
Guava (fruit) Useful properties, composition, calorie content

Belongs to the myrtle family. The name of this drought-tolerant plant means "foreigner" in Thai. The guava fruit (you see the photo below) has a pear-shaped or round shape. Its skin is thin, having a green, reddish or bright yellow color. The fruit of cultivated trees can have a mass of seventy to one hundred and sixty grams.

Guava is native to Central and South America. It was first discovered by Spanish discoverers in Colombia and Peru, and then spread throughout almost the entire tropical and subtropical climate zone. Currently, guava, in addition to its homeland, can be found in Asia and Africa.

Guava is a fruit, about the aroma and taste of which ancient Peruvian poets wrote poems. Recipes that were discovered during excavations in the ancient cities of Central America and Mexico indicate that this exotic fruit for us was widely used in cooking in the distant past. Guava is a fruit that was consumed in large quantities by the Aztecs and the ancient Incas.

In addition to the pleasant taste, it also has many useful properties. Guava is a fruit, the red or pink flesh of which is able to have an antimicrobial and bactericidal, astringent and antispasmodic effect on the human body. It contains vitamin C. Moreover, guava surpasses citrus fruits in the amount of this component. Juice obtained from an exotic fruit perfectly strengthens the immune system and serves as an excellent prophylactic to prevent colds.

Guava is a fruit that, unlike oranges, is rarely allergic to. That is why, when compiling a menu for a child, it is recommended to pay attention to this fruit. Doctors and nutritionists advise expectant mothers to use guava as well. This one is great to restore strength, and without any unwanted side effects. It is recommended that all women make friends with this fetus. in a vase are able to absorb unpleasant odors in the room and bring tropical aromas. A glass of juice squeezed from an exotic fruit, drunk in the morning, will help relieve the pain that accompanies ladies on critical days.

Guava contains a lot of fiber, fats, proteins, iron, calcium, phosphorus and B vitamins. Brazilians use this fruit to eliminate diarrhea, and Panamanians use it to treat asthma, pneumonia, sore throats and bronchitis. In the West Indies, guava is a popular remedy for seizures and epilepsy. The Filipinos use it as a fruit that can strengthen the heart muscle, and the Israelis include this fruit in their diet as a healthy and very tasty treat.

How do you eat guava? You can eat fruit with seeds, if it is more convenient, then cut it. In the case when the fruits are ripe, they can be eaten directly with the skin. It's a little bitter, but very useful. It is recommended to use the thin skin of the fetus to stimulate the digestive function of the gastrointestinal tract, improve heart function and normalize blood pressure.

The use of guava for cooking is very diverse. It is limited only by the imagination of the chef. The fruit is used for baking and making juices, jelly, marmalade and milkshakes. And, of course, ripe fruits that are pleasant and healthy for humans are very popular.

"Apple of the Tropics" guava.
This fruit bears little resemblance to bright tropical "brothers". Guava is a fruit that many compare with. However, external unpretentiousness masks the unique taste, aroma, coupled with a whole arsenal of useful substances. Doctors admit: the benefits and harms of guava are incomparable. It is not dangerous even for small children or pregnant women.

Guava is an evergreen plant in the myrtle family.

What does guava look like and where does it grow?

The tree does not particularly stand out against the general background of tropical fruit flora:

  • Height up to four meters, there are specimens up to ten meters.
  • Guava leaves are 12-16 cm long, densely green, slightly “fluffy” below, glossy from the face.
  • The pimply skin looks thick but is actually thin. It can be dense bitter or soft sweet. Its color is determined by the variety and where the tree grows, from pale green through yellow to deep crimson.
  • Guava fruits are like a bumpy apple: round or pear-shaped. Weight 75-160 grams, length and diameter - 8-15 cm.
  • The pulp of ripe fruits is loose, soft, saturated: yellow or like a - from pink to purple or burgundy. Stuffed with small seeds - from one hundred to five hundred grains per fruit.
  • Unripe specimens are sour, ripening sweet.
  • The aroma is rich, but not cloying.
  • It bears fruit several times a year: one main crop (up to a centner from a tree) plus two or three additional, more meager ones.

