
What foods can be consumed in the post. Lenten delicacies - questionable

what foods can be eaten in the post list?

  1. Baking is possible on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday with the addition of sunflower oil, except for the first week of Great Lent and the last Holy Week. Without adding sunflower oil, you can on other days. The composition may contain fruits, dried fruits, nuts, vegetables, flour, water, yeast, sugar, honey, mushrooms. In other words, everything is vegetable.
    Very tasty cake: flour 250 Gram, baking powder 4 Teaspoons, vegetable oil 5 Art. spoons, mineral water 250 ml, juice 400 ml, semolina 2 Art. spoons, sugar 1 tbsp. spoon, fruit 500 grams.
  2. Yes, it's really easier to list what you can't. But I will try to list what is possible. And so, you can eat in the post: products of plant origin. Vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, all types of cereals boiled on water, lean mayonnaise, pasta, ketchup, mustard and other dry seasonings, lean cookies, vegetable oil (only on Saturdays and Sundays if you observe to the fullest extent), bread is also possible, waffle cakes and any pastries without adding eggs, milk, kefir. From drinks: jelly, compote, kvass, etc. without alcohol content. Many more things are possible.
  3. And what pastries can you do?
  4. List of lean foods

    Cereals. Any.
    Vegetables and mushrooms. Also any.
    Peas and all legumes.
    Vegetable fats. We are talking about any vegetable oils.
    Pickling products. From traditional cabbage to soaked grapes.
    Greens in any form (fresh and dried) and any quantity.
    Soy and soy products.
    Bread and pasta.
    Olives and olives.
    Desserts include jam and jam, dark chocolate, marmalade, halva and gozinaki.
    Any fruit. Both ours and exotic ones, including dried fruits (raisins, candied fruits, etc.)

    Orthodox Lent 2016 Food Calendar by day - pictured
    A detailed article is on my blog - the link is blocked by the decision of the project administration

  5. Great Lent is the most strict and significant of all fasts.

    On all days of fasting, smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages is prohibited. You can not eat animal products (meat, fish, milk and eggs), butter (white) bread, sweets, buns, mayonnaise. Allowed only plant foods (fruits, vegetables, dried fruits), pickles (sauerkraut, pickled and pickled cucumbers), crackers, dryers, tea, mushrooms, nuts, black and gray bread, kissels, cereals on the water. And on the feasts of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos and Palm Sunday, it is allowed to eat fish.


    First meal

    Lenten soups. The main thing to do is fry onions and carrots, you can add ketchup or tomato paste, then the soup will be tastier. You can add bell pepper to borscht or cabbage soup to improve the taste. Perfectly saves pea or bean soup, mushroom soups, sorrel soup. Also, for density, cereals (rice, barley) are usually added to lean soups.

    Main dishes

    The most delicious, in my opinion, lean dish is fried potatoes with sauerkraut. Potatoes will probably be your main food: french fries, mashed potatoes, potato cutlets, potatoes with gravy, baked potatoes ... In short, everything that used to be a side dish is suitable for your main meal: green peas, beans (in jars with sauce), corn. Fried mushrooms completely replace meat. If you are already tired of everything, remember the vegetable stew and hodgepodge. If it’s immediately clear what a hodgepodge can be made of, then you can put everything that comes to hand into a vegetable stew. You can add nuts (walnuts or hazelnuts) to any dish when cooking, this is both tastier and more satisfying. You can buy frozen vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, green beans, mixed vegetables).

    Drinks, desserts

    Juices, kissels, compotes, tea, fruit drinks. For dessert, you can cook such a wonderful children's dish apple-carrot puree. Remember how it used to crackle behind your ears? Or other fruit purees.


    For breakfast, you can eat muesli (on water or juice).

    What is at work?

