
Cherry jelly jam. Cherry preserved in jelly - more tender than jam, with a bright summer aroma of fresh cherries

Cherry scents on winter evenings

A walk through the cherry orchard will fill you with health and good mood. In spring, trees and shrubs are covered with white fragrant flowers, and in summer the green foliage is adorned with berries of all shades of red - from rich pink to close to black. Traditional medicine uses almost all parts of the cherry, even cuttings from berries are used for treatment. cherry glue Children love to chew, and for good reason! Resin contains many useful substances, it has antibacterial action and helps with inflammation of the stomach. In the summer, children constantly eat the gifts of nature, often forgetting to wash them. It seems that a natural instinct leads them to take a healing adhesive protection against infections.

Cherry fruits are saturated vitamins, minerals and other essential elements. They improve blood composition help with diseases hearts, vessels, digestive system and other organs. It should not be forgotten that red color causes a surge of vivacity and energy. Just the sight of a jar with bright contents will remove the winter blues.

Cherry five-minute jam

This jam can be made from pitted or pitted cherries. short term heat exposure will maximize the beneficial properties of berries, and ease of implementation makes this recipe accessible even the most inexperienced hostess.


  • Berries - 1 kg,
  • granulated sugar - 0.4 kg,
  • water - 0.2 l.


Boil the syrup, pour the washed berries without stalks into it, bring to a boil. Keep on low heat for 5 minutes without letting it boil. Immediately after cooking, put in sterilized jars and roll up.

Soft cherry marmalade

Everyone is familiar with hard marmalade in the form of elastic figures. Try to break away from tradition and make soft marmalade for sandwiches.


  • Pitted cherries - 1 kg,
  • granulated sugar - 550 g.


Heat the cherries to release the juice, rub through a sieve, add granulated sugar and boil until the mass of marmalade becomes 1 kg. Arrange in sterilized jars and roll up.

Cherry in jelly

The original multi-colored dessert, which preserves taste and aroma of fresh cherries.


  • Pitted cherries - 1 three-liter jar,
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg,
  • gelatin - 70 g,
  • water - 0.5 l.


Pour gelatin with water and leave to swell. Pour cherries with sugar, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Heat gelatin without boiling, wait until it is completely dissolved, pour into boiling berries, then pour into jars and roll up. Keep refrigerated.

Cherry jam without cooking

The usual recipe for jam without cooking: chopping fruits with a meat grinder or blender, does not allow to fully preserve vitamins. If you cook berries no contact with metal, all useful substances will remain in the delicacy.


  • Pitted cherries - 1 kg,
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg.


Pour the berries with sugar and crush with a wooden pestle until the sugar is completely dissolved. Divide into jars and store in the refrigerator.

Cherry in honey

IN holiday it is advisable to serve tea not with everyday jam, but with something special. Original combination of flavors cherries, honey And nuts will delight any gourmet.


  • Cherry - 1 kg,
  • honey - 1 kg,
  • water - 200 g,
  • walnuts - 10 pcs.


Remove the pits from the cherries, and put a piece of walnut inside each. Heat honey with water, stir until completely dissolved, add berries and cook until the cherry becomes transparent. Arrange warm jam in jars and tie with parchment paper.

After berry preparations, a whole mountain of grains remained. They should not be considered waste. Rinse and dry the bones, sew them into a cloth bag. The resulting cherry warmer will help you with many diseases.

​Related Articles​

Strawberry jam jelly with gelatin

​kg. sugar.

  • Stirring continuously!
  • Cherry jelly "Rosy cheeks"
  • The best option is to boil it with Quittin. These sachets are commercially available (imported jam gelling agent). All instructions are written there. 5 minutes and jelly jam is ready. Try it.​

For this preparation, however, as for others, you need to use only fresh berries. Better, of course, if you have your own garden, you can only take plucked cherries.​

Cherry and orange jam two glasses;

Plain jelly with liquid pectin

How to make cherry jam jelly with wine?

