
Anise vodka recipe. The recipe for anise vodka at home

On our territory, anise vodka earned its popularity back in the 15th century, at that time anise-based alcoholic drinks were the main alcoholic drinks of the Moscow nobility. In those distant times, aniseed vodka was called a tincture of grain alcohol on anise seeds.

Back in the distant 15th century BC, the ancient Egyptians considered anise tincture to be a medicine. In Russia, especially during the reign of the great Ivan the Terrible, anise vodka was considered an excellent aphrodisiac. If you look at the historical annals of those times, you can single out such famous connoisseurs of anise as: Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, Chekhov, Pushkin and others.

Many countries have their own drinks that are very similar to our anise tincture. For example, in Greece it is Ouza, in Italy - Sambuca liquor, in France - among the Turks - Raki, in Bulgaria - Mastic, Spain - Anisetta, etc.

Now let's try to cook anise tincture at home, I propose to consider several basic anise recipes, they are all quite simple to prepare and will not require much effort from you.

Anise vodka at home



All the components of the recipe, except for water, are poured into one container and poured with alcohol. Close tightly, shake and put in a dark place at room temperature.

After 10-14 days, we filter the tincture through a couple of layers of gauze and prepare for re-distillation. To do this, dilute with water to a strength of 15-20 degrees, you need to pour alcohol into the water.

We distill the diluted infusion through a conventional moonshine still. Be sure to break the exit into fractions, discard the heads, then collect the main body until the fortress drops below 40%.

As a result, we should get almost half a liter of anise vodka with a strength of 55% degrees. We just have to dilute it to a drinkable strength and bottle it. Such a drink will taste like a well-known one.

If the drink becomes slightly cloudy when adding water, there is nothing to worry about, this happens due to the high content of essential oils in it. It will not affect the taste and quality in any way.

anise tincture recipe

This recipe at home is much easier to prepare because it does not require repeated distillation.



  1. We put all the spices in one jar and fill it with alcohol. Close tightly and set to infuse in a dark place at room temperature. Every 2-3 days, it is advisable to shake the jar.
  2. After two weeks, the tincture must be filtered through a cotton swab with gauze.
  3. To soften the taste, dilute sugar in a small amount of warm water and add it to our drink. If you add more sugar, the drink will be like anise liqueur.
  4. Before using the tincture, you need to let it brew for at least a day in the refrigerator.

Anise tincture prepared according to this recipe acquires a beautiful amber color and a balanced mild taste and aroma of anise. This tincture is drunk very easily, like liquor.

It is worth noting that not everyone likes anise tincture, first of all, this may be caused by unpleasant memories from childhood, because anise resembles a cough mixture that was very popular at that time. Personally, for me, anise brings only pleasant memories of fishing, because I often added anise drops to the bait.

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Greetings, dear connoisseurs of alcohol!

This time I want to please lovers of Greek ouzo and Italian sambuca. Yes, yes, you were not mistaken, today's topic: Anise vodka recipe for cooking at home.

By the way, did you like the liqueur that I recently wrote about? I know that many people liked it. I have received several emails with questions and compliments from blog visitors. I am very glad about this, but I ask you to continue to leave comments immediately below the article. Okay, let's not digress.

It is worth making a reservation right away - I offer you a recipe not for vodka, as such, but for tinctures. The technology of anise vodka is more complex and requires a moonshine still. I will definitely talk about this in a separate article. But later.

Today we will manage store-bought vodka or alcohol and ingredients that are available to everyone.

Despite the simplicity of preparation, it turns out to be a really very tasty drink, which is not ashamed to treat friends. Let's get it ready soon!

