
Traditional halloween food. Dessert "Earthworm"

Halloween is the most "terrible" among the holidays: for one night a year, people all over the world allow dark forces to take over their minds. This terrible celebration is celebrated with terrible metamorphoses, ancient traditions and a "bloody" feast. On an unusual night from October 31 to November 1, the coming of spirits into the human world takes place. And the only way not to fall victim to them is to pretend to be "one's own". On Halloween, literally everything around should create and fuel a mystical atmosphere: outfits, entertainment and, of course, food. Even simple Halloween recipes, and more often scary and disgusting ones, must fully comply with the theme of the holiday, not only in ingredients, but also in appearance. A very scary menu is a prerequisite, and without it, alas, nothing! The only exceptions are funny and comic dishes for children, cooked by hand according to our recipes, photos and videos.

What to cook for Halloween - simple recipes for children and adults

What should be the perfect Halloween dinner? Of course, such that at the first glance at the festive table goosebumps ran down the skin. First, you need a lot of blood. Beef steak (medium rare), raspberry jelly, cranberry and tomato juice are ideal. It is important to play with colors: the massive combination of red and black in the festive menu and decor will create a nightmarish atmosphere at the Halloween table. The well-known Bloody Mary according to the classic recipe will also be appropriate. Don't forget the dark liver, bean and olive patties that cause the most unpleasant associations.

You can't go on a Halloween menu without skulls and bones. A well-cut goose at first glance will look like a small skeleton. The remains of a pumpkin, "slaughtered" for the Jack O'Lantern, can be used as table decor elements or an ingredient in a recipe for a hot dish, appetizer, dessert. And, of course, it's worth saving a few guardians of the underworld - worms. You can decorate spaghetti with red or brown sauce in an unusual way. Or buy gelatin worms to create a children's dessert. Especially impressionable guests will be delighted. Gummy worms peeping out of a chocolate biscuit complement the Halloween table well. The sight is not for the faint of heart.

Well, is it already scary? So it's time to get down to business! Knowing what and how to cook for Halloween, you organize the most memorable feast.

DIY Scary Halloween Food: 5 Unusual Ideas for Kids and Adults

Scary Halloween food prepared with your own hands should also be beautiful, no matter how paradoxical it may sound. A dish, and especially its presentation, should have some idea, meaning, plot. We offer you 5 unusual ideas for making scary food for Halloween with your own hands:

Easy and simple Halloween recipes in 5 minutes on video

Simple recipes for Halloween dishes benefit from quick and primitive preparation, but at the same time their appearance on the festive table is no less impressive. It is very important to arrange even simple dishes correctly. The presentation topic can be: spiders, bats, blood, skulls, ghosts, etc. With the help of a simple food entourage, even ordinary sandwiches, muffins, meatballs and pies can be turned into real gastronomic nightmares.

Often, icing of different colors, sugar figurines and marmalade insects, melted chocolate, confectionery powders, scarlet sauces, ice figures, bar umbrellas, tubules, etc. are used as decorations. Since the pumpkin is considered a traditional attribute of Halloween, there is nothing strange in its presence on the table either. A vegetable can be an element of decoration, an unusual dish for an ordinary soup puree, an important ingredient in a recipe, and just an idea for a cookie or gingerbread shape.

We offer you some simple recipes for Halloween dishes with a very unexpected design:

  • Halloween Ghost Stuffed Pepper Recipe
  • Halloween pumpkin pie recipe
  • Just scary cupcakes recipe
  • Alcoholic dead man's hand punch recipe

Scary Halloween recipes with photos for kids and adults

A successful Halloween feast begins with a themed table setting. Black dishes, bloody napkins and tablecloths, brutal candlesticks and figurines of creepy animals set the tone for the holiday. But competent organization is pumped, of course, with terrible recipes. If your guests love a hearty meal, check out the appalling main courses. If the holiday is planned exclusively for young people and teenagers, you can get by with light snacks and wild desserts. For scary Halloween recipes, look further at the photo and video.

Hearts of the pharaohs

You can prepare such a disgusting composition with the help of red pancakes stuffed with a vegetable mixture. If you carefully tie them, creating the desired shape, and pour beetroot sauce - you will not distinguish them from real hearts.

spider eggs

To prepare such a delicacy, it is enough to boil chicken eggs and stuff them with your favorite filling (vegetable, fish, meat). Olive slices are used as decoration and laid out in the form of spiders.

