
Breadcrumbs for salads and soups: a recipe. Crackers with garlic: the best recipes in the oven, microwave, slow cooker from white, black, Borodino, rye bread and a long loaf

How to make homemade garlic croutons.

To cook croutons with garlic at home, at first glance, no special culinary skills are required. But even here questions may arise: what kind of bread is suitable for this simple dish, what needs to be done to bring the croutons to a characteristic crunch, how to make sure that the “filling” is evenly distributed over the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bbread slices. We'll figure out!

Delicious garlic croutons in the oven: a simple recipe

Of course, it's easier to buy a pack of crackers with any taste and not bother cooking them. In addition, there is no shortage of beer breads in stores. But if the issue of taking care of your health or the health of your loved ones is in the first place for you, and your household is not averse to crunching on spicy fragrant crackers, then it is better to cook a simple dish on your own.

Then you will certainly be sure that the home-made product is not harmful, does not contain flavors, various E and other obscure addictive additives.

Fragrant crunchy croutons can be used not only as a classic addition to beer. A powder of them is added to the soup or simply intercepted as a snack.

If the very thought that you will stand at the stove for a long time and conjure over the preparation of a complex dish scares you, then with crackers everything is as simple as possible. The secret of cooking is to choose the right bread and not deviate from the recipe during processing.

The secret to making croutons is to choose the right bread and not deviate from the recipe during processing.

We begin to comprehend the intricacies of making homemade crackers!

  • Choosing the right bread For our dish, a loaf of rye bread would be an ideal option. This bread has a warm brown color. On the counter you can find sliced ​​bread. When cooking crackers from it, you do not have to waste time cutting the rolls.
  • Crispy crackers cannot be made from fresh bread. Take yesterday's bun, which is slightly dried up. Such a loaf will not crumble during processing, and it is easier to cut it.
  • But if you still decide to cook croutons from fresh bread, then you need to put the loaf in the no-frost refrigerator. It will reach the desired state in a couple of hours.
  • For the preparation of crackers, fresh or dried garlic is used. In the first variant, garlic is crushed and fried in vegetable oil, which is later soaked in sliced ​​bread pieces. In the second variant, chopped bread is covered with chopped dried garlic.
  • The recipes do not have significant differences. But there are some features of cooking crispy croutons in the oven, in a pan, which should not be neglected.
  • In each recipe, the shape and size of crackers may vary. But the classic crunchy croutons are square in shape. It is these dried breads that are served as croutons for soup.
  • Beer "the same version of crackers is called" topinki ". The shape of such crackers resembles long sticks, the length of which is 6 cm, the width is 2 cm.

Delicious garlic croutons in the oven

How to cook croutons in the oven:

  • We clean the garlic and chop it. You can crush it with a knife, and then cut it into small pieces, or you can pass it through a press.
  • Pour oil into the bottom of the bowl. We send garlic there, pour salt. Mix everything and leave to infuse for 20 minutes.
  • We turn on the oven so that it has time to warm up well (up to 100 degrees).
  • Cooking bread: cut into pieces and pour into a bowl.
  • Mix everything well to evenly distribute the oil.
  • We put a baking sheet with sliced ​​\u200b\u200bbread in the oven. Don't forget to stir for two hours.

Dried garlic croutons recipe:

  • Take dried garlic and salt (to taste).
  • You can add some dried dill.
  • Turn on the oven and wait until it warms up to 150 degrees.
  • Cut the bread into slices (not wider than 1 cm), removing the crust. We give the crackers the desired shape: cut into triangles, squares, rhombuses.
  • Place sliced ​​bread in a bowl. Sprinkle salt to taste. We throw a couple of pinches of dry garlic. We mix everything. The mixture needs to be tried and if it seems that something is missing, then at this stage it is not too late to add the missing ingredient. When the taste is perfect, pour vegetable (olive) oil into the mold and distribute it along the bottom.

We take dried garlic, dill and salt

  • Place the bread slices into the bowl with the seasoning mixture. Mix everything again until the oil is absorbed.

Place the bread slices into the bowl with the seasoning mixture.
  • We put the form in the oven. The bread will dry out within 40-50 minutes. All this time, you need to mix the crackers every 7 minutes. Ready crackers begin to “ring”, then you can try for readiness.
  • We take out hot crackers from the oven. If there is excess oil, then remove with napkins. Ready bread should cool to room temperature. Safe snacks are ready!

