
Recipe for thin pizza with dry yeast. A very quick and easy recipe for a quick test

Many modern housewives they are well aware that the taste of pizza directly depends on how the dough will be. There are many recipes for yeast and yeast-free dough for pizza preparations.

dry yeast pizza dough recipe

We are offering to you interesting recipes pizza dough with dry yeast. If you follow the suggested recipes, the preparation of the dough will take no more than half an hour and will help make your pastries unique and extremely tasty!

Now in more detail about the pizza dough itself. The recipes use only dry yeast.

Recipe number 1. Pizza dough with dry yeast (for 1 piece)


  • wheat flour - 2 cups;
  • water (warm) - ¾ cup;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • dry yeast - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 1/4 tsp.


1. Take a container where you will knead the dough.

2. Pour into it (in the following order) and mix:

3. While stirring, gradually add the flour (until the dough is sticky).

4. Cover the resulting dough with a towel and put it in a warm place (for about half an hour).

5. Sprinkle the table with flour and roll out the dough thinly.

6. Transfer the dough to a baking sheet and brush with sunflower oil.

7. Prepare in advance the filling that you will use in cooking pizza.

8. Bake for 12 - 15 minutes (depending on the readiness of the dough).

Bon appetit!

Recipe number 2. Pizza dough with dry yeast (for 2 blanks)


  • wheat flour - 350 g;
  • water (warm) - 220 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • dry yeast - 2 tsp;
  • salt - 1/4 tsp.


1. Take warm water and dissolve in it:

  • sugar;
  • yeast (before foaming).

2. Mix thoroughly and remove for a while.

3. Sift flour and add salt.

4. Add to the recess (in flour) vegetable oil. The dough should be soft (knead at least 5 minutes).

5. To make the dough double in volume, place it in a container (for 1.5 hours).

6. After this time, divide the dough in half.

7. Roll out 2 blanks (30 cm each).

8. Put toppings to taste and put the pizza in the oven at 240 C (15 minutes) until a crust appears.

Yeast dough pizza is ready!

Bon appetit!

Recipe number 3. Dry yeast pizza dough with honey


  • wheat flour - 1 cup;
  • water (warm) - 1/3 cup;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l;
  • honey - 1/2 tbsp. l;
  • dry yeast - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 1/4 tsp.


1. Sift the flour (into a small bowl).

2. In warm water (in a separate bowl), add and mix:

  • yeast (until completely dissolved).

3. Add the resulting mixture to the sifted flour while pouring sunflower oil and pouring salt.

4. Thoroughly knead all of the above components until an elastic dough is obtained.

5. Let the dough rise in a warm place for 5 minutes.

6. Grease a baking sheet with oil.

7. Roll out the dough into a cake and place in a mold.

8. Put the filling on top.

9. Install in the oven temperature regime 180 C and bake pizza for 15 - 20 minutes until done.

We hope that our dry yeast pizza dough recipes will please you. We wish you bon appetit!

The classic pizza dough recipe is yeast, flour, water and salt. That's exactly what right dough we will cook today. Slightly diversify the composition with sunflower oil.

From this, our bun will become even more tender and elastic. Homemade yeast dough for pizza with dry yeast is kneaded in just 15 minutes.

Enough to buy these very dry fast acting yeast. Still to be taken wheat flour, warm drinking water, salt and sunflower oil.

Pour flour into a bowl. Add dry yeast to flour. For pizza, yeast does not need to be dissolved in water.

Add water right after the yeast. It should only be used warm. IN hot water yeast dies, and with cold - the fermentation process slows down.

Next add sunflower oil. Knead a soft ball.

Quick pizza dough with dry yeast is ready!

Let's divide the bun into two parts. Roll out the dough into a round cake. We place it on the bottom of the detachable form. Dust the base with flour. We also use flour for rolling.

Now about pizza. There can be so many options for the filling that there are not enough fingers on your hands. Let's focus on the economy class ingredients.

We assume that schoolchildren and students will be able to bake our pizza. You will need: tomato sauce, smoked sausage, tomatoes, "Russian" cheese, black olives.

Lubricate the dough with tomato sauce.

Distribute with a silicone brush over the surface.

Add sausage and tomatoes.

Sausage and tomatoes are sprinkled with grated cheese.

Then black olives, halved.

School pizza is sent to an oven preheated to 240 ° C for 10 minutes. Hooray! I'm all set!

Let's take a quick pizza dough with dry yeast in the piggy bank of simple homemade recipes. Yeah?