  1. Ingredients
  2. Recipe
  3. Beneficial features
  4. My impression of the tincture


  • 0.5 l. vodka (can be replaced with moonshine or diluted alcohol)
  • 1 tsp anise (no slide);
  • 1 tsp cumin (no slide);
  • 2 star anise;
  • 1 tsp Sahara


  1. We fall asleep spices in a glass jar and pour vodka. We don't add sugar! I recommend buying spices not just anywhere, but in trusted specialized stores. For example, I take here- excellent quality and good prices.
  2. Close the jar tightly and insist in a dark place at room temperature for two weeks. We shake the jar every 3 days.
  1. We filter. Fine suspensions and sediment usually do not appear in the tincture, so it is well filtered through cheesecloth.
  2. In the filtered tincture, dissolve a teaspoon of sugar. Before that, I recommend taking a sample, it may turn out to your taste that the drink is already quite sweet.

Beneficial features

Remember this cough syrup - "Pektusin"? That's just it includes star anise and anise. These spices are great for treating colds, asthma and loss of voice. They have a warming effect and just freshen your breath. Cumin is also a good anti-inflammatory agent.

My impression of the tincture

One of my favorite tinctures. Has a nice straw color. It has a wonderful smell and great taste. The aroma of anise is quite peculiar and easily recognizable. There are people who don't like him. Fortunately, I am not one of them, and therefore I recommend anise tincture to everyone! Also pay attention to the recipe for cumin tincture. She is also very interesting.


Today my wife and I went shopping - looking for her earrings. Nothing interesting was found. On the way back, I stop the car at a traffic light, turn to her and jokingly say: “You are so beautiful! It’s good that they didn’t find the earrings, with them you would become even more beautiful and you would be taken away from me!

To which she replies: “Well, don’t give me up so easily. Fight!”. And after a minute he adds: “Put on pity.” She's funny to me :).

This concludes today's post, share your impressions in the comments and be sure to subscribe to the newsletter of new articles. Have a nice evening everyone.

Pavel Dorofeev was with you.

As a result of the revival of old recipes for making strong alcoholic drinks, aniseed vodka became available again. What is it like drinking a drink that was popular in the times of Pushkin and Chekhov, Ostrovsky and Turgenev and so beloved by Emperor Peter I and his entourage? Now we'll tell you.

In the article:

Anisovka in Rus'

What is special about a strong anise-based tincture? The combination of anise seeds with citrus zest, flavored with a small amount of cumin, gave the vodka a unique spicy inimitable aroma, taste and aftertaste. This combination has made anise vodka incredibly popular in Russia since the 16th century.

Since the appearance of the still and the beginning of the production of strong alcohol from fermented sugar-containing raw materials, distillers have sought to improve the taste of strong drinks and give them new flavors. Most often, freshly brewed alcohol was flavored with various substances of plant origin, especially various spices, which made it possible to obtain a persistent aroma and significantly change the taste of the finished drink.

Initially, star anise, which is still called Chinese anise, was used to flavor alcoholic beverages. The fruits of a huge tree with a spreading crown, which are small stars, were transported from China to Europe along the Great Silk Road.

Given that the star anise was fabulously expensive, they were looking for substitutes, trying to find a combination of various oil plants that give a roughly similar taste. The research was crowned with success, and instead of star-shaped fruits, seeds of anise ordinary, common in central and southern regions of Russia, began to be used.

The aroma and taste of anise seeds almost repeats the taste of Chinese star anise, but the cost is much lower and, most importantly, they are “always at hand”. Even the unique property of essential oils contained in anise vodka to take on a milky white color when strongly cooled is similar in both plant species.

Vodka on anise in Russia and Europe

Born and popular in Russia in the 16th-17th centuries, vodka, infused with Chinese or local anise, was an indispensable attribute on the tables of the royal retinue and the aristocracy close to him, but, nevertheless, at present this drink is practically not produced in Russia.

anise fruit

“Moving” to the West along the Great Silk Road with caravans of spices, it became popular in the most distant corners of the European continent, having undergone changes not only in the name.

Having conquered with its taste lovers of social events and meetings of local bohemia in European cities, anise vodka is still produced in France, Italy, Greece, Turkey and is widely used both for making all kinds of cocktails and for use in its pure form.