How to fry croutons with garlic in a pan?

We offer a recipe for crackers with garlic in a pan.


  • Rye bread
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 3 art. l. vegetable oil (preferably olive oil)
  • 5 garlic cloves

Cooking technology:

  • Cut the loaf as you like. The shape can be any: cubes or sticks.
  • We put a frying pan with oil on the fire.
  • Crush the garlic with a knife and throw it into the pan. After a little holding the garlic in oil, remove it.
  • Put the sliced ​​bread into the pan. We should get one layer of bread. Fry.
  • Now it remains to put the toasted bread on a paper towel, which will absorb excess oil.
  • We fry all the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bbread in this way and salt it.

One serving of crackers is cooked in a pan for 5 minutes. At the same time, the bread is constantly mixed.

How to fry croutons with garlic in a pan

To cook crackers in the microwave, it is necessary to prepare, in addition to the bread, salt and garlic that were due for two or three days, dishes that can be used for cooking in the microwave.

  • In order not to spoil the crackers, you will have to experiment, choosing the optimal time. Power must be maximum.
  • Turn on the microwave for 2 minutes, then turn the croutons over. Turn the microwave back on for 2 minutes.
  • And repeat this until the crackers acquire a characteristic crunch. Do not turn on immediately for 5-6 minutes: the crackers will burn, and the kitchen will fill with yellow smoke, which does not disappear for a long time.

Ingredients for making croutons in the microwave:

  • loaf of rye bread
  • finely ground salt 30-40 ml
  • garlic (you can take fresh chopped or dried)
  • olive oil

Cooking technology:

  • Cut the bread into slices. After that, you can give the future croutons your preferred shape: cut into squares, triangles, cubes.
  • Pour chopped garlic into a bowl (take a few cloves first, and then try and add to taste), salt (also take a little, and then add). We mix.
  • Pour olive oil into the bottom of the bowl. Mix again.
  • Pour the sliced ​​bread into a bowl. We interfere. Let's taste it.
  • We take a form suitable for cooking in a microwave oven. We pour slices of bread soaked in oil, garlic and salt into it.
  • Reheat the sliced ​​bread slices for 2 minutes. After that, the form must be removed and the future croutons should be mixed for uniform drying.
  • After a characteristic knock appears, the crackers can be considered ready. We continue to dry them in the microwave so that they are browned.
  • We turn on the microwave for another 3 minutes, mix, then for 4 minutes and mix everything again, otherwise the croutons will burn.

If you or someone in your household is not a fan of garlic, then it can be replaced with dried onions, paprika, any mixture of spices, red pepper.

Croutons with garlic in the microwave

Crackers from Borodino bread can be prepared in 30 minutes, and the taste of the finished product will be no different from store-bought crackers. In addition, you will cook them from natural products, without dubious additives. From a loaf of Borodino bread, especially spicy croutons are obtained.


  • Borodino bread
  • garlic
  • vegetable oil 1-2 tbsp. spoons
  • ground black pepper

Cooking technology:

  • Cut the bread into slices and cut off the crust. We cut each slice into sticks.
  • We turn on the oven so that it warms up to the maximum temperature (250 degrees).
  • Grind the garlic (it is better to cut it into small pieces or grate it on a fine grater, and not use a garlic crusher to grind it so that it does not let the juice go).
  • Throw the chopped garlic into a bowl with slices of bread. Pour vegetable oil. Sprinkle salt to taste and black pepper. We interfere.
  • Pour future croutons into a baking dish and dry them at maximum power for 5 minutes. Turn off the oven and leave the crackers to reach in the cooling oven.

Video: Garlic croutons from Borodino bread

Black bread croutons with garlic

You will learn how to cook brown bread croutons by watching the video.

Video: Croutons with garlic from black bread, for beer, at home

White bread garlic croutons

The technology for making white bread crackers is similar. You only need to take the bread that was baked 2-3 days ago.

Video: Delicious crispy white bread croutons

Crackers for Caesar salad: a recipe with garlic

How to cook crispy croutons for Caesar salad, see the video.

Video: Video recipe on how to properly cook toast for Caesar salad

Croutons with garlic for beer

You can please your husband with croutons for beer, because there are no harmful additives in such a product.

Video: Chef's garlic croutons for beer

White croutons with garlic in the oven from a long loaf

Cooking croutons from a loaf.

