
How long to fry thin slices of pork. How long to fry pork meat in a pan

How long to fry pork in a pan by time

How much do you need to fry pork so as not to fear for your health? And that's exactly the question. Pork is one of our favorite types of meat. And although many argue about whether it is possible to eat it while losing weight, just as about whether it is possible to eat carrots on a diet, for many this meat has been and is a staple food.

The question of how much to fry pork is not asked by experienced chefs, and here's why. The doneness levels of meat, which refer to well-known steak doneness, have nothing to do with pork. This meat often contains helminths, so the answer to the question of how long to fry pork, you need to answer only this way: until fully cooked.

How to choose meat for pork steak?

To cook a tasty and juicy pork steak at home, it is better to choose meat from the neck of a pig carcass, pork tenderloin or ham meat with a small amount of veins.

The meat is cut into pieces with an average thickness of 2.5 - 3.5 cm across the fibers.

How to prepare pork?

Pork is distinguished by the presence of fatty layers, which is exactly what many people love. But, these layers are not always enough for the meat to remain juicy when you finish frying it. So, marinating it is a must. So you can soften the pork, and in the end you will get it much more tender and juicy. Before you apply the marinade to a piece of pork, be sure to beat it off a little. In addition, cut the edges of the pork and the entire surface of the piece a little.

You should get intersecting cuts, which will eventually give you small diamonds. So the marinade will penetrate deeper into the piece of pork, and besides this, the piece itself practically does not deform during frying, because you have cut its connective tissues. In this case, the juice will remain inside the piece, and will not flow out of it.

How to fry a pork steak so that it is juicy and tasty?

After the meat for the steak is selected, you can start cooking it. Consider a good recipe for pork steak, using which you can cook delicious fried and juicy meat:

  • If the meat was frozen, it must be thawed in advance by moving it from the freezer to the common compartment of the refrigerator 10-12 hours before cooking.
  • We cut a piece of meat into blanks for a steak across the fibers into pieces 2.5 - 3.5 cm thick. If juice (blood) flows from the meat, it can be blotted with a paper towel before frying.
  • Heat a frying pan over high heat (you can use any, a grill pan or a non-stick pan is perfect). Add sunflower oil to the pan and heat it well (it is important to start frying the steak in a well-heated pan).
  • We spread the meat in a pan and fry for 5 minutes on one side (the meat should be well fried until a beautiful crust forms), then turn it over to the other side and also fry for 5 minutes.
  • After the meat is turned over, salt and pepper it. You don't need to cover the pan with a lid!
  • When the steak is fried on both sides, look at its edges (if the pieces of meat were thick, then the steak may be slightly undercooked along the edges, in which case we fry the edges by placing the pieces of meat on the edge, leaning them against the edges of the pan). We set aside the pan with ready-made steaks from the heat and cover with a lid and leave it in this form for another 5-10 minutes so that the steaks “reach”.
  • That's all! Delicious and juicy pork steaks - ready! Enjoy your meal!

How long to fry pork in a pan

Here it is necessary to imagine how to fry pork correctly, and how much, otherwise, most likely, this is exactly how you end up with a piece of pork. To prepare a dish such as pork fried with onion, you need to take a tenderloin or any other soft meat, always fresh and not frozen before. Pour a little oil into the pan, cut the meat into pieces about 3 centimeters.

Fry the meat until golden brown on all sides, and when it begins to blush - salt and pepper. If this is done earlier, then the pork will release juices and will not taste good. At about the same time, add a lot of chopped onion to the meat. How long do you need to fry pork in a pan for time, look at the meat. After about 10-15 minutes, the onion will become transparent, and the meat will acquire a beautiful even golden color.

How much more time to fry the pork until cooked, check with a fork, the meat is ready, but you can cover it with a lid and turn it off after 5 minutes. In total, the process, how long you will fry the pork in a pan until cooked, will take you 30-45 minutes.

