
Mill of Myths: Elephants are not alcoholics at all! Marula oil. General information marula

Marula fruit is a plant native to Africa, or rather it is an exotic fruit and a tree of the same name. Fruit and tree grow in most regions tropical countries and are not known to many people living in our country. The appearance of the fruit is very similar to an ordinary plum.

What does marula look like? Description

The tree itself is presented in the form of a single trunk with a wide and voluminous crown. In height, a mature tree can reach up to twenty meters. The bark on the surface has convex outgrowths, outwardly resembling a mosaic pattern. The most favorable soil for the plant is loam. Those trees that grow on sandy soil do not bloom or bear fruit.

Marula feeds on a special type of insect - caterpillars, which are eaten.

Before ripening, marula has a green color, and then changes to butter-yellow. Its skin is soft and thick to the touch. fruit pulp white color with a hard and large bone. The product has an amazing gentle and sweet taste with at least pleasant aroma.

What does marula contain? Composition and application

In marula is increased content vitamin C, so it carries special benefit for the body. Rich vitamin composition is found not only in the pulp, but also in the bone. Here are collected all the necessary nutrients and minerals involved in the development and structure of cells.

Not only fruits are used for food, but also marula leaves. They are a source of food for the local population and animals. The core of the seeds is used in the manufacture of healthy oil enriched with proteins. The main component of the pulp and peel is oleic acid and natural antioxidants. Marula is successfully used in cosmetic products. A special brown dye is produced from the bark. Strong ropes for household needs are woven from the inner layer of the bark.

African peoples have used marula for many years as their main source of food. So far in national cuisine there are many dishes with this fruit. The peel is used to make drinks that resemble tea and even coffee. There are also many legends associated with marula. It has ritual significance and traditional ceremonies. Modern needs dictate the need for its use in the beauty industry.

Application in cosmetics

infusions and essential oils on the basis of marula effectively moisturize, nourish and soften the skin. Creams are quickly absorbed and do not leave a greasy sheen due to the high penetrating ability of the components of the fruit. This great option for people with dry and sensitive skin.

On the surface of the covers after application cosmetic product a protective film of palmitic acid is formed. The stratum corneum of the epidermis is filled with oxygen and moisture, which prevents premature aging of the skin. Regular application of marula oil maintains the natural balance of the skin, wrinkles are quickly smoothed out. It effectively eliminates stretch marks and sunburn. The regeneration process is enhanced in the skin.

Rubbing oil with marula into the nails strengthens their structure. The condition of the nails quickly returns to normal, the risk of delamination of the plate is reduced. Cracks around the fingers and burrs quickly disappear due to the increase in the protective properties of the skin.

Essential oils give the skin a marvelous and sweet fragrance that lasts for several hours. For lovers of tropical scents, perfumes with notes of marula are suitable. Pulp-based shampoos and masks gently care for hair, provide maximum hydration. A natural healthy shine appears in damaged and dyed hair.

Medicinal properties of marula

The bark of the plant and leaves in tropical countries are widely used for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Fresh leaves of the tree are good for heartburn. Vapors of a decoction based on them are a good inhalation agent and relieve pulmonary diseases. It is an effective prophylactic against malaria. If you insist the bark in cold water and give a drink to a man, he gets rid of dysentery.

Those who come to rest in hot Africa can take souvenirs from marula wood with them. The local people carve various figurines, ornaments and souvenirs from it. They are in great demand among visitors. The famous African marula pulp liqueurs are known in many countries. The local population treats each tree very carefully. Not a single plant is destroyed there without a reason.

Marula base oil is so light and weightless on the skin that it almost feels like water. But despite its delicate texture, it is one of the most effective aromatherapy products with the so-called express effect, which, with constant use, can lead to systemic changes. Excellent regenerating properties, complemented by amazing softening and moisturizing, combined with high oil durability and the complete absence of unpleasant effects after application, make marula a unique base for use not so much in mixtures as in pure form. This is one of the best summer oils.

What to look for when buying oil

Marula base oil is not so easy to find, most often you have to use the services of foreign online stores or manufacturing companies to purchase it. But often it can be found in the catalogs of domestic aromatherapy resources, although so far it is found there in rather limited volumes.

