
Flour storage at home. Flour: proper storage

Flour is stored in warehouses and bases of bakery products, trade enterprises and organizations, in warehouses and premises of catering establishments, retail trade enterprises. The storage room for flour should be dry, clean, well ventilated, free from grain stock pests, and well lit. In the room where the flour is stored, it is necessary to whitewash the walls at least twice a year.

Flour sacks are stacked on wooden pallets or wooden grates. The stacks are placed separately by types of flour, grades, numbers (for cereals) and dates of receipt.

The height of the stack with cereals and flour depends on the season, storage conditions, type, grade and humidity of the product. Flour with a moisture content of up to 14% is placed in a stack of such a height (number of rows of bags): at an air temperature in the composition of more than +10 ° C - 10 rows, from +10 to 0 ° C - 12 rows, below 0 ° C - 14 rows . Flour with a moisture content of 14-15.5% is put into stacks, respectively, two rows of bags less. The height of the stack for millet, corn and oatmeal, corn and oatmeal with a moisture content of up to 13 should not exceed 8-10 bags. The height of a stack of products with a moisture content of 13-14% is reduced by two rows of bags.

The optimum air humidity for flour storage is 60-70%. Favorable temperature - from +5 to +15 ° C. For long-term storage, the temperature should be from +5 to -15 ° C.

A sharp fluctuation in air temperature and humidity adversely affects the storage of flour. Flours with a higher fat content have a shorter shelf life, such as second grade wheat flour, soy flour, corn flour, oatmeal. Rye flour also has a relatively short shelf life compared to wheat flour.
Varietal wheat flour is stored for 6-8 months, rye varietal 4-6 months, corn and soy non-deodorized 3-6 months, deodorized soy flour - 12 months. At low temperatures (about 0 ° C and below), the shelf life of flour is extended to two years or more. Flour is stored in bags much better than in consumer containers.

Storing flour is a rather complicated process, which is divided into two stages. At the first stage, the baking properties of flour improve, at the second stage, the quality of flour deteriorates.

The first stage is called maturation. Freshly ground flour is not used, because it produces low-quality bread (small volume, reduced yield, etc.), therefore, before use, the flour must undergo resting under favorable conditions, as a result of which the baking properties of the flour improve. As a rule, only baking flour undergoes ripening, rye flour does not change its baking properties in resting, therefore it does not need maturation. The maturation of flour is associated with oxidative and hydrolytic processes in lipids and a decrease in enzyme activity to a certain level. After maturation, the flour becomes lighter. As a result of the enzymatic oxidation of phytin, phosphoric and other organic acids are released, i.e., the digestibility of mineral elements increases.

But most importantly, baking properties are improved by strengthening gluten. This effect is exerted by peroxides that oxidize parts of sulfhydryl groups (-S-H-) with the formation of disulfide bonds (-S-S-) between protein molecules that form gluten. When proteins interact with the products of hydrolysis and fat oxidation, lipo-proteins are obtained that reduce the extensibility of gluten. Thus, if the flour after grinding had a weak gluten, then after ripening, a weak gluten acquires the properties of a medium one, and a medium one becomes strong, a strong one becomes very strong, even a deterioration in quality is possible, for example, very strong gluten, crumbling.

Wheat varietal flour ripens at room temperature for 1.5-2 months, wallpaper 3-4 weeks. Flour intended for long-term storage must be immediately cooled to 0 ° C, then maturation will continue for a year. If flour with weak gluten must be used immediately, then the ripening process can be accelerated up to 6 hours due to its aeration with warm air.

To accelerate maturation, chemical improvers are used, as well as pneumatic movement of flour using compressed, especially heated, air.

Rye flour matures in 2 to 4 weeks at room temperature. It undergoes the same processes as in wheat varietal flour.

If you're used to stocking up on groceries, learn how to properly store flour. Due to inappropriate conditions, various insects and harmful microorganisms start up in it, which is dangerous to health. We will reveal all the secrets of the correct preservation of the product of different types, in various containers, so that it does not lose its original qualities.

