
Calcium-fortified milk and dairy products and method for their preparation. All about the technology of milk and dairy products Fortified milk GOST

GOST R 53952-2010

Group H17



General specifications

Drinking enriched milk. General specifications

OKS 67.100.10
OKP 92 2210;
92 2219;

Introduction date 2012-01-01


The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation", and the rules for the application of national standards of the Russian Federation - GOST R 1.0-2004 "Standardization in the Russian Federation. Basic provisions"

About the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the State Scientific Institution All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Dairy Industry of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (GNU VNIMI of the Russian Agricultural Academy)

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 470 "Milk and milk processing products"

3 APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated November 24, 2010 N 503-st


Information about changes to this standard is published in the annually published information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments - in the monthly published information indexes "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, a corresponding notice will be published in the monthly published information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notification and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

1 area of ​​use

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to packaged in consumer packaging after heat treatment or heat-treated in consumer packaging fortified drinking milk (hereinafter referred to as the product) made from raw cow's milk and (or) dairy products, enriched separately or in combination with milk protein, vitamins, micro- and macronutrients, prebiotic substances (prebiotics), polyunsaturated fatty acids, phospholipids, dietary fiber, intended for direct consumption.

Requirements to ensure product safety are set out in 5.1.4-5.1.6, quality requirements - in 5.1.2, 5.1.3, labeling requirements - in 5.3.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following standards:

GOST R 51301-99 Food products and food raw materials. Stripping voltammetric methods for determining the content of toxic elements (cadmium, lead, copper and zinc)

GOST R 51474-99 Packaging. Marking indicating the way the goods are handled

GOST R 51483-99 Vegetable oils and animal fats. Determination by gas chromatography of the mass fraction of methyl esters of individual fatty acids to their sum

GOST R 51600-2010 Milk and dairy products. Microbiological methods for determining the presence of antibiotics

GOST R 51766-2001 Food raw materials and products. Atomic absorption method for the determination of arsenic

GOST R 51921-2002 Food products. Methods for detection and determination of Listeria monocytogenes bacteria

GOST R 51939-2002 Milk. Method for determination of lactulose

GOST R 51962-2002 Food products and food raw materials. Stripping voltammetric method for determining the mass concentration of arsenic

GOST R 52054-2003 Raw cow's milk. Specifications

GOST R 52173-2003 Food raw materials and products. Method for the identification of genetically modified sources (GMI) of plant origin

GOST R 52174-2003 Biological safety. Raw materials and food products. Method for the identification of genetically modified sources (GMI) of plant origin using a biological microchip

GOST R 52349-2005 Food products. Functional food products. Terms and Definitions

GOST R 52499-2005 Food additives. Terms and Definitions

GOST R 52814-2007 (ISO 6579:2002) Food products. Method for detection of bacteria of the genus Salmonella

GOST R 53430-2009 Milk and milk processing products. Methods of microbiological analysis

GOST R 53435-2009 Raw cream. Specifications

GOST R 53503-2009 Skimmed milk - raw material. Specifications

GOST R 53513-2009 Buttermilk and drinks based on it. Specifications

GOST R 53774-2010 Milk and dairy products. ELISA methods for determining the presence of antibiotics

GOST R 53948-2010 Condensed milk - raw material. Specifications

GOST R 53951-2010 Dairy, dairy compound and milk-containing products. Determination of the mass fraction of protein by the Kjeldahl method

GOST R ISO 7218-2008 Microbiology of food and animal feed. General requirements and recommendations for microbiological studies

GOST 8.579-2002 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Requirements for the quantity of packaged goods in packages of any kind during their production, packaging, sale and import

GOST 1349-85 Canned milk. Cream is dry. Specifications

GOST 2493-75 Reagents. Potassium phosphate disubstituted 3-water. Specifications

GOST 3622-68 Milk and dairy products. Sampling and preparing them for testing

GOST 3623-73 Milk and dairy products. Methods for determining pasteurization

GOST 3624-92 Milk and dairy products. Titrimetric methods for determining acidity

GOST 3625-84 Milk and dairy products. Methods for determining density

GOST 3626-73 Milk and dairy products. Methods for determining moisture and dry matter

GOST 4172-76 Reagents. Sodium phosphate disubstituted 12-water. Specifications

GOST 5538-78 Reagents. Potassium citrate 1-aqueous. Specifications

GOST 5867-90 Milk and dairy products. Methods for determining fat

GOST 8218-89 Milk. Purity determination method

GOST 14192-96 Marking of goods

GOST 15846-2002 Products shipped to the Far North and equivalent areas. Packaging, marking, transportation and storage

GOST 22280-76 Reagents. Sodium citrate 5.5-aqueous. Specifications

GOST 23285-78 Transport bags for foodstuffs and glass containers. Specifications

GOST 23452-79 Milk and dairy products. Methods for determination of residual amounts of organochlorine pesticides

