
The special composition of salami sausage, its calorie content and contraindications; tips for choosing and storing raw smoked sausage, product photos. Italian salami

September delicacy - salami

September's delicacy I wanted to appoint salami - a kind of hard sausage. And there are many reasons for this: firstly, it is delicious; secondly, September is the month when schoolchildren and students go to study, and caring mothers wrap them in sandwiches, which are most often used various sausages(Whether it is useful or not is another question!); thirdly, salami is an integral part of many species Italian pizza, namely in September, the famous festival of this already international dish takes place; and fourthly, it is in September (the 7th) that salami day is celebrated!

By the way, most people think that salami is raw smoked or hard smoked sausage, even Wikipedia erroneously indicates this. In fact, salami is not smoked sausage, but dried and it is prepared by drying - drying. Yes, some types of salami are lightly smoked, purely for flavor.

First, a little history. History has not preserved the exact date of the appearance of dry-cured sausage for posterity. There is an opinion that the most ancient recipe"salami" was discovered during excavations of the Greek city of Salamina. But Italians and Hungarians dispute the fact Greek origin"salami". Italians insist that Italy is considered the birthplace of salami, and even its name is purely Italian - salame, and means ... sausage. In most sources, salami is defined as Italian dry-cured sausage with spices. Moreover, it is known that it was originally produced in the northern cities of Italy, namely: Milan and Bologna. In Russia, this sausage appeared during the reign of Peter the Great.

Like most delicacies, salami is the invention of the poor, remember, "the need for inventions is cunning"? Precisely because the poor it was imperative for Italian peasants to preserve meat for the long winter months. The word "salami" comes from the Italian "sale" - salt, since this product has played and still plays a significant role in the production of sausages.

What meat is salami made from? Yes, of any, perhaps, in Italy they use pork, beef, venison, game, even horse meat or donkey meat. What else? Fat, spices and seasonings, as well as wine or cognac. The meat is turned through a meat grinder with the addition of fat, then the sausage “dough” is kneaded, into which all the other ingredients are added, after which the sausage casing is stuffed with it. Then the sausage is hung up for drying indoors with special conditions(air temperature should be +15 C, and humidity - 60-70%). At this time, special bacteria develop in it, which increase the acidity inside the shell, the meat inside is “cooked” and becomes edible. After the sausage has dried, it is subjected to additional drying, during which a characteristic white coating appears on the skin - penicillin mold, which protects the sausage from spoilage. The longer the sausage ripens, the darker its mold becomes and the denser the consistency. And it is considered ready in about three months.

Salami, perhaps, like pizza, has become an unofficial symbol of Italy, even museums are dedicated to this sausage, and its image can be found on frescoes in temples. And there are more varieties of salami than recipes for the famous Ukrainian borscht! In modern Italy, each region can be proud of its own kind of salami. The assortment of this dry-cured sausage is divided into groups relative to the most characteristic features: types of inclusions of fat (fine, pink, white or large), the degree of grinding of meat for minced meat (large, medium or small) and the spices used (garlic, wine, herbs, pepper, etc.). Did you know that the largest salami sausage in the world was prepared in July 1992 by the masters of one of the Norwegian sausage factories. The record length of this salami is 20 meters 95 centimeters.

Perhaps one of the most famous and beloved among Italians, and indeed throughout the world, salami varieties is Felino, made in the province of Parma. This sausage is made from selected low-fat pork according to a unique recipe: in a natural casing, with the addition of fat (fine and coarse grinding), black pepper, herbs and white wine. By the way, this sausage contains minimal amount salt from all varieties of salami, all because the special climate of Parma allows you not to oversalt the sausage (however, like the famous parma ham- prosciutto). Most often, this sausage is used to make Milano pizza, added to soup or used as cold appetizer. It is the Felino salami that is mentioned in some documents in Italy and is even present on the frescoes of the San Giovanni temple in Parma. This city also has a salami museum, where you can see ancient exhibits of devices and tools that were used to make this sausage. Salami di Felino has been recognized by the Ministry Agriculture like traditional food product region.