The dough is prepared quickly enough, the dough is thin, crispy (if it is rolled out in a thin layer). But at the same time, quick yeast dough for pizza is also very tasty. Recipe as always step by step photos.

I have been making pizza with this recipe for a long time. A friend of mine once shared a pizza recipe with me.

Since then, all my recipes that I used to cook before have moved to another plane. This is the recipe I use for pizza. Not so long ago they cooked Hawaiian pizza with chicken and pineapples. Unlike other recipes that I have previously tried, this dough recipe was enjoyed by our whole family, and I like the recipe for its speed and ease of preparation.

Quick yeast dough for pizza. Recipe with photo

This dough is quite simple, does not include eggs and milk. The dough is prepared with dry yeast. The dough recipe and proportions are designed specifically for the use of dry yeast. The use of pressed yeast implies different proportions of ingredients.

Dough Ingredients:

  • 100 ml. warm water
  • 1 teaspoon dry yeast
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • 1.5 cups flour (250 grams)

I will write you the process of preparing the dough itself, so that you do not doubt its simplicity and speed of preparation.

And then, in more detail, with step-by-step photographs, I will show you the whole process of making yeast dough for pizza on water.

Pizza dough. Cooking process

The dough preparation process includes several stages. In total, it takes me 20-25 minutes to prepare the dough.

  1. Pour warm water into a bowl and add sugar and dry yeast
  2. After 7-10 minutes, add salt and vegetable oil
  3. We immediately add in small portions flour
  4. Knead the dough and leave for 15 minutes
  5. After the specified time, the dough increases in volume several times.
  6. The dough is ready, you need to roll it out and lay out the filling
  7. Then immediately place the pizza in the oven.

For the dough, we need boiled warm water, salt, sugar, dry yeast, vegetable oil (can be replaced with olive oil), flour. These are all components.

I pour warm water into a bowl, please note, it is warm water, not hot. I pour sugar and dry yeast. I mix everything and leave for 7-10 minutes.

Vegetable oil can be substituted if desired. olive oil. I have not tried it, I cook a quick yeast dough for pizza on a vegetable sunflower oil. It’s just that olive oil gives a little bitterness, in other dishes, so we don’t do it with it.

Now add the sifted flour in small portions. You do not need to add all the flour at once, add a few tablespoons at a time.

You may need a little more or a little less than the norm of flour indicated in the ingredients.

Stir the dough with a tablespoon or silicone spatula. Gradually add flour and mix the dough.

When it is no longer possible to mix the dough with a spoon, continue kneading the dough with your hand, right in the bowl, without laying the dough on the table.

Knead the dough for about 2 minutes. The dough is quite plastic, does not stick to the hands, and it is very pleasant to work with it. All thanks to the vegetable oil included in its composition.

Now you need to cover the dough with a clean towel. Leave the dough to rise for 15 minutes. To make this process faster, the dough must be put in a warm place.

We came up with a very original way. We heat water in a saucepan. We put the bowl with the dough on the pan, and do not forget to cover the dough with a towel on top.

After 12-15 minutes, the dough looks like this. Now you can start making pizza.

Agree, the process of preparing the dough is very fast and simple. The ingredients are very affordable. You don't have to mess with the test for a long time. There are big advantages to this.

The dough is soft, elastic, not sticky, perfectly rolled out with a rolling pin, and there is no need to additionally “dust” the dough or the surface with flour.

From the specified number of pizza ingredients, one pizza is obtained. The pizza is 25 cm in diameter. I will cook pizza with chicken, tomatoes, olives, mozzarella and herbs. I don’t cook pizza every day, so I always want to please my family with delicious pizza.

After the dough has stood for 15 minutes and “approached”, you immediately begin to work with it. Roll out the dough into a circle, if you like, if you have a square baking sheet, the shape can be square.

The pizza dough is thin, crispy, very tasty, and the variety delicious toppings will give pizza unforgettable aroma and taste.

After rolling out the dough, immediately lay out the filling and send the pizza to the oven. Quick yeast dough for pizza, ready, recipe with photos will provide you with a visual process and step-by-step instructions.

This pizza is enough for a family of 4 people. Our kids love pizza, especially corn and sausage pizza. Decorate ready pizza possible at will. I use whatever fresh herbs I have in the fridge (dill, parsley, basil).

Quick pizza and bon appetit!

Making pizza dough is easy if you know the right recipe. On our website, a master class for beginners in cooking delicious pizza. Here is the simple recipe correct test For thin pizza With tender crust.


  • water - 125 ml;
  • yeast - 1.25 tsp;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • flour - 200-250 g;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp.


