
How cheese is made from goat milk. How to make goat cheese at home

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Surely everyone knows that real natural cheeses are a valuable source of nutrients for our body. Today, there are a lot of types of cheese products at home, and the recipe for how to make goat cheese with your own hands will be an interesting novelty for cheese gourmets. With this recipe know-how, you can not only diversify your diet, but also be sure of the quality of this extraordinary product.

Goat cheeses: all the pros and cons

We all want to eat right, eat more healthy foods. This desire is especially strengthened in winter and spring, when our body gets tired of gray cold everyday life. This is where homemade recipes come to the rescue.

And for a woman, it is completely important to know that the dish eaten will be not only healthy, but also dietary. Homemade goat cheese salad with fresh cucumbers, herbs, lemon juice and olive oil dressing is considered a great Greek version of the Aphrodite diet.


But when it comes to goat cheese, many people immediately reject this product because of its specific taste and smell.

Probably few people know that these smells appear if the goat's milk was collected incorrectly, without observing basic hygiene rules. In a good quality cheese, this peculiar aroma should be completely absent.

The disadvantages of this product, probably, include the impressive cost of goat cheese. However, this is where the cons end, but it has much more pluses.


First of all, goat's milk, and hence cheese from it, is suitable for people prone to allergies to cow's milk protein - lactose. This means that for such people, goat cheese is a lifesaver to diversify their diet.

  • The content of useful vitamins, minerals and macronutrients in this product is huge.
  • And in this product, saturated fats are present in a minimum amount, there is practically no cholesterol.
  • The calorie content of homemade goat cheese is relatively low - only 290 kcal - which also positively distinguishes it from ordinary cheese varieties.

In addition, goat cheese is easily digestible due to certain bacteria. In addition, it strengthens our immunity, and this, as you understand, has a very beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

Making goat cheese is especially common in the French provinces, where almost any housewife can make it at home. This is truly a European delicacy.

Cheese can be added both to soups and spread on a sandwich, bake pies or pizza with it, thanks to which all dishes acquire exquisite notes.

And how many salads can you cook! Here's an example: homemade cheese, some greens, a dressing of butter or honey and balsamic vinegar - and an unusual overseas salad is ready.

If you suddenly have a familiar goat that is happy to share its milk, we suggest you make homemade goat cheese with your own hands, and our cooking recipes will tell you how to make it at home.

The production of such a product at home seems to be troublesome and time-consuming. Ideally, when making goat cheeses, rennet is added - this is an expensive natural organic substance produced by the stomach of a dairy goat.

The process of making cheese using abomasum is certainly longer, but the cheese is homogeneous and tender. However, instead of abomasum, it is quite possible to use other methods of sourdough.

Do not rush to give up cooking this healthy yummy. We suggest mastering an elementary recipe for making goat cheese, which will require a minimum of additional ingredients, household utensils and a little of your time.


  • Goat milk - 2 l;
  • Fresh lemon - 1 pc.;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Your favorite spices - a pinch.

How to make goat cheese at home

We wash the lemon, cut it in half and squeeze all the juice into a small free container.

Let's take milk - first it needs to be pasteurized.

  • To do this, pour the milk into a saucepan and put it on the stove.
  • Let's add salt.
  • Whisking constantly, bring the milk to the formation of bubbles, but not to a boil.
  • If your kitchen has a special thermometer, great - we need to heat the milk to 87-90 ° C. Then immediately remove the pan from the stove.
  1. Pour the lemon juice into the still hot milk, mix gently. After a few minutes, the milk will begin to decompose into two fractions - white curd and slightly yellowish whey. After 5-10 minutes, the curdling process should end.
  2. In a colander (or sieve) line the gauze in several layers. We install it over a clean container.
  3. Pour the contents of the pan into a colander, let the whey drain for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Serum, by the way, is perfect, for example, for pancake dough, so you should not get rid of it.
  5. We take out the gauze with the curd part, like a bag, wring it out. Right now, while our cheese is in gauze, we can give it the necessary shape - you can put the cheese directly with gauze in a small cylindrical container under pressure for several hours. Or you can simply form a cylinder with your hands and not waste time shaping it.

We remove the gauze, put the contents on a plate - delicious goat cheese is ready! From two liters of milk, about 200-250 g of cheese is obtained.


