
Distillation plant working principle. Distillation column and obtaining alcohol at home

We all tremblingly, with great pride and love treat what is grown and produced by our own hands, calling these products environmentally friendly. He did not stay away from the attraction to naturalness and purity.

The product, of course, is of high quality and in reasonable quantities is useful. However, the issue of about ridding the product of harmful impurities.

Do you know how to clean moonshine? After all, fusel oils are certainly contained even in a “clean as a tear” liquid, thinly flowing from an ordinary tube, in which a distillation column is not provided, into a substituted jar.

Ready-made vodka, which we all periodically buy in stores, is free from harmful substances, primarily from fusel oils. And the secret is pretty simple.

At factories engaged in the production of alcoholic beverages, they do not use distillation (as in moonshine), but rectification, a fundamentally different method.

Therefore, the "kazenka" is free from impurities and usually has a milder effect on the body. Of course, we are talking about high-quality vodka.

Consider what a distillation column is and why a moonshine dock needs it. First of all, it is a kind superstructure over the distillation tank, serving as a filter in which they settle. A detailed diagram of the distillation column is shown below.

The basic principle of the column - mechanical cleaning of moonshine from various impurities still at the production stage.

During conventional distillation (distillation), all alcohol, as well as other vapors, are released from the mash during heating, mixed with each other in order to go together through the outlet tube to the refrigerator, and then turn into a liquid dripping into a substituted reservoir.

The separation of these vapors into alcohol and fusel vapors in normal domestic conditions is difficult.

Only partially can the result be achieved by temperature control, and separation of "heads" with "tails".

And here is how a distillation column works: during rectification, mixed vapors, rising up, are converted into a liquid flowing down into special “plates”, which are equipped with a distillation cleaning column of a distillation apparatus.

In phlegm (liquids in plates), volatile compounds remain (boiling at fairly low temperatures), and higher, in the cooling system, non-volatile compounds rise, where they turn into an alcohol-containing liquid - purified moonshine.

Fusel oils and other harmful compounds remain in the phlegm, and alcohol freely condenses into and flows into the substituted dishes.

For home-made devices, the principle of operation of the distillation column remains the same, but the function of delaying phlegm is performed not by plates, but by multiple small springs from kitchen washcloths made of stainless steel.

How to do at home?

There are already ready-made moonshine stills with a distillation column that can be bought via the Internet. As a rule, they are convenient and of sufficient quality, but the prices for rectifiers stop many even in an effort to produce exceptionally high-quality moonshine.

So, give up and use the "old-fashioned" methods for cleaning the product: cotton wool, activated carbon, coffee filters? Of course not, folk craftsmen have found a way out of this situation.

We will teach you how to make a distillation column yourself, literally from improvised materials. But before proceeding with the implementation of the idea, weigh the pros and cons of this device properly.

pros rectification:

  • Almost perfect purification of moonshine from harmful impurities.
  • With the help of moonshine obtained from an apparatus equipped with a do-it-yourself moonshine purification column, you can prepare very high-quality various drinks with a high alcohol content.
  • The quality of the resulting product will comply with GOSTs for industrial production.
  • Only with the help of a distillation column can you get really clean and high quality end product. With ordinary distillation, even such a result cannot be achieved.


  • According to many venerable moonshiners, after passing through the distillation column, the final product is “emasculated”, losing not only the fusel oil, but also most of the aromatic component (for example, the taste of jam that you added to it).
  • The process of manufacturing the final product is more extended in time, which means that it also requires large energy costs (electricity, gas, firewood).
  • You need the column itself, which you must either buy or make yourself.

To make a distillation column with your own hands, it is necessary, having understood the principle of operation, to make such device.

Remember that a distillation column for a moonshine still requires quality raw materials so that it can fulfill its main purpose.

You will need:

  • stainless pipe with a diameter of 30 to 50 mm and a height of 1.3 - 1.4 meters. It is desirable to withstand just such a diameter in order to achieve the most correct operation of the equipment. Stainless steel is a chemically inert material, it is not subject to corrosion, does not emit foreign odors and chemical impurities;
  • many believe that it is even better to make a distillation column copper, but this is already at your discretion and possibilities;
  • connecting elements, as well as silicone and / or copper tubes;
  • insulation(a piece of foam rubber will do);
  • clamp from a medical dropper (not necessary, but adds convenience);
  • 2 metal mesh clips- according to the inner diameter of the pipe and thrust washers for them;
  • contact elements, which will purify alcohol vapors from impurities. Small glass beads are simply excellent in this regard, but the question is where to get them in the right amount (they should fill the inside of the column by 2/3, or at least half). Therefore, a replacement was found - metal scouring pads in the amount of 30 - 40 pieces.

