
Salted cucumbers how to make a recipe. Pickled cucumbers in brine

Now we will tell you how to cook salted cucumbers very quickly and without much kitchen hassle.

How to quickly cook lightly salted cucumbers in 2 hours

For cooking you will need:

  • cucumbers - 1 kg;
  • dill - 1 bunch;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • salt - 1 tablespoon without top;
  • sugar - 1 tiny pinch.

Cut clean cucumbers lengthwise into 4 parts, and then each part into 2 halves across. Finely chop the dill. Press the garlic through a press. Mix salt and sugar. Take a strong plastic bag and put all the prepared ingredients into it. Tie the bag with a harsh thread or fasten its top with a special culinary staple. Shake the bag in your hands to mix its contents. Put the package in the refrigerator. Shake the bag every half an hour so that the released juice is evenly distributed over the cucumbers. After 2 hours, during this time, you will probably boil potatoes and fry cutlets, call your family for lunch. Put the cucumbers in a deep bowl and be sure to pour the fragrant juice from the bag to them. Instead of a bag, you can take a food container with a tight lid.

How to quickly cook lightly salted cucumbers in 8 hours

For these cucumbers, you will need exactly the same products as in the first recipe. In addition, you will also need water - 1 liter.

  • Wash small, identical cucumbers well and cut off their tips on both sides.
  • Put the cucumbers in a jar, interspersing them with slices of garlic and chopped dill.
  • Bring water to a boil and add salt and sugar to it. Wait until the salt and sugar are completely dissolved.
  • Pour hot brine over cucumbers in a jar and leave it on the kitchen table until morning.
  • In the morning, rearrange the jar in the refrigerator, but do not forget to take a sample from crispy pickled cucumbers.

How to quickly cook salted cucumbers in 3 days

You can prepare these lightly salted cucumbers in advance if you do not need to serve them very quickly.

  • Put 2 kg of fresh cucumbers in a three-liter jar. Before that, you can cut off their ends.
  • Season the cucumbers with garlic (2-3 cloves) and a dill umbrella (a couple of pieces).
  • Dissolve 2 tablespoons of coarse rock salt and a coffee spoon of granulated sugar in two liters of cold water.
  • Pour the cucumbers with the resulting brine and leave them warm for 12 hours.
  • When the brine is a little cloudy, transfer the jar to the cold.
  • After three days, serve cucumbers on the table.

The three described recipes differ from each other only in the cooking time. You can, by choosing the appropriate method, make salted cucumbers different to taste. Add to them any spicy leaves (cherries, currants, horseradish - 1-2 pieces each), spices (peppercorns, cumin, allspice - 5-10 pieces each). Tarragon goes well with cucumbers - for 1 kg of vegetables, put one of its small branches.

Nature pleases with beautiful young green foliage and, looking at all this beauty, I remembered my favorite way of making crispy salted cucumbers. In our family, everyone loves such cucumbers without exception. According to this recipe, they turn out to be super crispy, hard, and their rich green color is preserved. And the taste! ... Mmm ... beyond words. It's something. Yes, under the barbecue, under the potatoes. Well, I think you already understood that this recipe for crispy cucumbers should not be overlooked - in the summer you will need it many, many more times: it has been tested repeatedly. Record!


  • fresh cucumbers - two kilograms;
  • dill greens - one bunch;
  • garlic - one large head;
  • salt - two tablespoons without a slide.

