
Lightly salted tomatoes in a package a quick recipe. Lightly salted tomatoes in a bag with garlic: the best recipes, important secrets

Salted cucumbers everyone who is not alien to cooking will pamper themselves. But most housewives forget that tomatoes can also be cooked in the same way. Meanwhile, tomatoes in a bag - lightly salted, with garlic - are cooked very quickly, they turn out to be plump and appetizing and require very little effort on the part of the cook. In addition, they can be given the most different taste, satisfying the gourmet addictions of his family.

A few important rules

In order for salted tomatoes in a bag to “ripen” quickly, you need to take small tomatoes, something like medium-sized “cream” or cherry tomatoes. You can speed up the process even more by incising the place where the stalk was attached. Just don't overdo it with the depth, so that the tomato does not become soft.

For uniform salting, all fruits should be approximately the same size. Sorting takes a few minutes, but guarantees the desired result.

The package must be found durable - it must withstand both the weight of the tomatoes and periodic shaking. If you are not sure about the strength of the package, put it in a couple more bags.

You can’t stuff the bag tightly: the tomatoes will release the juice, and there should be room for it.

Avoid storing tomatoes that have already been salted in the bag. First, if they are left tied, they may "suffocate". A mold taste qualities Well, it doesn't improve. Secondly, from overexposure, tomatoes can become lethargic and begin to spread under the fingers. Thirdly, they are elementary salted and bitter.

If the tomatoes turned out to be salted due to excess salt or overexposure, you need to add a little sugar to the bag, shake the bag and leave to lie down for a third of an hour.

How to cook salted tomatoes with garlic in a bag: the first recipe

The set of products listed below is designed for a dozen tomatoes. So, the tomatoes are prepared for pickling, that is, they are washed (no need to dry), pierced with a toothpick and folded into a strong bag. They fall in there: large spoon salt and a little sugar, five cloves of garlic, if desired - spices in the form of dill, horseradish leaves and peppercorns. Tie, shake - and warm until tomorrow.

Salted tomatoes in a package in 5 minutes, of course, they will not reach the condition. But if you want to get them faster, cross-cut the end of the tomato opposite the stalk and completely cut out the place with which it was attached to the stem - and after a couple of hours you can already try the pickles.

Let's add pepper

To make the tomatoes in the bag (salted, with garlic) even more interesting and varied in taste, you can add them bell pepper. Eight tomatoes usually put one or two medium pods. Tomatoes are prepared for shipment in a bag in the manner already described. The pepper is peeled and cut into narrow strips. Half a head of garlic is recommended not only to be freed from the husk, but also cut lengthwise into halves. In addition to vegetables, the package contains fresh dill with parsley and lemon balm, a full spoonful of sugar and salt, oregano, sage and rosemary (they can also be used in dried form). If you like it spicy, add some grain mustard. Shake - and forget about the package, this time for two days: unlike salted tomatoes with garlic, the pepper in the bag is salted longer.

Tomatoes plus cucumbers

So to speak, two in one: both favorite vegetables will be available. They are taken into equal amounts and (by eye) the same size. Let's say six. Tomatoes are pierced, cucumbers are cut off "butt" from both ends. Garlic in original recipe five teeth are indicated, you can adjust according to your own preferences. Again, it is recommended to chop it into slices, but if you do not like a pronounced garlic smell, put it whole. We put it in a package. Lightly salted and with garlic - your household will surely like them! From the greens are taken parsley, dill and carrot tops. The first two herbs are crushed, the tops are placed whole. Salt - a full spoon, sugar - with lack of sleep. The vegetables should lie overnight in the refrigerator in a bag, then they must be moved to a container along with the brine.

Vinegar Recipe

In recent years, it has become fashionable to appreciate salinity that lacks vinegar. Nevertheless, traditionalists remained who "respect" blanks with the presence of this component. Especially for them - a recipe for salted tomatoes in a bag, where vinegar is used as a preservative. Eight tomatoes leave a head of chopped garlic, chopped dill, three tablespoons of salt and 30 ml table vinegar. All ingredients are combined and poured into a bag. Tomatoes are already laid in the mixture, tied, shaken and placed in a dark place for two hours. It doesn't take long to wait for the tasting!

