
Nice strong alcoholic drinks. List of spirits of the world

Alcohol - how different it can be. Wine, beer, liqueurs, cognacs, tinctures, vodka - this is not a complete list of alcoholic beverages that are consumed in our country. But strong alcoholic drinks are especially popular with us. And what is the strongest alcoholic drink in the world?

1. Polish vodka Spirytus This drink is not for the weak. Only a person with good health and a clear desire to forget everything that will happen to him the rest of the day can master 92% of alcohol. There are a whole carload of side effects from drinking such a drink - from blindness to the failure of any organ.

2. And in the United States of America there is alcohol and stronger, however, it was banned in 13 states. - this is the name of this devilish water, which has neither a specific smell nor taste. That is why it is added to cocktails, from which it literally "blooms the roof."

is a "double vodka" from New Jersey. It is exactly twice as strong as the fiery water familiar to us, the Slavs.

The strength of this drink ranges from 50 to 80 percent. There are a lot of recipes for absinthe, but this does not prevent it from being the most popular of the strongest drinks in the world.

5. Rum from Puerto Rico - mainly used for making cocktails. But there are also daredevils who dare to experience the full strength of 75.5% alcohol. By the way, this is the only rum that is corked with refractory lids.

What is your strongest drink? Maybe grandmother's balm, made according to a secret old recipe? You can find out how to drink balms correctly here http://alcofan.com/kultura-upotrebleniya-balzamov.html. But do not forget - alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health!

All over the world there are a considerable number of types of strong alcoholic beverages, there is also a very strong beer. Today is Friday and the Night "INFORMER" decided to figure out which of the alcoholic drinks is the strongest and why.

Continuous distillation has long been the most efficient and best method of making spirits. This method was invented back in the nineteenth century. In the preparation and distillation of strong alcohol, different raw materials are used, which largely determines what product will turn out in the end. Due to the peculiarities of the local flavor, different types of strong alcoholic drinks appeared.

Distillation is a method for obtaining strong alcohol. In Russia and Poland, vodka is made using wheat for this. Rum is produced in sugarcane-rich Latin America. Tequila and mezcal are made in Mexico from blue agave. Southern Europe is famous for cognac and brandy, for the preparation of which grapes growing there are used. In places where the climate is colder, potatoes are used in the production of strong drinks, resulting in whiskey and aquavit.

There are the following types of spirits: tequila, gin, cognac, calvados, brandy, mezcal, rum, armagnac, sake, absinthe, vodka. They can be divided into those that are necessarily aged according to technology (whiskey and cognac) and unaged drinks (grappa, gin, vodka). But aquavits, brandies and rums can be aged or not aged, depending on the technology.

Alcoholic drinks stronger than 40 degrees

Strong alcoholic drinks are presented to a person in a wide variety. We are talking about drinks that are stronger than forty degrees. So, a drink prepared on the basis of wormwood is called absinthe. The alcohol content in it is from seventy percent. It is this alcoholic drink that is considered not just a drink, but a narcotic and hallucinogenic drug. For a long time it was banned in many countries. Only since the end of last year, absinthe began to return, once again gaining popularity.

The strength of gin is in the range from forty-six to fifty-five degrees. Its second name is juniper vodka. The drink is obtained by distilling wheat alcohol with juniper. It is usually used in cocktails. Italian grappa resembles whiskey. It is made from grape pomace, and the fortress varies from forty to sixty degrees. Grappa is also compared to the Spanish drink Orujo and Georgian Chacha.

A strong drink like armagnac, similar to cognac, is prepared from grape spirit. This is essentially brandy, it is valued even more than cognac. Its fortress is forty-fifty-five degrees.

Alcoholic drinks that are stronger than forty degrees also include vodka, brandy, tequila, whiskey, rum, etc. In addition to these well-known types of strong drinks, there are unusual, exotic ones. Chicha is such, her homeland is Latin America.

To prepare this drink, local women have to chew dry maize grains. All this is then poured with water and insisted until the maize ferments. Experts believe that chicha causes the longest and worst hangover. The strength of the drink is more than forty degrees.

Another example of a non-standard drink is rat wine, which is made in China. Its fortress is fifty-seven degrees. To prepare a drink, newborn rats that have not yet opened their eyes are poured with rice vodka.