Important point- flour matters! use so much the best flour as much as you can afford. Proper flour, this is of course desirable Italian, grade 00 (zero-zero). But at right approach, the dough will be good even from the simplest flour.

First we prepare the yeast. I used regular sachets. Dilute them in 125 ml of warm water. You can also add a spoonful of sugar there, so the yeast will start working faster.

After 10 minutes, you can start preparing the dough. To do this, pour the flour into a cup (it's easier to cook and less clean up later).

First pour 200 grams, if necessary, it is better to add later than to dilute with plain water. Add a spoonful of salt. Make a well in the center of the hill and pour all the yeast liquid into it.

Mix the mixture well with a fork, and then begin to knead the dough with your hands, collecting lumps from the walls. Pass the dough between your fingers, fold over and over again.

Look here, the dough should be slightly sticky, not dry. If necessary, add flour in pinches. When the dough is sure to come together in one piece - pour olive oil evenly.

Again mix well. Do not rush to add flour, at first the dough will seem liquid / sticky, keep mixing.

And now the most important secret keep kneading the dough. 10 minutes minimum. Just roll with your palm a little, fold in half and roll out again.

Without additional flour and other things, it will become very elastic and very smooth. Look at the photo, see how it became smooth from the previous step?

Cover with a damp towel and put in heat (possible to the battery) for 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes, the dough will approximately double in size, become even smoother and “fluffy” (airy).

Now just put it on a surface dusted with flour and roll out the future pizza to a thickness of 2-3 mm. If you like pizza with sides - just make small tucks around the perimeter. From the indicated amount of ingredients, you can roll out a pizza about 30 cm. Or a couple of small ones.

The main rule of pizza is the maximum possible temperature, the minimum time. Therefore, feel free to set the highest temperature that is available in your oven. It is best to bake on the lowest shelf - then the dough on the bottom will brown faster than the top, which is more tender due to vegetables and cheese.

Homemade pizza with smoked sausages


  • For the filling: 250-300 g smoked sausages, ham or sausages (to taste),
  • 200 g mushrooms
  • 200 g hard cheese,
  • 150 g semi-hard cheese,
  • 1 fresh tomato,
  • ½ onion
  • fresh pepper, pickles, corn - to taste,
  • mayonnaise,
  • 3-4 st. l. ketchup or tomato sauce
  • fresh herbs- For decoration.
  • For the dough: 200-250 g flour,
  • 1 st. l. olive oil,
  • salt - to taste
  • 1 tsp dry yeast,
  • 1 st. warm water.


Knead the dough. Mix flour with salt and dry yeast, then slowly add warm water, add olive oil and knead the dough.

If you overdo it with water and the dough turns out to be too liquid, add a little more flour (in moderation so that the dough does not come out hard).

Knead the dough thoroughly and let it brew in a warm place for 30-40 minutes, covering the container with the dough with a towel.

Wash the mushrooms and cut into slices of medium thickness, cut the onion and tomatoes into rings or half rings, smoked sausages- circles. If using ham, cut it into slices. Cheese rub on coarse grater.

If you mix two or more varieties of cheese to taste, then your pizza will turn out spicy and original. Of course, you can use one variety of your favorite cheese.

When the dough is infused, knead it and roll it out thin cake for pizza.

Please note: the pizza dough should be soft and airy, if it sticks to your hands - do not rush to add a lot of flour, otherwise the pizza base will turn out hard when baking.

Place the pizza base on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. To prevent the pizza from burning, sprinkle a little flour on the baking paper, and then lay out the dough. Wrap the edges of the future pizza nicely.

Lubricate the pizza crust with ketchup (mayonnaise, sauce) and lay out the filling. You can show your imagination and add whatever your heart desires to the pizza. The main thing is that all this is covered with cheese on top.

Delicious for homemade pizza: sausages, mushrooms, onion rings, some corn, tomatoes, cheese. For piquancy of taste - pieces of pickled cucumbers or olives.

Do not forget to grease the layers of the filling with mayonnaise to make the pizza juicy. But do not overdo it with the sauce so that the pizza does not leak during baking.

Bake homemade pizza 20-30 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. Readiness check on the softness of the cake. Don't overcook your pizza, otherwise the dough will be too dry and hard.

Cut the finished pizza into portions, decorate with fresh herbs and serve.

Pizza Margherita


  • Pizza dough;
  • mozzarella - 100 g;
  • basil - 6-8 leaves;
  • tomato sauce - 3-4 tablespoons;
  • tomato - 1 pc.


