
Green coffee. Types of coffee on biological grounds

In the class of superfoods that are rapidly conquering the world, green coffee has become very famous today, the benefits and harms of which have already been proven for weight loss, the treatment of a host of diseases, cosmetic care - for which purposes it is only not advised to use it. Are its useful qualities really so universal? How to drink green coffee and can it be consumed with milk? How can green coffee extract be useful? Let's find out the answers to these questions.

From this article you will learn:

Green coffee: description

Green coffee benefits and harms

Dark brown coffee beans from which coffee drinks are brewed are roasted after harvesting and drying. In the process of heat treatment, they lose a significant part of organic and fatty acids, moisture, essential oils, flavonoids, vitamins, micro and macro elements.

Therefore, supporters of a healthy lifestyle, green coffee beans are among the extremely useful products, with which it is imperative to replace the classic roasted counterpart. The offer meets the demand and develops the assortment, and today you can buy this product in several versions:

  • whole grains;
  • in ground form for brewing;
  • ground with the addition of seeds, spices, herbs, etc.;
  • extract of coffee beans;
  • soluble (very rare) and ground mixture of green beans with roasted.

Chemical composition and properties of green coffee

Depending on the specific form, the following valuable substances are found in the chemical composition of green coffee:

  • up to 2.5% caffeine;
  • 9% to 19% proteins;
  • 0.17-0.65% monosaccharides;
  • up to 12% tannins;
  • 6-7% pentosans;
  • 4% to 11% chlorogenic acid;
  • 0.4% tartaric acid;
  • 0.3% malic acid;
  • 1.8% arabinose;
  • 20.8% mannose;
  • 7% glucose;
  • 0.3% citric acid;
  • 0.2% caffeic acid.

It is worth noting also a significant difference in the amount of fats and fatty acids. They can take up to 18% of the total weight. Caffeine in green coffee is present in almost the same volumes as in roasted coffee, but other useful elements are much larger. About 34% of the composition of these grains are extractive (passing into the drink when boiled) components. This makes the grain a powerful biologically active product that saturates the body with many valuable nutrients and improves the functioning of the whole body.

Green coffee benefits and harms

The strongest effect on the total current has an alkaloid, which is the "calling card" of coffee - 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine or simply caffeine. It is included in the absorption and regulation of glucose levels, stimulation of the functions of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Its main functions are used for its intended purpose - to increase efficiency, physical and psycho-emotional tone.

Chlorogenic acid has powerful antioxidant properties. Its high content in green coffee (50% higher than in roasted coffee) makes it a valuable product that fights against aging and the development of oncological pathologies. He also participates in the stabilization of the heart, the prevention of thrombosis, atherosclerosis and diabetes. Coffee is by far the leader in the content of this acid among other products traditionally present in the diet.

The high proportion of tannins gives coffee its distinctive tart flavor, but that's not the point. They, represented mainly by tannin, are quickly transferred by the blood, while carrying out antibacterial work. The presence of tannins in the body is important for the coordinated action of the digestive organs, intensive tissue regeneration and removal of harmful waste products.

Almost two dozen amino acids are vital for the healthy functioning of the whole organism. Their absence interferes with the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system and muscle building. In addition, the substances make the vascular walls stronger and more elastic, and also stabilize the appetite.

Trigonelline helps to equalize blood pressure, regulate the hormonal atmosphere of the body, mobilize metabolic processes, speed up brain activity and improve the quality of blood formation.

Green coffee: the nuances of beneficial effects on the body

  • The product significantly enhances the decomposition of fats, however, this requires not only the use of coffee, but also a lot of physical activity. Pure consumption of 5-6 cups of green coffee per day will not result in excess being processed.
  • The product accelerates metabolic processes at all levels. Substances are better processed, distributed and excreted. Therefore, it is advisable to drink green coffee for weight loss. However, with rapid assimilation, a plentiful appetite also appears. You have to restrain yourself.
  • The caffeine in green coffee shakes up the nervous system and can noticeably boost daytime performance. But with the formation of dependence, this effect disappears and defects in sleep and daily routine, absent-mindedness, and loss of strength may appear.
  • Raw coffee is less hypertensive, but people with high blood pressure should still consume it with caution.
  • The product can disinfect and improve the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. However, in the course of chronic and acute ailments, it can also cause an aggravation of the situation.

How to drink green coffee

Due to differences in composition and structure, there are differences in the technique of brewing green coffee compared to brewing roasted coffee beans. In total, this process takes a little more time. To begin with, they also need to be ground. Depending on personal preference, you can lightly fry them in a dry frying pan before that, stirring constantly, for no longer than 15 minutes. So, to prepare a portion corresponding to a glass of regular coffee, you need to take about 1-1.5 tbsp. grains per 100-150 ml.

There is no need for too fine grinding, it is enough to run the machine 2-3 times for 15-20 seconds. In the absence of a coffee grinder, you can use a blender with a nozzle for cracking nuts or even crush them in a hand mortar. In fact, the drink is quite successfully brewed from crushed grain.