4 main safety factors

Flour storage conditions must be observed both in industrial production and at home. Manufacturers focus on 4 aspects:

  1. Air temperature. In the room where flour is contained, the temperature range should be between 5-25 ° C. If the upper limit is exceeded, then the binding qualities of the product will begin to decline. It is acceptable to keep on a balcony or in a cold place, but the temperature should not be below 0 ° C. The main task is to prevent sudden jumps in temperature indicators in order to avoid the appearance of mold or heating.
  2. Humidity. This parameter should not be higher than 70% regardless of temperature. When the air is damp, then any flour quickly deteriorates. Such an environment is favorable for the reproduction of fungi and mold. If, due to fluctuations in humidity and temperature, condensation forms on the container, this leads to dampening of the contents. The smell and gluten of the spoiled product will differ from the original characteristics.
  3. Lighting. The flour should not be exposed to direct sunlight. An ideal place for storage would be a closet with doors. Warehouses with large stocks should be shaded.
  4. Prevention and protection against pests. This item is affected by all of the above aspects of savings. In addition, if the room is not clean, then pests may well choose it. Also, during long-term storage of spoiled flour, larvae and waste products of insects remain in it.

Do you know that…

Flour is able to absorb surrounding odors, so it is important to observe the correct commodity neighborhood. Detergents, household chemicals, products with a pungent odor should not be stored near bags with flour products.

Types, varieties and expiration dates according to GOST

The shelf life of wheat flour and storage conditions are regulated by the regulatory document GOST R 52189-2003 “Wheat flour. General technical conditions". It says that the shelf life is set by the manufacturer, based on the type and variety. High-quality products retain their properties from 6 to 8 months. The higher the quality, the longer the shelf life.

If we talk about other types of flour, then the content is regulated by GOST 26791-89 “Grain processing products. Packing, marking, transportation and storage. From it it follows that:

  • properties of rye flour remain unchanged for 4-6 months;
  • corn and soy non-deodorized - 3-6 months.
  • soy deodorized - up to a year.

There are many varieties of flour products. It is produced both from cereals and from seeds (pumpkin), fruits (chestnut) and dried berries (bird cherry)

What to look for when buying


If you buy flour in a package, then the first thing you need to pay attention to is the marking or label. Often the label is attached to bags, not paper bags.

The marking must contain information:

  • about the variety;
  • manufacturer;
  • date of manufacture;
  • terms and conditions of storage.

Flour is packed in paper bags or sacks. In any case, the packaging must not be damaged. The quality of the product depends on its integrity. Bags and sacks may become wet or damp if stored incorrectly. It's easy to check. Run your hand over the entire surface of the packaging. It should be dry, without smudges and diaper rash.

Organoleptic indicators

If we talk about the taste and other qualities of flour, then pay attention to:

  • Smell. Flour should not smell musty, damp or rotten. A sour smell is a sign of depravity.
  • Taste. Before buying, it is worth making a tasting of the goods. First, it should not crunch on the teeth. Secondly, if the product is of high quality, then it tastes pleasant and sweet.
  • consistency or structure. To check flour products, remember them in your hands. If during this movement you hear a quiet crunch, this indicates its high quality and dryness. If the lump holds its shape after compression, this is a sign that the product is damp.
  • Color. It must correspond to the type and grade of the product that you purchased. You can check this indicator with a few drops of water. If liquid is added to a handful of flour, then a quality product will not change color. If a reddish or bluish tint appears, then the raw material contains bran or immature grains.

What color should this or that variety be?

How to store at home

The storage of flour at home must comply with all the requirements indicated by the manufacturer on the product packaging. It is important to consider several points at once:

  • humidity and air temperature;
  • cleanliness of the premises;
  • choice of container;
  • accurate control of expiration dates.

It is important for a good housewife to choose the right place and container in which the flour will be constantly contained. If the product lies at home for a long time, then its quality should be checked periodically.


So that the flour does not deteriorate, monitor the temperature and humidity. The temperature must not exceed 25 °C. The closer it is to 5 °C, the less likely it is to spoil.

If it is possible to place flour in rooms where the temperature is closer to zero, then the shelf life of the product increases. Such an environment can be in the basement, pantry, but it is important to take into account the humidity of the air. It should not be higher than 70%. The higher this figure, the faster the flour will disappear.

Note to the owner


The shelf life of flour directly depends on the room where it is located. At home, the best places for her would be:

  • pantry;
  • lumber room;
  • basement;
  • balcony;
  • separate wardrobe with lockable doors;
  • lower shelves, closer to the floor, in the kitchen.

All these rooms should be well ventilated. Air needs to circulate. Additionally, it is recommended to check the humidity parameters.

If you are going to store flour in the kitchen, choose a place close to the floor for it. High temperatures, vapors rise to the ceiling, so the top shelves are not suitable.

Any grain products should not be exposed to light. It is better to keep the product in a dark place or in a light-tight container.


Where to store flour? Most often it is sold in paper bags. If you do not have a suitable container to pour the product, then you can leave it in the production paper packaging. The main thing is to carefully close the bag with a paper holder or clothespin. Air and moisture must not get into it.

