
The strongest alcohol in the world. The strongest alcoholic drinks in the world

Alcoholic products are one of the types of goods that are most often bought. Thanks to the richness of species that differ in taste and strength, everyone can find an alcoholic product based on individual preferences. Many are interested in what the most strong alcohol drink in the world and why it is recognized as such.

Strong alcohol is a drink for everyone, but it is also in great demand.

The most efficient and best method preparation of hard liquor for a long time remains continuous distillation

For the manufacture of strong alcohol, a certain technique is used. It consists in the continuous distillation of its composition. The technique was invented almost two centuries ago. For the manufacture of alcoholic beverages, various natural raw materials are used. Depending on the geographical location and traditions, both grapes and some varieties of cereals can be used to create alcohol. It is thanks to this feature that the varieties and tastes of drinks containing alcohol are so rich.

On the territory of Russia and Poland, vodka, for the manufacture of which wheat is used, is very popular. In Latin America, where there are rich plantations sugar cane, the national drink is considered to be rum. Growing in popularity mexican tequila It is made from a special type of cactus - the Mexican blue agave.

IN European countries grapes are used to make alcohol. Drinks such as wine, cognac and brandy are obtained from this plant. In countries with a cold climate, where it is not possible to grow the above crops, potatoes are used to make alcohol. Drinks such as whiskey and aquavit are made from this root crop.

In addition to those drinks that were described above, the following products are very popular:

  • gin;
  • Calvados;
  • Armagnac;
  • absinthe;
  • beer;
  • sake.

All alcoholic products can be divided into two conditional categories. These categories differ in the way they are made. The main difference is that in the manufacture of the first category, drinks are aged for many years, while representatives of the second category are on sale immediately after production.

You can estimate the strength of an alcoholic drink by knowing the alcohol content in it.

Drinks with a strength exceeding forty degrees

The range of such drinks is rich and varied. One of the brightest representatives of this category is absinthe. For its manufacture, wormwood is used and due to this, the drink has a poisonous green color. The strength of such alcohol can be more than seventy percent. Because of the strong strength and exotic composition Absinthe consumption can cause hallucinations. For a long time, it was banned from sale in most of the world's countries. Today, absinthe is quite popular and can be found on the shelves of specialized stores.

Juniper vodka is better known as gin, has a fortress located between forty-five and fifty-four degrees. The drink is prepared according to the technology, which consists in the distillation of wheat and juniper. In most cases, this drink is used as a component for creating cocktails.

From different varieties grapes are made drinks such as grappa, chacha and orujo. Each of these drinks is a real national treasure of the producing countries. The strength of the product can be from forty-five to fifty-nine degrees. Also, these products include Armagnac. This drink is equivalent in strength to brandy, and its value is in many ways superior to ordinary cognacs.

In addition to common products that are known to everyone, this list includes products that almost no one knows about. One such product is the Argentine chicha. Chicha- enough exotic product, because for its manufacture, the natives have to chew maize grains for hours. The resulting mass in the mouth is spit into a special dish. When it is filled, the container is filled with water and infused until the fermentation processes begin. Such a drink can cause a terrible hangover syndrome accompanied by acute pain.

An alcoholic drink that has the most non-standard manufacturing method is rat wine, which is a Chinese national treasure. The strength of the product is about sixty degrees. Specially grown rats are used for production. Only cubs that are literally just born get into the drink. The animals are placed in a special bottle, where rice vodka is poured. In order for the composition to become usable, it is necessary to insist it for twelve months.

Drinking too much alcohol can lead to addiction

The strongest beer

Ten years ago, few people could say that beer is a strong alcoholic product. However, brewers from Scotland surprised the whole world when they made the strongest beer in the world. The drink, which has a strength of sixty-five degrees, was called Armageddon. The drink has a rather pleasant taste and aroma. The recipe is based on the use of ingredients such as wheat, caramel and oatmeal flakes.

A little later, these brewers set another record related to the production of beer. In the middle of two thousand and thirteen, the strongest beer in the world was made. The strength of the drink was as much as sixty-seven percent. The composition was called "Snake Venom" and is still considered the strongest beer.

What is stronger vodka whiskey or cognac

Connoisseurs of hard alcohol often start an argument about which of the three products is stronger.

  1. As part of the usual vodka contains about forty percent ethyl. Making a drink consists of mixing alcohol and water, and distillation processes. Thanks to this simple composition, more than half of the world's countries are engaged in the production of vodka.
  2. Cognac it is not inferior to vodka in strength, but grapes are used for its manufacture. The percentage of alcohol in this drink does not exceed forty-two degrees.
  3. Whiskey- drink of noble lords and aesthetes. The strength of whiskey can be from forty to sixty degrees.

