
Store-bought or homemade dairy products - which are healthier? How safe is store bought milk?

There are many products in our stores. Lots of Snickers, fruits and even healthy (at least the manufacturer wants to assure us) products. Special attention should be given to the dairy department: it is here that the consumer is most likely to buy not only low-quality, but, frankly, harmful goods. Recently, Rosselkhoznadzor published a list of what is contained in store-bought milk. We present only the most unpleasant excerpts from this frightening study.

Reconstituted milk
Very often, unscrupulous manufacturers replace whole milk with reconstituted milk, made with the addition of vegetable fats. So, for example, they act in the manufacture dairy products. Goat milk The more expensive, repair more often.

Hydrogenated fats
Mixes various oils, hydrogenated fats - you can meet all this in ordinary store-bought milk. Generally speaking, the Ministry of Health recommends limiting the presence of these fats in the diet, as they contain a high concentration of trans isomers. fatty acids. Few manufacturers follow these guidelines.

Most often, ordinary chalk is added to sour cream and cottage cheese. It is not harmful - but tell me, who likes to eat chalk? Pay attention to the texture of the curd. Too crumbly, tasteless product will mean additives.

Sour cream
It's even easier here. If you don't want to use a bunch of supplements - don't buy shop sour cream. Here you will surely stumble upon diluted with water, kefir, fat-free cottage cheese product. Flavoring additives? The manufacturer prefers not to save on them.

Starch can be safely called the basis of the fat of unscrupulous dairy producers. It is added everywhere. Sour cream and butter, cottage cheese, even inexpensive kefir - everything is better with starch.

Some manufacturers add antibiotics to milk. So they save on sterilization. But the Ministry of Health directly prohibits doing this: the abundance of antibiotics reduces human immunity.

Myths about health. Myth number two:

In order not to exhaust the supply of calcium in the body, you need to drink milk every day. Or: “Drink, children, milk, you will be healthy!”

If you are ready to take care of your health on your own, without waiting for osteoporosis, cancer and other diseases - find out the truth about milk, there are good reasons to exclude milk from your diet.

Milk contains proteins, fats, glucose, vitamins, and calcium, which, in fact, makes it so popular. It is believed that calcium is not enough for us, especially for the elderly.

Alas, milk is digested much worse than any other product. By consistency, it is a homogeneous liquid mass, so some even quench their thirst with milk - they drink it instead of water. However, when milk enters the stomach, the casein contained in it (and this is about eighty percent of all milk calcium) sticks together into one large lump, making digestion difficult.

In addition, store-bought milk is HOMOGENIZED. What does it mean? Homogenization is a process during which milk is stirred, thus achieving an even distribution of fat particles in total mass. There is nothing good in homogenization, since when stirring, air enters the milk and milk fats turn into an oxidized oily substance. Eating oxidized milk fats means introducing into your body a large number of free radicals; You definitely won't get any healthier.

In the course of further technological process processing containing oxidized fats milk is pasteurized at a temperature of more than one hundred degrees. Enzymes are very sensitive to heat; at temperatures from 45 to 115 degrees, they are completely destroyed. In other words, there are simply no precious enzymes in store-bought milk. Add to this the structure of proteins changed under the influence of high temperature, and you will understand that we are talking about the worst of products.

Proof dubious benefit milk can be served by the news I heard: if newborn calves begin to feed shop milk, they die on the fourth or fifth day. No enzymes, no life.


I first became convinced of how harmful store-bought milk is thirty-five years ago when I examined the children of my relatives. Both babies were born in America and fell ill with atopic dermatitis at the age of five or six months. Their mother followed all the instructions of the pediatrician, but the dermatitis did not recede. At the age of three or four years, the children began attacks of the most severe DIARRHEA. Then there was BLOOD in their stool. The frightened mother rushed to me for help. I immediately did an endoscopic examination and found that both babies had early ulcerative colitis.

Ulcerative colitis often occurs when poor diet, so I asked what they feed the children. It turned out that when babies developed dermatitis, mother, on the advice of a pediatrician, stopped breastfeeding them and transferred them to store-bought milk.

I advised her to expel immediately children's menu both milk and dairy products. You can be sure that colitis, diarrhea, and even dermatitis soon disappeared.

Since then, I began to wonder what place milk occupies on the menu of my patients, and found that addiction to dairy products often leads to allergies. My observations are confirmed by the latest scientific research, according to which milk consumption during pregnancy increases the likelihood that the baby will develop atopic dermatitis.

Over the past thirty years, the number of patients with dermatitis and hay fever has increased markedly in Japan. One in five is sick. Experts explain this outbreak of allergic diseases in different ways, but I believe that milk is to blame - in the early sixties it was introduced into the menu of school breakfasts.

