
Fat cream made from milk and butter. How to make homemade cream from milk - three best ways

What I love about cream is its versatility. You open the refrigerator - take out a jar and create! Do you want cake, cream, a spoon in coffee or strawberries under a creamy cloud. Inspiration on the beat, sleeves rolled up, it's time to get started. But what if I suggest making pastry whipped cream at home with your own manicured hands! Why, if you can buy? It is possible, but not always. Some recipes need a certain fat content, otherwise the use is limited to dough or preparation of drinks, and no clouds. And not always cream of the desired fat content can be on sale. In this case, buy fatter milk and also butter with the highest percentage of fat (butter about 82% and milk about 3.4%). Losing weight, either accept it, or do not read further.

Recipe Information

Cooking method: heating and mixing.

Total cooking time: 10 min.


  • butter 82% fat - 200 g
  • milk 3.4% fat - 200 ml.


How to whip cream

If you are going to whip cream, you should definitely know a few important rules. Firstly, the cream must be at least 30% fat, and secondly, well chilled. Warm and non-fat cream will not whip, but will only spoil your mood.

If you make your own cream using the fattest milk and butter, you will get exactly what you need for the cream.

So, let's get back to whipping. You already have the cream and now you need the cream.

Pour the cream into the bowl where the whipping will take place. and place in the freezer for 5-10 minutes (assuming they have spent sufficient time in the refrigerator before doing so).

Take out the cream, arm yourself with a mixer and proceed to the process itself. After a short period of time, you will begin to notice the first signs of transformation. The mass will thicken a little and move differently in the dishes, after a while it will rise and finally become the cloud that we talked about at the beginning.

Now add a few tablespoons of powdered sugar to taste (and if it is sugar, add a little earlier so that it has time to dissolve), mix a little more with a mixer and this can probably put an end to the topic of cream. Delicious desserts!

Although no, I forgot to add that this cream whips quickly, and when it has completely turned into a cream, you should not continue to whip it. It is important to stop here. Otherwise, the whipped mass will very quickly begin to lose its beautiful appearance and begin to exfoliate and turn into oil. You will get broken cream, similar to sweet butter..html, where butter is made from cream.

Cream is an ideal addition and the main ingredient in desserts or pastries. With them, coffee is more tender and cosmetic masks are more nutritious. Cream can be prepared independently. For this you need cow's milk. And the higher its fat content, the better.

Two products from one

Separation of cream from milk does not require any equipment and special skills. Just take village milk or a high-fat factory product, pour it into a wide, shallow container and leave it in a dark, cool place for 12 hours in the summer or for a day in the winter. The resulting fatty layer can be collected with a spoon in a glass jar. After 2 hours of storage in the refrigerator, tender cream with a fat content of 20-25% will be ready.

From the remaining milk, you can separate another portion of the product. Only in this case it should settle for 1-2 days.

Fatty cream can be obtained from 0.5 liters of medium-fat milk and 250 g of butter. These components should be added to a small saucepan, put it on fire and stir until the oil dissolves. The liquid must not boil.

When the first bubbles appear, turn off the heat and beat everything with a mixer or blender for 2 minutes, then cool, cover and refrigerate for 5-6 hours. Whipped cream is ready.

They are perfect for making thick cream on the cake. However, please note that the yield of the product is 1/10 of the volume of milk.

We use a separator

The separator allows you to relatively quickly get both cream and skimmed regular milk. It is enough to pour whole homemade milk into the machine and set the desired fat content. This process makes it possible to make two decontaminated products at once.


Thick as cheese cream with an unusual taste is a favorite delicacy of the peoples of the Caucasus. They are called kaymak. And baked milk is used for its preparation.

Fresh milk in an earthenware vessel must be placed in an oven heated to 180 ° C and brought to a boil, then reduce the heat to 100 degrees. When a caramel-golden crust forms on the milk, the product should be covered with a lid and left to cool for a day in a dark place. After this time, the brownish foam can be removed with a knife and rolled up. One plate of kaymak is obtained from 4 liters of full-fat milk.

Every housewife loves to delight her household with delicious dishes. To make an airy cake at home, whipped cream is often used, which is very easy to make with sugar and creamy raw materials (with the required percentage of fat content). By following simple rules and tips, you can cook an incredibly tasty treat that everyone will like. Learn how to whip cream below.

How to make whipped cream

Whipped cream options for decorating cakes can be different: with sugar, lemon juice, gelatin, vanilla or protein. In order for the cream to always turn out to be homogeneous, tasty, and not to spoil the cake, you must follow a few simple rules. How to whip cream for cream:

  • you need to use only a fatty product (from 33%) to achieve a thick cream consistency;
  • before whipping, place the bowl and whisk of the mixer in the freezer for ten minutes;
  • start whipping at low speeds;
  • whip the mass for at least five minutes.