However, in addition to traditionally strong drinks, there is also beer that can compete with many alcoholic drinks. The strongest beer was brewed in 2012 by the Scottish brewery Brewmeister. The strength of this beer with the name "Armageddon" is equal to sixty-five degrees. The beer has a rich aroma. It is made from oatmeal, wheat, caramel malt based on Scottish spring water.

In 2013, the same brewery brewed an even stronger beer called Snake Venom. The alcohol content in it is sixty-seven and a half percent. Strong beer has hop aroma, malty body and strong alcohol notes.

What is stronger: whiskey, cognac or vodka?

Alcoholic drinks differ in the degree of strength. So in vodka - forty percent alcohol. It is prepared from ethyl alcohol and water. Today it is one of the most popular alcoholic beverages in the world.

Another strong alcoholic drink that is on a par with vodka is cognac. Unlike vodka, it is made from grapes. The strength of this drink is from forty to forty-two degrees. Whiskey is considered one of the most noble drinks. Its fortress is usually in the range of forty-fifty degrees, but there are varieties whose fortress reaches sixty.

The strongest alcohol in the world:

There is alcohol in America that is currently banned in thirteen states. Its name is Everclear or devil's water. The drink is prepared on the basis of corn or wheat alcohol, and the alcohol content in it is ninety-five percent.

Rarely consumed on its own, the odorless and colorless Devil's Water is added as an ingredient to various cocktails. Records are set not only by strong alcohol. According to uznayvse.ru, a bottle of not the strongest Inglenook Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley wine costs $20,000 per bottle. But there is wine that is ten times more expensive.

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Even in ancient times, people learned to produce a variety of alcoholic beverages. The list of names includes a huge number of species and varieties. They differ mainly in the raw materials from which they were prepared.

List of low-alcohol alcoholic drinks

. Beer- a low-alcohol drink, obtained by fermenting hops, malt wort and brewer's yeast. The alcohol content in it is 3-12%

. Champagne- sparkling wine obtained by secondary fermentation. Contains alcohol 9-20%.

. Wine- an alcoholic beverage obtained by fermentation of yeast and grape juice of various varieties, the names of which, as a rule, are present in the name. The alcohol content is 9-20%.

. Vermouth- fortified wine, flavored with spicy and medicinal plants, the main component is wormwood. Fortified wines contain 16-18% alcohol.

. Sake- Japanese traditional alcoholic drink. Obtained by fermentation of rice, rice malt and water. The strength of this drink is 14.5-20% vol.

Strong liquor

. Tequila. The traditional Mexican product is obtained from the juice extracted from the core of the blue agave. "Silver" and "Golden" tequila are especially common alcoholic drinks. The list can be continued with such names as "Sauza", "Jose Cuervo" or "Sierra". The best taste is considered to be a drink with an exposure of 4-5 years. The alcohol content is 38-40%.

. Sambuca. A strong Italian liqueur based on alcohol and essential oil derived from anise. White, black and red sambuca are in the greatest demand. Fortress - 38-42%.

. Liqueurs. Strong sweet alcoholic drinks. The list can be divided into 2 categories: cream liqueurs (20-35%), dessert (25-30%) and strong (35-45%).

. Cognac. A strong alcoholic drink based on cognac spirit obtained by distillation of wine. Distillation takes place in special copper cubes, the product is subject to subsequent aging in oak barrels for at least two years. After diluting alcohol with distilled water, it acquires a strength of 42-45%.

. Vodka. Refers to strong drinks with an alcohol content of 35-50%. It is a mixture of water and alcohol, which is made from natural products by fermentation followed by distillation. The most popular drinks: vodka "Absolute", "Wheat", "Capital".

. Brandy. An alcoholic drink made from fermented grape juice by distillation. The alcohol content in it is 30-50%.

. Gin. A strong alcoholic drink with a unique taste, obtained by distillation of wheat alcohol and juniper. To enhance the taste, natural additives may be present in it: lemon or orange peel, anise, cinnamon, coriander. The strength of gin is 37.5-50%.

. Whiskey. A strong drink that is made by fermenting, distilling and aging cereals (barley, corn, wheat, etc.). Aged in oak barrels. Contains alcohol in the amount of 40-50%.

. Rum. One of the strongest alcoholic drinks. It is made on the basis of alcohol aged in barrels for at least 5 years, due to which it acquires a brown color and a burning taste. The strength of rum varies from 40 to 70%.

. Absinthe. A very strong drink with an alcohol content of 70 to 85%. It is based on alcohol, wormwood extract and a set of herbs such as anise, mint, licorice, calamus and some others.