Top 10 strongest drinks

This top contains the strongest drinks from around the world. Among the listed products you can find such types of alcohol as:

  • gin;
  • Armagnac;
  • grappa;
  • whiskey;
  • beer;
  • chacha;
  • absinthe;
  • liquor;
  • vodka.

Based on the consideration of all these drinks, we can summarize and identify the strongest alcohol in the world, in degrees.

Every country has a liquor that differs in its strength.

10th place: Gin "Bombay Sapphire"

This drink can rightly be considered a gem among this variety of drinks. The alcohol content of this product is about forty-seven percent. The name "Gin" comes from the main component of the drink - juniper. "Sapphire" is produced in England and is officially recognized as the strongest gin in the world. Due to its strong strength, the product is most often used as a base for creating cocktails. However, it can also be used in pure form after adding some ice. The drink is drunk quite softly, and its aroma consists of notes of juniper and citrus.

9th place: Armagnac "Domain de Jolin"

All over the world, this type of alcohol is equated to cognac. But it is worth noting that the main difference between drinks is that they are used for their manufacture. various technologies and raw materials. "Domain de Jolin" has been manufactured in France since 1973. Armagnac got its name from the name of the estate where it was made. The drink was infused for thirty-seven years and was cast only in two thousand and ten. The strength of alcohol was forty-eight percent due to the fact that during all this time, the drink was not filtered or diluted. Connoisseurs say that the aroma of this drink contains notes of coffee, strong tobacco, and fruits. The drink should be consumed slowly, stretching each sip.

8th place: Grappa "Beli Tosolini"

This interesting composition originally from Italy. For its manufacture, grape pomace is used, as well as the stems and seeds of the plant. The drink contains fifty percent alcohol. The composition is crystal clear, and its aroma conveys discriminating taste raisins and grapes. Fruity aftertaste will be a real gift for true connoisseurs quality alcohol.

7th place: Whiskey "Grenfarklas 105"

Whiskey is a drink that has been revered since ancient times. Its aesthetic value is so great that the product is a true Scottish treasure. The strongest whiskey in the world has a strength of sixty degrees. Few people dare to drink such whiskey in its pure form, so this brand of whiskey can often be seen in a cocktail mix. Whiskey is made from cereals and yeast. After the drink is ready, it must be infused for several years in special wood barrels. It is because of this feature - the aroma of whiskey has a woody tint. Whiskey is very popular in the United States and Great Britain.

6th place: Beer "Snake Venom"

This type of beer has turned all concepts of brewing upside down. The fortress, which is sixty-seven degrees, put this type of beer on a par with such drinks as vodka and cognac. This variety was made four years ago by brewers from Scotland. The lucky ones who managed to try this product say that it has a pronounced and pungent aftertaste. Manufacturers recommend using their product, like other types of strong alcohol, that is, in the form of small portions.

5th place: Georgian Chacha

Chacha is real National treasure Georgian people. Its fortress is seventy percent. The drink is made from certain grape varieties. Interesting feature drink lies in the fact that still unripe berries are used for its manufacture. The taste of chacha is quite strong, and the aroma has subtle notes of grapes.

All the strongest drinks in the world are very different from each other, it is difficult to find even remotely similar representatives of the strong alcoholic world

4th place: Rum "Bacardi 151"

For the manufacture of rum, a technology is used, which is based on the process of fermentation of cane and molasses. The strongest rum comes from South American countries and its strength is seventy-five percent. Making "Bacardi" takes eight years, during which the rum is infused. Rum has a peculiar amber color, and in its shades you can hear the aromas of vanilla and oak tree species. This brand of alcohol has a number of prestigious awards and prizes, which makes it the most titled alcohol.

3rd place: Absinthe "Jacques Hay Black"

The production of absinthe, bearing the name of its manufacturer, is located in Spain. Its composition was coined by the French taster Jacques Hay. The history of this brand of absinthe goes back over a hundred years. For almost forty years, the product was banned due to the fact that its use could cause hallucinations. This absinthe has a strength equal to eighty-five degrees. The composition has a bright aftertaste.

2nd place: Everclear liqueur

Many consumers are accustomed to the fact that the liquor is a fairly soft product with a sweet taste. fruit flavor. In most cases, the strength of such a drink does not exceed thirty-five degrees. But "everclear" completely destroys these ideas. The American product was entered in the book of records as the strongest representative of its category. In the people, "everclear" was called "devil's water." main feature is that with such a serious alcohol content, the composition does not have a pronounced taste or smell. The use of this liqueur in its pure form is not recommended. The drink is banned in thirteen US states due to its effects on human body.