The oxidized fats contained in milk multiply the number of harmful bacteria in the intestines and thereby harm its microflora. As a consequence, in free radicals are formed in the colon, as well as such toxins like hydrogen sulfide and ammonia. As a result, milk provokes not only different kinds allergies, but also more serious diseases that are increasingly affecting children (leukemia, diabetes). Many people talk about it Scientific research, whose materials are now available through the Internet, and I encourage everyone who cares about his health to read them.

But the most terrible misconception is the widespread belief that milk allegedly saves from osteoporosis. People think that since calcium stores in the body are depleted with age, you need to drink more milk, because milk calcium absorbed faster and better than calcium from other foods (such as fish). Gross mistake. “More milk” is a direct path to osteoporosis!

The normal content of calcium in human blood is 9-10 mg. When you drink milk, the concentration of calcium in your blood increases dramatically. Yes, at first glance it may seem that he learned surprisingly well and quickly, but in reality it is not so simple. Your body, in order to remove excess calcium through the kidneys and intestines, makes so much effort that it soon begins to experience a deficiency. That is why in the USA, Sweden, Denmark, Finland - countries where dairy food is very popular - so many suffer from osteoporosis and bone fractures.

fish and seaweed (traditional food the Japanese, which is still reproached for having little calcium), unlike milk, are absorbed slowly. The calcium content in the blood of those who eat such food increases smoothly and naturally. For this reason, in old times When the Japanese didn't drink milk, they didn't know what osteoporosis was.

The body can get the amount of calcium it needs, as well as other minerals from shrimp, algae and fish. And these products, unlike milk, are really useful.


In terms of oxidation rate, it ranks second after vegetable oil is the cost of milk, which is sold in our stores. Raw milk contains many useful elements: a variety of enzymes (enzymes that break down lactose, lipase, necessary for the absorption of fats, protease, which breaks down proteins). Natural milk also contains lactoferrin, which improves immunity and has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral properties.

All this is no longer in store-bought milk: in the process of processing, everything that was useful in it is simply destroyed.

I will briefly talk about how milk is processed. First, the cows are milked using milking machines. The resulting raw milk is stored for some time in special vats. Then it is brought to one place from different farms, poured into large tanks, mixed and homogenized. In fact, the fat droplets contained in the milk are homogenized.

raw milk contains about 4% fat, most of which is concentrated in the form of small grains of fat - tiny "droplets". These grains of fat float to the surface. Therefore, if raw milk is allowed to stand for a while, a layer of cream forms on top. As a child, I drank store-bought milk (which was not homogenized at that time) from bottles a couple of times and I remember well white layer fat on the walls.

Now they use a homogenizer, it breaks the natural grains of fat into even smaller particles. However, during this process, milk fats come into contact with oxygen and turn into hydrogenated, that is, oxidized fats, and oxidized to such an extent that they can be called rusty.

As I said before, these fats are unhealthy. But that's not all.

To get rid of germs and bacteria, homogenized milk is heated (pasteurized). There are four types of pasteurization:

  1. Prolonged heating at a temperature of 62-65 degrees for 30 minutes. This is the so-called "pasteurization at low temperature".
  2. Prolonged heating at a temperature of more than 75 degrees for 15 minutes or more - "pasteurization at high temperature».
  3. Fast heating up to 72 and more degrees within 15 seconds. This is the most common pasteurization method.
  4. Ultra high temperature fast heating - boil at 120-130 degrees for 2 seconds (or at 150 degrees for 1 second).

Fast pasteurization at high temperatures is common in most parts of the world. I have already said and I will repeat again: enzymes are very sensitive to heat, they begin to break down already at 48 degrees and finally die at 115 degrees. At the same time, it does not matter how quickly we raise the temperature to 130 degrees - anyway, almost all enzymes will die.

In addition, at ultra-high temperatures, the amount of oxidized fats in milk increases. Remember how easily the yolk of an overcooked egg breaks down: similar processes occur in milk proteins. The heat-sensitive lactoferrin also loses its potency.

That's why store-bought milk has become a harmful product!!!

Cow's milk is for calves

Cow's milk is mainly food for calves. Contained in milk nutrients perfect for a newborn calf. But what is good for a calf is not necessarily good for a human.

Remember: animals drink milk only at the most tender age. In the wild, no adult animal drinks milk. Only people consciously take milk from representatives of another biological species, oxidize it and eat it. This is contrary to all laws of nature.

In Japanese schools, children are almost forced to drink cow's milk, as it is believed that the nutrients contained in it benefit the growing body. But if you think that cow's milk is identical to women's breast milk, then you are deeply mistaken. Yes, both have proteins, fats, lactose, iron, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium and vitamins. But that's where the similarity ends.