Crispy lightly salted cucumbers. Step by step recipe

  1. We wash two kilograms of fresh cucumbers with cold running water. Inspect for rot or other damage.
  2. We place them in a deep bowl or other container, pour cold water on top (so that the water completely covers our cucumbers) and let stand for one to two hours.
  3. Tip: for pickling cucumbers, an important point is the choice of the cucumbers themselves. After all, a beautiful and tasty result, first of all, depends on how you approach the choice of cucumbers when buying. What you should pay attention to: size (it is best to choose small cucumbers of the correct shape: no more than 15 centimeters long), peel (should be undamaged, dark green, elastic). A bumpy surface with small spikes indicates that there are fewer seeds in such cucumbers, and the flesh is denser and crispier, without voids. Such cucumbers are ideal candidates for our recipe. I also want to add that cucumbers grown in the open field are much more aromatic and tastier than greenhouse ones.
  4. We wash a bunch of dill with cold running water and cut it into a length of three to four centimeters (not finely).
  5. We disassemble the head of garlic into cloves, peel each of them from the husk. I always choose a bigger head of garlic as I love the tangible flavor of garlic in a jar of pickles.
  6. While the cucumbers are soaking, you need to prepare the jars. According to this recipe, I can fill two liter jars. You will choose the size and number of jars yourself, since everyone has different varieties and sizes of cucumbers. Each hostess will be able to tamp them into jars in different ways. BUT! The speed of eating these crispy salted cucumbers will be equally high for everyone. And after a couple of days, you will again return to the stage of preparing cans. Fortunately, nothing needs to be sterilized!
  7. So, wash the jars well and lay out the bottom with dill.
  8. After two hours, drain the water from the bowl of cucumbers.
  9. We begin to tightly pack the cucumbers in a jar, add a couple of cloves of fragrant garlic, a little more dill.
  10. Fill the jar with cucumbers to the top.
  11. Then add one tablespoon of salt without a slide to each jar (one tablespoon of salt without a slide goes to one liter jar of cucumbers).
  12. Fill our cucumbers in a jar to the top with boiling water, cover with a nylon lid and shake well.
  13. Then we remove the lid and leave the jars with lightly salted cucumbers on the table for pickling them.
  14. A day later, our crispy salted cucumbers are completely ready for use.

Be sure to try this pickled cucumber recipe. Cucumbers always turn out tasty and crispy, and there are no difficulties in cooking. Such lightly salted cucumbers perfectly increase appetite and perfectly complement any lunch or dinner. Both kids and adults love them.

Fresh, lightly salted, salted or pickled cucumbers are always a tasty and beloved snack by many. Fresh cucumbers are extremely fragrant and excite appetizing reactions, and cucumbers made in a weak or strong saline solution are an indispensable delicacy for the festive table and not only. In fact, being a simple and affordable food product, they do not lose their ranking at the head of the most popular holiday dishes. So why is this "culinary wisdom" so popular and loved by many, and how to achieve the desired taste of lightly salted cucumbers? Lightly salted cucumbers are a delicacy that combines notes of freshness, pungency, spice and salty taste at the same time.

The difference between salted and pickled cucumbers is marked by a difference in taste and useful properties. Salted cucumbers are less harmful to the body, as they are not completely salted and contain a low percentage of sodium. You can find many recipes and ways to make pickled cucumbers, but salting is considered the most common and convenient:

- without brine (in a bag);

- in hot brine;

- in chilled brine.

Each method of pickling cucumbers has its pros and cons. Today, “dry” salting is very popular, since lightly salted cucumbers obtained by this method are appetizing, crispy, fragrant and can be cooked very quickly. Cucumbers using cold brine are almost fresh with a subtle hint of aromas, but a lightly salted product with hot brine is already very close in taste to real pickles. What to choose is up to you.

How to choose cucumbers for weak salting?

Fruits with the following characteristics are considered the most suitable for weak pickling of cucumbers.

  1. Fresh cucumber fruits should be of medium, miniature size and the same shape. This is necessary for uniform salting of cucumbers.
  2. Pimply cucumbers are a good sign for pickling varieties.
  3. It is good if the variety of cucumbers has a thin skin, through which spices, herbs and salt penetrate faster.
  4. An obligatory criterion for selecting cucumbers is their impeccable appearance, that is, the absence of dents, rot, stains and an unpleasant odor.
  5. Cucumbers should be strong, not sluggish.
  6. The ideal and best option for salting will be the fruits of a fresh morning harvest. You can correct the situation with lethargic, lost freshness cucumbers if you first dip them in cold water for at least 40-50 minutes.

The secret of salted cucumbers in a bag

An unusual way of pickling cucumbers in a bag is simple and quick to prepare. Another undoubted plus of salted cucumbers is that they do not require conservation. "Dry" medium for cucumbers or dry salting is a vacuum environment and the absence of water.

For the recipe you need:

1000 g small miniature cucumbers,
1 st. l. coarse salt,
1 tsp Sahara,
fresh garlic - 4-5 cloves,
one medium bunch of fresh dill,
a couple of dill inflorescences,
two clean plastic bags.

Cucumbers should be thoroughly rinsed, dried and removed from them buttocks. Peel the garlic from the husk, and pinch the fresh dill with your hands or chop a little with a knife. Lightly mash the garlic with a crush and mix together with a pinch of salt and a part of chopped dill so that the herbs and garlic in the vicinity of the salt give off more juice.