Another type of salami is "Milano", it is clear from the name that it is produced in the vicinity of Milan. This one is made from pork, while the meat and lard are very carefully crushed, and on the cut, the sausage looks pale pink, marbled.

Salami "Nostrano"- dried fragrant Italian delicacy, made from 100% pork, contains inclusions of coarse fat, has a slightly spicy spicy taste, is great snack and an ingredient for pizza or salads.

Salami "Hungarian" you will distinguish by the aroma of smoke and slightly spicy, piquant taste, which is due to a large number of spices, including the most popular Hungarian - paprika. This sausage has a slightly reddish color due to paprika. This sausage is produced according to a recipe borrowed by the Italians from the Hungarian people many years ago. Hungarian salami is added to different types pizza and meat salads. The town of Szeged in southeastern Hungary is the largest producer of salami and paprika in the entire country, so it's no wonder it has a salami and paprika museum!

Salami "Genoese" is discriminating taste and the richest bouquet of aromas, according to tradition, the meat in it is seasoned with peas of black and white pepper, red wine, garlic, fennel, chili and herbs. If you do not like spiciness or piquancy of seasonings, you will like the slightly sweet Napoli salami.

Salami "Pepperoni" is not only "Italian" from Calabria, this type of sausage is very popular in the USA, where local features. Italian variant spicy salami with pepper is prepared only from pork, Americans add to minced pork both chicken and beef. Pepperoni is often used in recipes. spicy pizza to order exactly american dish in Italy, they say salame piccante or salamino piccante. If the order sounds like pizza alla diavola, the waiter will bring pepperoni pizza, that is, with spicy sausage, from the devil.

Ventricino, Cheliso, Spianata Romana, Montana, Vilani, Nastrano… You can't count all the names of Italian salami. Each of them will be distinguished by a hot temperament and a feature inherent only to her alone.

Salami came to America along with Italian immigrants. The recognized capital of salami in the United States is the city of San Francisco, where ancient italian secrets The production of this sausage has survived to this day. And no wonder that the tradition of celebrating Salami Day was born in America. The beginning of this unusual holiday, according to the portal Calendar.ru, it was laid in 2006. The idea of ​​holding it came up with two friends Christina and Virginia - passionate lovers of this delicious product. It was on September 7 that they, being at home in the city of Henrico (Virginia, USA), announced the creation of the Society of Salami Lovers. The holiday quickly gained popularity in America, and then - thanks to a large number of salami fans - began to actively spread around the world. Including came to Russia, where there were also followers and like-minded people of two American friends. The traditions of celebrating Salami Day are simple and uncomplicated: on this day, there must be your favorite sausage on the table - in large quantities, of various varieties, cut into thin, almost transparent rings. You can also add salami to any other dishes that you serve on the table. It can be used as a filling for calzones and pizza, present in salads, in spaghetti sauce or in ordinary sandwiches.

What do you eat salami with?

Salami pairs perfectly with bread and bread sticks Grissini. Some types of salami produced in the North of Italy are usually eaten with aged cheeses such as Grana Padano or Parmigiano Reggiano. Salami from the South of Italy, such as Napoli, are great ingredients for pizza and foccacia.

How to choose salami?

Eyes and nose! First, inspect the sausage stick: a real high-quality salami will be exclusively in a natural casing, while tightly adhering to the meat. If it lags even a little, then the sausage is either overdried or just very old. Be sure to look at the cut of the salami sausage - if its color is rather dark, then beef was used in addition to pork in the production. It is better to stop your choice not on a brightly colored product, but on one in which the color of the meat has a slightly grayish tint, which the meat acquires during processing. The rich, bright color of salami sausage indicates that they have been added artificial dyes and color fixatives. Assess the color of the fat, which is also part of the salami, it varies from white to pink. The whiter the fat, the fresher the fat was used in the sausage making process. Check out the smell! It should be fresh, pleasant, without rancidity. And, of course, the price. It is clear that due to the naturalness of the products and the laboriousness of cooking, the prices for this delicacy cannot be low.