What cream is best for whipping

To obtain a stable and airy mass, it is necessary to use cream from 33% fat. If you take 10 or 20 percent, you will not achieve a positive effect only by whipping. You will have to add special thickeners, stabilizers or gelatin, but you can forget about good appearance and tasty cream. Compared to those that have chemical additives, it will come out no cheaper than more expensive heavy natural cream.

How to thicken whipping cream

Why won't the cream whip? Often the reason is simple - it is insufficient fat content of the product. The main rule: to make whipped cream for a cake, they must be fresh, of high quality, with a fat content of more than 33%. To thicken the creamy mass with the help of natural ingredients, you can add gelatin, a teaspoon of lemon juice, egg white.

Whipped cream recipes

There are many recipes for whipped cream, making this delicacy at home is very simple. They are whipped with sugar, gelatin, lemon juice, protein mass, special thickeners and powdered sugar. The technique is based on the main rule - intensive whipping. You can use a blender, mixer or "grandma's way" - a fork.

With sugar

  • Cooking time: 13 minutes.
  • Servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 255 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

Air cream can be prepared with sugar. It is not recommended to use granulated sugar for cream: it will not dissolve when whipped, it will be unpleasant to creak on the teeth. Before adding it, it is ground into powder using a coffee grinder or a classic blender. There are no specific proportions when adding sugar, the sweetness is adjusted individually.


  • cream 35% - 500 ml;
  • whole sugar - 50 g or to taste;
  • vanillin - 1 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Take a chilled container and mixer attachments. Enter cream.
  2. Select a low whipping speed.
  3. After three minutes, add sugar (gradually).
  4. At the end add vanilla.

With powdered sugar

  • Cooking time: 20 minutes.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1000 kcal / 400 g.
  • Purpose: for cake.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: simple.

Delicate and airy cream from cream is used as a filler for any confectionery, cakes and pastries, it can be supplemented with fruit mousses that will give the cream an exquisite taste. To make the topping at home, you must strictly adhere to the recipe, maintain the recommended proportions and follow the rules for whipping the butter cream (photo), then it will become a real decoration for any confectionery.


  • cream not less than 33% - half a liter;
  • powdered sugar - 50 g;
  • vanillin - 2 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Put a bowl in the freezer, cool the beaters, creamy mass. At this time, add sugar and vanillin to a container at room temperature and mix.
  2. The chilled cream is whipped at low speed. When they thicken a little, add powder.
  3. If the cream holds its shape or soft peaks appear, stop whipping.

with gelatin

  • Cooking time: 15 minutes.
  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 250 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Cream is ideal for any dessert. It goes well with shortcrust pastry, tartlets, biscuit cakes. Cream is not very high in calories when compared with butter filling. To prepare this cream at home, no special knowledge or culinary skills are required. See below for step-by-step instructions with photos and preparation.


  • non-liquid fat cream - 600 ml;
  • gelatin - 20 g;
  • vanillin - a pack;
  • powdered sugar - 45 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Cool the creamy product, mix, gradually add vanillin and powder until a thick foam (hard peaks) appears.
  2. Soak a spoonful of gelatin until swelling, heat over low heat to completely dissolve (do not boil).
  3. Combine cream and gelatin, mix, refrigerate.

How to whip cream with a blender

If you don't have a mixer, use a blender. Start whipping at the lowest speed, after a minute switch to medium speed. When using a blender, it must be borne in mind that high speed cannot be used - the mass can be “re-whipped”, they will begin to delaminate. Cooking time depends on the power of the blender.


The mixer is the most suitable device for making cream. Place the nozzles in the freezer for ten minutes before use (cold helps to thicken quickly). Start whipping with a hand mixer on speed #1, then you can add a couple of drops of lemon juice to thicken it faster, finish on high speed #3. Store in the refrigerator for three hours.


How to prepare a cream if there are no electronic "helpers" at home? Lush mass for the preparation of desserts can be obtained manually with a whisk. Mix thoroughly to completely dissolve the sugar. It is necessary to beat in small portions at an intensive pace to achieve the desired density. How to cook, step by step video, photos, see below.


It's no secret that whipped cream is a very tasty and delicate dessert that can be easily prepared at home. However, only special cream is suitable for whipping, the fat content of which should be at least 30%. If you find it difficult to get just such, I will tell you how to make heavy cream from milk and butter at home.

In general, in industrial conditions, fat cream is usually obtained by separation, that is, the separation of liquids of different densities. Cream is natural, which is obtained from whole milk, and reconstituted - based on powdered cream. I don’t mention vegetable ones, because I never use them.

Frankly speaking, it is very difficult for me to buy heavy cream from us in the store that is suitable for whipping. In my recipes, I use natural heavy cream with a shelf life of 5-7 days, but they go on sale extremely rarely (even they are delivered to hypermarkets once a week and it’s hard to guess when exactly). I don’t take cream in a tetrapack that is stored for several months out of principle - I love everything natural and try to buy products without preservatives (or with a minimum amount of them).