The search will fully pay for itself, because according to the characteristics of marula, it is a unique basis, can be used in its pure form, combines such wide range properties from protective to moisturizing, which is hard to find competitors for this oil, even among the quite expensive and popular with us.

Name and markings

Domestic labeling is usually only one - “marula oil”.

Permissible names for imported oils: marula kernel oil, marula seed oil, sclerocarya birrea kernel oil and just marula oil.

The Latin name of the plant is sclerocarya birrea.

Plant and regions of production

Marula is a huge deciduous tree with an average height of about 20 m, a powerful trunk and a very wide crown, formed from grayish leaves collected in peculiar bunches. Marula is distinguished by the uneven color of the bark, covered with spots similar to gray mosaic.

The fruits of this tree ripen in March-April, they look like a plum and gradually change color from green to yellow. Thick skin hides an almost liquid pulp and 2-3 amazingly hard and large bones. From the kernels of the bones and extract a unique vegetable oil containing a very high percentage of proteins, vitamins and minerals.

Marula is found only in Africa, and when buying oil, you should definitely pay attention to the origin of the raw material. The best quality oils are those extracted from marula grown in South Africa..

In many African countries, this culture is considered a plant sacred and even sacral. It is used to make tea and coffee substitutes, in the production of figurines, jewelry, souvenirs, ropes, paints, as a medicine and food, in the production of various alcoholic beverages. Marula is treated extremely carefully in their homeland, these trees are actually forbidden to be cut down and they are an important element of the religious life of many local tribes.


Marula oil is very rarely counterfeited, usually with a guarantee of purchase. good product is the study of the composition, method of obtaining oil and the origin of raw materials, which can only be African.

In addition to cold-pressed oils, there are also refined oil marula, which is used exclusively for food: it is not suitable for cosmetic purposes.

Receiving Method

To obtain marula oil, only the kernels of the pits of the fruit are used. Extracting them is not easy due to the hard, stone-like shells, and the production requires a lot of power. The nucleolus after removing the shell is subjected to simple cold pressing.

Kernels of stones contain about 50% of oil.



marula oil considered one of the most active antioxidants among all the bases used in aromatherapy. At the heart of it chemical composition- oleic acid (70-78%) with the addition of linoleic, palmitic and stearic acids and a high percentage of vitamin E. The average share of tocopherol in various forms is 26 mg per 100 g, of which 22 mg are valuable gamma-tocopherol.

But the most remarkable is not the fatty acid composition of this base, but the content of organic substances. Marula is considered unique because, depending on the characteristics of a particular raw material oil can contain up to 28% proteins. Atypical for base oils and high iodine content, as well as a complete set of trace elements necessary for the skin.

Color and fragrance

Marula oil retains all the rich colors characteristic of the fruits of the amazing African elephant tree. This oil is characterized by a fairly bright, albeit not as saturated as yellow or yellow-orange color, which is not transmitted to the skin and is not visible on it and on clothes.

As for the aroma, in marula it is unobtrusive, almost indistinguishable, slightly reminiscent of a woody or unrecognizable fruity aroma, but most often it is completely absent.

Behavior on the skin

marula oil creates the thinnest protective barrier on the skin, but it is not visible and not even felt, but only helps to establish cellular respiration and retain moisture in the inner layers of the epidermis.

Incredibly fast absorbing almost instantly penetrating the skin after application, marula does not leave any visible traces on it, including even the slightest oily sheen. After applying this oil the skin becomes more elastic and soft, tender, its elasticity noticeably increases, instantly there is a feeling of pleasant silkiness and smartness.

All pleasant impressions after applying the oil are enhanced with systemic use.

Medicinal properties

Marula base oil almost never used in medicinal purposes , with the exception of solving problems of dermatology and cosmetology.

It is also considered as a supportive general component with mild soothing and softening characteristics, allowing for a more effective distribution of therapeutic ointments and mixtures.

Cosmetic properties

Marula seed oil combines healing, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, softening and nutritional properties with the ability to restore the protective functions of the skin and regulate the process of absorption and loss of moisture, thereby restoring normal cellular respiration and the natural level of moisture.

Regeneration of the natural hydro-lipid balance and a complex effect that contributes to the renewal of both aesthetic characteristics and self-regulation of the skin, allows marula to show truly amazing effectiveness even at a modest concentration in mixtures.