It is necessary to store salami sausage for special rules- place in the refrigerator, after wrapping its cut with clean foil, parchment paper or film. Salami is served to the table, completely peeled and cut into thin slices. But there is another way. Salami is hung on a special structure, which is called "zhibe" and literally means "gallows", so that each of those present has the opportunity to cut off a piece of sausage of the right size for themselves whenever they wish.

Nutritional value of pork and beef salami (per 100g)

Water - 23.7 g

Proteins - 22 g

Fats - 26 g

Saturated Fat - 9 g

Polyunsaturated fatty acid- 2.5 g

Monounsaturated fatty acids - 11 g

Trans fats - 0.6 g

Cholesterol - 89 mg

Carbohydrates - 2.4 g

Dietary fiber - 0 g

Sugar - 1 g

Mono- and disaccharides - 0.2 g


Vitamin D - 41 IU

Vitamin B6 - 0.5 mg

Vitamin B12 - 1.5 mg

Macro- and microelements:

Sodium - 1,740 mg

Potassium - 316 mg

Calcium - 15 mg

Iron - 1.6 mg

Magnesium - 19 mg

Calories: 336 kcal per 100 g. But depending on the proportions and composition of meat and fat, the calorie content of salami can reach 550 kcal per 100 g.

Useful and harmful properties salami:

Like any dried meat products, the benefits of salami lies only in its ability to activate digestion, causing the release of digestive juices. But for this, one or two thin pieces of sausage are enough. And by the way, if you want the most “healthy” sausage, look for it from donkey meat, it is believed that free-range donkeys are not “fed” with antibiotics and hormones, and therefore the sausage from them is environmentally friendly.

But an excess of salt can do you a disservice, especially if you have kidney problems, blood pressure. Well, the fat content, and, accordingly, the calorie content of salami is quite high, and therefore it is worth limiting it not only to people who follow their figure, but also to those who suffer from gastritis, pancreatitis, stomach ulcers, as well as those who have serious problems with digestive processes.

In general, salami is a delicacy that you can and need quite a bit, simply because it is delicious!

And by tradition - a few delicious recipes from the site "Trump Food"

Baguettes with salami and cheese


  1. We use water and butter instead of milk. We make a dough: pour the yeast into a small bowl, add a couple of pinches of sugar and warm water so that the yeast is slightly covered and leave for 15 minutes.
  2. Beat the egg with sugar until dissolved, pour into a recess made in flour, add a little warm water, yeast dough, salt, oil, remaining water. We knead properly and leave to approach in the oven with a temperature of 35 degrees (yeast dies at 60 degrees) for an hour or more.
  3. When the dough has doubled in size, knead and divide into several parts. We roll it into a small cake, put the filling inside (sausage grated on coarse grater, and the cheese - on a shallow one) and mix well. We give the shape of a baguette and put in a mold, leave to approach for 30 minutes. Then put in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees for 25 minutes.

Tagliatelle with pancetta, salami and tomatoes


pancetta (can be substituted boiled smoked brisket or bacon)
fellino salami
1 medium onion
5 tasty tomatoes
Wide pasta like fettuccine, tagliatelle, pappardelle
Olive oil
Black pepper
A little cayenne pepper

1. Cut the onion into cubes, peel the tomatoes, remove the seeds and chop coarsely.

2. Cut the pancetta and salami. Fry the pancetta and salami in a skillet, stirring occasionally to prevent a crust from forming. Add a little oil, onion and cook over low heat until golden brown.

3. Now it's time for tomatoes. Place them in a frying pan, add salt, pepper, kaine pepper. Increase heat and cook, stirring, 10 minutes. The moisture should almost completely evaporate.