The main protein in milk is casein. Digestive system human is not adapted to its digestion. Milk also contains the antioxidant lactoferrin, which strengthens immune system. However, in breast milk, the proportion of lactoferrin is 0.15%, and in cow's milk - only 0.01%. Thus, even when it comes to newborns, if they belong to different species They also need different food.

But what about adults?

Take the same lactoferrin found in cow's milk. Even if you drink raw milk, it will still break down in the stomach under the action of gastric juice. With breast milk, the situation is exactly the same: the baby absorbs the lactoferrin contained there only because his stomach is still underdeveloped - there is little stomach acid in it. So even female breast milk intended exclusively for infants.

In my opinion, not only store-bought, but also fresh unprocessed milk is not suitable for adults. And if this product, which in its natural form is not very useful to a person, is homogenized and pasteurized at a high temperature, it completely turns into junk food. And we still persistently teach our children to drink it for breakfast every day!

In the body of an adult, there is too little lactase, an enzyme that breaks down lactose. Lactase is produced in excess during infancy, but decreases sharply with age. This is why some people experience stomach rumbles and diarrhea symptoms from milk - such are the consequences of a lack of special enzymes.

Lactose is a sugar present in the milk of mammals. In women's breast milk, lactose is as much as 7%, in cow's milk - only 4.5%. In early childhood, almost all children can drink lactose-rich breast milk, and in adulthood, as already mentioned, the lactase enzyme is not produced. In my opinion, this is quite eloquently said that adults should not drink milk.

For those of you who love the taste of milk and do not want to give it up, I would advise you to drink it less often, moreover, drink milk that has not been homogenized and pasteurized at a low temperature. And never force someone (whether it be an adult or a child) to drink milk who does not like it. From my point of view, drinking cow's milk does not bring any benefit to the human body.

From book ABOUT THE HARM OF "HEALTHY FOOD" by doctor Hiromi Shinya, who has examined and treated over 300,000 people with digestive ailments.

More details and research in the Lecture of the German professor Walter Veith "On the dangers of milk".

Store shelves today are bursting with a variety of dairy products. And fatty, and fat-free, and in large bags, and in small cups. When buying milk, kefir or sour cream, we expect that we will receive, in addition to delicious product to the table, and also benefit for the body. But what do we really get with dairy products from the store?
Statistics show that all available cows do not produce even half of the milk put on store shelves. So what do we drink, thinking we drink milk and dairy products? The lack of raw materials and the desire to reduce production costs are forcing producers to use various additives. Milk is produced not on the basis of valuable and healthy milk fats, but on vegetable fats with various additives.

Vegetable fats are derived from palm and coconut oils. They differ from milk fats in that they have a melting point of 39 degrees, and in our body they do not melt, but remain in a solid state and are deposited on the walls of blood vessels.

Vegetable fats in dairy products increase fat content. It would be more logical to do this by adding cream, but then dairy products would become too expensive. Starch, flour, soda, salicylic or boric acid may also be present in milk. These additives increase the shelf life of milk.

How to determine if you bought under the guise natural product an incomprehensible mixture of flour, coconut oil and still not sure what? If in milk product a drop of vinegar or citric acid, then milk with additives will bubble, releasing carbon dioxide. The presence of starch can be determined by dropping iodine: fake milk will turn blue, and natural milk will turn yellow.

Some manufacturers add antibiotics to milk to save on sterilization. This is prohibited by law, but very often antibiotics in dairy products are detected during tests. Antibiotics can also get into milk from a recently treated cow. According to the regulations, if a cow was injected with antibiotics, then milk from it cannot be taken for 10 days, but who will comply with this norm?

Exit - one. Buy natural milk, which is obtained by milking a cow, and not by mixing different chemical substances. But milk from the market can also be of inadequate quality due to violation of storage rules. Milk remains sterile for up to an hour and a half after milking, and then microorganisms develop in it, their metabolic products, and they themselves can be hazardous to health.

So, why not give up milk altogether? No, just buying milk in the market is desirable from a friend, a trusted seller or directly from the hostess in the village. Don't buy bottled milk plastic bottles, it is very quickly saturated with harmful substances.

When buying milk in a store, read the label carefully. If it says " Whole milk”, which means that this is natural milk, and it has only undergone heat treatment. "Normalized milk" is also natural milk. Milk of different fat content comes to the plant from different farms, it is mixed, degreased or cream is added, the fat content is adjusted to a certain standard. "Reconstituted milk" is milk made from dry powder. in terms of calories and mineral composition it is no different from natural milk but when milk is dried it loses a lot valuable substances. And one more tip: when buying milk in a store, pay attention to the date of manufacture. Try to take packages from the depth of the rack, usually products with an expiring date are put forward.