    In general, it is hard to stick to the post at the workplace. But we found a way out at work, a little funny made vegetable shawarma. They bought Korean carrots, brought sauerkraut with them, added fresh vegetables, wrapped the whole thing in pita (thin) rolled up and ate. In general, you can take the same crackers, bagels, nuts, seeds, dried bananas, jam, seaweed (at worst) and salads with you to work.

  6. water
  7. It's easier to list what you can't...
    Food of animal origin.

In the modern world, fasting is already much easier than before. Now many manufacturers offer a huge amount of lean products that are allowed to be consumed during fasting.

But first, let's look at the benefits and harms of certain products, as well as what will really apply to lean products.

Soy and its products

There are entire stores specializing in the sale of semi-finished soy products. And what kind of lean products are not made from soybeans: cutlets, chops, goulash, and even the entire list of dairy products, from milk to cheese.
This is very healthy, because soy is rich in various vitamins, it is quickly prepared and contributes to the saturation of the body with proteins. Also, soy products are useful for blood vessels, brain function and comprehensively improve the functioning of our body.

There is, perhaps, only one risk - most of the soybeans are grown using transgenes. Those. to abuse soy, albeit lean products, is still not worth it.

lean sausage

Sausage. Once it was impossible to dream about this product in a post. Now, even during the fasting period, it turns out that you can treat yourself to such a lean product as sausage. But here is its composition: dyes, thickeners, flavors, etc., alas, except to worsen your well-being, they are unlikely to be able to do anything else.

lean bread

To be honest, we already eat lean bread. After all, in its manufacture do not use eggs and butter.

But what kind of bread is healthier is still worth mentioning. The most useful bread is a product made from malt. The second most useful can be considered bran bread. It is not very beautiful, but very useful, because. in its manufacture, wholemeal flour is used.

And, of course, bran and bread from grain, of course, can also successfully and with the greatest benefit replace ordinary bread. They are rich in vitamins and microelements.

But for lovers of sweets, confectionery factories significantly expand their range of lean products in the post, and sweet pastries appear in stores, which everyone can enjoy.

Macaroni and dumplings

Pasta is another product that can be consumed without restrictions during fasting. As we all know, they are made using only water, flour and salt. True, you can’t add butter to them in a post, but it’s quite possible to drop a little vegetable oil.

The main thing is to pay attention to pasta without the addition of egg powder and from durum flour. This information can be found in the description.

Dumplings are in composition, in fact, the same pasta, only with filling. You can use them in fasting or not, it depends only on what they put in them. Those. also carefully read the composition.

Margarine and spread

Both margarine and spread are substitutes for butter. They are made from herbal ingredients. True, manufacturers sometimes add animal fats to spreads. A completely vegetable spread, allowed as a lean product or not, can be understood from the name. If the name is “vegetable fat spread”, then there are no animal fats in it. If it is “vegetable-creamy”, then animal fats are present in the composition and it is no longer possible to call such a product lean.

Lean mayonnaise

Theoretically, mayonnaise cannot be a lean product in principle. The main ingredient for making mayonnaise is eggs. That is, "lean mayonnaise" is a sauce with the taste of mayonnaise. It's best to make your own sauce. It will be both healthier and better for the figure.

Lenten pastries and sweets

During the fasting period, in the confectionery departments, you can find pastries specially made for fasting people. The main thing is to pay attention to the composition so that there are no eggs and milk.

Also, a lean product is dark and bitter chocolate. It is important that there is no milk in the composition. But this applies to white and milk types of chocolate. Here they can not be used in the post.

Marmalade, gozinaki and halva. Well, where without these sweets during the fasting period! They do not contain any fats of animal origin, so they can be enjoyed with pleasure.

The most important thing during the fasting period is not to replace the usual food with something the same, only different in composition. The main thing is the purification of the soul through the ability to think through one's actions and refrain from temptation. Therefore, when compiling a menu, the main thing is to remember the purity of the soul.

Well, so that it doesn’t take you a lot of time to plan lunches and dinners, we offer a list of allowed products.

