
Sour cream for weight loss - useful properties and calorie content. Sour cream: the benefits and harms of the product

Sour cream occupies a special place among the most common dairy products for consumption. It is almost universally used in the diet and has numerous beneficial properties. It is included in the diet, as an independent element, and as a sauce for cooking.

Sour cream is obtained in the process of fermentation of cream under the influence of various bacteria with sour-milk properties. Its useful characteristics allow it to remain a popular product. Domestic producers of sour cream produce it on an impressive scale, although, for example, in European countries it is not in such demand.

The benefits of sour cream are confirmed by experts and nutritionists. But when you include it in the diet, you need to know about calories, contraindications and other factors. In this case, the harm will be minimized, and the benefits will become obvious.

Composition and nutritional value

The calorie content of the product depends on the fat content.

In 10% fat sour cream in 100 grams - 115.4 kcal, with 15% fat - 158 kcal, 20% fat - 202.8 kcal, with 30% fat in the product there are 290.8 kcal.

Home-made sour cream has the highest calorie content compared to factory-made sour cream. Calories in 100 grams of the product in this case can be 235.65 kcal, which is approximately equal to 11% of the daily requirement of an adult.

The composition of sour cream from a variety of trace elements and substances once again confirms its beneficial properties.

It includes:

  • vitamins E, B, C, PP
  • beta-carotene
  • biotin
  • animal protein
  • sugar components
  • phosphorus
  • magnesium
  • potassium
  • calcium

The diverse and rich composition of the natural product is beyond doubt. The absence of impurities and nutritional benefits make sour cream a universal dietary supplement for children, women and men.

Beneficial features

Naturalness, rich vitamin composition, nutritional properties and useful characteristics make sour cream a real helper for health and even the treatment of certain ailments. The ability to be easily and quickly absorbed by the body compared to milk makes it an almost universal product, for example, it can be included in the diet of children from the age of 3. According to experts, the significant benefits of sour cream are associated with a high content of lactic acid bacteria. For people with weak digestion and lack of appetite, it will have a beneficial effect.

What other problems does sour cream solve?

  • helps fight anemia
  • eliminates the effects of intestinal disorders, increases the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestines
  • affects metabolic processes
  • Helps alleviate the effects of sunburn
  • increases the body's resistance to infections
  • saturates the body with energy and improves mood
  • has excellent cosmetic properties

For males, there is a significant positive value of sour cream. It is an excellent tool for maintaining and increasing potency in men. Also, the product helps to maintain muscle tone and a male figure.

The influence of this fermented milk product on the state of the hormonal system is especially important for girls and women who often experience fluctuations in it. Among other things, sour cream is the basis for a variety of masks for skin and hair. It has long established itself as an effective cosmetic product.

Integral useful components in sour cream - calcium, iron, potassium phosphorus create in the body the necessary supply of substances important for life

Potential product contraindications

The benefits of a fermented milk product significantly exceed contraindications. But the potential harm is still there. The composition of the natural component may be too fatty and create an additional load on the digestive system as a whole. Sour cream has a particularly adverse effect and harm on the gallbladder and liver. Therefore, a person with health problems in this area should use the product with caution. Sour cream is not recommended for patients with gastritis and high acidity of the stomach.

There is an opinion that sour cream can be a source of "bad" cholesterol. But as studies show, in terms of its content, it is significantly inferior to butter, and therefore such harm is too exaggerated. Lecithin in sour cream quickly dissolves cholesterol and prevents its accumulation in the blood.

Based on the facts, it can be seen that the properties of sour cream basically have a beneficial effect on the human body, and the harm to the product is minimal if you follow the simplest recommendations.

Selection and storage rules

It is no secret that modern technologies make it possible not to add milk to sour cream, but to replace it with dry analogues, vegetable fats and thickeners. Dishonest manufacturers will not be able to completely fake a natural product, but you can easily reduce the quality and turn it into a surrogate. What should you pay attention to when buying sour cream and how to choose real sour cream?

  1. Composition and name on the package. Many manufacturers deliberately distort the names and offer customers "sour cream products." It must be remembered that "sour cream" is a common name used to refer to a natural product.
  2. Gost. Sour cream is subject to GOST R 52092-2003. Its presence on the package indicates that you have a cow's milk product without additives that will not cause harm.
  3. traditional methods. If sour cream is purchased on the market, then the best method of verification is to pour from one container to another. High quality sour cream will spread in layers and not form lumps. In this case, its naturalness and useful properties are confirmed by visual analysis.
  4. Taste. Since sour cream belongs to the class of fermented milk products, normally its taste should be sour. Neutral or sweet aftertaste for a quality product is not allowed.
  5. The number of lactic acid bacteria. The indicator can be seen on the product packaging. The benefits of sour cream will be higher if it contains at least 1 * 10 ^ 7 CFU / g.