Further actions:

  1. A Turk or a small saucepan (ladle) is filled with water. You need to take a little more than the calculated volume, taking into account boiling. The liquid is heated but not brought to a boil.
  2. When air bubbles begin to rise, you can throw ground green coffee into the water and continue to cook on a low flame, stirring occasionally.
  3. The appearance of foam will be a sign of the start of the extraction of the drink. You don't need to delete it.
  4. From the moment the foam appears, 2-3 minutes should pass, after which you can remove the coffee from the heat. The water will then turn green.
  5. The drink must be poured into a glass or cup through a frequent sieve.

Such a coffee drink differs from the usual coffee from roasted beans in taste and aroma. It is most beneficial when taken half an hour before a meal or vigorous physical activity. In this case, he will just have time to “start” an active metabolism and set up the body for productive work.

Today, the beneficial properties of green coffee for weight loss are widely replicated. And he is really able to help in this, but only in combination with a set of other measures. In short, green coffee does not provide weight loss, but is included in the process and speeds it up.

The use of an auxiliary drink for successful disposal of excess kilograms should be combined with:

  • reducing the caloric content of the daily diet;
  • a decrease in the proportion of quickly digestible carbohydrates and fats in the diet;
  • an increase in the volume of water drunk per day up to 2 liters;
  • increased physical activity;
  • transition to a clear planned food system.

With such a way of eating and activity, green coffee will help to “turn on” the body at the right moments for more efficient burning of calorie reserves, their high-quality processing, removing excess, toxins and toxins. And the return of attractive forms will not keep you waiting.

Green coffee with ginger for weight loss

  1. Bring 3 liters of water to a boil.
  2. Add 75 grams of fresh ground grains to them.
  3. Boil for about a quarter of an hour.
  4. Pour through a fine sieve.
  5. Rub a small amount of ginger root on a fine grater and add to the liquid.
  6. It is necessary to consume 200-250 ml of this drink every day.

Green coffee oil

Green coffee vegetable oil is obtained by low temperature extraction from raw beans. Due to its non-food purpose, this product is not refined and retains the full spectrum of phenols, flavonoids, essential oils, amino acids, vitamins and fats.

It is a greenish-yellow liquid, viscous in structure and oily to the touch, characterized by a strong coffee smell and a bitter taste. It can be used in skin care, curls or nails. It can be included in massage compositions like other basic vegetable fats.

Coffee essential oil is extracted from the stem mass, bark, flowers and shoots of the coffee tree. It is a liquid with a very rich aroma and has the best cosmetic qualities for an essential oil. It is useful for adding to massage solutions and homemade cosmetic blends.

Green coffee extract

Green coffee extract (green) is a bioactive supplement, which is a concentrated pomace from coffee beans. In the Western pharmaceutical market, it is sold as a metabolic stimulant, which is required, first of all, for people with abnormal metabolic processes and overweight. Most often it is offered under the names Green Coffee Bean and Svetol. It is desirable that the purchased drug has a hologram of the FDA USA - the American body that controls the dietary supplements market. In Russia, unfortunately, such an organization has not yet been established.

The extract has a strong antioxidant, stimulating the work of many body systems, invigorating both the body and the spirit. Its inclusion in the dietary system can significantly speed up and facilitate the process of losing extra pounds. True, before you start taking the concentrate, you must definitely get permission from your doctor.

First of all, the endocrinologist, tests for the level of T3 and T4, eating behavior and basal metabolism should give the go-ahead for use. The fact is that with certain eating disorders and metabolism, the use of green coffee extract turns into a waste of money, since the drug acts in a different direction.


The use of green coffee in any form, especially for the first time, should be accompanied by special attention to the reactions of the body. It contains many substances that can cause rejection or an allergic reaction.

  • minors, as well as people over 65;
  • "cores" and hypertensive patients;
  • patients taking sedatives and antioxidants;
  • pregnant and lactating women.

Possible negative effects from use:

  • washing out calcium from weakened bones and joints;
  • exacerbation of irritable bowel symptoms;
  • increased intraocular pressure (dangerous with glaucoma);
  • provoking diarrhea;
  • increased anxiety, insomnia, absent-mindedness, irritability in case of nervous disorders.

There is a huge variety of coffee drinks for every taste. Many connoisseurs of this delicacy cannot imagine their morning meal without a traditional cup of aromatic coffee, prepared exactly the way they like, observing all proportions. It is known that coffee can be classified according to various characteristics: according to the type of beans, the degree of roasting and grinding degree, the method of preparation of the drink. To understand what coffee drinks are possible, you need to understand the most important characteristics that describe coffee.

Varieties of coffee beans

There are approximately 500 varieties of coffee trees in the world. The basis of a good and fragrant drink are high-quality coffee beans. Arabica is considered the most popular variety - this type of coffee has a persistent invigorating aroma, and you can feel a little sour notes on the taste, since the grains of this type of coffee are saturated with oils. Arabica makes up about a third of all coffee drinks consumed around the world. Robusta is less popular - this drink has a strong taste, a bitter aftertaste is contrastingly pronounced, and this type of coffee also contains a large amount of caffeine, amino acids and chlorogenic acids. These two types of beans are the main ones and have many varieties, combining which you can get great blends with a delicate or contrasting taste, as well as an invigorating or light aroma.

