
What is the name of the rendered lard? Recipe.

Fat does tend to change its state from solid to liquid when heated, but the temperature must be very high - for example, as during cooking. Without harm to health, it will not be possible to achieve such a state, and if it were possible, the melted fat would occupy the same volume as it has no way to go outside.

The myths that fat can be melted during bathing trips or body wraps flourish, despite scientific evidence. It seems to people that everything is natural - when heated, the layer of fat melts and comes out through the pores. At the same time, the weight also decreases, and the person may even look a little thinner. In fact, water comes out through the pores with dirt and sebum, which is secreted by the sebaceous glands. Due to the loss of water, weight loss also occurs, and for the same reason volumes can go a little - no more than a centimeter. Changing the amount of water in the body really has a big impact on weight and volume: some women are well aware that before menstruation, the body tends to retain water, resulting in swelling and weight gain.

Wraps with cellophane and special materials also do not work: they make the skin sweat, but no more. Even more dangerous is playing sports with such wraps, the myth about their effectiveness is very common. But active physical work with dehydration is very unhealthy.

How to get rid of subcutaneous fat?

The only way to lose fat is to burn more calories than you consume. With a calorie deficit, the body looks for other sources of energy - the most accessible is fat and muscle. If at the same time you play sports and eat more proteins, then you don’t have to worry about the safety of muscles - the body will lose weight only due to fat.

And there are many ways to create a calorie deficit. You can just eat less, while maintaining the same activity. You can go on a strict diet, but keep in mind that after a while the body will get used to small doses of nutrients and begin to consume less. You can increase your activity - walk more, run, play sports. You can strengthen your muscles, because muscle tissue requires energy even at rest, so the more muscle, the more calories it takes to maintain them.

Melted lard is a high-calorie dish that is very popular in Ukraine and in some regions of Russia. It is widely used in cooking: you can fry potatoes, meat on it. Garlic and greens are also crushed with it, seasoning borscht with this mixture. Buckwheat porridge is often seasoned with lard, etc.

You will need

  • - salo;
  • - bulb.


Take a piece of lard (preferably with meat streaks) and one large one. cut into pieces of medium size - cubes or sticks. Peel the onion from the husk, make several deep cross-shaped cuts in it, but so that it is in pieces.

Lard is best in a small cast-iron pot, or one with a thick bottom. Put chopped bacon and onion in a bowl, put on low heat. Stir gently from time to time so that the pieces do not stick to the bottom. Gradually, the fat will begin to melt. Continue heating and stirring until these pieces turn into small cracklings and take on a brownish-reddish color. This will be a signal that the lard is ready.

Extinguish the burner, carefully fish out the cracklings with a slotted spoon and put them in a separate container. If you cooked buckwheat porridge at the same time, you can immediately put greaves in it and mix it - it will only become tastier and more satisfying from this.

When the resulting lard cools down a bit, carefully pour it into clean containers (glass jars, earthenware). After cooling, close the mouths of the containers with plastic lids or thick gauze bandages and take them to a cool, dark place (preferably a cold cellar). You can also store lard in the refrigerator.

Some housewives throw away the onion with which the lard was heated, some, on the contrary, put it in one of the containers and pour it, claiming that it turns out tastier this way. There is no consensus here. You can do as you please.

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In a cool, dark place, lard can be stored for up to six months, practically without losing its taste.

Helpful advice

In folk medicine, lard has long been used as a medicine for diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lungs. There are well-known cases when it contributed to the cure even from such a dangerous disease as tuberculosis.

The secret of a perfect figure is in the absence of body fat. Body shapes can be rounded, but if they are elastic and do not sag under the weight of fat, then everything is in order. But with excess weight you need to fight, because excessive obesity can lead to serious health problems. If you set a goal and do not wait for a momentary result, it is quite possible to remove excess fat from problem areas, for this you just need to approach the task in a comprehensive manner.


Start with diet. You should not replace it with starvation: the body, frightened by the loss of a food source, will not spend subcutaneous fat, but, on the contrary, will start new ones for a rainy day. Yours should be more of a lifestyle. Just give up sweet and starchy foods, try to eat fruits in the morning, eat small portions of food, but often, so as not to feel hungry. Remember natural fat burners: pineapple, grapefruit, broccoli. But do not abuse them, so as not to cause stomach problems.

