
Homemade cottage cheese from milk: step by step recipes. Technology for obtaining cheese grain and step-by-step recipes for cottage cheese from milk

Cottage cheese dishes are not only cheesecakes and casseroles. From this useful ingredient you can make a cake, cookies and even a snack for the festive table.

Lazy cottage cheese dumplings

Required products:

  • three large spoons flour;
  • 200 grams of 5% cottage cheese;
  • one egg;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • two spoons of sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. We knead the indicated amount of cottage cheese with a fork, mix with all the other ingredients on the list, knead a homogeneous dough.
  2. We form a sausage (not too thick), cut it into small pieces, which we roll on both sides in flour.
  3. We send the blanks to already boiling water, keep on fire for about five minutes, after which we serve, for example, with sour cream. They can be frozen and used as needed.

Diet cheesecakes without eggs

Suitable for those who want to lose weight diet meals from curd. note that milk product better to take the minimum amount fat or none at all.

Required products:

  • 0.25 kg of cottage cheese;
  • a large spoonful of flour;
  • one teaspoon sugar or to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Combine the indicated amount of cottage cheese with sugar and rub with a fork until smooth.
  2. When the mass becomes soft enough, pour in the flour, mix again and form balls from this dough. Press them a little between your fingers so that you get a cake.
  3. We send blanks to hot pan(preferably non-stick, so as not to use oil) and fry on both sides until golden brown.

Alternatively, you can remove the semi-finished products in the oven for 25 minutes by setting the heat to 180 degrees.

Curd pie in the oven

Required products:

  • tsp baking powder;
  • 0.25 kg of cottage cheese;
  • two eggs;
  • 120 grams of butter;
  • one glass of sugar;
  • half a glass of sour cream;
  • one and a half cups of flour.

Cooking process:

  1. Combine flour with baking powder and half of the specified amount of sugar. Then add the butter, pre-cut into pieces (it must be chilled). Rub this mass with your hands so that a sticky crumb forms.
  2. Cottage cheese well knead with a fork or grind through a sieve, mix with yolks and sour cream.
  3. Combine the remaining sugar with the proteins and beat with a mixer until foam forms. The result should be a mass, about three times the original.
  4. Add the resulting mixture to the curd and bring to a smooth consistency.
  5. We first place half of the dough in the form, and then the cottage cheese with proteins, which we also cover with the remaining dough.
  6. We remove future dessert in the oven for 30 minutes, warming it up to 180 degrees in advance.

There are products whose taste has been familiar to us since childhood. These include cottage cheese - the undisputed king of the dairy kingdom. So, it would seem, there is nothing easier than making cottage cheese at home. This can be afforded by anyone who at least somehow cares about their health and their loved ones. Especially since home product much healthier and tastier than store-bought. However, despite the seeming simplicity of the process, few people do it regularly.

How to cook homemade cottage cheese

At home, the preparation of this fermented milk product takes several days. This one is the simplest classic recipe assumes the presence of only good full-fat cow's milk - and nothing else is needed! Milk bought in a supermarket is not suitable, as it is pasteurized. from three liters good milk it turns out less than a kilogram of cottage cheese. Note that whey is often not completely drained from a store product, which leads to an increase in mass and a reduction in shelf life. We will be able to produce quite dry and crumbly cottage cheese!

Cooking technology

We just leave the jar of milk covered with gauze in the kitchen for souring. The process will start by itself, no need to add anything to the milk! If the apartment is not warm enough, you need to put the jar near the stove or battery. When a thick white lump forms, the sour raw material is ready for further transformations (the longer it sits, the sourer if you like it). First, leave the raw material to sour for two days. Over time, you will already know when to stop the sourdough process by adjusting the time so that you get the most delicious cottage cheese.

Then slowly pour the raw materials into the pan (trying not to shake) and put on the most small fire. We heat until the whey separates. You can't boil! Long keep on fire - too! If brought to a boil, then our cottage cheese will look more like rubber than a delicate and tasty product. Moreover, when boiling, all useful microflora dies.