Runaway ghosts

Terrifying white ghosts - shaped protein meringue according to a traditional recipe with chocolate drops eyes. For their preparation, it is enough to allocate 2-3 eggs and 1 hour of time.


Equally complex and creepy dessert "Eyeball" will conquer all the guests at the table. Multi-level jelly (creamy and menthol) with the addition of "bleeding" berries will turn your feast into a real room of horrors.

Fancy Halloween Recipes

Not many people celebrate Halloween, but for almost everyone there is something funny, mysterious, mysterious and frightening in this celebration. The holiday on the eve of All Saints' Day is unusual in itself, and the menu at the feast should be the same. Unusual Halloween recipes should definitely be made scary and terribly tasty. Only in this way the feast will be remembered by the guests for a long time. We offer you the idea of ​​cooking strange dishes for Halloween in the form of human body parts. A table with such dishes will be truly magnificent ...

Funny Halloween Recipes for Kids

Funny Halloween recipes for kids are more restrained and aesthetic. Meals for kids exclude any "thrash" and allow only bright colors, funny stories, positive figures, etc. But do not forget that Halloween recipes for kids should not only be fun and funny, but also healthy and tasty. If the guys come to the holiday in the costumes of various characters, the celebration will be a success. After all, gnomes and fairies eating bugs and bats are an unforgettable sight!

Stuffed peppers are a satisfying and at the same time healthy food for children. If the shell is cut out in the form of a funny face, the food will become more attractive for little capricious guests.

Oatmeal cookies are not a very popular dish among children, but the trend can be drastically reversed. It is enough to place longitudinal strips of colored mastic on oatmeal gingerbread - and ordinary cookies will turn into funny mummies.

Carrot cake, so hated by every child, will become the most desired moment of the moment if you decorate it in Halloween style. For decoration, use natural carrot dyes, as well as cobwebs, spiders and bats from mastic.

Even an ordinary coffee biscuit according to a simple recipe will impress young gourmets if it is prepared and served in such a strange way. Children love to laugh at such things. Now they will have the opportunity to try them "on the tooth."

Cranberry juice is a healthy vitamin drink for Halloween. It is enough to decorate a jar of "bloody" slurry with figures of ghosts so that the children forget about the recipe and enjoy only the taste and the look.

Recipes for a Very Scary Halloween Menu

Recipes for a very scary Halloween menu can be very different: unusual, original, scary, nasty. But even those dishes that perfectly complement a themed feast do not always go well with each other. For example, fish and liver on the same menu is not the best option for dear guests. We offer you an approximate "plan" of the feast, a kind of cheat sheet.

List of Suitable Recipes for a Very Scary Halloween Menu

  • Snack "Witch's broom" of salted straw, hard cheese and greens;
  • Soup puree from pumpkin "Web";
  • Meat sausages in a Mummy spaghetti shroud;
  • Layered salad "Gorgon's Head" of chicken, pineapple, nuts, bell peppers and eggs;
  • Orange and black "Bat" roll with butter cream;
  • Blood red non-alcoholic/alcoholic punch;

All recipes on the sample Halloween menu are easily replaceable. A lot of options for successful recipes are already located in our public and in thousands of articles on the Internet. And having a sufficient supply of imagination, you can cope without cheat sheets at all.

See how many delicious and unusual things you can cook for Halloween? Simple, scary, funny and even funny dishes for kids and adults! Try and use the best Halloween recipes from a very scary menu. All guests will surely appreciate such food.

Even in the process of forming cookies, we give it a creepy look, and decorate the finished one, bringing the composition to its logical conclusion.


The web will find its place on the table in various interpretations. First of all, decorate salads or sandwiches with mayonnaise cobwebs. Harmful? Creepy.

But there's not a lot of nasty sauce making it into your super "diet" Halloween meals. Therefore, draw - do not stop.

The cobweb also looks interesting on sweet treats.

In this case, you can use any thick cream or icing, decorating the same cupcakes, cookies, jelly.

Spiders: Scary Halloween Foods

The original stuffed eggs with the name "Black Widow" are a must on the Halloween table.

How and with what to stuff chicken eggs, every housewife knows.

The key to this recipe is the decoration. You need black olives.