Try an anti-cellulite and fat-burning massage with special oils and creams sold in pharmacies and supermarkets. Use a massager or rub the skin with a bath mitt. It is best to do these procedures under a hot shower or in a bath.

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Remember that fat cells do not disappear, but only shrink, so you will need to keep yourself in shape all the time.

Helpful advice

If you set out to lose weight, drink more, sometimes the body is thirsty, and we take these signals for hunger.


  • http://www.fitplanet.ru/health/healthy-body/128-5-secrets-fat-weight-loss.html

The most common skin problems are observed in the area hips. With age, cellulite appears on them. To get rid of it, it is enough to carry out massage, which is aimed at improving blood flow, resorption of subcutaneous fat and smoothing the skin. For this, it is not necessary to go to massage I'm sorry, because you can do it yourself.

You will need

  • - sea salt;
  • - honey;
  • - oily cream;
  • - massager.


Take a hot bath with aromatic oils or sea salt. Start off massage it is impossible without water procedures, bruises will appear on the skin. After the skin has softened, proceed to the main steps.

Stroke your thighs with your palm or fingers - this will improve blood flow to the capillaries. Do not press hard, as the skin is not yet completely prepared.

Start rubbing the skin. Spread your fingers away from each other. With active movements, begin to rub the skin so that it seems to move in the direction in which you make the movement of the hand. This will help reduce the layer of subcutaneous fat. To improve the result, use honey. Sure to do with it massage a little more painful, but more effective.

Grab a small area of ​​skin and pull it back, then release and lightly stroke with the palm of your hand. After that, proceed to stronger kneading, capturing a larger area. Your movements should be like when kneading the dough, but do not be too zealous, so you will not speed up the result.

Start clapping. They must be intense. Put a little honey on the palm of your hand and go down your thigh from top to bottom. From the inside, make less intense clapping, since this place is mostly non-existent. But it's not, there massage no need.

If you experience severe pain, then limit yourself to the usual rubbing hips sea ​​salt or honey with the addition of lemon essential oil. This procedure improves blood flow and promotes the gradual resorption of cellulite.

Buy special massage er, if your hands get very tired when holding massage A. Use it after taking a bath and applying a rich cream to the skin.

Talk to massage Ista if you want to get your hips in order as soon as possible. Of course homemade massage also brings results, but after visiting a specialist, they will appear much faster.

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Weight loss is based on three pillars - self-discipline, diet and physical education. Only an integrated approach to the problem of getting rid of excess weight can bring results.

You will need

  • kitchen scales
  • food calorie table
  • gym membership


Find for yourself a system of incentives, motivation in order to weight. Almost any will do, but not negative. For example, go to the store and buy an expensive and very beautiful one a couple of sizes smaller than what you are currently wearing. Or come up with something of your own that will encourage you after you complete your plan. Simply put, strive for the best in your thoughts, and do not run from the bad. Only then will the question of how not seem so insoluble.

The golden rule for weight loss is: Get less energy than you use. If it is observed, the lack of kilocalories will be replenished by fatty body reserves. The task of how to lose weight begins to be solved with a revision of food addictions. The classic diet involves eating small meals 4-5 times a day. Moreover, most of your diet should be low-carbohydrate vegetable products, sour-milk cuisine. Completely give up flour, sweet, fatty, fried, smoked and alcohol. Dine no later than 6 pm. If you go to bed late, drink half an hour or an hour before bedtime a glass of yogurt or eat an apple.

Make exercise your daily ritual. Spend at least 20-30 minutes a day bending, squatting, running and exercising with. Purchase a subscription at It is easier in a company, and the material incentive (money spent on a subscription) should not be discounted. A good way to bring blurry shapes as quickly as possible is. Practice bodyflex daily for a quarter of an hour - and soon you will see how the extra centimeters go.

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Lard or lard (lat. lardum) is fat rendered over low heat from lard. For rendering, lard is used - intramuscular fat (undercuts, brisket) or lard as the most unsuitable for other purposes. At the same time, visceral fat is often processed separately due to the specific smell. They also make lard from duck and goose fat.