1st place: Vodka "Bratislava Spiritus"

Even despite the fact that vodka is one of the brightest representatives of strong types of alcohol, the fortress regular composition does not exceed forty degrees. However, Polish producers produced the strongest vodka in the world, the alcohol content of which was as much as ninety-six percent. For the manufacture of "Bratislava" are used cereal crops and potatoes. During the manufacturing process, the product goes through many stages of purification, due to which it has a crystal clear color. The manufacturer does not recommend using this product undiluted.

A strong alcoholic beverage is a product containing more than 20% alcohol. In this article we will talk about those drinks that are considered the strongest in the world.

Russia and Poland are famous for the production of vodka, in the production of which wheat is used. Latin American countries are famous for making rum, which is based on sugar cane. Popular Mexican tequila is made from a cactus - the Mexican blue agave. In regions with cold weather traditional drinks become those in the manufacture of which potatoes are used (for example, the Scandinavian Akvavit). European countries are famous for grape products - cognac, brandy.

In addition to the above, strong drinks are represented by:

  • gin;
  • Calvados;
  • armagnac;
  • absinthe;
  • beer.

Strong types of beer

Traditionally, beer is on the list of low-calorie (especially light) and light alcohol-containing drinks. However, there are strong species product. Among them are:

  • "Armageddon". The year of creation of this beer is 2012, when it was brewed by a brewery in Scotland. The strength of the drink is sixty-five degrees. Foundation of Armageddon cereals, wheat, malt and water.
  • "Snake poison". It was brewed in the same place as Armageddon in 2013. The alcohol content in it is 67.5 percent.

Top 10 strongest alcoholic drinks

The top 10 strongest alcoholic drinks included:

10th place - Whiskey

The strength of the drink can reach up to 43%. It is whiskey that opens the top of the strongest liquor. The basis for it are cereals, yeast and water. The taste of whiskey is different due to the influence of the quality of the barrel (from cherry or oak) in which it was aged. The product is more famous among the Americans and the British.

9th place - Aquavit

This is a Scandinavian alcohol, the birth time of which is considered to be the middle of the 19th century. In translation Akvavit means "living water". Its strength can be up to 50 degrees. The drink is made from potato alcohol. First, it is diluted with water. After that, for several weeks (or years) insist on spices (fennel, cumin, ginger). Drink Aquavit chilled or frozen.

8th place - Grappa

Is Italian drink, a type of brandy. For its manufacture, a mixture of crushed grapes is used. Production is based on the method of distillation of berry pomace. The strength of the product ranges from 40 to 60%. Grappa was originally the result of recycling. Only some time later, she found her admirers.

7th place - Armagnac

Close in quality to French cognac. Produced from grape alcohol. The strongest is the Domaine de Jolin drink of 1973, which has a strength of 48.3%. The place of its manufacture is considered to be the estate of the same name, where it was created by the Darroz family. For 37 years, the drink was aged in oak barrels. Only in 2010 it was poured into glassware. Due to the absence of cold filtration, Armagnac is distinguished by unique taste, combining coffee, tobacco, fruit and oak notes. Therefore, it is often drunk in its pure form, without diluting.

6th place - Jin

Juniper vodka has a strength of over 40%. It is rarely drunk undiluted, more often used as an ingredient in various cocktails. The strongest gin is Bombay Sapphire (47 degrees). The drink attracts its fans mild taste with pronounced notes of juniper and citrus.
Bombay Sapphire - the strongest gin

5th place - Colombian rum

Opens the top five strongest drinks in the world. Has a strength of 50%. They drink it in various variations: both in pure form and as a component for cocktails. The strongest is Bacardi 151 rum, the strength of which is 75.5%. The production of the drink includes the processes of fermentation and distillation of cane syrup, molasses. The high strength of Bacardi 151 is achieved through long exposure (8 years). Due to this period, the drink acquires a pleasant amber hue and flavors of vanilla and oak. Bacardi has about 300 awards in his piggy bank.

4th place - Absinthe

Its strength varies - from 50% to 83-85% alcohol. For the production of the drink, vegetable extracts are often used (anise, wormwood, fennel or bergenia). The drink gained popularity in the 19th century. According to statistics, in 1900, the inhabitants of France drank 2 million liters per year. In 1910, the amount of absinthe drunk reached 36 million liters. Five years later, the drink was banned in many European countries and in the United States of America. The second birth of Absinthe took place in 1990. And 2004 was the year of legalization.

3rd place - Moonshine

The drink opens the "golden three". Its strength can reach 80-90%. For the production of alcohol, special apparatuses are used, through which an alcohol-containing mass called mash is distilled. The latter is the result of fermentation various bases represented by cereals, potatoes, beets, fruits or other products.