After all the eggs are stuffed, start laying out the spiders. Cut the olives in half.

Put the halves in the middle of the egg, and from the second half we cut the paws, which we lay out 4 things on each side of the olive. These will be the legs of the spider. It not only looks original, but also insanely delicious.

Brains: Halloween Meal Ideas

A very popular dish for Halloween. Of course, you can cook it from real brains. But such a dish is a big fan.

Therefore, we will make, especially for the buffet table, brains from pate. We cook chicken or turkey liver pate according to the usual recipe, arm ourselves with a spoon, knife and fork, turn on our imagination and make a slide of ready-made brains to take away.

Mummies: Halloween Food, DIY Recipes

Ideas with mummies are not only interesting, but also delicious. First of all, we bake mini-pizzas. Give the base dough the shape of an elongated torso.

It can be homemade unleavened yeast dough or ready-made purchased. Put your favorite toppings and, of course, decorate with strips of cheese.

After baking, the cheese will melt and give your mummy a realistic look. Make her eyes and the creepy mummy is ready.

The sausage in the dough looks even more interesting. This is where the real mummy really turns out. Pack the sausage in the dough, wrapping it with the yeast dough cut into strips. Brush with egg and put in the oven until the dough is ready. A mummy with a crispy crust and tender pink flesh, what could be better for Halloween.

And interesting mummies are obtained from small juice bags, which you just need to wrap with ordinary toilet paper. Insert the straws and the drink from the mummy is ready.

Any buffet dish can be given an unusual and awesome look. Therefore, you can safely put your usual recipes on the Halloween menu, just work on decoration.

Scary Main Course Recipes: Halloween Themed Table

But light snacks and buffet sandwiches are not always enough. Some housewives are happy to indulge in culinary frenzy, laying a terribly delicious table for Halloween.

Do your guests like not only to have fun, but also to eat? No problem! Check out our ideas for spooky Halloween main dishes.

Pasta and meatballs from turkey - the all-seeing eye

  • minced turkey - 0.5 kg;
  • grated cheese - ¼ cup;
  • breadcrumbs - ¼ cup;
  • ground black pepper - ¼ teaspoon;
  • salt.

To prepare the marinade you will need:

  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • ripe tomatoes - 1.2 kg;
  • celery - 2 stalks;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • olives;
  • salt and pepper;
  • Bay leaf.

Let's start with the marinade. To do this, we take our ripe juicy tomatoes and remove the skin from them.

You can easily remove the skin from a tomato by placing them in boiling water for a few minutes, then dousing them with ice water. Don't forget to make a small cross cut on the tomato beforehand.

In a frying pan, first fry the garlic and diced onion until translucent. Now add the grated carrots and celery. After 10 minutes, you can pour vegetables with cooked tomato puree.

Do not forget to season the sauce with salt and pepper, add bay leaf.

Let the sauce simmer over low heat until it thickens.

This may take up to an hour.

Therefore, we do not waste time, but proceed to the preparation of the meatballs themselves.

Mix all the ingredients for the meatballs.

Separately cut the olives with washers.

These will be the eyes, which must be carefully laid out on each meatball, pressing lightly into the minced meat.

Pour the finished sauce into a heat-resistant form and carefully put the meatballs into it.

Try to keep all eyes above the level of the sauce.

Cover with foil and place in the oven for at least half an hour.

After this time, remove the dish and remove the foil. Bring the meatballs to readiness already without covering in the oven for another 10 minutes.

Boil spaghetti and place turkey meatballs with eyes on top of them. It is better to serve this dish hot and in portions.

Baked roll - vampire hand

To prepare minced meat you will need:

  • minced pork and beef - 700 gr.;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • hard cheese - 100-150 gr.;
  • ketchup;
  • greenery;
  • salt and pepper.

Prepare the base for meatloaf from minced meat by adding finely chopped onion, grated carrots, seasonings and herbs to it.

It is better to cook minced meat yourself from pieces of meat - this is a guarantee that the dish will turn out delicious.

We form a brush from the mass, laying out both the wrist itself and all the fingers. Now we cut out the nail plates from the second bulb, which we put in their places. Stir the rest of the onion in the form of a bone stump from the back.

We coat the terrible hand with ketchup, after which we cover it with sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcheese.