List of lean foods

Hello my friends. Today my article will be devoted to Great Lent. I will tell you what you can eat in Lent by day, list the allowed and prohibited foods and give several recipes for healthy, satisfying and tasty dishes. I wonder what you can and can not eat before Easter? Then we read and remember.

In 2018, the most important fast for all Christians began on Monday, February 19 and will end on Saturday, April 7. This is the brightest period that directs all Christians to the main holiday - Easter or, in other words, the Bright Resurrection of Christ.

Why post at all?

The thing is that, according to the biblical scripture, Jesus went to the desert, where the devil subjected him to all kinds of temptations for 40 days. During this time, Jesus did not eat anything. This is how the salvation of human souls began. Lent is a period in honor of the Savior, who endured many sufferings for us people and was eventually crucified.

The purpose of fasting is to completely eradicate any destructive manifestations that a person may have. As a result, believers limit themselves in food, pray all the time, attend church services, renounce bad habits and keep all 10 commandments.

What are the different fasting days called?

In fact, this post lasts not 40, as it was supposed to, but 48 days and it is divided into several parts:

Detailed nutrition calendar by day

The rules regarding food during this period are established by the Typicon (the main church traditions). Here they are:

  • During all fasting days, a person must flatly refuse food of animal origin.
  • The most severe days are considered the first, as well as the last week. In these 14 days, a strict fast is observed.
  • Three times a week, namely on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, one must observe a raw food diet, that is, eat only cold food and only once in the evening. Vegetable oil is prohibited.
  • On Tuesdays and Thursdays, hot meals are allowed, but also once in the evening and also without vegetable oils.
  • Some relaxations are allowed on weekends. Twice a day you can drink a little red wine and eat food with vegetable oil.
  • On Friday in Passion Week, one should refrain from eating.
  • On Saturday, immediately before bright Sunday, eating is prohibited.
  • On Palm Sunday, fasting people are allowed to eat fish.
  • Seafood is also allowed during the celebration of the day of the Most Holy Theotokos, but only if it does not fall on Holy Week.
  • If there are other holy holidays during the fasting period, then believers are allowed hot food with vegetable oils, as well as some wine.

What Foods Can You Eat During Lent?

You know, during this period you can not only cleanse your soul, but also your body. Doctors unanimously say that light food will only benefit after a long winter and eating heavy food.

Many people think that it is very difficult not to eat. Can you survive all seven weeks? To be honest, I haven't tried it, because I know for sure that I won't be able to. But my grandmother always fasted, and this is what she was allowed to eat.


To them, first of all, I will include cabbage, and any varieties and types: broccoli, white cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Chinese, cauliflower. Potatoes are allowed in any form, celery root, bell pepper, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, green beans. Various greens are also allowed. There are no restrictions here.


These products are an ideal substitute for meat during the days of Lent: lentils, peas, beans. This is the best food for athletes because they contain a huge amount of protein.

Here is a delicious recipe for you - lobio made from beans, sweet peppers and carrots. On ordinary, non-lean days, I make such a dish with chicken or turkey, but even if you remove the meat, you get an excellent vegetable dish that will delight all households.


If you think that the list of cereals stops at buckwheat, pearl barley, millet and rice, then you are wildly mistaken. Take a closer look at the store ... Now, as a family, we are hooked on barley, wheat and corn porridge. I buy already packaged in bags, which is very convenient when cooking.

Even ordinary rice can be replaced with other varieties of it - black, Chinese, brown. It's all allowed in the post.


They can and even should be eaten by all fasting people. Apples, oranges, grapes, lemons, pomegranates, bananas, tangerines - this is not the whole list of healthy foods for the whole family. You can eat them raw, add them to dishes, squeeze juice out of them.


They, like legumes, will be able to replace your meat for all seven weeks. Mushrooms can be used to make soup, appetizers, porridge fry and other meatless dishes.


Despite the fact that fish is prohibited on fast days, there are a few times when you can still eat it (read about it above). Steamed, boiled, fried fish and other seafood (squid, mussels, shrimp, crab meat) are allowed a couple of times during fasting.