GOST 25228-82 Milk and cream. Method for determining heat resistance by alcohol test

GOST 25776-83 Piece products and in consumer packaging. Group packaging in shrink film

GOST 26663-85 Transport packages. Formation using packaging tools. General technical requirements

GOST 26754-85 Milk. Temperature measurement methods

GOST 26809-86 Milk and dairy products. Acceptance rules, sampling methods and preparation of samples for analysis

GOST 26927-86 Food raw materials and products. Methods for the determination of mercury

GOST 26932-86 Food raw materials and products. Lead determination methods

GOST 26933-86 Food raw materials and products. Methods for the determination of cadmium

GOST 28283-89 Cow's milk. Method of organoleptic evaluation of smell and taste

GOST 30178-96 Food raw materials and products. Atomic absorption method for the determination of toxic elements

GOST 30347-97 Milk and dairy products. Methods for determining Staphylococcus aureus

GOST 30538-97 Food products. Method for determining toxic elements by atomic emission method

GOST 30627.1-98 Dairy products for baby food. Method for measuring the mass fraction of vitamin A (retinol)

GOST 30627.2-98 Dairy products for baby food. Methods for measuring the mass fraction of vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

GOST 30627.3-98 Dairy products for baby food. Method for measuring the mass fraction of vitamin E (tocopherol)

GOST 30627.4-98 Dairy products for baby food. Method for measuring the mass fraction of vitamin PP (niacin)

GOST 30627.5-98 Dairy products for baby food. Method for measuring the mass fraction of vitamin B (thiamine)

GOST 30627.6-98 Dairy products for baby food. Methods for measuring the mass fraction of vitamin B (riboflavin)

GOST 30711-2001 Food products. Methods for the detection and determination of the content of aflatoxins B and M

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annually published information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year , and according to the corresponding monthly published information signs published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (modified), then when using this standard, you should be guided by the replacing (modified) standard. If the referenced standard is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

3 Terms and definitions

This standard uses the terms and definitions established by GOST R 52349 and GOST R 52499.

4 Classification

4.1 The product, depending on the raw milk, is produced:

- from whole milk;

- normalized milk;

- skimmed milk.

4.2 The product according to 4.1, depending on the mode of heat treatment, is divided into:

- for pasteurized;

- sterilized;

- ultrapasteurized.

4.3 The product, depending on the physiologically functional food ingredients used, is produced:

- fortified milk protein;

- vitamins and their complexes (premixes);

- prebiotics;

- dietary fiber;

- micro and / or macro elements;

- polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA);

- phospholipids.

5 Technical requirements

5.1 Main indicators and characteristics

5.1.1 The product is manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard and documents (manufacturer's technical documents, organization standards), according to which the product of a particular name is manufactured, in compliance with the requirements,.

5.1.2 The organoleptic characteristics of the product must meet the requirements specified in Table 1.

Table 1

Name of indicator



Opaque liquid, no sediment. For a product with a fat mass fraction of more than 3.5%, a slight settling of fat is allowed, which disappears when mixed.


Homogeneous, inflexible. Free of protein flakes and tangled fat clumps

Taste and smell

Characteristic for cow's milk, without foreign tastes and odors, with a slight aftertaste of boiling, for sterilized - a pronounced aftertaste of boiling. Taste and smell of added ingredients are allowed

Milky white, uniform throughout the mass, for sterilized - with a light cream tint, for fat-free - with a bluish tint. Shade due to added ingredients is allowed

5.1.3 In terms of physical and chemical parameters, the product must comply with the standards specified in Table 2.

table 2

Name of indicator

Norm for a product with a mass fraction of fat,%


from 0.5
up to 1.0

from 1.2
up to 2.5

from 2.7
up to 3.9

from 4.0
up to 4.5

from 4.7
up to 8.9

Density, kg/m, not less than

Mass fraction of protein, %, not less than

Mass fraction of dry non-fat milk substances (SOMO), %, not less than

Acidity, °T, no more

Cleanliness group, not lower

Product temperature upon release from the enterprise, °С:

for pasteurized, ultra-pasteurized (without aseptic filling)

for UHT (with aseptic filling) and sterilized

For a product enriched with milk protein.

Note - Mass fractions of physiologically functional food ingredients (vitamins, micro- and macroelements, dietary fiber, prebiotics, PUFAs, phospholipids) are set in technical documents or standards of organizations for a specific product name, indicating the ratio of the amount of added ingredients to their daily intake.

5.1.4 The performance indicators of heat treatment must comply with the requirements.

5.1.5 Permissible levels of potentially hazardous substances in the product should not exceed the requirements.

5.1.6 Permissible levels of microorganisms in the product when it is released into circulation should not exceed the requirements.