Croutons with garlic and mayonnaise

Video: Homemade croutons with garlic sauce

Croutons with cheese and garlic in the oven

At home, you can even cook croutons with cheese.


  • a loaf of bread
  • hard cheese
  • 2-3 garlic cloves
  • olive oil (can be replaced with sunflower oil)
  • spices needed: ginger, black pepper

Cooking technology:

  • We cut the bread into slices, after that we give the future crackers the desired shape: cut into squares or cubes.
  • Grind garlic and three cheese on a grater.
  • Sprinkle chopped bread slices with spices and salt, add garlic.
  • Drizzle vegetable oil over the bread slices and sprinkle the grated cheese on top.
  • To prepare crackers, we need to turn on the microwave in the grill mode. We put crackers in the microwave for 25-30 minutes. Don't forget to mix.
  • You can also cook in the oven. It should be preheated and dried at 220 degrees for 10-15 minutes.
  • We take the pinkish, slightly dried crackers out of the oven. When the crackers dry and cool, you can treat yourself and your household to a harmless lingering product.

Croutons with garlic in a slow cooker

If you are used to cooking everything in the microwave, then this croutons recipe is for you.

Video: Video recipes - homemade crackers in a slow cooker

If you like crackers and buy them for a snack with a glass of cold beer. then I will teach you how to cook them yourself at home. Of course, today there is no shortage of their choice in supermarkets. But after reading the composition, it just becomes bad from the flavors used, E-additives and other incomprehensible terms. Therefore, if you care about your health and the health of your husband, then this recipe is for you!

It will take you a minimum of time and products to prepare homemade croutons, but you will get croutons of your own production, with natural spices and seasonings. It will make a wonderful snack for beer. In addition, such croutons can easily become one of the components of any salad. They can sprinkle pea soup. Yes, and just intercept when hungry.

If you are worried about the calorie content of crackers, then I can immediately reassure you that it exactly corresponds to the calorie content of that bread. from which they are made. Regarding the choice of bread, I note the following. Here you can use absolutely any bread: white, black, loaf or Borodino. However, culinary experts assure that the most correct bread for croutons is rye bread. Another nice bonus can be that crackers are not made from fresh bread, but only from yesterday, slightly dried. So, instead of throwing away stale bread, you can give it a second life by making croutons.

The recipe for homemade garlic croutons in the oven includes the following ingredients:

  • Any bread (I used a quarter of a black loaf)
  • Olive oil - 3 tbsp.
  • Mustard - 0.5 tsp
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Salt - to taste
  • Black ground pepper - 0.5 tsp
  • Coriander - 0.5 tsp

How to make homemade garlic croutons in the oven:

Bread cut into any size. If you are preparing croutons for beer, then their elongated shape is suitable, if for salad, then square.

Now let's prepare the dressing. To do this, squeeze the peeled garlic into a container.

Add mustard and spices. Refueling, in principle, can be any. For example, you can use ground paprika, nutmeg, herbs, Italian herbs, and more.

Add olive oil and mix well.

Place the bread in the bowl with the dressing and toss to combine.

Then place the bread on a baking sheet. You don't need to grease it with anything.

Preheat the oven to 150 degrees and send the crackers to bake for 15-20 minutes.

And voila, our croutons are ready! Lay them out on a paper towel to remove any excess oil if there is any.

I am sure that the spicy taste of homemade crackers will please the most sophisticated gourmets!

Prepare the necessary ingredients.

Pour 2-3 tablespoons of olive (or vegetable) oil into a preheated pan. Put 3-4 peeled garlic cloves, cut lengthwise, and, if desired, 1-2 sprigs of rosemary into the pan. I added rosemary, because I love it madly, but this is not necessary, and without it, crackers will be fragrant and tasty. Fry the garlic over low heat until light golden (for 2-2.5 minutes). Make sure that the garlic does not burn, otherwise the croutons will be with an unpleasant bitterness.

Then remove the garlic and rosemary from the pan, and put the slices of black bread in fragrant oil.

Fry over medium heat for 3-4 minutes on each side.

Remove the brown bread croutons from the pan and let them cool. Crackers are crispy, with a slight aroma of garlic. If you want to get a richer aroma and spicy taste, you need to peel the garlic clove and grate the crouton on one or both sides.

Dry crackers for 10 minutes at a temperature of 170 degrees. Then take out the pan, mix all the crackers and return to the oven for 10 minutes. This is necessary so that they dry evenly.