In cooking, lard is a traditional product of the rural cuisine of many peoples. Lard has been known in Europe and the countries of the former USSR for several centuries. In Poland it is called lard (smalec), in Germany schmalz (Schmalz), in Ukraine lard. In all languages, the word means one thing - to drown, to melt.

How to cook lard

First way

Before rendering lard, the raw materials (lard, fat) are thoroughly cleaned of dirt, blood, meat residues by soaking it in salted water for 12 or more hours, changing the water several times. After soaking, the raw material cut into small pieces is melted, and the resulting cracklings are extracted over low heat until the water is completely evaporated. Then the transparent fat is poured with great care through several layers of sterile gauze into glass jars or ceramic pots and closed.

Second way

Lard is obtained by boiling it in a cauldron in water, with a small addition (or without it) of milk. The raw material is cut into pieces, poured with water and boiled in a sealed container for an hour or two over low heat without removing the lid. After that, the lard is cooled and cooled. The cooled lard is carefully collected from above with a spoon with holes, put in a jar, while making sure that water is not present on the pieces of lard. Store such lard in the refrigerator for several weeks, using as needed.

Third way

Lard is prepared by melting, but with the addition of various ingredients to give it a pleasant taste and aroma. Lard is used as butter for bread. The lard is melted in a frying pan to dry cracklings, then diced sour (green) apple, onion, dried marjoram, pepper and salt are added to taste. Everything is mixed and in this form it is cooled to 45 degrees. Then the lard is filtered through several layers of gauze, poured into a jar, tightly corked and put in the refrigerator.

To prepare a good and high-quality lard, you need to choose the right lard. In the meat rows in the markets they sell lard and visceral fat. Fat should be white, smell good. It is not worth taking expensive lard intended for salting for lard, the most important thing is that lard does not come across from a breeding boar, lard can be hopelessly spoiled. Checking fat is not difficult. You can ask the seller to set it on fire with a burning match. Lard should have the smell of fried meat.

Salt and pepper will be an excellent addition to lard - this is obvious. But try adding marjoram, which improves digestion, sweet or spicy paprika, ground chili, to make the taste sharper. A little cumin won't hurt, especially if an apple is added to the lard. Lard goes well with fresh thyme and parsley. In addition to spices, about 200 g of ground brisket and the same amount of chopped poultry fat or skin can be added to lard. Some also add ground beef shoulder, and at the very end of cooking - finely chopped sausage.

To make the lard acquire a beautiful white color, add half a glass of boiled milk to the cooling melted fat and mix. For a better taste, you should also add a glass of alcohol or pure vodka. Improves the palatability of lard and a small amount of juniper vodka. When the greaves in the lard are already beautifully rendered, add the chopped onion, chopped garlic and 2-3 grated apples. Remove the lard from the fire. The apples and onions will become soft but not scorched. You can also add chopped garlic.

Lard in folk medicine

Lard sometimes acts much more effectively than special ointments. Sick joints are lubricated with lard, or applied as a compress for 10-12 hours, wrapped in an additional woolen scarf or scarf.
Lard mixed with honey 1:1 is used as a healing agent. Small wounds and abrasions are lubricated with a fat mixture until complete healing once or twice a day.
Lard is used to treat bronchitis and severe coughs. To do this, a dessert spoon of lard is dissolved in hot milk, and cooled slightly. Milk is drunk in small sips, it softens the throat and bronchi, and promotes a speedy recovery.
With lard for bronchitis, they rub the chest and back at night, tying a large woolen scarf around the chest. Lard acts as a warming agent and cough quickly recedes.

Lard in cooking

Lard is used as a snack, for example, mixed to taste with garlic, salt, various spices and spread with a thin layer on bread. Lard is added to the dough for baking salty yeast buns, bread, muffins instead of butter.
Lard replaces any vegetable oil. They are used to cook various dishes on it, for example, fry potatoes, pancakes and pancakes, eggs, scrambled eggs, etc. Lard can be mixed with vegetable oil to reduce the calorie content of the dish. Lard can be seasoned with various dishes, for example, cereals - pearl barley, buckwheat, barley, wheat.
Store lard in the refrigerator. The properties of lard remain unchanged for a long time.