In a plastic bag, and for reliability it is better to put cucumbers, dill inflorescences, fresh dill, garlic with salt and the remaining sugar and salt in two. Now close the bag well and mix all the ingredients in the bag vigorously by shaking it. Next, the package just needs to be sent to the refrigerator on a shelf with a moderately low temperature (as a rule, this is a shelf for vegetables). Keep cucumbers in a bag in the refrigerator for at least 7-8 hours. If cucumbers are stored in a bag for much longer, their taste will be bitter, therefore, as soon as the cucumbers have evenly passed the lightly salted procedure, it is better to remove them from the bag and place them in a clean glass container in the refrigerator. Such a fragrant and tasty product is stored for a short time, as it quickly loses its freshness and crispy properties. In a vacuum environment, cucumbers generously give their juices, and are simply not suitable for long-term storage (they remain fresh for a maximum of 2-3 days). Theoretically, such cucumbers can be made late in the evening in order to get real delicious salted cucumbers in the morning, but for better and even salting of cucumbers, the package with them must be shaken periodically.

For richer shades of taste and obvious piquancy, you can try adding such spices and herbs to the recipe as: allspice, cloves, coriander, mint, tarragon, bay leaf, basil, cilantro, celery, tarragon herb, cherry leaves or currants, as well as horseradish or chopped hot peppers.

It makes no sense to add everything at once, but even any single ingredient from this list can enrich the taste of lightly salted cucumbers.

Salted cucumbers with brine

  1. With chilled filling.

    Based on 2 liters of salt filling, you will need:

    small-fruited cucumbers - 1 kg,
    sowing grass of dill, parsley and green onions (feather) - one bunch each,
    garlic - 2 heads,
    currant leaves - 4 pcs,
    coarsely crushed salt - 4-5 tbsp. l,
    white sugar - 1 tsp,
    allspice - 5 units.

How to cook?

Rinse fresh green cucumber fruits thoroughly, dry them, cutting off the tails. Refresh all the prepared greens under running water, and peel the garlic from the husk. Put the cucumbers in a clean jar, separating them with chopped fresh herbs and chopped garlic cloves. In a clean container with water, combine salt, sugar, allspice peas and mix. Cover cucumbers with herbs and leaves with chilled salt brine and leave for a couple of days. The disadvantage of this recipe is that the dish is prepared gradually and it takes time to wait.

1000 g medium-sized cucumbers,
1 liter of pure water,
salt - 50 g,
garlic cloves - 4-5 units,
allspice peas - 5 units,
dill inflorescences - 3 umbrellas,
cherry, currant, oak leaves and horseradish - 2-3 pieces each.

How to cook?

First, immerse the cucumbers in cold water and leave for 2\\3 hours. During this time, prepare the auxiliary ingredients: peel the garlic and refresh the leaves of the plants. With a chilled pouring method, the salt should be boiled and cooled, dissolving it in a small amount of boiling water. Cut the stems from the ends of the cucumbers. At the bottom of the container used, place a fragrant dill inflorescence, part of the chopped cloves of garlic, as well as fragrant leaves of horseradish, currant, cherry and oak. Distribute cucumber fruits evenly, laying them close in barrels, and laying leaves and garlic between them. Cover the cucumbers with another dill umbrella. Cucumbers must be completely submerged in water. Cucumbers with chilled brine are stored for a day in a cool place, and then in the refrigerator for one day. When hot pouring cucumbers (80 *), a teaspoon of sugar is added to them for piquancy. After 7-8 hours, salted cucumbers under hot filling will reach readiness and they can be removed in a cold place.

Lightly salted cucumbers prepared in any way will be an excellent addition to both solemn and everyday dishes. They go well with potatoes, meat, sandwiches and other dishes.

Video recipe

We offer recipes for cooking delicious crispy lightly salted instant cucumbers in brine. When pouring a vegetable with hot brine, the appetizer will be ready in a few hours. And if you are not in a hurry, you can save vitamins and cook cucumbers with cold pickle. But in this case, you will have to endure at least a day, which is also not so long.

Delicious crispy lightly salted instant cucumbers - recipe in brine with garlic


  • fresh cucumbers - 2-2.5 kg;
  • non-iodized rock salt - 60 g;
  • cherry leaves - 5-7 pieces;
  • blackcurrant leaves - 7-8 pieces;
  • small - 2 pcs.;


For salting lightly salted instant cucumbers, medium-sized specimens of prickly non-smooth varieties are suitable. Ideally, of course, if the cucumbers are freshly picked, they will turn out to be as crispy as possible. If you purchased them on the market, it is better to soak the vegetable in cold water for several hours to restore the lost moisture.