4. Boil pasta in plenty of water with salt. Do not pour out the water completely - it can dilute the sauce. Pasta, after being cooked, tends to absorb liquid abundantly and the sauce may not be enough.

5. Transfer the pasta from the pot to the pan, stir and heat through.

Fluffy omelet with tomatoes, salami and green onions


  1. Grease the bowl olive oil, put tomato slices down, then sausage and green onions.
  2. Mix eggs with milk, salt and pepper, do not beat strongly.
  3. Pour the eggs over the filling in a bowl and place in the oven. Bake at 200 degrees for about half an hour. If desired, you can put on the finished omelet small piece butter.

Buns with mozzarella and salami


  1. Sift flour into a bowl, make a well, add yeast, sugar and milk. Leave to stand for about 20 minutes. Then add the yolk, butter at room temperature and knead the dough.
  2. Leave the dough in a warm place for half an hour.
  3. Slice the salami thinly and grate the cheese.
  4. Knead the risen dough again and roll out into a rectangle. Lubricate the entire layer of dough, avoiding the edges, with ketchup and delicate mustard.
  5. Put salami on the dough, sprinkle with grated cheese, salt and pepper.
  6. Download the dough into a roll and cut into circles (about 2 cm wide).
  7. Lay the pieces on a greased baking sheet. butter Brush each piece on top with beaten egg.
  8. Bake buns at 200 degrees for 25 minutes.
  9. Serve warm. Bon appetit!

Pizza "Stromboli"


  1. Roll out the dough. Put it on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil.
  2. Brush dough with 2/2 cup tomato sauce. At the same time, leave the edges not smeared.
  3. Top the sauce with half a portion of grated mozzarella, top with sliced ​​ham and salami. Sprinkle with grated mozzarella.
  4. Whisk the egg with a fork. Lubricate the free edges of the dough with an egg and wrap the future pizza in a roll, brush with a beaten egg, sprinkle with dry parsley, make cuts with a knife along the roll.
  5. Put the roll to bake in a preheated oven for 10-12 minutes.

Pizza "4 seasons"


  1. Mix flour, salt and yeast in a food processor. Combine oil and water in a container. Without turning off the combine, pour in the liquid and knead a homogeneous dough. Transfer to a floured board and knead the dough for 2-3 minutes.
  2. Place the dough in a bowl and brush it with olive oil. cover the bowl cling film and put in a warm place for 40 minutes, until the dough doubles in size.
  3. Knead the dough again for 1-2 minutes. Roll out the dough into a 30 cm circle and place on a baking sheet. Squeeze 2 cm from the edge to make a crust.
  4. We fill with four types of filling: spicy salami, prosciutto cotto, cherry tomatoes and arugula.
  5. Let bake until done.
  1. Bon appetit!

Potato salad


Potato salad is lovely dish in case of sudden arrival of guests. It is prepared quickly, the ingredients can be found in almost any refrigerator, and the result is original and very tasty. Potato salad exists in the most various options and combinations, different countries have their own recipes. We offer you a simple and delicious recipe. Potato salad, which looks beautiful and appetizing, is great for both regular lunch or dinner, and for the festive table.

Wash and clean potatoes. Boil water, add 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar and salt to taste. If you have small potatoes- cut it in half, larger - into more pieces.

  1. You will have to make your own dressing for the salad. To do this, put mustard and the remaining three tablespoons of vinegar in a small deep bowl. Add vegetable oil, sugar and salt, then beat gently until smooth.
  2. cut the salami thin slices. Finely chop fresh parsley.
  3. Remove the cooked potatoes from the heat and drain the water, then transfer them to the dishes in which they will be served at the table. Add the dressing and mix thoroughly, then put the salami there, sprinkle the salad with chopped parsley on top. If necessary, salt the dish, you can add ground pepper.