Lard with garlic


  • fresh pork (homemade fat) 250 g
  • fine salt on the tip of a knife
  • garlic 5 cloves

Cooking method:
Cut the fat into pieces, put in a small cauldron or thick-walled pan. Put the dishes on the stove, the fire is minimal, cover with a lid. Simmer the fat for about an hour. You don't need to interfere with anything. As it is heated, dry cracklings will remain, throw them away or, if you wish, you can sprinkle with salt and eat. Pour lard over a knife into a jar very carefully, because. fat is hot. Squeeze the garlic through a garlic press, put it in lard, add salt. Cool the lard, close the jar with a lid and put in the refrigerator, mix well before serving. From this amount of fat, approximately a 200 gram jar is obtained. Lard is good for borscht, it should be applied in a thin layer on bread, very tasty with rye.

How to melt mutton fat, melt fat tail, mutton fat for medical purposes, the benefits of fat tail

Lamb fat is famous for its beneficial properties, it has a tonic effect when taken orally and stretching, rejuvenating and stimulating when applied externally. You can find out more about it on our website.

Before you drown the fat tail, you need to purchase it. If you live in St. Petersburg, then buying mutton fat is not so easy. It doesn’t exist in butcher shops and large hypermarkets [at least I didn’t come across it], they say you can find it in a pharmacy [but I don’t believe in canned solutions when you can make it yourself]. Fortunately, there is the Internet, and, as you know, everything is in it. There, at the request “buy mutton fat in St. Petersburg”, I found the desired piece. The cost varies from 450 to 600 rubles. per kilogram. As a piece of meat, in general, not very cheap.

Which kurdyuk to choose

The most useful and correct would be to take the fat of a young lamb. This is easy to check: the fat tail of a young lamb will be white, with a slight aroma, the fat tail of an old lamb will be yellow and with a very specific pungent odor.

I am writing in stages so that you do not make my mistakes [I thought that melting a fat tail is no more difficult than chocolate].

How to melt mutton fat, fat tail (at the rate of 0.5 kg of fat tail fat)

6. It is best to immediately pour the fat into a jar in which you intend to store it, because. fat in a day will thicken and turn white and it will no longer be possible to pour it out.

Now you know how to melt lamb fat. Before spreading the fat, it should be slightly heated.

Good luck and don't worry!

Recently, we are increasingly turning to ancient, traditional methods of treatment. Natural medicines of plant and animal origin have become popular again.

Universal remedy

Badger, bear, canine and has long been used to treat wounds, burns, frostbite, diseases of the joints, respiratory and digestive organs. Animal fat was also used for technical purposes - for lubricating leather harnesses, shoes and other things.

Women rubbed their hands and face with it to protect themselves from frostbite when they had to work with cold water: it perfectly moisturizes and softens the skin, preventing cracks, peeling and wrinkles.

It is considered a panacea for a large number of intractable diseases. Folk healers attribute unique healing properties to it. Regular use of this drug relieves bronchitis and other respiratory diseases, up to tuberculosis. With an exacerbation of gastric ulcer, when no medicines can no longer save and badger fat is recommended, it also works wonders.

Currently, this rare and valuable natural medicine began to appear in pharmacies. Raw fat is sold in markets and specialized stores. To get the most benefit, it must be prepared in a special way. In the article presented to your attention, we will talk about how to drown badger fat correctly, as well as how to apply the resulting medicine in practice.

Good animal fat should be able to do everyone!

It's no secret that synthetic drugs sin with negative side reactions. They have a lot of contraindications, their treatment in one way or another has a destructive effect on all systems and organs. Allergic reactions are not uncommon, and cases of unwanted addiction are also possible.

How to drown badger fat, while retaining its beneficial properties, is a whole science. Even not every hunter is able to do it right.

How to turn badger fat into a homogeneous, soft, easily melting, plastic substance is written in old medical books, which are easy to find on the Internet. The information presented in them is based on the imperfect technologies of the time, when the producers did not yet have electric ovens, autoclaves and multicookers at their disposal. You will not find there the answer to the question of whether it is possible to heat badger fat in the microwave. And this miracle of technology will quite cope with this task. It is only necessary to carefully study the instructions and set the mode with a temperature not higher than 110 degrees. The dishes must be glass and always with a lid.

Modern technology has greatly simplified the process of melting the product, but few people know at what temperature and how long to heat badger fat so that it does not lose its beneficial properties. We will teach you the right technology, and having learned how to make medicine from the fat of this animal, you will be able to prepare any other fat in the same way - marmot, ground squirrel, goose, duck, pork or some other.