As a vessel for harvesting, you can take a three-liter jar, and an enameled pan, and just a glass deep bowl. At the bottom of the container, it is necessary to lay out half of the cooked herbs, namely, a dill umbrella, a horseradish leaf, three cherry leaves and four currant ones. We also throw in peas of allspice and black pepper and bay leaves, and also clean the garlic cloves, cut in half and put them to other components.

Now it's time for the cucumbers. We wash them, cut off the edges, and put the fruits themselves in a container on top of spices and spices. On top we place the remaining green fragrant leaves and dill umbrella. Next, prepare the brine. For one liter of purified water heated to a boil, add two tablespoons of rock salt, not necessarily iodized, and mix until all crystals are dissolved. Now pour cucumbers with hot brine and leave for eight hours at room conditions.

When ready, salted cucumbers must be moved to the refrigerator.

How to pickle crispy salted cucumbers in a quick way - a simple recipe in brine with sugar


  • fresh cucumbers - 1.9 kg;
  • filtered or spring water - 1 l;
  • granulated sugar - 25 g;
  • non-iodized rock salt - 65 g;
  • small garlic head - 1 pc.;
  • medium-sized dill umbrellas - 2 pcs.;
  • black - 7-8 pcs.;
  • a small leaf of horseradish - 2 pcs.;
  • black and allspice (peas) - 5 pcs.;
  • medium-sized bay leaves - 3 pcs.


We select and prepare cucumbers, taking into account the recommendations described in the previous recipe. The vegetable must be washed, if necessary, soak in cold water, and then cut off the edges. We also rinse dill umbrellas, horseradish and currant leaves, and disassemble the garlic head into teeth, which we clean and cut in half. We put half of the spices and herbs on the bottom of the dish, in which salted cucumbers are supposed to be salted. Now it's the turn of the cucumbers themselves, which have been properly prepared. We complete the composition with the remaining spices and herbs.

Next, prepare the brine. Depending on how quickly you need to get lightly salted cucumbers, leave the water cold or heat it to a boil. When pouring in a cold way, mix spring water or boiled and cooled filtered water with non-iodized salt and sugar and stir so that all the crystals dissolve. Pour the brine into a jar and leave for twenty-four hours.

To get lightly salted cucumbers after a few hours, pour them with boiling brine and leave to cool, after which we also put them in the refrigerator.

They are sold in stores all year round, but only in summer they are worthy of becoming lightly salted. Cooking them is elementary - it can even be done ... in a plastic bag. And to make the snack “new” every time, apples, lime and celery will come in handy.

There are many ways and recipes for express pickling of cucumbers. However, most housewives cook according to the same “proven” recipe from summer to summer. But in vain - the taste palette of snacks is bright and varied, so limiting yourself to one recipe is akin to a crime. In order to become a law-abiding cook, you need very little - just take note of a couple of ideas.

By the way, in addition to the “classic” serving of salted cucumbers - as a snack, they can be safely added to salads - instead of salted and pickled, as well as okroshka and sauces.

  • There are three main ways to cook lightly salted cucumbers: in brine (hot or cold), in their own juice, and the “dry” method. Despite the serious differences in cooking, little tricks unite all the recipes:
  • The best cucumbers for quick pickling are small (but not gherkins), strong and thin-skinned, bright green and in "pimples". "Pumps", by the way, indicate that you have a pickling variety of cucumbers on hand, and not salad (smooth).
  • It is better to take cucumbers of the same size, so that in the end there is enough salt for everyone equally.
  • To make the cucumbers especially crispy and dense, they need to be kept in cold water for 2-3 hours.
  • Be sure to cut off the tips of the cucumbers: firstly, it is in them that nitrates can accumulate, and secondly, they will cook faster and better.
  • When sending cucumbers to a salting container, it is better to place them vertically - they will be salted more evenly.
  • Cucumbers should not be tightly packed into a jar or other utensils: as a result of too close proximity, they will lose their crispy properties.
  • A jar or pan with lightly salted cucumbers does not need to be tightly closed, you can simply cover it with a napkin, since the brine needs air to ferment.
  • In addition to the traditional bouquet of dill, parsley, horseradish, cherry leaves and blackcurrant, you can use oak, anise green umbrellas, tarragon.
  • Of the spices, cloves and hot peppers are considered "classic".
  • It is better to take coarse salt, you can also use sea salt, but not iodized.
  • So that ready-made salted cucumbers do not turn into "multi-salted" ones, it is better to store them in the refrigerator.