And if you want to cook chops, then the meat should be fried for 5 minutes on each side.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of meat. It is better to buy not frozen pork, but chilled, as in this case it will be clear how fresh and high-quality the product you are purchasing. Ideally, pork should be a soft pink or reddish color, without a strong odor.

How long?

If it is at this temperature that you fry pork, that is, you can do it without any fear. But if you are not sure whether the piece inside has reached such a temperature, then after frying the pork first in a pan, send the chop also to the oven. Hold it there for 10 minutes, maybe 15. Here everything is determined by the size of the piece and the characteristics of the oven itself.

Pork can also be cooked in the oven. To do this, pieces of meat are beaten off, rubbed with salt and pepper, rolled in flour and laid out on a baking sheet, previously greased with melted lard. Sprinkle with shredded cheese on top and place in a preheated oven. The meat will be ready in 20-30 minutes.

Pork should be fried in a pan over medium heat for 15 minutes.


Pork can also be baked in foil. To do this, take a large piece of meat, rub it with salt and pepper, coat with mayonnaise and, wrapped in foil, place in a preheated oven. After 30-40 minutes the meat will be ready.

Pork is a generally recognized leader in the content of nutrients, for example, it contains all the B vitamins. Studies show that pork is digested somewhat harder than other types of meat. The daily norm for an adult should not exceed 200 grams of pork. The most useful is meat cooked in the oven.

How long to grill pork skewers

  • ribs - 20-25 minutes;
  • tenderloin - 25-30 minutes.

At the same time, the meat on the skewer must be constantly turned over so that it is evenly browned on the coals from all sides. It is also worth remembering how much to fry pork on the grill - turn it over at least 3 times, cooking time will be about 25-30 minutes for large pieces, steak - 15-20 minutes.

How long to fry pork chops

To prepare meatballs, you need to make a batter, then fry the meatballs until cooked on both sides until golden brown. How long to fry pork chops - until golden brown. To do this, pour oil into the pan and heat it well. Then roll the meatballs in batter, and put in a pan. When browned on one side, turn over and fry until done.

How long to fry pork meatballs - 10 minutes on one side over medium heat, and 7-8 minutes on the other.

What is the best piece of meat to fry in a pan?

A cut of pork for frying is not suitable for any. The best option is to choose a loin. It is from it that the most delicious chops are obtained, cooked by frying them in a pan. The neck would also be a good option for a frying pan. The same applies to the shoulder blade, ham or brisket. It is better not to take other parts of the carcass. The option is ideal if you take pork very fresh, which has not yet been frozen.

What's the best way to fry a steak?

The pan for the pork chop needs to be well heated so that the oil in it warms up enough. Pork is not fried for a long time, 4-5 minutes on each side of the piece. During this time, a pleasant golden crust will appear on it. After that, tongs are taken, and the side parts of the piece are already fried in the same way.

What is the best marinade?

You can take your favorite meat spices and mix them with olive oil. Another option is to use dairy products. A quarter cup of marinade is enough to marinate a kilogram of pork meat well. As for the marinating time, the size of the piece plays a decisive role here.

Chops of standard sizes are usually marinated for 2 hours. So that the meat does not lose its juice, salt it immediately before putting the chops in the pan. First, salt the side of the chop that you originally put it in the pan. When you turn a piece of pork over, then salt it on the other side.

Pork with vegetables in a pan


  • 2 pcs. potato,
  • 350 g pork
  • 1 zucchini
  • 1 sweet pepper
  • seasonings to taste
  • 3 cloves of garlic.
  1. Cooking method: if you want to cook a delicious and hearty dinner for your family members, then we bring to your attention a recipe for cooking pork with vegetables.
  2. Heat the pan with the addition of sunflower oil and put the pork cut into pieces into it.
  3. Rinse the potatoes, peel them and cut them into cubes.
  4. After about fifteen minutes, add chopped potatoes to the fried pork.
  5. Rinse the sweet pepper, remove the seeds, chop it finely enough and add to the pan with meat and potatoes. Now it's time for the zucchini.
  6. Rinse and peel it, cut into small cubes and also add to the pan. Then you need to add seasonings and salt to taste, mix all the contents.
  7. Cover the pan with meat and vegetables on top, reduce the heat to a minimum and continue to simmer the dish until cooked through for twenty-five minutes.