After we remove the future cottage cheese from the stove, let it cool for a while. We are preparing a colander for further action. We take gauze, fold it several times and put it in the center of a colander. We pass the already cooled mass through this filter. We substitute a bowl under a colander to use the expressed whey. When the liquid has completely drained, the edges of the gauze must be tied, and the structure should be hung over the bowl until the liquid stops dripping. Manual pressing is prohibited! Everything must happen naturally. We extract the mass. The curd is ready! This is the most common answer to the question of how to make cottage cheese at home.

Kefir or yogurt

You can try to make cottage cheese from kefir, yogurt at home. The cooking process is the same as in the first recipe, but instead of milk, we use either one or the other. The fat content of the resulting cottage cheese will depend on the fat content of kefir, and yogurt, of course, must be natural, “live”, without dyes and fruit supplements. It’s better to put slices of fresh fruit into our cottage cheese later.

For baby

The child begins to give cottage cheese from five to six months - in a carefully ground form, at the very beginning of feeding. The dose gradually rises to 30 grams, so there is no need to cook the curd on a global scale. By the year daily allowance is only 50 grams. Do not give such small children the cottage cheese that is sold in the markets, as it has short term implementation, and the fat content is not quite suitable. It is better to cook cottage cheese at home.

Recipe 1. In a water bath

You need to take kefir (from the dairy kitchen), pour it into a saucepan and put it on water bath(up to 70 degrees). Keep at this temperature until a dense clot forms. Next, drain the whey and wipe through a sieve (remember about small quantities- from 500 grams of kefir you should get about 50-70 grams of cottage cheese, just a daily portion for a baby). You don’t need to prepare for the future, it’s better to make fresh tomorrow!

Recipe 2. Delicate cottage cheese

Add a little yogurt to the milk and bring the mixture to a boil, but do not boil! Throw on a sieve. The curd is ready. It turns out very gentle in this way. To taste, you can add a spoonful of fruit puree there.

Recipe 3. Freeze

It is necessary to freeze a pack of kefir in a soft package in freezer. Then we cut the polyethylene, put it in a sieve, defrost, strain. The curd is ready!

Recipe 4. With pharmacy additive

We boil milk, pour 10% calcium chloride into the hot one (we buy it at the pharmacy) at the rate of: a tablespoon per glass of milk. It immediately starts to curl up. Set aside to allow excess liquid to glass. We rub through a sieve. Can be diluted with boiled milk.


If you are planning to make skim cheese at home, you must either immediately take low-fat milk as a basis, or already in the process of cooking, remove cream from milk starting to sour. This results in a non-greasy dietary product for those who monitor weight or follow a diet.

From goat milk

It's wonderful universal product for all age categories. In regions where goat milk is regularly consumed and dairy products of it, people get sick less, they are not bothered excess weight and insomnia. It's connected with the most unique properties this milk, which can be consumed by allergy sufferers and people suffering from diseases of the stomach and heart. Goat cottage cheese at home is also quite simple to prepare. There are several popular recipes for those who decide to learn how to make cottage cheese at home.


You need to take six liters goat milk(the output will be one kilogram of mass). Put for fermentation in heat. To speed up the process, add about a glass of sour whey. The souring process lasts a day in summer, and up to 3 days in winter. When the pieces of the mass are separated, the raw material is ready. For the convenience of further actions, we pour into two three-liter jars(you can do it right away). We then heat the curdled milk in a water bath (up to 70 degrees) for about half an hour. As a result, the whey falls down, and the curd floats at the top. We take out the jars from the pans, let them cool. We filter the cooled raw materials through gauze. You can drain the whey with a rubber tube, and only then filter it. We tie the gauze in a knot and hang it up overnight. In the morning goat curd ready.

