
Preservation of tomatoes with carrot tops. Tomatoes with carrot tops for the winter, recipes with photos

Each of us knows many recipes for canning tomatoes. But lately, many housewives have been closing tomatoes with carrot tops for the winter, having learned about the exceptional benefits of this fluffy greenery, which they used to simply throw away. Try it too, you won't regret it. Do not be embarrassed that only the tops are used in the recipe, there is no horseradish, no dill, no other roots, leaves and spices. Believe me, the tomatoes turn out very tasty, they will go great in winter with fried or boiled potatoes.

We give a recipe for one jar with a capacity of 3 liters of preservation. If you want to make less per sample, then start with a liter jar, reducing the amount of ingredients by three times.

Taste Info Tomatoes for the winter


  • tomatoes - 1.8-2 kg;
  • carrot tops - 10-12 branches;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • salt - 3 tsp;
  • granulated sugar - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • table vinegar (9%) - 6 tbsp. l.

How to cook pickled tomatoes with carrot tops for the winter

Start by preparing carrot tops. If it is hard enough at the base, then cut off this place, leaving only soft greens. Now immerse it in a bowl of cold water and leave for 5 minutes, during which time the branches will be cleaned of dirt. After that, rinse it under running water and lay it on a kitchen towel to dry.

At the bottom of a clean, dry, pre-pasteurized jar, lay part of the tops. For a 3-liter container, divide all the greens into three parts - put one on the bottom, the second somewhere in the middle between the tomatoes and the third already at the very neck, when the dishes are completely filled. If you are doing canning in liter jars, then it is enough to lay the tops on the bottom of the dish and on top. Decide on the capacity yourself, it’s convenient to close it in small jars - you open one, eat it and you don’t need to look for a place in the refrigerator to store it. But if the family is large, a 3-liter blank is quite suitable, which the household can handle in one lunch or dinner.

Choose medium or small tomatoes for pickling, it is easier to put them in jars and then get them out. The fruits should be ripe, but not too soft. It is desirable that the flesh and skin of the tomatoes be dense, this ensures that they do not burst during cooking, and also retain their shape perfectly. Another important rule is that in order for the degree of salting to be uniform, take fruits of the same variety and approximately the same size.

Wash the tomatoes thoroughly and use a toothpick to make 2-3 punctures in each place where the stalk was attached. Here the pulp is the most dense, and the holes will help the vegetables to salt well.

Fill the jar with tomatoes, try to pack them tightly enough.

Don't forget to lay the leaves between the tomatoes and on top.

At this point, water should already boil on the stove, pour the contents of the jar with it. Cover with a heat-treated lid on top (just boil them for 1-2 minutes) and leave in this state for 10 minutes.

Using a special nylon lid with holes, drain the water from the jar into the pan, on its basis we will now prepare the marinade. Place a bowl of water on the fire, pour salt and sugar into it and, with constant stirring (to dissolve the grains), bring to a boil. Let it boil for a couple of minutes, then pour in the vinegar, mix and immediately turn off the heat.

Pour the boiling marinade into a jar of tomatoes and seal with a lid. Turn the workpiece upside down, this will help to seal the jar with a lid more firmly. Wrap a warm blanket on top and leave in this position until it cools completely.

On a note: Earlier we talked about how to prepare.

Pickled tomatoes with carrot tops for the winter put in a cool place (basement or cellar).

Tomatoes with carrot tops: the secrets of harvesting for the winter

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Carrot tops are always thrown away without regret. And it’s completely in vain - scientists have found that, in terms of the content of nutrients, carrot leaves are in no way inferior to the root crop itself. In addition, it has a pleasant aroma and appetizing decorative effect. In home preparations, the tops are used as an alternative to spices. Canned tomatoes with carrot tops are especially tasty.

Tomatoes, canned with carrot leaves

Tomatoes choose small and all the same in size. Otherwise, large fruits will “understeam” and ferment, small ones will spread and turn into gruel.

The number of products based on 4 large jars or 8 "one and a half":

  • 7 kg of unripe tomatoes, be sure to take elastic, slightly unripe fruits;
  • 1 bunch of carrot leaves, weighing about 150 gr.;
  • 200 gr. Sahara;
  • 50 g of table salt;
  • 350 ml of vinegar 9%;
  • 5 liters of water.

Rolling up:

  1. Wash the selected vegetables and leaves thoroughly. Dry.
  2. Prepare the available container in any way.
  3. Put 5-6 leaves of carrots on the bottom of the jars.
  4. Place tomatoes of the same size and variety on top.
  5. Pour the prepared products with boiling water, cover with lids.
  6. After a quarter of an hour, pour the slightly cooled infusion from the cans into the pan.
  7. Bring to a boil and add salt and sugar to the marinade. If necessary, add boiling water to the solution to the volume required by the recipe.
  8. Turn off the heat, pour in the vinegar, stir.
  9. Pour marinade over vegetables with tops and roll up. Put ready-made canned food upside down, insulate.

