
Cheese Russian: properties and application, composition and nutritional value. Nutritional value and vitamin composition

Russian cheese is included in the group of popular varieties among consumers. It can be used to make pizza, sandwiches, mushroom or meat casseroles. How to determine the calorie content of a product?

Nutritional value and vitamin composition

Russian cheese contains rich chemical composition. The concentration of animal proteins exceeds fish and meat. The cheese of this variety has a large amount of amino acids, they help to resist many viral diseases.

Consider the nutritional value of the product per 100 grams

The nutritional value

Despite the high protein content, Russian cheese is not suitable for dietary nutrition, as it has a high fat content.

Table of vitamin composition in the product, calculation per 100 grams

Russian cheese is rich in microelements and macroelements. Consider the content in 100 grams of the product.

Mineral table

Taste qualities

The flavor of the cheese is traditional, slightly sour, without pronounced outlines. The product belongs to semi-solid grades. The raw material for production is pasteurized milk. In the process of preparation, bacterial starter and a curdling rennet are added to the milk.

Finished product is different yellow, there are small holes on the cut. High-quality Russian cheese has a high calorie content and fat content.

How to use in diet food?

Russian cheese is not suitable for consumption during the period of active weight loss. Do not get involved in these products with obesity, high calorie content and fat contribute speed dial extra pounds. At the same time, one cannot completely reject this healthy cheese from the diet.

In order not to gain weight, Russian cheese is best consumed in the morning and in very small quantities. The recommended amount is 100-200 grams. The main time period for taking the product is from 8 am to 12 noon. It is during these hours that the metabolism is actively working, which will allow not to postpone the eaten pieces in the hips and stomach.

Experts do not advise to abandon the use of cheese in the diet. Due to its high beneficial properties and rich vitamin composition, it is suitable for breakfast and afternoon snack.

Beneficial features

Russian cheese belongs to the semi-hard form, this quality makes it a universal addition to any dish.

Evgeny Shmarov

Reading time: 12 minutes


This dairy product is one of the healthiest, tastiest and loved by everyone. It is obtained in the process of curdling milk and processing the resulting clot.

Cheese can be made from cow, goat or sheep milk. There are about two thousand types of this product in the world.

Consider what is good cheese, and whether it can harm our body.

Varieties and types of cheese - which are tastier and healthier?

There are many classifications of cheese. The most common is based on the method and technology of cheese production.

Consider what cheeses exist in the world, which of them are the most delicious and healthy:

  • young or fresh
    This type of cheese has a curd texture and moisture. They are prepared with minimal processing and pressing. These cheeses are common in Italy and are not stored for a long time. The following types are known: cheese, ricotta, buco, mascarpone, paneer. They have a pleasant, curd and slightly salty taste.
  • Soft
    These cheeses are soft on the inside but hard on the outside. They are classified as elite and are made by adding to milk fungi. The cheeses are tender, with a slightly spicy aftertaste. These include: Brie, Camembert, Munster, Limburg.
  • Sour-milk
    They are made from curdled milk by adding acids to the milk and heating it. These varieties are low in fat, so they are dietary. Often seasonings or mold spores are added to them. In Russia, they are almost never found.
  • Pickled
    The basis of their preparation is sheep or goat milk. They do not have a crust, they have a layered texture. They are pleasant in taste, although salty. They include: mozzarella, suluguni, lori and Adyghe cheese.
  • Fused or pressed
    They can add mushrooms, nuts, sour cream, butter and other non-dairy ingredients - fats and phosphates. Therefore, cheeses such as Druzhba or Hochland can be unhealthy, although they taste good. And such processed cheeses as Parmesan, Beaufort, Comte, Gouda, Maasdam, Edam, without additives. They are healthy and have a sweet taste.
  • Solid
    This variety is very common in Russia. It has low moisture content and high hardness. Such cheeses are both sweet and salty. The most famous are: Altai, Russian, Dutch, Yaroslavl, Kostroma and others. Of course, they are useful and are made without the addition of impurities.

Composition, calorie content and nutritional value of cheese - soft, processed, hard varieties, with mold, etc.

Hard cheeses

Consider the calorie content of several varieties of hard cheese:

  • 100 g of hard cheese contains 355.6 kcal.
  • In the same amount of "Russian" cheese - 363 kcal.
  • In "Poshekhonsky" - 350 kcal.
  • In "Swiss" - 396 kcal.
  • In "Yaroslavsky" - 350 kcal.
  • In the "Dutch" - 350 kcal.
  • In "Altai" - 355.6 kcal.

Contains 100 g hard cheeses contains:

  • 26 g of proteins.
  • 26.5 g fat.
  • 3.5 g of carbohydrates.

And also a lot of vitamins:

  • A - 0.4 mg.
  • C - 2.8 mg.
  • E - 0.3 mg.
  • PP - 0.2 mg.
  • B vitamins: thiamine (B1) - 0.03 mg, riboflavin (B2) - 0.3 mg, pyridoxine (B6) - 0.1 mg, folic acid (B9) - 19 mcg, B12 - 1.4 mcg.

There are also many useful substances in hard cheeses:

  • Macroelements: calcium - 1005 mg, sodium - 860 mg, phosphorus - 540 mg, potassium - 100 mg, magnesium - 50 mg.
  • Trace elements: zinc - 4 mg, iron - 0.9 mg, copper - 70 mcg, manganese - 0.1 mg.

Soft cheeses

calories V soft varieties less cheese:

  • 100 g of soft cheese contains - 332 kcal.
  • In the same amount of "Camembert" - 300 kcal.
  • In "Bree" - 291 kcal.
  • In "Tilsiter" - 340 kcal.

Compound soft cheeses significantly different from solids. They do not contain carbohydrates, but only:

  • 20 g of proteins.
  • 28 g fat.

And to the vitamins of hard cheeses added to:

  • Vitamin B5 - 1.2 mg.
  • Biotin (H) - 4.2 mcg.

Concerning useful elements , then their number is slightly different:

  • Macroelements: sodium - 1900 mg, calcium - 740 mg, phosphorus - 410 mg, sulfur - 200 mg, potassium - 180 mg, magnesium - 50 mg.
  • Trace elements: zinc - 3.5 mg, iron - 1 mg, copper - 60 mcg.

Processed cheese varieties

Consider the nutritional and energy value of processed cheeses.

Their calorie content far below the above varieties:

  • 100 g of processed cheese contains 300 kcal.
  • Cheese "Friendship" - 303 kcal.
  • In "President" - 242 kcal.
  • In "Almetta" - 266 kcal.
  • In "Hochland" - 193 kcal.
  • In "Maasdam" - 350 kcal.