On Lazarus Saturday, you can even eat some fish caviar, but only without butter.


And now the good news for all lovers of sweets: fasting people can eat sweets, but only if they are cooked without butter, eggs, milk.

You can eat gozinaki, halva, oatmeal cookies, honey, sugar, fruit marshmallows, hard candies, dark chocolate (dairy-free). In addition, the stores offer a large selection of lean sweets, so you can easily choose a yummy.


If you really want to drink milk, you can find and buy coconut or soy milk. Soy yogurt and bean curd (tofu) are also sold.

You can cook yourself cocoa on the water (an instant drink will not work, because it contains milk powder), jelly, uzvar, fruit drink, juice, tea, compotes, red wine on some permitted days.

Other permitted products

Here is a small list of those foods that you can safely eat while fasting:

  • nuts;
  • pasta that is made without adding eggs;
  • Korean salads;
  • seaweed;
  • unleavened pita bread, bread prepared without prohibited ingredients;
  • flour products (only those that contain water, salt, flour);
  • seeds;
  • any sauces based on vegetables, lean mayonnaise;
  • all types of vinegars;
  • sushi without fish products.

What should not be eaten while fasting

  • any kind of meat (chicken, turkey, pork, beef, rabbit and others);
  • milk - milk, cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream, butter, cheese;
  • semi-finished products - sausages, sausages;
  • eggs;
  • pastries and pastries with the addition of milk, eggs, butter;
  • milk chocolate, sweets that contain milk;
  • alcohol in any form (red wine is allowed on some days).

Well, dear fasting ones, now you know what you can eat in Lent and, as you can see, the list of allowed foods is not so meager. From them you can make an excellent menu and eat deliciously. Moreover, many dishes will turn out to be very satisfying and healthy.

Are you fasting? Or maybe you're just limiting yourself in some way? Share with our readers your impressions.

Fasting, which begins after Pancake week, is a period when you need to give up certain foods to improve metabolic processes, get the necessary vitamins, and restore your state of mind. However, a properly composed diet for Shrove Tuesday plays a very important role, because it is the selected products that contribute to obtaining the necessary components and improving overall health.

  • Meat Replacement Products
  • Nutritious Lean Foods

Allowed and prohibited foods for the period of fasting

On Maslenitsa, you can plan the use of the following products:

Fresh or thermally processed vegetables;
fruits and berries;
olives and olives;
healthy sweets without the addition of dairy products;
berry and fruit jams, jams;
vegetable and olive oil;
dried fruits and nuts.

However, the following foods must be avoided while fasting:

milk and dairy products;
bread and pastries with the addition of eggs, milk.

Allowed and prohibited foods for fasting determine the possibilities of restoration of physical and emotional health for those who are really interested in obtaining nutrients and restoring their bodies.

Meat Replacement Products

To replace meat, certain products are suggested that deserve special attention.

1. Chickpeas or Turkish peas. These legumes have a pleasant nutty flavor. The protein content reaches 30 percent. Chickpeas and peas are ideal for replacing meat during fasting.
2. Lentils. This product is considered a worthy replacement for bread and meat. The delicate taste and diverse uses of lentils contribute to the successful use of the product. In addition, red and green lentils are ideal for making stews, warm salads, side dishes, soups. It should be noted that red lentils have a spicy taste and quick cooking.
3. Beans. The protein of the product is easily digestible. Not surprisingly, beans are "vegetable meat". In addition, beans are a versatile product that is ideal for preparing various dishes.
4. Soy. Soy is often added to store-bought products. Recently, you can safely choose tofu cheese, soy milk, a variety of semi-finished products with pleasant taste characteristics.
5. Bulgur. This product is known to many people. Bulgur is a wheat groat that can be successfully processed with boiled water. For the preparation of cereals, durum wheat is used. Bulgur is a worthy dish for self-cooking, salads, lean cabbage rolls, stuffed peppers.