Any natural products need special storage conditions, this also applies to sour cream. Failure to comply with technology can be harmful to health. On the goods that we purchase in the store, the temperature and duration of storage are indicated. The acceptable temperature regime for sour cream is from +2 to +6 degrees. The expiration date depends on several parameters and is indicated on the package. But, for example, homemade sour cream can be stored in the refrigerator for 72 days. It is important to remember that an expired product becomes dangerous to consume.

The role of the product in weight loss

The high calorie content of sour cream makes it not the best choice for overweight people. But, if you are engaged in active physical activity and intensively burn calories, sour cream and its amazing properties will help to quickly restore the body. Useful proteins affect the formation of the correct muscle relief. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that such a product and a diet are quite compatible concepts. In combination with dietary components, the benefits of sour cream increase many times over.

Fermented milk products should be present in the diet of every person, because they are a source of a huge amount of useful substances. Such food saturates our body with proteins and fats, has a positive effect on the state of the entire digestive tract and helps to optimize the activity of many organs and systems. One of the most popular fermented milk products is considered to be sour cream. On the shelves of supermarkets and simpler stores, it is offered to us by many manufacturers, of various fat content and in a variety of packaging. Why is sour cream useful to the human body, what are the benefits and harms of it, how many calories are in it. All of this will be discussed further.

Sour cream is one of the original Russian products. It is prepared on the basis of cream, subjected to lactic acid fermentation. This product is loved by many, thanks to its mild taste, a lot of useful qualities and absolute versatility of use. After all, sour cream is used in cooking, and in cosmetology, and even in traditional medicine recipes.

How nutritious is sour cream, what is its calorie content?

On the shelves of stores you can see sour cream of different fat content. 10% sour cream has a calorie content of 115 kcal. 100 g of a product similar in composition to milk, with 15% fat content, contains 158 kcal. Sour cream of 20% fat content, corresponding in composition to milk, contains 206 kcal.

Homemade sour cream usually has forty percent fat, one hundred grams of such a product is a source of three hundred and eighty calories.

Why is sour cream valued by us, what properties does it have?

Sour cream is a natural quality product, its consumption helps to optimize metabolic processes. It is digested better than milk. Eating it positively affects the condition of the entire digestive tract. This product is often included in many diets, both for weight loss and medicinal, which were developed by specialists. So sour cream is strongly recommended to consume with intestinal colitis, as well as with ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract and anemia.

High-quality sour cream is perfectly digested and gives a feeling of fullness. In addition, it does not burden the stomach, activates the appetite and stimulates the digestion process. It is believed that the consumption of such a product can improve mood. This dairy product is a source of a whole complex of various useful substances. Among them there are quite a lot of vitamins represented by provitamin A, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, B vitamins, vitamin PP. Sour cream also contains a number of organic acids. It is particularly rich in calcium, magnesium and sodium, and contains some phosphorus, biotin, lecithin and other minerals. In addition, such a fermented milk product saturates the body with carbohydrates, animal proteins, acids and sugars.

The consumption of sour cream in combination with raw carrots helps to increase the body's resistance to various infectious diseases and improve the quality of vision. Such a product will be especially useful for men, because with systematic consumption it effectively maintains and increases potency.

Sour cream is actively used by the people to treat sunburn, in which case a couple of tablespoons of such a product should be combined with egg yolk, as well as a tablespoon of sunflower oil. Apply this composition to the affected area, cover with gauze and change once a day.

Also, eating this fermented milk product can play the role of a good antidepressant. Sour cream helps to cope with stress and irritability.

The systematic intake of it in food contributes to a significant improvement in human memory. After all, only one hundred grams of such a product contains about a quarter of the daily requirement of choline. This substance is an excellent stimulant of brain activity, it activates memory and helps to improve intellectual abilities. Choline in the diet of a pregnant woman has a positive effect on the development of the fetal brain.

With obesity or diseases of the cardiovascular system (the same atherosclerosis), sour cream can be an excellent alternative to butter. After all, it contains very little cholesterol. However, it should be consumed in these cases only in limited quantities.

It is believed that if a woman eats sour cream every day after the age of thirty-five, then she will face menopause an order of magnitude later. This property of this product is explained by the presence of copper in its composition, which is important for the synthesis of female sex hormones.