2nd place - Chacha

She gets silver in the top of the strongest alcoholic beverages. The fortress of Chachi is 70 degrees. The birthplace of the product is Georgia. The basis of alcohol is unripe Isabella grape varieties, also Kacic or pomace. Thanks to this, Chacha has pleasant taste with berry notes.

1st place - Everclear

It is the strongest liquor in the world. The drink can be 75% or 95% ABV. For several years, vodka was banned in the US and Canada. Thanks to the new law, it was legalized. Everclear is based on wheat or corn alcohol. Alcoholic product due to the lack of a specific taste, they are used for the production of cocktails. The use of vodka in its pure form can result in loss of consciousness. Thanks to its strength, in 1979 it entered the Guinness Book of Records as the most alcoholic drink.

Alcohol has been known since the Middle Ages. Various alcoholic drinks, both strong enough and not so strong, have their admirers. Regardless of the level of alcohol in a product, remember that it is not harmless. Therefore, it is always necessary to know allowable amount drunk and the consequences of such addiction. Only a competent attitude to alcoholic beverages will allow you to enjoy and prevent the development of pathological cravings.

The history of the origin of the intoxicating drink goes far into the past, but it is still not known for certain who and when made it for the first time. The oldest alcoholic "nectar", according to historical data, is wine. The first strongest drink containing a high percentage of alcohol appeared in the 11th century - it was ethanol, developed by a Persian doctor, the progenitor of vodka and alcoholic beverages.

The benefits and harms of drinking alcohol

fermented berry and fruit juice, turned into mash or wine, residents ancient rome, Egypt and Greece used as medicinal product from all diseases. Drinks with more high degree more often used for immersion in a trance, decontamination of wounds and as an anesthetic.

Numerous studies have proven that moderate intake of low ethanol has an effect on the body. positive action. This statement applies only to wine, beer and cider, prepared purely without the addition of synthetic materials, using ingredients of natural origin. The benefits of drinking such drinks are due to the high content of flavonoids in them, which help to remove cholesterol and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

However, strong alcohol cannot boast of a healing effect on human organs. Indiscriminate and frequent consumption of vodka, cognac or whiskey in large quantities provokes the development of serious diseases of the liver, kidneys, stomach, cerebral vessels, nervous system. Strong alcohol requires compliance with certain rules when drinking, otherwise a person may get severe intoxication and dehydration the day after drinking it.

The best spirits: how to choose the right one

Good alcohol is not always the one that costs more than 1000 rubles per bottle. Often, cost does not mean quality, so when choosing wine, cognac, liquor and other wine products, you need to look at the composition of the product, shelf life and the brand of the manufacturer.


Most Reviver in the world. Contains from 75% to 95% ethanol, which corresponds to 151 and 190 degrees. It is used exclusively for making cocktails, due to its high strength.


By right, it is one of the alcoholic drinks consumed both independently and as part of cocktails. Known for its high ethanol content, its strength ranges from 55 to 85 degrees, the most common is absinthe with a strength of 70 degrees. The drink is banned in some countries, has varieties with hashish additives. It is made using wormwood, arborvitae, anise, calamus, fennel, chamomile, parsley, angelica, licorice and coriander. The poisonous extract of bitter wormwood and thuja contained in absinthe, according to the legends of the drink, is capable of causing hallucinations.

Bacardi 151 o

Flammable strongest drink used in flaming cocktails. The ethanol content is 75.5%, the strength is 151 o. The most common use this drink in a B52 cocktail.


Beer, which is the most "vigorous" in the whole world. Scottish brewers, due to a special fermentation method, have created a drink that is not inferior in strength to vodka, whiskey and cognac. The alcohol content in one bottle of this beer is 65%.


Considered the wine that has the most high content ethanol - 60%. Produced from grape pulp. The drink owes its name to the place where it was first made - the small Italian town of Bassano del Grappa, located near Mount Grappa.


An alcoholic drink known throughout the world, mainly used in combination with tonic. Contains 55% alcohol. The cocktail with it is very popular.


It contains 43% ethanol, is made from yeast, various cereals and water, and is aged in special barrels. It is considered the drink of true gentlemen.


Mexican strong drink, akin to Russian vodka. Fortress - 43%, made from agave, mainly by hand. There are 2 types and a dark one. With lemon, only a light, unaged variety of the drink is used.


A drink with a strength of 42%. Known for its stimulating effect on the heart. Produced in many countries.


A truly Russian drink, as they say all over the world. Vodka has a strength of 40%; on its basis, many make strong homemade drinks - tinctures on herbs, berries, fruits, nuts. Some enterprising residents of the country use vodka to create homemade cognac.


Sweet and flavored drink. IN separate form rarely used, as it has too sugary taste, mainly used in cocktails. It is considered the weakest alcoholic beverage among strong alcohol. The alcohol content in the liquor is 35%.