Grilling a barbecue in a frying pan

Cooking method:

  1. When the meat is completely marinated, heat the pan with vegetable and butter in half.
  2. We heat it up very well so that the oil sizzles.
  3. We spread the pieces of pickled meat on the pan and fry until golden brown on all sides.
  4. Then fill the meat with mineral water and simmer under the lid until the liquid has completely evaporated. You need enough mineral water to completely cover the meat.
  5. After all the water has evaporated, fry the meat for a couple of minutes, stirring constantly.
  6. You can add some onion. The barbecue is ready in the pan.

Pork roast

  1. Method of preparation: the shoulder part of pork is well suited for the preparation of frying.
  2. It needs to be washed, dried and cut into medium sticks.
  3. Put the prepared meat on a preheated pan and close the pan with a lid so that unnecessary water leaves the meat. Then oil is added to the pan and the pork is fried until browned.
  4. Separately, they prepare a dressing for the dish - fry onions, carrots and tomato paste.
  5. A mixture of vegetables and tomatoes is added to the meat and kept on fire for a few more minutes.
  6. After adding seasonings, the meat can be removed from the stove and served with a side dish of potatoes, rice or pasta.

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that knowing how to cook a pork steak in a pan at home, you can independently make delicious steaks at home, both for the festive table, and just at any time for yourself and your loved ones. We leave our feedback and useful tips on how much time and how to fry a pork steak in the comments to the article and share it on social networks if it was useful to you.


Provided that you cut the meat no thicker than 1-1.5 cm, and then beat it well enough, it will be enough to fry the pork for about 7-10 minutes on each side. The fire must be medium. Keep in mind that fatty meats will cook faster. As for how long to fry pork cut into larger pieces, it can take 15 or even 20 minutes.

To make sure you cook the chops properly, poke a few holes in the meat with a knife or fork, and then lightly press down on the spot. If the blood does not come, then this meat is already cooked enough. If you wish, you can keep it in the pan for a couple more minutes for a more crispy crust, or remove from heat. Remember that if the meat is overcooked, it will become dry and tough.

Also, chops after frying can be sent for 5-7 minutes in the oven or stewed directly in the same pan under a closed lid. Only on a baking sheet / frying pan it would be better to add a little water so that the meat does not burn and is well stewed.


It is also necessary to determine how much to fry pork in cutlets, depending on the volume of each meat product. On average, 7-10 minutes per side on moderate heat is sufficient. Keep an eye on the crust - it should turn out beautiful, but you don’t need to fry too much either.

Put the fried cutlets in a separate bowl, and then transfer them to a baking dish or back to the pan to simmer them for another 10 minutes with some water on the smallest fire.


Since cracklings are prepared from the thinnest slices of pork, you need to fry them for just a couple of minutes until the golden shade of meat you need appears.

If you hold it a little longer, then the cracklings will turn out to be more crispy, and therefore be guided solely by your taste.

How long to fry pork in a pan by time step by step video recipe

We have also prepared a video for you to fully understand the step-by-step cooking process.

Cut the pork into cubes or into flat slices, salt and pepper, rub in. Pour a little oil into a heated frying pan, put the pieces of pork and fry over medium heat for 25 minutes, and if you beat the pork, it will fry in just 10 minutes.

Optional: you can fry with onions, or add sauce at the end and simmer for 10 minutes under the lid.

How to fry pork in a pan

How to fry pork chops
1. Cut the pork into pieces across the grain with a width of 1.5 centimeters.
2. Cover the pork with polyethylene to prevent splashing.
3. Beat each piece of pork from 2 sides with a food mallet.
4. Sprinkle the pork pieces with salt and pepper.
5. Heat up the pan, pour in the oil.
6. Fry the pork on each side for 7 minutes over medium heat without a lid.