It is better to pour the flour into a special container for long-term storage. Suitable for this purpose:

  • linen bag;
  • tight-fitting plastic container;
  • glass jar with a lid.

The main thing is that moisture does not get into the product. If the container does not close tightly, then it is important to check the flour from time to time, since pests can start in it.

Tip of the day

Periodically wipe the shelves where the flour stands with a weak solution or laundry soap.

How to store flour so that bugs do not start

Insects in home storage start if the product is not used for a long time or kept in favorable conditions for bugs.

To prevent the appearance of pests, use the old-fashioned methods. In a container, put 2-3 cloves of unpeeled per 2-3 kg of flour. It releases flavored substances that repel bugs. Also suitable for these purposes:

  • dry cloves;
  • calendula flowers;
  • Bay leaf.

Place the plants in a gauze piece of cloth and tie tightly so that they do not spill out.

How to recognize a damaged product and what to do with it

Do not use flour that is bitter, has a sour smell, or musty, which appears during long storage. It is dangerous to use such a product for food, because this is a sign of mold.

If there are bugs in the flour, then it is also better to throw it away. If the infected product is sifted through a sieve, then the bugs can be disposed of, but their larvae and excrement will not come out.

Note to the owner

If you notice that the flour is damp, dry it. To do this, pour a thin layer on a baking sheet and place on the bottom shelf of the oven at a minimum temperature for half an hour.

Flour is a product that must be stored in a special container and in a dry place. If the conditions are not met, then lush and fragrant pastries from such a product will not work. Spoiled bakery products lose their binding properties, and then you should not expect high-quality muffins, pancakes, pancakes or pizza.

Store properly and be healthy!

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Flour is an indispensable product in the kitchen of any housewife. Bread, pies are baked from it, it is added to desserts and many other favorite dishes. Flour is usually stocked up for future use so that it is always at hand. This product has a long shelf life. But in order for it to lie for as long as the manufacturer indicated on the package, you need to know about the basic rules for storing flour and optimal conditions.

Basic Rules

When buying flour, be sure to inspect it for debris or bugs. Often it is sold in opaque bags, which prevents inspection of the product. In this case, carefully examine the packaging. It should be intact, without damage and signs of dampness. Pay attention to the production date: the fresher the flour, the longer it will lie at home. Constantly check the condition of the product by tasting it and sifting it through your fingers. Damp flour can be dried on parchment, but a bitter or sour product must be discarded.


For wheat flour, use the original paper packaging or cloth bag. If you have not yet opened the package, you can put it in the refrigerator. Flour can also be stored in glass or plastic jars with tight-fitting lids. So moisture and odors will not penetrate inside. Do not keep container open. Flour quickly absorbs moisture and can become covered with dust, making it unusable. Also, it is impossible to store the product in a plastic bag or metal cans for a long time, since flour will lie no more than 4–6 weeks in unsealed conditions.

The necessary conditions

Properly keep the product in a dark and cool place. Perfect cabinet in the kitchen, pantry or niche. In the room where the flour lies, the humidity level should not exceed 60-65%. The optimum storage temperature for this product is +5 to +20 °C. If you are going to keep the flour as long as possible, then you will succeed at a temperature of +15 ° C. Under such conditions, wheat flour will last up to 2 years, deodorized soy flour - 12 months, rye and corn flour - up to six months. Constantly monitor the room temperature with a thermometer. Do not expose the product to temperature fluctuations. Because of this, its taste is lost. When the humidity rises, warm the room, then dry the flour on parchment and pour it into an airtight container.

What to do so that the bugs do not start

At the optimum temperature and in an airtight container, flour will never suffer from bugs. But if it is not possible to store it in suitable conditions, you can secure the product in a different way. Soak a specially prepared cloth bag, preferably made of linen, for several minutes in saline solution. Preparing it is very simple: in 1 liter of water, add 2 tbsp. l. table, not iodized, salt and stir. After soaking, dry the bag and pour flour into it.

In a container with flour, you can also put means that will repel pests. For example, 2-3 garlic cloves or 1-2 bay leaves. This method is not very practical, because the flour will absorb the smells of the products. Instead, put in some stainless steel nails. You can also prevent the appearance of bugs with the help of calendula. Collect dry flowers in a small cloth bag and place in flour.

Now you know how much and where you can store flour so that it retains its taste. Always pack it properly and store it in a dark, cool place. Flour will not spoil for a long time if it is stored at a temperature not exceeding +20 ° C. Avoid temperature fluctuations and do not freeze the product.