And not so long ago, one of the guests of the site, Zhenechka Derevesnikova (thank you so much!), Suggested to me a wonderful way to make heavy cream from milk and butter. At first, I was rather skeptical about this method (it didn’t fit in my head that butter and milk could become one, and then also keep their shape after whipping), but immediately went to check. And the result pleased me 100% - now I do not depend on stores and cook heavy cream on my own, and when I need them.

So, to make cream at home, we only need milk and butter. Take milk of any fat content, but butter - the fatter, the better. No spreads or margarine will do - only high-quality butter (at least 72%). By the way, the fat content of the finished cream can be easily adjusted - you just need to calculate the fat content and proportions of the original products.

For example, if you need cream of 33-35% fat, take milk and butter in equal proportions. Right up to a gram, accuracy is not so important - +/_ 10 grams-milliliters will not make the weather. Cream with a fat content of about 25% can be obtained from 500 milliliters of milk and 280 grams of butter (you can take 2 times less products if you need less cream). Well, less fatty ones (I think there are no problems with them) -15% cream - cook from 630 milliliters of milk and 175 grams of butter, respectively.

I must say that the cost of homemade heavy cream is about 1.8 times cheaper than store-bought (information for residents of Belarus). Isn't that great? In addition, having butter in stock (just buy a couple of packs and put it in the freezer) and milk (we always have it in the refrigerator in large quantities), you can afford to cook any dessert that includes heavy cream at any time. for whipping.


Cooking step by step with photos:

To make heavy cream that is suitable for whipping, we take only two ingredients - butter and milk. My milk is 1.7% fat and butter is 72%.

Pour 200 milliliters of milk into a small saucepan and put 200 grams of butter there. In general, you can use soft butter (take it out of the refrigerator in advance) or cut it into pieces - this way the process will go faster. However, I don’t bother in this regard and sometimes I use oil straight from the freezer.

We put the dishes on medium heat and, stirring, let the oil completely dissolve. You don't need to boil the mixture of milk and butter - just warm everything up so that the butter melts and floats on the surface. As a result, the mass will be quite hot.

It remains to combine milk with butter into a single whole, that is, get heavy cream. To do this, the hot mixture must be thoroughly beaten. The most convenient and fastest way to do this is in a blender (in which cocktails are made), but you can also try using a high-power hand or stationary mixer. Pour the milk and butter (still hot) into the bowl and turn on the blender.

Beat everything for about 5-10 minutes (depending on the power of the device). As a result, you will see that the mixture has become completely homogeneous and there will be a rather dense foam on the surface.

Pour the already prepared heavy cream into a suitable storage dish and let the mass cool completely. After that, put the cream in the refrigerator for 6-12 hours. I usually make cream in the evening and leave it in the cold until morning. In fact, after this time, heavy cream for whipping is completely ready. It is possible that after the refrigerator you will see dense clots on the surface of the cream, but do not worry - this is normal.

Few people know how to make whipped cream correctly so that it turns out tender and airy. This product is often used to make various desserts and pastries, and almost everyone has tried it.

And in stores you can find ready-made whipped cream in spray cans, but they are not always of the proper quality, so it’s better to learn how to make this delicacy yourself. The process of its preparation has many subtleties and nuances, which will be discussed in today's article.

To know how to whip cream properly, pay attention to some guidelines before you start:

  • The calorie content of the dish ranges from 160-335 kcal per 100 g. This “range” directly depends on the fat content of the original ingredient. To reduce the figure, you can add a little milk;
  • You need to choose only the best, freshest and highest quality cream. The most suitable option is a classic product with a fat content of 33 percent. Whipping will be perfect, in a strong foam. Low-fat (10 percent) or medium-fat (20 percent) dairy products will work, but they won't whip very well and won't come out fluffy. In this situation, you will have to use gelatin or egg whites to thicken;
  • Creams must be slightly chilled, but not frozen or warm, otherwise they will separate into butter and whey;
  • The whisk and utensils also need to be briefly placed in the freezer. Use metal kitchen utensils for cooking;
  • So that the container does not heat up during operation, keep it in ice water;
  • Do not whip the entire portion of the product at once, but divide it into components of 200-300 ml;
  • Do not set the mixer immediately at high speeds, but increase them gradually;
  • The shelf life of the finished product in the refrigerator is no more than 12 hours.

Whipping cream with a mixer

This is the easiest and fastest way to make your favorite sweet dessert.

You will need:

  • Sand sugar - 50 g;
  • Cream 33% - half a liter;
  • Egg or gelatin for fixing (optional).