  • Goat milk - 1 liter
  • Goat milk curd - 300-400 g
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Soda - 1/3 tsp without a slide

Making goat cheese at home

If you managed to get both goat's milk and cottage cheese, why not try to cook wonderful cheese from them, which is not difficult to cook at home.

Our step-by-step recipe will tell you how to make it. Cottage cheese can be rubbed through a sieve, but if it is not very grainy, just knead it with a fork.

We prepare free dishes for separating the curd part and whey.

  • On the dishes we install a colander or a sieve with a cloth embedded in it.
  • It is better to use a fabric with a smoother texture, rather than gauze, since the mass is sticky and difficult to remove from the gauze.

Even better, if you have a special lavsan bag designed just for such purposes.

  1. Put the milk in a saucepan on the stove and heat over medium heat until bubbles begin to form. At this point, add cottage cheese to the pan, constantly stirring the entire substance.
  2. After a few minutes, the mixture in the pan should separate into two fractions: a cheesy white, like sediment, and a slightly yellow whey. When the whey becomes almost transparent, the pan must be removed from the stove.
  3. Immediately pour the contents of the pan into the prepared colander. As soon as all the whey drains, carefully place the still hot curd residue in a free container, beat in the egg, salt, add soda and stir well.
  4. We again transfer the resulting cheese to the filter cloth, fold it and place it in a colander over the pan, put oppression on top of the cheese.

Instead of colanders and pans, you can use the following tip to shape our cheese.

We take two identical plastic containers. As an example - 1 liter buckets from store-bought sauerkraut or sour cream, mayonnaise. In one of the buckets we make several holes through which the whey remaining in the cheese will drain. We put cheese in it, cover it with a cloth on top and put oppression. We insert a leaky bucket into the whole.

In a day, our molded cheese is ready. It is not only very tasty and tender. Its feature is the holes formed by the addition of soda during cooking.

Depending on the time, desire and goat milk you have, now you can use one or another recipe so that the goat cheese is prepared in the conditions of yours, and not some French cuisine, and delights you and your family with its unique taste.

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Today, goat milk cheese can be purchased at almost any store. But any housewife knows that the most delicious and healthy product will be prepared on her own: from natural products and with special additional ingredients - love and care for her family.

Homemade goat cheese is famous for its high taste and special benefits.

Popularity Secret

It is impossible to overestimate the benefits of homemade goat cheese. It is absorbed much better than cow's milk cheese, and contains a huge number of beneficial bacteria that ensure the normal functioning of the digestive system. In addition, the substances contained in this product help to establish metabolic processes in the body and restore the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. Plus, goat cheese is a hypoallergenic product, and therefore is considered indispensable in the menu of people with an allergy to cow's milk.

Goat milk cheese has a very delicate texture and a special aroma. It has a small amount of sugar and at the same time it is a rich source of nutrients. It is characterized by high nutritional value, but at the same time does not complicate the process of digestion.

Goat cheese - the choice of those who prefer a healthy diet

If we talk about the name of goat milk cheese, then depending on its composition and country of origin, it will have different names. For example, in France alone there are several of its varieties and names, among them Banon, Valençay, Care de Chevre, Palardon, Picardon, Rocamadour, Chavroux, etc. Spain also makes its own goat cheese: Pastor and Manchego. In our country, this product is usually called cheese.

On a note! In the original, feta cheese is a cheese made from sheep's or a mixture of sheep's and goat's milk, soaked in brine!

cooking recipes

In order to make cheese from goat's milk at home, it is enough to have one source product - milk and several additional ingredients, such as vinegar, salt, eggs, spices, etc. The complete composition of the components will depend on what kind of cheese you end up with. wish to receive.

Plain goat cheese

In order to prepare such a cheese, you will need two liters of goat's milk, 60 ml of vinegar and salt - 30-50 g, its amount will depend on which cheese you prefer - less or more salty.

Getting Started:

  • pour milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat and with constant stirring;
  • gently add vinegar in a thin stream, do not forget to stir the contents all the time;
  • as soon as the milk curdles well and forms a dense clot, remove it from the stove;
  • we cover the colander with gauze and put the resulting curd clot on it, tie it in a bag and hang it over the sink;
  • after a couple of hours, when the excess liquid is gone, transfer the cottage cheese to a bowl and add salt to taste;
  • mix everything, knead well and give the shape of a cake;

    On a note! The compressed cake should be thick!