7 rules for a feast: how to reduce the negative impact of strong alcohol

1. Don't rush. The strongest drink must be taken slowly - experts advise drinking no more than 50 grams of cognac, vodka, or one glass of wine within one hour.

2. Before any feast or party, you should eat a hearty meal - high-calorie food significantly reduce the rate of absorption and minimize the effects of its intake.

3. After each drink, you should drink a glass of purified non-carbonated water.

4. It is better to add ice to the strongest drink - so it will become less concentrated, its degree will decrease.

5. While drinking alcohol, one should not smoke, since the acetaldehyde contained in tobacco smoke aggravates the poisoning of the body with ethanol, that is, the hangover syndrome.

6. Do not use alcohol as an antidepressant - its effect only increases the state of depression.

7. There is an opinion that a strong drink has a warming effect, but this is far from being the case. Once in the body, alcohol provokes the release of heat, thereby causing fever, but at the same time, the core temperature of the body decreases. It is worth remembering that alcoholic beverages cool, so their use in the cold season for warming is not advisable.

It is only in Bulgakov's novel that the characters, in order to emphasize their own significance and singularity, could offer each other to drink 100% alcohol. In reality, of course, this cannot be done. However, in modern world there are a lot of strong alcoholic drinks that differ taste characteristics and methods of production.

The concept of "strong alcohol" is assigned to alcoholic beverages, the strength of which exceeds the mark of 20%. The strongest alcohol in the world in degrees reaches the level of 86%. But his "younger" brothers, the level of ethanol content in which can be equal to 40% -80%, are hazardous products for the human body, which means that it is necessary to drink them in rare cases and in very small doses. The ideal portion can be considered the amount of the drink, thanks to which a person feels all the shades of the bouquet of alcohol, but does not burn the esophagus, and this is usually a volume of 30-50 milliliters.

Features of strong alcohol

To begin with, it is worth understanding what is the peculiarity of the strongest alcohol in the world. For example, wine is made from identical raw materials - grapes, but the strength of these drinks varies significantly. The aroma and taste of each of these alcoholic beverages is different from each other, thanks to the production technology, as a result of which the strength of the resulting alcohol is also regulated.

Any type of hard liquor is very different from each other. They have only one thing in common - the method of distillation, with which they are all produced. In the process of distillation, sometimes repeated, the degree of the resulting alcohol increases and its aroma intensifies. The most delicious strong alcohol is distilled, the result of which is the extraction of high fractions of alcohol from liquids by heating them to a temperature at which they can become steam. From the technical point of view, the distillation method is not very complicated in execution, the process of distillation of liquids is easy to control, unlike, for example, the same fermentation, where you constantly need to monitor the exact temperature.

The principle of distillation is that an alcoholic liquid has a lower boiling point than water. Accordingly, it is the first to turn into vapor, which first settles on the walls of the vessel, and then, cooling down, again turns into a liquid and flows into a special container. With repeated repetition of distillation, the strength of alcohol increases markedly, so it is possible to extract almost all the water from the drink and leave only alcohol.

It is impossible to say for certain when people first distilled alcohol, but even in the writings of Aristotle in the 4th century BC, a method was described that is very similar to modern distillation. Since then, the principle technological process practically did not change.

The strongest alcohol in the world, however, can be obtained without the use of distillation. , for example, is made by rectification, that is, mixing purified alcohol with water.

So, the strongest alcohol in degrees must necessarily exceed the mark of 20%, but today there are many varieties of alcohol, the strength of which is much higher than 40, and even 60%. Far from all connoisseurs of high-quality alcohol can drink such drinks in their pure, undiluted form, however, this is not an end in itself for manufacturers. In fact, the strongest alcohol in the world is not produced with the aim of turning off a person’s consciousness from the very first sip. This can be dealt with and low alcohol drinks consumed in uncontrolled quantities. Manufacturers claim that only very strong alcohol can contain all the flavors that raw materials for the production of alcohol carry. And to feel them to the fullest, the drink can be diluted clean water or add to all sorts of cocktails based on juices and other non-alcoholic liquids.

For quick and reliable getting rid of alcoholism, our readers advise the drug "Alcobarrier". It is a natural remedy that blocks the craving for alcohol, causing a persistent aversion to alcohol. In addition, the Alcobarrier launches regenerative processes in organs that alcohol has begun to destroy. The tool has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven by clinical studies at the Research Institute of Narcology.