The greatest taste effect will be acquired in about three months.

Pickled tomatoes with vegetables and carrot tops

Not everyone loves canned tomatoes. Some people prefer pickled peppers. Someone prefers a crispy cucumber.

The proposed recipe is designed to satisfy the tastes of all family members. And carrot leaves will successfully replace ordinary seasonings, and an interesting, slightly sweet aftertaste will come to vegetables.

Proportions and ingredients for preparing 5 liter assorted jars:

  • 20 pieces of cucumbers of small varieties such as gherkin;
  • 20-25 pieces of cherry tomatoes or any other, only the smallest ones;
  • half a head of cauliflower;
  • 10 pieces of very young patissons or 2 zucchini, also of a young age;
  • 25 pieces of shallots or onion sets, you can take 2-3 regular onions;
  • 2 heads of garlic;
  • 5 bell peppers;
  • a large bunch of carrot tops;
  • half a glass of ordinary salt;
  • 120 gr. Sahara;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 200 gr. vinegar 6%;
  • peppercorns.
    1. Peel the onion and garlic from the skin.
    2. Disassemble the cabbage into small inflorescences.
    3. Do not remove the skin from squash and zucchini. If using zucchini, cut them into slices about 1.5 centimeters thick.
    4. Peel the pepper from seeds and stalk, cut into 4-6 parts. Often on the market, especially at the end of the season, a very small bell pepper is sold - this is ideal.
    5. If there is onion in the workpiece, chop it into rings of medium thickness.
    6. Cut off the ends of the gherkins.
    7. Dip cabbage and squash (or zucchini) in boiling water for 5 minutes.
    8. Prepare a container.
    9. Wash and cut the leaves into 1 cm pieces.
    10. At the bottom of the jar put greens and 5 peppercorns.
    11. Next, lay out the prepared vegetables in layers. Independently alternate all products depending on the texture and color. The order of the layout will not affect the taste.
    12. For the marinade, boil water with salt and sugar. Turn off the heat, pour in the vinegar, stir.
    13. Pour the jars without adding 1.5-2 cm to the neck so that the marinade does not spill out during sterilization.
    14. Sterilize with lids for 12 minutes. Time to take into account from the moment the water boils under the banks.
    15. Roll up and turn over, wrap.

Will be ready in 2 weeks.

Pickled tomatoes with carrot tops

Our grandmothers had many children and had absolutely no free time.

They had no gas and no glass jars, seamers or food processors. All preparations of vegetables for the winter were made in barrels right in the cellar.

Nowadays, this method is not practical, but the taste of slightly harsh and spicy pickles, familiar from early childhood, can be reproduced in urban apartments. Moreover, this method of harvesting does not require a lot of time.

Starting products:

  • ripe but not overripe tomatoes;
  • carrot leaves, garlic, horseradish root and leaves;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • ordinary mustard plasters.

How to salt in three-liter jars:

      1. At the bottom of clean, fat-free jars, lay some of the herbs and chopped roots.
      2. Lay the tomatoes tightly to the point where the jar narrows.
      3. Add leaves and tops on top.
      4. Top up with cold water.
      5. Then drain the water - this will be the required amount of liquid for the brine.
      6. Mix water with sugar and salt - 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar and 4 tbsp. tablespoons of salt per large jar of vegetables, regardless of the resulting volume of water.
      7. Boil the brine, cool, strain if necessary, as sometimes there is a lot of sand in table salt.
      8. Fill the jar with a cold solution, put a piece of mustard plaster the size of a matchbox under the lid, close it. The mustard plaster will protect the pickle from mold.

Remove for a month in a cool place.

But I came across pickled tomatoes for the winter with carrot tops for the first time last year. I found the recipe somewhere on the Internet, and I was very interested in it - it seemed to me that it should be very tasty. So I closed a couple of jars to try. And I really liked the result: the tomatoes are very interesting, not quite ordinary, but tasty.

And this year I closed several jars again - it seems to me that this is a great option to diversify the usual preservation of tomatoes. And the carrot green itself looks very impressive - it is beautiful, bright, so jars of tomatoes marinated with carrot tops will be very appetizing.

Well, as for the complexity of cooking - in this regard, tomatoes with carrot tops for the winter did not let me down either: the whole process is quite simple: you just need to prepare the tomatoes, tops and other spices, pour marinade and sterilize. In more detail, how to pickle tomatoes with carrot tops, my step-by-step recipe will tell you.

Ingredients for 1 liter jar:

  • 450-500 g tomato;
  • 3-5 sprigs of carrot tops;
  • 2 peas of black pepper;
  • 0.3 cm hot pepper ring;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 0.3 cm horseradish root ring.