  • we take a cast-iron pan, put our future cheese on it and put it on fire - the pressed cake should melt;
  • We clean the finished cheese in a cool place and leave until completely solidified.

Sandwiches with homemade goat cheese can be a great breakfast and come in handy during snacks!

spicy cheese

The following recipe will show you how to make spicy goat cheese. To prepare it, you will need 12 liters of milk, 4 tablespoons of vinegar, 50-60 g of salt and cumin to taste.

Getting Started:

  • pour the indicated amount of milk into a saucepan of a suitable volume and bring it to a boil, after which we immediately reduce the gas supply and add vinegar;
  • with constant stirring, we monitor the curdling process, and as soon as the mass curls up into a dense clot, we transfer the pan from the stove to the table;
  • we take out the formed clot and transfer it to gauze, fold it into a bag and hang it over the sink or over a large bowl;
  • leave for a few hours to remove excess serum;
  • as soon as the liquid leaves the curd mass, we take it out of the gauze, salt it, add a few seeds of cumin and knead it thoroughly with our hands;
  • we form a cake from cottage cheese and put it on a cast-iron pan, under the influence of temperature the mass will first melt, and then thicken - now the cheese can be transferred to a dish and give it the desired shape.

Sprinkle hot cheese for spice with cumin

Delicate cheese

To prepare a tender cheese, you will need a couple of liters of goat's milk, two tablespoons of sour cream and cottage cheese, 15 ml of vinegar and about a teaspoon of salt.

Getting Started:

  • pour milk into a saucepan and heat it to a temperature of 45 ° C;
  • dilute cottage cheese in a small amount of milk and add to the pan, put salt and bring everything to a boil;
  • as soon as the mass begins to boil, we introduce sour cream into it and continue to cook with constant stirring;
  • after about a quarter of an hour, the contents of the pan should begin to curl up, turning into a clot, but if this does not happen, pour in the specified amount of vinegar;
  • then we transfer the curdled milk to cheesecloth, cover it with a cotton napkin on top, place the load and leave it for a couple of hours, then put the cheese in brine (3 tablespoons of salt per liter of water) and leave it for another 3 hours in the refrigerator.

The resulting cheese can be served immediately to the table.

High-calorie cheese

Making high-calorie cheese from goat's milk is as easy as its previous version. Only in this recipe we will not use vinegar. So, you will need 2 liters of milk, a tablespoon of salt, 6 fresh eggs and 400 ml of sour cream.

Getting Started:

  • pour milk into a saucepan, add salt;

    On a note! If you do not want the cheese to have a pronounced salty taste, then the amount of salt can be halved!

  • beat eggs, mix thoroughly with sour cream and add to milk;
  • over medium heat and with constant stirring (it is especially good to walk along the bottom of the pan so that the mixture does not burn), bring everything to a boil;
  • slightly reduce the gas supply and wait for the milk to start curdling - usually it takes no more than five minutes;
  • as soon as the clot becomes dense enough, transfer it to gauze in a colander and give time for all the whey to go away;
  • we collect the edges of the gauze, tie them, put a cutting board on top, then a load and another board, leave everything for 5 hours;
  • after the specified time, we remove the load, take the cheese out of the colander, unfold the gauze and transfer the cheese to the brine (3 tablespoons of salt per liter of water), transfer it to the refrigerator and leave it there for another 3 hours.

Due to the large number of eggs, cheese turns out to be quite high-calorie, but at the same time incredibly tasty.

What should be remembered?

As you can see, the recipes for goat milk cheese differ somewhat from each other in the starting products, but at the same time, the set of ingredients in each of them will not be final. You can add spices to your own taste, adjust the amount of salt, or even replace it with sugar - such sweet goat cheese is especially loved by children.