How to stew pork
1. Cut the pork into 1 cm thick sticks.
2. Pour oil into a frying pan, put on medium heat.
3. Put the pork, fry for 5 minutes, stirring.
4. Add spices to taste.
5. Pour in some water or sauce, simmer the pork for another 20 minutes.
6. Salt the pork, mix, simmer for another 5 minutes.

How to fry a pork steak in a pan

Pork meat - 300 grams of lean meat (loin, neck)
Salt - 1 teaspoon without a slide
Pepper - 3 pinches
Olive oil - 1 tablespoon

How to fry pork steak
1. Wash the pork, cut across the fibers into pieces 3-4 centimeters thick, wipe with a dry cloth.
2. Rub the pork with salt and pepper, cover and refrigerate for 15 minutes.
3. Put the pan on a strong fire, pour in the oil, level it over the entire surface of the pan.
4. Put the pork steaks in a pan, fry over high heat until a golden golden crust appears for 5 minutes. Turn steaks over and cook 5 more minutes. Turn off the heat, cover the pork steaks with a lid and insist for 10 minutes.

How to fry pork with onions

1. For every pound of meat - 3 large onions.
2. Cut the pork into pieces 4 cm long and 1 cm thick.
3. Heat the pan, pour a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil, put the pork and fry it for 7 minutes.
4. While the meat is fried, peel the onion and cut into half rings.
5. Then add the onion to the meat and fry for 20 minutes over medium heat without a lid. 6. Salt and pepper the pork, cover and simmer for another 5 minutes.

How to stew pork in sour cream

1. Wash the pork (half a kilo) and cut into cubes.
2. Heat the pan and pour in the oil (3 tablespoons).
3. Put the pork, fry for 10 minutes, stirring, over medium heat without a lid.
4. Add 3 tablespoons of sour cream, half a glass of water and simmer for 20 minutes under a lid over low heat.

Marinade for pork chops

for 0.5 kilograms of pork

Honey marinade for pork
Marinade Products
Soy sauce - a third of a glass
Honey - 2 tablespoons
Garlic - 3 cloves
Cinnamon - half a teaspoon
Dried ginger - half a teaspoon

Honey, if dense, heat up, mix with soy sauce. Chop the garlic, add to the marinade along with cinnamon and ginger, and mix well. Dip the pork chops in the marinade, cover and refrigerate for 2 hours.

On garnish fried pork can be served with fried potatoes, rice, pasta and stewed vegetables.

Pork - 400 grams
Chicken eggs - 3 pieces
Flour - 1.5 tablespoons
Salt, pepper - to taste

How to fry pork chops in batter
To cook pork chops in batter, you need to cut the pork meat across the fibers (so the pork will be softer) into pieces 1 centimeter thick, beat off, salt. For batter, mix egg whites with flour and salt.

Dip the pork chops in the batter and place in the skillet. Fry pork chops in batter for 5 minutes over medium heat.

Turn the pork chops over in the batter and fry for another 10 minutes over low heat.

Pork chops in batter, juicy and tender, are ready. 🙂

To get rid of the smell of fried meat, you can put a piece of apple in the pan before cooking the meat. Once the apple has darkened, remove it from the pan. Now you can lay the meat.

How long to fry pork
An easy way to fry pork in a pan - a universal recipe and rules detailed for culinary beginners

Eating meat contributes to the saturation of fats, the feeling of hunger comes much later than if you eat only low-fat and low-calorie foods. Fresh pork meat should be a uniform pinkish color, without iridescent blotches. If the meat is darkish, then the animal was old, which means that it will take longer to cook.