The above products deserve attention, as they are considered a worthy replacement for meat.

Note! High-quality soy contributes to the optimal amount of protein, and is expected to exceed the figure by 40 percent. Soy products are considered among the best, as they have a high content of protein and vitamins. Accounting for protein allows you to understand how appropriate it is to choose products as a replacement for meat during fasting.

Demanded protein products

Of particular note are foods high in protein.

1. Quinoa or rice quinoa. These products are considered a worthy source of protein. It should be noted that the protein content of quinoa and rice quinoa reaches and even exceeds 13 percent.
2. Avocado. This fruit is high in protein, carbohydrates, Omega 6 fats. Avocado consists of 2 percent pure protein, so the fruit is considered beneficial for digestion and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
3. Fresh or frozen peas. Peas are approximately 5 percent protein, which is also considered beneficial for fasting people.
4. Hummus. This product has a minimum fat content and a high protein level. Hummus is considered inexpensive and nutritious.
5. Peanut butter. The product consists of 28 percent protein and monounsaturated fat, which guarantees the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
6. Coconut. Fruit is made up of protein and fiber. However, the high content of saturated fat leads to the need for limited consumption.
7. Brown rice The product, which consists of whole grains, is enriched with minerals, fibers and consists of 2.5 percent protein.
8. Beets. Vegetables are low in calories. The presence of antioxidants, betanin is expected, which guarantees comprehensive support for the body and the elimination of inflammatory processes. For example, 6 pieces of small beets are comparable to one chicken fillet.
9. Oats. This product has approximately 3 percent protein and a large amount of betaglucans, selenium, magnesium, which guarantees a general reduction in cholesterol in the body.
10. Green peas. For every 100 grams, there are 5.4 grams of protein. Of course, during fasting, a fresh product is not available, but if you wish, you can choose a frozen or canned vegetable. The most important thing is to take into account the fact that there will be 3.6 grams of protein per 100 grams. This vegetable is ideal for adding to soup or salads, cooking vegetable cutlets and pancakes.
11. Tofu. This cheese is characterized by a high protein content (100 grams - 10 grams in a dense variety, 5 grams in a soft one). Tofu contains beneficial amino acids, making it ideal for inclusion in your diet. Cheese has a neutral, but pleasant and delicate taste. Tofu is added to soups and salads.
12. Seitan. This product consists of wheat protein, gluten. Seitan tastes like poultry, which is why it is considered one of the best substitutes for chicken meat. In the CIS, seitan is sold only in canned form and in specialized stores.

Protein foods are ideal for those fasting people.

Nutritious Lean Foods

For fasting, special foods that are nutritious and have a special composition are suitable. Such options are ideal for those who are interested in quality lean nutrition.

1. Lean mayonnaise. The product is distinguished by the absence of animal additives. The composition involves the use of water, vegetable oil, starch and flavorings. Lean mayonnaise resembles a classic product.
2. Margarine and spread. Both products are fasting worthy products.
3. Lean sausage. Such a meat product is distinguished by the absence of meat. However, the composition contains thickeners, dyes, flavor enhancers. Moderate consumption of lean sausage is advisable in many situations.
4. Lean bread. As a substitute, bran, cereal bread are used. If you still need bread for fasting, it is advisable to choose bran or malt bread, as both options are suitable for making lean baked goods. The product recipe is lean, so it doesn’t even require a change in the classic composition.

Fasting can include nutritious and healthy, delicious meals that are ideal for those who are thinking about suitable dishes for themselves.

There is no fish on this list - those who observe the strict rules of Great Lent should not eat it. No seafood either: although there is no official ban on them, whether or not to eat marine reptiles is a matter of personal choice. In addition, we are not talking about delicacy and rare products: the essence of Orthodox fasting is abstinence, in every sense.