Add the swollen gelatin to the contents of the saucepan and cook the jelly until the gelatin crystals are completely dissolved. Pour apple jelly into molds and put in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

  • Since raspberries abound in small seeds, those who do not like it must first rub the raspberries through a sieve, while the rest can simply remove the berries and return them immediately after pouring the jelly into molds, as in previous recipes. Mix the finished raspberry puree or syrup with water and orange juice, add sugar to taste. Pour gelatin with cold water and leave to swell.
  • pectin - 80 g;
  • There is always a jar of jam at home, but it is sometimes difficult to find the use of leftovers. Surplus jam can be used to make fillings for pastries, and also as a topping for ice cream. But what if you find a more original way to dispose of the leftovers and use them to make jelly. Jam jelly is prepared in a matter of minutes (although then it takes time to cool down), and is eaten even faster.
  • I sort out my cherries, remove the stalks and rotten places. I pour it into the basin and fall asleep on top of sugar in a 1: 1 ratio. I leave it for 5-6 hours so that the cherry gives juice. I put the cherry jam on the stove and gently stirring, bring to a boil. I remove from the stove, cool and leave for 5-6 hours. Then again I put the cherry jam on the stove, bring to a boil and cook, stirring, for 5-10 minutes. I pour hot jam into jars and close the lids.
  • 2) Now

Ingredients: 1 kg of cherries, 300 g of water, 700 g of sugar.

Put more gelatin there and it will be like jelly for you =)

For 1 kg. cherries

raspberry jam recipe

four glasses of water;

  • ​Components:​
  • Cherries prepared according to this recipe have a delicate taste of fresh berries. Cherry berries in fragrant jelly, prepared for future use, will be an excellent dessert that will cheer you up and remind you of summer on winter evenings.​
  • Pour a mixture of jam, juice and water into a saucepan, add gelatin and cook everything over low heat until the gelatin dissolves. Pour the finished jelly into molds and leave to harden in the refrigerator.​
  • Sugar - to taste.
  • ​Ingredients:​

Cherry jam can be made with or without the pit. I suggest cherry jam with pit, lemon and almonds. Very tasty!

again add 1 tbsp. sugar - cook for 5 minutes.

Preparation: Sort the cherries, removing the stalks and damaged berries. Rinse the cherries and place in an enamel pot filled with water. Boil the berries until the juice is released. Filter the resulting juice through a flannel or 4 layers of gauze. Pour the filtered juice into a saucepan, put on fire, boil down to 1/3 of the original volume, then add sugar. Boil the jelly over low heat.

Fruit jelly from apple jam with mint

Squeeze pitted and dry cherries through four layers of gauze and cook like regular jam.

  • 700 g of granulated sugar,
  • one glass of sugar;
  • jam (any);
  • - 1 kg of cherries;
  • ​Ingredients:​


strawberry jam - 100 g; And so, we need the following ingredients:

3) And again

Hot ready-made jelly is packaged in heated dry jars. Put the jars in a saucepan with water heated to 70 ° C and pasteurize at 85 ° C. Pasteurization time for jars with a capacity of 0.5 l - 10 minutes, 1 l - 15 minutes. During processing, the pan should be covered with a lid, the water level in it should be 3 cm below the top of the neck of the jars. After pasteurization, cool the jars, but do not turn them upside down.​


1 kg cherries

You will need

  1. 2 st. l. instant gelatin
  2. gelatin fifty grams.
  3. Liquid pectin in the amount of one hundred grams.


  • - 2 tablespoons instant gelatin;
  • Apple jam, or jam - 250 g;
  • Mix wine, lemon juice and pectin in a saucepan. Cherry jam is separated from the berries, and the syrup is added to the wine mixture. At this stage, spice lovers can diversify the taste of future jelly with cinnamon, cloves or anise.
  • gelatin - 15 g;
  • apple 500 g
  • Pour the last glass of sugar - cook for 5 minutes, let it boil a little. Do not remove the foam!
  • KakProsto.ru

Jam jelly is one of the most delicious jelly

cherry jelly recipe

​500 cr. currants

For this preparation, however, as for others, you need to use only fresh berries. Better, of course, if you have your own garden, you can only take plucked cherries.​