Raw harvesting

Having caught the animal, the hunter skins the carcass, separating the fat. Fresh fat is called raw. It is ground in a meat grinder with several knives, turning it into a homogeneous paste. Its use is no different from the use of melted. It is certainly much healthier, but it oxidizes and goes rancid very quickly. Below we will tell you how to properly melt badger fat at home.

To prepare melted fat, subcutaneous fat is taken from under the tail, groin and shoulder blades. The closer to the surface of the skin, the more valuable it is and the longer it is stored fresh. Fat enveloping the intestines and accumulated by the kidneys, that is, internal, should be separated as soon as possible, as it quickly absorbs the smell of semi-digested food and digestive enzymes. Subcutaneous is valued higher, but it is always less in the carcass than the internal. From one adult badger weighing 16 kg, you can cut up to 5 kg of raw. After melting, about 4 kg will be obtained. Of great importance is age, sex and the presence of good fattening conditions (the harvest year for cereals is very conducive to animal weight gain).

Raw processing features

Before telling you how to heat badger fat correctly, we will introduce you to some important aspects, because in order to get a really high-quality product, a cure for a whole range of diseases, raw must be cooked in compliance with the following conditions.

The fat must be trimmed immediately after slaughter and cleaned of blood, muscle tissue and skin residues as soon as possible.

Since the product quickly comes into contact with atmospheric oxygen, and the oxidative reaction is accelerated in the presence of ultraviolet rays, the purified crude fat must be immediately placed in a container that protects from light.

Use glass or enameled dishes, since free fatty acids are able to enter into an oxidative reaction with salts of aluminum, iron, sodium, calcium and others, from which alloys for food utensils are made.

Prolonged heating at a very high temperature is also detrimental to the medicine, which is badger fat. With such heat treatment, the intensity of oxidation, cyclization and polymerization of fat increases many times over. Linoleic and linolenic acids are most rapidly destroyed, forming harmful compounds. But this should not be feared. Next, we will describe in detail how to heat badger fat in an autoclave, and this is a fairly sealed container, so the risk of oxidation in it is minimized.

Before drowning badger fat, it is washed in cold water and dried on a towel. Cold water dissolves volatiles and gases, destroying the bad smell that may be present on the fat removed from the intestines.

Peeled raw material should be crushed as much as possible before being heated. Badger fat, turned into a paste, will release more useful substances during melting than cut into even very small pieces with an ordinary kitchen knife. An ordinary household meat grinder is quite suitable for this task. It is necessary to scroll several times or use an aggregate with several parallel knives - the size of the resulting particles should be smaller than the original fat capsules. We repeat: the smaller they turn out, the greater the yield of the most valuable medicine will be, regardless of how to heat the badger fat: steamed, in the oven, slow cooker, microwave or autoclave pressure cooker.

Open-fired and steamed

It must be remembered that when melting fat in an open way, that is, in a frying pan, when heated above 140 degrees, valuable acids evaporate from it - isovaleric, nylon oil, valeric, propionic and acetic. The product acquires a dark color and becomes viscous, like drying oil. But a good oven can help you out. If it is possible to electronically control the temperature regime, then you need to be guided only by the instructions for the stove. Since it is not difficult to melt badger fat in the oven, we will only say that the main thing here is not to exceed the temperature.

Non-metallic, refractory dishes with a lid are suitable for rendering. If you have ever cooked food in the oven, then you do not need to be told how to heat badger fat correctly in the oven (recipes for medicinal potions that can be made from it, and some ways to use them, we have placed in the second part of the article). It is very convenient to do this in the oven. Everyone knows how quickly the product gives off juices, enclosed in a tightly closed hot oven. There is nothing complicated in cooking. You just need to keep an eye on how the process is going from time to time. To do this, the oven has a transparent glass window.

As for how to heat badger fat in a water bath, there will be little advice here. The most sparing technology is considered to be melting, when the raw material is heated to 100 degrees, not higher. However, due to the long heating, which is part of the technological process of cooking in double dishes, starting from 65 degrees in an open dish, oxides begin to form - the lipase enzyme is activated, which is a catalyst for oxidative processes in fatty products. But this problem can also be solved. We will advise you on what to do and how.