What are the types of coffee drinks?

For all coffee lovers, of course, information on the main characteristics of coffee is important, but the preparation methods and additional ingredients that make the taste special and loved are also important. Many varieties of coffee drinks have an oriental origin, but most of the modern ones that are popular in restaurants have a European or Italian origin. The predominant number of drinks are basically espresso.

Espresso- the most popular coffee drink in Europe, concentrated coffee, which is prepared using a coffee machine, is a mixture of Arabica and Robusta beans. It is prepared as follows: water preheated to 93-95°C is passed through roasted coffee beans under high pressure. The result is one serving, approximately equal to 35 grams, with a dense foam of light brown color. With the help of the volume of water or coffee, you can adjust the strength of espresso, which, due to such variations, has the following varieties: doppio, americano, lungo, ristretto.

Doppio- This is the usual espresso for everyone, only doubled. It also has the name "double espresso", consumed hot.

Americano- one of the variants of espresso, but diluted with water. From 90 to 120 ml of hot water is added to 35 grams and the strength of the drink is not increased. Milk or cream is often added.

lungo is the golden mean between your favorite espresso and soft americano. One serving of coffee beans, standard for making espresso, accounts for about 60 ml of hot water.

Ristretto- is the strongest version of espresso, up to 25 ml of water is added to 7 grams of coffee. Italians prefer this coffee drink without sugar after drinking a glass of cold water.

The original version, which is also popular, is espresso with lemon juice. Initially, a classic espresso is prepared in portions and a few milliliters of lemon juice are added to it, no sugar is added.

There are connoisseurs who prefer interesting and varied options with the addition of various dairy ingredients, such as milk, cream or foam, and it is also possible to use all kinds of spices and toppings. In general, there are a huge number of options for coffee drinks for every taste.

Cafe con Leche- This is Spanish or Portuguese dark coffee with milk, milk is simply added to the prepared espresso.

Americano with milk– this drink is prepared using 30 ml of espresso and 50 ml of water and milk.

Variants are also possible when processed dairy products are added to coffee in different ways using coffee machines, a mixer, and even steam.

Cappuccino- one of the most popular drinks, its volume is 150 ml. The method of preparation consists in adding milk already whipped into a hot foam, incredibly fluffy and creamy. The recommended degree of supply is from 60 to 70°C. It is also possible to improve the taste of the drink with the help of cinnamon or powdered sugar.

latte This drink is made from Mocha Arabica beans. It consists of two equal parts of warmed milk and foam and one part of espresso. Latte is served in tall glasses, using any syrups except citrus.

Latte Macchiato is a spotted coffee that is original in preparation and appearance. Coffee is poured through milk foam into milk, thus obtaining a drink that consists of three layers. This drink will be especially spectacular in a transparent tall glass, they drink it with a straw, without stirring.

Viennese coffee is a single shot or double shot of espresso under a magnificent layer of whipped cream. You can sprinkle this drink with spices or grated chocolate.

Raf- coffee consisting of espresso, cream and an ingredient such as vanilla sugar. All components are knocked down with a whisk or coffee machine. The volume of the drink is approximately 150 ml. Recently, honey raff has become popular, in which a spoonful of honey is a substitute for vanilla sugar.

Con panna is another version of espresso with whipped cream and cinnamon.

Coffee delicacies with the use of alcoholic beverages are considered popular:

Coretto- Espresso is taken as the basis of this Italian drink and a tablespoon of alcohol is added. It can be liqueur, cognac, whiskey or grappa.

Irish- this is again a hot espresso in the amount of 90 ml, to which 45 ml of Irish whiskey or other strong alcohol is added, and whipped cream is spread on top at the final stage.

Brulo coffee- an alcoholic coffee drink using brandy, which also includes coffee, sugar, cloves and citrus zest.

Cold coffee drinks also have their fans.

Granita de Caffe is a type of drink, espresso coffee with ice.

Glace- cold double espresso and 50 grams of ice cream.

Frappe- This is a double espresso, 100 ml of cold milk and a few ice cubes that need to be whipped to get a thick foam.

There are a lot of exquisite options for coffee drinks for every taste, so experiment and suggest starting right now!

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Green coffee beans are not a raw semi-finished product. They are an independent natural product for consumption. Coffee is called green because it is not subjected to heat treatment, that is, roasting. Recently, its popularity has been growing due to its ability to reduce weight - they won’t let you lie. But it has many other virtues. Although there is harm. It is important to know which properties of green coffee are right for you. Then the benefit from it will be maximum.

What does it include

This product consists of a huge number of biologically active ingredients (more than a thousand of them are counted). Among them, green coffee contains:

  • vitamins,
  • antioxidants,
  • tannins,
  • purine alkaloids,
  • linoleic acid,
  • wax,
  • tocopherols,
  • stearins,
  • fatty acid.

Every coffee has caffeine. But in green coffee it is much less. This is because during processing (during roasting) the amount of caffeine in coffee beans increases. Therefore, compared to traditional coffee, the unroasted product contains less of this substance.