However, there are certain points that should not be ignored:

  • In the conditions of our country, you will never be able to cook goat cheese that tastes like a French or Spanish product, even if you have an original recipe for a certain brand of cheese. This is due to many reasons: the habitat of goats, which provide the main ingredient for this product - milk, respectively, certain differences in the feed they use, their breed, age, conditions of detention, etc. But do not worry, because it is most likely domestic cheese made from fresh milk of local goats can turn out to be just as good, and perhaps even better, than European goat cheese made to all standards.
  • Do not forget that the cheese will turn out delicious only if the milk is fresh and of high quality. For this reason, its choice should be approached with great care. Its smell is of great importance - it is often specific and even unpleasant, which is associated with non-compliance with the rules for keeping goats. Moreover, this smell does not disappear even after pasteurization, and if you use such an initial product, you risk getting a tasteless cheese.
  • As for pasteurized milk, which is sold in retail chains, it has a certain advantage - a guaranteed absence of foreign odors. But at the same time, the aroma of such milk may turn out to be too neutral, which as a result will affect the smell of the finished cheese - it will be devoid of a specific aftertaste, which is desirable for some varieties. Plus, pasteurization can affect some technological processes, which will require additional ingredients to be added to the recipe.

The rest of the cooking process will depend solely on the recipe itself. If the result should be sour-milk cheese - cheese, then all operations end, as a rule, with curdling. And after separating the whey, the product "rests" - it ripens without any intervention on your part. Cheese should be stored only in the refrigerator, preferably in sealed packaging. Otherwise, it will immediately absorb the aromas of all the "neighbors" -. Its shelf life is 2 weeks.

If the result should be hard cheese, then after receiving the curd grain, there must be another processing stage - melting. And only after that the product is sent for ripening. This goat cheese can be stored in the refrigerator for about 3 months.

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If the peculiar taste and aroma of the finished product do not bother you, we recommend trying several types of goat milk cheese at home, to which we decided to devote the following material.

Homemade Goat Cheese - Recipe

Let's start with one of the simplest cheeses - soft ones. Under industrial conditions, such cheeses are rarely packaged fresh, in most cases they are kept for a short time or infected with noble mold. The homemade version has a less spicy taste and a soft, smooth texture due to the fact that the product can be consumed almost immediately after preparation.


  • fatty goat milk - 1.2 l;
  • juice of two lemons;
  • vinegar - 25 ml;
  • salt.


Pour milk into an enamel bowl and heat to 80 degrees. For maximum accuracy of the process, it is better to have a special thermometer on hand. When the milk is heated, salt it and pour in the juice of a couple of lemons along with the vinegar. Remove the bowl from the heat and leave covered for 10 minutes. Carefully remove milk clots on the surface or strain through cheesecloth. Connect the ends of the cheesecloth together, tie them up and leave the homemade goat cheese hanging in a cool place for an hour. Sprinkle the top of the cheese mass with dried herbs, if desired.

goat milk cheese recipe

Processed cheese usually takes longer to cook because the goat's milk must be curdled and the excess whey squeezed out before melting begins. If possible, save time and use ready-made goat cottage cheese in the recipe.


  • goat cottage cheese - 580 g;
  • soda - 10 g;
  • butter - 15 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.


Put the goat curd squeezed out of excess whey in an enamel bowl. Salt it, add pieces of butter, an egg and a little soda, which will neutralize excess acid. The ingredients on the stove should be stirred continuously and vigorously so that nothing burns. At the same time, keep an eye on the heat, it should not be too high so that the cheese mixture does not curdle. While stirring, keep the future cheese on fire until it becomes homogeneous. At this stage, you can add any additions, such as greens, sautéed mushrooms, or chopped ham. Next, distribute the hot melted cheese in any form and leave to cool.

Hard goat cheese - recipe

It is surprising that for the preparation of hard cheese it is necessary to use all the same ingredients as for the preparation of a processed product, but the technology for cooking such cheese differs from that described above.


  • goat milk - 2.9 l;
  • cottage cheese - 1.1 kg;
  • soda - 10 g;
  • butter - 95 g;
  • salt.


Combine cottage cheese with milk in any enamel bowl. Place the dishes on medium heat and boil everything for 20 minutes. Drain the milk clots in a colander and transfer the cheese to a clean bowl. Place everything over a water bath, add oil, egg, soda and a pinch of salt. While stirring, boil the ingredients for 10 minutes (the longer you boil the mixture, the harder the cheese will come out), and transfer the finished homogeneous mass to the selected form and leave to cool.