  • Pour gelatin with two glasses of water and let it swell. Pour cherry jam with a glass of water and heat, strain. Do the same with the second jam. Pour half a glass of sugar into a saucepan and pour cherry jam, add half a glass of gelatin. We heat until the gelatin is completely dissolved, do not boil! We do the same manipulations with the second portion of jam. When both honors of jelly are prepared, proceed to the preparation of the layers. Pour a little jelly into any form, about two centimeters. We put in the refrigerator and wait until it hardens, then we also pour the next portion, alternating colors. Thus, we fill out the entire form. When the jelly is completely frozen, it is cut into portions and served.
  • Properly cooked jam itself is thick and sticky, sticky. But in order to make jelly from jam, it alone is not enough. To get a tasty and strong enough jelly, you need to choose the right jam. Depending on what consistency it is, the amount of liquid pectin is selected. We filter the jam from berries and fruits (you can leave them if you wish), add a little water, literally a couple of spoons, heat it in a water bath to a temperature of forty degrees and wait until the jam becomes a little watery. Then remove from heat and add liquid pectin, mix thoroughly. Then pour the base into molds and set to cool in the refrigerator for several hours. You can serve such a dessert by decorating with various creams or curd mass. Especially, this dessert will appeal to children.

- 700 g of granulated sugar.

mint - 1 bunch;

Cook the mixture over low heat for 1 minute after boiling, and then remove from heat and pour into molds or jars. We throw cherry berries from jam into the jelly and put in the refrigerator. The finished jelly will not have such a dense consistency as our usual jelly with gelatin, but it is such a product that is suitable for spreading on bread, or laying out on tarts.​

  • water - 1 tbsp.
  • cherry 500 g
  • Pour into sterilized jars. Screw on the lids. Let cool.

For the preparation of jelly, cherry varieties with juicy pulp and a strong aroma are recommended. Fully ripened cherry fruits are washed with a strong stream of water, the stalks are removed and crushed with a pestle in a deep bowl. Crushed cherries are poured with water (for 2 kg of fruit - 300 g of water) and boiled for 5-6 minutes to extract juice. Then the resulting mass is carefully filtered through several layers of gauze or cloth, without pressing the berries, in order to obtain a pulp-free juice. The resulting juice is boiled in an aluminum or enamel basin over high heat, stirring it continuously and removing the foam. When the water has evaporated by half, sugar is added (for 1 liter of juice obtained - 700 g of sugar). Cooking continues for another 5-10 minutes. Then 3-4 g of pectin dissolved in water are added and the mixture is boiled to the required density. At the very end of cooking, 1 teaspoon (2-3g) of tartaric acid is added to the jelly. The finished jelly is hot poured into jars in which it cools and gels. Banks are closed with lids or parchment paper and tied with twine.

1.8 kg of sugar

Remove the tails from the cherries and fill the berries with cold water for a couple of hours. This will help you get rid of the worm, which, unfortunately, can hide inside. If there is one, then he will definitely get out. Then remove the pits from the cherry. To do this, you can even use a simple hairpin or pin. It's not tricky.

  • Jelly options - a huge ocean! You can even make a cake or pie out of it, for example, a homemade shortbread pie will be very tasty, and on top of such a pie, cherry jelly is covered. It is done like this:
  • Jam jelly with gelatin
  • First you need to remove all the tails from the berry and pour it with cold water. Leave the cherry in the water for about 2 hours. This is necessary in order to remove insects from the berry that you might not notice when sorting through the cherry.
  • water - 2 tbsp.;



  • sugar 1.2 kg
  • EXIT -1.2 l of jam.
  • We will need
  • 150g water
  • After all the stones have been removed, mix the sugar with the gelatin, then add it to the cherries and mix. Put the berries in a cool place for 12 hours.

First we prepare the dough based on flour, butter and sugar;


Cherries preserved in jelly are more tender than jam, the berries are just like fresh!


To prepare berries in jelly, you need pitted cherries. After you drain the water from the cherries, you can begin to remove them, armed with a pin or a regular hairpin.

gelatin - 2 teaspoons;
raspberry jam - 250 g;
Pour gelatin with cold water and let it swell, according to the instructions in the instructions. We take out the berries from the strawberry jam, and dilute the syrup itself with water to get rid of the cloying sweetness. Pour jam syrup into a saucepan and add gelatin. Cook everything over low heat until the gelatin is completely dissolved.

Lemon 3 pcs

The jam is ready. When it cools, it turns out cherry in jelly. It is very tasty to water manniks, pancakes, etc.

1l - pitted cherries.

Cherries and currants are sorted and washed. Remove the stalks, seeds, twigs, wipe.

After 12 hours, the cherry will start juice, put the pan on low heat, bring to a boil and cook for about 3 minutes.