Method one. Salted cucumbers in brine

If you pour cucumbers with cold brine, then they will be ready in 2-3 days. Hot (but not boiling!) brine gives a faster effect - you can try after 8-10 hours. The brine does not have to be prepared in advance, you can do it easier - put salt on top (at the rate of 2-3 tablespoons per 3-liter jar) and sugar in prepared jars filled with cucumbers, and then carefully pour boiled water over it. Then close the jar with a lid and shake it several times so that the salt dissolves evenly.

In addition to herbs and spices, you can add apples to the company with cucumbers. This traditional fruit for pickles will give cucumbers a specific sourness.

Recipe. Salted cucumbers with apples

Ingredients: 1 kg of cucumbers, 2 green apples, 10 black peppercorns, small bunches of parsley and dill, 2-3 cherry leaves, 8-10 black currant leaves, 1 small head of garlic, salt.

Cooking. Wash cucumbers, apples and herbs. Cut off the ends of the cucumbers. Cut the apples into 4 pieces without removing the core. Break the garlic into cloves and peel. Put cucumbers and apples in a jar or pan, interspersing them with herbs and garlic cloves. Add black pepper. Boil water, add salt (at the rate of 2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water) and mix thoroughly. Pour hot brine over cucumbers. After 8-12 hours you can try.

Method two. Pickled cucumbers in a bag

This method is especially useful in a country house or a picnic - no need to boil water for brine! Washed and towel-dried cucumbers just need to be put in a container (any, even a clean plastic bag will do) and sprinkle with salt and spices. The main thing is to pre-pierce the cucumbers with a fork or skewer, or even slightly cut them with a knife.

Recipe. Salted cucumbers with lime juice

Ingredients: 1.5 kg of cucumbers, a bunch of dill with umbrellas, 6-7 black peppercorns, 4-5 allspice peas, 4-5 sprigs of mint, 4 limes, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 3.5 tablespoons of salt.

Cooking. Lightly crush the peppercorns with sugar and a portion of salt in a mortar - 2.5 tablespoons. Remove the zest from the washed and dried limes with a fine grater, add to the mixture of salt and pepper. Squeeze juice from stripped citrus fruits. Finely chop the dill stalks and mint (leaves with stems). For cucumbers, cut off the tips on both sides, then cut each cucumber into 2-4 parts, depending on the size. Place them in a deep bowl. Sprinkle the cucumbers with the mortar mixture, pour over the lime juice and mix. Then sprinkle with the remaining salt and chopped herbs, mix. After 30 minutes, the cucumbers are ready. Before serving, shake off salt and most of the greens from cucumbers.

In a “dry” way, you can pickle cucumbers without cutting them. In this case, they will cook a little longer and, of course, in the refrigerator.

Recipe. Salted cucumbers with young zucchini

Ingredients: 1 kg of cucumbers, 1 kg of young zucchini, 3 tablespoons of salt, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 3 cherry leaves, 5-7 blackcurrant leaves, 2 horseradish leaves, a bunch of dill with umbrellas, 3-5 garlic cloves.

Cooking. Wash cucumbers, dry, cut off the tips. Clean the zucchini, cut into slices. Grind dill and garlic, cherry, currant and horseradish leaves. Place all ingredients in a suitable container, close and shake well. Leave for 1 hour warm, and then rearrange in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

Method three. Salted cucumbers in their own juice

The essence of this method lies in the fact that instead of brine, cucumbers are poured with their own juice, which can even be prepared from cucumbers, which are not destined to become lightly salted - large and ugly. To obtain cucumber juice, peeled cucumbers can be rubbed through a sieve, chopped in a blender, or even passed through a juicer.

Recipe. Salted cucumbers with hot peppers

Ingredients: 10 small cucumbers for pickling, a few large cucumbers for "juice", 3 garlic cloves, 1 chili pepper, three horseradish leaves, three dill umbrellas, 3 tablespoons of salt.

Cooking. Peel large cucumbers and pass through a meat grinder. A three-liter jar will require approximately 1.5 liters of cucumber puree. Cover the bottom of the jar with a sheet of horseradish, put an umbrella of dill and a clove of garlic cut in half. Put one tablespoon of salt on the greens. Fill 1/3 of the jar with cucumber mass, lower part of the cucumbers for pickling, distributing them vertically. Put a horseradish leaf, dill, garlic and hot pepper on top. And again - a spoonful of salt. Add more cucumber mass and lay out a row of cucumbers. Add a spoonful of salt. Close the jar with a lid. After 2 days, lightly salted cucumbers can be tasted.

Advice. You can simplify the "layout" if you immediately add salt to the cucumber puree and mix it thoroughly. With cucumbers, you can pickle a couple of stalks of celery - salted celery is also very tasty.