5.2 Requirements for raw materials

5.2.1 For the manufacture of a pasteurized product, the following raw materials are used:

- raw cow's milk not lower than the first grade according to GOST R 52054;

GOST R 53503;

- pasteurized cow's milk intended for industrial processing according to a document approved in the prescribed manner;

GOST R 53948;

GOST R 53435;

- dry cream according to GOST 1349;

- buttermilk obtained in the production of sweet cream butter, according to GOST R 53513;

- dry buttermilk according to the document approved in the prescribed manner;

- drinking water according to .

5.2.2 For the manufacture of a sterilized, ultra-pasteurized product, the following raw materials are used:

- raw cow's milk not lower than the first grade in accordance with GOST 52054 * with a somatic cell content of not more than 500 thousand / cm3, heat resistance according to the alcohol test is not lower than the third group in accordance with GOST 25228;
*Probably an original error. Should read: GOST R 52054. - Database manufacturer's note.

- skimmed milk - raw materials according to GOST R 53503;

- raw cream not lower than the first grade according to GOST R 53435;

- concentrated milk - raw materials according to the document approved in the prescribed manner;

- condensed milk - raw materials according to GOST R 53948;

- cream powder according to GOST 1349, premium, acidity from 15 to 18°T, heat resistance according to the alcohol test after recovery is not lower than the third group according to GOST 25228;

- buttermilk obtained in the production of sweet cream butter at the enterprise - the manufacturer of the product with an acidity of not more than 17 ° T in accordance with GOST R 53513;

- drinking water according to .

It is allowed to use stabilizer salts:

- sodium citrate 5.5-water according to GOST 22280;

- potassium citrate trisubstituted 1-water according to GOST 5538;

- potassium phosphate disubstituted 3-water according to GOST 2493;

- sodium phosphate disubstituted 12-water according to GOST 4172.

5.2.3 The following functional food ingredients are used to manufacture the product:

- vitamins and their complexes (premixes) according to the document approved in the prescribed manner;

- dietary fiber according to the document approved in the prescribed manner;

- prebiotic substances (prebiotics) according to a duly approved document;

- mineral substances and their complexes (premixes) according to the document approved in the established order;

- PUFA concentrates according to the document approved in the prescribed manner;

- lecithin or other phospholipids according to a duly approved document;

- milk protein concentrates according to a duly approved document;

- complex food additives containing physiologically functional food ingredients according to a duly approved document.

5.2.4 Milk, milk processing products used for the manufacture of the product, in terms of safety indicators, should not exceed the permissible levels established.

Functional food ingredients used for the manufacture of the product, in terms of safety, should not exceed the permissible levels established by , and .

5.2.5 It is allowed to use similar raw materials of domestic and other production, not inferior in terms of quality and safety specified in 5.2.1-5.2.4.

5.3 Marking

5.3.1 Labeling of consumer packaging is carried out in accordance with.

5.3.2 Marking of group packaging, reusable, transport packaging, overpack - in accordance with the application of manipulation marks or warning signs "Keep away from sunlight" and "Temperature limitation" indicating the minimum and maximum temperature values ​​​​according to GOST R 51474 and GOST 14192 .

5.3.3 The product shipped to the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas is labeled in accordance with GOST 15846.

5.4 Packaging

5.4.1 Packaging materials, consumer and shipping containers used for packaging the product must comply with the requirements of the documents in accordance with which they are made, and ensure the preservation of the quality and safety of the product during its transportation, storage and sale.

5.4.2 The product is packed in a consumer container with subsequent packing in a group and / or in a shipping container.

5.4.3 The formation of group packaging is carried out in accordance with GOST 25776.

5.4.4 Transport packages are formed according to GOST 23285 and GOST 26663.

5.4.5 The overpack is stowed in such a way that the marking of at least one unit of the group package and / or overpack is visible on each side of the overpack.

The stacking of the transport package is carried out by methods that ensure the safety of the lower rows of the group package and/or the transport container without their deformation.

5.4.6 The product shipped to the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas is packaged in accordance with GOST 15846.

5.4.7 Limits of permissible negative deviations of the net weight of the product in one packaging unit from the nominal - in accordance with GOST 8.579.

6 Acceptance rules

6.1 Acceptance rules - according to GOST 26809.

6.2 To check the compliance of the product with the requirements of the document in accordance with which the product of a particular name is manufactured, acceptance tests are carried out in accordance with GOST 26809 and periodic tests.

6.3 Acceptance tests are carried out by the method of selective control for each batch of the product for compliance with the requirements of the document: in terms of packaging quality, correct labeling, product net weight, organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters.

6.4 Periodic tests are carried out according to safety indicators (the content of toxic elements, mycotoxins, antibiotics, pesticides, radionuclides, microbiological indicators) in accordance with the production control program.

7 Control methods

7.1 Sampling and preparation of samples for analysis - according to GOST 26809.

7.2 Determination of appearance and consistency, colors are carried out organoleptically and characterized in accordance with the requirements of this standard and the document for the product of a particular name.