Flour is a strategic product that is in every home and in every family. In the villages, housewives used to say that if there is oil, flour and sugar in the house, any famine can be overcome. And indeed - flour is used by a good housewife almost every day - either it will please the home with pies, or it will bake buns. That is why the flour ends pretty quickly. In such cases, experienced women decide to buy flour for the future. Firstly, flour is cheaper in season, and secondly, you don’t need to carry it every time, and it’s somehow calmer when flour is always at hand. However, another question arises here - how to store this flour?

Where to store flour

Flour can be stored in linen or paper bags, glass or plastic containers. If you bought flour in a small package, you can put it in the refrigerator, but only before it is opened. Then it should be poured into an airtight container.

If you plan to remove the purchased flour for long-term storage, it should first be dried. To do this, pour the flour onto a sheet of parchment or a clean tablecloth and smooth it out in a thin layer. After a few days, the flour can be removed for storage. If you're storing a few kilos of flour, put it in a cloth bag or glass jar. If you prefer to have a large supply of flour, then you need to buy a bulky plastic container with a tight-fitting lid. There is a wide selection of such dishes in hardware stores.

You can store flour in ordinary plastic bottles from mineral water. They close tightly with a lid and are easy to move around. If you don’t like narrow necks, often bake and ease of access to flour is important to you, you can pour the product into a plastic bucket with a lid. You can also leave a convenient plastic ladle or ladle and a sieve there.

Where to store flour

So, the selected container for flour has been found, but where to leave the flour for storage? It should be a dry, cool room, the humidity of which does not exceed 65%. The air temperature in the storage room should not exceed 18 degrees, otherwise the flour may become moldy and its shelf life is significantly reduced. You should also pay attention to the fact that there are no sudden temperature changes in the room, this often leads to the fact that the flour becomes rancid.

Store flour in a kitchen drawer, pantry, closet, on the mezzanine. Do not forget to ensure that there are no products and products with a strong odor nearby. The fact is that flour is very sensitive to foreign odors, so it cannot be stored next to household chemicals, spices and medicines. If you store flour near detergents, future baking will somehow have a slight smell of soap. By the way, if you store flour in the kitchen, it is better to place the container at floor level, on the bottom shelf. In the upper part of the room, the air is much warmer.

Flour should be checked from time to time for moisture and insect ingress. If the flour has become wet, it should be poured onto a flat surface and allowed to dry at room temperature. Taste the flour from time to time so that it does not become bitter. To prevent insects from starting in the flour, you can use some folk remedies.

  1. The canvas bag in which the flour will be stored is pre-soaked in saline. It is well known that salt is an excellent preservative, it will not allow bugs to get inside the bag. Just dissolve three tablespoons of salt in a liter of water, dip the bag into it and dry it without rinsing.
  2. You can lower a metal object - a coin or a knife into a bag of flour. This will scare off pests and they will not eat such flour. The main thing is that the coin does not get into the baking!
  3. Midges and other insects do not like the smell of calendula and avoid it in every possible way. Dry a couple of sprigs of this plant, place in a canvas bag, or simply wrap in a handkerchief. Then dip the calendula directly into the flour.
  4. You can scare bugs with garlic. Dip a few cloves of garlic in the middle of the container with flour and no pests are afraid of you.
  5. You can drop a few bay leaves into a bag of flour. This will repel insects, but will not give the flour a foreign smell.
  6. In the fight against pests, there are modern ways. Place a couple of open mint gums in the top layer of flour. Not a single insect will stick into such flour.

If the insects still managed to penetrate the flour, do not rush to throw away the product. It is enough to simply sift the flour through a fine sieve, dry it and pour it into a new container. If you use the same container, it must first be washed, rinsed with a salt composition, dried, and only then pour the sifted flour.

How long to store flour

Ordinary wheat flour is stored for quite a long time (if you follow all the storage rules) - up to eight months. Soy flour does not spoil longer - about a year. Rye flour is best used in the next six months. Cornmeal is good for consumption within five months from the date of its production.

Among the tips for storing flour, the following can be noted. Before you pour flour into a plastic container or plastic bottle, make a "salty pillow" on the bottom. To do this, sew a bag out of several layers of gauze, pour coarse salt into it and place it on the bottom of the container. Salt perfectly absorbs moisture and protects the flour from dampness.

In ancient times, flour was stored in the following way. A large canvas bag of flour was dipped into the water for a few seconds and then quickly removed. A dense layer of dough formed around the bag, which neither rodents nor insects could overcome. Thus, the flour could be stored for years.

If you do not like pastries and rarely bake, there is no point in buying flour for future use. However, if you have a large family, if you have children and you like to mess around with dough, buying flour is a very rational and correct decision. Store flour properly to indulge in crispy pastries more often.