America is considered the homeland: Central plus the north of the South. Trees strewn with fruits were discovered by the Spaniards during the Conquest. Today, exotics conquered the tropics and the southern outskirts of the planet's subtropics. There are plantations in Southeast Asia, Oceania, both Americas near the equator, in northern Africa.

Guava season in Thailand

The local name for the fruit is farang. For the country, this is an all-season product: you can come to taste it at any time of the year. However, Thais love unripe specimens, which are flooded with local markets. In Thailand, the fruit is used in all forms for all dishes. Food number one is salted or peppered guava pulp.
A favorite among desserts are peeled, pitted pieces cooked in sugar syrup. Kind of candied fruit. Tourists are also offered a dried or dried product.

Popular varieties

There are over a hundred varieties of wood. The most popular varieties of guava are guava and strawberry.

Strawberry - small (2.7-3.6 cm), with scarlet or yellow skin, pulp of the same shade, smells like strawberries.
Guava is larger; peel, pulp - cream or red.
In Thailand, the "giant guava" is grown. The fruits of this variety are pulled by half a kilogram.

Guava fruit how to choose and store

The fruit is not particularly picky, it is easy to choose and save.

How to choose

Quality, ripeness of fruits are identified by external signs. Ripe exotics are not green or hard. They have a yellowish, pinkish or red tint plus a slight softness. Overripe fruits are too soft, peel with brown spots.
It is easy to determine the condition of the fruit by smell. A ripe high-quality specimen cannot exude the “aroma” of homemade pickles, cabbage, especially chemistry.
If you want to bring exotic fruits home, they choose unripe ones: they are easier to transport, and they will ripen in a day or two.

How to store

At room temperature, ripe exotics remain for several days, greenish - for half a month. In the cold, the period increases to a month. The advantage of guava is to remain tasty, healthy even after freezing. At sub-zero temperatures it is stored for months.

How to eat fruit

It is better to enjoy fresh fruits, although processed ones are also good. Peel and eat guava like an apple: peel (or leave), cut with a knife in half or slices. They eat the pulp of the fruit with a fork, planted on skewers or biting off pieces. If the fruits are overripe, they are cut in half. The pulp is taken out with a spoon.
With regard to seeds and peel, there are options:

  • The unripe skin is bitter, but curative. In ripe specimens, it is sweet and thin. If the fruits are bought "at home", they are eaten with a peel. Fruits from retail chains are treated with antibacterial drugs, coated with wax to keep their marketable appearance longer. They have to peel off the skin.
  • Seeds are also useful: they contain trace elements (especially iodine), essential oils. This is a great "scrub" for the stomach. Ripe fruits are eaten with them, but it is not necessary to crack the bones so that the teeth do not suffer. Better to swallow whole.

Fresh exotics are consumed not only as an independent dish. Salads, jellies, desserts, jams are made from them. Sherbets and ice cream are flavored with juice. Compotes are prepared, as from our apples. Pickled fruit adds spice to meat and fish dishes.

Guava taste

The most pleasant (and useful) are slightly soft ripe specimens. It is difficult to immediately determine what the taste of guava looks like. Like .
Fruits of any variety are sweet, diluted with sourness. To taste, they are associated with a mix / berry - strawberries, or. Someone catches the notes. Substances concentrated in the peel give the pulp a subtle taste of pine needles.

Guava composition and calorie content

This is a real find for gourmets, gourmets who want to keep their figure. Suitable as a snack, as it saturates the body, suppressing the feeling of hunger.


Fresh guava has a symbolic calorie content - 67-75 kcal per 100 g of pulp. It is included in the diet of people on a diet, or diabetics.
Dried, dried fruits are three times as high in calories. Not suitable for weight loss, but to quickly restore strength - ideal.

The nutritional value

100 grams of pulp contains (g):

  • proteins - 2.62-2.75;
  • fat - 1.15-1.46;
  • carbohydrates - 8.97-9.95;
  • ash - 1.40-1.55.

Water occupies four-fifths of the volume, that is, 78-83 grams.