The workpiece is ready - it's time to send it to the oven, where it will spend the next 40 minutes at a temperature of at least 200 degrees.

Adjust the time depending on the capacity of your oven and make sure that the vampire hand roll does not burn.

Spread the finished dish on a dish and serve immediately to the table, where hungry zombies and witches are looking forward to treats.

Stuffed Spooky Peppers

To prepare peppers you will need:

  • spaghetti - 750-1000 gr.;
  • minced meat - 1 kg;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 10-15 pieces;
  • tomato paste - 100 gr.;
  • tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • basil and oregano;
  • salt and pepper.

In a heated frying pan, fry finely chopped onion and immediately add minced meat to it. We continue to cook on a fairly high heat so that the water evaporates from the mass, and the minced meat begins to fry. This will take 5-10 minutes, depending on the quality of the meat product.

Now we put chopped tomatoes to the minced meat, from which we first remove the skins.

After frying the minced meat with tomatoes, add tomato paste and about half a liter of boiling water there.

Salt, pepper, add all the seasonings and continue to simmer the meat sauce now on low heat. It will take about half an hour to cook.

At this time, prepare the peppers themselves.

Take the number of peppers no less than the number of guests. Believe me, such a dish will be not only a wonderful decoration for Halloween - every guest will want to try a super scary pepper.

Cut the tops off the peppers and remove all the seeds. We wash and with a very sharp knife we ​​make holes in the form of eyes, a skewed mouth.

The peppers themselves do not need to be stewed or processed.

They will serve on the table as dishes, not as an ingredient in the dish.

When the meat sauce is cooked, boil spaghetti in salted water and mix them with minced meat.

We lay out the finished pasta with minced meat on the prepared peppers and, using a fork, pull out the pasta through the holes, giving the peppers an even more awesome look.

Add more spaghetti to peppercorns and sprinkle cheese on top.

Instead of spaghetti with minced meat, you can use pilaf or another hot dish as a filling for scary peppers.

Mystical mashed potatoes

This is not just a treat, it is a special substance for. Mashed potatoes, of course, will be eaten after the ritual. But in order to be able to do this, let's think about how to combine the two goals.

Firstly, we do not prepare mashed potatoes according to the usual recipe, but add spinach or boiled carrots to potatoes, which will give it an unnatural color.

Now we are engaged in secret predictions.

You can find figurines made of food-grade plastic and place them in the resulting substance. Or you can cut out figures from raw vegetables yourself.

You can see how to conduct fortune-telling on mashed potatoes and the meaning of the figures in our article.

And of course, try to lay out the mystical potatoes in an unusual way. Let it be a lava volcano or a raging river.

Give your favorite dishes a spooky look. Surprise your guests with unusual Halloween recipes. Experiment with new, albeit creepy at first glance, tastes. And your vampires and witches, ghosts and zombies, Leprechauns and cats will not remain hungry, and will tell their friends about the most terribly delicious for a long time.

Video. Recipes for unusual Halloween dishes

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How to bake witch fingers cookies:

  1. Beat butter and sugar until fluffy. Add the egg and flavorings (if you have almond essence, then you can not add cinnamon and cardamom), mix everything. Add flour, baking powder and salt and mix until smooth.
  2. If you want to make the fingers green, add some green food coloring and mix well. If the color is too pale, then add dye.
  3. Cover bowl with cling film and refrigerate for 30-40 minutes.
  4. Preheat the oven to 165°C. Take a quarter of the dough from the refrigerator and start forming the fingers. Focus on your little fingers. Place the finger blank on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Put an almond on the tip and press down well (you can take peeled or unpeeled almonds, as well as halves of a nut). If the almond is too large, then the finger can be made thicker. Form the knuckle of the finger by squeezing the dough from the sides below and above the knuckle. Use a knife to make finger folds. Repeat the procedure to form the remaining fingers. Place your fingers on the baking sheet at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other.
  5. Bake the cookies for 15-20 minutes, or until lightly golden if fingers are not green.
  6. Cool cookies and start decorating. There are several options here. First, white fingers can be lightly powdered with cocoa with a brush. This will make the fingers more contrasting and messier. Secondly, if the almond separates from the dough, you can pull it out and pour red jam into the hole so that after the almond returns, “blood” oozes from the nail bed. If the almonds cannot be pulled out, then just pour a little jam around the nail. Thirdly, dip your fingers with the “cut off” part in the jam, and also stain your knuckles with jam.
  7. Cookies "Witch Fingers" can be served on their own, or you can offer to dip them in a bowl with "bloody" jam. Bon appetit!