Here are the main alcoholic drinks. This list is not final, it can be continued with other names. However, all of them will be derived from the main composition.

Types of alcoholic drinks

All drinks containing ethanol in varying amounts, also known as alcohol, are called alcoholic beverages. Basically they are divided into three classes:

3. Strong alcoholic drinks.

Bread kvass. Depending on the manufacturing method, it may contain from 0.5 to 1.5% alcohol. Prepared on the basis of malt (barley or rye), flour, sugar, water, it has a refreshing taste and bread aroma.

Proper beer. It is made from almost the same ingredients as kvass, but with the addition of hops and yeast. Regular beer contains 3.7-4.5% alcohol, but there is still strong beer, where this percentage rises to 7-9 units.

Kumis, ayran, bilk. Drinks based on fermented milk. May contain up to 4.5% alcohol.

Energy alcoholic drinks. They contain tonic substances: caffeine, guarana extract, cocoa alkaloids, etc. The alcohol content in them ranges from 7-8%.

Second category

Natural grape wines. Depending on the sugar content and the variety of the main raw materials, they are divided into dry, semi-dry, sweet and semi-sweet, as well as white and red. The names of the wines also depend on the grape varieties used: "Riesling", "Rkatsiteli", "Isabella" and others.

Natural fruit and berry wines. They can be made from various berries and fruits and are also classified by sugar content and color.

Special grades

These include Madeira, Vermouth, Port, Sherry, Cahors, Tokay and others. These wines are made by special methods and in a specific wine-growing area. In Hungary, in the manufacture of Tokay, a “noble” mold is used, which allows the berries to dry right on the vine. In Portugal, Madeira is aged in special solariums under the open sun; in Spain, sherry matures under a yeast film.

Table, dessert and fortified wines. The former are prepared using natural fermentation technology, the latter are very sweet and flavored, and the third are fortified with alcohol to the desired degree. They can all be red, pink and white in color.

Champagne and other sparkling wines. Of these, French is the most popular, but in other countries there are no less worthy drinks, for example, Portuguese spumante, Spanish cava or Italian asti. Sparkling wines are distinguished by their special appearance, delicate aroma, and interesting taste. Their main difference from still wines is playful bubbles. The color of the drinks can be pink and white, but sometimes there are sparkling red wines. According to the sugar content, they are divided into dry, semi-dry, semi-sweet and sweet. The quality of a wine is determined by the number and size of the bubbles, how long they last and, of course, how they taste.

These types of alcoholic beverages have a strength of not more than 20% vol.

The third and largest category

Vodka. An alcoholic beverage made from cereals containing 40% alcohol. By way of continuous distillation, a new product was obtained at one time, called Absolut vodka, and its producer, Lare Olsen Smith, was awarded the title of "king of vodka". Sometimes this drink is infused with herbs, citrus fruits or nuts. Made using Swedish technology from high-purity alcohol, vodka rightfully occupies one of the first places in the rating of alcoholic beverages in this category. It is used to make various cocktails.

Tinctures bitter. They are obtained by insisting vodka or alcohol on aromatic spices, herbs or roots. Fortress 25-30 degrees, but can rise up to 45 degrees, for example, "Pepper", "Stark" or "Hunting".

Sweet drinks

The tinctures are sweet. They are prepared on the basis of alcohol or vodka, mixed with fruit drinks and sugar, the content of which can reach 25%, while the alcohol content usually does not exceed 20%. Although some drinks are stronger, for example, the Excellent tincture contains 40% alcohol.

Pouring. They differ in that they are made on the basis of fresh berries or fruits without yeast, but with the addition of strong vodka and a large amount of sugar. These types of alcoholic drinks are very thick and sweet. The name of the liqueurs tells what they are made of: plum, dogwood, strawberry. Although there are strange names: "spotykach", "casserole". They contain 20% alcohol and 30-40% sugar.

Liqueurs. Thick, very sweet and strong drinks. They are made by mixing molasses or sugar syrup with alcohol infused with various herbs, spices, essential oils and other aromatic substances. There are dessert liqueurs - with an alcohol content of up to 25%, strong - 45% and fruit and berry, with a strength of 50%. Any of these varieties requires exposure from 3 months to 2 years. The name of alcoholic beverages indicates what aromatic additives were used in the preparation of the product: Vanilla, Coffee, Raspberry, Apricot, and so on.