7.3 Determination of taste and smell - according to GOST 28283.

7.4 Determination of the volume or net weight - in accordance with GOST 3622, the temperature of the product upon release from the enterprise - in accordance with GOST 26754.

7.5 Determination of purity - according to GOST 8218.

7.6 Determination of density - according to GOST 3625.

7.7 Determination of heat treatment efficiency indicators:

- pasteurization (test for phosphatase) - according to GOST 3623;

- sterilization, ultra-pasteurization (with aseptic filling) (compliance with the requirements of industrial sterility) - according to GOST R 53430.

7.8 Determination of the mass fraction of fat - according to GOST 5867.

7.9 Determination of the mass fraction of protein - according to GOST R 53951.

7.10 Determination of acidity - according to GOST 3624.

7.11 Determination of the mass fraction of dry non-fat milk substances is carried out by calculation based on the mass fractions of solids and fat. Determination of the mass fraction of dry substances - according to GOST 3626.

7.12 The energy value of the product is calculated in accordance with [, Appendix 14].

7.13 Determination of the mass fraction of vitamins:

- vitamin A - according to GOST 30627.1;

- vitamin C - GOST 30627.2;

- vitamin E - GOST 30627.3;

- vitamin PP - GOST 30627.4;

- vitamin B - GOST 30627.5;

- vitamin B - GOST 30627.6.

7.14 Determination of the mass fraction of -carotene - by *, .
* See section Bibliography, here and below. - Database manufacturer's note.

7.15 Determination of the mass fraction of calcium - by , * or *.
* See section Bibliography. - Database manufacturer's note.

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General specifications

Official edition



The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic Provisions” and GOST 1.2-2009 “Interstate Standardization System. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for the development, adoption, application, updating and cancellation "

About the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Dairy Industry" (FGBNU "VNIMI")

2 INTRODUCED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart)

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes of November 12, 2015 No. 82-P)

4 By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated November 30, 2015 No. 2088-st, the interstate standard GOST 33478-2015 was put into effect as the national standard of the Russian Federation from July 1, 2016.


Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments - in the monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, a corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notification and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

© Standartinform, 2016

In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication without the permission of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology


Technical regulation of the Customs Union TR TS 021/2011 "On food safety"

Technical regulation of the Customs Union TR TS 033/2013 "On the safety of milk and dairy products"

Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 029/2012 "Safety Requirements for Food Additives, Flavorings and Processing Aids"

Technical regulation of the Customs Union TR CU 022/2011 "Food products in terms of their labeling"

Technical regulation of the Customs Union TR TS 005/2011 "On the safety of packaging"


UDC 637.146.2:006.354 OKS 67.100.10 N17 OKP92 22Yu

Key words: fortified drinking milk, classification, technical requirements, indicators, characteristics, labeling, packaging, acceptance rules, control methods, transportation, storage

Editor Z.Yu. Belyakova Proofreader O.V. Lazareva Computer layout A.V. Balvanovich

Signed for publication on February 8, 2016. Format 60x84Vs.

Uel. oven l. 1.40. Circulation 51 copies. Zach. 120.

Prepared on the basis of the electronic version provided by the developer of the standard


123995 Moscow, Granatny per., 4. www.gostinfo.ru [email protected]


ENRICHED DRINKING MILK General specifications

Enriched drinking milk. General specifications

Introduction date - 2016-07-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to packaged in consumer packaging after heat treatment or heat-treated in consumer packaging fortified drinking milk (hereinafter referred to as the product) made from raw cow's milk and (or) dairy products, enriched separately or in combination with milk protein, vitamins, micro- and macronutrients, prebiotic substances (prebiotics), polyunsaturated fatty acids, phospholipids, dietary fiber, intended for direct consumption.

Requirements to ensure product safety are set out in 5.1.4 - 5.1.6, quality requirements - in 5.1.2, 5.1.3, labeling requirements - in 5.3.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following standards:

3 Terms and definitions

This standard uses the terms and definitions established by , , .

4 Classification

4.1 The product, depending on the raw milk, is made from:

whole milk;

normalized milk;

Skimmed milk.

4.2 The product, depending on the heat treatment mode, is divided into:




4.3 The product, depending on the food and biologically active substances used, is enriched with:

milk protein;

Vitamins and their complexes (premixes);


dietary fiber;

Micro and / or macro elements;

Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs);


5 Technical requirements

5.1 Main indicators and characteristics

5.1.1 The product is manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to technical documents, standards of organizations approved in the prescribed manner for a specific product name in compliance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts.

5.1.2 The organoleptic characteristics of the product must meet the requirements specified in Table 1.

Table 1





Opaque liquid, no sediment. For a product with a fat mass fraction of more than 3.5%, a slight settling of fat is allowed, which disappears when mixed.