It's no secret that country milk is much healthier than factory milk. However, in the conditions of the city, it is quite difficult to get such milk. Buying draft milk in spontaneous markets is risky, it can be contaminated. One way out is to take milk in the store.

Should you drink milk? The issue is controversial, and experts have not yet come to a consensus regarding the benefits or harms of this drink. Some doctors consider milk useful. Others, on the contrary, consider milk to be the main culprit of childhood allergies and even osteoporosis, which at first glance may seem strange.

But we will not touch on the issue of expediency and dairy products here. If you regularly consume milk, then you have the right to know about the product that you buy in stores.

Natural and store milk - what's the difference?

Fresh unprocessed milk, just obtained from a cow, contains a lot of useful components. This and a variety of enzymes, vitamins, amino acids, and in addition, in fresh milk contains a lot of lactoferrin - a protein that has positive influence on the immune system and has anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties.

Unfortunately, in the store-bought milk of all these useful substances simply not, because they are all destroyed in the recycling process.

Milk homogenization

An interesting question is: how is milk processed? First, the cows are milked and the resulting milk is poured into large vats and then into tanks for homogenization. Raw milk contains approximately 4% fat, most of which is concentrated in small droplets. Homogenization is necessary to “break up” these droplets and distribute the fat evenly throughout the milk. However, during homogenization, fats come into contact with air, resulting in their oxidation. Oxidized fats, entering the intestine, contribute to the growth of pathogenic microflora and the development of inflammatory processes.

Questions from readers

October 18, 2013, 17:25 hello my baby is 2 months old i feed her cow's milk she had a rash with spitting up everything she eats !!! what should we do? can you mix milk and formula?!

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Pasteurized or sterilized?

If you do not have the opportunity to buy high-quality village milk, then you have to choose between pasteurized and sterilized store-bought milk. Which one to choose?

Pasteurization involves heating milk to 65-70 degrees. At this temperature, pathogenic microbes die, and some of the beneficial substances are preserved. The shelf life of such milk is several days.

As regards the this case milk is processed at 130-140 degrees. After such treatment, not only bacteria, but also spores die. True, in such milk there is practically nothing useful left. Sterilized milk can be stored for months.

For those who have drunk a real steam room at least once, dairy products from a supermarket may seem at least strange. They have a completely different, unusual taste, which is called "powder". Let's see how it differs from under a cow from products manufactured in industrial environment. Is it really more beneficial for the body? And how not to run into products of dubious quality in the supermarket?

What is the difference between natural and store-bought dairy products?

Since 2013 in Customs Union the technical regulation “On the safety of milk and dairy products” is in force. It is designed to protect the lives and health of people, to prevent attempts by manufacturers to mislead buyers about the quality of products.

The technical regulations list more than 100 types of dairy products. All of them are combined into 3 large groups:

  1. Dairy - drinking milk, cottage cheese sour cream. Such products are made from milk or its constituent parts, with no added non-dairy fats and proteins. The composition may contain additional components needed for milk processing.
  2. Dairy compound products- yoghurts with crispy flakes, curds with pieces of fruit. These products are also made from milk and its components, which are partially replaced by non-dairy components. The share of milk must be more than 50%, and in ice cream and sweet milk products - more than 40%.
  3. Milk products - sour cream, processed cheese. Such products are made from milk, its components and dairy products, but the allowable proportion of the substitute milk fat- more than 50%. It is also possible to use non-dairy protein.

The packaging always indicates which group the product belongs to. The highest quality products are dairy products. Dairy compounds and milk-containing products are cheaper, but there are no useful substances left in them, and the taste may have little in common with the taste of real milk.

How to read the label correctly?

Always read the label before buying dairy products. Pay attention to the following information:

  1. Name - if the product contains non-dairy components, it should be marked that it is a milk-containing product.
  2. A manufacturer's standard or technical document in accordance with which milk is processed. Please note that, unlike GOST, TU ( specifications) the manufacturer can change at its discretion.
  3. Ingredients listing all ingredients.
  4. Mass fraction of fat in percent. On processed cheese, cheese products And low fat foods milk processing is indicated mass fraction fat in dry matter percentage.
  5. Mass fraction of milk fat - indicated on the packaging of milk-containing products.
  6. The content of microorganisms - lactic acid bacteria, bifidobacteria and other probiotics.
  7. The content of micro and macro elements, vitamins and their relationship to daily requirement person.

Another issue is the expiration date. Dairy products made from natural milk without the addition of chemicals are always perishable, but such products can only be found in stores with great difficulty. If the expiration date is 3 days or more, then the product contains preservatives. The longer it can be stored, the more chemistry it contains and the less useful components for the body.