Delicious garlic croutons are ready. This option is more suitable for salads and soups.

You can also make croutons. To do this, you need to cut the crusts from slices of black bread and cut the flesh into long sticks. Put them in a heat-resistant form, not greased with oil and not covered with parchment, and send to a preheated oven.

Dry the bars for 12-14 minutes at a temperature of 170 degrees, then mix and send again for 13 minutes in the oven.

Such garlic croutons are more suitable for a snack or for first courses, as well as for beer. I really like it with various sauces, especially cheese.
All three options for making homemade black bread croutons with garlic are delicious in their own way.

Bon appetit! Cook with love!

Brown bread croutons are not only an excellent snack and addition to beer. It is also one of the components of many delicious appetizers and an invariable ingredient in mashed soups and other first courses.

Particularly tasty and undeniably useful, unlike store-bought ones, will be black bread croutons, cooked with your own hands in the oven. We will describe all the subtleties of the technological process of creating a homemade product in the recipes below.

How to make brown bread croutons in the oven - recipe


  • black bread - 1 loaf;
  • a mixture of spices and dry herbs (optional) - to taste;
  • odorless - 45 ml;
  • fine salt - to taste.


Depending on the desired aesthetic appearance and shape of crackers, we cut a loaf of brown bread into strips, sticks or cubes, but we try to ensure that the thickness of the slices does not exceed one centimeter. Of course, it will be possible to dry thicker products, but it will be problematic to crack them without causing damage to the teeth. To make it easier to cut bread thinner, we choose yesterday's or even more stale product for making crackers.

We place the prepared bread slices in a bag, pouring half a serving of sunflower oil into it and adding a little salt. If your plans are to cook not just classic crackers, but fill them with spicy flavors, then at this stage we also add the desired mixture of spices and spices. Now we put the prepared bread slices there, add the remaining butter, a little more salt and spices and collect the edges of the bag with one hand. We hold the bag with the second hand at the bottom and shake the contents gently but vigorously so that the oil, salt and spices are evenly distributed over the bread.

Now we lay out the blanks on a baking sheet in one layer, covering it with a parchment cut beforehand, and place it on the middle level of the oven heated to medium temperatures. We maintain the products to the desired degree of crunch and browning, periodically mixing the workpieces.

Delicious black bread croutons with garlic - recipe


  • black bread - 1 loaf;
  • garlic cloves or dried garlic - 7 pcs. or to taste;
  • odorless sunflower oil - 45 ml;
  • fine salt - to taste.


You can use either fresh garlic cloves or dried granulated garlic to give the croutons a garlic flavor. And the technological process of preparing such an appetizer is not much different from the previous one.

Mix dried garlic or pre-peeled garlic cloves squeezed through a press with sunflower oil, add salt, mix and let it brew for twenty to thirty minutes. After that, place the black bread cut into slices in a bag, add the prepared garlic mixture and shake thoroughly until the garlic taste is evenly distributed.

We dry the crackers in the same manner on a baking sheet in the oven, setting it in advance to a temperature of 100-120 degrees. To obtain a crispy effect, it will take about one and a half to two hours of such drying.

Black bread crackers are the best addition to a glass of cold beer. And if it is not difficult to purchase a quality drink, then choosing a delicious snack causes some difficulties. The thing is that manufacturers of crackers, as a rule, not only use them for their preparation, but also add many harmful substances. Flavorings, dyes, flavor enhancers, preservatives - it’s even scary to look at the composition of the delicacy. Such an appetizer will not only not give the expected pleasure from eating, but will also harm the body.

But you can make brown bread croutons yourself in the oven and in a frying pan. The process is so simple that even those who are far from the world of cooking can handle it.

The nutritional value

Black bread crackers are recommended to be included in your diet for people who are prone to overweight. Since the calorie content of the product is very low, it helps to get rid of excess weight. Even a small portion of crackers can satisfy the feeling of hunger. All this thanks to the fiber that is part of the product.

The snack contains vitamins B2, B6, B9, PP, E and H, which improve the functioning of the nervous system. Zinc, cobalt, copper, vanadium, phosphorus and calcium, which crackers are rich in, will also bring invaluable benefits to the body.

100 grams of crispy snack contains:

  • proteins - 16.0 g;
  • carbohydrates - 70.0 g;
  • fats - 1.0 g;
  • calories - 336 kcal.