Video: how to store flour at home

Flour can be called one of the oldest discoveries. Rarely is a meal complete without bread. Yes, and pies, gingerbread, pretzels and buns, try to bake without flour, even the most diligent housewives cannot do it. Good - it has practically no taste, so a little bit sweet. But rancid, but stale can ruin pastries and an inveterate culinary specialist. How to store flour so that the dough from it turns out magnificent, and the bread is delicious? Is it possible to store it on the balcony or in the refrigerator so that the bugs do not start? Now I'll tell you.

Flour is grains of plants ground into powder. Wheat, buckwheat, rice, corn and soy are used. The most popular, perhaps, is wheat, it is produced in several varieties:

  • The most useful - from whole grains, retains almost all the substances inherent in the culture: amino acids, trace elements and vitamins. It is low in gluten and calories.
  • Flour of the second grade - a gray shade, with a large amount of dietary fiber. Baking from it has a special bread spirit.
  • The first grade also retains a certain amount of useful substances and vitamins.
  • High-calorie flour products. But thanks to the special processing of cereals, it has good baking characteristics.

By the way, good premium wheat flour with a slightly noticeable creamy hue.

Production storage

Before the flour reaches our home, it goes through a long period of preparation. First, the grain on the threshing equipment is converted into powder. Varieties are determined by the coarseness of the grinding. Then comes the initial stage of storage, at which gas exchange processes take place: with the access of oxygen, the respiration of milled grain particles and microorganisms occurs. Interestingly, at the same time, the flour brightens, the amount of gluten increases, and its maturation begins.

During this period, in the process of breathing, the temperature rises and moisture accumulates, therefore, in the storage facilities, they strictly monitor that the degree does not rise above 20 Celsius and, with the help of special equipment, the humidity is maintained no more than 60%.

In production, two methods of storage are used. In small warehouses - in bags, which are loaded in rows of several pieces. In such barns, ventilation equipment is installed, rodent control measures are taken, bugs and other pests are detected.

Large volumes are placed in the whole complex of equipment for bulk storage. It includes silo systems, bunkers, level sensors and more. After maturation and with container and bulk methods, the temperature in storage facilities is maintained at zero degrees in winter and summer. Under such conditions, the shelf life of flour is two years.

Choose by color, taste, smell

Flour is present on the shelves in packages of different weights. Conveniently, everyone can buy as much as they need in the near future or in the future. But it is difficult to check the quality of packaged flour. If it is sold in a transparent bag, which is rare, you can visually check it for the presence of food bugs and impurities, make sure there are no lumps. But it's hard to taste the taste.

When choosing flour in paper containers, we won’t be able to evaluate its appearance, color in the store, but it’s easy to smell it. You have probably noticed that flour bags have the not very pleasant property of spilling the contents through a poorly glued bottom. Let's take advantage of this and test for smell: bitter speaks of long-term improper storage. Of course, the flour should not be raw, the presence of mold is unacceptable.

Pay attention to the commodity neighborhood. Nearby there should be no products with an intense smell: spices, tea, fish.

We store at home

Mistresses know - flour must be bought for the future. She has a property that ends at the wrong moment, in the midst of preparing a culinary masterpiece for the home. Therefore, they are wondering how to properly store flour at home?

At home, many people use the highest quality wheat flour, but it will be useful to know how much other types are stored. Rye - about 4-6 months, corn - from 3-6, rice - no more than 10. Wheat flour manufacturers have determined the shelf life of flour: 12 months at a temperature not higher than 25 degrees, after which it loses its qualities.

If the amount is small, you can leave the flour in a consumer paper bag and store in the refrigerator to avoid bugs. In no case should a plastic bag be put on top of the container, under it favorable conditions are formed for the development of a fungal infection. A vegetable drawer is considered a safe place in the refrigerator; it protects against odors and temperature changes when the door is opened.

In a small apartment, it is difficult to find an extra place to place products purchased for the future. Therefore, lovers of buying with a large margin use a balcony at home instead of a pantry. It's not bad if it's glazed. Even better, store not on the balcony, but on the loggia, since it is protected from wind, dampness and temperature changes are not felt so much.

You can store flour on the balcony in winter, when frost sets in. Dry it and pour it into a glass container; you should not use polypropylene bags in winter. Equip closed cabinets for cans on the balcony. In frosty winter, they are not afraid of moisture, rodents, or insects. In other seasons, the balcony is an unfortunate place for storage: in summer due to the heat, in spring and autumn due to humidity.

Your brownie.