The composition of processed cheeses differs from soft cheeses as they contain vitamin D and beta-carotene. They are also high in sodium and calcium.

Pickled cheese varieties

And for food and energy value pickled cheeses closer to hard.

Calorie pickled cheeses:

  • In 100 g of pickled cheese - 355.6 kcal.
  • In "Mozzarella" - 240 kcal.
  • In "Suluguni" - 290 kcal.
  • In "Adyghe cheese" - 240 kcal.

In brine cheese- just like in solid - a large amount of vitamins and nutrients.

The benefits of cheese - who is this product useful for?

Of course, the rich composition explains the benefits of all cheeses. Vitamins, minerals, fat and protein are vital for both children and adults. The benefits of cheese are priceless. They are easily absorbed by the body.

Listed below are the benefits of using different varieties cheeses

  • Hard and pickled cheeses reduce the risk of caries and have a beneficial effect on bone structure. They also calm the nervous system, improve sleep and relieve stress. And these cheeses normalize blood pressure.
  • Soft and processed cheeses improve appetite and eyesight. In addition, they normalize metabolism and promote rapid growth (very useful for children).
  • Curd cheeses replenish required amount animal proteins.
  • Molded cheeses have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines and stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria.

Harm of cheese and contraindications

Cheese is contraindicated

  • Pregnant women are prohibited from all varieties of blue cheese, as they contain bacteria that can cause listeriosis. This is a serious infectious disease that can lead to miscarriage or fetal illness. When choosing cheese, be sure to pay attention to the annotation indicated on the package.
  • Obese people. Cheese is contraindicated due to the fact that it is high in calories.
  • Allergy sufferers. Processed cheeses containing chemical and food additives can cause allergies.
  • Hypertension patients and those who have cardiovascular diseases cheeses are also not recommended.
  • People with hyperacidity or gastritis, as well as colitis and other diseases of the stomach.

Cheese in the diet of children, nursing mothers, pregnant women, diabetics with allergies - SF answers all questions

At what age can a child be given cheese?

  • Cheeses are contraindicated for a child up to a year.
  • From 1-2 years old different dishes you can enter 3-5 grams of cheese, preferably low-fat hard. For example, "Russian", "Poshekhonsky", "Maasdam".
  • From melted and soft it is better to refuse.

What types of cheese and how much can diabetics eat?

  • Of course, cheese is good for diabetics.
  • Doctors allow the use of cheeses containing only 3% milk sugar. For example, Adyghe cheese.
  • In addition, you can eat cheeses intended for long-term storage. These include: "Russian", "Camembert", "Roquefort" and other hard varieties.
  • The daily dose of consumption is 10 g of fat, or 35 g of hard cheese.
  • Processed cheese is also allowed for diabetics, but not for daily consumption. It contains 2% lactose and essential protein.

Can children or adults be allergic to cheese?

  • Allergies can be caused by the components that make up this product. For example, protein or nutritional supplements.
  • Processed cheese is especially dangerous.

How much cheese can a pregnant woman eat?

  • The maximum amount of cheese that a pregnant woman can eat per day is 150 g.
  • Allowed: hard, soft and processed cheeses that do not contain harmful food additives.
  • Forbidden: blue cheese, unpasteurized, and also created on the basis of goat or sheep. Because of them, Listeria bacteria can develop in the body, which can cause miscarriage or malignant diseases in the unborn baby.

Cheese and dishes from it in the diet of a nursing mother

  • In the first months, when breastfeeding a baby, it is worth reducing the consumption of cheese. It can cause abdominal colic in a child.
  • From 4-5 months, mom can safely eat cheese, as it also has benefits: it improves the structure of milk, saturates the body nutrients and vitamins, improves appetite and bowel function.
  • Note that processed cheeses, goat, sheep and moldy cheeses are contraindicated for mothers with GV.

Cheese in the diet - selection, preparation and storage rules for cheeses

Cheese can be eaten separately from everything, and as part of many dishes. The most common and simple dish - cheese with pasta. It is suitable for both adults and children. You can also add cheese to cutlets, soups or pastas.

The most delicious and popular cheese dishes:

  • Pasta with cheese
  • Cheese soup
  • cheese biscuits
  • Khachapuri
  • Buns with cheese
  • Cutlets with cheese
  • Cheese casserole
  • Cheese Pizza
  • Pie "Three cheeses"
  • Pie with cheese and spinach
  • Cheese bowls for salads
  • Cheese pate
  • Cheese salad with nuts

How to choose the right cheese when buying?

When choosing cheese pay attention to:

  • Color. A good cheese will be of one shade, without spots and white bloom on the surface.
  • Form integrity. There should be no cracks or other damage on the cheese crust; moldy fungi and bacteria can develop in them.
  • The elasticity of a head or piece of cheese. A properly cooked head will push through a little and return to its original shape.
  • Smell. Cheese should not smell like ammonia, even the one with mold has the aroma of sour cottage cheese and penicillin.

How to cook homemade cheese on one's own?

Here is a simple homemade cheese recipe:

  1. Mix 800 g of sour cream and 200 ml of milk.
  2. Heat the mixture to 70-75 degrees and do not boil it.
  3. Add 2 teaspoons of lemon juice.
  4. As soon as the sour cream begins to curdle, turn off the heat and leave on the stove for 5 minutes.
  5. Strain the resulting mixture through cheesecloth or a thin cloth.
  6. After 40-50 minutes, squeeze out the mass. Your Mascarpone cheese is ready!

fried cheese recipe

They say, fried cheese- exotic and very tasty dish. Hard and semi-hard varieties are suitable for frying.

To properly fry cheese, you need:

  1. Cut it into thick pieces.
  2. Roll in egg and breadcrumbs mixed with flour.
  3. Heat the pan and fry the pieces for 2 minutes on each side.

Note - so that the cheese does not spread, you can repeat the dipping procedure in batter several times.

How to store cheese at home and how long?

Consider the shelf life under different conditions for common varieties:

  • Hard cheeses should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of -4 to +8 degrees. Shelf life at 90% humidity - 4 months.
  • Soft cheeses should also be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0 to +8 degrees. They only keep for a few days.
  • Sour-milk cheeses are also stored for a short time - a maximum of 2 weeks. They should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0 to +6 degrees.
  • Pickled cheeses should be stored in a saline solution at a temperature of +5 degrees. Under these conditions, cheese can be stored for 1 to 2 months.
  • Processed cheeses are subjected to heat treatment, so they are stored for the longest time. If you observe the temperature - from -4 to +4 degrees, their shelf life will be - 2 months.