Then we bake the cake in the oven in a special form or pan;

sachet of gelatin 20 grams;
After the pitted cherries are prepared, transfer them to a large container for cooking jam, as foam will form during cooking, and therefore the dishes should be no more than half filled with cherries. Combine gelatin with sugar, add to the berry and mix everything thoroughly. Put the bowl with the berry in a cool place for about 12 hours so that the cherry gives juice.
Sugar - to taste.

Write, plizzz, how to cook delicious cherry jam so that it looks like jelly))))

Nadezhda Litinskaya

orange juice - 125 ml;


The berries left over from the jam can be used by laying them on the bottom of the dessert molds. Pour the future jelly on top of the berries and leave to harden in the refrigerator.


Almonds 50 g

Hutro Svetlana

​Source http://forum.hlebopechka.net/index.php?showtopic=2497​
3st. - sugar (250 ml each)
Currants are poured with hot water and boiled until thickened
At the same time, do not forget to stir. As soon as the cherry begins to boil, a lot of foam will begin to form, make sure that it does not escape. Therefore, the container in which you will cook the cherry should be no more than half full.​

Put cherry berries on the cooled pie;
Five tablespoons of your favorite jam;
When the set time has passed, put the dishes with cherries on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for about 3-5 minutes over low heat, stirring constantly and removing the resulting foam.

Galya Tolyevna

water - 125 ml;


Pour cherry with sugar and leave for a day.

Recipe for making cherries for the winter in a slow cooker, without cooking, five minutes at home?

Water is added to the mashed cherries and boiled. A part of the sugar is introduced, the mass is boiled until cooked, stirring.

When the cherry boils for 3 minutes, turn off the fire, remove the foam. And we lay out the berries in clean, dry, sterile jars and roll them tightly with a lid.
Mix the rest of the jam with swollen gelatin, heat and pour the cake on top (it should be in shape);

Cherry jam (cherries in their jelly), very quick in 15 minutes

Water - two glasses.
Turn off the heat, remove the remaining foam from the cherry and spread the berry in clean, dry, sterilized jars. Now you can roll up the cherry in jelly.
Put apple jam or jam in a blender and puree until smooth, or grind through a sieve. Dilute the resulting puree with water, add sugar if necessary. Grind mint and mix with the resulting solution, pour everything into a saucepan and put on

sugar - to taste;
wine - 3 1/2 tbsp.; Three peeled apples on a coarse grater, mix with lemon and add to the cherry. I prepare pitted cherry jam as follows. 1) Wash the cherries, peel them, measure the amount of 1 liter jar. Then pour all the cherries from the jar into an enameled pan (at least 3.5-4 liters). Pour 1 tbsp on top. sugar, put on medium heat,
Thickened currants are added to the boiled cherries, mixed with the remaining sugar and boiled until tender. Turn over and wrap until morning. Then we lower the jars of cherries in jelly into the basement or put them in the pantry.
We put it in the refrigerator to harden and after a few hours the cake is ready! Soak the gelatin in warm water. We are waiting for the amount of gelatin to increase several times. Then gelatin is mixed with jam, previously diluted with a glass of water and filtered through a sieve. We heat it in a water bath until the gelatin is completely dissolved, make sure that the mixture does not boil, otherwise the gelatin will lose its gelling properties and the dishes will not work. Then pour the resulting jelly into molds and put in the refrigerator to harden for about 4-5 hours. Turn the jars of cherry jelly upside down and wrap them up, leaving them until the morning. Lower the cooled cans into the cellar, or store in a dark closet.
Cook the stove over low heat for 10-15 minutes.
gelatin - 3 tsp.

Lemon juice - 1/2 tbsp.;

Tender, juicy, sweet and sour - that's all it is, a wonderful beauty-cherry. Recipes for the winter suggest harvesting this healthy berry in the form of jam, jam, jelly and vitamin drinks. Preservation can be done in an enamel pan, a copper basin or a slow cooker. The finished sweet product in all variants turns out to be unusually tasty, surprisingly fragrant and saturates the body with natural vitamins, which are so necessary on cold winter days.

Cherry - a recipe for winter pitted jam

To make cherries for the winter according to this recipe, you will have to tinker a lot. But the finished dish fully justifies all the efforts and turns out to be indescribably tasty, thick and rich.