When asked how much to fry pork, the most correct answer is until fully cooked. Since the pig is prone to infection with helminths, it is necessary to cook pork - fry, boil, stew - in the most thorough way. Experienced housewives, cooks do not keep track of how much time to fry pork in a pan; they determine the readiness of fried pork dishes by a uniform fried crust and aroma. If you pierce a piece of fried meat with a fork and a clear liquid of a light or slightly pinkish hue comes out of it, then delicious juicy meat is ready.

But inexperienced cooks face the problem of how long to fry the pork so that, on the one hand, it remains juicy, does not dry out, and on the other hand, to be sure that the meat is completely cooked. Let's reveal some secrets.

The cooking time of pork depends on which part of the body it is cut from. If this meat is from the neck, then it needs to be fried much faster than, for example, a piece of loin. Not coarsely chopped neck meat is fried for about 5 minutes on each side. It is better to fry on high heat.

To get juicy meat, you need to salt it immediately before use, right on the plate, or at the end of frying, when a golden crust appears. Otherwise, if the meat is salted in advance, all the juice will flow out of it and a juicy dish will no longer work.

Average frying time, regardless of body part: cut into small pieces of about 2x2 cm fry for five to seven minutes on each side. Pork, cut into thin sticks - no more than 3-5 minutes on each side.

In a barbecue, pork meat is fried over high heat, it must be turned over at least three times. Pork ribs are fried in a barbecue for about 20-25 minutes, tenderloin - up to half an hour, depending on the fire.

Pork chops in a pan should be fried until golden brown. Place the beaten meat, rolled in batter, into hot heated oil, fry over medium heat for 10 minutes. on one and 7-8 on the other side.

If the meat has been stored frozen for a long time, then it will take a little longer to cook it than fresh meat - about 5 minutes. It is necessary to lay the meat in the frying dish so that the pieces do not lie tightly, otherwise it will not be fried, but stewed meat.

If you fry pork with juicy vegetables, then it will be exceptionally juicy and fragrant. Fried meat with vegetables is called roast. First, vegetables are fried - eggplant, tomatoes, onions, if desired, you can add mushrooms - in 2-3 minutes. After the vegetables, place small meat pieces in the pan, everything is fried without covering with a lid for about 3 minutes. After frying, pour water into a bowl with meat and vegetables, cover with a lid and bring to a boil, then add herbs, spices and cook for another 10 minutes.

Very large pieces of meat are fried in a pan for up to an hour and a half. Whole pieces are better not to fry, but to stew in the oven with vegetables - it will be easier to achieve full readiness. Steak - small pieces of fillet - fry for about 5-7 minutes. on each side, over medium heat.

How long to fry pork in a pan?
Many modern housewives know that it is impossible to fry pork in a pan for a long time, as it will become hard. How much to fry pork will tell in our article.

How long to fry pork in a pan? The best recipes with photos

Fragrant roast, juicy pork steak and medallions - all these dishes by their name alone are already catching up the appetite. And in order to cook such a delicious masterpiece, you should know how to choose the right meat, what spices you need to add and how long to fry pork in a pan.

Roast pork the right way

Every housewife knows that it is not worth frying pork in a pan for a long time, because then it loses its taste and becomes dry. In principle, experienced chefs never focus on time frames, but do everything “by eye”: if a piece is evenly fried, an appetizing crust and a tempting smell appear, the pork is ready.

But if you're just starting out with the basics of culinary arts, roasting pork can be a real challenge. It often happens that the meat either remains raw on the inside and fragrant on the outside, or completely dried out. A completely logical question arises: how to fry pork correctly and how much time is needed for this?

Firstly, it all depends on the quality of the selected meat. For example, if you bought a wonderful neck piece, then it will be much easier and faster to cook it than a loin. Secondly, the size of the pieces is of great importance: small ones cook faster, large ones, respectively, longer. It is on the last point that we will focus.

Consider how long to fry pork in a pan:

  • pieces measuring 2 by 2 centimeters - 5-7 minutes,
  • thin strips - 3-5 minutes,
  • steak - 3-4 minutes on each side,
  • chop - 5 minutes on each side.