Choice of main ingredient

How to cook brown bread croutons so that they turn out to be truly delicious? First of all, you need to choose the right main ingredient. For the production of crackers at home, rye bread in the form of a brick is suitable. It is from him that the most delicious delicacy is obtained. Such bread has a warm brown tint, it is lighter than Borodinsky, but darker than Ukrainian.

To create a snack, it is recommended to use an ingredient baked 24 hours before the start of the process. Lightly dried bread is easier to cut, crumbles less, and working with it is a real pleasure. If such a product could not be found, you can go for a little trick: put the loaf in the refrigerator with the no-frost function (air circulation) for several hours. During this time, the ingredient will reach the desired state. Another option involves cutting the product into slices and drying them in the open sun for 1-2 hours.

Recipe for black bread croutons with garlic in a frying pan

This method is useful for those who prefer not to use the oven. The process of producing delicious homemade treats will take no more than half an hour, which will surely appeal to modern housewives. During this time, you can have time to cool the beer and freeze the glasses.

To create delicious brown bread croutons you will need:

  • one large head of garlic (or two small ones);
  • one loaf of rye bread (yesterday);
  • half a teaspoon of fine salt;
  • about 50 milliliters of olive oil (can be replaced with refined vegetable oil).

Guide to making homemade treats

Divide the bread into halves, each of which is cut into slices about one centimeter thick. Now the pieces should be given the desired shape: cubes or sticks.

Peel the garlic, rinse, and then crush each clove with the flat part of a knife. Send the ingredient to the pan with olive oil. Put the container on the fire and warm its contents for 1-2 minutes. After the specified time, remove the garlic with a spoon, and put a layer of chopped bread into the fragrant oil. Fry the pieces on both sides until golden brown.

Put the finished crackers on a paper towel - it will absorb excess oil. Fry all the prepared bread in this way.

When the napkins absorb all the oil, transfer the croutons to a deep bowl and sprinkle with salt. Cover the container with a flat plate and shake vigorously. Thanks to this process, the salt is evenly distributed throughout the delicacy. Cool tasty black bread crackers to room temperature and serve with cold beer poured into ice glasses.

If the croutons are quite large, they can be fried in oil, and then rub each with a clove of garlic, cut lengthwise into two parts. For small products, this method is not suitable, because it will take a long time.

Garlic croutons in the oven

This method takes more time, however, the delicacy comes out more crispy and rich in taste. The recipe for brown bread crackers in the oven will surely appeal to true connoisseurs of homemade beer snacks.

Required products:

  • finely ground salt;
  • one loaf of rye bread;
  • 5-7 garlic cloves (depending on size)
  • three tablespoons of vegetable or olive oil.

Creating a savory snack

Turn on the oven at 100 degrees. It should warm up well.

Rinse the peeled garlic and pass through a press. Pour oil into a deep bowl. Add garlic paste and fine salt. The amount of the latter varies to your taste, usually it does not exceed half a teaspoon. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly and leave to infuse for a third of an hour.

At this time, prepare the bread according to the standard method: cut into slices, and then shape into sticks, straws, plates or cubes.

Immerse the main ingredient in the oil-garlic mixture and mix very quickly, achieving an even distribution of the liquid mass over all the rye pieces. Place the snack on a baking sheet. This should be done evenly so that the slices of bread lie in one layer. Send the baking sheet to the hot oven for two hours. Every 10-15 minutes the oven door must be opened and the contents of the baking dish stirred.

Put the finished crackers in a bowl lined with paper towels. Leave to cool completely, then transfer the croutons to a dish and serve.

Appetizer of black bread with salt

Such a delicacy will be appreciated by those who for some reason do not consume garlic. Even little kids, big hunters for store-bought treats, will eat with great pleasure croutons from black bread with salt, prepared by their mother's caring hands.

To make snacks at home you will need:

  • half a loaf of rye bread;
  • 45 milliliters of vegetable oil (olive);
  • extra salt;
  • favorite spices.

Detailed description of the process

First of all, you need to turn on the oven at 180 degrees so that it has time to warm up properly.

At this time, prepare all the ingredients. Cut the bread into cubes or strips, about 1-1.5 centimeters thick. Choose your favorite spices. Dried herbs (basil, rosemary or ready-made mixtures of Provencal / Italian spices), sweet paprika, suneli hops go well with such crackers. If the delicacy is prepared for men and all lovers of dishes “with a spark”, then you can use a mixture of peppers or dried chili.