In a slow cooker

How to make cottage cheese at home, if you already have a slow cooker, so fashionable in Lately? Buy three liters of goat's milk, add a glass of kefir, mix and put in a warm place for fermentation (usually for a day). Curdled milk should be thick, with large feathers. Pour the liquid into the multicooker bowl without stirring. We put on the “Heating” mode for three hours. Strain through a fine sieve. The curd is ready!

On a bread crust

A simple, affordable way even for a novice in cooking. It is necessary to add a small crust there to improve the souring process of milk. rye bread. At the end of the process, we extract it from yogurt. Next, follow the basic recipe.

As you can see, for those who decide to learn how to make cottage cheese at home, there are many recipes that allow you to produce this delicious and healthy product.

If a person cares about his health, then you need to consume sour-milk products, including cottage cheese. Yes, just not bought in stores, but on the market, and then from trusted housewives, or cook at home at least once a week. But not everyone knows how to cook it, so in this article I will describe in more detail the secrets of grandmothers and how to properly prepare this product, which is so important for our body.

What ingredients are needed to make homemade cottage cheese?

To prepare an impeccable quality cottage cheese, you will need, first of all, homemade milk with fat content, and the yield of the finished product will also be greater. It is better to take milk fresh or slightly sour, and already sour is not recommended, as there are unwanted bacteria. As additions and depending on the recipe, you can add kefir or yogurt.

In order to accelerated process coagulation (coagulation) and separation of serum it is possible to use citric acid, vinegar, and special preparations bought in pharmacies will be more reliable and useful. This rennet extract, which is obtained from the ventricle of young calves or lambs, pepsin, calcium chloride, bifidobacterin and a number of others. The proportions of the additive are written in the instructions.

It seems to us that this is a troublesome business, it will take a lot of time, but if you have experience in cooking, then everything is not so difficult, only after each stage of preparation you need to wait for time.


  • homemade milk - 4 liters.

By favorite recipe how to cook homemade cottage cheese from milk we cook like this:

1. Pour the selected milk into ceramic dishes and put in a warm place for two days. Cover the top with a clean towel. IN summer time prevent peroxidation, as original product will be sour.

2. In the process of souring milk, you can add rye croutons or slices of bread, drip a little lemon juice or pour in kefir.

3. When two layers are formed: the dense part and the liquid. This is a liquid serum, and the upper part will be a thick mass.

5. Pour the resulting clot into a colander covered with gauze and drain.

6. Tie the gauze in a knot and hang it so that all the liquid is filtered. If there is a desire to get dry cottage cheese, then it is necessary to put a load on the bundle.

7. The cottage cheese is ready, you can use it as an independent version, as well as with the addition of jam, herbs, sour cream, etc.

2. How to cook homemade cottage cheese

Due to the fact that there are still many complaints about the quality of store-bought dairy products, I prefer to cook cottage cheese at home according to various recipes. My piggy bank is replenished with new and new recipes. I try to cook cottage cheese so that it is not sour, amazingly delicate in texture, crumbly, moist and even with delicate aroma vanilla!


  • whole milk - 2 liters (fat content not less than 2.8%);
  • kefir - 1 liter (fat content 3.5%);
  • vanilla - 1 pod.

By savory recipe how to cook homemade cottage cheese we cook like this:

Pour two liters of milk into a wide saucepan with a thick bottom and start heating it over medium heat for about an hour. Do not change the temperature.

After 40 minutes, when a film begins to form on the surface, this indicates that the milk begins to curdle.

Then, after 10 minutes, the curdling process is more noticeable, carefully pour all the kefir along the walls of the dish. The separation into cottage cheese and whey begins, add a whole vanilla pod and bring to a boil.

When the first bubbles appear, turn off the fire and begin to collect the cottage cheese in a sieve with a wooden spatula. All the cottage cheese is on top, and below is a transparent whey, which I pour into jugs and store in the refrigerator. She is beautiful liquid foundation for baking.

I got 500 grams tender cottage cheese. With a wooden spatula, carefully mix the cottage cheese so that excess liquid is glassed, it is better to do this several times.