The choice of metal spring scouring sponges is the most important stage in the manufacture of a rectifier. You can go shopping only with magnet. Food grade stainless steel (which is approved for use in the food industry) DOES NOT MAGNETIZE!

Otherwise, you can buy a washcloth that will rust inside the column, or one made of technical stainless steel that releases harmful compounds.

Here, in fact, is all the additional equipment, given that you already have a moonshine still, including a cube and a refrigerator.

Manufacturing process

What will be your do-it-yourself distillation column - you decide. The assembly principle also provides for several possible solutions:

  1. Cut the selected pipe into two parts (upper - 0.5 - 1/3 of the total height).
  2. The edges, having removed the chamfer, dock. It is possible - using an adapter or a threaded connection.
  3. At the bottom of the pipe, it is necessary to install a metal mesh so that the filler particles do not fall into the cube. With this part, a home-made distillation column will be installed on a distillation cube.
  4. Cut your existing stainless steel sponges into small pieces about half a centimeter. Fill the lower part (remember, it should be at least 0.5 of the total height of the rectifier, but not more than 2/3) with pieces of a metal sponge. After that, close the pipe with a net and fix it with a thrust washer.
  5. Attach the lower part of the pipe directly to the tank, insulate the connection.
  6. The general device of the distillation column provides for the presence of a water jacket, therefore, a water case with two nozzles for inlet and outlet for cooling is hermetically soldered to the upper part of the pipe.
  7. From above, the pipe must be closed with a lid or soldered by making a hole for the atmospheric tube.
  8. Above from the junction with the lower pipe by 1.5-2 cm, make a hole for the pipe through which the distillate (moonshine) is discharged. Under it, attach a plate on which condensate will collect - phlegm.
  9. Connect the pipe sections to each other. Here is a column designed for cleaning moonshine with your own hands and is ready.

Important! The pipe connection must be tight, but collapsible. If you put it on a sealant, it will no longer be possible to flush the internal filling, and also, if necessary, replace it.

It is important that the pieces of springs are not intertwined with each other, but compactly compacted. Do not push the filler forcibly, rather shake and tap the pipe, filling the entire segment.

The final stage is the connection to the refrigerator already in the moonshine still. It is convenient to do this with a silicone tube, with a dropper clamp installed in it. So you can adjust the speed of the liquid at any time.

Useful videos on the device and DIY

The principle of operation of the distillation column:

New distillation column "Prima", the principle of a quick connection, see:

Practical work on the column from the moment of pouring raw alcohol to the separation of tailings:

Having considered the drawing of the distillation column, you will understand how to assemble it correctly. And after checking it in action, you will understand that now you are making strong and perfectly purified moonshine. Share information with friends on social networks!

It is quite possible to get homemade moonshine of excellent quality. Of course, if you have a moonshine still at home that allows you to make it. In order for the quality to be precisely high, thorough cleaning and several distillations will be required. But to achieve all this can be faster and easier, which requires your own hands.

The principle of operation of the distillation column

First of all, it is worth understanding the term rectification of alcohol. Rectification is the separation of a multicomponent substance into fractions. That is, separately methyl, ethyl alcohol, aldehydes, fusel oils and more. This happens due to the evaporation of liquids and the condensation of steam many times.

Scheme of distillation column

Rectification, or bubbling, is possible due to the fact that the concentration of components in different phases is different, while the system tends to equilibrium. The liquid and vapor phases exchange components: the liquid receives non-volatile, and the vapor becomes volatile. At the same time, heat exchange takes place between the two different phases.

Due to the different direction of movement of liquid and vapor, after the system reaches equilibrium at the top of the distillation column, pure components can be selected. At the same time, as in a moonshine still, liquids with a low boiling point are first selected, then with a high one.

Bubble column: device

A distillation column is a device for separating a liquid into components with different boiling points. It is made in the form of a cylinder, the cross section of which can be both variable and constant, and contains special elements - contact plates, which are located inside the cylinder. In addition, most of these columns have special units for the supply of raw alcohol and the selection of pure fractions.