The enormous benefits of cheese were noticed even by our distant ancestors, who, having barely learned how to breed cows and goats, quickly mastered the science of making cheese and further improved it.

What is cheese made of?

Cheese is made from cow, goat, sheep milk, using various technologies, with the addition of special mold and other ingredients. To date, there is a wide selection of varieties of this product.

To make 1 kg natural cheese, you need about 10 - 11 liters of natural cow's milk, sourdough, curdling elements of animal origin, calcium chloride and salt. But, that's not all: after manufacturing, it must lie down for another 30 - 60 days before fully prepared, depending on the variety. It can be concluded that quality cheese will never be cheap.

Cheese will not harm when losing weight, if it is not abused, and you know which varieties accompany this process. Cheeses contain a set of amino acids important for the body: methionine, lysine and tryptophan. In the diet of an athlete, cheese is not the last place.

For weight loss, hard cheeses are suitable, the fat content of which is from 9 to 17%, however, hard cheeses are also high in calories and high in fat, you should pay attention to this moment when choosing a product. It is possible to use cheese with a fat content of 18-25%, but not at all. a small amount of. There is too much fat in soft cheeses, it is better not to use such cheeses.

Useful properties of cheese:

The use of cheese normalizes metabolic processes in the body, restores digestion. Cheese is rich in phosphorus and milk calcium, it perfectly strengthens tooth enamel and bone tissue, it can be used by people with lactose intolerance.

Cheese is indicated for use by people with a weak skeletal system or tuberculosis, because it has a rich mineral composition. Useful for women during pregnancy and lactation, is an integral part of baby food, has a positive effect on the body of the elderly. A choice should be made in favor of low-fat, hard cheeses, since processed cheeses or blue cheeses are undesirable in the diet of children.

The protein, which is part of the cheese, is absorbed better than milk. According to the content of amino acids, cheese protein similar to protein in the human body, so the usefulness of eating cheese increases. Regular use cheese can improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails, regulate sleep and relieve stress. The high content of Vitamin A in cheese has a positive effect on vision.

Different types of cheese are different palatability And useful properties. For example, cheeses such as Camembert or Brie have positive influence for bowel function. They contain mold, which in its composition is close to penicillin, contributes to the normalization of the intestines.

Vitamins and Minerals:

Take, for example, low-calorie, cheddar cheese.

According to research, 100 grams of Cheddar contains:

Calories in Cheddar Cheese: 173 calories per 100 grams

  • Glycemic index (GI) of Cheddar cheese = 0
  • Proteins - 24.35 g
  • Fats - 7 g
  • Carbohydrates - 1.91 g
  • Water - 63.1 g
  • Ash - 3.64 g


  • Vitamin A (Retinol) - 0.06 mg
  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) - 0.012 mg
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) - 0.221 mg
  • Vitamin B4 (Choline) - 15.4 mg
  • Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) - 0.183 mg
  • Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) - 0.045 mg
  • Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid) 11 mcg
  • Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) - 0.49 mcg
  • Vitamin D (Calciferol) - 0.1 mcg
  • Vitamin E (Alpha tocopherol, TE) - 0.06 mg
  • Vitamin K (Phylloquinone) - 0.6 mcg
  • Vitamin PP, NE - 0.051 mg


  • Potassium - 66 mg
  • Calcium - 415 mg
  • Magnesium - 16 mg
  • Sodium - 612 mg
  • Phosphorus - 484 mg

Trace elements:

  • Iron - 0.42 mg
  • Manganese - 0.006 mg
  • Copper - 21 mcg
  • Selenium - 14.5 mcg
  • Fluorine - 34.9 mcg
  • Zinc - 1.82 mg

Varieties of healthy cheeses:


This cheese with a fat content of the order of 1.5 - 4%, is almost perfect choice losing weight. It is produced from soy milk, is considered curd.

The benefit of tofu cheese is that it contains high quality protein (8g). A significant amount of Calcium makes it an excellent product for older people, helps prevent osteoporosis.

The calorie content of Tofu is quite low and amounts to 85 calories per 100 grams.


For the preparation of such cheese, whey is used, which remains after the manufacture of more fatty types.

Ricotta from cow's milk whey contains 8% fat, and from sheep's already 23%. Be careful when choosing! Calorie content of ricotta, from cow's milk, is 174 calories per 100 grams. Causes a quick feeling of fullness. Contains in its composition methionine - a sulfur-containing amino acid.


Soft Feta cheese, made from natural goat's milk or sheep's. As a result of preparation from goat's milk, the final % of fat content is reduced to 10 - 15%. When choosing this cheese, pay attention to what kind of milk this cheese is made from, because if it is from sheep's milk, the fat content in it will be higher.

Calorie Feta Cheese: 264 calories per 100 grams.

Adyghe cheese

In appearance, this cheese is more similar to cottage cheese, but it tastes like a yogurt drink. In the process of preparation, such cheese undergoes a pasteurization procedure at very high temperatures.

Adyghe cheese contains milk fats and proteins, which are absorbed by the body by 98%. 80 grams Adyghe cheese contains daily allowance protein for the human body. Low calorie content makes it possible to recommend it to people suffering from hypertension or gastrointestinal diseases.

The calorie content of Adyghe cheese is 264 calories per 100 grams. This cheese has received recognition from athletes.


This cheese is semi-hard, contains 7% fat. Easily digestible and high in calcium.

An excellent find for losing weight, because its calorie content is 199 calories per 100 grams. Using such a product, you can not worry so much about fats. However, you need to count calories and know the measure even in this version.

Harm of cheese for the body:

Cheese is rich in Calcium, but due to the large amount of fat, it is poorly absorbed. In this case, be sure to choose cheeses with a low percentage of fat content of 9 - 17%, they will be in enough saturate the body with Calcium, and their fat content will be more suitable for losing weight.

Low-fat soft cheeses contain a lot of salt. During the production process, they ripen in a special brine. Consume in moderation, but rather soak before use in clean water. Such cheeses are contraindicated for those who suffer from hypertension and women in the late stages of pregnancy.

The cheese contains beneficial amino acid"Tryptophan", which has a beneficial effect on health, however, if cheese is abused, this amino acid can provoke an increase in pressure, headaches, and insomnia.

The abuse of cheese provokes the development of atherosclerosis. Some cheeses contain bacteria that can trigger the development of a disease such as listeriosis.

How to choose healthy cheese?

When choosing cheese, be sure to read its composition. If the label says "Cheese product", then you do not need to take such cheese, since it contains no more than 20% natural milk, and everything else is palm, rapeseed or Coconut oil, or other milk fat substitutes.