Marula oil is characterized by a slight matting effect, which, combined with the complete absence of a greasy trace on the skin and ultra-effective moisturizing, makes it just as suitable for use in the hot season oil, like and, and.

Marula effectively increases the overall turgor of the skin, restores its elasticity and firmness, mainly affecting the skin's ability to retain moisture. When used systemically, this oil smoothes fine wrinkles, relieves other age-related manifestations, restores freshness and smoothness to the skin.

Along with moisturizing marula nourishes and softens the skin, strengthens the intercellular membranes, thereby allowing you to maintain the beauty and health of the epidermis.

Marula is one of best oils protecting against early aging, exposure external environment . It simultaneously helps to maintain internal health and counteracts negative influence various factors. This active antioxidant, which increases the protective functions of the skin, contributes to a more effective effect of other anti-aging components.

One of the most valuable properties base oil marulas today recognize the ability to strengthen and regenerate connective tissues, making it one of the most effective means of preventing stretch marks, especially during pregnancy. In this capacity, it is traditionally used in all African countries.

Marula oil has a restorative and normalizing effect on inflammatory processes in case of damage to the skin. It helps to accelerate the healing of burns, especially sunburns, various cuts, scratches. For the treatment of damaged skin, it is not the moisturizing properties of marula that are of more importance, but the ability to stimulate regeneration, restore protective functions and connective tissues, stimulate metabolic processes, thereby accelerating the process of natural renewal.

Marula will not only help fight against various injuries, but also protect against many traumatic factors. It perfectly prevents sunburn, prevents the skin from becoming weathered, excessively dry, cracking, and is one of the most effective bases for combating free radicals.

Marula oil is famous for its calming effect. The anti-inflammatory properties are especially pronounced in various skin irritations, including itching and redness caused by insect bites.

But if the anti-inflammatory characteristics of the oil are expressed in mild form then the protective ones are really unique. Due to the effect on the tissues themselves, the ability to restore natural protective barriers, marula gradually relieves excessive sensitivity of the epidermis, reduces the tendency to allergic reactions and various dermatitis caused by exposure to external physical or chemical irritants. This oil can be used as a component that protects against the aggressive effects of adverse weather or other conditions, as a means of maintaining the health and normal condition of skin prone to various irritations.

With all of the above unique properties and sufficiently intense characteristics, the ability to act as a tool for both general care and intensive restoration, marula is an extremely pleasant, soft oil that does not cause not only unpleasant sensations, but is uniquely gentle. You can use it without fear for baby skin care, including for combating irritations and rashes, solving problems with sunburn, counteraction negative impact external environment. On children's skin, this oil shows its protective characteristics most of all.

Use in nail and hair care

Marula is widely used as a regenerating, healing, and protective component in hair and nail care.

This oil has a super-effective effect on the condition of the skin of the hands. Marula counteracts early aging, excessive dryness, heals cracks and prevents their appearance, compensates for the effects of chemicals and aggressive temperatures.

It is believed that marula is one of the best oils for daily care of skin prone to dryness and irritation. Its active antioxidant complex helps to create an effective protective barrier and increase local skin immunity. The oil not only prevents the effects of environmental influences, but also has a regenerating and moisturizing effect in combination with high-quality nutrition.

In hair care, marula oil is suitable for improving the condition of any type of hair, even problematic ones. It is an excellent tool for intensive moisturizing of the scalp, eliminate excessive dryness and dandruff, combat various skin diseases.

But the main regenerating effect of marula is still not on the scalp, but on the hair itself. It restores beauty and strength to hair that has been dyed or processed. chemicals simultaneously nourishes, moisturizes, creates a protective barrier and restores hair at the cellular level. Even with occasional use, the oil restores shine and healthy look to hair, and with systemic application, it is a guarantee of their impeccable aesthetics.

Marula is an exotic fruit that is very widespread in tropical countries. By appearance marula, which is a curiosity for us, in many ways resembles ordinary plums.

Like any other fruit, marula initially has a green color, which gradually becomes butter-yellow during ripening. The shell of the marula fruit is quite thick and soft. And their pulp is characterized by a liquidish texture of white color. Inside the fruit is a very hard bone of large size.