  • 4.5 liters of water;
  • 9 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 4.5 tablespoons of salt;
  • 200 ml 9% vinegar.

How to pickle tomatoes with carrot tops:

Tomatoes for pickling are selected ripe, but dense, without surface damage. It is advisable to choose small plum-shaped fruits: they fit more in a jar and, as a rule, they crack less. If the tomatoes are larger, there will be fewer of them in the jar, then, accordingly, more marinade will be required. Wash the tomatoes in cold running water.

We thoroughly wash the carrot tops and lay them out on a napkin.

Peel the horseradish root and garlic and wash thoroughly. Cut the horseradish into thin rings, and cut the garlic cloves in half. We wash the hot pepper and cut it into thin rings. At the bottom of pre-sterilized jars we put carrot tops, garlic, hot peppers and peppercorns, horseradish root.

We lay the tomatoes, trying not to crush and place rationally so that there are fewer voids. We cover the jars with tomatoes with lids so that kitchen dust does not get in.

For the marinade in a saucepan, bring water to a boil, add salt and sugar and, stirring, cook for 2-3 minutes, until the crystals are completely dissolved. Pour vinegar into the marinade and turn off the heat. Carefully pour the jars with tomatoes with boiling marinade, filling them to the top.

We again cover the jars with lids and put them in a saucepan, the bottom of which is lined with a napkin (so that the jars do not burst during sterilization). Fill jars with tomatoes with water so that it reaches the shoulders of the jars. On high heat, bring the water in a saucepan to a boil, then reduce the heat a little so that there is no excessive boiling, and sterilize for 15 minutes.

After sterilization, carefully remove the jars of tomatoes from the pan (it is convenient to use special tongs) and seal tightly. Turn the cans of tomatoes upside down and let them cool completely.

We transfer the cooled tomatoes to a permanent storage place, it is possible at room temperature.

Probably, there are practically no families that do not stock up on various preservation for the winter, because few people do not like to eat, for example, salted tomatoes from a can. Moreover, each housewife has her own special recipe for their preparation. One of the interesting options for canning are tomatoes with carrot tops. The recipe is simple, but insanely delicious!

Taste qualities and characteristics of the workpiece

Carrot tops not only give the preservation a certain decorative effect, it also gives it a rather interesting taste and aroma, and the marinade itself makes it really unusual. Tomatoes are sweet, and some skilled housewives even bake bread and gingerbread on the brine from under them. It is noteworthy that some special spices are not needed here, their role is performed directly by the tops.

Features of product selection

Experienced chefs advise using small or medium tomatoes for twisting, as they absorb the brine better and, as a result, turn out to be more delicious.

Important! In this case, it is not necessary to use fully ripe fruits. Slightly pink will do, they will also be very good.

It is better to use the tops from large carrots, because it has already gained strength, and this affects the taste of the brine, and, accordingly, the tomatoes too.

Step by step cooking recipe with photo

Now let's move on to the recipe - we'll figure out what and how much you need, and in what sequence to do everything.

Required Ingredients

The composition was taken based on 2 liter cans:

  • tomatoes - about 30 pcs. (small);
  • carrot tops - several bunches;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • table vinegar (6%) - 70 ml (if you take 9%, then 50-60 ml is enough);
  • boiling water.

Kitchen appliances and inventory

You don't need a lot of equipment for this piece. The most important thing is glass jars. The second important inventory is iron lids for closing.

Cooking process

Marinating tomatoes is quite easy:

Important! To prevent the fruits from cracking, pierce them several times with a needle or toothpick near the stalk.

How to properly store the workpiece

Conservation is best stored in a basement or cellar, but it can also be stored in an apartment, for example, in a pantry. The main thing is that the place is dark and cool. It is recommended to let the twists brew for at least a month, and preferably three, since it takes time for the tomatoes to soak and gain a full taste.

Under the right storage conditions, canned jars can stand for a whole year, but this is unlikely to happen - it is doubtful that such a yummy will survive after the winter.

What to serve with tomatoes

Such tomatoes can be served on the table with anything - with hot potato dishes, with meat, and even as a separate snack for strong drinks. It all depends on your imagination and taste preferences. In general, you can’t spoil any table with pickled tomatoes.

Useful tips: what to do with signs of fermentation and turbidity of tomatoes

If you see the first signs of damage to preservation, immediately put the entire contents of the jars into a separate container, wash it in a 2-3% salt solution (20-30 g per 1 liter of water) and put it back into clean sterilized jars.

Strain the old brine through gauze folded in several layers, boil and pour over the tomatoes. If there is not enough brine, prepare fresh. Sterilize filled jars and roll up.
Now you know a new recipe for pickled tomatoes. Agree - it is absolutely simple. And you will learn about the taste of such preservation in the winter when you open the first jar. And we are sure that you will not regret it. The main thing - stick to the recipe and you will certainly succeed.