Strong grape drinks

Cognacs. They are made on the basis of cognac spirits, and spirits are obtained by fermentation of various grape varieties. One of the first places in the line is occupied by Armenian cognac. The most popular is "Ararat", "Nairi", "Armenia", "Jubilee" are no less famous. Of the French, the most popular are Hennessy, Courvoisier, Martel, Hain. All cognacs are divided into 3 categories. The first includes ordinary drinks aged for 3 years. The second is vintage cognacs, which have a minimum aging period of 6 years. The third includes drinks-long-lived, called collection. Here the shortest exposure is 9 years.

French, Azerbaijani, Russian, Armenian brandy is produced and sold by cognac houses founded more than one century ago and still dominating the market.

Grappa. Italian vodka based on grape pomace, aged in oak or cherry barrels from 6 months to 10 years. The value of the drink depends on the aging period, the grape variety and the place where the vine grows. Grappa's relatives are Georgian chacha and South Slavic brandy.

Very strong liquor

Absinthe- one of them. Its main component is an extract of bitter wormwood. The essential oils of this plant contain the substance thujone, which is the main component of the drink. The more thujone, the better the absinthe. The price directly depends on the percentage of this substance and on the originality of the drink. Along with wormwood, absinthe includes anise, mint, angelica, licorice and other herbs. Whole wormwood leaves are sometimes placed at the bottom of the bottles to confirm the naturalness of the product. Thujone in absinthe can contain from 10 to 100%. By the way, the drink is presented in two varieties - silver and gold. So, “golden” absinthe, the price of which is always quite high (from 2 to 15 thousand rubles per liter), is banned in Europe precisely because of the large amount of the substance mentioned above, reaching 100%. The usual color of the drink is emerald green, but it can be yellow, red, brown and even transparent.

Rum. Prepared by fermentation from the residual products of sugar cane - syrup and molasses. The quantity and quality of the product depends on the type and type of raw materials. The following types of rum are distinguished by color: Cuban "Havana", "Varadero" (light or silver); gold or amber; Jamaican "Captain Morgan" (dark or black); Martinican (made only from cane juice). The strength of the rum is 40-75 gr.

Strong drinks with fruit juice

Calvados. One of the varieties of brandy. For the preparation of the product, 50 varieties of apples are used, and for uniqueness, a pear blend is added. Then the fruit juice is fermented and clarified by double distillation and brought to 70 degrees. Aged in oak or chestnut barrels from 2 to 10 years. Then, with softened water, the fortress is reduced to 40 o.

Gin, Balsam, Aquavit, Armagnac. They are also included in the third category, since alcohol is present in all of them. These are all strong alcoholic drinks. Prices for them depend on the quality of alcohol ("Lux", "Extra"), the strength and aging of the drink, the brand and the constituent components. Many contain extracts of aromatic herbs and roots.

Homemade drinks

Homemade moonshine is also a prominent representative of strong alcoholic beverages. Craftsmen make it from different products: it can be berries, apples, apricots or other fruits, wheat, potatoes, rice, any jam. Sugar and yeast must be added to them. All of this is shattered. Then, by distillation, a strong drink is obtained with an alcohol content of up to 75%. For greater purity of the product, a double distillation can be done. Home-made moonshine is purified from fusel oils and other impurities by filtration, then it (optional) is either insisted on various herbs, nuts, spices, or diluted with fruit drinks, essences, juices. With proper preparation, this drink will not yield to various vodkas and tinctures in terms of taste.

Finally, I would like to remind you of two simple rules, following which you will be able to maintain your health and not be bored in a cheerful company: do not abuse alcohol and do not spend money on low-quality drinks. And then everything will be fine.

Alcoholic products have gained considerable popularity in many countries. The assortment is so huge that the eyes run up from all this diversity. Types of alcoholic beverages are divided into strong, medium and weak (light). They can be completely diverse: elite (premium class), domestic, dangerous and safe. It is very difficult to draw up a single system of alcoholic beverages, but we will try to consider many of the most popular types of alcohol.

Alcoholic beverages are products made from ethanol and obtained by fermentation. Alcoholic beverages are produced from raw materials such as:

  • Barley, corn, rye, wheat, millet, rice.
  • Grapes, apples, plums, pears, pineapples, apricots.
  • Potato, sugar cane, agave, sweet potato.

Also, during the manufacturing process, various spices, herbs, honey, flavors, dyes, and so on are added.