Homogeneous, inflexible. Free of protein flakes and tangled fat clumps

Taste and smell

Characteristic for cow's milk, without foreign tastes and odors, with a slight aftertaste of boiling, for sterilized - a pronounced aftertaste of boiling. Taste and smell of added components are allowed

Milky white, uniform throughout the mass, for sterilized - with a light cream tint, for fat-free - with a bluish tint. The presence of a shade due to the added components is allowed

5.1.3 In terms of physical and chemical parameters, the product must comply with the standards specified in Table 2.

table 2

Name of indicator

from 0.5 TO 1.0

from 1.2 TO 2.5

2.7 4.1 to 4.0 TO 4.5

from 4.7 TO 9.9

Density, kg/m l, not less than

Mass fraction of protein, %, not less than

2.8; 3.7"" | 2.6; 3.7 and

Mass fraction of dry non-fat milk substances (SOMO), %, not less than

Acidity, °T, no more

End of table 2

Name of indicator

Norm for a product with a mass fraction of fat,%

Fat-free 0.5 1.2 2.7 4.1 4.7 lean to 1.0 to 2.5 to 4.0 to 4.5 to 9.9

Cleanliness group, not lower

Phosphatase or peroxidase (for UHT product without aseptic filling)

Not allowed

Product temperature upon release from the enterprise, °С:

For pasteurized, ultra-pasteurized (without aseptic filling)

For UHT (with aseptic filling) and sterilized

4 ± 2 2 to 25

15 For product enriched with milk protein. Notes:

1 For a product made from whole milk, the mass fraction of fat is set as a range of actual values ​​(for example, from 3.2% to 3.9%), the values ​​of other indicators must comply with the norms of table 2.

2 Mass fractions of biologically active substances (vitamins, micro- and macroelements, dietary fiber, prebiotics, PUFAs, phospholipids, etc.) are set in technical documents or standards of organizations for a specific product name, indicating the ratio of the amount of added ingredients to the daily rate of their consumption. At the same time, the content of each food or biologically active substance used for enrichment should be brought to the level of consumption in 100 ml, or 100 g, or a single serving of the product of at least 5% of the daily intake level, and the maximum content of food and (or) biologically active substances in the product should not exceed the upper safe intake level of such substances (if such levels exist).

5.1.4 Permissible levels of potentially hazardous substances in the product should not exceed the requirements , .

5.1.5 Permissible levels of microorganisms in the product should not exceed the requirements , .

5.1.6 The UHT product (with aseptic filling) and sterilized must comply with the requirements of industrial sterility.

5.2 Requirements for raw materials

5.2.1 For the manufacture of a pasteurized product, the following raw materials are used:

5.4 Packaging

5.4.1 Packaging materials, consumer and transport packaging used to package the product must comply with the requirements of the documents in accordance with which they are made, and ensure the preservation of the quality and safety of the product during its transportation, storage and sale.

5.4.2 The product is packed in consumer packaging with subsequent placement in group and/or transport packaging.

5.4.3 The limits of permissible negative deviations of the net weight of the product in one packaging unit from the nominal - according to the regulatory and technical documents in force on the territory of the states that have adopted the standard.

5.4.4 The formation of group packaging is carried out in accordance with GOST 25776.

5.4.5 Transport packages are formed according to GOST 23285 and GOST 26663.

5.4.6 The overpack is stowed in such a way that the marking of at least one unit of the group package and / or overpack is visible on each side of the overpack.

The stacking of the transport package is carried out by methods that ensure the safety of the lower rows of the group and / or transport packaging without their deformation.

5.4.7 The product shipped to the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas is packaged in accordance with GOST 15846.

6 Acceptance rules

6.2 To check the compliance of the product with the requirements of the document in accordance with which the product of a particular name is manufactured, acceptance tests (in accordance with GOST 26809.1) and periodic tests are carried out.

6.3 Acceptance tests are carried out by the method of selective control for each batch of the product for compliance with the requirements of the document for a product of a specific name: in terms of packaging quality, correct marking, net weight or volume of the product, organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators.

6.4 Periodic tests are carried out according to safety indicators (content of pesticides, toxic elements, antibiotics, radionuclides, aflatoxin, microbiological indicators) in accordance with the production control program.

6.5 Dioxins, melamine, GMOs are determined in case of a reasonable assumption about their possible presence in food raw materials.

6.6 Upon receipt of unsatisfactory test results, at least for one of the quality indicators (deviation from the normalized value), it is re-analyzed by a double sample taken from the same batch of product.

GOST 26754 GOST 3626

7.16 Determination of the mass fraction of dietary fiber - according to the methods, regulatory documents in force on the territory of the states that have adopted the standard.

7.17 Determination of the mass fraction of lactulose - according to the methods, regulatory documents in force on the territory of the states that have adopted the standard.