Canned tomatoes with carrot tops. Recipe with step by step photo

Canned tomatoes with carrot tops. Recipe with photo

, 8th grade student
MBOU "Basic boarding school No. 3 named after the Hero of Russia Vladimir Elizarov", 14 years old
Supervisor: Tsybanova Galina Anatolievna ,
teacher MBOU "Basic comprehensive boarding school No. 3 named after the Hero of Russia Vladimir Elizarov"
Purpose: autumn preparations.
Preserving means preserving the useful properties and nutritional value of products for a long time. Vegetable preservation is characterized by pleasant taste and useful properties.
To implement my project, I was looking for information on the Internet (about canning tomatoes with different spices and herbs). On one of the sites I came across the recipe “Canned Tomatoes with Carrot Tops”. I liked it because no additional spices and herbs are required for rolling tomatoes.

Description: The master class is designed for schoolchildren of grade 6 and older, their parents. This material may well be used by technology teachers when studying the "Cooking" section.
Target: Canned tomatoes in a small jar.
- to expand the idea of ​​harvesting vegetables for future use
- prepare for independent living
- Develop independence and self-control
- to cultivate a cognitive interest in cooking

To prepare the workpiece you will need:


Elastic medium-sized tomatoes
- tops from one carrot
- salt
- sugar
- food vinegar 9%
Iodized salt is not recommended for canning vegetables,
but in our class there was only such

2. Equipment:

Glass jar with tin lid
Drain cover

Two enamel pots of different sizes
Table and teaspoon
wooden toothpicks
Seamer (key)
Can holder


1. Before starting work, put on protective clothing and wash your hands with soap and water.
Choose medium-sized tomatoes of medium maturity, which will not burst in the future. Rinse the fruits and carrot tops thoroughly in warm water. First you need to clean them of dirt and dust, and then rinse again and put on a plate to dry.

2. Wash the jar and lid with baking soda and rinse under running water.
3. Place the jar in a preheated oven to sterilize for 15 minutes.
Boil the lid for at least 5 minutes.

4. Calculate how much sugar, salt and vinegar you need.
While the jar was being sterilized and the tomatoes were drying, I once again looked at the recipes saved on the computer and chose the last post (5 liters of water, 20 tablespoons of sugar, 5 tablespoons of salt, 350 grams of 9% vinegar), because this recipe has been tested and is convenient for calculation .
For 1 liter of water you need 4 tablespoons of sugar 1 table. a spoonful of salt and 70 grams of 9% vinegar
1 st. a spoonful of salt - 30 g
1 st. a spoonful of sugar - 25 g
To fill a 0.6 liter jar, 0.3 liters of water is enough for me, so I weighed the ingredients:
Salt - 30 g x 0.3 \u003d 10 g
Sugar - 25 g x 4 x 0.3 = 30 g
Vinegar - 350 g / 5 x 0.3 \u003d 21 g

5. Put a piece of carrot tops on the bottom of the prepared and cooled sterile jar.

Then tightly lay the tomatoes (as many as you like).
Each fruit must first be pricked at the location of the stalk with a wooden needle (toothpick) so that they do not burst during canning.

Between the tomatoes, additionally lay sprigs of tops.

6. In order for each tomato to retain its bright color and elasticity, it is necessary to carry out heat treatment. To do this, boil water and carefully pour boiling water into a jar.

7. Then immediately drain the water back into the pan and start preparing the marinade.

To do this, add salt and sugar to the drained water. Place the saucepan over medium heat and bring the mixture to a boil. Boil until the salt and sugar are completely dissolved (about a couple of minutes). Pour in the vinegar and let the marinade brew for a few minutes.
8. Pour the tomatoes in a jar with hot marinade, without adding about 1 cm to the edges of the neck.

9. Cover the jar with a sterile tin lid and place in a pot of hot water to pasteurize. The water in the pot should reach the shoulders of the jar.

Pasteurization is a controlled heat treatment of food to kill bacteria and other microorganisms.
To prevent the jar from bursting, put a napkin folded in several layers on the bottom.
The pasteurization time is counted from the moment the liquid boils.
and for my jar is 10 minutes.
10. After this time, pull the jar out of the pan with a gripper.

11. And roll up

12. Check the jar for leaks (tilt gently to make sure the marinade does not leak).
Shake the jar, put the lid down and leave to cool completely.
An interesting ingredient in the form of carrot tops gives an unusual taste to pickled tomatoes. The marinade is special, and the tops also give an unusual appearance to the finished dish.
The peculiarity of such a seam is that it must be allowed to stand for at least three months, otherwise, the tops will not yet have time to convey to the fruits the very taste that makes this seam so unique and unusual.