The distillation column has the following main parameters:

  • materials and size. As a rule, all elements are made of stainless steel or another alloy that expands evenly at a temperature, for example, copper. Column dimensions - from 120 cm in length, with a diameter of at least 30 mm.
  • heating system. The process requires precise control and the ability to quickly increase power, so the system is equipped with heating elements that are mounted in the lower part of the cube of the apparatus. It is not recommended to use heating from a gas stove due to the high inertia of the system.
  • Process control. It is very difficult to control the rectification process without two devices - a thermometer and a barometer.
  • Performance. Better purification occurs with a larger column and more plates inside. And also performance will be affected by such a parameter as heating power, but at the same time it should not be too large so that the system does not choke.
  • Pressure. Successful distillation requires that the pressure at the top of the column be nearly atmospheric. Otherwise, at a lower pressure, the vapor density decreases and the system chokes; at higher pressures, the evaporation rate decreases and the efficiency of the system drops. To maintain the correct pressure, the column must be equipped with an atmospheric connection tube.

How realistic is it to assemble a column with your own hands? A device such as a distillation column is not too complicated. In practice, it is implemented by many craftsmen and quite successfully. However, this comes with some dangers. First of all, a person who wants to make such a column with his own hands must have knowledge in the field of physics and, at least at some more advanced level, understand how it should work. It is necessary to calculate all the components of the structure, select materials, manufacture and assemble everything so that it is safe.

Factory columns are tested, have quality certificates, are supplied with instructions. The danger of a home-made device is the occurrence of an explosion or fire if there are errors in the design.

Do-it-yourself distillation column

There are some advantages to assembling a distillation column. You are not so dependent on funds and with some skill you can make something of high quality, while saving. A do-it-yourself column for a moonshine still will cost two to three times cheaper.

So, in order to make a distillation column, first of all we need a stainless steel pipe more than 120 cm long. It is better that its diameter is about 45 mm. For a dephlegmator, a thermos with a volume of less than one liter is best suited. In addition, you will need adapters for joining pipes, the capacity of the unit and a dephlegmator. Ideally, all these parts should be made of stainless steel.

For good thermal insulation of the entire device, you should buy a heater. Supporting reinforcing washers are made of sheet steel. We will make thermometer bushings from fluoroplast, and copper pipes with a diameter of about 5 mm are used to drain water. Before constructing the apparatus, it will also be necessary to make a drawing on paper in order to see what we are dealing with.

In addition, before you start directly manufacturing, it is worth acquiring some necessary equipment. Some tools can be found at home, while the rest will have to be bought or borrowed from someone:

  • Flexible tubing longer than 100mm, preferably silicone. It does not deform and is resistant to temperatures.
  • Thermometer.
  • Faucet adapters.
  • Soldering iron, at least 100 watts.
  • Solder and flux.
  • Emery machine.
  • Drill.
  • Pliers.
  • File.
  • Hammer.
  • burner.

All these tools are the minimum required to create a column. It won't be possible to do it without them.

Device creation.

After all the drawings are drawn, and the tools are purchased, we get to work. It should be noted in advance that it will be difficult and responsible, in addition, requiring certain skills in working with some tools, in particular, with a soldering iron.

First, cut off a piece of pipe, chamfer and trim the edges. Next, we make an adapter, it will connect the pipe and the selection unit. On the one hand, it should fit into the pipe as tightly as possible, and on the other, it should have a thread of about 2–2.5 mm. Thus, we will get automation at the stage of vapor condensation.

After that, we start creating pucks. The size of the washers should be no more than 4 mm, and the diameter should be such that they subsequently fit confidently into the pipe. A pipe is inserted into one part of it, and an adapter is soldered into the other part. This place will connect the element to the distillation tank.

After that, the pipe is inserted into the adapter, and the junction is heated by a burner. We turn to the manufacture of filler for the rectifier. Pour it into the pipe and shake it strongly so that it is evenly distributed over it. In this case, it is worth making sure that the filler fills the column completely.

The other end of the pipe is inserted into a washer designed to attach the nozzle. On the other hand, the end of a copper tube for the selection of alcohol is placed in it, it must first be tinned. All parts at that stage make up one structure, the outer side of the pipe is thermally insulated.