As you can see, potato salad is prepared quickly. Thanks to the dressing, it turns out to be spicy in taste, while not too spicy. Salami also makes it more satisfying and tasty. Bon appetit!

salami sausage is one of the favorite products of Italians. Almost every part of this country prepares its own original version. Although the birthplace of this product is Hungary. salami is raw dried sausage, which contains a large number of spices. TO distinctive characteristics This product is subject to the presence of a thin layer of mold white color, which is a crust (see photo). To make salami sausage, pork or beef is used, which is combined with salt and seasonings. Sausages are dried outdoors until ready. During the ripening period, minced meat acquires a denser texture. A month later, mold appears on the surface of the sausage, and it significantly decreases in volume. After 3 months, salami can already be eaten.

The peasants came up with this type of sausage when they were looking for new way food storage. A well-salted piece of meat can be called the first version of salami. To date, there are several options for salami, which differ in the spices used and the degree of meat grinding:

These are just the most popular salami sausage options. According to GOST, composition quality sausage salami should look like 70% pork and 30% bacon. There is also a classification depending on the degree of grinding of meat: fine, medium and large. The color of the blotches of fat can vary from white to pink and the lighter it is, the fresher the ingredients were.

How to choose and store raw smoked sausage?

Today, to reduce the cost of the process of making salami sausage, manufacturers can change the composition of the product, for example, by adding a different type of meat to it, changing the composition of spices, using flavor enhancers, flavorings, etc. Therefore, it is imperative to pay attention to the composition when buying salami. The only artificial component that is allowed to be used is E250. There are also other recommendations to help you make the right choice:

Store salami sausage in the refrigerator, covering the cut with cling film, foil or parchment paper.

Use in cooking

Salami sausage, thanks to his original taste, can decorate and diversify a large number of dishes. You can cook with it delicious sandwiches, appetizers, salads. Salami is simply served sliced ​​on a plate with cheese. In addition, it is part of pizza and other baked goods. The perfect combination is fresh tortillas, salami and mature cheese, such as Parmesan. On the basis of sausage, you can cook the first and second courses.

Salami sausage harm and contraindications

Salami sausage can cause harm when using low-quality options that can be made from harmful ingredients. Don't eat salami large quantities, since it is quite fatty and contains a large amount of cholesterol. Because of high calorie abuse can cause weight gain. Refusing to use such sausage is necessary for people who have problems with digestive system and cookies. It is worth excluding salami from the diet for ulcers, pancreatitis and gastritis. It is also worth considering that salted and fatty sausage provokes an increase in the rate of cell aging processes and the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

It is believed that the technology of making salami was invented in the 15th century. Italian peasants. Traditionally, different kinds meat and lard are ground into minced meat, spices are added, the intestines are filled with the resulting mass and smoked.

Salami (salame) in modern Italian used as a synonym for almost any sausage. If we disassemble this word into parts, then sale is a salt, and ame is an ending used to denote a noun in the singular. Thus, salami can be conditionally translated into Russian as "corned beef".

What are the types of salami?

In Italy there is great amount types of salami, each of which is tied to a specific region.

Most popular type raw smoked salami- "Milano", made from 100% finely ground pork in the vicinity of Milan. This sausage is riddled with small inclusions lard about the size of a grain of rice and has a delicate taste. It is less salty than other types of salami. Garlic and black pepper are used as spices.

Salami, produced according to the Hungarian recipe, is called "Umherese". The sausage contains very small particles of pork fat, has a smoky aroma and a pleasant, slightly spicy taste due to the combination of spices. Often used to make pizza.

Felino salami is produced in the province of Parma. The sausage is made from selected low-fat pork according to a unique recipe. The composition includes a mixture of coarse and finely ground fat, the main spice is black pepper. Salami is served as part of a plate with meat delicacies.

Neapolitan salami "Napoli" with fine pink fat, it is sweetish in taste, not spicy, with a smell of smoke. It is usually eaten with Italian bread focaccia or white pizza.

