready for processing. The liquid should be filtered and overtaken twice in the apparatus.

Using wheat as the main raw material, it is worth considering that this cereal is very capricious. It must be stored in a well-ventilated area, make sure that the grains do not become damp, as an unpleasant odor will affect the quality of alcohol, change its taste and aroma.

Braga based on wheat can be used for the manufacture of raw alcohol, using an apparatus with a distillation column during processing. Such a product is suitable for creating high-quality vodka or tinctures based on herbs and berries.

Moonshine from wheat can be called a colorful national product that meets high standards and can be used to create cognac, whiskey or any other noble drink. It is worth adding moonshine with just a few components so that it sparkles with new colors.