Guava contains a rich assortment of vitamins, minerals, and other useful substances:

  • vitamins: A, group B (2, 5, 6, 9), C (an order of magnitude more than citrus fruits), E, ​​PP, choline, beta-carotene, K;
  • minerals: iron, zinc, sodium selenium, manganese; especially a lot of potassium - up to 420 mg, copper - 235, phosphorus - 42, magnesium - 24, calcium - 19;
  • fruits, foliage, bark are rich in pectin, there are essential oils, alkaloids, carotenoids, fatty acids, saponins, flavonoids (including quercetin), lectins, tannins.

The "signature" aroma of the fruit is the merit of carbonyl compounds.

Benefits of guava

Guava is a delicacy and medicine. Its therapeutic effect is recognized by official medicine, healers in the East prescribe it to patients, and cosmetologists use it.


Guava improves the functioning of the body on the physical and emotional plane:

  • Vitamin C in large quantities is a powerful immune stimulant.
  • The bones, swallowed whole, eliminate constipation, improve digestion. Tea from the roots of the plant stops diarrhea.
  • Seedless pulp is used to treat dysentery, food poisoning.
  • The juice of unripe fruits or a decoction of the leaves is gargled with sore throat, other infections of the oral cavity; warm drink is given when coughing, as an antipyretic.
  • Exot is endowed with anti-inflammatory properties. It is prescribed for pneumonia.
  • The heart rate is adjusted, the pressure normalizes.
  • Fruits in the diet prevent oncology or slow it down. Especially effective is the effect on the cells of the prostate, mammary glands, and oral cavity.
  • Vitamin A slows down the degradation of vision, prevents cataracts, improves the general condition of the eyes.
  • The high content of copper helps to produce collagen, normalizes the production of blood cells. Regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Reduces cholesterol, prevents the formation of blood clots, lowers blood pressure.
  • Fruits help to overcome stress, survive difficulties, overstrain at work.
  • The crushed leaves of this tree are applied to fresh wounds, abscesses, chewed for toothache.
Unlike many other exotics, guava is not prohibited during pregnancy or diabetes.


Tropical apple improves the condition of the skin, hair, makes them beautiful, healthy:

  • Pulp masks remove oily sheen, narrow pores, and refresh the face.
  • You can wash yourself with a decoction of the leaves, peel or pulp of unripe fruits.
  • Rinse your hair with freshly squeezed juice.

This effect creates an abundance of astringent components in fruits or leaves.
It is a strong aphrodisiac: increases libido, increases male power, activates passion.

Guava useful properties

Useful qualities of the "apple of the tropics" are due to the composition. For example, there is more lycopene (cancer-inhibiting) here than in or tomato.
Fruits are rich in vitamins A, B, C, potassium - recognized antioxidants, detoxifiers.
The therapeutic effect of the fruit, the components of the tree was appreciated even by European nutritionists. They recommend guava for children, pregnant women, debilitated patients.
But it won't hurt the rest either:

  • It creates an astringent effect, a good antispasmodic, bactericide.
  • Tea from the leaves is beneficial for malfunctions in the stomach, menstrual cycle, dizziness.
  • Vitamin B3 increases blood flow to the brain, stimulates the thirst for knowledge.
  • Vitamin B6 nourishes the nervous system.
  • An increased concentration of fiber regulates the absorption of sugar by the body. The use of exotic puts a barrier to type 2 diabetes.
  • The fruit is useful for anorexia or natural thinness, as it regulates the absorption of nutrients.
The aroma of ripe guava drowns out the smell of tobacco, so the cut fruit is placed in a smoky room to clear the atmosphere.
The fruit is eaten simply to stay young, strong optimist longer.

Harm of guava

Guava is not considered a particularly insidious exotic. It suits most Europeans. Restrictions - as with other tropical fruits:

  • People prone to allergies should be wary of a rich aroma. Half or less is enough to test personal compatibility with the fruit.
  • Healthy people at the first tasting should also not be zealous: it is not known how the body will react. Well, if it costs only an upset stomach.
  • Even if everything is fine, excessive consumption (more than a kilogram of pulp at a time) can provoke diarrhea.
  • Unripe specimens are contraindicated if the kidneys or adrenal glands are sick, there is a threat of stone formation.

Bones require caution. They are hard, when biting it is easy to damage tooth enamel or break a tooth.


Finding unprocessed fresh guava in our area is problematic, therefore, a guest in exotic countries should eat it every day.