Flight of fancy approved!

If you're shy at first, try it basic version recipe for lightly salted tomatoes in a bag. Once you're sure the system works, invent your own. You can start the experiment by adding turmeric or basil. You can try cilantro, but be very careful, it still has too much strong smell. But with dry spices, you can behave more freely, although, again, without extremism. Some chefs successfully lightly salt stuffed tomatoes- here it would be appropriate to recall the filling from Armenian or Georgian cuisine. Do not forget about the note that gives pickles hot pepper- without it, supporters of spicy food are unlikely to do.

A very interesting option is when greens and garlic are put into cross-shaped cuts on tomatoes. But to get a successful result, you will have to buy hard fruits, brown, and possibly green: fully ripened tomatoes can turn into a slurred porridge by the end of pickling.

Good afternoon. I continue to collect recipes for cooking various delicious snacks from tomatoes. Past collections were devoted to tomatoes in and. These are great appetizers, but they take time and a little patience to make.

And if you need to quickly, for example, guests are coming tomorrow, then these recipes are unlikely to work. Something faster is needed. And here, by the way, such fast and delicious options, like salted and pickled tomatoes cooked in a bag.

Yes, someone will say that it is different dishes and it is not correct to consider them together, but I combined them according to another criterion, namely: quick cooking in a bag.

By using these methods, you will delicious tomatoes within a few hours, well, or a couple of days, depending on the recipe chosen.

And of course, in each version there is garlic and dill, as the best seasonings for a flavorful snack.

I tried to pick up such methods that use different combinations of ingredients and require different time until ready, so that you can choose a convenient option for each case.

Tomatoes in a bag with garlic and dill - a recipe for 2 hours in the refrigerator

Let's start with the fastest way with the simplest set of ingredients, according to which salted tomatoes will be ready in 2 hours.


  • Tomatoes - 3 pcs
  • Garlic - 1 head
  • Greens - 1 bunch
  • Salt - 1 heaping teaspoon


1. ripe tomatoes wash medium-sized and cut into quarters, cutting off the stalks. Wash greens, blot paper towel and grind with a knife. Squeeze the garlic cloves with a press.

That's all preparatory work which takes a maximum of 5 minutes.

2. Put the prepared products in a bag and cover with salt.

3. Then we tie the bag, shake it and turn it over several times so that everything is mixed and put in the refrigerator for half an hour.

You should not shake too vigorously, so as not to crush the tomatoes.

4. After 30 minutes, we take out the bag, gently mix the contents again and put it in the refrigerator. This operation must be carried out a total of 3 times and one more time just before untying the bags and putting the tomatoes on a plate.

As I said, salted tomatoes will be ready in 2 hours of pickling. Bon appetit!

How to pickle tomatoes in a bag in 5 minutes

And here is a recipe that is suitable if you are in nature and there is no refrigerator. It takes only 5 minutes to prepare the appetizer, but you will have to wait at least 8 hours until it is ready.

Ingredients for 1 kg of tomatoes:

  • 5-6 garlic cloves
  • A bunch of "umbrellas" dill
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • Pepper - to taste


1. We take tight plastic bag and put dill umbrellas on the bottom.

2. Now we take the tomatoes and make two cuts crosswise on them.

You need to cut somewhere to the middle of the vegetable so that the salting process is more efficient.

3. We do this with all the tomatoes and fill the bag with them.

4. Add spices on top: chopped garlic, salt, sugar and pepper (optional).

5. Now it remains only to close the bag and shake it slightly so that the spices are evenly distributed in it. We put the package on a plate (in case it suddenly turns out to be leaky) and wait 8 hours, periodically shaking it.

If tomatoes small varieties, then they will be ready earlier - in 5-6 hours.