7.18 Determination of the mass fraction of PUFA - according to the methods, regulatory documents in force on the territory of the states that have adopted the standard.

7.19 Determination of phospholipids - according to the methods approved in the prescribed manner.

7.20 Determination of the content of toxic elements:

8.4 The pasteurized, ultra-pasteurized product (without aseptic filling) is stored at a temperature of (4 ± 2) °C.

The sterilized and ultra-pasteurized product (with aseptic filling) is stored at a temperature of 2 °C to 25 °C.

The shelf life of the product from the end of the technological process is set by the manufacturer, taking into account the requirements of regulatory legal acts in the field of food safety.

2-04-2012, 23:20

In the human diet, vitamin C is the most deficient. Throughout the year, with the exception of July, August and September, the content of vitamin C in food is less than the norm, and in the spring months, its deficiency reaches 50%.
The content of vitamin C in milk is not very high. Due to its easy oxidizability, a significant amount of it is destroyed during the processing and transportation of milk. With these factors in mind, pasteurized milk is produced fortified with vitamin C.
Fortified milk has the same composition, organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters as pasteurized whole milk. The content of vitamin C in it should be at least 10 mg per 100 ml of milk. Taking into account losses per 1 ton of milk, 110 g of ascorbic acid are added. The original milk should have an acidity of no more than 18 °T, since the addition of ascorbic acid increases the acidity of the product.
The technological process for the production of fortified milk consists of the same operations as the production of pasteurized milk. To reduce the loss of vitamin C, it is added to milk after pasteurization. To do this, the vitamin preparation in the form of a powder, added at the rate of 110 g per 1000 liters of milk for young children and 210 g for older children and adults, is slowly poured into the tank with constant stirring, then continue to stir for another 15-20 minutes and keep in within 30-40 min. The finished product is poured and stored until it is sold at a temperature not exceeding 4 ° C, since an increase in temperature not only adversely affects the quality of milk, but also causes the destruction of vitamin C.
For young children (up to three years old), milk is produced with a complex of vitamins A, C and D2. It is prepared on the basis of milk with an acidity of not more than 18 °T and a density of at least 1028 kg / m3 with the addition of solutions of vitamin A in oil, vitamin D2 in oil and medical ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Vitamins are added to normalized milk before pasteurization. A milk-vitamin concentrate is prepared from fat-soluble vitamins A and D2, for which the required amount of solutions of vitamins A and D2 is added to milk heated to a temperature of 60-85 ° C and thoroughly mixed. The milk-vitamin concentrate is homogenized and then introduced into raw normalized milk to be fortified. Vitamin C is added to milk after pasteurization as described above.
In different countries, milk is enriched in different ways: with only one vitamin or, on the contrary, with a whole complex, and iron and iodine preparations are also added to it.

With the right choice of milk for the child's diet, this drink will become a delicious helper in strengthening and developing the child's body.

Many people think that the division of milk into baby and regular milk is nothing more than a clever marketing ploy, but this is not so.

Ordinary store-bought milk is not adapted to the nutritional needs of babies under 3 years old. It will not bring the expected benefits and may be dangerous to the health of the child.

  • The content of fluorine and calcium in ordinary milk is 3-4 times higher than the norm for children, therefore it creates an unnecessary burden on the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract of the baby.
  • Due to the high concentration of casein protein, the risk of allergies increases and digestion is disturbed.
  • Ordinary "milk" often contains harmful antibiotics, hormones and GMOs.

The negative effect of drinking unadapted milk at an early age can “catch up” with a child already in adulthood, provoking atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus or hypertension.



Raw materials for the production of children's dairy products are selected only on certified farms from environmentally friendly areas. Farms are required to regularly undergo inspections by the Rosselkhoznadzor and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. All this together ensures that the milk is obtained from a healthy cow without dangerous pathologies.

In addition, raw materials must comply with the highest grade and the 2nd thermal stability group (according to GOST 32252–2013). There are no such strict requirements for ordinary milk.

Sanitary and hygienic indicators

Upon arrival at the factory and at the end of production, baby milk undergoes a detailed check for the presence of pathogenic bacteria, fungi, toxic elements and chemical contaminants.

Products are produced on separate lines in specially equipped workshops with stricter sterility regulations than in the production of general consumption milk.

Microbiological profile


As a container, manufacturers prefer a convenient and airtight tetrapack with good aseptic processing. This type of packaging protects baby milk from contamination at the packaging stage and allows the drink to remain fresh for a long time.

According to paragraph 2 of Art. 35 of the Technical Regulations, the volume of containers of dairy products for young children should be no more than 0.25 liters.

But not all manufacturers take into account this requirement.


The most modern and gentle method of heat treatment. It allows you to completely destroy all pathogenic microorganisms and spores, but save valuable protein, vitamins and minerals.