Composition of green coffee oil

It brings exceptional benefits in the field of cosmetology. The composition of the oil includes:

  • a valuable multivitamin kit (vitamins of group B, as well as PP, C, E);
  • trace elements (iron, manganese, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, selenium),
  • hyaluronic acid,
  • minerals,
  • tannins.

The benefits and harms of green coffee

This invigorating drink has a variety of properties. They imply the benefits and harms of green coffee.

Benefit for health

Coffee beans contain many valuable substances, such as 7% chlorogenic acid. After roasting the grains, its amount decreases due to destruction from high temperature. Therefore, green coffee beans contain more of this valuable acid. It is involved in the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes, and also contributes to weight loss (due to the rapid burning of fats).

Green coffee, consumed systematically, strongly inhibits the absorption of fats by the body. According to researchers, with daily use of roasted coffee, a person loses 14% of excess weight per month. If green coffee is present in the daily diet, then this figure rises to 46%. Just keep in mind that for fat burning purposes, green coffee should be consumed without sugar and milk. Milk proteins bind the beneficial components of the drink. As a result, their activity is partly lost, and absorption slows down.

So, the beneficial properties of green coffee are manifested in:

  • improvement of metabolic processes (including water and fat metabolism),
  • antioxidant action (anti-aging),
  • activation of the brain,
  • outflow of bile,
  • reducing the risk of cancer,
  • increase in vitality,
  • elimination of headache and spasmodic pain,
  • improving the functioning of the higher nervous system (thanks to the tannin in coffee),
  • stimulation of lymphatic drainage.

Due to the lower caffeine content, green coffee is suitable for people who are contraindicated in traditional roasted coffee.

Green coffee for beauty

In cosmetology, oil produced from green grains is effectively used. Coffee oil has regenerating, nourishing and moisturizing properties. Its action is manifested in the form:

  • reduction of wrinkles and prevention of their formation;
  • increasing skin elasticity (cleansing the body with antioxidants provides the necessary moisture circulation);
  • hair strengthening, nutrition, restoration, growth stimulation;
  • elimination of brittle nails;
  • combat cellulite, irregularities and stretch marks on the skin;
  • removing toxins from the body.

From a medical point of view, green coffee oil is an effective anti-burn agent that relieves inflammation.

But the main benefit of green coffee is in getting rid of excess weight. It specifically eliminates fat accumulation on problem areas of the skin. This stimulates the natural ability of the skin to burn fat.

Green coffee also protects the skin from UV rays.

Is green coffee harmful?

  • insomnia,
  • irritability
  • headache,
  • restlessness and nervousness,
  • increased breathing,
  • increased heart rate,
  • stomach problems
  • joint diseases.

The described types of adverse effects of green coffee occur only after a severe overdose.

How to distinguish quality green coffee

To enjoy the beneficial properties of green coffee, you need to purchase only a quality product. Poor quality coffee is not only devoid of positive properties, but is simply unhealthy. How can I find out the quality of the purchased green coffee?

Importance of growing conditions

The place where the coffee tree grew is very important. Almost everything matters:

  • quality land,
  • Fresh air,
  • sea ​​level,
  • the presence of a number of industrial enterprises,
  • the presence of emissions that adversely affect the properties and taste of coffee,
  • number of sunny days at maturity.

The importance of the sun to coffee cannot be overestimated. The brighter and at the same time softer it is, the more fully the best qualities of green coffee are revealed. Countries where green coffee is grown:

  • Colombia,
  • Ethiopia,
  • Kenya,
  • Guatemala,
  • Brazil,
  • India.

What does premium green coffee look like?

The consumer has no other way to determine the quality of the product, except for assessing its appearance and smell. Good quality unroasted coffee beans should be medium to large in size, approximately equal in size, and free of husks and impurities.

True, with the husk, not everything is simple. The bulk of chlorogenic acid is concentrated just in the films that cover the grains. But quality standards suggest the absence of film or its minimum amount. Therefore, few films are acceptable on the surface of the grains, which are difficult to separate. But there should be no loose films.

Other contaminants in quality green coffee should also not be present. They are given out by a grayish tint and uneven coloring of the beans. And if you risk putting the grain in your mouth, you can feel the characteristic "dusty" taste.

If possible, you can put a few grains on the palm of your hand and look at them carefully. Cracks on them should be in a minimum amount. Such defects as holes, corroded areas, “dust” on the surface (the result of the “work” of insects) are excluded.

The right color for green coffee

The ideal color of this coffee is pistachio, greenish yellow or greenish brown. Sometimes on the Internet you can see photos of green coffee, where the color of coffee beans is bright green (like fresh grass) or emerald. Such "coloring pages" have nothing to do with real green (not roasted) coffee. Inconspicuous grains, painted evenly in pistachio color - this is the perfect high-quality green coffee.

Types of packaging

Sometimes in shops green coffee is sold by weight. In this form, it is usually stored in transparent large jars. It is useful to take a closer look at these banks. If dust-like particles and pieces of grains are present near the bottom, this indicates the questionable purity of the coffee.