Place the prepared bread slices in a disposable bag. Add salt and selected spices to taste. Tie up the bag so that there is enough air in it, and it looks like a small balloon. Shake and twist the bag vigorously so that all the spices are evenly distributed over the bread slices.

Untie the bag and pour vegetable oil into it. Repeat the procedure again with the "balloon". Now you need to distribute the oil over the future croutons.

Pour the contents of the package onto a baking sheet. Smooth out so that a thin and even bread layer is obtained. Send the baking sheet to the oven, which by this time should be well heated. Bake for 10-15 minutes. If the pieces are large, then the time needs to be slightly increased.

Put the finished crackers on a paper towel and let the excess oil drain. Cool and serve.

Delicacy with garlic and herbs in the oven

Another option for a very fragrant, mouth-watering and crispy snack. Black bread croutons with garlic and herbs in the oven are very spicy and spicy. Such a delicacy will be an excellent snack for beer or a great addition to pea soup.

To prepare delicious crackers you will need:

  • a brick of rye bread;
  • seven cloves of garlic;
  • a small bunch of fresh dill;
  • half a teaspoon of ground black pepper;
  • fine salt;
  • a glass of olive oil.

Making a spicy snack

In order for the oven to have time to warm up, it should be turned on at 200 degrees before proceeding with the processing of the ingredients.

Bread cut into cubes 5 × 2 centimeters.

Free the garlic from the husk, rinse, and then chop with a medium grater. Rinse the dill, dry with a towel and chop finely, after removing the stems. Pour olive oil into a suitable bowl. Add prepared dill, garlic, ground black pepper and salt to it. Mix well and leave for 5-10 minutes.

Place the slices of bread in the butter-garlic mixture. Mix quickly and thoroughly. Spread the workpiece on a baking sheet, trying to form an even layer.

Place the bread pan into the hot oven. Bake for about 15-20 minutes. During this time, mix the contents of the pan several times.

Place the hot crackers on a paper towel and set aside. Place the appetizer in a beautiful bowl and serve.

Original croutons with smoked sausage flavor

The oil perfectly absorbs the aromas of products with strong odors. So why not take advantage of this wonderful property for an appetizing snack? Crackers with the aroma of smoked sausage are not only tastier than store-bought counterparts, but also much healthier. An excellent addition to beer, first courses or your favorite movie is prepared quite simply.

Products for creating an original snack:

  • 75 milliliters of odorless vegetable oil;
  • fine salt;
  • ground hot pepper;
  • 50 grams of dry smoked sausage with a pronounced aroma;
  • loaf of rye bread.

Cooking guide for "sausage" croutons

Prepare an impromptu marinade: cut dry sausage into very small pieces and lightly fry in a pan. After heat treatment, the aroma of the product will become stronger. Combine hot pieces of sausage with odorless oil. Add salt according to your taste. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly and leave for 30-40 minutes. During this time, the sausage will give all its flavor to the vegetable oil.

While the mixture is infused, prepare the rest of the products and turn on the oven at 150 degrees. Bread cut into cubes, a little more than a square centimeter in size. Put the pieces on a baking sheet and put in a preheated oven for 10-15 minutes.

Send a clean pan to the fire. When the dishes are well heated, decant the present oil into it. Pieces of sausage should not fall into the pan. When the oil starts to crackle, put the finished croutons into it. Fry, stirring constantly for 2-3 minutes. The oil should be completely absorbed into the crackers.

Place the finished snack on a napkin so that the remaining fat is absorbed. Cool and place in a bag. Add ground hot pepper, tie off and shake vigorously. If spicy dishes are not to your liking, you can safely skip the last stage.

Put the cooled crackers on a plate and serve.

On a note

Those who like to enjoy a delicious snack, but prefer to do it with the least consequences for their body, will certainly like recipes for homemade crackers. And some recommendations will allow you to cook croutons even more tasty and original:

  • White bread can also be used to create croutons. The French baguette is considered the most suitable.
  • By experimenting with spices and foods, you can come up with many new flavors that every member of the family will love.
  • The number of ingredients can be safely changed at your discretion.
  • You should not overexpose the crackers in the oven, they can not only burn, but also become too hard. When a crust has formed on the surface of the snack, and inside they are soft, they can be safely removed from the oven. Crackers will reach the desired state thanks to the air.