Pepperoni salami is popular in Calabria. It contains pork and hot peppers. Sausage is often used in spicy pizza recipes.



Salami - (Italian salame - sausage) - dry-cured sausage of Italy, generously flavored with spices. Distinctive feature is white mold, which covers the sausage with a thin crust (penicillium). Almost every region of Italy has its own species. Museums dedicate salami and even depict it on the frescoes of churches. Salami sausage is an integral ingredient of Italian pizza, pasta, as well as sandwiches and cold snacks.
Salami is loved not only in Italy and Russia, but also, of course, in America. Moreover, since 2006, every year on September 7, Salami Day has been celebrated there. The idea of ​​the holiday was proposed by two friends who cannot live a day without a piece of this delicious and fragrant sausage. In 2006, on this day, they created the Salami Lovers Society. Since then, the holiday has become popular almost all over the world and on September 7, all salami lovers gather for a big festive table, which contains a variety of types of this delicacy and dishes from it. What is a piece worth? fragrant pizza with salami or a sandwich with pieces of sausage, salad and fresh vegetables!

History of salami

Italian salami was invented by peasants who salted meat products so that they could be stored for a long time without a refrigerator (there was simply no technology in those days).

A classic Italian appetizer plate is inconceivable without this delicacy. Along with prosciutto (ham), dry-cured salami is an example of a typical Italian meat dish. Numerous varieties of this sausage are distinguished by the degree of grinding of meat products, by the types of added spices and by the type of fat inclusions.

Such sausages are prepared only from selected quality meat. It is salted, spices and high-quality pork fat are added. Then the meat is sent for maturation to the basement with certain climatic conditions: the air temperature should be cool, about +15 C, and the humidity should be 60-70%. Sausage is dried and ripened, salt kills all harmful microorganisms in it.
After about a month, salami becomes covered with a light gray-green mold and dries out significantly. The longer the salami matures, the firmer its texture becomes, and the mold becomes darker. Ready sausage is considered in 2.5 - 3 months.
The world-famous Felino salami is considered ama popular view this Italian delicacy. It was named after a town located near Parma, among the Apennines, where dry-cured sausage has been made for centuries. This region has special climatic conditions, due to which much less salt is required to make a delicacy.

The Felino salami recipe is as follows - white wine, black peppercorns are added to coarsely chopped minced meat (only from local pork), spices. And no chemical additives. The taste of Salame di Felino is amazing, with a light nut-mushroom aroma.
Felino salami is often mentioned in historical documents of the city. She is even depicted in the frescoes of the Church of San Giovanni, in Parma.
Italians are extremely respectful of their culinary traditions. For example, in the town there is a museum of salami di Felino located in a real fortress from 890. It presents ancient exhibits of tools and devices used to make sausages, you can see how and where they are cured, learn about their history and the breed of black Italian pigs, whose meat is used in cooking. And in a small restaurant in the courtyard of the castle, you can try this delicious delicacy.

There is also such a variety in Italy as Milano salami. It is made from medium-ground pork mince (sometimes with the addition of beef) and spices (black pepper, garlic and white wine). The taste of Milano salami is delicate, with a damp aroma. jerky. Is popular stuffing for pizza and one of the main ingredients of Italian soup.

Salami "Hungarian" (Unherese) is made according to a recipe that the Italians borrowed from the Hungarian people many years ago. This salami is very different. small pieces pork fat and more saturated, spicy taste with a smoky aroma. good ingredient for pizza and salads.

Salami is eaten with bread or local aged cheeses (Grana Padano, Parmigiano Reggiano), washed down with semi-dry red wine with a pronounced taste.

Salami is stored in the refrigerator, the cut is closed with a film, foil or parchment. Salami is served on the table peeled, thinly sliced. Sometimes it is hung on a "jib" (gibet; literally translated as "gallows") and served along with the board so that everyone can cut it off at any time and as much as they like.