It is necessary to heat badger fat in a water bath in a tightly sealed container. For this purpose, you will have to get a glass jar with the same clamping lid. Ideally, if they are made of dark glass. However, when steamed and pan-fried, fat retains a large amount of protein compounds, which subsequently quickly destroy the product. This is manifested in a change in its color and smell.

Now, knowing how to melt badger fat in a water bath at home, as well as getting an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to do it in the oven and microwave, you can also melt it in an autoclave. This method is considered the best.

Melting by autoclave

In the absence of an autoclave, it will be successfully replaced by a household pressure cooker with a steam outlet valve. Fat does not escape through it and air does not penetrate from the outside, thus minimizing the likelihood of oxidation.

If the house has an electric multicooker, then it will also work. We won’t tell you separately how to heat badger fat in a slow cooker, because the technology is the same as for autoclave melting in a pressure cooker. Next, we will describe in detail how to sequentially, step by step, melt badger fat from purified raw material.

Step one

Before drowning badger fat, you need to pour boiling water into a pot or tank, remembering that the container is filled by ¾ of the volume, and ¼ is boiling water. The remaining space is filled with highly crushed fat. Close the lid and screw tightly.

step two

Bring to a boil over high heat. This allows you to neutralize lipase, which is responsible for oxidative processes. As soon as the steam begins to escape intensively from the valve, the fire is reduced and the tank is left on fire for three hours. All this time, a thin stream of steam should come out through the valve. The temperature inside is about 110 degrees, the water intensively turns into a state of hot steam, melting the smallest particles of fat.

Step Three

After three hours, the fire is turned off, the tank is left on the stove for slow cooling and dripping of water and fat from the walls to its lower part. After the outside of the tank has cooled down to the temperature of the air in the room, it is opened. Melted fat is at the top, below it is water with water-soluble proteins and fuse (small particles of connective tissue). Sterile slotted spoons choose cracklings.

Step Four

Leave for another 20-30 minutes for the final stratification of water and fat. Then the fat is scooped out and filtered into sterile glass jars. Properly rendered fat is a clear, colorless and odorless liquid. As a material for pumping, folded in two layers are best suited. Banks are filled to the top and closed as tightly as possible. Store in a dark cold place. Low temperatures do not spoil the product. The cooled fat becomes opaque, similar to vaseline. As it cools, layers are formed, painted in slightly different shades of white. From above, the fat is more transparent. The lower, the denser its structure. This is due to the separation of fatty acids having different specific gravity. Before use, the mass must be mixed.

If you understand how to properly melt badger fat in an autoclave, and do everything in accordance with our instructions, then the yield of the product during this melting will be approximately 63.8%.

Application for various skin lesions

As we have already said, badger fat successfully treats all kinds of ulcers, including trophic, psoriasis, lichen, eczema and wounds resulting from mechanical damage, as well as bites, frostbite and burns. Badger fat is well absorbed by the skin, accelerating tissue regeneration, stopping purulent processes, disinfecting the epithelium and adjacent tissues.

For the treatment of fungal diseases, badger fat is mixed with birch tar and applied to the affected area. Microsporia is cured in 5 days.

The affected area is lubricated with fat and closed with a bandage soaked in it. The tissue does not stick to the wound, and its healing rate is 2.5-3 times faster than when using conventional pharmacy ointments. Another advantage of badger fat is that, by activating cell division, it prevents the formation of scars, scars and spots.

To protect against sunburn or frostbite, open areas of the skin are smeared with badger fat before going outside.

The use of fat for colds and lung diseases

For the prevention of colds during epidemics of influenza and SARS, it is recommended to take one tablespoon or a teaspoon of badger fat daily (depending on age).

If the disease nevertheless overtook, then rubbing with badger fat mixed with turpentine will help get rid of the infection and cough.

Cupping lung massage is very effective. It is enough to spend it once, and health will immediately improve. It is done like this. The back is lubricated with fat, with the help of a torch a medical can is sucked to the back. After making sure that it is firmly fixed, it should be carefully moved along the back, making small turns. Massage takes 5-7 minutes. When the back evenly reddens, the procedure is considered successful.

In a couple of days, you can get rid of a cough if you drink hot milk with badger fat and honey: for a glass of milk - one teaspoon of honey and fat.