The rich yellow color of the cheese indicates that it contains artificial dyes. By eating such poor quality products, the body is at risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system, atherosclerosis, obesity.

You can get acquainted with the calorie content of dairy products in the Table of calorie content of dairy products.

Look for cheese in its original packaging, where its exact composition, shelf life, shelf life, maturation are prescribed, there is information about the manufacturer. The quality of the pieces of cheese that are separated from the main head can no longer be accurately determined.

Processed cheese is a mixture of several types of cheese with water and emulsifiers, which are subjected to a heating process.

You can determine the quality of a good aged cheese by its appearance. He has:

  • Color, density and taste, if it is ripe, change from crust to middle
  • Surface smooth, dull
  • The color of the cheese is not saturated yellow and not white (except goat)
  • The crust should be free of white spots and cracks.

Do not forget for a moment that you are in a state of weight loss. Pay attention to the fat content of the product you are using. Let me remind you that it is advisable to choose cheeses with 9 - 17% fat content, and know the measure, using even such a low-fat product.

Cheese is one of the most favorite guests of our table. This unique product made from raw milk, add special clotting enzymes and lactic acid bacteria. They are engaged in the production of cheese different countries, and the history of the origin of this cheese begins with ancient East. What is its use, and what can harm cheese - all lovers of the product should know.

IN Ancient Greece cheese became famous thanks to Aristaeus, a young hunter from Olympus. In the 11th century, the legendary Swiss Roquefort appeared, in the 12th century, Cheshire and Gruitzer cheeses, in the 133rd century, Parmisan and Gorgonzola, respected and revered by all the peoples of the world. Already in the 15th century, the whole of Europe was engaged in cheese making. In Russia, cheese became popular under Peter 1.

calories of this product depends on the fat content, per 100 g of cheese - 330-370 kcal.

Cheese has health benefits. This is due to the fact that it contains milk. A Fresh milk is a biological product that has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Cheese and cheese products are a product of mass consumption, from 70 to 120 grams of cheese must be introduced into the diet daily, 50 grams is enough for a small child.

The benefits of cheese

Beneficial features:

  • Medical and dietary value of this product is that it contains easily digestible complete proteins, up to 22%, and 30% fat, a set beneficial vitamins(B, C, D, E, F), minerals(calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, zinc, copper). These components help our body and promote energy production, improve the inert system, restore vision, regulate the growth of hair and nails, strengthen the hair structure, and are directly involved in digestive processes. The cheese contains vitamin complex for the development of the body.
  • Cheese is the main supplier of amino acids (methionine, tryptophan). Amino acid deficiency leads to dehydration of the body, disturbed water balance.
  • Often this product is included in the diet of people who are watching their figure. Recommended for diet lean varieties hard cheese: Mozzarella, Cheddar, Lithuanian.
  • Cheeses and camembert have a beneficial effect on bowel function. This is explained by the fact that the cheese has a mold crust. It helps and speeds up the digestion process in the intestines.
  • If there is a calcium deficiency in the body, then urgently introduce epuas or gouda cheese into the diet. These cheeses are very useful to introduce to young children and persons over 40 years of age.
  • Cheeses of all varieties are very useful in tuberculosis.

Cheese - contraindications

Harmful properties:

But as strange as it may sound, cheese can harm the body .
Cheese is contraindicated for those who suffer high content cholesterol, atherosclerosis. If it is impossible to refuse cheese, introduce low-fat varieties into the diet, for example, young cheese with a fat content of up to 20%. You should not use cheese for those who suffer from stomach ulcers, gastritis, hypertension.

The gastrointestinal tract of a sick person will not be able to process more than 200 grams of cheese per day. Pregnant girls should eat cheese with caution. It is worth completely abandoning cheese with mold and spices. Bacteria in cheese can cause accelerated process development of listeriosis. According to nutritionists, soft cheeses excite the appetite, and pickled ones cause a feeling of dry mouth.

Recommended dose about 50 grams of cheese per day (depending on the variety, there is less high-calorie cheese, for example, about 245 kKa, it can be a little more and more high-calorie cheddar - 400 kKa, fat content of about 47% - it is desirable even less than 50 gr.)

Cheese classification

According to the method of preparation, cheeses are divided into:
rennet (cheese is formed by rennet); — fermented milk (fermented milk is added to milk).

The most famous categories of cheeses

Hard cheeses

Solid. Hard cheeses go through a long maturation process (up to 6 months). All types of hard cheeses are prepared by pressing. Before getting under the press, cheeses are boiled in large metal containers at a certain temperature.

Features of hard cheese:

Swiss type. Mass fraction fat of this product is 50%, ripening period is 4-5 months. It is characterized by a large cylindrical shape, large eyes on the cut. The taste is delicate, slightly sweet, has a pleasant aftertaste, gentle sharpness. The most famous species: Altai, Moscow, Soviet and Swiss.

Cheese Parmesan. The most famous and beloved cheese of the whole world, the ripening period is 6 months or more, depending on the size. The Italian variety has a slightly brittle and crumbly texture, a slice when cut should be more than 5 mm, a delicate taste leaves a savory, unforgettable aftertaste in the mouth. Cheese is recommended to be served sliced ​​with herbs and olives.

Dutch type. The cheese has an oval, round flattened shape, low cylinder. On the cut, it has a large number of small eyes, the color of the cheese mass is from light yellow to saturated. The taste is slightly salty, often leaving a gentle sour aftertaste. Common types of cheeses: Kostroma and Dutch.

Cheddar. Small cylinder shape. It has a soft texture, there are no eyes on the cut, a salty, slightly sugary taste.

Russian type. Large cylinder, delicate pleasant texture, sweet, slightly creamy taste, sweet aftertaste. The most common representative is Russian.

Smoked cheeses. They have a pronounced smoky taste. They have a small, low cylinder shape. The producer of such cheese is Denmark. It has a brown color of the peel, on the cut it is dark yellow. Made from cheeses such as Gouda, Gruyère and Cheddar.

Soft cheeses

Soft. They have a soft, pasty texture, a pleasant creamy or milky taste. Often served as "paste" with hot bread or flatbread. Cheese is made from fresh pasteurized cow's milk, with the addition of bacterial starter. Are classified into: without maturation; with maturation.

Roquefort type. The cheese is completely riddled with bright green mold. Fat content 40-45%, rounded cheese up to 3 kg. Specific cheese is a delicacy, for everyone.

Dorogobuzhsky type. On the crust you can see a small amount of transparent mucus, it is typical for this type of cheese. When cut, there are no eyes. The cheese has a sharp, pronounced ammonia taste. Spicy spicy cheese must be served with a white dry vein. Cheeses: Kalininsky, Dorozhny, Dorogobuzh.