When buying green coffee in closed packaging, it is impossible to assess its condition. But at home, you should pour it into another dish. Then check if there are any “extra” particles left in the bag. If the bottom of the pack is clean, then a quality product has been purchased.

Green coffee does not withstand exposure to sunlight and high temperatures. Otherwise, it will lose its useful qualities. With prolonged storage, many of its valuable properties will also be lost. Therefore, in order to fully enjoy the best in green coffee, it must be stored properly. And you need to purchase an exceptionally high-quality product.

Coffee is a drink with a penetrating aroma, invigorating taste, centuries-old history and a huge number of recipes. It cannot be regarded as a mere consumer product. This is a huge number of species, varieties and use cases.

Types of coffee on biological grounds

Coffee is one of the most widely used drinks in the world. And all because its history goes back several centuries, and it goes well with a large number of additional ingredients. In addition, many regions of the world have their own traditions of roasting, grinding, preparing and serving coffee, which have become the so-called coffee classics - the basis on which all other drinks are based.

There are several dozen types of coffee, if we consider it as a product, but only 3 of them are of interest as an industrial product. These are Robusta, Arabica and Liberica.

The highest position is occupied by arabica - a low tree, quite capricious and not very productive, but giving fragrant fruits of high quality. It is the Arabica grains in the composition of any type of coffee that give the drink its characteristic rich aroma, pleasant mild taste and good golden foam. The most popular Arabica variety is Brazilian Bourbon and Santos. Arabica beans are oblong, uneven, with a caffeine content of 1-1.5%.

Robusta occupies approximately 30% of the total share of coffee production. Its trees are much taller, the beans are more rounded and high in caffeine. Robusta drink is recognized as the strongest coffee with pronounced bitter notes. Robusta is almost always paired with Arabica to give a mixture of strength, body and a slight bitterness. Instant coffee is produced mainly from Robusta. Although disease resistant and hardy, Robusta trees are grown on a limited number of plantations.

You can distinguish Arabica from Robusta already outwardly

Liberica is the rarest of all cultivated coffees. Its trees are tall, low-yielding, with medium grain quality. Used as an additional variety in blends.

What types of coffee are available on the market?

  • Coffee beans.
  • Ground.
  • Soluble (sublimated, powder, granulated).

A few years ago, the so-called appeared, combining the properties of soluble and ground. New technologies have made it possible to enclose grains of ground arabica coffee in a granule of instant coffee. This made the drink quick to prepare, but with a pronounced taste and aroma of natural grains.

On the market, you can also find both single-sorted coffees and blends or blends. The former are intended for a narrow segment of the market - professional cafes and restaurants that develop their own blends and offer signature drinks. Ready-made blends go on sale and are ideal for preparing a drink at home, in the office, cafes and so on.

Bean roasting methods

Types of coffee, depending on the method of roasting, play an important role in shaping the taste of the finished drink. There are the following degrees of roasting beans:

  • the initial one, which contributes to the easy disclosure of the taste and aroma of the grain, is used for elite Arabica;
  • weak, or Scandinavian, as a result of which the grain slightly cracks and acquires a light brown color;
  • medium, the purpose of which is to release some of the oily resins and adjust the acidity, is used to make espresso;
  • strong, allows you to get the strongest coffee, the color of the grain is dark brown, oily, the cracks are pronounced.

There are other intermediate degrees of roasting, which, as a rule, bear the names of the area for which this or that method of heat treatment of grain is characteristic. This is a French roast, Mediterranean, American and so on.

This is what beans look like at different degrees of roasting.

The maximum release of caffeine, resins and bitterness occurs at a strong degree of roasting. From such grains, the strongest coffee is obtained, invigorating and tonic. Its color can reach black, and the grain shines intensely due to the oils released to the surface. Sometimes heavy roasting is used to disguise the low quality of coffee and hide its taste.

There is also a separate category of coffee - it is a green product that has not undergone heat treatment. It became popular after some studies showed the value of this product for health in general and weight loss in particular. For many years, green coffee has been on par with green tea as a product with a high antioxidant activity and fat burning effect.

Types of coffee drinks

Turkish coffee is considered a coffee classic all over the world, although the most popular type of drink is espresso. It was the Turks who taught the Europeans to drink and brew coffee, and the most famous Venetian entrepreneurs got rich on the trade in this product. To prepare a strong drink, you need to get the right cezve or cezve, high-quality grain or ground coffee and a few minutes of free time.

Composition of the most popular drinks

Turkish coffee should not boil. It is removed from the fire up to 5-7 times when a new layer of foam appears. For 120 ml of cold water, take 1-2 tsp. ground grains. Drink the drink hot with or without added sugar. What types of coffee drinks exist and is there a limit to original recipes?


The most popular base for most coffee drinks. It is a strong drink with a dense texture and thick foam, made from dark (strong) roasted grains. The classic proportions are: 7 g of ground grains per 40 ml of water. Served in tiny white cups. You can add sugar. Espresso is most popular in Italy, where there are many variations on the theme, such as lungo, dopio and americano.