Ripe marula fruits are very tasty - surprisingly sweet and fragrant. Moreover, thanks to high content vitamin C, they provide significant benefits human body. It should be noted that not only the pulp of this fruit is useful, but also its bone, rich in the most important and essential vitamins and minerals.

For many centuries, marula has been one of the main sources of food for African peoples - this is evidenced by numerous finds that have been discovered by archaeologists in Africa.

IN culinary tradition Africa have found wide application of absolutely all parts exotic fruit marula - from its peel to the bone.

The peel is mainly used for the production of very tasty and healthy drink, which in its properties resembles tea. By the way, they prepare their marula peel and something similar to coffee - for this it is pre-roasted and carefully ground.

From the core of marula seeds, they get a very valuable and healthy oil rich in proteins, oleic acid and effective natural antioxidants. This agent is commonly used for the production of cosmetic products.

From sweet pulp marula fruit squeeze delicious and healthy juice which is very popular with children. In addition, jams, sweets and jellies are produced on the basis of this pulp. Besides, ripe fruit marula soaked in clean water, and then on their basis they prepare an intoxicating drink, traditional for African cuisine. According to original recipe, first of all, ripe fruits must be placed in a special vessel that does not allow air to pass through. The fruits are kept for two days, and then the juice is squeezed out of them. Then this juice is poured into a separate bowl, tightly closed with a lid and left in this form for about four more days. In order to prepare one liter of this amazing heady drink with a characteristic sour taste, you need to use about two hundred ripe marula fruits.

In addition, another drink based on these fruits is very popular in South Africa. This is a creamy marula liqueur, which is called "Amarula Cream".

Globalization inherent modern world, makes it possible to learn many interesting phenomena, objects, products that are outlandish in their native country. These include marula - a tree whose distribution area is tropical Africa and whose fruits are on Russian markets look quite exotic. Although the fruit of marula in appearance in many ways resembles our plum. One of the exporting countries is Morocco.

Marula has one trunk with a well-developed crown. If it grows in open areas, the trunk may have several powerful branches. In height, these bisexual plants reach eighteen to twenty meters. On the surface of their bark, convex rounded outgrowths form, resembling a bizarre mosaic. In order for a tree to bear fruit, it must grow on loamy soils. Sandstones harm him, do not provide enough nutrition for flowering and fruit development.

Fruits are formed in clusters or in pairs, immature have green color, and the soft, thick peel of already ripened - deep saturated yellow color. Under the yellow peel is white flesh, in the middle of which there is a large hard bone. Marula is very juicy, sweet, slightly tart. The fruit has a pleasant original aroma.

Nutritional value, chemical composition

Marula is one of the longtime favorite African food products. In ancient times, these fruits were a staple food for many tribes / peoples of the continent. The delicacy was "shared" and "shared" among themselves by people, animals, insects. For example, marula is eaten by special caterpillars, which, in turn, are a delicacy in Africa. And in national African cuisines today there are dishes prepared on the basis of this fruit. It is also made from its peel. national drinks that taste like coffee or tea. Juices, compotes, and alcoholic drinks are made from the pulp of the fruit - from the simplest, the so-called. mash, to marula liqueurs known far beyond the borders of Africa. You can just enjoy fresh fruit marula, this is sure to please.

The fruits and leaves of the marula tree are used for food, which contain a very high concentration of vitamin C (8 times more than oranges), contain all the useful nutrients and minerals necessary for the structure and development of body cells.

The peel and pulp of the fruit contain oleic acid (its concentration is such that it does not harm the body) and natural antioxidants. And the cores of the seeds are used to extract marula oil, which is rich in proteins. Marula has 48 calories. This is much lower compared to the calorie content of other fruits that are considered fatty. Therefore, the calorie content of the product is not a particular obstacle for those who follow diets.

Marula in the cultural and spiritual life of African peoples

nutritional value, useful qualities fruits, leaves, marula oils have been exceptional for many centuries. Africans take care of manula trees, their unreasonable felling is, in fact, impossible. The role that the plant played in the life of ancient peoples contributed to the emergence of a large number of legends. Also marula do today has not lost its ritual role.