If the meat has been stored in the freezer for a long time, its cooking time should be increased by 3-5 minutes, and it is better to beat off the fillet and marinate before frying. As a marinade for pork, you can use lemon juice, vinegar or wine solution. The meat left to soak in beer for the night is very tasty.

Place the pieces in a saucepan so that they lie flat in one layer, otherwise the meat will not be fried, but stewed and it will taste completely different. But the readiness of pork can be checked by piercing it with a knife: a transparent light liquid should flow from a piece. It is impossible to cook medium-rare pork with blood, since in this form all bacteria and harmful microorganisms will remain in the meat. If you want al dente steak, choose beef for this purpose.

A whole piece of pork in a pan is not fried, but baked in the oven with vegetables and spices. As for spices, this type of meat is in harmony with black pepper, rosemary, garlic, parsley, ginger, red chili pepper.

Suppose you have planned to cook a delicious dinner, where do you start? How long to fry a pork steak in a pan or how to cook meat in slices? Pick up a notebook with a pencil and write down our recipes.

Roast with vegetables

Did you know that it is better to fry pork in a pan along with other watery vegetables? So the meat turns out to be especially tender and tasty, but most importantly, it is almost impossible to spoil such a dish. Try this delicious stir fry recipe.

  • 300 g pork fillet,
  • eggplant,
  • 2 small tomatoes,
  • chilli,
  • garlic,
  • 100 g fresh champignons,
  • 1 head of onion
  • spices.


  1. Prepare the ingredients: cut the pork into small pieces, wash the vegetables, peel the onion and garlic.
  2. Cut the mushrooms, eggplant and onion into large pieces. Finely chop the parsley and crush the garlic in a crusher.
  3. Fry the vegetables in a frying pan with a little oil for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Add the pork pieces, garlic and seasonings to the vegetables. Continue cooking uncovered for another 3 minutes.
  5. Pour a glass of warm water into the pan and bring the liquid to a boil.
  • Now add parsley, small pieces of chili pepper and simmer under the lid for 8-10 minutes.
  • To the rest of the ingredients we will send slices of tomatoes, salt and pepper the dish. Continue cooking for 2-3 minutes.
  • Delicious roast with vegetables is ready. We put it on a plate and serve it to the table. Bon appetit!
  • Juicy steak

    Another successful recipe with a photo shows us how pork is fried in a pan in the form of steaks. Usually such pieces are recommended to be baked on a grill or a special grill. But even with the help of an ordinary frying pan, it is not difficult to cook a really worthy dish.

    • 4 pieces of pork fillet for steak,
    • 1 st. l. oils,
    • spices and spices - to taste.


    1. Remove the meat for chops from the refrigerator and defrost if necessary.
    2. Rinse the pieces in cool water and pat dry with paper towels.
    3. Season the steaks on each side with salt and pepper. Add other spices such as garlic, thyme, or curry if you like.
    4. Place pork steak in hot skillet with melted butter. Fry the meat over medium heat for 5-7 minutes.
  • Then turn the chop on the other side and continue cooking for the same amount of time.
  • Transfer the finished steak to a plate and, if desired, garnish with lettuce, herbs or vegetables. Bon appetit!
  • Good day, my dear cooks! Did you know that the history of the beloved juicy steak goes back to ancient Rome? Yes, yes, it was then that large pieces of meat began to be fried on fire. True, they did it not for food, but for sacrifice. Today, steak is a popular dish. But not everyone can cook it. There are so many subtleties and nuances. But don't be afraid. This can be learned. I will tell you how to fry a pork steak in a pan.

    Until recently, steak was cooked exclusively from beef. But "progress", as you know, affects all areas of life and cooking is no exception. Therefore, today you can cook it from anyone, even from an antelope. But today we will cook pork steak.