How to whip strong cream with a mixer:

  1. Pour the dairy product into a deep metal container, wrap it with cling film and send it to the refrigerator for 50 minutes. We put in the cold and whisk nozzles - at the same time;
  2. We grind sugar into powder on a coffee grinder and additionally pass it through a sieve with a fine sieve to get rid of large particles;
  3. We remove the dishes and tools from the refrigerator, remove the film and start whipping in a circular motion, setting the device to the minimum speed, then gradually increase the speed;
  4. After about 7 minutes, the mass will begin to acquire density. We begin to gradually add powdered sugar - it will help whip the cream into foam and give them a pleasant sweetish taste;
  5. We continue the process for another 5-6 minutes until stable peaks are obtained. You should not exceed the specified time, otherwise you will get oil;
  6. To obtain a thick consistency, lemon juice, gelatin or an egg can be added as a fixative if desired. They must be included at the very end of cooking.

We lay out the finished whipped cream with powdered sugar in bowls and send it to the cold, otherwise at room temperature they will quickly “float”.

Whip the cream by hand with a whisk

Many chefs claim that this method is the best, because the product prepared in this way is stable and lush due to the large amount of oxygen.

List of ingredients:

  • Powdered sugar - 30 g;
  • Fatty cream (33-35%) - 350 ml;
  • Vanilla sugar - 10 gram sachet;
  • Lemon juice - half a teaspoon.

Whipped cream recipe at home with a photo:

  1. We prepare a convenient metal dish with a wide top, so that it is convenient to make intensive movements with a whisk in it. We cool the tool and the main component according to the same instructions as in the previous recipe;
  2. Next, put the bowl in a container with ice or ice water and hold it at a slight slope. This will help the contents circulate better, respectively, a stable consistency is formed faster;
  3. Slowly we begin to make circular movements with a whisk and gradually accelerate. When the mass becomes thick, combine it with vanilla-based sugar and powder, mixing them in small portions;
  4. Continue whipping, capturing the entire surface of the mixture and kneading it to the bottom of the container.

The milk dish will be ready when the characteristic embossed pattern from the whisk begins to remain on the surface. The main thing is not to miss this moment and not overdo it, otherwise whipping heavy cream will not work, and they will simply settle. At the end of the process, it is necessary to pour in lemon juice, which acts as a consistency stabilizer.

Whipping dry cream

  1. We put 5 large spoons of this product in a glass, into which we then pour water;
  2. We mix everything thoroughly;
  3. In a mass of 150 ml, add a glass of milk, and mix all the ingredients until smooth;
  4. We put the finished mixture in the refrigerator, and remove it in the freezer two minutes before whipping.

We prepare the cream using a mixer or a whisk, first at a low speed, which we gradually increase. After thickening, it must be reduced. The finished product must be placed in the refrigerator.

Such dry whipped cream is suitable for making desserts, cakes and pastries.

Cream dessert with fruit

Required components:

  • Mandarin, banana, kiwi;
  • 2/3 cup cream;
  • A pinch of vanillin;
  • 0.5 cup powder.

How to make fruit whipped cream:

  1. The first step is to prepare the fruit - cut them into small slices or grind them with a blender. You don't need to mix them together;
  2. Whipping is done using one of the methods indicated above, and we will begin to form our delicacy;
  3. We put the banana slices on the bottom of a glass beautiful form, cover it with butter cream;
  4. Next, make a row of kiwi, add the creamy mixture again;
  5. The last layer is tangerines, which we will also cover with a creamy composition, sprinkle with chocolate chips and send to cool.

Chocolate cream cake

Chocolate whipped cream for cake can act as an independent dessert, and can also be used to decorate many other treats.


  • 30 g cocoa powder or 50 g chocolate;
  • 2 cups cream (fat content - 20%);
  • A small spoonful of gelatin;
  • 1/3 cup powdered sugar.

Action plan step by step:

  1. Take from this amount of cream 1/3 part and fill it with gelatin. After it swells, put the dishes with the contents in a container with water, which we heat until the gelatin dissolves, not forgetting to stir;
  2. Remove the container from the stove and let the contents cool;
  3. Take another 1/3 of the mass of the main ingredient, heat it to a hot state and dissolve the cocoa powder in it well. If you decide to use chocolate, melt it first. Then it mixes easily;
  4. Next, combine the creamy remains with the powder and start whisking slowly. When the first foam appears, pour in delicious chocolate cream, and after a while add gelatin.

Whipped cream for coffee

They can be made in the evening, put in the refrigerator and added to coffee in the morning.

Grocery list:

  • 5 g of powder;
  • 50 ml cream;
  • Orange peel or chocolate chips.

Coffee decorating steps:

  1. Beat the first 2 ingredients in a thick foam;
  2. We brew coffee, pour it into a cup, carefully spread creamy foam on top;
  3. Sprinkle with grated chocolate or orange zest.

Video: 3 variations of whipped cream