In cooking, strong alcohol has also found its place. In the menu of many expensive restaurants there are dishes using the flambé technique. "Flambe" in French means "flame, burn." This technique involves cooking directly in the presence of guests using open fire. semi-finished culinary dish in the kitchen it is poured with strong alcohol, taken out into the hall and set on fire. In the process of burning alcohols, food is cooked to the desired condition and enriched with flavor and aromatic nuances. This is a very pretentious and beautiful cooking show, so it is in demand in elite establishments around the world.

Types of strong alcoholic drinks

To the question of what is the strongest alcohol in the world today, for many years there has been only one answer - "non-drinkable" absinthe with a strength of 75 to 86%. So the drink was nicknamed by the Greeks for its harsh effect on the human body. Except directly huge amount, in the composition of absinthe there is also bitter wormwood, famous for its essential oils and the content of thujone in them, the strongest hallucinogen. This substance is also known for the fact that thanks to it the world-famous painters Van Gogh and Pablo Picasso have firmly entered the history of world culture along with their masterpieces painted under the influence of thujone.

Modern production of absinthe largely deprives the drink of its famous properties - manufacturers eliminate thujone from the composition and lower the degree of alcohol, however, it is very rare to find and original recipe this alcohol.

In second place in the ranking of the strongest alcoholic beverages is rum. The drink is prepared by distilling the fermented products of sugar cane production, and then long time aged in natural oak barrels. The strength of rum ranges from 40-75%.

The emergence of rum dates back to the 16th century and is attributed to pirates and sailors who used the drink to raise morale. Only at the beginning of the 19th century did rum become elite alcohol which began to be used in high society.

The list of the strongest alcohol in the world cannot be complete without a specific Greek representative -. This alcohol is widely used at home for medicinal purposes, and in the rest of the world, ouzo is often prepared on the basis of ouzo. delicious cocktails because the fortress anise vodka is 40-50%, and this limits the number of its admirers in its pure undiluted form.

The listed list of strong alcohol is just a generally recognized list. Of course, some can attribute 96% alcohol to the strongest alcoholic drink, although drinking it is not just impossible - it is dangerous to life and health. In addition, there are many regional spirits, the strength of which can easily displace absinthe from the strongest pedestal. In Transcaucasia, for example, they prepare mulberries - strong alcohol produced by distillation from mulberries (black and white mulberries). The strength of the mulberry can reach 75-80%.

In the countries of Northern and Eastern Europe, according to statistics, it is the strongest alcoholic drinks in the world that are more popular. Most likely, this fact is explained by the climatic conditions of these regions, where a lot of time in the year is dominated by cold weather. The warming properties of alcohol could benefit the health of the inhabitants of these countries, if not for the high level that is constantly growing here. That is why it is necessary to use any, and not just strong alcohol, in a very dosed way. Only in this case, the use of alcohol has the right to life and does not spoil the health of entire nations and peoples.

Alcoholic drinks at right approach provide excellent opportunities for relaxation after labor day. This page contains a list of alcoholic drinks that are traditional for different countries peace. This list of names of alcoholic beverages is far from complete and lacks more than a hundred different types alcohol. But the most popular alcoholic drinks are presented in it even with short descriptions with which you can make your own first impression. This will help you create your own "wine list" to plan your next tasting. All names of alcoholic beverages are given exactly in the form in which they are familiar to the vast majority of people. Read about common types of alcoholic beverages, learn about their useful and harmful properties. Choose for yourself the type of alcoholic beverage that will allow you to get the most pleasure from its use with minimal negative consequences for good health. Well, look at the alcoholic drinks in the photo, which richly illustrated the article.

Classification of different traditional alcoholic beverages

Alcohols- These are organic substances that are a chain of carbohydrates, where one hydrogen molecule is replaced by the rest of the water OH. The classification of alcoholic beverages begins with the fact that there are alcohols: ethyl, methyl, propyl, butyl alcohols.

Food grade ethyl alcohol for traditional alcoholic beverages, they are obtained from food raw materials - grain, potatoes, as well as from secondary raw materials of winemaking (grape pomace, yeast sediments).

Technical methyl alcohol extremely toxic, smell and taste does not differ from ethyl. On his account hundreds of thousands of human lives (accidentally drunk 100 ml methyl alcohol lead to complete blindness due to toxic damage to the optic nerve, a greater number causes death).

Propyl and butyl alcohols not so toxic, but have a specific smell, which led to their name - fusel oils. Their content is high in moonshine, poorly purified vodka. Therefore, when we say alcohol or alcohol, we mean only ethyl (or wine) alcohol.

Rectified ethyl alcohol (ethanol) intended for various alcoholic beverages can be ordinary or higher purification. The strength of ordinary alcohol is not less than 95.5%, and the highest purification is not less than 96.2%. It is the starting material for the preparation of popular alcoholic drinks such as vodka and fortified wine.

In medicine, ethyl alcohol (95.5% or 70%) is used, which has undergone thorough purification.