    When buying pork, pay attention to its color. It should be pinkish, without iridescent tints. The darker the meat offered to you, the older the animal. Also note its "marbling". This term refers to the uniform distribution of fat throughout the meat. But fatness and "marbling" are not the same thing. For steak, try to choose such cuts of pork, where there will be an optimal amount of fat, but not excessive.

    The tenderloin steak is guaranteed to be the softest and juiciest. She has soft meat that is difficult to spoil

    Just pre-cut the film from the meat. It is quite easy to remove with a knife.

    But the choice of pork is only part of the story. A perfect steak has 3 ingredients:

    1. Take it out of the refrigerator 20 minutes before cooking. And then you get cold meat inside with a burnt crust.
    2. The piece of meat that you cook should be thick. Not less than 2.5 cm, but not more than 4 cm.
    3. If you have purchased uncut pork, you need to properly cut the steaks. Remember that you only need to cut them across the fibers!

    How long to cook

    And how long to fry the meat depends on what kind of steak you want to get. Love the delicacy "raw", which means that the fried piece can be thicker. Yes, and meat provides for different degrees of roasting:

    Minimum done (very rare)- On each side, fry the meat for no more than 1-2 minutes. Pork remains bluish-pink on the cut, and the texture is tender. Cooked meat is slightly warm inside.

    Rare (rare)- cook on each side for 2-3 minutes. In this case, the texture of the meat will remain soft and porous. And on the cut, the piece will have a red color.

    Medium (medium)- the most common way to fry meat: it is a little bloody. Fry for about 4 minutes on one side, and then turn the piece over. And cook the second side for 3-4 minutes. As a result, the meat will have a firm texture and retain a reddish color in the center.

    Well done steak (welldone) Cook each side for at least 3 minutes. In this case, pork should be fried over high heat. After that, the meat is brought on low heat for 6-8 minutes. The finished steak has a dense texture and a uniform brownish tint.

    Do you want to learn how to cook steaks like in a restaurant? The recipes I prepared with photos and videos will help you with this. For softness and juiciness of meat, you can marinate it. Here is a selection of 5 proven pickling options.

    Step-by-step recipe with photo of pork steak with spices

    An easy way to cook pork meat. By beating the pork, the meat is so tender and soft. And it is prepared with a minimum of oil.

    • 2 pieces of pork;
    • salt;
    • pepper;
    • Provencal herbs;
    • spicy paprika;
    • olive oil.

    Cut the meat up to 2 cm thick and beat it well with a kitchen hammer. The best way to do this is to wrap the meat in cling film. So the fibers soften and the meat will cook faster and be softer. Sprinkle with herbs and spices on both sides.

    Grease a grill pan with a thin layer of olive oil. Lay out the chopped pork pieces. Fry on both sides until brown and characteristic stripes from the grooves of the grill pan.

    Serve with boiled potatoes, tomatoes and lightly salted cucumbers.

    How to cook pork loin steak on the bone

    In order for the meat in the pan to turn out delicious, you must first marinate it in spices. In this recipe, we will prepare a marinade from lemon zest, garlic and chili peppers.

    • 2 pork loins on the bone (about 2 cm thick);
    • 1 tsp red chili pepper;
    • zest of 1/2 lemon;
    • 2 large cloves of garlic;
    • ground black pepper - to taste;
    • 4 tbsp. l. olive oil;
    • salt - to taste.

    Rinse the meat and pat dry with paper towels.

    Finely chop the garlic and chili pepper. Pour olive oil into a bowl, add chopped garlic, chili pepper, grated zest of half a lemon. If you have sage leaves, tear them into small pieces and add to the marinade. Stir the finished filling.

    In this marinade, roll the meat on all sides and set aside for at least 30 minutes. This way it absorbs the flavor better.

    Grill in a pan on each side so that the meat is well cooked. At the end of cooking or on a plate, sprinkle with salt to taste.

    Delicious and quick pork steak recipe

    Juicy, fragrant pieces of meat with garlic and fragrant spices, fried in a pan. What could be better for a delicious lunch or dinner?