I leave the cottage cheese with vanilla in a sieve overnight and cover the sieve with gauze. In the morning you can add a handful of raisins, brew coffee and enjoy wonderful breakfast. And what else do you need!

3. Homemade cottage cheese with sugar


  • milk - two three-liter cans;
  • sugar - 300 grams.

By simple recipe homemade cottage cheese with sugar is prepared as follows:

1. To begin with, we take the freshest homemade milk - this condition must be observed.

2. Pour the milk into a thick-walled dish and put it closer to heat for a day and a half (you can’t interfere).

3. After this time, the liquid and solid part will peel off.

4. Then we put this saucepan on slow fire, add a little sugar and heat, but do not boil and do not interfere.

5. Turn off the heat and leave until the curd has completely cooled and ripened, until the next morning.

6. We throw the resulting product on a sieve, put it on a cheesecloth and leave it in limbo for several hours.

7. Ready homemade cottage cheese can be given to children, used for cold snacks and salads. Long term storage is not recommended. In the refrigerator no more than three days.


  • milk - 1.5 liters;
  • kefir - 1.5 liters.

By home recipe how to cook homemade cottage cheese with milk and kefir, we cook it like this:

1. Pour into equal proportions in a very clean dish milk and kefir.

2. Put the pan on the slowest heat and heat for about 45 minutes.

3. As soon as we notice the separation of the whey from the curd and the curd layer is clearly visible, then turn it off.

4. We throw it back through several layers of gauze, we get whey and ready-made cottage cheese.

5. We hang a gauze bag and hold it for two or more hours. If needed soft cheese, then 2 hours is enough, and if it is dry, then it is necessary to keep it longer.

5. Delicious homemade cottage cheese

Each housewife has her favorite recipes, but I am sharing with you the recipe that I cook all the time, it is perfect, not greasy and tasty. Try and cook with me!


  • homemade milk - 4.5 liters;
  • any sour cream (you can also take store-bought) - 650 grams;
  • salt - optional.

By favorite recipe delicious homemade cottage cheese prepared as follows:

Buy homemade milk, refrigerate for five hours, then skim off the cream. From the amount of milk taken, about one kilogram of cottage cheese is obtained.

After put the milk in a warm place for souring. IN winter period it will sour longer, and in summer three hours is enough. If you want milk to help in the process of souring, then put a few spoons ready-made cottage cheese or sour milk.

Pour through a linen towel, wait for the liquid to drain, and then wrap it in a bundle and store for five hours in a suspended state. It turned out a tender and fat curd.

6. Homemade sourdough cottage cheese with carrots

Recently, at home, we have become so addicted to homemade cottage cheese that now I cannot live without it, and believe it or not, I collect various recipes, I ask people who live in the village or other experts in this skill. So my friend used to live in the countryside and told me that when cooking cottage cheese, they added more carrots. In order to fortify it and so that it has a yellowish tint, which indicates that the cottage cheese is made from good homemade milk.


  • homemade milk - 3 liters;
  • sourdough - according to the instructions;
  • root crop - 2 pieces;
  • salt - 4 teaspoons.

By original recipe homemade sourdough cottage cheese with carrots is prepared as follows:

Now I also cook like this, but with the addition of the domestic sourdough Bakzdrav, which works great in terms of fermentation.
I heat the milk, add peeled pieces and washed pieces of carrots, salt and bring to a slight boil, set aside for 40 minutes, let it brew. Next, pour the sourdough according to the instructions and set to ripen for 12 hours.

When the mass resembles the consistency of curdled milk, I slightly heat it in a water bath to form a clot. I transfer it to a gauze bag and hang it in a convenient place so that the liquid is glassed. I throw away the carrot. The curd is ready.

7. Video - How to make homemade cottage cheese from store milk

Until we meet again on the pages of my site, write, ask, I will answer all questions with great pleasure.