List and classification of strong alcoholic beverages

The following is a list of strong alcoholic drinks that are frequent guests on the tables of our compatriots. This classification of strong alcoholic beverages is generally accepted and gives general idea about them. See what strong alcoholic drinks are and decide on your choice.

Strong white alcoholic drink: vodka and tequila

Vodka- This is a strong alcoholic drink (40-56%), which is prepared by treating an aqueous-alcoholic solution with activated carbon, with or without ingredients added to it, followed by filtration. Simply put, vodka is a mixture of rectified alcohol with prepared water. Ethyl alcohol is miscible with water in any ratio.

mexican vodka- This is tequila, an alcoholic drink obtained by distillation of the extract of the cactus of the same name.

Even D. I. Mendeleev calculated ideal proportion preparation of vodka as an alcoholic beverage with a percentage ratio of 40: 60, that is, a 40% alcohol solution, which is the most homogeneous mixture, is most easily absorbed and gives a person more warmth. It is not in vain that vodka made in this way has long been used not only for gastronomic purposes, but also for medicinal purposes.

Studies by American and German scientists have led to the conclusion that the normal dose of a white alcoholic drink for an adult man is up to 100 ml of alcohol per day in terms of vodka, and for a woman, respectively, almost 2 times less. Moreover, this dose is not summed up during the week (for example, if a person has not drunk for a whole week, then half a liter per one on Saturday will only harm him, at best - a severe headache).

If a person can limit himself to this dose, he will be able to drink alcohol for many years without harm to his health. At the same time, you need to give yourself a mindset that these self-restraints are not a forced ban, but a wise distribution of pleasure: having drunk a little today and having fun, you can do it tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, and after many, many years in the future. If you do not do this, then you will be forced to face very big problems in a fairly short time.

English alcoholic drinks: scotch and gin

Gin- a strong alcoholic drink obtained by mixing raw alcohol with essential oils of juniper berries, coriander, cardamom, cumin, ginger, cinnamon. The alcohol content in this English alcoholic drink is 40-50%. Gin is colorless. Although gin is produced in many countries, there are two types of gin - Dutch and London dry.

Scotch- This is an alcoholic drink of increased strength and is also traditionally produced and consumed in England and its surrounding territories.

Whiskey alcoholic drink

Whiskey- a strong alcoholic drink with an alcohol content of 40% or more, which is obtained by distillation of fermented grain must, followed by long-term aging (from 3 to 10 years) in oak barrels with charred walls.

The word "whiskey" comes from the Celtic name for this drink - "water of life".

Whiskey - national drink Anglo-Saxon countries. Whiskey production is especially developed in Great Britain, Ireland, the USA and Canada.

Alcoholic drink rum

Rum- a strong alcoholic drink obtained by aging rum alcohol in oak barrels. Rum alcohol is produced from fermented sugarcane juice, cane syrup, molasses cane sugar and other by-products of cane processing.

The resulting alcohol is poured into oak barrels and aged for 5 years. In the process of aging, aromatic, coloring and tannins pass into alcohol. Rum acquires a brown color with a golden hue and a slightly pungent taste. The alcohol content of the final product is below 95%.

Alcoholic drink cognac and brandy

Cognac- a strong alcoholic drink made from cognac spirit, which is obtained by distilling grape wines, followed by aging in oak barrels. Fresh cognac spirit colorless, slightly aromatic and pungent in taste. Cognac matures extremely slowly.

Brandy- a strong alcoholic drink obtained by distillation of any fortified juice of fruits or berries, followed by aging. In many countries brandy is known, prepared from apples - Calvados, from plums - slivovitz, from cherries - kirsch, from pears - William.

Brandy from grape wines does not require any clarification for the inscription on the label. Fruit brandy must be accompanied by appropriate explanations (apple brandy, apricot brandy, etc.).

Raw materials for brandy do not undergo thorough cleaning, as for cognac or vodka, and retain their fruity aroma. Brandy is aged both in oak barrels, charred from the inside (to improve the taste), and in other containers.

Before use, brandy is diluted and taken, as a rule, after a meal. It is also used as an ingredient in many cocktails. Strong brandy (80-90%) in undiluted form is not used at all.

In the gastronomic tradition, cognac and brandy are used as a digestif because they promote digestion (from the Latin word digestivus, which translates as a digestive aid).

For a large healthy man (90 kg), 100 ml of cognac is enough for pleasure. Large dose will not give more pleasure and will only cause dope.

Weak green alcoholic drink

Weak alcoholic drinks in the form of liqueurs are prepared on rectified alcohol, alcoholized fruit juices, infusions of herbs, seeds, flowers, sugar syrup, solutions of dyes and other substances. These products, in addition to the actual liquor, include drinks such as balm, gin, whiskey, rum.