Camembert type. Small cylinders covered with an even layer of white mold. Main representative: Russian Camembert.

Like Smolensky. The cylinder is not more than 1.5 kg, on the surface of the crust you can see spots of dried mucus, do not remove the mucus before use. Representatives: Hunting, Diner.

Processed cheeses

Fused. This type of cheese is produced on the basis of hard varieties. With the addition of special components: butter, cream and powdered milk.

Processed cheeses are divided into several groups:

Chunky cheeses - well cut, has a taste similar to hard ones;

Sausage cheeses - developed on the basis low-fat cheese, have a soft texture, are smoked, spices and spices are added.

pasty - smearing consistency, perfect option snacks in the morning;

Sweet cheeses. Suitable for dessert, cocoa powder, vanillin, sugar, nuts, candied fruit are used in production to improve the taste.

Pickled cheese varieties

Pickled. The peculiarity of this cheese is that the ripening period from 1 to 3 months passes in salt brine. Such cheeses contain from 4 to 8% table salt. Moisture content 45-57%. The consistency of this product is slightly brittle, crumbly. The taste is salty, but pleasant, the color is from white to light yellow. Pickled cheese is of two types: soft and hard.

Soft. Cheese representative. Prepared from sheep, goat, cow's milk and rennet. The cheese mass goes through a special stage - cheddarization. The ripening period of such cheese is 20-60 days, the shape is round, rectangular, weight up to 1.5 kg. To serve, the cheese is freed from brine, if desired, the cheese can be washed with boiled water.

Solid. Suluguni is made from sheep, goat, buffalo milk. The product is always in the form of a bar up to 4 kg. More dense, there are no eyes on the section. Fat content 40%, moisture up to 50%, salt 5-7%. Ossetian cheese has the shape of a low cylinder and is divided into the highest and first grade. Such a product is perfect for snacks in nature, as well as for fish dishes.

Feta. Unusual, traditional Greek cheese, vaguely reminiscent of fatty cottage cheese. According to the recipe, goat's milk is added to it. The cheese is aged for 3 or more months.

Whey cheese varieties

Whey cheeses. Cheese cream product in the manufacture of hard cheeses. The product contains beneficial whey protein. During the production process, it is coagulated under high temperature, after which several more types of cheese are formed: Ricotta (sweet taste, fat content up to 10%) and Brunost (sweet pleasant taste and brown color on the cut).

1.3 Chemical composition and nutritional value of cheeses

Based on the established norms of consumption and population, the total volume of production of dairy products and their range are calculated. As the country's population increases, so does the need for milk and dairy products.

Cheese making removes much of the water from the milk, so cheese is a concentrated food product.

Knowledge of the chemical composition of food products makes it possible to judge their biological and nutritional value.

nutritional value cheese is determined by the high content in it necessary for a person constituent parts food - proteins, milk fat, as well as mineral salts and vitamins. 100 g of full-fat cheese contains 28-30 g of protein, 32-33 g of fat, about 1 g of calcium, 0.8 g of phosphorus and up to 2 g of various salts. In addition, cheese protein in its amino acid composition is one of the most valuable types of protein. It contains all the most important amino acids in almost the same proportions in which they are found in the animal body, including deficient ones - tryptophan, lysine and methionine.

milk fat found in cheese for the most part in the form of the smallest balls, which contributes to the rapid absorption of it by the body. In addition, among the cleavage products are extractive substances that affect the glands that secrete digestive juices. Therefore, cheese is a highly valuable product in terms of digestibility; cheese proteins are digested by 98.5%; fats - by 96%; carbohydrates - by 97%.

Calcium and phosphorus, which are contained in cheese and are of great importance for building bone tissue and metabolism, are well absorbed by the human body.

Vitamins A, D, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, PP, C pass into cheese from milk.

In terms of calories, cheeses occupy one of the first places among food products: 3580 - 3890 kcal per 1 kg.

1.4 Factors that shape quality and raw materials. Manufacturing processes

Application of various technological schemes production makes it possible to obtain cheeses of various chemical composition and organoleptic characteristics.

The production process of natural rennet cheeses consists of the following main operations:

Reception and sorting of milk,

Preparing milk for curdling

curdling milk,

clot processing,

cheese ripening,

Cheese finishing.

The main operations affecting the quality of cheese

The quality of cheese depends on the quality of milk, its chemical composition, methods of heat treatment.

Milk entering the cheese factory must meet the requirements of GOST.

Depending on the physicochemical and microbiological parameters, milk is divided into two grades.

Milk acceptance

Acceptance of milk begins with an inspection of the state of containers (tanks, flasks), checking the cleanliness of the gasket, the presence and integrity of the seals.

Before opening the flasks, the lids are cleaned, washed or wiped. When opening flasks, bath hatches, tanks, the smell of milk, the presence or absence of foreign odors are determined. Then the milk temperature is determined.

The temperature of the product is measured in opened controlled packaging units, at a depth of 10-20 cm.

Glass thermometers must be framed. The temperature of milk upon receipt at the factory should be no more than 10 ° C.

Milk sampling

The sample is taken from a homogeneous batch of milk. A homogeneous batch is understood as milk from one compartment of a tank, one milk storage tank, and a flask.

The average sample is the part of the product taken from the controlled packaging units of the batch in one dish.

The average sample is a certain part of the average sample allocated for laboratory analysis.

A packaging unit is considered a flask, a compartment of a tank truck.

Sampling is carried out in the presence of persons responsible for the quality of controlled products, with the exception of cases of milk delivery by rail and water, after checking the condition of the container and the homogeneity of the batch.

When mixing batches, products are sorted into homogeneous batches.

Controlled packaging units are counted on a random basis.

The organoleptic indicators of milk are evaluated for each controlled packaging unit separately.

In case of detection of chemicals, foreign substances in milk, all packaging units of this batch are opened and inspected.

Before taking samples from milk storage containers and tank trucks, milk is mechanically mixed for 3-4 minutes, avoiding strong foaming, overflowing and achieving its complete homogeneity.

Before sampling, the milk from the flasks is mixed with a whorl, moving it up and down 8-10 times. The whorl must have a handle of such length that when the whorl is immersed to the bottom, part of the handle remains underloaded.

From milk delivered in road tanks, samples are taken with a mug with a capacity of 0.5-0.25 l, or a metal tube from each section of the tank separately into a vessel that is clean and rinsed with the test milk.

From the milk delivered in flasks, 5% of the flasks of their total number are taken for control.