The use of fat in diseases of the stomach

Badger fat has successfully proven itself in the treatment of ulcers and other diseases of the stomach. In case of exacerbation, it is necessary to drink it three times a day, 10 minutes before meals, half a teaspoon or as often, but one tablespoon an hour before meals. The course of treatment lasts one to two weeks. In the next two weeks, a break is made, and then the treatment is repeated to consolidate the positive result.

In diseases of the liver, gallbladder and intestines, badger fat is contraindicated.

The use of fat in cosmetology

The unsaturated fatty acids of badger fat give exceptional results when used to create creams and masks. Thanks to these acids, any drugs and useful substances can be injected into the skin, which is difficult to achieve when using other transport fats.

Here is one of the amazing face masks. A tablespoon of fat should be mixed with a dessert spoon of cocoa butter, add a few drops of some citrus essential oil and a little honey. Put all components in a glass cup and heat up to 40 degrees. Until the mask has hardened, it should be applied to the face and massaged in accordance with the massage lines. Then leave for 10-15 minutes, then blot your face with a soft cloth.

Composition of fat

Badger fat is valued for its high concentration of nutrients, which are 100% absorbed by the body without any negative effect.

In addition to vitamins A and E, it contains a group of vitamins B (2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 12), vitamins K, PP and R, tocopherols, carotenoids, folic acid, cytamines, micro and macro elements and organic polyunsaturated oleic, linoleic and linolenic fatty acids (omega-3, -6 and -9).


If stored properly, badger fat may not lose its beneficial properties for many years. What does proper storage mean? Firstly, this is a small glass jar - 150-300 grams, sealed hermetically, preferably with wax or paraffin. Secondly, minimal access to light. Thirdly, low temperature, not higher than +5 degrees. A conventional refrigerator, vegetable compartment or freezer will do. Previously, badger fat was kept in glaciers and cellars. The main criterion is that it must remain white and solid. Frequent transitions from solid to liquid and vice versa degrade its quality.

Good fat has almost no smell. It is somewhat specific, but unobtrusive and not unpleasant. This is despite the fact that during the melting, the smell is sharp and quite stable. The consistency of high-quality melted fat is homogeneous, the color is white or with a slight creamy tint.

Now you know how to heat badger fat in a slow cooker, in an autoclave, in an oven and in a water bath, which means that you can make a wonderful product on your own that will help you out in a variety of situations.

Well, who doesn’t love crispy potatoes fried in fragrant lard? Try this easy homemade pork lard recipe. Homemade lard is not only fragrant and tasty, but it is also stored for a very long time.

The recipe for making lard is simple.

To begin with, the fat from which we are going to heat the lard must be washed and placed in cold water for 6 hours.

Then, the water must be drained, and the fat should be poured again with fresh cold water, and let it stand for another 6 hours.

Then, a little salted bacon must be cut into cubes as for frying.

It is best to heat lard in enameled dishes, always with a thick bottom. And so, we need to pour a small amount of water into the dishes for rendering lard (as they say, on the finger).

Then, you need to put chopped bacon into the pan, but not all at once, but in parts. After we put the first portion of the lard into the pan, you need to reduce the heat to a minimum and heat the lard, stirring it constantly (preferably with a culinary wooden spatula). It will be very good to put a flame divider on the burner, then the lard will be heated evenly.

As it melts into the pan, it is necessary to add new portions of fat. Thus, we drown the lard until all the fat is melted from the fat.

In the meantime, lard is being rendered, we can prepare jars for its packaging and further storage. To do this, you need to put jars in a cold oven (the optimal volume is from 500 to 800 grams). We turn on the oven and heat the jars so that they do not crack when we pack hot lard in them.

Pour the finished melted fat into jars, simultaneously filtering it through several layers of gauze. Then, let the melted fat stand in a warm place and once again filter it through gauze (fresh), leaving a sediment at the bottom of the jar.

Such homemade lard is usually stored in a cool, dry and dark place (a cellar is ideal).

You can use melted lard for various frying, or you can simply spread it on bread and sprinkle with coarse salt crystals.

The original recipe for how to make delicious and fragrant homemade lard with onions, see the video from the Juicy Cake Channel. So tasty it turns out that you will lick your fingers.