The next step is the process of creating a reflux condenser. We take a thermos and process its bottom with sandpaper. We make a bracket from tin and loops from steel wire, which are inserted into the brackets and twisted with pliers.

The free end of the wire is clamped with a vise and attached to the wall of the thermos. The latter is strongly shaken, so that its bottom falls off. The seam connecting the thermos lid and the flask is turned, this is done until a small gap appears in its place. The inner rings are removed from the casing.

To make a reflux condenser, it is necessary to separate the bottom and the vacuum cover from the thermos. In order for air to enter the reflux condenser, we make a hole along the back side of the inner flask. We process it with sandpaper and push the tube, the hole of which we seal. We make another hole in the bottom of the thermos and put the flask on the bottom of the container. We solder the junction of the flask and the bottom of the thermos. Insert the sampling tube into the neck and solder.

Using a drill, we make holes in the upper and lower parts of the flask. Pipes are inserted into them to drain water. Next, we drill a hole in the distillate sampling unit and place the thermometer bushing there. It can be anything, but preferably a dish-shaped one, because under such conditions it is easier to monitor temperature fluctuations.

Using this simple algorithm, it turns out to create a good distillation column. Of course, such a home-made distillation column is far from the quality of production, and in order to make it, you have to try, but this is already something. You will also need a moonshine still. Together they will make it possible to receive a high-quality product at home without much effort.

It is difficult for many winemakers to choose a device for themselves, because now the production offers a lot of them. But all devices for obtaining alcohol are divided into two groups - these are distillers and distillation columns. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to make a decision on the choice of these options, and then look closely at a specific device according to the available funds. So, distillation column or moonshine - which is better?

Characteristics of both devices

A distiller, or moonshine, is used to obtain raw alcohol from mash by cleaning it. The essence of his work is as follows:

  • First, you prepare the mash according to the recipe.
  • When the mash is ready, it is sent to the distillation cube and heated to the boiling point of alcohol and above.
  • As a result of heating, the mash evaporates and condenses in the cooler. After that, liquid begins to drip at the outlet.
  • Depending on the temperature in the cube, the corresponding fractions will come out. First of all, volatile impurities - acetone, methyl alcohol, aldehydes - leave. This faction is called the head.
  • After the heads come out, the body comes out, or raw alcohol, a pure alcohol-containing product of 40-70%.
  • The tails are the last to come out - an alcohol-containing mixture, which contains a large amount of fusel oils.

Both heads and tails contain substances that are unsafe for the body, and it is the moonshiner's task to separate them. Therefore, the most professional moonshine stills are equipped with devices such as a reflux condenser, a thermometer, an alcoholometer, a steamer and others. All of them help to more precisely control the process of obtaining a pure product. Most often, after the first distillation, there is a second one. In some cases, it is not carried out, for example, if you want to get a product that is not too clean, but fragrant, when mash is made on the basis of fruits.

Distillation column

In a moonshine still, such a thing as productivity is important, which depends not only on the rate of heating of the liquid, but also on the rate of its cooling, as well as additional devices for cleaning the product.

The design of the moonshine still is quite simple. In the most primitive version, this is simply a container for heating and cooling steam. In addition, something like a moonshine still can be made at home at no extra cost. To obtain a device more complex, allowing you to increase the characteristics of the drink, you need to work a little, but, as a rule, this is also quite realistic.

Summarizing all this, it can be argued that the moonshine still has the following advantages:

  • Simplicity of design. The principle of its operation will be clear to everyone, the device is easily manufactured at home at low cost.
  • Low cost and hence availability.
  • Ease of operation.
  • A large number of drink recipes that can be found on the Internet.
  • The reliability of the design, again due primarily to its simplicity.

To compare both methods of obtaining homemade alcohol, the main disadvantages of using a moonshine still should be highlighted:

  • low performance;
  • the inability to obtain a drink with a high, more than 70%, alcohol content;
  • low degree of purification compared to a distillation column;
  • danger of work if the basic rules are not observed.

What is a distillation column? Rectification is built on a slightly different principle. It is a process of heat exchange in the column, which helps to separate the rectified product. That is, when heated in a column, all components of the starting material “line up” depending on their boiling point:

  • ketones at 56 degrees;
  • methyl alcohol at 65 degrees;
  • ethyl alcohol with water at 78 degrees;
  • fusel oils and the main part of water at 100 degrees.