Essential Ingredients for Pitted Cherry Jam Recipe

  • cherry - 4 kg
  • sugar - 5 kg

Step-by-step instructions for pitted cherry jam recipe for winter

Cherry Jam Pyatiminutka with bones - a recipe for the winter

I want to cook cherries for the winter, but there is neither time nor desire to mess around and choose bones for a long time? Then this simple but very tasty recipe will help you. It will take about half an hour to prepare, and in the end you will get a completely unusually refined sweet dish with a delicate, seductive aroma. You just need to eat a delicacy within a year, otherwise the bone will begin to release harmful substances and spoil the bright and juicy fruit and nut shades.

Necessary ingredients for a five-minute jam recipe with seeds

  • cherry - 2 kg
  • gelling sugar - 1.6 kg
  • almond nuts - 150 g
  • cherry liqueur - 4 tbsp

Step-by-step instructions for making five-minute cherry jam for winter

  1. Sort the cherries and remove the stalks. Wash the berries well, dry on a kitchen towel, place in a deep container and sprinkle with gelling sugar.
  2. After 2-3 hours, put the bowl with the fruit and sugar mass on the fire, bring to a boil, remove the foam that forms on the surface and boil for no more than 5 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat, pour in the liquor, add the almonds, cut into thin slices, mix everything well, arrange in sterilized jars, cork with lids and cool completely. Everything, five-minute cooking with bones is ready. We put it in the refrigerator or cellar before the onset of winter.

Cherry jelly for the winter - a delicious recipe

Everyone has long been accustomed to cherries in the form of jam or jam. Therefore, if you want to make something tasty, but unusual out of sweet and sour fruits, use this recipe and prepare marmalade jelly with whole berries for the winter. This original dessert will surely please your loved ones and be one of the first to eat it.

Required Ingredients for Cherry Jelly Recipe

  • cherry - a full three-liter jar
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • food gelatin - 75 g
  • water - ½ l

Step-by-step instructions for cherry jelly for the winter

  1. Wash berries without stalks very well, discard in a colander and wait for excess liquid to drain. Then remove the seeds from the fruit.
  2. Pour the gelatin into a deep enameled bowl, pour water over it and leave for a while so that the crystals swell.
  3. Place the peeled berries in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar and put on a slow fire to warm up. When the fruit mass boils, boil it for 5 minutes, making sure that the sugar does not stick to the bottom and does not burn.
  4. On the next burner, heat the gelatin and ensure that the granules are completely dissolved. When this happens, add a viscous liquid to the cherry mass, mix thoroughly and remove from heat.
  5. Pour the finished jelly into sterilized jars and roll up with tin lids until winter. Cool completely and put in the refrigerator or cellar.

Cherry compote for the winter with seeds - a delicious and simple recipe

Cherry compote, prepared for the winter according to this recipe, turns out to be sweet, tasty and perfectly quenches thirst. However, it should be borne in mind that the drink must be consumed within a year. Then hydrocyanic acid will begin to stand out from the bones and the delicacy will turn into a product harmful to humans. Therefore, if you plan to prepare a large batch of cherries for the winter, you will have to spend time and effort to remove the seeds from the berries.

Essential Ingredients for Winter Compote Recipe

  • cherry - 1 kg
  • sugar - 500 g
  • water - 3 l

Step-by-step instructions for a cherry compote recipe for winter

  1. Remove the stalks from the cherries, wash the berries and arrange them in dry, sterilized jars.
  2. Boil water over high heat, pour jars with fruits over it, cover with tin lids and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Then pour the fruit liquid back into the pan, add sugar and bring to a boil.
  4. Pour hot sweet syrup over berries and roll up quickly.
  5. Close the jars with a blanket and wait for them to cool completely. Store until winter in a cool, non-sunny place for no more than one year.

How to make cherry jam for the winter in a slow cooker, a simple recipe

Cherry jam made in a slow cooker has a pleasant, delicate texture and rich taste. The berries retain their shape well and do not sag during long-term heat treatment. To make the aroma sound more vivid, you can add a pinch of cinnamon or a small bag of vanilla sugar to the fruit mass 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking. The recipe allows for this.

Essential Ingredients for Slow Cooker Cherry Jam Recipe

  • cherry - 2 kg
  • granulated sugar 2.4 kg

Step-by-step instructions on how to make cherry jam for the winter in a slow cooker

  1. Sort the berries, wash well and remove the stalks and seeds. Fold the peeled fruits into a multi-cooker bowl, sprinkling abundantly with sugar.
  2. Activate the "Extinguishing" mode and cook the fruit mass for 1.5-2 hours.
  3. When hot, lay out in sterilized jars, roll up the lids, turn upside down, wrap with a blanket and leave to cool completely. Then put in a closet or any other cool, dry place, protected from direct sunlight.