But in the recipe, adjusted to the cultural characteristics of different peoples, one thing in the anise remained unchanged - the use of anise as the main flavor. Let's try to trace what composition and properties are hidden behind the various names of anise drinks.

Anise drinks in different countries

The most common anise drinks in Russia were vodka and liquor. After leaving the Russian state, passing through Europe and the north of the African continent, anise tincture changed its name and received many additional ingredients.

Anisovka in Greece

Obtained by distilling alcohol with the addition of water, anise seeds, a small amount of nutmeg, cloves and cinnamon. The drink contains about 40% alcohol and is served with traditional snacks.

The second popular Greek drink is Tsipuro. Made from grape pomace with the addition of apples, figs, quince or strawberries, the drink has an excellent taste. But only in Macedonia and Thessaly does it become a truly aniseed drink, after the addition of this fragrant spice.

Anise drinks from France

French drinks Pastis and Pernod, which include star anise and common anise. And if two types of anise, licorice and color are necessarily added to Pastis, then in Perno, more like absinthe, dill and several types of aromatic herbs are necessarily put.

Sambuca from Italy

In addition to anise, there is black elderberry, the Latin name of which gave the name to the drink. Along with elderberry and anise, sambuca includes a large number of aromatic herbs, the exact composition of which has not been disclosed.

Mediterranean countries

Arak, common in Turkey, Lebanon, as well as in the Middle East and even in Buryatia, made on mare's milk with the addition of anise and a set of herbs, practically does not heat and is easily consumed in the heat.

Widespread in the northern and western Mediterranean, Anisetta is a 25% alcohol liqueur with an amazing taste and aroma.

The composition of anise vodka

The main component of anise vodka is high-quality distilled alcohol made from grain or fruit raw materials. To obtain alcohol, the mash is distilled several times and only then the necessary components are added. In addition to star anise and common anise, it can be dill, cinnamon, cloves, ginger and about 50 types of aromatic herbs. To soften the taste, you can add honey, sugar.

Anise drinks are saturated with vitamins and minerals that help the body cope with many ailments; it was not for nothing that anise vodka was originally considered a medicine. They contain vitamins of groups B and PP, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium and calcium, which are so necessary for our body.

Anise Properties

Essential oils and useful components that pass into the alcohol solution during the infusion of the drink have both a favorable, as a result of dosed use, and a harmful effect on the body. As well as any medicine in case of overdose.

The ingredients that make up the anise improve digestion, ease the work of the stomach and induce appetite, so you simply cannot find a better aperitif before a hearty dinner.

Numerous colds, problems with stool and digestion, treatment of tonsillitis and diseases of the oral cavity - this is not a complete list of indications for the use of aniseed vodka in small quantities, either alone or as part of infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs.

It should not be forgotten that anise vodka, with a high content of essential oils, has been used since the 16th century as an aphrodisiac, gaining particular popularity among the court retinue.

Along with the beneficial qualities of anise, one should also take into account its negative properties that can harm the body in case of excessive use:

  • Allergy-prone people who may experience negative consequences, even death, should refrain from using anise.
  • Anise vodka is contraindicated in patients with epilepsy and people with increased excitability of the nervous system.
  • When using a tincture for external use, it should be diluted with water to prevent a burning effect on the skin.
  • And like any strong tincture, anise, consumed frequently and in large doses, can lead to alcohol addiction.

How to drink anise vodka

Any anise tinctures that cause increased appetite are used without diluting as an aperitif for cold appetizers before a hearty meal. Small, up to 50 grams, barrel-shaped glasses are suitable for this, so that the anise flavor is concentrated at the very nose.

The first glass is drunk with an appetizer of seafood, hard cheeses or salad, and after 2-3 minutes you can send the next one after it, filled with about 2/3 of the volume. Now you need to wait 20-25 minutes until the body gets used to alcohol, a pleasant warmth spreads throughout the body, and profuse salivation indicates an increase in appetite. At this time, you can lean on hearty hot dishes. After that, you can drink another glass or two anises, but already for dessert.