At the stage of melting the cheese, garlic, chopped fresh or dried herbs, as well as any spices can be added to the mixture of ingredients. Thus, you can diversify the taste and appearance of the product.


There is probably no person who does not like cheese. This product can be eaten even in its pure form (sandwiches, salads), even added to dishes when cooking (pizza, meat or vegetables with cheese, cheese sauces). We are all used to cheese made from cow's milk. But if you adhere to the principles of a healthy diet, then it is better to use goat cheese.

Why goat milk cheese recipes are needed

Read about the benefits of goat cheese over cow's milk cheese:

  • Less fat, and the one that is - is easier to digest by the human body.
  • Virtually no cholesterol.
  • Much more calcium, which makes it recommended for people with joint problems.
  • It is an allergenic product - it can be eaten even by people with lactose intolerance.

Now you know what recipes are for - in order to cook cheese and eat not only delicious, but also healthy food.

How to make goat cheese

Goat cheese is not cheap at the grocery store. If you have the opportunity to buy fresh goat's milk, you can make cheese yourself. Cooking a delicious dietary product does not require much time.

Cheese requires a minimum set of products. The essence of cooking boils down to the fact that the milk needs to be heated and an acidic component is added to it, which will allow the milk to curdle.

Goat cheese at home can be made completely different. Based on our recipes, add cumin, dill seeds, coriander, and a variety of fresh herbs to the milk clot. And you can sprinkle the finished cheese with your favorite spices.

Homemade goat cheese - recipes

regular cheese

First, learn how to make the simplest cheese. You will need:

  • goat milk - 2 liters;
  • salt - 30-50 g (to taste);
  • vinegar - 4 tbsp.

Cooking technology:

  1. Put a saucepan of milk on the stove - bring to a boil.
  2. Whisking constantly, add vinegar - the milk will begin to curdle.
  3. When a thick curd forms in the pan, remove it from the stove.
  4. Transfer the curd clot to a colander lined with gauze.
  5. When all the whey has drained, transfer the cheese to a bowl and season with salt.
  6. Mash the cheese with salt and form it into a thick cake.
  7. Put the workpiece in a cast iron pan, and put on fire.
  8. When the cheese cake is melted, set the pan to a cool place.
  9. After hardening, goat cheese is ready to eat.

Delicate goat cheese

For this cheese, in addition to milk, you will also need cottage cheese and sour cream (you can store it). All that is needed:

  • milk - 2 liters;
  • sour cream and cottage cheese - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • vinegar - 1 tablespoon (if the milk does not coagulate well).

This goat cheese is prepared like this:

  1. Heat milk to 40-50°C.
  2. Add cottage cheese mashed with some milk.
  3. Salt and bring to a boil.
  4. Add sour cream to simmering milk.
  5. Constantly stirring, watch when the milk begins to turn into a clot. If this does not happen after 10-15 minutes, add vinegar.
  6. Throw the curd clot on a sieve covered with gauze.
  7. Cover the cheese with a cloth napkin on top and put any suitable load (no more than 200-300 g).
  8. An hour later, the most delicate goat cheese can be tasted.

Calorie goat cheese

This goat milk cheese is the most delicious. Prepare:

  • goat milk - 2 liters;
  • sour cream - 400 g;
  • eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • salt - 1-2 tbsp.

This cheese is also easy to prepare:

  1. Whisk sour cream and eggs.
  2. Slowly pour this mixture into the salted and well-heated milk.
  3. Whisking constantly, bring the thick mixture almost to a boil.
  4. When a curd clot forms, put it in a three-layer gauze napkin.
  5. Tie the corners of the gauze and hang the cheese knot over the sink.
  6. When all the liquid has drained, transfer the gauze with cheese to a wide cutting board.
  7. Put the same board on top and put a 2-liter jar of water (oppression).
  8. After five to six hours, transfer the cheese to the refrigerator to completely harden it.

The goat cheese recipe you just read is incredibly delicious due to the presence of sour cream and eggs in it. True, and its calorie content is quite high. If you follow a cheese diet, then leave this cheese to your family.