Sour cream has long been used by the fair sex as an excellent cosmetic product that can soothe the skin, saturate them with a mass of nutrients, eliminate wrinkles, minimize pores and whiten somewhat. Such a fermented milk product serves as an excellent basis for many masks, in addition, it can be added to baths.

Can sour cream be dangerous, can there be harm from it?

Excessive consumption of sour cream can really harm your health. If there is a particularly fatty product, over time, such an additive to the diet can provoke disturbances in fat metabolism and cause problems with the liver and gallbladder. Also, excessive intake of sour cream in food can harm the figure. Such a hobby is also contraindicated for people who have problems with the liver, heart and pressure.

Among other things, low-quality sour cream can also harm, for example, one that was not stored correctly during delivery or in the store itself. Such sour cream is contraindicated for consumption. Try to identify it by the slightly swollen appearance of the package.

Sour cream is a natural delicacy that serves as an addition to the dishes of different nations. What is the benefit of this hearty and tasty product?

The harm of sour cream may be due to improper production technology. The easiest and oldest way to get it is as follows: you need to remove the settled cream from whole milk and leave it in a cool place for several days. With the advent of separators, the speed of making sour cream has increased.

A modern factory product is obtained from sourdough and pasteurized milk. But some manufacturers use stabilizers, vegetable fats and other cheap additives.

Distinguishing real sour cream is quite easy. There are no powder lumps and grains in it, but there is a slight sourness. Fat content is responsible for the density. That's why a quality product with a low percentage of fat should have a liquid consistency. For the same reason, in very thick sour cream with a fat content of no more than 15%, in which “even a spoon is worth it”, some kind of “chemistry” is probably present.

nutritional value

Natural sour cream contains vitamins of group B, as well as C, E, A, various organic acids. It is rich in potassium, biotin, lecithin, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, beta-carotene. Also present are sugars, animal proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Not always sour cream has a high calorie content, which is undesirable with excess weight. Depending on the percentage of fats, the following types are distinguished:

  • oily: from 50% to 58%;
  • classic: from 20% to 34%;
  • low fat: from 15% to 19%;
  • lean: 10% to 14%.

100 g of a product with a fat content of 15% include about 162 kcal. In limited quantities, such a product can and is even desirable to use in the presence of extra pounds. In addition, sour cream contains much less cholesterol than natural butter or margarine.

Test purchase results

For sour cream with a fat content of 15%. The table was compiled based on the materials of the TV program "Test Purchase" dated 03/11/2016.

Brand (place of production) results Fats, % Proteins, % Lactic acid microorganisms, (CFU/cm.cu.)
Asenievskaya Farm (Kaluga region, village Asenievskoe) 16±0.05 2.8±0.03 7*10 8
"Blagoda" (Chuvash Republic, Shumerlya) 15.6±0.05 2.5±0.03 7*10 8
"Brest-Litovsk" (Belarus, Brest) Passed the popular vote 15.8±0.05 2.7±0.03 6*10 8
"Vologda" (Vologda) Did not pass the round of popular voting / Does not meet the standards 13±0.05 3.1±0.03 3*10 9
"Parmalat" (Belgorod) Winner 16±0.05 2.6±0.03 2*10 9
Rostagroexport (Moscow region, Pushkin district) Failed to pass the popular vote 15±0.05 2.8±0.03 2*10 9
MAC (Maximum Permissible Concentrations) and Norms ≥ 15 ≥ 2,6 ≥ 1*10 7

Beneficial features

  1. It improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, so it is included in the rehabilitation nutrition menu after illnesses, as well as for colitis, ulcers and other ailments of the stomach and intestines.
  2. The product is extremely useful for thin people, as it “accelerates” the work of the digestive tract, normalizes appetite and helps to digest food.
  3. Sour cream helps to gently cleanse the intestines, which has a beneficial effect not only on overall well-being, but also improves immunity and improves skin condition.
  4. This delicacy provides the necessary "building materials" for the integumentary system (skin, hair and nails), therefore, it retains a beautiful, well-groomed and young look for the fair sex for a long time.
  5. This fermented milk product improves the functioning of the reproductive system. In particular, it plays an important role in maintaining normal hormonal levels.
  6. The use of sour cream helps to keep a good mood, especially in the winter season, when a person needs much more energy.