1. Chickpeas and mung

Legumes in the post is most welcome. For example, it's time to master mung bean and chickpeas. You can make falafel, hummus and soup from chickpeas, Indian dal from mung bean. Chickpeas must be soaked for four hours before cooking, and then boiled for two hours. Similarly - with whole mash: it is better to leave it in water for the whole night, and then cook for an hour and a half. But the peeled mung bean does not need to be soaked before cooking - and it is not cooked for long, only 20-30 minutes.

As for other legumes, you can experiment with unusual types of beans And lentils: they behave very differently in cooking. If you don’t want to learn something new, then Italian pasta with legumes is also very relevant.

Chickpeas and roasted bell peppers

2. Olive oil

You will use olive oil for salads, and for dressing pasta, rice, couscous. A simple breakfast, like the Greeks, would be good: pour olive oil into a bowl and dip a lean cake into it. You can pepper and season to taste.

Olive oil and olives

3. Couscous

One of the foundations of the Maghreb cuisine. In fact, couscous is not a cereal, but a type of pasta (by the way, there is an Italian analogue of couscous - "fregola sard"). Couscous is made from semolina and water, without eggs. Modern industrial couscous is steamed and dried and is very easy to prepare. Enough brew with boiling water for 5 minutes.


4. Vegetables from the Chinese market

If your city has a Chinese or Vietnamese market (we know one in Moscow, near the Lyublino metro station), most likely you can find interesting vegetables there - hairy potatoes tarot, vegetable bananas - plane trees, sweet potatoes, yams and much more. All these products are the simplest, the most ordinary, not at all delicacies, something like our potatoes. This is how you should treat them. Yes, and cooking is the same - clean, and then either boil, or bake, or fry. There are some nuances: the peel of vegetable bananas must be cut with a knife (it is not removed as easily as that of sweet bananas), and the finished taro must be kept in cold water before serving, otherwise the excess starch will color the tubers in a mysterious, but not too appetizing purple color. .

Sweet potato

5. Nuts

Nuts, as well as beans, are very satisfying foods, and in this regard, they successfully replace meat. Separately and in the form of a mixture, they will be useful to you for salads and hot dishes. With walnuts, you can make satsivi (for example,), and with cashews -.


6. Vegetable oil

In addition to olive oil, sunflower oil and some refined frying oil, you can master other options.

Dark pumpkin seed oil usually sold in green or brown glass bottles. Be careful: in the light and in the open air, it instantly deteriorates, so we opened the bottle, dressed the salad - quickly close the oil and put it in a dark place. The best pumpkin seed oil comes from Austrian Styria, where it is made from the seeds of a certain type of pumpkin. In Russian stores, you can often find pumpkin seed oil from Slovenia: it is a little cheaper, because it is not so famous, but it is made using the same technology, from the same seeds and tastes just as good.

Very helpful grape seed oil. Don't be put off by the word "refined" on the bottle: it's always refined because it tastes so bitter when raw. Accordingly, it has no smell, the taste is not strong, but very thin and elegant. Therefore, if you really want to appreciate the taste of this oil, you should try it simply with bread or with herbs of a more or less neutral taste.

For salads, linseed, sesame oil and walnut oil.

Very inexpensive (compared to all the previous ones) will cost oil from Sareptamustard And camelina. Their taste is as bright as that of sunflower; they are quite suitable for filling hot dishes - for example, potatoes and buckwheat.

Sunflower oil

7. Chinese sesame oil

It is Chinese - you can buy it in an oriental food shop or in some Chinese market. Unlike European sesame, it is dark in color and very spicy in taste. You can’t use it for dressing dishes - you won’t feel anything except the taste of overcooked sesame seeds. However, two or three drops of this oil, added together with soy sauce to an already prepared dish, will give it that easily recognizable taste that unmistakably defines Chinese cuisine. This will allow you to greatly diversify dishes from vegetables and legumes.