Medical use

The medicinal properties of marula fruits have been known for a long time. Modern doctors know that with the help of these fruits it is possible to carry out the prevention and treatment of heart and vascular diseases, nervous diseases, genitourinary system, remove salts of heavy metals. Inhalations with a decoction of the fruits and leaves of the tree help treat lung diseases. It is known that chewing fresh leaves, you can get rid of heartburn. The fruits are also used as a means of antimalarial prophylaxis. Manula bark tincture in plain cold water is effective tool from dysentery.

To be beautiful

All the constituents of the marula tree are an excellent material for cosmetic procedures. The most popular in the cosmetic industry is marula oil, which is part of essential mixtures. They have the ability to nourish, moisturize and soften the skin. Marula oil can be used as an independent tool to improve the condition of the skin: it nourishes with oxygen, moisture, reduces wrinkles, eliminates stretch marks, due to the presence of fatty palmitic acid, forms a kind of protective barrier, slows down aging. Owners of dry sensitive skin can use marula oil-based creams that penetrate deep into the skin, leaving no oily sheen on it, eliminating the harm of environmental influences.

With the use of marula oil, they produce revitalizing shampoos for all types of hair (hair becomes soft and at the same time strong), brown hair dye. The oil improves hair growth. It strengthens nails, prevents their delamination, heals cracks, burrs.

On the basis of essential substances extracted from marula oil, a perfume is made that has a romantic sweetish aroma.

The benefits of marula are clear. It can cause harm only if a person has an individual intolerance. Contraindications to the use of this product have not yet been identified.

Botanical name: Marula (Sclerocarya birrea). Belongs to the genus Sclerocaria, the Sumac family.

Homeland: Africa.

Lighting: photophilous.

The soil: light, nutritious.

Watering: moderate.

Maximum tree height: 20 m

Average life expectancy: long-lived.

Landing: seeds.

Marula is a dioecious single-stemmed woody plant, reaching up to 20 m in height. The crown is wide, spreading. The bark is gray, with convex growths on the surface. The leaves are gray-green, formed at the ends of branches of 5-10 pieces, forming a spiral rosette. In autumn they turn yellow. Male and female flowers grow on different trees. Men's are larger, collected in bright pink brushes. The females grow on long stalks, smaller than the males, and have red petals with white edges. Flowering occurs in July, lasts until January. Marula fruits ripen in March-April. The taste is tart, sweet, with a pleasant, pronounced aroma. They look like plums. Taste qualities fruits are medium. The skin is thick, soft, at first light green, as it matures it acquires a yellow tint. The photo shows the marula fruit in a section, where you can see that its flesh is white, liquidish, juicy, contains a large bone.

Today, this plant grows in the forests of West and South Africa, where, according to archaeological excavations, it has been cultivated for more than 10 thousand years. The largest specimens are found in the Okavango Delta, in Botswana.

The marula tree prefers light loamy soils, but can thrive in all but sandy soils. On sandy soil it does not bloom and does not bear fruit.

Marula fruit in section (with photo and video)

All parts of the fruit are used in cooking. The pulp is used to make jellies, juices, alcoholic beverages. For example, marula liqueurs are very popular in many countries.

The pulp of this fruit contains a large number of vitamin C, minerals and trace elements necessary for the human body. The kernels contain proteins and fats, so they produce an oil rich in proteins and antioxidants. This oil has found application in cosmetology.

In some countries, tea is brewed from the dried peel. Roasted and crushed peel make a drink that resembles coffee.

Souvenirs are made from wood. From its inner part, which has a fibrous structure, ropes are made, and from the middle part natural dyes for fabrics.

In Africa, this fruit has been one of the main food sources for many years.

Below in the photo gallery are photos of marula:

At home, marula is called the "elephant tree", because for these animals the fruit this plant is a favorite delicacy.

The marula fruit contains a high amount of sugar, therefore, when overripe, it quickly begins to ferment and slightly intoxicates wild animals for which it serves as food.

In Africa, this tree is sacred and almost never cut down. Local tribes believe that it can be used to determine the sex of the unborn child. It is believed that if during pregnancy a woman consumes tea from the peel of marula taken from a female tree, a girl will be born, from a male - a boy.

The following video will help you get more information about marula:
