
Review: Spread vegetable fat TM Kremlevskoe. Palm oil? It could be worse! How to distinguish spread from butter

My review will be devoted to a not entirely healthy product, so I ask all adherents of a healthy diet to pass by. On the agenda in this review is the vegetable-fat spread TM Kremlevskoe. My husband has been bringing all the products home lately, and this time he brought a product that was not quite familiar to me.

I bought it on the recommendations of clients - many people like this spread not only for baking, so my faithful decided to experiment with it. I paid 50 rubles for a package weighing 450 grams - this is the standard price for maragarin, it’s clear that you can’t buy creamy mals for this money. But no one talks about oil, because the packaging clearly states that this is a vegetable-fat spread.

In the composition, as expected, oils and water are listed first, followed by preservatives.

Outwardly, the spread of TM Kremlevskoe looks like butter, but in real life it is very far from it. Its taste is more delicate than that of margarine, it does not have this specific smell.

It melts quickly and spreads very easily on bread. I tried this spread on sandwiches - I won’t say that it is tastier than butter, but in its absence, this option is quite decent. But I do not advise children to give, a lot of chemistry in the composition. I recommend this spread for baking - it is better than regular margarine.

Video review


For reference:

Spread- a substitute for butter containing vegetable fats. Spreads are divided into three types:

  • creamy-vegetable contain> 50% milk fat
  • vegetable and creamy contain 15-49% milk fat
  • vegetable fats do not contain milk fat

On the product label "Kremlin" the inscription - "delicate taste of cream." On the lid "Rustic" a cow is drawn (obviously suggestive of a natural dairy product). On the package "Glared" "Scandinavia" even GOST is indicated, and if you do not read the composition, it seems - here it is, real high-quality oil!

We carefully read what is written in small print on the back of the package. "Kremlin" And "Rustic" turned out to be vegetable fat spreads. AlpOil Ghee- vegetable oil mixture. "Scandinavia"- cooking oil. And GOST, which is indicated on the label of the latter, has nothing to do with butter. This is GOST 28414-89, which is called "Fats for cooking, confectionery and baking industry."

Andrey Mosov, head of the expert direction of NP "Roskontrol", doctor:

“These fatty foods really contain less cholesterol than butter. But many of these products contain trans-fatty acids that appear during the hydrogenation of vegetable oils, which are very dangerous to health. They cause atherosclerosis, which significantly increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes, and the World Health Organization calls for their use in the food industry to be completely abandoned. The problem is that when buying a product, the consumer does not know what exactly he will receive. And if he bought it, thinking that it was butter, then here the consumer is being misled.”

What are yogurt manufacturers hiding?

Alexander Borisov, Chairman of the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights "Roskontrol":

“A conscientious manufacturer who makes quality products and makes the label easy to read. If you see that the composition is written in small print on a non-contrasting background, you can safely put the product back on the shelf - this indicates that the manufacturer has something to hide.

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Delivery terms


There is a possibility of self-delivery of the goods. When picking up and paying in cash, you get a 5% discount on all products. Self-delivery of the ordered goods is possible at any time of the working day, by prior arrangement. Address: Russia, Moscow region, Reutov, Prospect Mira, vl. 85, 143960

Courier delivery

Cost of delivery: 400 rubles in Moscow within the Moscow Ring Road

Free when ordering from: Swish 50 000 rubles - delivery in Moscow FREE OF CHARGE

1. Delivery of goods in Moscow is made within 2 working days from the date of confirmation of the order (from Monday to Saturday from 10.00 to 20.00). 2. Delivery is carried out to the entrance to the entrance of a residential building or to the entrance to an office building. 3. Previously, in the morning on the day of delivery, the manager of the courier service will call you and agree on the delivery time, and also, at least 40 minutes before the arrival of the car, the courier will call back and confirm the time of arrival of your order. 4. If a day after the order was accepted you did not get a call, the delivery is automatically postponed to the next business day. 5. If we are unable to contact the recipient of the order within 2 days from the date of placing the order at the numbers you specified, the order will be canceled! 6. Delivery of goods from our wholesale warehouses is carried out by our vehicles. 7. Without prior agreement with the client on the arrival time of delivery and the ability to accept the goods, we do not send a forwarder / courier /.

Delivery by transport company

Cost of delivery: The cost of delivery to the mall - 600 rubles.

1. Sending through a transport company to the regions of Russia is carried out only after 100% prepayment of the ordered goods according to the invoice issued by us. 2. Within 2 working days from the date of receipt of funds to our current account, we will arrange the dispatch of your order through the terminals of the transport company. 3. Services of transportation of your order from Moscow to the destination you pay directly to the transport company upon receipt of the goods. 4. The cost of delivery to the TC terminal and cargo clearance (regardless of the order amount): - 600 rubles.

Terms of payment


Our courier / forwarder / delivers your order to the specified address (within the Moscow Ring Road). After checking the completeness of the order, you pay the amount according to the invoice in cash. Attached documents - an invoice listing all commodity items and a cash receipt. When paying for an order in cash, your personal presence upon receipt of the order is optional. At the address indicated by you, there should be a person informed about the arrival of our forwarder and about the amount required to pay for your order.

Cashless payments

After ordering the goods, you will receive an invoice for payment. After the funds have been credited to our current account, we will deliver the goods to the specified address along with the invoice and invoice. Carefully check the assortment and packaging of the imported goods! Claims for the quantity and quality of the goods, as well as for the return, you can present at the time of delivery and receipt of the goods. After acceptance of the order, claims are not considered.

Not everyone loves butter, but everyone knows about its beneficial properties. It is included in the list of products that are bought regularly. Store shelves are full of a variety of beautiful packaging and familiar and pleasant names. When you look at Kremlevskoye oil, you can immediately see that high-level specialists work in the marketing department of the manufacturing plant. But the buyer pays primarily not for the packaging, but for the goods. To understand how beautiful the wrapper corresponds to the quality, you need to understand what kind of product it is, what its composition is and how it differs from similar products.

Trademark "Kremlin"

In 2001, one of the oldest food industry enterprises, the Nizhny Novgorod Meat and Fat Plant (founded in 1893), launched a new product on the market. He belonged to butter, but had some differences, as openly stated in the advertising slogan. The video claimed that the usual product contains unusually little cholesterol.

The manufacturer of oil "Kremlevskoye" does not exaggerate and does not embellish. The food product is a mixture of milk and vegetable fats. The product is a substitute for butter. If you look more closely at the packaging of the goods, the word "oil" does not appear anywhere. But this was not always the case, and until 2003 "Kremlevskoye" was listed as a light oil. It was this year that a new interstate standard was introduced for such products called "Spreads and melted mixtures" (GOST R 52100-2003).

The product fully complies with the established standard. But the manufacturer indicates the word "spread" in small print on the back of the package. Although such an action is legally correct, some buyers believe that this is unfair to them.

Oil "Kremlin": composition

Vegetable fat spread has many fans. The product has earned such popularity precisely because of its composition.

  • Deodorized oil - oil obtained from vegetable raw materials, which has undergone vacuum treatment with dry high temperature steam. The component is not listed in a quantitative equivalent, but is in the first place, which means that it is at least the basis.
  • Dry milk whey is a liquid dried to a powdery state, which remains after curdling and filtering milk. It is an additional product in the manufacture of cheese, cottage cheese.
  • Emulsifier E471, the most widely used in the food industry. It is necessary to stabilize the consistency.
  • preservatives. Sodium benzoate E211 is added to increase shelf life. It is able to inhibit the growth and development of yeasts and molds. Potassium sorbate (E202) also helps to suppress the growth of microorganisms.

Below is a photo of the oil "Kremlin".

What is spread?

The word Spread in translation from English means "smearing". So called products, the basis of which are vegetable and milk fats. It is allowed to add vitamins, flavoring additives, flavorings to the product. The product has long been known to the consumer, but the word "oil" was present in its name, which was misleading.

Spreads are divided into 3 subspecies:

  • Creamy-vegetable are the most similar to butter. They contain over 50% milk fat.
  • Vegetable cream. The content of milk fat in this subspecies ranges from 15 to 49%. It is to this subspecies that the so-called butter "Kremlin" belongs. The spread contains 13.05% milk fat.
  • Vegetable fat. They actually do not contain animal fat. They have a lot in common with margarine. But, unlike margarine, the use of hydrogenated fats and trans fatty acids is limited in the spread.

How to distinguish spread from butter

To understand the difference, you need to have a good idea of ​​what each of the compared products is. But not everyone has a technological background. But everyone will be able to perform a series of simple steps that allow you to determine with absolute accuracy what kind of product is hidden under the name "oil".

  • If the fat content indicated in the composition is above 60%, then this is butter.
  • The content of cholesterol in the spread is 0%. Usually the seller focuses on this as a positive feature.
  • After the purchase, you need to cut off a little from the product and leave it on the table for an hour. After this time, the butter will simply melt, and the spread will spread over the dishes.
  • If the product is placed in a microwave oven and closed with a lid, then after 10 seconds the spread will “shoot”, and the oil will simply melt quietly.
  • The oil in a hot pan will spread evenly, forming a yellow spot, and the spread will turn into a liquid with greasy spots.

Advantages of using Kremlin brand oil

If a manufacturer produces a product, then someone needs it. Despite skeptical and unfriendly statements, a large number of people buy the spread. And their actions are dictated not only by the low cost of goods.

Oil "Kremlin" or, if it is correct to say, the spread has various awards. Many brands fight for them, they are not bought, but deserved. The product was awarded the "Healthy Product" award. Consumers appreciated the lack of cholesterol in the spread and the balanced fat content. It can be consumed every day, even while on a diet.

A product with a low content of milk fat can be consumed by people with lactose intolerance and allergies to milk and dairy products.

Butter substitute is not as fatty, but contains vitamins D and A in the same amount. The student will be more willing to eat the spread than the butter.

Cons of the "Kremlin"

The spread, like any other product, has its drawbacks. When choosing a product, they must also be taken into account.

  • Milk fat, which is part of the oil "Kremlevskoe", contains very little linoleic acid. Its concentration is only 1-4%. It protects blood vessels, participates in endocrine processes.
  • Unscrupulous manufacturers use palm or other low-quality oil to reduce the cost of goods. Such products negatively affect the body.
  • The product is low-calorie compared to oil, therefore it is not suitable for good nutrition, especially for the body or during the rehabilitation period after the treatment of not very serious diseases.