In Thailand, unripe exotics are loved and sold. But in Indonesia they prefer ripe ones.

You can set yourself the goal of tasting different varieties in order to form your own opinion, enrich yourself with new taste experiences.

Do not forget to bring a couple of pieces for gifts or for yourself in order to prolong the pleasure. Or create a culinary exotic.

Guava is one of my favorite tropical fruits. But there is one clarification - I'm talking about ripe guava. And ripe it can be found far from all countries where it grows. For example, in Vietnam and the Philippines, guava is eaten exclusively in its unripe form, so you can’t buy it ripe there. Asians love to eat hard guava with hot spices. Although she is so beautiful when she is ripe ripe and soft! Yes, there are bones in it, which are somewhat straining, because there are many of them, they are small and very hard, like a stone. But the taste of guava is so wonderful that its bones are such trifles.

It turns out that guava is also called psidium, and this delicious thing came to Southeast Asia from Mexico and South America.

The most frequently asked questions about guava

What does guava taste like?

The pink-fleshed guava tastes familiar to all of us ... raspberries. However, if there is a guava with a peel, then more coniferous notes are added. The sweetest part of a guava is its center. That's a real raspberry! Not all fruits are equally sweet and "raspberry". Some are sweeter, some are less intense. The softer the guava, the tastier it is!

White-fleshed guava does not have a pronounced raspberry flavor. In general, white-fleshed guava varieties are less tasty than those with pink flesh.

What is the consistency of guava?

Most similar to papaya. The same soft, delicate, but not quite creamy.

How to choose guava?

Very simple - in softness and aroma. A ripe guava, when pressed, is the same as a ripe pear and. Never take oak fruits, they are tasteless. Also odorless. When the guava is ripe, it has a very strong fragrance! And very nice.

How to clean and eat?

1) If you love to eat guava with the skin, then just bite it like an apple. But be careful with stone bones! Don't break your teeth! Therefore, do not make sudden movements when chewing and biting.

2) If you do not like the coniferous taste of the guava peel, then cut the fruit into 4 parts and eat each of them like a watermelon, leaving only the skin. I most often eat guava in this way, and only very occasionally do I want to eat it whole, with the peel, this happens to me.

Is it possible to taste and fall in love with guava the first time?

This is not a very specific fruit, unlike durian, chempedac, etc., so there will definitely not be any unpleasant sensations at the first taste of guava. However, most likely you will not love this fruit with all your heart, for this you will need to try a ripe guava at least 2-3 times.

Where does most guava grow??

It is the most ripe guava in Indonesia. And the immature is grown in all tropical countries.

Which country tastes better?

In Indonesia. And in all parts of the country.

Guava season?

All year round (in all tropical countries).

What effect does it have on the body?

From guava wonderful digestion. The body says "thank you!" after eating a ripe guava.

Varieties and types

I know 3 types of guava:

1) With light skin and raspberry flesh.

2) With burgundy skin and raspberry flesh.

3) With light skin and white flesh.

Getting to warm climes, we get lost among the bright local variety of fresh berries, vegetables, fruits. Therefore, it is so important to try and feel the flavor of the country, the original local cuisine and, of course, fruits. Inhale their aroma, enjoy the taste and, together with the sea and the sun, absorb vitamins, seal them in yourself and take them home with memories. How to understand this diversity? What to choose, so that it is both tasty and healthy?

Meet the guava fruit, the champion in the content of vitamins and microelements! This round, slightly oval or pear-like fruit is found in warm subtropical countries, from Mexico and South America to Indonesia. Behind a simple appearance lies a storehouse of vitamins and minerals necessary for us to feel good. Try this fruit in different variations and find your taste sound.

How Guava Grows

Guava (guayava) is a low evergreen or semi-deciduous sprawling tree belonging to the Myrtaceae family, Psidium species, reaching a height of 3-4 meters, some specimens grow up to 10 meters. There are about a hundred varieties and varieties of guava, so guava fruits vary greatly in size, color and taste.

Guava leaves are not left without use - tea is brewed with them, which has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and antimicrobial effects.

In folk medicine, the leaves are used in the form of decoctions and used for toothache and stomatitis, wipe problem skin.