Salami(from the Italian salame - sausage). Italian sausage with equally chopped pieces of meat and fat, prepared from donkey meat. In other countries, this name is applied to externally similar species beef and pork sausages.

Salami: an aristocratic sausage of Italian peasants.

During the years of total gastronomic deficit, the overseas word "salami" was a symbol of a tasty, beautiful and prosperous life. the mighty of the world this. No one was aware that this European sausage did not have a noble origin at all. Salami was born first in Hungary, received a residence permit in hot Italy, from where it began to spread throughout the world.

What is salami

For the first time, salami was prepared in ancient times by Hungarian peasants, a little later, according to their recipes, Italians began to dry sausage. History has not preserved the exact date of the appearance of dry-cured sausage for posterity. Translated from the language of the temperamental inhabitants of the European peninsula, “salami” (salame) is “sausage”. forced long storage meat products without the use of refrigerators (what kind of refrigerators at that time), with room temperature dictated the features of salting and curing sausages and hams.
Today, the Italian dry-cured salami sausage differs from its counterparts in a special aristocracy. In her classic recipe very few ingredients: minced pork, salt and black pepper. This sausage is distinguished by not at all a fine grinding of fat, as in a serverel, with which it is often confused. In the Neapolitan dialect, this process of chopping with a knife sounds musically a punta e` curtiell. In order for dry-cured sausage to ripen, it takes at least forty days, the temperature is not higher than 15 degrees, and the humidity is 60-70 percent. A distinctive feature of salami is a thin shell of white mold (penicillium).

What is salami

In modern Italy, each region can be proud of its own kind of salami. The assortment of this dry-cured sausage is divided into groups according to the most characteristic features: types of inclusions of fat (fine, pink, white or large), the degree of grinding of meat for minced meat (large, medium or small) and the spices used (garlic, wine, herbs, pepper, etc.). similar).
Milano salami is recognized as the most popular type of salami in Italy. Minced meat consists only of pork, in the rarest cases, a little beef is added. This type of salami is prepared in the vicinity of the center of world fashion - in Milan. This type of sausage is distinguished by tender garlic taste, it is not as salty as all other salami. Most often, this sausage is used to make Milano pizza, added to soup or used as a cold snack.
Salami "Napoli" - Neapolitan sausage, with fine pink fat, sweetish in taste, not spicy, with a smell of smoke. This sausage is usually eaten with Italian focaccia bread and white pizza.
The Hungarian salami is the progenitor sausage of modern numerous descendants. spicy taste sausages, unsurpassed aroma of dried meat and fine pork fat give this type of salami a special chic. Hungarian salami is added to different types of pizza and meat salads.
Salami "Felino" comes from Parma, this sausage is especially revered by Italians, as it is made according to a unique recipe from lean pork. The use of only black pepper as a spice, natural shell And delicate taste bring this variety of salami into the category of delicacies. That is why it is served as an independent cold dish on a meat plate.
Salami "Pepperoni" is not only "Italian" from Calabria, this type of sausage is very popular in the USA, where local features have been added to the recipe. The Italian version of spicy salami with pepper is prepared only from pork, Americans add both chicken and beef to minced pork. Pepperoni is often used in spicy pizza recipes to order an American dish in Italy, they say salame piccante or salamino piccante. If the order sounds like pizza alla diavola, the waiter will bring a pizza with pepperoni, that is, with spicy sausage, from the devil.
Ventricino, Cheliso, Spianata Romana, Montana, Vilani, Nastrano… You can't count all the names of Italian salami. Each of them will be distinguished by a hot temperament and a feature inherent only to her alone.

What do you eat salami with?.

Dry-cured salami sausage goes well with Italian bread, tortilla with focaccia spices, mature cheeses Parmesan (Parmigiano), Reggiano, Grana Padano. Many types of salami are used in sandwiches and in the preparation of pizza, which is named after the type of salami. With this dry-cured sausage they cook variety of salads, snacks, cook soups and stews.

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