Regular milk often goes through a more primitive treatment through pasteurization.

fat content

The fat content of baby milk is from 2.5% to 3.5%. This fat content is natural, and not obtained from soy concentrates.

Mass fraction of protein

The mass fraction of protein, in accordance with the GOST 32252–2013 standard, should be 3% - the optimal figure for a growing organism.


One of the main factors for the freshness of baby milk. The degree of acidity increases due to the multiplication of live bacteria that ferment milk sugar into lactic acid. These processes lead to undesirable changes in the composition of the drink, such as a decrease in the resistance of the protein to heat treatment.

GOST standards dictate to manufacturers the rate of acidity of baby milk not higher than 19 ° Turner. For a similar drink for general consumption, the maximum value is 21 ° Turner.

In numerical terms, the difference seems insignificant, but in fact it plays a serious role for the delicate digestive tract of the baby.

Additional components

For greater benefit, baby milk is enriched with vitamins A, B1, B2, C and D. Some manufacturers additionally saturate the drink with calcium or iodine.

Processing methods

There are three methods of heat treatment of milk intended for children.


Milk is kept at a temperature of 100 ° C for 20–30 minutes. At the same time, along with the entire pathogenic flora, beneficial substances also almost completely die.

People call this type of milk "dead" because it does not bring harm or benefit.


This type of heat treatment is:

  • long-term (30-60 minutes at a temperature of 63-65 ° C);
  • short (30–60 seconds at 85–90 °C);
  • instantaneous (just a few seconds at 98°C).

Pasteurization makes it possible to preserve the vitamin and mineral composition of milk with minimal losses, but does not completely purify it from spores of pathogenic bacteria. Such a drink has a short shelf life and cannot be considered completely safe, especially for children.


The most advanced method of heat treatment of dairy products.

In the process of ultrapasteurization, milk is heated to 135–150 °C for 1–2 seconds, and then abruptly cooled to 4–5 °C. High temperatures destroy all pathogens and bacterial spores, but retain the useful natural composition of the drink.

The shelf life of UHT milk can last up to six months, which often confuses moms and dads. Many of them believe that this result is achieved through preservatives, but this is not so. This is not a matter of chemical additives, but of perfect asepsis.

Ultra-pasteurization is a guarantee of high quality milk. Raw materials that do not meet the standards are immediately curtailed during this type of heat treatment.

From what age to give?

A reliable answer to this question can be found in the rules World Health Organization(WHO).

  • A breastfed child can begin to get acquainted with milk as the basis for cereals and other dishes from 9 months.
  • If the baby is fed infant formula, you can add milk to his food from 7-8 months.
  • Milk should be introduced as an independent drink no earlier than 1 year and only in agreement with the pediatrician.

When choosing milk for a baby, make sure it is the right age for your baby. This will be indicated by the label.

Then pay attention to the composition. The optimal choice is a normalized or whole product.

Be sure to check the expiration date and heat treatment method. It is advisable to choose pasteurized or ultra-pasteurized milk, since both vitamins and minerals are alive in it. A sterilized drink will be of little use.

At home, after opening the package, evaluate the color of the liquid: with proper quality, it varies from rich white to pale cream. The drink should not be too transparent - such milk has been diluted with water or passed through multiple separations.

You can experimentally check the purchased milk for its quality by two reliable methods:

  1. Litmus test. You will need red and blue litmus papers. If, upon contact with milk, the red paper changes its color to bright blue for 1–2 minutes, the drink contains soda, which unscrupulous manufacturers add to their products to slow down souring. A change in the color of the blue paper to a bright red color will indicate the impurities of acidic antiseptics, such as boric or salicylic acids.
  2. Method of chemist Sergei Belkov. For those who doubt the naturalness of milk due to the long shelf life, the expert recommends adding sourdough to it and putting the mixture in a warm place. A natural product will quickly turn sour.

Top Brands


The Agusha trademark has been on the market for 30 years. During this time, she has earned the trust of not only millions of Russian mothers, but also of our state, which purchases the products of this company for children's dairy kitchens.

Most parents are satisfied with the quality of this brand. But there are those who are confused by the price.

According to the results of bacteriological tests, Agusha milk is completely safe and meets all standards established in Russia.

The assortment of "Agushi" includes:

  • ultra-pasteurized fortified milk;
  • milk enriched with prebiotics to improve the digestion of babies;
  • baby sterilized cream;
  • milkshakes;
  • baby cereals with different flavors, etc.


Frutonyanya is one of the largest Russian baby food brands. Over the 10 years of its existence, this brand has collected dozens of awards for high quality and excellent taste at major exhibitions, all-Russian competitions and tasting events.

In assortment:

  • plain UHT milk;
  • milk enriched with vitamins;
  • special milk "Before bedtime".