Salads with goat cheese

Warm salad with arugula and cherry tomatoes

For the salad you will need:

  • cheese - 200g;
  • small cherry tomatoes - 250g;
  • green salad "Rukola" - a large bunch;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp;
  • balsamic vinegar - 1 tbsp;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Heat the oil in a frying pan and put the tomatoes in it - sweat until soft.
  2. Cut the garlic into slices and put in tomatoes. Add sugar and salt and fry together until the sugar caramelizes.
  3. Remove the vegetables from the pan with a slotted spoon and leave them in a warm place.
  4. Put the cheese cut into thin slices in a still hot pan.
  5. Let the cheese melt a little - one minute is enough (no need to turn).
  6. Put the washed and dried arugula on a plate, and warm tomatoes and cheese on top of it.
  7. Top the salad with balsamic.

Green salad with cheese and honey sauce

This salad is made in just 5 minutes. What do you need:

  • a mixture of lettuce leaves - 100g;
  • dense goat cheese - 100g;
  • olive oil, honey, balsamic vinegar - 2 tablespoons each;
  • black ground pepper and salt.

Start cooking:

  1. Make a dressing with oil, honey, vinegar, salt and pepper.
  2. Arrange half of the lettuce leaves on a wide platter.
  3. Cut the cheese into wide thin slices (you can use a potato peeler).
  4. Slices of cheese, mixed with the remaining leaves, spread over the base of the leaves.
  5. Drizzle the salad with honey dressing and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Goat milk cheese at home is cheaper if, of course, you have plenty of raw materials for the production of this product. Healthy and tasty dairy product will appeal to your whole family. Homemade goat cheese can be made in many different ways. Let's try to reproduce the recipe for the Adyghe dish.

Making goat cheese

You can also take cow's and sheep's milk, but this product will already have other properties. Goat is not only tastier, but also less allergenic. And it contains no less useful protein. Even children suffering from food allergies can eat goat cheese without negative health effects. At home, you need six percent vinegar, clean gauze, enameled deep dishes, and an aluminum pan to prepare this product.

Take six liters of milk to make a trial portion. Strain thoroughly several times through several layers of cheesecloth. Now put the milk on medium heat and start heating - always in an aluminum pan. Indeed, due to the increased fat content, it can burn. Therefore, it is necessary not only to boil in a special bowl, but also to stir continuously. It will take a little time, but you are guaranteed not to spoil the product. At the same time, salt the milk to your taste. When it boils, pour in one hundred grams of vinegar for every three liters of liquid, then immediately remove from heat. In the pan you will find whey and floating cheese on its surface. Take a slotted spoon or a large spoon, take out the cheese and put it on cheesecloth. It should be placed on top of the bowl. In fact, you have already made cheese from goat's milk. At home, it remains only to squeeze it well. This is done by hand first. And then the resulting product must be put under pressure. For this, for example, a three-liter jar of water is useful. You can give a piece of cheese any shape at this moment - being under oppression, it will harden in this position. Cheese must be pressed in a cold place. When it cools down and allocates all the liquid (it must be drained periodically), cooking can be considered complete.

Goat milk cheese at home: a recipe with cottage cheese

In this case, the resulting product will be firm, like a shop, and yellowish. Take a kilogram of ordinary homemade or store-bought cottage cheese and three liters of goat's milk. Strain the milk thoroughly and bring to a boil in a saucepan, being careful not to burn it. Pour all the cottage cheese and cook the resulting mixture over low heat for twenty minutes. You have to keep stirring. Then, after boiling, fold the mass into a colander and, when the whey drains, transfer the resulting cheese to a bowl. Now you need to add a raw egg and a teaspoon of soda (without top), as well as one hundred grams of sunflower oil and salt. Mix as thoroughly as possible and put the resulting mass in a water bath. This step is necessary so that the future cheese does not crumble. Steam for ten minutes. Put, after cooling, in a plastic bottle without a top. You need to tamp so that you get a solid mass. Place in refrigerator.

On the shelves of shops and supermarkets you can find a variety of cheeses for every taste and budget. But you can be sure of the naturalness of the product only by going through the entire cooking process yourself. Not a single quality certificate will tell you about the real composition of the cheese mass, and what is hidden behind the beautiful cheese packaging.

Goat cheese is not cheap at the grocery store. If you have the opportunity to buy fresh goat's milk, you can make cheese yourself. Cooking a delicious dietary product does not require much time.