As you know, cottage cheese is usually made from milk. But with my recipe, there is no need to wait for the milk to go sour. natural way, and the cottage cheese itself will be more tasty, not sour. And most importantly, you can cook such cottage cheese at home and simply and quickly. And so, we master the recipe homemade cottage cheese from fresh (often said sweet), not sour milk. Step-by-step photographs will help you more accurately understand what is happening and how.

Curd Ingredients:

Milk (fresh) - 3 liters;

Citric acid - 1 tbsp. lies. (or the juice of one medium lemon).

How to make cottage cheese from milk at home

Starting to cook, I usually immediately prepare a sieve, on which we will discard the cottage cheese and a piece of clean gauze, folded in two layers. The size of the gauze should be such that you can completely cover the sieve.

The next thing to do is pour the milk into a stainless steel or aluminum pan, put it on the stove, turning on a strong fire.

We need to heat the milk, almost to a boil. During the heating process, I usually stir the milk with a slotted spoon to prevent foam from forming.

As soon as the milk reaches a boiling state (you can understand by tasting the milk with your finger, it should be very hot), we need to make a minimum fire, add citric acid or juice squeezed from a lemon to the milk and stir with a slotted spoon.

After adding the acid, you will see how, almost immediately, the milk curdles and forms on its surface cottage cheese flakes. The gas under the pan must be turned off.

The cottage cheese is heated, now we need to install a sieve on an empty pan and strain the cottage cheese.

The whey flows into the pan, and the grains of cottage cheese remain on the gauze. Let's wait until all the liquid drains, and pour it into the bottle.

The ends of the gauze with the still wet cottage cheese must be wrapped (the cottage cheese is obtained, as it were, in a gauze bag). So that the cottage cheese is not so wet, we put a flat plate on top of the gauze bundle, on which we install the load. For this purpose, I used a bottle of serum. The design is clearly visible in the photo.

After an hour, we remove the oppression and take out healthy, fresh and tasty homemade cottage cheese from gauze. Look, even in the photo you can see that the curd turned out to be appetizing.

Such cottage cheese can simply be served with sugar, sour cream or jam. Also, it is perfect for cheesecakes or can be a great filling for pastries or dumplings.

Make cottage cheese at home very easy with your own hands and in this article you will find the most best recipes cooking delicious product- including a very simple step-by-step recipe for homemade cottage cheese made from milk and low-fat kefir.
Anyone, even the most expensive shop product, will be inferior in taste and natural quality home.

There are many methods for making cottage cheese at home, both old and new. It can be made from sourdough, milk, kefir, even yogurt will do. Classic way making cottage cheese is based on milk.

Classic recipe with photo. Most fast way make delicious cottage cheese from milk:


fresh milk let it simmer a little. special conditions you do not need to create for this process, just put a container with it in the kitchen. Room temperature quite suitable. When the house is cool, you need to rearrange the jar closer to the battery or the window.

When a thick white consistency with lumps appears, you can safely proceed to the following steps. The longer the souring period, the more acidic the curd will turn out. For the first two days, do not touch the jar, then look to find the desired consistency.

Carefully slowly pour the acidic liquid into the pan, without shaking it. Put the pan on a small fire and do not remove until all the whey has peeled off. Make sure that the milk does not overheat, it should not be boiled - finished product will have a rubbery taste.

When the fire is turned off, let the substance cool and take a colander. Gauze will be needed, which must be folded a couple of times and lowered into a colander. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe folded gauze piece should be larger than the dish itself, so that the rag edges hang from it.

The consistency has cooled, put it in cheesecloth. Down under the colander, it is advisable to substitute a deep plate for whey. If it is completely glass, tie the edges of the gauze and hang it over the container. It is not recommended to squeeze the product with your hands, it will become completely dry. When the whey stops dripping from the gauze, the substance can be obtained, this is the finished cottage cheese.

When using yogurt instead of milk, start to act with them the same way as with sour milk. Colorings or additives are not allowed in yogurt.

Now you know how to make delicious and healthy cottage cheese at home. Miscellaneous recipes will help to diversify your morning diet and pamper your children