Cherries in their own juice for the winter, a delicious recipe

Useful substances, vitamins and various microelements are contained in cherry fruits. The recipe for the winter, proposed by the author of the video, tells how to make a sweet dessert from this berry in your own juice. Homemade preparation is more liquid than jelly, jam or jam in a slow cooker. But, despite this, the berries retain their neat shape and do not become limp even during long-term storage. The delicacy is ideal as a pleasant addition to all kinds of hot drinks, and can also be used as a dip for pancakes or ice cream.

Cherry jelly is a great option for a fruity dessert. It appeared in Europe several centuries ago, when France was ruled by Napoleon Bonaparte. Then this dish first appeared at the court and was a huge success.

Classic variant

The easiest way to make cherry jelly involves the presence of only four components in a certain ratio:

  • 180 grams of cherry berries;
  • 2 tablespoons of gelatin;
  • 130 grams of sugar;
  • two glasses of water.

The process takes place in several main stages:

  1. To begin with, the berries need to be sorted out, rinsed well, and then squeeze the juice out of them in any convenient way. The bones in the recipe will not be useful, and they can be thrown away.
  2. Pour gelatin with water and leave in this state. After half an hour, mix the composition until completely dissolved.
  3. Combine cherry pulp with sugar and add quite a bit of hot water. Then put on the stove and slowly bring to a boil.
  4. Strain the syrup through a sieve or cheesecloth.
  5. Introduce the dissolved gelatin, and then boil the mass again.
  6. Re-strain the composition.
  7. Pour the mass into molds and place in the refrigerator.

After complete cooling, cherry jelly can be served on the table, having previously transferred it to portioned plates.

Frozen Food Dish

To prepare such a dessert, it is not necessary to use fresh berries. After all, in winter they are difficult to find. In this case, cherry jelly can be made using frozen foods. The recipe differs little from the previous one. True, in this case, a completely different ratio of ingredients will be required:

  • 300 grams of frozen berries;
  • 30 grams of gelatin;
  • 50 grams of water;
  • 150 grams of granulated sugar.

The berries will need to be defrosted first. This will take some time, because the process is best done in a natural way. Using hot water or a microwave oven can only spoil the berry, and this will certainly affect the quality of the finished product. Further work will proceed according to the familiar scheme:

  1. Squeeze out the juice.
  2. Pour the pulp with water, add sugar, and then slowly boil the mixture.
  3. Strain the mass using ordinary cheesecloth.
  4. Add gelatin and stir until all lumps are gone.
  5. Strain the mixture again, and then send it to cool.

This option is a little simpler than the previous one, but requires special care and attention.

In order for your favorite dessert to always be at hand, you can prepare cherry jelly for the winter. You can do this with products such as:

  • 2 kilograms of cherries;
  • 700 grams of sugar;
  • one and a half glasses of water;
  • 3 grams of pectin;
  • a teaspoon of tartaric acid.

The work begins with the preparation of the main product:

  1. Cherries must be sorted out and the stalk removed from each berry.
  2. After that, it must be poured into a deep pan (or basin) and crushed a little with an ordinary kitchen pestle.
  3. Add water to the container, put it on the stove and cook for 6-7 minutes. This will be enough for the berries to release juice.
  4. Strain the mass without squeezing the cherries. The liquid should be clear.
  5. Put the remaining juice back on an open fire and cook until the amount is halved.
  6. Add sugar at the rate of 700 grams per liter of juice and continue boiling for another 10 minutes.
  7. Without stopping heating, introduce pectin. Gradually, the mass will reach the desired consistency.
  8. At the last stage, add acid and immediately remove the pan from the heat.

Now it remains only to pour the hot mixture into jars, and cherry jelly for the winter can be considered ready.