This is espresso with lemon juice added. Served in small cups, in which 35-40 ml of espresso and 30 ml of juice are mixed. A slice of lemon is used as decoration. Suitable for those who like pronounced sourness in coffee.

The most invigorating coffee that is drunk in one sip and washed down with cold drinking water. It is not customary to add sugar to it. Prepared by analogy with traditional espresso, but the volume of water is reduced to 25 ml. This coffee drink is very popular in Italy, it has a thick and dense texture.


Drink from a series of coffee desserts. Prepared in layers, where chocolate alternates with espresso, hot milk and whipped cream. Gradually, the layers are mixed with each other and a fragrant strong espresso with a creamy foam is obtained.


One of the most popular drinks in Western Europe. It is prepared from two different processing parts of milk and one part of espresso. Served in glasses of 450 ml with straws. To prepare a drink, one part of the milk is well warmed up, the other is also warmed up and whipped into an airy thick foam. It is customary to decorate this drink with drawings in the style of latte art.

Some kind of latte. Here, strong espresso is combined with hot frothed milk, and the foam is laid out on top of the drink with a spoon. Served without sugar.


It is a combination of warm milk, espresso and frothed milk, which are formed in layers and served in a 150 ml cup.

Viennese coffee

Appeared in Vienna in the XVII century. It is a drink made from espresso coffee, which is densely covered with whipped cream on top. Grated nuts, cinnamon, vanilla, chocolate chips can be used as decor.


Drink with alcohol. It is customary to consume in the afternoon. Prepared on the basis of espresso with whiskey or other kind of alcohol, as well as whipped cream in a cap. Served in Irish glasses.


Prepared from standard 30-40 ml of espresso, which is diluted with 90-10 ml of water. Often supplemented with sugar, milk, biscuits and other desserts.


So called, popular in Greece. It is made from 1-2 shots of espresso with ice and sugar, which are shaken in a shaker. Milk and additionally cold water are sometimes added to it.

Another kind of summer cool drink. It is prepared from a portion of chilled espresso and a scoop of vanilla ice cream, which is placed directly into the cup. A delicious dessert is decorated with grated chocolate.

honey raff

One of the few drinks invented in Russia. It consists of a portion of strong coffee, which is whipped together with cream and honey in a cappuccinatore. Whipped milk is laid out on top of the whipped mixture.


It is represented by a portion of espresso, on top of which, up to 1.5-2 cm high, a dense in structure and well-shaped milk foam rises. Translated from Italian, the name of the drink means tower.

The list of types of coffee drinks can be continued for a very long time. All of them are prepared tasty and original, they are distinguished by colorful presentation, non-standard combination of ingredients. There are seasonal types of coffee, which are offered chilled in the summer heat, and hot and warming in the winter cold.

There are many local recipes for making coffee-based drinks. This coffee is Caribbean, Irish, Mexican, Moroccan, and so on. The composition may include lemon, pineapple, orange juice, various syrups, types of alcohol, brown sugar, spices and so on.

Now more and more people are talking about the benefits of green coffee. He soared to the pedestal of popularity due to the fact that it promotes weight loss. Losing weight with the help of such a drink is now considered fashionable, and a few years ago, in 2012 in the United States, this product became the best-selling of a number of products that promote weight loss. So why is this unknown drink so famous? Online reviews about it are very contradictory: some believe that it is incredibly useful, others talk about contraindications that outweigh the benefits. Is it so? Let's try to figure it out.

A bit of history

One of the provinces of Ethiopia, Kaffa, is considered to be the birthplace of coffee. This plant has existed for more than 800 years, and there are a great many stories of its appearance. However, the most common is the legend of the Kaldi shepherd and his goats.

A young shepherd, grazing goats in a pasture, drew attention to unusual behavior: the goats were incredibly alert and active throughout the day and the following night. Kaldi noticed that the berries of the coffee tree give them vigor. Then the shepherd decided to taste the cherished berries himself, and what was his surprise when he felt an incredible surge of vivacity that made him dance all night long. The abbot of a nearby monastery, passing by, became interested in the dancing shepherd and asked what made him so delighted. Then Kaldi told him about the miraculous power of small berries. Without thinking twice, the monk collected the berries and leaves of the coffee tree and made a decoction out of them, which he treated his brothers to on the eve of evening prayers. This drink did a miracle - the monks became cheerful and no longer slept through the night sermons.

In Russia, coffee was very fond of Peter I and Catherine the Great. Moreover, the latter used such a strong drink that four hundred grams of grains was enough for about four cups. Thanks to this Empress, now coffee is also used in cosmetology, as she was the first to come up with the idea of ​​using coffee grounds with soap as a kind of face and body scrub. Coffee itself appeared under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, and was used exclusively for medical purposes: to increase blood pressure, get rid of migraines and many other diseases.

As a drink, it began to be used only in the 12th century, and only a raw product was used for this, just what we now call green coffee. And only a few centuries later they learned to dry and roast the grains, grind them into powder and pour hot water, getting a unique aromatic drink that is in demand to this day.

Main characteristics and types of green coffee

Green coffee is raw coffee beans that have not been roasted, and therefore do not have the usual dark brown color, but a delicate olive hue. They are obtained from the fruit of the coffee tree. With the help of a specific treatment, they are freed from the pulp of the berries and the husks are removed.