Other useful properties of sour cream:

  • improves brain function, strengthens memory;
  • helps to transfer stress;
  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • slows down the aging process, makes the skin attractive and velvety;
  • stimulates the digestive tract, cleanses the body;
  • strengthens the immune system.

Dietary Properties

Cleansing Method

Sour cream helps cleanse the intestines and solve digestive problems, which is often the cause of weight gain.

To cleanse the body with this high-calorie treat, you need to use a safe, time-tested and many people way. During the week, you need to eat 100 g of low-fat sour cream mixed with 1 tsp for breakfast. ordinary flour. For the second week, the amount of flour is increased to 2 tsp. On the third week, 3 tsp should be added to the fermented milk product.

Sour cream diet

Nutritionists approve of such a system of nutrition. It helps to eliminate excess weight, removes excess fluid from the body, normalizes metabolic processes, and all this without harm to the gastrointestinal tract. Within 2-3 days you need to follow a special diet: during the day you need to eat only 400 g of sour cream with a fat content of up to 30%. Also during the day you need to drink 500 ml of rosehip broth. This diet allows you to lose an average of 3 kg.

Application in traditional medicine

  1. Folk wisdom tells representatives of the strong half of humanity to eat a small amount of sour cream every day - this has a beneficial effect on male strength and helps to qualitatively improve the composition of the seed.
  2. To maintain vigilance, it is necessary to make it a habit to regularly consume sour cream mixed with grated carrots. This light salad contains a lot of eye health benefits. In addition, it strengthens the immune system and has a beneficial effect on the intestines, as it contains a lot of fiber and has mild cleansing properties.
  3. Fatty sour cream is extremely effective for injuries, frostbite and all types of burns. It relieves pain, gives inflamed skin a pleasant feeling of coolness, softens tissues, supplies protein and other beneficial substances to cells. To speed up the healing, it is advisable to use sour cream in combination with egg white and a small amount of vegetable oil.
  4. This fermented milk product is considered an antidepressant, which helps to improve mood, quickly restore strength and endure stress without serious consequences. Sour cream with the addition of cocoa powder and sugar copes especially well with a bad mood. This dessert goes well with black coffee. But it is quite satisfying, so you won’t eat a lot of it.

What is the harm

The product is undesirable to include in the diet of people with liver disease, obesity and hypertension. These diseases are direct contraindications for regular use.

Only fresh sour cream is suitable for food, the benefits and harms of which depend on individual physiological characteristics, medical history, as well as on the production technology of this wonderful fermented milk product.

Is it possible to eat sour cream on a diet? A frequent question of people seeking to lose weight by following a certain nutritional technique. If there are no doubts with mayonnaise, then they remain with a fermented milk product, given that the fat content of sour cream can be low and for the body it contains a lot of useful substances. Is the ban on sour cream categorical or is the dosed use of the product acceptable? Details in the article.

General characteristics of sour cream

If we talk about natural sour cream, then it is made in compliance with the original recipe, when the cream removed from the surface of the milk is fermented with sourdough and nothing else is added. Such a composition is declared on the packaging of many manufacturers, but the taste is different, which indicates certain deviations from the standards of the recipe or non-compliance with the aging time, temperature regime.

There is a lot of sour cream on sale, which can hardly be called such, because in the manufacture components are used that have nothing to do with the natural composition. This product has the trade name "sour cream product". It contains vegetable fat, flavors, stabilizers and much more, which makes the product unsuitable for dietary nutrition. The benefits of a sour cream product for the body are doubtful and the calorie content exceeds the allowable doses of sour cream for weight loss.

Useful qualities of sour cream

In natural sour cream, various minerals and vitamins are collected in a complex, which make it useful for people of all ages:

  • Calcium, potassium, sodium, iodine, selenium, zinc;
  • Vitamins of group B, A, PP, C, D, E;
  • Animal fats with different percentages;
  • Protein in a large volume, which is useful for a person in dietary nutrition to provide cells with energy;
  • Acids of organic origin involved in various metabolic processes, for example, during digestion and excretion of processed products from the body;
  • The product contains the substance beta-carotene, which helps to maintain normal vision;
  • The substance riboflavin contained in sour cream helps the absorption of vitamin B6;
  • Cholesterol is another substance in sour cream, which is considered to be harmful due to the risk of atherosclerosis, but there are also benefits from it - it is involved in the production of certain hormones and in the construction of cells.

Therefore, sour cream, even with a diet, helps to restore strength and provide reserves of nutrients, vitamins, which are supplied in limited quantities during systemic weight loss.