Sesame oil

8. Milk substitutes

Milk substitutes - coconut, soy, almond, oatmeal, rice - are useful for coffee and smoothies. Coconut and almond milk can be used to make oriental soup, and soy milk can be used to make vegetable puree or pasta sauce.

Almond milk

9. Eggplant

The bright taste of eggplant on a lean table will come in handy. In many dishes, eggplant, by the way, successfully replaces meat: in pilaf, in stuffed peppers, and in satsivi.

Eggplant with vegetables

10. Dried tomatoes

Sun-dried tomatoes are an indispensable ingredient in Mediterranean cooking. They are used to prepare main dishes and salads, they are used to make various sauces and gravies. In Italy and Greece, sun-dried tomatoes are added to the dough when baking white bread and to stuffing for pies. Ready-made sun-dried tomatoes are relatively expensive, but they can be made in a regular oven.

Dried tomatoes

11. Mushrooms

Frozen mushrooms, pickled mushrooms, and dried mushrooms plus fresh champignons and oyster mushrooms will come in handy at this time of the year. With mushrooms, you can cook pilaf and paella, lean pies and pickle, fried potatoes and buckwheat, cabbage rolls and zrazy. In many dishes, they are a good substitute for meat.

Mushrooms in oil marinade

12. Soy products

Soy products become especially popular just during fasting - this is an excellent source of easily digestible protein. The main thing is to choose those that have less flavors and monosodium glutamate.

Soy itself is practically tasteless, so it can be passed off as almost any product. Among soy products there are the mentioned soy milk, and kefir, and cream, and sour cream; eat tofu, fresh or dry; there is miso paste (about it - below); soy sauce (it can be of varying degrees of salinity, you can choose the right option).

Soy cheese (cottage cheese) tofu

13. Rice paper

What is called "spring roll" in Europe and America, and "nem" in Vietnam, is cooked with rice paper. It is sold in the form of solid sheets. To make them soft, you need to lower these leaves one by one in water at room temperature for a few seconds. Then you can already lay out the sheet on a flat surface, lay out the filling (mushrooms, vegetables, greens) and roll up. These rolls can be served either cold or quickly fried.

Spring rolls

14. Sweet pepper

Without the bright taste of sweet (Bulgarian) pepper, as without eggplant, there is no way in Lent. Peppers are useful for stews and salads, as well as for various stuffed dishes - both in the form of a shell and as a filling.

Stuffed sweet pepper

15. Algae

We mean both seaweed and dry nori seaweed. You can make rolls with them; less obvious (to us), but no less interesting to use them to make soup or pasta.


16. Avocado

Delicate Mexican sauce made from avocado guacamole- quite satisfying and nutritious, so we warmly recommend it in the post. There is a lot - with onions, sweet peppers, tomatoes, herbs, garlic, olive oil. But they always have the same base - mashed avocado pulp with the addition of salt and lime or lemon juice. When choosing an avocado, you should first of all pay attention to its softness. The pulp of a good, not "oak" avocado can be cut into the fruit and removed with an ordinary spoon.

Avocado smoothie

17. Hercules

Hercules makes an excellent oatmeal for breakfast. Pour the flakes with boiling water overnight, salt in the morning, season with olive oil and herbs to taste.

Hercules (oatmeal)

18. Miso paste

Miso is a thick paste made from fermented soybeans to which a little salt and water are added. Light miso is lighter and sweeter, not too salty, it is used in salad dressings, sauces, and added to various vegetable dishes. Dark miso (like red) is the base of miso soup. For fasting, this soup is very good: in fact, it is lean, while it is very high-calorie and with a rich taste.

miso paste

19. Grape leaves

Grape leaves are needed to cook dolma- stuffed with rice with mushrooms or vegetables. Now you can buy either canned leaves(in Russia they began to be produced), or find home-made pickled leaves on the market.

Grape leaves

20. Pumpkin

And you can bake it; and stew with vegetables or mushrooms; and prepare different manti-vareniki with pumpkin filling; it is suitable for both, and.

Pumpkin puree soup