See what else “Witch Fingers” might look like (the picture is clickable, it will open in a new tab).

Sweet "Witch's brooms"

A witch can do without fingers, but not without a broom. Witch brooms, both sweet and savory, are one of the Halloween menu items. I suggest you make sweet-and-salty witch brooms.

Sweet "Witch's brooms"

The main ingredient of sweets are small sweets - chocolate, fudge, toffee, jelly, etc. in the form of a truncated cone or hemisphere with a ribbed surface.


  • salt straw
  • Candies with ribbed surface

How to make the witch's broom sweet:

  1. With a stick or a toothpick, make a hole of a suitable diameter in the tops of the sweets and insert a salty straw there. If the filling of the candy is too liquid, then try not to turn the finished brooms over so as not to get dirty. Warn guests about this.
  2. If you are making brooms as a gift or for distributing Halloween sweets, then you can leave the wrapper on the candy beforehand.

Dessert “Cemetery land”

Delicious and at the same time spooky dessert for Halloween. The recipe can be in several versions, choose the one that suits you best.


  • Chocolate pudding or chocolate jelly
  • Chocolate chip cookies (optional with a milk layer)
  • chewing worms

How to cook the dessert "Cemetery land":

Sweet cockroaches

On Halloween, all kinds of insects are held in high esteem. We already used worms in the recipe. Now I propose to make a dish with homemade "favorites" - cockroaches. You can make several kinds of sweet cockroaches for Halloween. Choose the option you like.

Sweet chocolate and stuffed cockroaches for Halloween

Ingredients for Chocolate Cockroaches:

  • Dates - 700 g
  • Chocolate - 2 bars

Ingredients for stuffed cockroaches:

  • Dates - 700 g
  • Soft cream cheese - 230 g
  • Walnuts, chopped - 1 cup (optional)
  • Cuttings from berries (cherries, sweet cherries, etc.) - a few things (optional)

How to cook chocolate cockroaches:

  1. Make blanks of "cockroaches" from dates. To do this, use a sharp knife to cut one side of the date lengthwise and carefully remove the pit through the cut. Close the date and press down a little to flatten it. Do the same for all dates.
  2. Melt chocolate (dark or milk) in a water bath. Dip each date halfway into liquid chocolate and place on a parchment-lined platter.
  3. Put the dish with sweets in the refrigerator until the chocolate has completely solidified.
  4. When serving, decorate a dish with chocolate cockroaches with figurines of plastic cockroaches.

How to cook stuffed cockroaches:

  1. Remove pits from dates.
  2. Mix cream cheese with chopped walnuts. But you can use one cheese, without nuts.
  3. Using a pastry bag, fill the “cockroaches” with the filling. Press down on the dates to flatten them out.
  4. Arrange the stuffed Prusaks on a platter, cut side down. If possible, decorate a few date cockroaches with tendrils made from berry cuttings, and also place plastic insect figures on a plate.

If you wish, you can “marry” chocolate and stuffed cockroaches. Then you will succeed, as you understand, chocolate stuffed cockroaches .

Gift “Monster Hand”

If Halloween is just around the corner, and you don’t have the time and desire to cook treats at all, then I offer you an “emergency” option - the “Monster Hand” gift. It is easy to do it yourself. In addition, you can choose your filling for each person to whom you will give the “Hand”.

What is needed for a gift:

  • Polythene or surgical gloves
  • Braid, rope or thread for ties
  • Sweet popcorn, candies, cookies, chocolates, chewing gum, etc.
  • Plastic insect figurines for decoration (optional)

How to make a monster hand gift:

  1. Fill gloves with candy filling. To simulate nails, you can first put a red (or to your taste) candy in each finger of the glove. To form fingers, you can use long candies or candies packed in a tube.
  2. If desired, put plastic insects inside the gloves.
  3. Twist the bells of the gloves and tie with braid, string or thread.
  4. From above, you can also decorate the “Hands” with insects.

Friends wish you and your loved ones a happy Halloween and delicious treats! If you have not yet learned Halloween songs and come up with makeup, I suggest you.