There are many cocktail recipes where aniseed vodka acts as the main ingredient, but is used diluted along with juices and other drinks. Here, the aroma of anise and a slight heady effect of weak alcohol come to the fore.

When drinking anise, you should remember that this is, first of all, vodka, and even flavored with a large amount of essential oils and other components, depending on the recipe. Some of the components of the drink in large quantities can cause hallucinations, so the most important thing is to stop in time.

Alcoholic drink with a strength of about 45%. It is made on the basis of seeds from anise. This drink has been mentioned in Rus' since the 16th-17th centuries.

Rus' established trade relations with China. Overseas goods were brought from China, and spices were among others. Spices did not have a high price and their first use was in culinary dishes. Infusions were prepared. Star anise was called "Chinese anise". The medicinal properties of the spice were widely known.

Many recipes say about replacing anise with star anise, and people who are not familiar with this spice think that this is one and also spice. Anise and star anise are completely different seasonings that have the same properties.

Distillers added aromatic seeds to homemade moonshine. Anise was included in the recipe for making sbitnya. As time went on, anise became the most popular spice in alcoholic beverages.

We know from the works of the classics that anisovka has gained great popularity among intellectuals in Russia. Peter I himself often praised anise on a par with pepper.

Anisovaya is a primordially Russian alcoholic drink that has lost its uniqueness over time.

Other countries also began to widely produce anise vodka or liquor.

Each locality has its own characteristics. The products made in Turkey and Greece are considered the most fenced.

"Arak" is called anise moonshine in the Middle East.

In Turkey, they call it “Raki”, here, in addition to anise, fig leaves and roses are added.

In Italy, the famous "Sambuca".

Spain calls their drink anisetta.

France calls the drink pastis.

The strength of anise tincture is 37–45%. For consumption, it was diluted with pure water. The content of ethanol in oils when diluting the drink gives the liquid turbidity.

Medicinal properties of anise tincture

Traditional medicine uses anise extract in the treatment of coughs and bronchitis, 10-15 drops per tea. In a ratio of 1:10, it is used to get rid of inflammation in the oral cavity with tonsillitis and gum disease. Essential oils balance blood pressure. One spoon before meals eliminates digestive problems and improves stool. Useful for women during breastfeeding and painful menstruation. A small concentration does not harm the female body and the development of the fetus.

The harmfulness of the drink

Like most alcoholic beverages, excessive consumption can cause addiction to alcohol. Allergic reactions from components are individual for each organism. Do not apply externally with compresses and rubbing, as it causes a burn.

Recipes for anise vodka at home

There are different options for preparing a drink at home. The main thing is to have a sense of proportionality in order to avoid a sharp, unpleasant or spicy taste. How to make aniseed vodka.

Recipe for anise vodka at home:

Take a 10 liter container. Seeds of anise, cinnamon, cloves, add lemon zest, put in a container and pour this whole mixture with alcohol. For five days at home in a dark place, the tincture is infused.

A syrup is made from sugar and water, brought to a boil. Ready syrup must be cooled and then brought to a boil again. We mix the mixture of alcohol and spices into the cooled syrup, mix well, cover with a lid and put it in a colder place. The anise tincture in this recipe turns out to be strong and more like Turkish Raki. After three weeks of infusion, strain the liquid through a three-layer gauze. In the third layer of gauze, put a piece of cotton wool in which an activated charcoal tablet is ground. Pour into an airtight container, close tightly and store in a dark place.

Anise alcohol has a strength of about 50%. Do not forget to dilute before use, pour into glasses with ice.

Recipe for anise tincture or liquor at home, designed for half a liter of moonshine or alcohol 40–50%:

Put the spices in a container, pour moonshine or alcohol. Close tightly and store in a dark place for two weeks. Then strain through a charcoal filter and let the drink rest in the refrigerator for two days. And the drink is ready to drink.

Honey or sugar is added to this drink. The sweetness of the tincture makes a liquor. Experts of our time do not recommend getting carried away with adding a large amount of sweets, they advise no more than one tablespoon of honey, sugar or fructose.

The people of Russia made two anise drinks: tincture and liquor. The liqueur had a sweeter and more aromatic taste. Tinctures are more tart and bitter, used for medicinal purposes.

Immunity Boosting Recipe:

  • A glass of moonshine.
  • 40 grams of anise.

Withstand for 10 days. Use moonshine on anise 20-25 drops 3 times a day.

Has a general strengthening effect on the body.

Attention, only TODAY!

Greek vodka with anise ouzo is made on the basis of grape distillate or a mixture of brandy with rectified (pure alcohol with a strength of 40-50%) and infused with anise and various other aromatic herbs. In the production of ouzo, almonds, star anise, cloves, fennel, cardamom, coriander and many other spices are often used, the use of which is determined by the region where the anise-infused vodka is prepared. Anise is an invariable component of this strong drink. In appearance, ouzo does not differ from ordinary vodka - the drink is absolutely transparent. The whole process of making vodka with anise resembles the preparation of homemade sambuca, but the Greek vodka is not as sweet and does not contain elderberry. The drink has a very soft and balanced taste. Each ouzo manufacturer has its own recipe for making a drink. The national legislation of Greece prescribes compliance with the release of alcohol only two mandatory rules - in ouzo there must be at least 20% wine alcohol from juice or pomace and anise must be present.

According to legend, ouzo is the drink of immortality for the gods. In Greece, it is produced everywhere, not a single feast is unthinkable without anise vodka. Vodka with anise is a national treasure and pride of the Greeks.

The history of the drink

Ouzo's predecessor drinks, which are herbal tinctures in wine alcohol, originate from the time of the Byzantine Empire. In the 14th century, vodka tinctures were used even by Athos monks. According to legend, it was the monks who began to use anise in the recipe for the drink, called in Greece the word "ouzo". But the final recipe for ouzo was finalized already in the 19th century after Greece gained independence. The main center for the production of aniseed vodka was the Greek island of Lesvos and its settlements of Tirnavos and Kalamata. Since 1989, the name "ouzo" has become a registered trademark that can only be used for Greek-made products.

Methods of use

Tincture on anise and vodka can be used both in pure form and diluted. Pure ouzo is usually called "Sketo". The drink is served in this case poured into glasses of 50-100 grams with a temperature of about 20 degrees Celsius. In Greece, it is customary to drink aniseed vodka in small sips so that you can make out all the shades in the taste of alcohol. Alcohol does an excellent job of stimulating appetite, therefore it is recognized as an excellent aperitif. They eat ouzo with a similar serving of seafood classic for Greek cuisine, light Mediterranean salads, as well as meat, cheese, fruits, olives, sweets and strong coffee.

During mass feasts in Greece, it is customary to dilute the ouzo with water. This is done to reduce the strength of the drink and soften its taste. The tincture is diluted on anise in a ratio of 1: 1, after which it becomes cloudy and becomes white. In Greece, they never make cocktails based on ouzo and do not mix it with any other drinks.

Sometimes ice cubes are added to pure ouzo to soften the rich anise flavor. For this purpose, you can also cool the drink well. Changes in temperature actively affect changes in the taste of anise vodka.

Despite the categorical rejection in the homeland of the drink of its combination with other types of alcohol or juices, in Europe they often make cocktails based on aniseed vodka. The most popular cocktails are the Iliad, Buzo and Greek Tiger.

To prepare the Iliad, you need to take 120 milliliters of ouzo, 60 milliliters of Amaretto, 3 strawberries and crushed ice. A cocktail glass is filled halfway with ice and then topped with Amaretto and Ouzo. Strawberries need to be stewed in a blender and the resulting pulp added to a glass with a cocktail. All ingredients are actively mixed.

For lovers of strong alcoholic drinks, the Buzo cocktail is perfect. It randomly mixes 30 grams of ouzo, 60 grams of bourbon and 15 grams of dry red wine. The ingredients are cooled and served in a tall cocktail glass.

The drug "Alcobarrier"

The lightest and most feminine is the Greek Tiger cocktail, which is also prepared on the basis of anise vodka. Alternately pour 30 milliliters of ouzo and 120 milliliters of orange or lemon juice into a glass with ice. The cocktail is actively mixed and served with a citrus slice decoration around the edge of the glass.

Anise vodka recipe

Vodka on anise at home is quite simple to prepare. Of course, the resulting alcohol has nothing to do with traditional Greek ouzo. However, if you insist vodka on anise, then the taste of a homemade drink turns out to be quite identical to the original product.

Anise vodka recipe involves the use of the following ingredients:

  • 1 liter of vodka;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 100 grams of anise;
  • 20 grams of star anise;
  • 2 cloves;
  • 5 grams of cardamom.

First, anise and all prepared spices are added in turn to a container where alcohol or vodka is previously poured. This mixture is tightly covered and placed for 2 weeks in a dark place with an air temperature of about 22 degrees. After this period, the alcohol is filtered through gauze, diluted with clean water to a strength of 20-25% and poured into a container for distillation. All the spices collected after filtering are suspended in the same container in gauze. Vodka must be distilled and the finished product kept for about 3 days in the dark.

Before starting home-made ouzo analogue, you need to take care of where to buy anise for vodka, how to choose high-quality alcohol and determine the number of alcohol distillations, each of which makes the degree of vodka higher than the original one.

The benefits and harms of anise vodka

Anise tincture on vodka has a number of useful properties. It is often used as an effective medicine because it contains essential oils that improve digestive functions and have disinfecting properties. With regular problems with the stool, anise tincture is consumed before meals in a tablespoon.

Useful properties of anise tincture on vodka are also manifested in the treatment of tracheitis, bronchitis and cough of various etiologies. To do this, 5-10 drops of an alcoholic anise drink are added to the herbal collection, consisting of hawthorn, wild rose and St. John's wort, seasoned with honey and allowed to drink 2 times a day until all painful symptoms are eliminated. The medicine helps to expel sputum, soothes coughs and eliminates pathogens.

Anise-infused vodka helps women cope with poor health during the menstrual cycle. The drink eliminates spasms and pain in the back and abdomen. Anise tincture to combat premenstrual syndrome is taken 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

Anise and vodka tincture helps eliminate bacteria in the mouth, which often cause bad breath and gum problems. To do this, 20 drops of tincture are diluted in a stack of water and rinse your mouth with this solution after each brushing your teeth. Such an elixir is able to eliminate bad breath and improve gums in just a few days.

With angina, you can also use anise vodka. In a glass of warm water, dilute 50 grams of tincture and gargle with the resulting solution every hour. Within 1 day, purulent plaque from the tonsils goes away, the throat stops hurting and inflammation is eliminated.

Sometimes even nursing mothers are prescribed anise tincture to improve lactation. Of course, in this case, its concentration should be minimal - 1-2 tablespoons per cup of tea with milk, which will not allow alcohol to harm the child, but will significantly improve the quality and quantity of milk produced.

There are also contraindications to the use of anise vodka, because, like any other alcohol, it can quickly cause alcohol addiction. In addition, the drink has a high allergenic property, so people who are prone to allergic reactions should refuse ouzo to avoid anaphylactic shock.

For quick and reliable getting rid of alcoholism, our readers advise the drug "Alcobarrier". It is a natural remedy that blocks the craving for alcohol, causing a persistent aversion to alcohol. In addition, the Alcobarrier launches regenerative processes in organs that alcohol has begun to destroy. The tool has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven by clinical studies at the Research Institute of Narcology.

An important contraindication to the use of anise is high excitability and a tendency to epileptic seizures, since it can aggravate the course of diseases. As a rubbing, anise cannot be used in its pure form, since it causes burns to the skin.

In addition, in the treatment of respiratory diseases, in no case should the dosage of alcohol in solution be exceeded, since in small quantities anise tincture is a medicine, and in large quantities it can become a real poison, aggravating the course of the disease.