Preparation: to make cheese, we need cottage cheese. 1 kg. cottage cheese is obtained from about 5-6 liters of goat's milk (more is needed from cow's milk, since there is less protein content). Fresh goat's milk sours twice as long as cow's milk, so you need to help him. Lactic acid bacteria, which are used in the production of cheese, are not available to us, so we use what is at hand. But please, no vinegar. You can put a crust of black bread in a jar of milk or add a spoonful of kefir. After a couple of days, the milk will turn sour and it will be possible to make cottage cheese from it.

And I didn’t regulate anything at all, three years ago I bought a separator (it seems like a motor-sich) in the season we constantly separate goat milk. Approximately 10 liters of milk - 1 liter of sour cream cottage cheese. Oil has not been tried.

The Alecon Group company has its own herd of dairy goats and is the owner of an Israeli dairy plant for the production of premium cheeses (elite gourmet cheeses). Alecon's work is based on a close relationship between goat breeding and dairy production.

I tried to make cheese according to the first recipe. It didn't work out! I can't figure out why! After I added the vinegar, the milk turned into crumbly cottage cheese .... I waited more ... it remained the same ... I poured it further according to the recipe, but it didn’t melt in the pan ... it just turned out to be salted cottage cheese: (why?

We take two identical plastic containers. As an example - 1 liter buckets from store-bought sauerkraut or sour cream, mayonnaise. In one of the buckets we make several holes through which the whey remaining in the cheese will drain. We put cheese in it, cover it with a cloth on top and put oppression. We insert a leaky bucket into the whole.

Hello! I made condensed milk only from cow's milk, soda is sure to not curdle milk and preferably from steam. from cow's cottage cheese. Cheese from both cow and goat is good. That's all the secrets. And I also make yogurt.

Recipe for how to make goat milk cheese step by step. Fresh material as of 10/28/2017

Add salt, eggs, soda (it reacts with hot cottage cheese, as a result of which the cheese turns porous),
mix well and put in a colander for further straining and pressing. This takes about a day.

Goat cheese concentrates all the nutritional value of milk. It should be consumed by children for better bone formation. It has almost no cholesterol, so the product is indispensable for the cores. Some people think that goat cheese is very fatty, but when it is cooked, almost all fats are broken down. So you can eat it without harm to the figure. Well, in the end, it's just delicious.

I take 3 liters of milk, add 1 tsp. lemon juice and put in a warm place until the milk curdles into a curd mass, then on cheesecloth lined in a colander and in the refrigerator for a day, then salt, form a ball and dry a little, pour olive oil and in the cold)) very tasty, we still don’t never waited until full maturity))))

This cheese can be made from both cow's and sheep's milk, but the real product can only be obtained from goat's milk. It has the best taste, in addition, it is not allergenic, that is, goat cheese can be safely given to children who do not react well to cow's milk protein.

Features of the preparation of cheese from goat's milk. All latest information as of 10/28/2017

In order to make cheese from goat's milk at home, it is enough to have one source product - milk and several additional ingredients, such as vinegar, salt, eggs, spices, etc. The complete composition of the components will depend on what kind of cheese you end up with. wish to receive.

As for the cheese, I would like to add that abomasum can be used instead of pharmaceutical preparations. This is relevant when young animals are cut for meat.
But I have been using another option for more than a decade - rabbit stomachs. When cutting rabbits, the stomachs are cut, cleaned, washed several times. After that, they are steeply sprinkled with salt and placed in a glass jar. On top is a layer of salt. Put the whole thing in the refrigerator. Worth years.
If necessary, pour whey into a 700-gram jar, put two salted stomachs. Let it stand in a warm place for two or three days.
Then this whey is poured into fresh milk, and then according to the recipe. I will not repeat.
I use this volume for 6-8 liters of milk. Both goat and cow. No difference.
As for cream, sour cream and butter, there is only one way out - a separator. I separate both cow and goat without reconfiguring the separator. Cream yield is about the same. The only thing I noticed is that with the same amount of cream, the yield of goat butter is higher than that of cow butter.
Beaten oil is always in the bank. Now we have bought an electric butter churn, but we still do not have the necessary volume of milk to try it out in practice. I will try both cow and goat. Then I'll tell you what came of it.