Interesting? Tell your friends!

Spooky Holiday Halloween Recipes

The mysterious Halloween holiday has been gradually entering the culture of various countries, including the culture of our country, for several years now. It has not yet reached a big scale, but, undoubtedly, it has earned popularity among many people due to its originality and cheerful traditions. Already in our country, it has become popular to dress up in costumes on the night of October 31 to November 1 and organize festivities.
We haven't gone through all the traditions yet, but quite a few people have started throwing Halloween parties year after year. A special place in the celebration of Halloween is occupied by a festive table. This is not a mandatory attribute, but many families invite guests to their place and serve an ominous table. There are no specific Halloween dishes, so you can show your imagination and cook anything, but arrange it in the style of the holiday. The main thing is scary! Here are some Halloween table decorating ideas.

1. Pizza with ghosts and mummies.

Pizza is a great Halloween dish. It is easy to prepare and decorate. Alternatively, you can make pizza with salami and tomatoes, and build ghosts from mozzarella or other cheese. To do this, take the dough or pizza blank, spread with tomato paste, ketchup or pre-peeled and finely chopped tomatoes. Then finely chop the salami and place on the dough. Next - the most interesting. You need to cut the cheese into ghost-shaped pieces and arrange it on the pizza. Next, send this miracle to the oven for 20-30 minutes, and that's it, your sinister pizza is ready! From above, you can decorate with spider olives, making legs from parsley or dill stalks.

If you have leftover dough, you can make mini mummy-shaped pizzas.

2. Pasta in bell pepper

Another great Halloween dish is bell pepper pasta. It is also very easy and quick to make, and it looks very impressive. To prepare, you just need to boil the spaghetti (if you want, you can make pasta in the Navy), cut off the top of the pepper and cut out the eyes and mouth, fill the pepper with pasta and close the lid.

3. Terrifying snacks

If you are organizing an active party, serving hot meals is not very convenient, it is easier to get by with various snacks. And here it’s not so much about cooking, but about the creative placement of products. You can arrange dishes with vegetables and fruits in the form of ghosts, pumpkins and other festive attributes. Bananas can be made into ghosts using chocolate eyes and mouths, and tangerines can be made into little pumpkins. A pumpkin can also be made from many small carrots, cucumbers and gravy boats.

If you peel a watermelon and wield a little with a knife, you can get brains like this:

Well, as a drink for Halloween, mulled wine, punch, wine and bloody mary are perfect. Although there is already an amateur.

4. Jelly worms

This Halloween dish looks really creepy. To prepare such worms, you will need a couple of bags of instant jelly, thick tubes, water and a glass. Prepare the jelly as directed on the package and let cool slightly. Cut the tubules in half if they are very long and put in a glass. They should fit snugly against each other. If there are not very many of them, you can tie them with an elastic band. Next, pour the jelly into tubes and send this charm to the refrigerator. It is desirable that they stand there for at least 8 hours. To make it more convenient to stick out our worms, hold the tubes under hot water.

5. Caramel apples

During the celebration of Halloween, the harvest period of apples is just coming, so various dishes made from these fruits are frequent guests on the festive tables. Such Halloween food is usually enjoyed by both adults and children, and the recipe for preparing this dish is quite simple. To prepare 10 servings you will need:
Actually, apples. It is better to take solid ones with sourness. Golden or Cox varieties are perfect. But the choice is yours.
- Wooden skewers.
- Sugar 1.5 cups.
- Honey 1 tbsp.
- Butter 3-4 tbsp. l.
- Water 150-200 ml.
- Apple cider vinegar 2 tbsp.
- Any nuts 1.5 cups.
To prepare, wash the apples thoroughly and tear off the stalks. Stick wooden skewers in their place. Heat oil in a saucepan, add water, honey, vinegar and sugar. Cook over medium heat until caramelized (average 10 minutes). Then dip the apples in the resulting caramel and garnish with nuts. Let it dry, and that's it, the delicacy is ready. Instead of nuts, you can use something else, such as grated chocolate or coconut.

Halloween is a holiday when it's time to get creative and experiment. And this is especially true for Halloween dishes. Experiment with food, dishes and serving, come up with something new and exciting. It is not necessary to come up with some intricate recipes, as you can see, all the dishes offered are easy to prepare, and look very festive and atmospheric.