Sampling is carried out with a metal tube, immersing it to the bottom of the flask at such a speed that milk enters the tube at the same time as it is immersed. Milk samples are transferred from each monitored site to a clean and rinsed vessel with test milk, and from there, after mixing, an average sample of 500 ml is isolated.

In order to avoid premature pouring out of the tube of a portion of the selected portion of milk, the tube with milk must be held vertically.

After mixing, the average milk sample intended for determining physicochemical and organoleptic parameters is brought to a temperature of 20 ± 2 ° C.

The evaluation of chemical indicators is carried out on the basis of laboratory research average sample of each homogeneous batch.

Determination of the acidity of milk in the average sample

The acidity of milk is expressed in Turner degrees. The titratable acidity of milk is determined by the number of milliliters of a 0.1 n solution of caustic alkali necessary to neutralize 100 ml of milk diluted 2 times with water; phenolphthalein is used as an indicator.

The acidity of freshly squeezed milk ranges from 16-18 ° T. It is caused by the presence of acid salts and proteins in milk that have acidic properties.

The acidity of milk can decrease with some animal diseases, when milk is diluted with water, and increase if livestock grazed on pastures with acidic grasses.

During storage of milk, acidity increases due to the development of lactic acid bacteria that ferment lactose to lactic acid.

Determination of the density of milk with a hydrometer - lactodensimeter

Density (bulk weight) - the mass of milk at 20 ° C per unit volume.

The relative density of milk is the ratio of the mass of milk at a temperature of +20°C to the mass of water in the same volume at a temperature of +4°C.

The density of milk is one of the indicators characterizing its naturalness. The density of naturally whole milk is in the range of 1.027-1.033 or, as it is customary to express it, in the range of 27-33 degrees lactodensimeter. The density value changes depending on the change in the constituent parts of milk: with an increase in their content (with the exception of fat), the density increases.

When determining the volume of milk in a large container, the net weight of the product is divided by the actual density.

Determination of milk purity group

Determining the purity group of milk is of great importance in assessing the quality of milk. Microorganisms get into milk together with mechanical particles. A large amount of mechanical impurities in milk indicates unsanitary conditions for obtaining, storing or transporting milk. To do this, 250 ml is passed through a special device, a cotton swab is removed from the filter onto a sheet of paper, dried, and the milk purity group is determined by the number of particles retained on the cotton, using a standard.

Determination of the total bacterial contamination of milk by a reductase test with redazurin

The rate of recovery of resazurin or methylene blue in milk is determined by the biochemical activity of microorganisms, different kinds which have different reducing power. The relationship between the duration of discoloration of methylene blue or resazurin and the approximate content of microorganisms in milk has been experimentally established. Therefore, the reductase test is an indirect indicator of the bacterial contamination of milk.

In addition to the general requirements for the quality of milk as a raw material, milk itself must have the biological ability to form a dense clot under the action of rennet.

Cheese suitability of milk

It is determined by conducting additional samples: fermentation and rennet - fermentation.

The fermentation test is carried out by keeping the milk in sterile test tubes in a thermostat at 37-38°C during the day. Milk suitable for cheese making forms a dense even clot. Gas bubbles found in the clot indicate the presence of gas-forming bacteria in the milk. A ruptured clot indicates the presence of peptonizing bacteria. Milk with extraneous microflora is unsuitable for cheese making.

The rennet-fermentation test additionally characterizes milk by its ability to coagulate. It should form a dense, thin, regular rod in the test tube. The presence of gas, a broken clot is unacceptable.

Milk with organoleptic defects is unsuitable or completely unsuitable for processing into cheeses.

Milk after the first days of calving animals (colostrum) is unsuitable, it contains a large amount of albumin, which adversely affects the maturation of cheeses.

Old-fashioned milk should not be used for cheese making. it has a bitter-salty taste and low acidity, which slows down rennet coagulation.

Milk that is stale and with harmful microflora (putrefactive, with E. coli, butyric, gas-forming) is unsuitable for use in cheese making, because its presence can cause a number of defects: putrefactive microorganisms - the breakdown of proteins; coli, butyric and gas-forming bacteria - swelling of cheeses.

Of the microflora of milk in cheese making, lactic streptococci and bacteria are used. With a lack of natural microflora, milk is enriched with the introduction of lactic acid starter cultures (pure cultures).

Maturity of milk

The maturity of milk, which is characterized by its acidity, is determined by the amount of microflora. For Swiss and Soviet cheeses, the acidity of mature milk is 18-20°T, for Hollandsky and Yaroslavl - 17-19°T, for cheddar-type cheeses - 20-22°T, for brine - 20-21°T, for soft cheeses - 22-25°T.

When making cheese from unpasteurized milk, it is kept to reduce the required degree of maturity when cooled to 10 ° C for 12 hours in special baths.

Maturation is subjected to 15% of the total amount of processed milk.

Lactic acid accumulates in milk, which determines the necessary density of the clot when it is coagulated by an enzyme.

Cheese made from insufficiently mature milk with a low content of lactic acid microflora matures more slowly, has a mild taste and pattern.

But during maturation, milk can be enriched with undesirable microflora, so it is advisable to replace the natural maturation of milk with the introduction of bacterial starter cultures from lactic acid cultures into it.

The amount of starter introduced depends on the degree of maturity of the milk used and the type of cheese being produced.

So, when making hard cheeses, from 0.2 to 0.5% of the starter is added, 1.0% of the starter is added to sluggish milk, and 3.0-5.0% of the starter is added to soft cheese.

Milk normalization

The purpose of normalization is to prepare the milk according to the type of cheese being produced, so that its chemical composition meets the requirements of the standard.

Make up a mixture of whole and skimmed milk (according to the content of solids), then check the fat content of the mixture. If the amount of fat is not enough, add milk or cream to the mixture and thus bring the fat content to normal.

Milk pasteurization

Milk pasteurization destroys some harmless microorganisms that interfere with the development of cultural microflora, as well as gas-forming forms of bacteria that can cause swelling of cheeses.

In cheesemaking, instant pasteurization at 72-75°C is used, which provides good quality cheese and is economically beneficial.

Apply and long-term pasteurization at 65°C for 20 minutes. In this case, the minimum change natural properties milk. Long-term pasteurization is carried out in baths.

Milk coloring

Its purpose is to give a pleasant exterior shade to the cheese. For tinting, paints obtained from annatto seeds, stigmas of saffron flowers are used. The paint is injected in an amount of not more than 10 ml per 100 liters of milk.

Adding chemicals to milk

To correct rennet-sluggish milk, calcium chloride is added to it in the amount of 10-15 g per 100 kg of milk.