Excavations in Peru have shown that locals cultivated this exotic plant there over a thousand years ago. It was in Peru and Colombia that the Spanish conquistadors first tried this fruit and spread it around the world.

Guava season in Thailand

In particular, the Thais fell in love with this fruit. They make jams and preserves, compotes and juices from it, dry it and soak it in sugar syrup, and make tea from the bark and leaves. A common serving option is fresh pulp, slightly unripe, cut into slices and seasoned with salt or red pepper.

This wonderful is present all year round, because. with long flowering, the fruit ripening period lasts four months, and some varieties bloom and bear fruit twice a year, and the fact that Thais prefer to eat slightly unripe hard fruits makes it possible to taste it every day. When the pulp ripens, it becomes looser, turning red, the Thais are happy to cook peeled and pitted pieces in sugar syrup. Dried and dried variations can be tasted in numerous shops in Thailand.

What does a guava look like

Let's now understand what a guava is.

Shape: round oval, pear-shaped.

The color of the flesh ranges from pale yellow to various shades of red, and the color of the skin is from white-green to a rich green hue, and although the fruit's bumpy skin seems hard and not edible, it is not. It is thin and useful, and the fruits can be consumed directly with it.

With all the variety of shapes and shades, guava resembles in shape or, not for nothing it is also called a tropical apple, the surface is bumpy, the glossy peel is similar to. The size depends on the variety and place of growth, therefore it varies from 4 cm to 10-15. The fruits always have a rich aroma.

How to choose the right guava

It is better, of course, to use freshly harvested specimens. But if you are going to buy an exotic fruit, pay attention to the skin, it should be even, shiny in color, without spots and bruises. The flesh of a ripe fruit is loose, soft, and bright. The scent is strong but fresh.

Green fruits are very acidic and contain arabinose ester of hexahydroxydiphenic acid, which disappears when ripe.

Guava flavor

It's hard to describe what guava tastes like. Guava has an outlandish fruity flavor, it looks like raspberries with a piece of strawberries, and ripe sourness, often the taste of needles is due to fragrant skin.

Guava how to eat

Guava can be used in a variety of ways. You can eat it like an apple! But! Remember that the pulp of the fruit has a large number of small seeds that are very hard. Of course, depending on the size and weight of the fruit, the size of the grains also depends, and you can swallow them, or you can remove the peel and seeds, chop and serve it with salt, or rub with red pepper. Therefore, how to eat guava correctly, everyone chooses for himself!

How to store guava

It is better to store guava in a mature form in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. If you bought slightly unripe fruits, they will keep in the refrigerator for 3 weeks. You can also freeze them without fear for the beneficial properties.

Guava composition and calorie content

The chemical composition of guava is characterized by a high content of folic acid, calcium, iron and phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, selenium and zinc, contains vitamins B, A, E, C. The pulp contains amino acids: glutamic and aspartic.

Guava, calories per 100 grams of product:

  • proteins 2.6 g,
  • fats 1.0 g,
  • carbohydrates 8.9 g.
  • 68 kcal.

Your figure will not suffer in any way from the use of this product.

Benefits of guava

Due to the high content of vitamins and microelements, the "tropical apple" is one of the most useful and widespread fruits in countries with a tropical and subtropical climate. Are you ready to try an unfamiliar product in an unfamiliar country? Weigh the PROS and CONS. Guava, possible benefits and harms. It is believed that with regular use of the fruit, it helps to relieve stress, distract and relax.