The benefits of sour cream for a person are not only in its composition, but also in active participation in the following processes:

  • The launch of exchange mechanisms that for some reason have ceased to be active;
  • Stabilization of blood glucose, which is important for people with diabetes or a predisposition to it;
  • Helps to maintain normal hemoglobin levels, being involved in its formation;
  • Participates in the processes of strengthening and renewal of bone, articular tissue, in maintaining the excellent condition of tooth enamel, skin and hairline;
  • Prolongs youth by inhibiting the internal processes of aging of organs.

So, everything is clear about the benefits of sour cream, but will it harm and slow down the process of losing weight if it is present on the table during the diet?

If you follow the dosage calculated by nutritionists as an acceptable norm for one day, then you can not be afraid that the kilograms will not go away.

On the contrary, sour cream helps to improve bowel function, which is important with any diet due to delays in stool (constipation), as a by-product of the desire to lose excess.

What sour cream can be considered a dietary product

A fermented milk product of a different production method has a different fat content and calorie content, which is important when choosing sour cream, if you follow the system for shedding extra pounds.

home product

Its fat content is the highest, but it depends on the breed of the cow, which gives milk of different fat content, which affects the properties of the cream, which was removed from the jar after settling in the refrigerator and introduced into the resulting volume of sourdough. In some cases, the fat content of milk is enough to get sour cream without additional sourdough. The thickness of the top layer in the jar can reach 2-5 centimeters. Village sour cream cannot be called dietary, because the percentage of fat content can reach up to 50-60%, which will bring up to 500 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Sour cream industrial

It is produced under the control of fat content, which varies from 10 to 30%, which is always indicated on the packaging and the consumer has a choice. For a diet, you should take sour cream with a fat content of no more than 15%, because in terms of calories per 100 grams, this will be 115–170 kcal.

Sour cream product

It is not worth considering for use with a diet, because there is no benefit, fats are not of animal, but of vegetable origin, various flavors, stabilizers and much more are added to the composition, which is unacceptable in a diet. From natural sour cream, the benefits are many times greater, even with an accidental departure from the daily norm, the calorie content at 10% fat is 202 kcal per 100 grams.

How much sour cream can you eat when losing weight

Is it possible to have sour cream with a diet? If you follow the recommended daily rate, then there will be no harm to the figure.

Nutritionists are allowed to consume 25 grams of sour cream per day up to 20% fat or up to 2 tablespoons.

You need to eat sour cream in the morning or at lunch, given that the product is high-calorie and must have time to be processed so as not to settle on the body with extra centimeters. The inclusion of sour cream in the evening is prohibited, if we are not talking about a mono-diet, where sour cream is the main product for losing weight.

It is advisable to combine sour cream with herbs, vegetables or fruits to diversify the menu and dilute the calorie content of the fermented milk product.

For example, carrots, fresh cucumber, celery, spinach are a large amount of fiber, which, in tandem with sour cream, better gives vitamins to the body and reduces the fat content of the sauce.

What else to combine sour cream with for weight loss depends on the principles of the diet, because some methods exclude a number of products from the diet, considering them useless and inhibiting the process. You should pay attention to this and consult with your nutritionist.

Is it possible to lose extra pounds on a sour cream diet?

Fans of fermented milk products will like the sour cream diet, which was developed by nutritionists and is considered effective if there are no health contraindications.

  • Belongs to the number of mono-diets, where sour cream is the only product that needs to be eaten during the day in a volume of 400 ml. But this portion is not designed for one dose, but for 5-6 sets during the day.
  • Additionally, a rosehip decoction is allowed in the amount of 400 ml per day.
  • No other foods, spices, drinks should not be consumed. Only pure sour cream and decoction.
  • The fat content of sour cream should not be more than 20%, so that the result is maximum. The term of such weight loss is 3 days, it is not worth extending it, because there is a threat to the body due to the lack of other products.
  • The result of a mono-diet on sour cream is three kilograms, mainly due to the release of fluid from the body.

The splitting of subcutaneous or internal fat is difficult to achieve with such a diet. It is better to use a sour cream day as a deload 1-2 times a week to get your metabolism off the ground.

Sour cream is banned

Any disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract are a contraindication for the use of sour cream, not only with a diet, but also during normal meals. An increased acid-base balance in the stomach when sour cream of even 10% fat content gets into it can provoke heartburn, which is unpleasant and dangerous for the esophagus. Heaviness in the stomach is the second side effect if sour cream is eaten during a diet with intestinal pathology.