To make pizza, use anything and in any combination. If we are not talking about Margarita, then use any products, those that remain with you after the working week. It can be pieces of meat, sausages, herbs, vegetables, cheeses, mushrooms and so on.

Set aside the dough, tomato sauce and herbs.

Now let's prepare the filling. Cut the tomatoes into thin rings. And yes, cut all the ingredients thinner - because the pizza is cooked for 3-4 minutes and we do not need semi-cooked vegetables.

But the cheese is cut into thick bars 1 cm thick. I always use Mozzarella, let's say it is a cheese that is very resistant to temperatures - that is, it melts slowly and you have to wait a very long time until it starts to boil - this is to our advantage.

When all the filling is prepared, proceed to the test. Dust the table with flour and roll the ball into a thin layer, no more than 3 mm thick.

I do this: I ran the rolling pin in one direction, turned it over, sprinkled it with flour and ran the rolling pin in the opposite direction. And so several times. So the shape will turn out round, and not elongated (if rolled in one direction).

You don't need much flour, just run a dusty hand over the surface of the dough. Next, I use a plate to make the shape of the pizza as round as possible. You can skip this step. Ready dough carefully transfer to parchment (or roll out immediately on it).

Spread tomato sauce with spoons in the center of the dough - here take any one you like best, preferably with herbs, garlic, pepper and quite thick, you can take tomato paste good quality. And smear it with a spoon.

If you like pizza with sides, wrap the edges of the dough around the perimeter. In any case, do not go sauce to the very edge of the pizza.

Next, randomly scatter pieces of cheese. There are two classic way- cheese on top of the entire filling and at the very bottom (on the sauce). The second option is better - the cheese, as it were, holds the filling together and connects the cake with the filling so that it does not slip.

Top with grass (half) and tomato rings. Pepper, spices and a couple more pieces of cheese on top.

Preheat the oven to the highest setting. Transfer pizza with parchment to a hot baking sheet (let it lie in the oven for 10 minutes before transferring pizza to it) and bake on the lowest shelf for 3-6 minutes.

During this time, the cake will begin to cover. golden brown and the filling is ready. The indicator here is cheese. It begins to melt and almost loses its shape, but has not yet turned into a puddle.

Allow the finished pizza to cool slightly, literally a minute. cut up special knife(see photo). Do not listen to anyone, no semicircular knives, and even more so simple kitchen ones, will cut pizza so neatly.

But it is important for us that the filling does not fall apart and does not move out. I sprinkle fresh herbs on top (we did not use some). And of course, you need to eat pizza with your hands (folding the triangle in half) with good wine and loved ones!)

By the way, from the leftover dough, you can make excellent rings that will remain tasty even the next day. Since you ask for the recipe, I'll tell you, there is nothing complicated here.

Roll the rest of the dough into a ball and roll it again with a rolling pin into a layer. Here, see for yourself, the principle is like that of pies - what size you want, make such layers of dough.

I got about 16 cm in diameter. Put the filling in the center of the layer - again, anything: sauce, cheeses, herbs, meat, and so on.

And fold the edges of the dough to the center, pinching the seam. Look at the photo, everything should be clear. Bake the same way as pizza on a baking sheet with parchment, but already on the central shelf until it appears golden crust.

Let the finished ring cool slightly and serve. In an airtight container, they will safely lie overnight. They taste a little juicier than pizza, because the filling languishes inside the dough, which turns out to be tender inside and crispy on the outside. Really good substitute for the usual pies.

Pepperoni pizza at home


  • water - 100 ml
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  • dry yeast - 1.5 tsp
  • salt - 1/4 tsp
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp
  • flour - 1.5 cups
  • sausage "Pepperoni" - 200 gr
  • Mozzarella cheese - 250 gr
  • pizza sauce


Mix warm water and sugar. Add yeast. Leave for 10 minutes until the yeast ferments and a foam 1.5-2 cm high appears. Pour into a deep container. Add salt, olive oil. Add flour, knead the dough. The pizza dough is thick. Cover the container, put in a warm place, let the dough rise (about 1 hour).
Preparing the topping for Pepperoni pizza. Cut the sausage into slices. cut mozzarella thin plates(or grate on a coarse grater)

Place the dough on a floured surface, divide into two parts. Roll out into a layer 3-5 mm thick. Using a large plate (I have 25 cm) cut out a circle. Transfer the layer to a baking sheet sprinkled with flour. Smear with sauce

Throw in the mozzarella and pepperoni. Bake for 20-25 minutes at 220 degrees.