Guava and its beneficial properties

  1. It has an immunostimulating agent, due to the content of vitamin C.
  2. Gives a rejuvenating and supporting effect due to the amino acids and vitamin A included in the composition.
  3. Improves digestion due to the fiber content. The use of guava, which contains many small grains, has a laxative effect, and tannins contained in all parts of the plant have tannins, providing an antimicrobial effect.
  4. Strengthens blood vessels and improves brain function, because. saponins, which are part of the cortex, improve the permeability of blood cells, due to which hemoglobin freely penetrates into the blood plasma, dissolves in it, improves brain activity and has a beneficial effect on the entire lymphatic system. Saponins enhance the penetration of proteins and other molecules through cell membranes.
  5. The same saponin has an irritating effect on mucous membranes, improves sputum discharge, and in folk medicine, fruits and leaves are used to treat bronchitis and pneumonia. In addition, in the presence of saponins, medicinal substances are more easily absorbed.
  6. , because being a low allergenic product, it contains trace elements and acids necessary for the development of the fetus, incl. folic. Magnesium helps to keep the expectant mother's nervous system calm, relaxes muscle tissue.
  7. Guava is also useful for violations of the function of the thyroid gland, tk. regulates and activates the production of glands. In Thailand, local women use the decoction and fruits to regulate the menstrual cycle.
  8. In the treatment of diabetes, a beneficial effect on the body of patients was also noticed, because. it has a low glycemic index
  9. Actually, thanks to the original set of vitamins and microelements, this fruit has become so fond of and firmly entered the life of local residents, giving them health and joy. In addition to all the effects described, exotic guava will reward you with beautiful skin, good digestion, sharp eyesight and a snow-white smile.

Harm of guava

Having described the advantages of an exotic fruit, it is impossible not to say and pay attention to the possible harm of guava. The fruit itself is low allergenic, but has a bright rich aroma, so allergy sufferers should be careful when choosing products in a tropical country. Even if you have good health, you should not overeat and eat up for the future, the same useful substances, if consumed excessively, will negatively affect digestion.

This tropical fruit can be recognized by its pale green or yellow color. The fruits are the same size as a tennis ball. When ripe, the flesh has a reddish tint and a sweet, refreshing aroma. 1 whole guava contains 50 to 110 calories depending on the variety and maturity. But not everyone knows how it looks and how to use it correctly.

Guava fruit: what is it, photo

If you saw pale green or yellowish fruits of small size with an uneven surface on the counter, it is probably a guava. It has a fruity-floral taste, not too cloying and refreshing, somewhat like a mixture of strawberries and pears.

The guava tree grows in the tropical regions of America and Asia. Initially, trees began to grow in southern Mexico and Central America. Since 1526, it could already be found in all regions with a tropical climate. In Hawaii, guava appeared in the early 19th century, now it grows on all the islands of the Pacific Ocean.

The evergreen plant reaches 10 meters in height. You will find a photo of the guava fruit below, now you definitely will not confuse it with other fruits.

Ripe fruits are soft, have a musky aroma and a creamy texture. The flesh can be pink, white, yolk or even red, depending on the variety. Each fruit contains small seeds.

In the tropical region, this fruit is available throughout the year. Often the fruits are left to ripen on the tree.

Check out our post What is the Mangosteen Fruit and How Should You Eat It?

How to choose a ripe guava?

Ripe fruits can be recognized from dark green to lighter yellow. First of all, inspect the peel, it should not be stained. Ripe fruit will be quite soft when pressed with your fingers. Also, maturity can be recognized by the aroma, it should be sweetish. If we talk about the pulp, it is impossible to determine exactly by its color whether the fruit is ripe or not. Some varieties have pink flesh, some white. The same goes for seeds, some varieties are soft enough to eat, others are hard.

You can buy unripe hard fruits and let them ripen at room temperature. Put them in a paper bag with bananas or apples, this will speed up the process, store at room temperature.

How to properly store guava?

If the fruits are not yet ripe, place them on a windowsill or table with other fruits, leave them to ripen for a few days. Store ripe fruits in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. You can also freeze the fruit, choose more tart fruits for this. Wash, peel and cut the guava in half, remove the seeds. Place in a plastic container and fill with sugar syrup, place in the freezer.

Most often, guava is consumed in the form of juice, sometimes added to fruit salads. It is also used to make jellies, puddings, desserts, sauces and jams. You can use it fresh.

First of all, you need to wash the fruits to remove dust and dirt. If the peel is damaged, cut them out with the tip of a knife.

How to eat guava properly? Cut each guava into two halves. Cut as in the photo or just into quarters. If desired, remove the seeds with a spoon and enjoy the taste! You can leave the seeds, they are edible, the peel too.

If you prefer not to eat the skin, cut the fruit in half and scoop out the pulp with a spoon.

Serve the fruit with ice cream or yogurt, or you can add it to a fruit salad. Also, guava is used as a filling in the preparation of pies, for puddings, jam, marmalade, sauces. Bon appetit!