Although diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers) in themselves are a contraindication for many methods of losing weight. Only a special diet prescribed by a gastroenterologist is relevant in this situation if you want to lose weight and bring the digestive process and digestive organs back to normal.

Functional changes in the liver, gallbladder also do not allow sour cream to be included in the daily menu.


Is it possible to eat sour cream with a diet? The answer is positive, but with a caveat - the fat content of sour cream is not more than 20%, the daily norm is 25 grams. Breakfast and lunch are the best time to enjoy sour cream, and for dinner it is better to use kefir, if allowed by the diet chosen for weight loss. The benefits of the product are great, but abuse will lead to an even greater set of kilograms and all efforts will be reduced to zero.

Sour cream is a favorite product of many housewives who use it for a variety of purposes: adding to, serving with dumplings or dumplings, mixing with flour at. It has entered our diet so tightly that many people eat it more out of habit than really appreciating the benefits of sour cream for the body.

What is good about this product, is it as harmless as it seems at first glance, let's figure it out.

Composition, nutritional value and calorie content

Perhaps, for starters, it would be more correct to talk about the general composition and nutritional value of this product. Sour cream is made from cream and sourdough.

Did you know?In Europe, they got acquainted with sour cream only after the Second World War, until now they often call it "Russian cream".

As for the composition of this dairy product, it contains many (B,), as well as useful trace elements: copper, manganese, and. Also, do not forget about the following components of the composition of sour cream:

With its help, you can significantly replenish the reserves of nutrients in the body.
The described product may have a different amount of fat in its composition, which determines the percentage of fat content. For example, low-fat 10% sour cream contains 115-165 kcal per 100 g, medium fat (15%) - 150-160 kcal per 100 g, "classic" (20-35%) - 165-295 kcal per 100 g. There are also high-fat foods, which contain up to 50% fat.


For women

Possessing unique properties, the described fermented milk product brings many benefits and, especially for the fair sex over the age of 35.
The fact is that since this period regular consumption of sour cream delays the approach of menopause, which undoubtedly benefits by normalizing the production of sex hormones, although it should not be underestimated. Regarding the latter, despite the fact that this product increases the absorption of vitamins, too much can adversely affect the figure.

The benefits of sour cream, which our grandmothers knew about, should include it the ability to soothe the skin, saturating it with useful substances and smoothing wrinkles. For some women, it helps to narrow pores and even brighten the complexion. Therefore, cream-based is often made, and.

If we also add to this list (the female body needs a lot of calcium), then it becomes obvious how useful sour cream is for women and how important it is in your diet.

For children

Sour cream is one of the main suppliers of calcium to the growing children's body, with the help of which the structure of the skeleton, cartilage and teeth occurs. Using it for it is important to consider one point: you have a homemade product or a store product.
The fact is that before the child reaches one and a half years, it is better not to give him an industrial version, since such sour cream may contain a large number of additives. At the same time, you should not give at this age and, since it can cause indigestion.

Did you know?If your baby is not allergic to lactose, then sour cream (10-34%) can be gradually introduced into his diet, starting at about 9-10 months.

In addition to strengthening bone tissue, sour cream also stimulates brain activity and,. It is not for nothing that many mothers make their children, based on grated, mixed with sour cream.


Having familiarized yourself a little with such a product as sour cream, you probably already understood what benefits it has, and its minimal possible harm, which we will talk about a little later, cannot become a serious threat to the body (of course, if you do not have significant contraindications to its use).
Due to this, this product is used in a wide variety of areas of human life, but it’s still worth starting with a more traditional one -.

In cooking

In addition, such a fermented milk product serves as an excellent basis for making dough, desserts and creams. Often replaced with sour cream, and in almost any recipe. Thicker and fatter types of sour cream are great for whipping with sugar, while liquid ones can be left for gravies or sauces when stewing.

It goes well with other fermented milk products (for example, with cottage cheese and), as well as cereals, herbs and many others.

For baking and desserts, you can easily beat sour cream with, they will successfully shade the taste, or. If you add it to, or, it gives a delicate creamy taste.
Creams and sauces, young with sour cream and herbs, served with borscht, and brought the greatest popularity to the indicated fermented milk product in the culinary field.

In dietetics

Given the high percentage of fat content in most of these fermented milk products, a completely logical question arises: "Can I eat sour cream?" The answer is quite simple - of course you can, you just need to choose a product with a minimum percentage of fat. Such a product is rightfully considered a dietary product, and with all its beneficial properties (for example, the ability to successfully cope with stomach and intestinal disorders), extra calories will not bother you.