"Bellakt" is a Belarusian brand with more than forty years of history. The company has its own farm near the famous nature reserve "Belovezhskaya Pushcha" with favorable environmental conditions.

Everyone knows that children need to drink milk. But for some reason, many are mistaken, believing that the beneficial properties of milk do not apply to the body of an adult. But this is not at all the case - adults, no less than children, need to eat milk. Who benefits from milk?

Useful properties of milk

Milk - source of calcium, 97% of which is absorbed by the human body. This feature of milk, which no other product has, makes it indispensable for people with osteoporosis- a disease in which calcium is washed out of the bones, provoking their fragility and fragility.

Is milk good with colds? Yes, definitely! The thing is that milk protein is digested more easily than other protein foods - and it is from it that the proteins necessary to fight a viral infection are formed. immunoglobulins. Besides, digestibility of milk protein made this product the most popular among those who want to build muscle.

Milk - excellent tool for. The calming effect of this product on the nervous system is due to the content of the amino acids phenylalanine and tryptophan in it. No wonder one of the most common folk recipes for the treatment of insomnia is a glass of warm milk with honey, drunk an hour before bedtime.

Useful properties of milk will come to the rescue and hypertensive patients- slight diuretic effect of milk helps to reduce pressure.

Many people wonder if drinking milk is good for people with problems with the gastrointestinal tract? Milk has the ability to lower the acidity of gastric juice, so this product is ideal. remedy for heartburn, which, as a rule, provokes increased acidity of the stomach. Useful milk and with gastritis with high acidity and gastric and duodenal ulcers. However, for better absorption of milk by gastric juice, it must be drunk slowly and in small sips - otherwise its benefits will be minimized.

Milk rich in vitamins. It contains a lot of riboflavin (vitamin B2), which contributes to a full-fledged energy metabolism in the body - namely Riboflavin has the ability to convert carbohydrates and fats into energy. Therefore, milk is especially useful for weight loss(in this case, you need to use low-fat milk), malfunctions immune and endocrine systems.

Milk helps a lot. with migraines, severe headaches. An egg-milk cocktail is especially good for migraines (a raw egg in a glass of boiling milk) - a weekly course of this “medicine” will make headaches leave you for a long time.

Milk is also useful for women's health, in particular, in the treatment of mastopathy. A decoction of dill seeds in milk (100 grams of seeds per 2 cups of milk) should be taken within 2-3 weeks - this will greatly alleviate the patient's condition, the lumps in the chest will decrease.

Milk is also excellent cosmetic product. Milk washes and compresses will help with dry and irritated skin.

Who is milk bad for?

Milk is not a panacea for all diseases. For many people, this product, for all its usefulness contraindicated.

So, a fairly large number of people have lactase deficiency An enzyme that digests lactose (milk sugar). Thus, the body of these people (who, by the way, are not so few - only about 15% of the population of our planet) unable to fully digest milk sugar, which leads to fermentation of milk in the stomach, and begins to "rebel": the stomach grumbles and swells, diarrhea begins.

Milk also belongs to the group allergen products. Milk antigen "A" is able to cause the strongest an allergic reaction in some people up to the onset of bronchial asthma. Therefore, people prone to allergies should be attentive to the use of milk and stop taking it at the first signs of an allergy: skin itching, rash, nausea, vomiting, flatulence, and bloating. At the same time, people suffering from an allergy to milk are not at all contraindicated for equally healthy fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese).

If you are suffering tendency to form phosphate stones in the kidneys- and a simple general urine test can show this - milk can only harm you, contributing to their appearance.

milk also undesirable to use for people of mature and old age(after 50 years). The thing is that this product contains myristic acid, which contributes to the accumulation of lipoproteins - substances that provoke development of atherosclerosis. Since the risk of atherosclerosis increases precisely after 50 years, this age is the mark when milk consumption should, if not be excluded, then at least reduced (no more than a glass a day).

Milk should be excluded from the diet people prone to calcification- the deposition of calcium salts in the vessels.

What is milk compatible with?

What foods are good for milk? Scientists argue that there are no special restrictions in this matter.

Despite the common belief that combining milk with salty and spicy foods will lead to severe indigestion, this has not been scientifically proven. If your body does not rebel against the combination of herring or pickled cucumbers with milk, combine them to your health! In addition, milk helps neutralize the negative effects of spicy and salty foods in the body.

Concerning milk soups And milk porridge- they are also useful not only for children, but also for adults. True, in this form, the beneficial properties of milk are reduced by about half.

Many people ask: Is tea with milk healthy?? Definitely useful! Tea promotes better absorption of milk (respectively, and all its useful substances), and milk, in turn, neutralizes the negative effects on the body of caffeine and alkaloids contained in tea. Thus, mutually excluding the negative and activating the beneficial properties of each other, tea with milk forms a rather healthy and delicious drink.

Drink milk, eat other dairy products, combine milk with other foods - and be healthy!