Classic recipe for salted tomatoes in two days

And here we come to classic recipe pickled tomato in a bag. He assumes that we are not in a hurry and we have at least 2 days at our disposal. This time will be just enough to get the perfect lightly salted product.


  • Tomatoes - 1 kg
  • Garlic - 7-8 cloves
  • Salt - 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Dill - 1 bunch
  • Hot pepper - optional


1. As in previous recipe, in tomatoes, you need to make a cross-shaped cut so that salt and other spices can more easily penetrate the pulp of vegetables.

If you skip this step, then the salt simply will not have time to penetrate the vegetable through the skin.

2. Finely chop the garlic. You can add more to spice it up hot peppers. You don’t need much at all, just one thin ring, which also needs to be crushed.

3. Pour the prepared tomatoes into a bag, add chopped garlic and pepper to them, add salt and sugar and put dill sprigs on top.

4. We tie the bag in a knot and shake it thoroughly to evenly distribute the spices. Then leave it at room temperature for 2-3 days.

For reliability, you can put a bag of tomatoes in another bag to be sure that the marinade does not leak out.

Salted tomatoes with garlic and hot pepper

A slightly modified version of the classic recipe for lovers of spicy snacks.


  • Medium tomatoes - 1 kg
  • Garlic - 10 cloves
  • Umbrellas of dry dill - 3-4 pieces
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Rock salt - 1 tbsp.
  • Hot pepper - 0.5 pcs


1. On tomatoes, we make a longitudinal incision on one side.

And on the other hand, we remove the stalk with a longitudinal incision.

2. Put the tomatoes in a bag, add chopped pepper and garlic. We fall asleep salt with sugar and put dill umbrellas.

For a more uniform salting, the bag should be shaken 3-4 times a day.

Video on how to pickle vegetables in a bag of vinegar

Another way to prepare savory tomatoes is with a bag, which will take us from pickling to marinating.

I offer it in the form of a video so that you do not accidentally miss any of the ingredients.

Quick Recipe with Garlic, Parsley and Lemon Juice

One of my favorite recipes. It cooks very quickly, and pickled tomatoes are just delicious.


  • Tomatoes - 500 g
  • Red hot pepper - to taste
  • Parsley and dill - in a bunch
  • Juice from half a lemon
  • Garlic - 6 cloves
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Sunflower oil - 6 tbsp. l.


1. As soon as we are ready, we will immediately put the products in a bag, so first of all we conveniently fold it and put it on a plate.

2. Cut the tomatoes in half and put them in the prepared bag.

3. Next we send chopped greens and finely chopped pepper.

4. Next come the salt, ground pepper, sunflower oil and lemon juice.

5. And now we tie the bag, shake it up several times and put it in the refrigerator for 10 hours.

To make it easier to mix, the knot on the bag should be made as high as possible so that the vegetables mix freely with the spices.

After 10 hours, delicious marinated tomatoes in a bag will be ready. Bon appetit!

Well, I will end this collection. Tomatoes can be cooked in a hundred more different ways, and I want to have time to consider how more ways until the hot season of harvesting and winter harvesting began.

So that's all for today, thank you for your attention.

Lightly salted tomatoes in a bag are the easiest and fastest way to pickle, both red and green. Absolutely any variety of vegetables can be salted in this way, and as a result, tomatoes in a bag are obtained strong (dense) in consistency, moderately sweet, moderately salty and moderately spicy. In a word, pickled tomatoes with garlic in a bag are great snack for all occasions.

At home, pickling tomatoes in a bag is very easy. Right now we will present a quick and easy step by step recipe.

To make the tomatoes with garlic in the bag not only tasty and juicy, but also look aesthetically pleasing, we recommend that you select vegetables of approximately the same size. In addition, the fruits must be strong, without damage.

You will need:

  • red tomatoes (it is best to use fleshy varieties, you can "Cherry") - 2 kg .;
  • fresh dill in umbrellas and twigs - 1 umbrella and 1 bunch;
  • salt - 2 or 2.5 dessert spoons;
  • granulated sugar - 2 teaspoons;
  • garlic - 10 cloves (the less garlic, the less spicy) ready meal).