Liquor- it is a strong, sweet and spicy alcoholic drink of green color, made from alcoholized juices, infusions of fruits or herbs, sugar syrup, aromatic infusions, etc.

Alcoholic drink tincture

Alcoholic drink tincture is prepared on alcoholic infusions of spicy and medicinal herbs, roots, fruits, essential oils which give it a strong pleasant aroma.

Tinctures have a tonic effect on the body. Stimulate appetite. Alcohol content - 30-60%

They are used mainly as flavors of all kinds.

grape alcoholic drink wine

Wine- this is probably the most ancient alcoholic drink, which for many centuries of its existence has found its own unique world, painted with many colors, shades of taste and aroma.

According to the method of production and composition, wines as alcoholic beverages are divided into table, fortified (strong and dessert), flavored and sparkling.

Most natural wines are dry. They are called so because all the sugar contained in them is "dry" fermented into alcohol. There are natural semi-dry or semi-sweet wines in which sugar still remains - due to the natural characteristics of a particular grape variety.

As can be seen from the table, ethyl alcohol in dry grape wines contains from 9 to 16%. But wine is not diluted alcohol. grape wine, especially red, is a source of biologically important substances, the entry of which into the body with other food products limited or impossible.

According to the famous French physician Louis Pasteur, wine can be considered as the healthiest hygienic drink (of course, if it is not abused). But still, it is an alcoholic drink, which, one way or another, is a stumbling block: to recover or to sleep? There is a completely legitimate question about how much wine you need to drink for health benefits. Of course, it's all about the dose.

It is believed that the consumption of wine in an amount that is 5-7% for men and 2-4% for women daily ration, subject to a balanced diet, does not negative impact on the body.

Doctors have found that with moderate use of natural wine, the risk is reduced by up to 35%. cardiovascular disease and up to 15-60% - mortality due to coronary insufficiency. Two glasses of natural red wine compensate for the damage caused to blood vessels due to smoking one cigarette. In addition, drinking wine reduces the risk of cancer. It has been proven that red wine inhibits the development of leukemia, skin, breast, and prostate cancer.

However, we must remember that the regular intake of wine in large quantities is fraught with alcoholism. Despite the fact that treatment with alcoholic beverages can significantly improve health and at the same time give pleasure, you still need to approach this problem with a completely sober head.

Healing effect of light alcoholic beverages

The practice of treatment with the help of light alcoholic beverages has very ancient roots, this problem remains very relevant at the present time. Scientists from many countries have studied and are studying the effect of alcoholic beverages on the human body. Many serious studies have been carried out, the results of which often surprised the scientists themselves. So, it turned out that people who regularly consume alcoholic beverages in small doses (for example, a small glass of cognac or a glass of dry wine a day) get sick less and live longer than strict teetotalers. So, at the same time, the risk of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease is reduced to 40%. Moreover, only natural alcohol has such a protective effect - wine, cognac, whiskey, grappa, chacha - in general, drinks obtained by conventional distillation. The whole point here is in the natural microimpurities that remain after distillation, but in pure alcohol are no longer contained. They provide a powerful protective effect of natural alcoholic beverages.

Wine, as well as spirits, are recommended for general strengthening of the body, as an analgesic, relaxing and sedative. Of course, everyone knows the antiviral and bactericidal effect of alcoholic beverages. For example, in wine, even diluted, after 10-30 minutes, the pathogens of cholera, typhoid, paratyphoid, polio viruses die. So a glass of good natural wine or cognac is an effective prevention of all kinds of infectious diseases and intestinal disorders.

The most positive effect natural alcohol on brain activity. For example, a study by American scientists showed that older women who drink a little alcohol every day (a glass of wine, a mug of beer or a glass of cognac) suffer less from age-related deterioration in brain function than teetotalers. Memory problems and other mental disorders appear in them about 20% less often than in non-drinking women.

A glass of cognac or a glass of wine can also lower insulin levels and increase the sensitivity of cells to it. Before the invention of insulin to treat diabetes, for example, mainly alcoholic beverages were used, most often strong wine.

Cognac and wine also help to get rid of excess weight, stimulating the secretion of the gallbladder and accelerating the digestion of fats. In general, alcoholic beverages in small doses remarkably activate digestion, food is better absorbed, and toxins and waste products are removed from the body in time.

Natural alcoholic beverages are especially useful for women during and after menopause. It was during this period, due to a sharp decrease in the level of female hormones estrogen, that the risk of developing atherosclerosis and cardiovascular insufficiency increases. And small doses of alcohol stimulate the production of estrogen by the adrenal glands, thereby supporting the protective functions of the female body.