    • 3 pieces of soft boneless pork;
    • 3 tbsp olive oil
    • salt and pepper - to taste;
    • garlic oil.

    Cut the pork pieces into 2 cm thick slices. If you have them in the refrigerator, take them out 30 minutes before frying. Meat should be at room temperature. Grease future steaks with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Let them marinate for 30 minutes. Heat the grill pan well and lay out the pieces of meat.

    Grill the steaks for about 7-10 minutes. Depends on their thickness and size. On both sides, they should acquire a golden brown hue, as in the photo.

    At the end of cooking, put a piece of garlic butter on each chop. To do this, mix softened butter with chopped garlic and dry herbs. And then put it in the refrigerator. After frying, put this garlic oil on the pieces of meat for literally 2 minutes. The steaks will “rest” and acquire a fragrant taste.

    Ready-made pork steaks are great friends with vegetable salad or baked potatoes. Or you can make your own delicious burger. It will turn out much tastier than store-bought 🙂

    How to grill tenderloin in a grill pan

    For this delicacy, take:

    • 400 gr tenderloin;
    • frying oil.

    Delicious recipe from Gordon Ramsay

    For this gourmet pork take:

    • 2 steaks;
    • spices for meat or just ground pepper;
    • salt;
    • oil for frying;
    • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
    • 20 gr butter;
    • good mood 😉

    I'll tell you a secret: this is a recipe from Gordon Ramsay. It is very easy to cook it. First of all, season the meat with spices and salt it.

    For frying, you can use a regular non-stick frying pan. As soon as it warms up well, pour in the oil. And then put the steaks on the hot oil, just away from the sides of the dishes. The meat will begin to sizzle in the pan. Do not be afraid!) This is how it should be.

    After a minute, turn the pork over with tongs. Literally after 30 seconds, you will see that the meat has acquired a golden color. If the thickness of the pieces is large, then put the pieces of meat sideways to the pan and fry too.

    Then add garlic. You don't need to clean it. Just lightly press on the cloves and send to the pan. Turn the meat every minute to prevent burning. This way it will cook evenly. If necessary, you can add a little more vegetable oil for frying.

    Next, take the butter and put it on the meat. Let it soak the steaks. Spoon melted butter over almost cooked meat. And rub the pork with fried garlic. When the steaks are ready, put them on a plate and cut.

    To better understand all the intricacies of cooking, see the detailed step-by-step recipe. Here is a link to youtube

    How do you fry steaks? If you post your signature recipe with a photo in the comments, I will be very grateful to you 🙂 I like something new and unusual. And if you want to be the first to know about my culinary discoveries, do not forget to subscribe to updates. I take my leave and say: bye-bye!

    Almost everyone loves pork. There are many recipes for its preparation. Every modern housewife has her own. Going to the market or to the store, be patient, because you need to choose the freshest meat. It can be distinguished by its appearance and smell. The lighter the meat, the younger it is. It depends on how much you need to fry the pork.

    What to choose?

    There is a very rich choice on the shelves, but you should definitely know which part of the carcass is best suited for cooking. If you are going to fry meat or stew, then the back of the pig is best. The word "Pulp" will be written on the price tag. Well, loin is suitable for cutlets and schnitzels. Kebabs are best made from pork neck. It has a fatty layer that makes them juicy and tasty. Fans of boiled meat will need a spatula. It will be optimal for this cooking method!

    Pork cooking

    Few people know how much to fry pork in a pan. This time varies (depending on the age of the animal). It is better to cut pork across the fibers. You need to understand that you can try it only at the very end, as there is a danger of infection with bacteria contained in poorly fried pork. Therefore, you need to withstand about twenty minutes. To make the pork soft, you need to stew it a little more by adding water. Salt should be at the very end, as the meat secretes juice from the salt and can turn out to be dryish. The softness of the meat directly depends on how much to fry the pork in a pan.

    Important nuances