The essence of the process lies in how exactly the liquid contacts the gaseous phase. At the top of the column there is a reflux condenser, which provides the liquid phase from the gas, i.e. condensation, and directs the condensate back down. When liquid and vapor meet, they interact and exchange fractions with different boiling points. It is good to see the process of distillation of alcohol on the apparatus, in which this column is glass.

The column is a high capacity. This fact provides an optimal temperature difference in its various parts. In the upper part, the temperature is 78 degrees, so only ethyl alcohol reaches it. Heavier fractions, such as water and fusel oils, flow down because they have a much higher boiling point.

If you use such a device for the distillation of mash, the alcohol turns out to be much better and purer than in moonshine, in fact, 100 degrees.

Industrially produced has a higher productivity, some of them give more than 500 liters per hour.

The main advantages of rectification are that it allows you to get a better product with a minimum amount of impurities, which are cut off during distillation and are called heads and tails. Therefore, the distillation column is ideal when you need to get a pure product from sugar, which contains the greatest amount of foreign odors and tastes. The disadvantage is low productivity, and, in addition, it is inconvenient to use it to obtain vodka from fruits, when smells and tastes must be preserved.

Moonshine still or distillation column?

In order to know what exactly you need, you need to weigh many different factors, one of the main ones is the price. The cost of a moonshine still is several times lower, and its capabilities are enough for a large number of tasks. At the same time, it is worth clarifying that the distillation column itself does not give a pure product from mash, since raw alcohol must be poured into it. Raw alcohol is an alcohol solution, a product of the first distillation of mash. Thus, it is not self-sufficient, it is also necessary to buy the moonshine itself, which complicates the task.

It is impossible to obtain alcohol of this quality and degree of purification on a moonshine still. But the distillation column can operate in the mode of a conventional moonshine still. It turns out that it is better, but at the same time the cost is different.

It is believed that the degree of purification of rectificate is 60 times higher than that of moonshine. Even if it is used in distillation mode, the product is still cleaner. But the price does not always justify itself, because we are talking about homemade alcohol. Many crafty moonshiners test recipes by making fruit-based moonshine and more. For them, a moonshine still is quite enough, as it will give a greater richness of tastes.

In order for the product to be of high quality, other methods are used, such as a dry steamer, a reflux condenser, re-distillation, filtration, and more.

As a rule, experienced moonshiners are sufficiently familiar with all the capabilities of both devices and know exactly what they want. For beginners, it is sometimes difficult to understand the basics of distillation, especially when it comes to cutting off heads and tails. The fact is that with experience, people begin to do it just by eye, but you need to come to this. And to do it right, you need additional equipment. So the cost of a moonshine still for beginners will be a lot, and not all of them will be able to afford a distillation column.

Thus, having considered all the advantages and disadvantages of both devices, we can say that it is better to give preference to a distillation column if it is regularly used to obtain alcohol from sugar-based mash. If you have a beautiful garden and love to indulge in fruit-based vodka, then your choice should fall on a distiller, which will be more than enough for such a task. You can spend money and buy a device with a steamer.

It is also worth recalling that the purchase of both devices is quite legal for the production of homemade moonshine. But this applies only to its manufacture not for the purpose of profit and, accordingly, sale.

The design of the distillation column has a more complex structure than that of a conventional moonshine still. Moreover, unlike the apparatus, for example, with a dry steamer, working with a column implies a kind of “preparatory” mode before the start of the distillation itself. If you are lucky (we recommend choosing a device of the brand), then you will probably find instructions in the kit for it. Be sure to study this important document, as all instructions for working with this particular model will be given there. In fact, the use of a distillation column is a simple matter, the main thing is to understand exactly what is being done and why.

How to use a distillation column

To begin with, it should be noted that it is not entirely correct to distill the mash immediately in the rectification mode. In this case, it doesn't matter. You risk the nozzle, which in a very short time will “clog”, which will make the process of cleaning alcohol vapors impossible. However, almost any household distillation column is capable of operating in the distillation mode, which will make it possible to obtain raw alcohol at the first stage. But it can already be subjected to rectification.

The preparatory stage is the mode of operation of the column "on itself" for 15-20 minutes. This is necessary for its warming up, thanks to which you will avoid losses in alcohol. In this mode, there is no selection of fractions, maximum cooling is supplied to the reflux condenser, all vapors condense in it and the so-called “wild phlegm” flows down to the distillation cube in full.