In cheese, unpasteurized and seeded milk and milk of dubious pasteurization are added potassium nitrate in the amount of 20-30 g per 100 kg of milk. Saltpeter is reduced to nitrites, which are antiseptics and suppress the gas-forming microflora that causes swelling of cheeses. Bacteria ferment lactose to lactose acetic acid, hydrogen and carbon dioxide.

Hydrogen is poorly soluble in water and forms small cavities in the clot, which subsequently leads to swelling of the cheese.

Saltpeter, being reduced to nitrite, releases oxygen, which binds hydrogen and eliminates it. harmful action.

Rennet Preparation

To coagulate milk, you can use rennet - chymosin, which is extracted from abomasum - the fourth compartment of the stomach of ruminants. It is secreted by the glandular cells of the abomasum of dairy calves and lambs, i.e. fed on milk alone.

The abomasum is freed from food debris, pulled from the wide end with a cord, inflated with air and tied tightly from the other end. Hang and dry in a dark room at a temperature of 14-15°C. After drying, it is kept for 3-4 months. Then they are cut off from the ends, freed from the inside of the muscle fibers with a blunt knife and easily incised.

The sourdough is prepared by infusing the abomasum in a 10% aqueous boiled salt solution. You can insist in serum. Ready sourdough filtered and put into production. Salt salts proteins and enzymes out of solution.

Rennet activity is expressed as the number of parts of milk coagulated by one part of the enzyme at a temperature of 35°C for 40 minutes.

An enzyme is active, 1 part of which coagulates 100,000 parts of milk - 1:100,000.

Rennet in cheese production has 2 functions: protein coagulation fresh milk and enzymatic breakdown of proteins during cheese maturation.

Rennet coagulation occurs in a slightly acidic medium at pH=6.6, which leads to the fact that calcium salts remain in the clot.

Preparation of bacterial starters

For the production of cheeses of all types, lactic acid bacteria are needed, which ferment milk sugar and milk nitrates to form lactic acid and other products. Lactic acid gives the cheese a sour taste.

In the formation of the organoleptic properties of cheeses with a high temperature of the second heating, propionic acid bacteria also take part, fermenting part of the lactates with the formation of propionic acid.

The starter is prepared with whole or skimmed milk, which is sterilized at 121±1°C for 15-20 minutes or pasteurized at 95±1°C for 1 hour. For the preparation of secondary and industrial starter cultures, milk is pasteurized at 95±1°C for 30-45 minutes. After pasteurization, the milk is cooled to the fermentation temperature and dairy cultures are introduced into it in the form of a starter or a bacterial preparation in dry or liquid form.

Curdling of milk

Curdling of milk rennet produced in 2-wall rectangular metal baths with a flat bottom, whey drain valve and mechanical agitators.

The clotting process takes 15-30 minutes.

When milk is coagulated by rennet, casein coagulates and passes into paracasein, forming a dense clot called calier.

Determination of clot readiness

The readiness of calle is judged by its density, which depends on the duration of clotting, the amount of enzyme, temperature, milk composition, its acidity and the content of calcium salts in it.

Density is determined by the nature of the fracture. The kink obtained by pressing the fingers on the raised clot should be smooth with even edges.

To determine the density of calli, there is a device that shows the numerical expression of density.

Curd processing: cutting, mixing and setting the curd

Curd processing is the main process in the production of cheese; all further changes that occur during ripening depend on it. As a result of clot processing, cheese grains.

The clot is cut into pieces: first, the cheese mass is cut with a grate with vertically, then horizontally arranged strings, then - across the tub - with a knife or a grate with a vertical arrangement of strings.

Thus, the mass is cut into separate cubes. Next comes the setting of the grain. depending on the type of cheese big chunks clot is crushed into small pieces of various sizes. Each piece is called a grain. The smaller the grain, the more whey will stand out and the cheese mass will be drier.

The developed cheese mass is carefully kneaded with a cheese shovel, and then with cheese rake breaker. The secreted serum is removed.

During processing, the clot is divided into two phases:

1 - dense, which includes milk protein and fat;

2 - liquid - whey containing most of the milk sugar, milk salts, a small amount of protein and some fat.

For better separation of whey, the crushed cheese mass is reheated 2-8°C above the curd mass curdling temperature. The choice of temperature depends on the fat content of the cheese being produced: for lean cheeses, the temperature rises by 1-2°C, for fatty cheeses - by 6-8°C. The heating steam is fed into a steam jacket or, having drained a part of the whey, it is heated up, then poured into the bath again. Heating lasts 15-20 minutes, with continuous kneading of the mass.

There are two heating temperatures: low - 38-42°C and high - 50-56°C.

In the production of soft cheeses, the 2nd heating is not performed. The higher the temperature of the 2nd heating, the more the grain will dehydrate and the less moist the cheese will be.

The degree of readiness of raw grains is determined by the elasticity and stickiness of the grains to the touch - squeezed in the hand, or squeezed with teeth.

The finished grain must be elastic and, after squeezing, take its original shape.

Cheese molding

The purpose of molding is to unite the grains into a monolith, give the cheese a certain shape and isolate excess whey. The shape affects the ripening process and shrinkage during storage.

State standards provide for a specific form for each type of cheese.

Forms are made of hard, low-porous wood, of stainless steel, plastics.

They are spherical, rectangular in the form of bars, low and high cylinders, truncated cones, etc.

Forms are also perforated and without a bottom - so that the whey can drain as quickly as possible until the cheese has cooled. The form is also pre-washed hot water since the temperature difference causes a rapid cooling of the surface of the mass, as a result, cracks may appear in the crust, which leads to infection of the cheese with molds. There are 2 molding methods:

a) from the reservoir - when the cheese mass is molded in the bath where all operations were performed; cheese mass is pressed in the same bath, collecting the entire mass with a scraper, and then with a special board with holes to one end of the bath. The board is fixed at a certain distance from the opposite wall. Start pressing with the help of iron lattice frames. Then the layer is cut into pieces of equal size. After that, the cheese mass is molded.

b) in bulk - when scattered grains are poured into molds, which are compacted in them after whey drains.

Primary marking

When molding cheeses, they are marked by pressing blue-black colored casein numbers into the cheese dough, imprints of metal numbers.

Cheese pressing

Depending on the pressing methods, cheeses are divided into self-pressing and pressed. In self-pressing cheeses, pressing is carried out under the weight of its own mass. The cheese mass is placed in a bag, then in a mold; serum drains.

In the second case, external pressure is applied: a load presses on the cheese and displaces the whey; Our most common are vertical pneumatic presses.