Unusual way

If you want to cook something not quite ordinary cherry jelly, you can change the recipe a little. The components will remain the same, but their ratio will be slightly different:

  • 3.4 kilograms of pitted cherry berries;
  • kilogram of sugar;
  • half a liter of water;
  • 70 grams of granulated gelatin.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour gelatin in granules with water (cold) and leave for 40 minutes.
  2. Pour cherries into a basin, combine with sugar, mix gently and leave for 4 hours.
  3. Place the container on the stove and bring the mass to a boil.
  4. Reduce heat and continue heating for another 4-5 minutes.
  5. Remove the basin and put it on the table.
  6. Heat the gelatin slightly so that it dissolves well, and then pour it into a container with berries. Stir slowly.
  7. Pour immediately into jars and seal tightly.

It turns out a wonderful jelly with whole berries. Just beautiful! It is advisable to store it in a refrigerator or basement with the appropriate temperature. It is not a shame to serve such a delicacy to guests. Yes, and it will be very pleasant to eat.

New Component

For supporters of vegetarian food, the use of gelatin is highly undesirable. Instead, you can use a natural thickener called "agar-agar". It is obtained from algae and is widely used in the confectionery industry. With this ingredient, you can easily make cherry jelly without gelatin. There is only one condition. During operation, the following ratio must be strictly observed: 1 tablespoon of agar-agar is required for 1 liter of liquid. In terms of weight, this will be 8 grams, which is significantly less than the amount of gelatin used. In addition, the preparation of a new ingredient for work is also slightly different. First, it also needs to be soaked for 35-40 minutes, and then boiled for 10 minutes with constant stirring. This simplifies the process a little, since, unlike agar-agar, gelatin cannot be boiled. There is one more advantage: with the new vegetable component, the jelly hardens much faster. It only takes a few minutes for the dessert to be completely ready.

You can talk about cherry for a long time and with rapture. This sweet, slightly sour berry quenches thirst well. The content of vitamins E, C, PP, B1, B2, B9, carotene, pectin, organic acids and a whole complex of microelements makes it truly healing. It is useful for arthritis, anemia and mental illness, helps prevent heart attacks and acts as a mild laxative. Cherry pulp has bactericidal properties. And finally, it's just delicious. There are many recipes for cherry jelly preparations for the winter, which will help preserve its beneficial properties, taste and aroma.

Cherry blanks for the winter

Desserts from berries for the winter are prepared in several ways. The most popular are jam, jam and marmalade. Jelly is made less often, but in vain: it has a lower sugar content than other desserts. All these preparations are made from berries with sugar, but differ in the method of preparation and the result.

Cherry jelly: cooking nuances

Classic jelly is made from berry juice with sugar and gelling agents. But the flight of the creative thought of the hostesses cannot be stopped. Now there are jelly recipes both from puree and with whole berries. Various products are used as a thickener.

Many fruits and berries also contain pectin - currants, apples, especially sour ones, gooseberries. Cherry is no exception, so jelly can be made from it without gelling agents. You can also make your own pectin using apple peels or gooseberries.

Juicy berries with a pronounced taste and aroma are better suited for harvesting. The taste of jelly can be varied by adding lemon juice, dry wine, herbs, vanilla. Unlike jam, in which sugar also plays the role of a thickener, it is put much less in jelly. On average, 0.7 kg of granulated sugar is added per 1 kg of berries. But there are recipes with a ratio of 1:0.3 and even 1:0.1.

Cooking utensils should be wide, with a thick bottom. Do not use aluminum utensils, as the jelly may darken.

Cherry jelly - a ready-made dessert and a healthy preparation for the winter

Jelly recipes for the winter

There are many recipes for making cherry jelly, but they have one thing in common - preparing berries for further processing. It is done like this:

Dessert with pulp without thickener


  • cherry - 1 kg;
  • sugar in a ratio of 1: 1 to the volume of puree;
  • water.


  1. Put the cherries in a saucepan and add water, covering them completely. Don't take out the bones.
  2. Heat until boiling, cook for 1 hour over low heat, removing foam.
  3. Separate the broth, wipe the cherry through a sieve.
  4. Measure the volume of the resulting puree, mix with the same volume of granulated sugar.
  5. Bring to a boil over moderate heat and simmer for 15 minutes, stirring and skimming.
  6. Seal the finished product, turn the jars over and wrap. Store without refrigeration.

Cherry jelly can be used to decorate a cake or enjoy it as a dessert.

Recipe with lemon juice without thickener


  • cherry - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • lemon juice - 1/4 cup.