Green coffee does not have the same rich aroma as black coffee. Its smell is more like a tart herbal aroma. A drink made from such grains acquires a brown color and a tart, astringent, slightly sour taste.

Today there are several types of green coffee:

  • natural green coffee beans;
  • raw green coffee;
  • roasted green coffee;
  • ground green coffee powder;
  • granulated instant green coffee;
  • sublimated green coffee.

The most effective for weight loss is raw unroasted coffee, its grains contain the greatest amount of nutrients. When roasted, many of the beneficial properties of green coffee are lost. So, for example, chlorogenic acid, which this healthy drink is so valued for, is completely absent in roasted grains. However, the fried version contains quite a lot of useful substances.

Ground coffee can be used both for preparing a drink and for using it as a component of various cosmetic products.

A soluble granular product is obtained by intense steam pressure on ground coffee powder, as a result of which a lot of its useful properties are lost, as the pressure changes the structure of the grain.

Freeze-dry coffee is another name for freeze-dried coffee and is one of the most expensive products, since the technology by which it is produced is quite expensive in itself. But thanks to it, a drink is obtained that is closest in taste and aroma to a natural product.

The chemical composition of green coffee

Green coffee contains a rich mineral complex and a useful vitamin composition. Organic acids can be distinguished in it, where mainly chlorogenic acid, tannins, alkaloids, mainly caffeine, theophylline and trigonelline, essential oils, tannin, fiber, lipids and amino acids act.

Caffeine in the composition of such a drink contains much less than in its black counterpart. However, its presence has a positive effect on the body, provided it is consumed within reasonable limits. Thanks to caffeine, you can increase mental activity, increase physical activity, and also improve memory. It helps to remove the accumulated fatigue and recharge the body with vigor. Also, the use of caffeine in small amounts helps to speed up metabolism and prevents the accumulation of body fat, relieves spasms and stimulates the work of the heart and blood vessels.

Tannin promotes the removal of dangerous toxins and harmful toxins from the body, and also prevents the harmful effects of the environment. It has the ability to constrict blood vessels and reduce capillary permeability, and also helps to heal wounds and neutralizes the harmful effects of pathogenic microorganisms and various kinds of poisoning.

Chlorogenic acid is one of the most powerful antioxidants that helps the body cleanse itself of free radicals and their harmful effects. However, this acid is found only in raw green coffee beans. It prevents the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, reducing the absorption of carbohydrates, and also normalizes digestion, which undoubtedly contributes to weight loss. Chlorogenic acid also has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, circulatory system and respiratory tract. Thanks to antioxidants, protein synthesis occurs, which is necessary for stable and well-coordinated work of the body. Chlorogenic acid reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes.

The amino acids that make up green coffee contribute to better absorption of useful vitamins and minerals by the body, help in the fight against viruses and infections, speed up metabolic processes and increase the production of hemoglobin. They also help to gain muscle mass faster and have a beneficial effect on muscles after active physical exertion. These beneficial substances can destroy subcutaneous fat and dull the feeling of hunger, and also contribute to the removal of radionuclides from the body and salts of heavy metals.

Lipids are responsible for the synthesis of many hormones that contribute to the full functioning of the nervous system. And tannins speed up metabolism and lower blood glucose levels. By the way, thanks to them, coffee acquires its astringency.

Thanks to the fiber contained in this product, bad cholesterol is removed, digestive processes are normalized, immunity and natural defenses of the body are strengthened. And also fiber can prevent the development of cancer, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems.

Essential oils give coffee its rich, luxurious aroma. With their help, you can soften the cough and increase the secretion of sputum, thereby removing mucus from the bronchi. They are able to quickly eliminate inflammatory processes and neutralize the action of harmful bacteria. And also have a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular system and digestive organs.

Useful properties of green coffee

Thanks to this miraculous chemical composition, green coffee acquires healing and beneficial properties:

  • speeds up metabolism and effectively burns fat;
  • helps to reduce appetite, thereby dulling the feeling of hunger;
  • normalizes the level of cholesterol and glucose in the blood;
  • promotes the removal of toxins and dangerous toxins;
  • regulates metabolism and improves blood circulation;
  • improves the work of the cardiovascular and nervous system;
  • contributes to the coordinated work of the endocrine glands;
  • improves memory and stimulates the brain;
  • energizes and energizes, improves mood;
  • has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and improves digestion.

In addition to the above actions, green coffee is actively used in the field of cosmetology and traditional medicine:

  • has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect;
  • effectively relieves swelling, facilitating the removal of excess fluid from the body;
  • is a powerful tonic;
  • promotes protection against ultraviolet radiation;
  • has an anti-cellulite effect, helps to eliminate stretch marks and scars;
  • stimulates hair growth, promotes their strengthening and natural shine;
  • effectively fights skin aging, preventing the appearance of wrinkles.

Also, green coffee has a powerful anti-cancer property, prevents the risk of atherosclerosis and is used to treat and prevent diabetes.