After pressing, the cheese takes on a given shape.

The end of the whey release indicates the completion of the pressing process.

The formed influxes are cut off from the cheese.

Cheese Ambassador

The purpose of salting is to add salt to the cheese. habitual taste.

Salting affects the structure, consistency and quality of the product. Salt slows down the development of gas-forming bacteria.

Salting cheese is carried out differently:

1) clot ambassador in the bath;

2) salting of cheese mass during molding;

3) salting molded cheeses (dry salt, salt grounds and saline solution).

When salting with dry salt and salt grounds, they repeatedly process the surface of the cheese. Salt on the surface dissolves, diffuses into the thickness of the cheese.

When processing with brine, a salt solution is first prepared; the molded cheese is transferred to the brine.

The best way is salting with a circulating brine of 18-20% concentration at a temperature of 8-12°C.

Salting is carried out from a day to several weeks ( Swiss cheese).

Only one layer fresh cheeses must float freely in the brine to avoid deformation.

Cheese maturation

Cheese maturation is a complex process during which the constituent parts of cheese change in their physicochemical and organoleptic properties.

Microflora plays a major role in the maturation of cheeses. The components are changed under the influence of bacterial exoenzymes and, to some extent, under the action of endoenzymes released after cell death. The nature, volume of microflora and the intensification of microbiological processes during the processing of the cheese mass in the cheese factory affect the microbiological processes occurring in the cheese during its maturation. So, milk sugar, lactose, is fermented with the formation of lactic acid as a result of the vital activity of lactic acid bacteria.

Lactic acid in the process of ripening cheese splits off calcium from paracasein, forms calcium lactate with it, and polylactates with casein amino groups. Other acids, entering into compounds with the breakdown products of proteins, reduce the acidity of the cheese.

During the fermentation of milk sugar, succinic, formic acids, alcohol, acetone and gases are also formed, which affect the taste and aroma of cheese.

Lactic acid decomposes during the ripening of cheese, also forming aromatic and flavoring substances.

Cheese care

Cheese care during the ripening process consists in creating a certain temperature and humidity regime in the cellar, turning, grinding, periodic washing and maintaining the necessary hygienic conditions.

In the first period (salting period), most cheeses require a temperature of 8-12°C and a relative humidity of 92-95%.

The third ripening period is at a temperature of 10-12°C (for soft cheeses and Cheddar - 6-8°C) and relative humidity of 87-90%. end of maturation.

Cheese ripening takes place on racks, in containers, in stacks on mobile platforms, on shelves - mobile hanging racks. Turning cheeses at the beginning of ripening is carried out once or twice a week to prevent deformation of the heads. Rotating racks are used to turn cheeses. Solid rennet cheeses periodically washed in raw-washing machines and then dried on racks.

Waxing of cheeses

After putting a sufficiently dense, dry and smooth rind on the cheeses, they are waxed to minimize, remove moisture, and develop microbiological processes on the rind.

Paraffin alloy must be harmless to health, odorless and tasteless, must not be brittle, sticky.

Cheese labeling

A production mark is applied to each cheese, which has its own shape for each group of cheeses and their fat content.

The brand is applied with harmless paint. The production mark indicates the content of fat in dry matter, the number of the plant, the abbreviated name of the region, region, republic in which the plant is located.

Packaging of cheeses in films

The production of cheeses in polymer films is growing from year to year. Polymeric films are used in the production of becrusted cheeses.

Cheese packaging

For each type of cheese, a certain container and its marking are provided by the standard. Cheeses are packed in plank boxes, wooden drums and other containers approved for packaging cheeses in accordance with current GOSTs. Cheeses of the same type, variety and production are placed in each packaging unit.

Some cheeses are wrapped in paper, cellophane or foil before being packed in containers, placed in cans or films.

Pickled cheeses are packed in barrels and filled with brine.

Processed cheeses are packed in aluminum foil, polystyrene cups, boxes, aluminum pipes and stacked in corrugated cardboard boxes.

Cheese storage

In cheese storages, the temperature must be maintained not lower than - 5 ° C and relative humidity of 85-90%.

Optimal conditions storage of most cheeses is at a temperature of 0±2°C and a relative humidity of 80-85%.

Dutch type cheeses are stored in boxes. Small cheeses - in containers, pickled cheeses - in barrels.

Cheese transportation

Cheeses are transported by rail, water, and road. Transportation of cheeses by rail is carried out in isothermal wagons with a temperature inside the wagon not lower than 2°С and not higher than 8°С. In the carriages, cheeses of the Swiss and Soviet type are placed on racks, other types of cheeses are placed in boxes in stacks with a distance of 15-20 cm from the end walls.

When cheese is transported by water, the boxes are tied together with wire or steel tape.

1.5 Quality requirements for cheeses

1.Technical requirements

1. Cheeses must be produced in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the technical instructions, in compliance with sanitary regulations approved in the prescribed manner.

2. For the production of cheeses, the following raw materials and basic materials should be used:

harvested cow's milk that meets the requirements for milk for cheese making;

cream and skimmed milk obtained from cow's milk that meets the requirements for milk for cheese making;

bacterial starter and bacterial preparations, biological preparation and hydrolyzed bacterial starter according to normative and technical documentation;

milk-clotting enzyme preparations approved for use by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;

edible salt according to GOST 13830 - 84, not lower than the first grade, ground, non-iodized, for salting in grain not lower than the Extra grade;

potassium nitrate - according to GOST 4217 - 77;

technical potassium nitrate - according to GOST 19790 - 74, grades A, B, C of the highest quality category;

sodium nitrate - according to GOST 4168 - 79;

technical calcium chloride - according to GOST 450 - 77, not lower than the first grade;

calcium chloride;

calcium chloride 2-water according to GOST 4161 - 77;

compositions for coating the surface of cheeses, polymer films approved for use by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for these purposes.

2. Cheeses must be produced for sale at the age of, days, not less than:

Estonian - 30

Kostroma - 45

dutch slab, Yaroslavl

Uglich, Latvian - 60

dutch round, steppe - 75

Soviet - 90

Altai - 120

Swiss - 180

It is allowed to produce for sale Dutch round, Dutch square cheeses aged at least 45 days, produced using an increased dose of leaven and having received a total score of organoleptic quality indicators of at least 91 points. The age of cheese is determined from the date of production.

The environmental properties of the product, but, nevertheless, it is the totality of all consumer properties cosmetic product defines it beneficial effect. 1.5 Factors that shape and maintain the quality of body care cosmetics Factors that shape the quality of beauty products include the planning and formulation of a cosmetic product; raw materials used in...