Cooking method:

  1. Put the pitted cherries in a saucepan, pour water, heat to a boil.
  2. Add sugar, cook until it dissolves.
  3. Pour in the lemon juice and cook, stirring until thickened.
  4. Pack the finished product in prepared containers, seal.

The taste of cherry jelly can be made more savory by adding a little lemon juice.

Cherry jelly with gelatin

For cooking you will need:

  • cherry - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.3 kg;
  • sheet gelatin - 24 gr;
  • water - 1.6 l.

Operating procedure:

  1. Crush pitted cherries with a pestle or crush, pour in water and bring to a boil.
  2. Boil for 10 minutes, strain through a sieve. Do not squeeze so that the juice remains clear.
  3. Pour sugar into the juice, cook for 15-20 minutes over moderate heat, stirring and removing the foam.
  4. Remove the fire, cool the syrup a little, add the pre-soaked gelatin, mix.
  5. Pack into prepared dishes, refrigerate. Store in refrigerator.

Video: cherry jelly with gelatin

Crushed Cherry Dessert with Gelfix

For 1 kg of fresh cherries take:

  • sugar - 0.45 kg;
  • Gelfix - 1 pack.


  1. Grind pitted cherries in a convenient way for you. You can use a blender or meat grinder.
  2. Transfer the resulting puree to a saucepan, set the heat to medium.
  3. Attach Gelfix, add sugar in portions. Gelfix is ​​added according to the instructions on the sachet.
  4. Bring to a boil and boil while stirring for 5-10 minutes, turn off the heat.
  5. Spread the hot mass into the prepared container, roll up the lids. Leave for 6-8 hours to cool.

Video: crushed cherry jelly with Gelfix

Recipe with pectin and tartaric acid


  • cherry - 2 kg;
  • water - 300 ml;
  • sugar - 0.7 kg per 1 liter of boiled juice;
  • pectin - 3 or 4 g;
  • tartaric acid - 1 teaspoon.

Operating procedure:

  1. Mash the berries with a crush, pour in water, cook for 5 minutes until the juice is released.
  2. Filter the juice through a cloth or several layers of gauze. Do not squeeze the berries, the juice should be clear.
  3. Reduce the juice by about half on high heat. Stir and skim.
  4. Add 0.7 kg of granulated sugar for each liter of juice and cook for another 5-10 minutes.
  5. Add pectin dissolved in water, stir and cook until thickened.
  6. When the jelly is almost ready, add the tartaric acid and turn off the heat.
  7. Pack hot jelly.

Incredibly tasty jelly is obtained from cherry juice with the addition of tartaric acid

Jelly with whole cherries


  • cherry - how much fits in a three-liter container;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • gelatin - 70 gr;
  • water - 0.5 l.


  1. Measure out pitted berries. You will need such an amount that fits in a three-liter jar.
  2. Soak gelatin in 0.5 liters of water.

    Cover the cherry with sugar, put on the stove.

    Bring the mass to a boil, cook for 3-5 minutes. At the same time, heat up the gelatin.

    Attach the gelatin to the cherry, stir and remove the heat.

  3. Seal hot jelly. Can be stored without refrigeration.

Felt cherries are different from regular cherries. She has a thin delicate skin, smaller and sweeter fruits. It does not have a pronounced cherry flavor. You can also preserve it for the winter. Only this should be done as soon as possible immediately after harvesting, since the berry is not stored for long. To make jelly you will need:

  • cherry juice - 1 liter;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg.

Operating procedure:

  1. Dip the cherries with the stone in boiling water and drain the water after 15 minutes.
  2. Crush the berries with a spoon or crush.
  3. Pass through a juicer, rub through a sieve or squeeze through cheesecloth - separate the juice in any convenient way.
  4. Let the juice stand and drain the light part of it.
  5. Add 500 g of granulated sugar to 1 liter of juice and cook until thickened for about an hour, stirring and removing the foam.
  6. Pour into banks.

The process of canning felt berries is very similar to the preparation of ordinary cherries.

Recipe without cooking

Cherries, like some other berries and fruits, contain pectin. Therefore, it can be used to make jelly without cooking. Instead of sugar, it is better to take powdered sugar. Jelly is stored in the refrigerator. It can also be in the freezer, but then it needs to be decomposed into plastic containers.

The recipe is quite simple, but it is with this method of harvesting for the winter that all vitamins and useful substances of berries are better preserved. For him you will need:

  • cherry - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