Green coffee for weight loss

The high content of chlorogenic acid, which is destroyed during roasting, and therefore exists only in green coffee, allows us to talk about this product as an effective weight loss product. This unique substance has properties that can break down fats, preventing them from entering the bloodstream, and also help the liver to actively process fatty acids.

In addition, green coffee helps to reduce the level of insulin in the blood, thereby speeding up the metabolism. And also effective in this regard is the anti-edematous effect that the substances that make up this drink have. And the ability of this product to remove harmful substances and cholesterol from the body.

Harm of green coffee

The most dangerous substance contained in coffee is caffeine, the excessive use of which can lead to unpleasant consequences and harm the body.

Regular consumption of large amounts of caffeine can lead to caffeine addiction, which is characterized by:

  • headache;
  • drowsiness;
  • chronic fatigue and rapid fatigue;
  • nervousness and irritability;
  • muscle pain;
  • nausea;
  • stress and depression.

Since coffee stimulates and tones the nervous system, an excessive passion for this drink can lead to depletion of nerve cells and a general deterioration of all organs and systems of the body. In addition, caffeine can provoke the development of epilepsy, paranoia, nervous breakdowns, psychosis and aggression.

A drink from green grains, as well as from black ones, is contraindicated for people with arterial hypertension and coronary heart disease, since caffeine provokes an increase in pressure and stimulates the cardiovascular system, resulting in a rapid pulse. It is not recommended to use this product if there is a tendency to heart disease, overweight problems, vascular disease.

Excessive consumption of the drink deprives the body of such beneficial minerals as calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, as well as vitamins B1 and B6. Which in turn can lead to the following consequences:

  • fragility and fragility of bones;
  • the risk of developing osteochondrosis;
  • damage to teeth;
  • violation of cerebral circulation;
  • persistent pain in the back and neck that does not go away.

Thus, green coffee should also be used with caution and not overdo it.

Contraindications and side effects

It is recommended to exclude the use of the drink in case of nervous disorders, manifested in insomnia, increased excitability and irritability. Also, do not use it during pregnancy and lactation, as well as hypertension and problems of the gastrointestinal tract. You should not drink coffee in childhood, as it negatively affects the fragile nervous system and can lead to unpleasant and sad consequences.

With excessive use of such a drink, the following symptoms may appear:

  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • increase in blood pressure.

How to prepare green coffee

First, the coffee beans need to be ground. And this stage is one of the most important in making coffee. The coffee beans are ground to bring out the best taste and aroma. Green coffee needs to be ground coarsely. The grinding process will be much easier if the grains are soaked briefly in cold water before that.

To roast coffee or not is a personal matter for everyone. But roasted beans reduce the level of caffeine in the drink, improve its palatability and promote better grinding. There are several stages of roasting coffee beans. For example, if green coffee is to be used as a weight loss aid, then the grains should only be slightly dried in a frying pan, making sure that they do not change color. Well, if the goal is to improve the taste of the product, then you need to fry the grains until they acquire a brownish hue. This process will take approximately fifteen minutes. It is extremely important to roast the coffee beans in a dry frying pan without adding oil. It is better to use cast iron cookware for this, and the roasting method itself resembles roasting peanuts or seeds.

There are several types of coffee brewing:

  • brewing with a French press;
  • brewing green coffee in a Turk;
  • brewing green coffee in a coffee pot;
  • brewing in a coffee maker;
  • brewing green coffee in a coffee machine.

Brewing green coffee with a french press

Initially, you need to heat the glass container of the French press with hot water. After draining it, pour coarse green coffee into it. Pour hot water over coffee and mix thoroughly. Cover the French press with a lid and wait for about three to five minutes, depending on how strong the drink is to be obtained. After this time, slowly lower the filter and pour the liquid separated from the thick into heated cups.

Turkish coffee brewing

Pour cold water into the Turk and put on fire. Add 2 teaspoons of finely ground coffee to hot water. Brew coffee over low heat. As soon as the foam appears, the coffee must be removed from the heat, and when it settles, return to the stove again. This process must be repeated about three times, after which the resulting drink is mixed and poured into preheated cups.

How to drink green coffee

It is best to drink such a drink unsweetened, about fifteen minutes before a meal or half an hour after a meal.

It is necessary to know that the simultaneous use of a drink with alcohol and tobacco significantly increases the level of cholesterol in the blood, and also enhances the effect of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products.

Since the presence of caffeine helps to flush out important minerals from the body, it is necessary to introduce dairy products, cheeses and fish into your diet. In addition, coffee removes fluid from the body, so those who are fond of such a product should drink more than one liter of pure non-carbonated mineral water per day.


Green coffee is a newfangled trend in nutrition. Its beneficial properties have a beneficial effect on the body, contribute to weight loss and improve skin quality. However, losing weight with this product is fraught with consequences. And if you overdo it with such a drink, then this can lead to unpleasant consequences, since green coffee also contains caffeine, albeit in smaller doses than black coffee. With caution, this drink should be used for heart problems and a tendency to high blood pressure. But in general, if you do not abuse it, then green coffee will not do any harm, but will only serve the benefit of the body.