True connoisseurs tend to try all the alcoholic drinks in the world. Each country has its own national alcoholic drinks. The main thing to remember: in all states, the use of any alcohol is regulated by law and is limited to a certain age.

Strong alcohol

The strength of such products varies from 21% and can reach 80% alcohol content. The range of alcoholic beverages is represented by well-known and common types of intoxicating products.

List of the strongest alcoholic drinks in the world:

Alcoholic drinks with a lot of ethanol should be consumed only on special holidays and in small doses. They are also the highest in calories.

Medium strength alcohol

Some types of this alcohol are made from or include various fruits or fruit juices, including grapes. And as you know, grapes contain a huge amount of vitamin B, C, P and other useful trace elements. Grape juice is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, inflammation of the respiratory tract, asthma, pleurisy.

List of medium strength liquor:

Less strong types of alcohol not only do not harm health, but are often used as prophylactic agents against various diseases.

Low alcohol products

And finally, the most harmless alcohol with an alcohol content of no more than 6–8%:

Low-alcohol drinks cause the least harm to health, and sometimes, in general, are not considered alcoholic products. The variety of alcoholic beverages is not limited to this list. The assortment is so diverse that it is simply impossible to list the types of alcoholic beverages.

In addition to the products described above, there are even less well-known ones that are used only in certain countries. There are also different types of cocktails, obtained by mixing different types of alcohol.

The production of alcohol is now very popular, so it is possible that the range will continue to grow.

You can have fun in different ways. Someone will prefer an evening at home watching a family comedy, someone will move from club to club until the morning, and the third will take a trip to distant lands with the brightest local flavor. But it just so happened that most of the fun scenarios are mixed with alcohol. No, we are convinced that you can have fun without degrees. And it’s better not to mess with drinks from this list at all: you never know how the night will end in such a company!

Alcohol is the most popular souvenir from trips and an invariable item in the program of any trip. We just advise you to think carefully before trying drinks from this rating abroad. After all, their fortress is too tough for everyone. But, nevertheless, tourists rarely manage to restrain themselves from tasting ...

10. Stroh (Stroh) - 40-80%

This spiced rum is the most popular souvenir from Austria. Tourists buy it in liters, but in vain: in view of the high fortress, Shtro is rarely consumed in its pure form. But its piquant taste perfectly complements traditional pastries, as well as “winter” cocktails, such as hunting tea and punch. The drink is available in various varieties, with an alcohol content of 40% to 80%.

9. White rum John Crow Batty Rum - 80%

In the twentieth century, Jamaica has earned some notoriety in the entertainment world. And this drink perfectly complements the "glorious" list of intoxicating sights of Bob Marley's country. To cope with this kind of rum (and, in fact, moonshine), you need to really have a stomach of steel!

Don't let the name fool you: the homeland of the drink with three eights is Scotland. "Shanghai" is officially recognized as the strongest vodka in the world. Remarkably, it is in the land of mountaineers and kilts that they also produce the strongest beer (41%!), As well as the strongest gin. What can I say: the Scots are tough guys.

5. Absinthe Hapsburg Gold - 89.9%

Don't know what souvenir to bring from the Czech Republic? Certainly not Hapsburg Gold absinthe. Only if you are an artist, a poet or, at worst, a designer. After all, it is difficult to guess what will be seen after meeting this “green fairy”. No wonder the slogan of the drink is simple and concise - "no rules."

4. Rum River Antoine Royale Grenadian - 90%

A drink that we would proudly call moonshine. Distilled from sugar cane juice. That is why it has a pronounced sweet taste. True, it is unlikely that you will be able to fully feel it: any bartender will immediately serve you a glass of water “included”. Otherwise, this Caribbean landmark is simply not to be found.

3. Whiskey Bruichladdich X4 Quadrupled - 92%

Remember, we said that the Scots are famous for the strongest vodka and beer? Feel free to add whiskey to this honorary list! A true Scottish treasure. BBC journalists even managed to charge a sports car with a drink and accelerate it to 100 miles per hour! What this potion does to the human body is anyone's guess.

2. Everclear - 95%

The strongest alcoholic drink in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records (1979). Since 2015, it has been banned for sale in California, Florida and 7 other US states. There is also a popular rock band named after him. Certainly not easy.

1. Spirytus - 96%

Knowledgeable people compare the "divine" and "spiritual" taste of this Polish invention with a blow to the stomach, from which it takes one's breath away. We strongly do not recommend for use.