You can cook salted tomatoes in a jar, see.

How to pickle tomatoes in a bag, a detailed description of the cooking process

Tomatoes selected for salting mine, if it is a “plum” variety or the like, cut off the tip of the spout. If round tomatoes or cherry tomatoes are used, we make a small puncture at the tip of the vegetables with a knife.

We put the prepared vegetables in a regular plastic bag.

On a note! Today, especially for cases of pickling vegetables in bags and a number of others, hardware stores sell special bags with a lock-clip on top. We recommend using them.

Add finely chopped garlic, a finely chopped bunch of dill and one dill umbrella to the tomatoes (can be cut into pieces).

Dill seeds, located on the inflorescences, give the tomatoes a fragrant aroma, and therefore we recommend that you add at least one dill umbrella to the package.

Add sugar to the ingredients in the bag, salt and close the bag.

We shake the products well several times and leave them on the table or in any other place at room temperature for 3-4 hours. During this time, periodically, for example, every half an hour or an hour, shake the products.

If you are using an ordinary thin plastic bag for pickling, it is best to take two at once and put one inside the other. Special tight bags with a clip are enough for one.

After 4 hours, the products can be stored in the refrigerator. In this case, vegetables can be consumed in two days, they will be completely ready and pickled. If you leave the tomatoes to marinate for a day at room temperature, then you can try them immediately after 24 hours. Store pickled tomatoes in a bag in the refrigerator. Shelf life depending on the variety and maturity of tomatoes from 10 to 15 days.

Note. If you are pickling green tomatoes, then the period of pickling them at room temperature and in the refrigerator should be at least doubled. The readiness of the product can be checked by trying a tomato.

I know several recipes for lightly salted tomatoes in a bag, but the most favorite and fastest is the recipe in 5 minutes. Recipes have always fascinated me. fast food, and when I found out that it was possible to pickle tomatoes in this way, I didn’t even wait, but I immediately wanted to cook. Since then, I often pickle tomatoes in this way - it's fast, easy and affordable.

I don’t go to the store for pickles now, because I cook everything at home. In summer and autumn, when I am tormented by the thirst for salty, they save me salted vegetables. Firstly, you do not need to open pickled jars that are waiting in the wings until winter, and secondly, salted vegetables have great taste, which is different from standard salted vegetables. If pickled tomatoes are always soft, lightly salted tomatoes may soften slightly, but will still be felt. fresh fragrance.

It is worth noting that lightly salted tomatoes can taste different: after a few days of salting, they have a weak salty taste, but after a week they acquire a rich pickling taste with lung taste fermentation. I love all kinds of tomatoes, so I always cook them different ways for the winter, including salted ones.

My grandmother salted tomatoes in barrels and kept them until the New Year. You can do the same, but just put the snack in the refrigerator, where it will stand perfectly and not show signs of spoilage. I went further - I cook salted tomatoes immediately in a bag, the recipe is so elementary that everyone can do it. Main advantage today's recipe- it is prepared in 5 minutes, it remains only to wait until the tomatoes are pickled.

Required products:

  • 700 grams of tomato,
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1/3 bunch of herbs (dill and parsley),
  • 1 incomplete teaspoon l. salt.

How to make salted tomatoes in a bag in 5 minutes

We immediately fill the plastic bag with tomatoes, just rinse the waxes and prick them with toothpicks. In this form, the marinade will penetrate the vegetables faster, and they will marinate faster.

Pour salt into the bag with tomatoes, it will speed up pickling and salting.

Squeeze for taste fragrant garlic, which will make the tomato slightly spicy.

After cutting all the greens, add it to the tomatoes, the fresh aroma will make the appetizer the most popular at the table.

We tie the bag and begin to shake it so that all the components are mixed with the tomatoes.

After 3-4 hours, the tomatoes will become tasty and lightly salted, but do not forget to shake them periodically. Let the tomatoes lie in the room and pickle, and before serving, cool them in the refrigerator.