Tomato sauce for pizza



We clean the tomatoes from the skin and puree in a blender (you can also rub it through a grater). Transfer the puree to a saucepan, heat over medium heat, add olive oil, sugar and salt.

Cook for 10-15 minutes and stir constantly so as not to burn. Garlic is either finely chopped or passed through a press and added together with herbs to the sauce for about five minutes before readiness.

Video: quick pizza dough recipe without yeast

The dough is prepared quickly enough, the dough is thin, crispy (if it is rolled out in a thin layer). But at the same time, quick yeast dough for pizza is also very tasty. Recipe, as always, with step by step photos.

I have been making pizza with this recipe for a long time. A friend of mine once shared a pizza recipe with me.

Since then, all my recipes that I used to cook before have moved to another plan. This is the recipe I use for pizza. Not too long ago they were preparing. Unlike other recipes that I have previously tried, this dough recipe was enjoyed by our whole family, and I like the recipe for its speed and ease of preparation.

Quick yeast dough for pizza. Recipe with photo

This dough is quite simple, does not include eggs and milk. The dough is prepared with dry yeast. The dough recipe and proportions are designed specifically for the use of dry yeast. The use of pressed yeast implies different proportions of ingredients.

Dough Ingredients:

  • 100 ml. warm water
  • 1 teaspoon dry yeast
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • 1.5 cups flour (250 grams)

I will write you the process of preparing the dough itself, so that you do not doubt its simplicity and speed of preparation.

And then, in more detail, with step-by-step photographs, I will show you the whole process of making yeast dough for pizza on water.

Pizza dough. Cooking process

The dough preparation process includes several stages. In total, it takes me 20-25 minutes to prepare the dough.

  1. Pour warm water into a bowl and add sugar and dry yeast
  2. After 7-10 minutes, add salt and vegetable oil
  3. Immediately add flour in small portions.
  4. Knead the dough and leave for 15 minutes
  5. After the specified time, the dough increases in volume several times.
  6. The dough is ready, you need to roll it out and lay out the filling
  7. Then immediately place the pizza in the oven.

For the dough, we need boiled warm water, salt, sugar, dry yeast, vegetable oil (can be replaced with olive oil), flour. These are all components.

I pour warm water into a bowl, please note, it is warm water, not hot. I pour sugar and dry yeast. I mix everything and leave for 7-10 minutes.

If desired, vegetable oil can be replaced with olive oil. I have not tried it, I am preparing a quick yeast dough for pizza in vegetable sunflower oil. It’s just that olive oil gives a little bitterness, in other dishes, so we don’t do it with it.

Now add the sifted flour in small portions. You do not need to add all the flour at once, add a few tablespoons at a time.

You may need a little more or a little less than the norm of flour indicated in the ingredients.

Stir the dough with a tablespoon or silicone spatula. Gradually add flour and mix the dough.

When it is no longer possible to mix the dough with a spoon, continue kneading the dough with your hand, right in the bowl, without laying the dough on the table.

Knead the dough for about 2 minutes. The dough is quite plastic, does not stick to the hands, and it is very pleasant to work with it. All thanks to the vegetable oil included in its composition.

Now you need to cover the dough with a clean towel. Leave the dough to rise for 15 minutes. To make this process faster, the dough must be put in a warm place.

We came up with a very original way. We heat water in a saucepan. We put the bowl with the dough on the pan, and do not forget to cover the dough with a towel on top.

After 12-15 minutes, the dough looks like this. Now you can start making pizza.

Agree, the process of preparing the dough is very fast and simple. The ingredients are very affordable. You don't have to mess with the test for a long time. There are big advantages to this.

The dough is soft, elastic, not sticky, perfectly rolled out with a rolling pin, and there is no need to additionally “dust” the dough or the surface with flour.

From the specified number of pizza ingredients, one pizza is obtained. Pizza in diameter is 25 cm. I will cook with herbs. I don’t cook pizza every day, so I always want to please my family with delicious pizza.

After the dough has stood for 15 minutes and “approached”, you immediately begin to work with it. Roll out the dough into a circle, if you like, if you have a square baking sheet, the shape can be square.

The pizza dough is thin, crispy, very tasty, and a variety of delicious toppings will give the pizza an unforgettable aroma and taste.

After rolling out the dough, immediately lay out the filling and send the pizza to the oven. Quick yeast dough for pizza, ready, recipe with photos will provide you with a visual process and step-by-step instructions.

This pizza is enough for a family of 4 people. Our kids love pizza, especially. You can decorate the finished pizza as you wish. I use whatever fresh herbs I have in the fridge (dill, parsley, basil).

Quick pizza and bon appetit!