Always remember that temperature adjustment by adding / decreasing heating or cooling should be done smoothly and gradually, because the system is inertial, and the establishment of a new stable temperature regime inside the column does not occur immediately, but within 20-30 seconds.

At the beginning of the work of the distillation column “to yourself”, you can hear a slight “sigh”, and this is normal. This is the air that was in the column before the vapors got there. At the moment the column enters the operating mode (the beginning of the process of liquid-vapor phase exchange by mass and heat), the column may begin to emit a slight noise, which is also the norm.

When the column has warmed up, the rectification stage begins directly. Only a distillation column can help to obtain pure ethyl alcohol without impurities.

How to use the distillation column in “working mode”?

Here is a short guide:

  1. The temperature in the upper part of the column is set in such a way (by adjusting the cooling of the reflux condenser and heating the cube) that the head fractions begin to evaporate. As a rule, it is 65-68°C. In you can find information that the thermometer readings can give an insignificant “comb”. But the main thing is that it be within narrow limits and, in general, the temperature regime remains stable.
  2. Heads are taken at a rate not exceeding one drop per second. Otherwise, the criteria are the same as for distillation in a conventional distiller (the volume of heads can be calculated, or you can navigate by smell).
  3. After selecting heads, the temperature in the column is raised to 77-78°C. The selection speed can be slightly increased here. Slightly increase cooling and add heat.
  4. As soon as the temperature in the column during the selection of the “body” began to creep up, it was time to change the receiving tank and select the tails, if you are interested in them, of course.

In general, it is clear that it is not so difficult to work with a distillation column, it is important to adjust the temperature regime at a time or two, because the quality of the selected fractions depends on it to a greater extent. As for the use of the resulting drink, here each owner decides for himself: will it be, or will pure ethanol be used for medical or technical purposes.

The operation of the distillation column is based on repeated evaporation of alcohol for its purification. The processing of this substance is an important task of modern industry. Alcohol has a wide range of uses, so its quality must meet the requirements of a technical and food nature.


The rectification process is the separation of mixtures containing alcohol into pure elements. For this, the boiling of substances is used, each of which has its own evaporation temperature. During this process, steam is generated, and each fraction is separated from its initial mixture. As a rule, aldehydes, water, ethyl and methyl alcohols, fusel oils and others are released during rectification. Such a device is most effective against secondary impurities.

Separation of mixtures containing alcohol into pure elements in a distillation column

Rectification is possible due to the different content ratio of individual components in the liquid base and in the state of vaporization. Since the system tends to equilibrium, it tries to equalize the temperature, pressure and concentration of the substance in each of the phases. When the vapor comes into contact with a liquid, it is enriched in low-boiling "volatile" components, and the liquid absorbs high-boiling substances.. This process is accompanied by heat exchange.

Distillation column parameters:

  • Dimensions and material. The design includes nozzles, cylinders, distillers and a cube. For the column, a stainless food alloy is used, which does not emit harmful substances in the liquid.
  • heating system. For a high-quality column, it is necessary to accurately control the heating power. The most optimal way for today is the use of heating elements, which are installed in the lower part of the column. It is not recommended to use the standard gas supply, as its features do not allow smooth adjustment of the heating power.
  • Performance. This parameter includes the heating power, which is responsible for the intensity of steam movement inside the structure.
  • Precise control. Each process has its own operating characteristics and allowable work values ​​that must be followed.
  • Internal pressure affects the boiling point. For better rectification of alcohol, you need to keep the pressure in the range of 720-780 mm. rt. Art. If this is not controlled, the pressure will decrease, and this will reduce the vapor density, which will lead to the "flooding" of the column. The situation is similar with high pressure, which is unacceptable for the efficient operation of the equipment.

The distillation column includes nozzles, cylinders, distillers and a cube. Stainless food grade alloy is used for the column

Companies are increasingly installing a distillation column, the principle of which is based on the flow of liquid and the rise of steam, which is necessary to achieve an equilibrium that allows you to separate the pure components of substances (liquids with a low boiling point come first, then with a high one). The key to this process is a state of equilibrium.

It is important to know!

The devastating effect on the brain is one of the most terrible consequences of the effects of alcoholic beverages on a person. Elena Malysheva: ALCOHOLISM CAN BE OVERCOME! Save your loved ones, they are in great danger!