There are a lot of varieties of homemade cheeses, however, I want a special attention give a product made from goat's milk. Today we will look at how to make goat cheese at home.

Dear! Goat milk cheese is made very simply. For 5 liters of milk, we take 10 tab. acetin pepsin (sold in a pharmacy). Mash and pour warm water for 20 minutes and pour into warm milk, mix, cover and be sure to keep warm for souring, I put it either on a warm stove, or near heat. It costs about 40 minutes, as soon as it curls up in a lump, I immediately heat it up on the stove and stir it with my hand. You will feel the cheese flakes, you need to warm it so that it is hot in your hand, but you can’t boil and you can’t overheat. make it quickly. Cheese will turn out better than Russian.

Homemade goat cheese recipe. Detailed information.

If the result should be hard cheese, then after receiving the curd grain, there must be another processing stage - melting. And only after that the product is sent for ripening. This goat cheese can be stored in the refrigerator for about 3 months.

Many countries use goat's milk cheese, and many peoples of the world have their own recipes for making cheese. For example, among the peoples of the Caucasus, homemade goat cheese is considered a national product. If you eat a piece of cheese for breakfast and add nuts and fruits to it, then the human body will be provided with a complex of vitamins and minerals for the whole day. Many peoples of the world are famous for their traditional cheeses, and the recipes for their preparation are kept in the strictest confidence. Halloumi or Levantine cheese is known in Europe, it came from Cypriot cuisine.

Tamara, I didn’t cook cheese for long-term storage, I usually put butter and cottage cheese in the freezer. Cheese, by the way, is also possible. But in the book I found recipes on how to store in brine and how to fill it with paraffin. But in general they are hard work. If you want, I will reprint it for you, but I will repeat it again - I have not tried it myself.

Step 5. When the whey is completely drained, we wrap the future cheese with gauze and put it under the press. It can be created by placing cheese between two plates or boards, on top of which is placed a weight that has no more than 1 kg of weight.

Goat cheese at home can be made completely different. Based on our recipes, add cumin, dill seeds, coriander, and a variety of fresh herbs to the milk clot. And you can sprinkle the finished cheese with your favorite spices.

And what types of cheese starters are generally known, exist, and are used, can you, on your website, publish recipes for various types of them, preparation of any different starter cultures used in the world, for making various types of them with their help, which or cheese?! The problem is, as always, with sourdough for people with its production, and therefore they often make home-made, homemade Adyghe cheese than cheese on rennet, etc., sourdough, it is known that Adyghe cheese can be used not only with whey poured into heated milk, while making it, and making it differently, without using this whey, by pouring sour cream into heated milk, instead of it, with chicken eggs beaten in it. But probably there are still many undiscovered, any starter cultures that can be used to make cheese with their help, one would have to think about what kind of new types of cheese starter cultures they have not yet discovered by people exist in nature !!! And suddenly, perhaps, by pouring bread kvass, or even malt intoxicating beer, into animal milk preheated on a fire, you can get some interesting varieties of cheese in this way !!! Wish you happiness!!!

As you can see, the recipes for goat milk cheese differ somewhat from each other in the starting products, but at the same time, the set of ingredients in each of them will not be final. You can add spices to your own taste, adjust the amount of salt, or even replace it with sugar - such sweet goat cheese is especially loved by children.

The production of such a product at home seems to be troublesome and time-consuming. Ideally, when making goat cheeses, rennet is added - this is an expensive natural organic substance, produced by the stomach milk goat.

Goat milk video cheese recipes. Urgent news.

Goat cheese is a storehouse of useful substances, vitamins and minerals that our body needs constantly. In addition, this type of cheese is low in calories compared to other types.

In addition to all the useful properties, this product has other advantages.

One of the main ones is its culinary use. It is used in salads and a wide variety of dishes, to which, as an ingredient, it gives a great flavor.

Goat cheese "Homemade"

The preparation of such cheese is not too difficult, but requires care.

First you need to remove the cream from the milk - the upper thick layer. After that, the milk is placed in a saucepan over medium heat.

When the milk boils, you will need to reduce the heat and add vinegar. After that, you need to start stirring the milk so that it curdles faster and better.

After the milk has thickened, you need to strain it through cheesecloth. The whole clot that remains in the gauze - we need it. It is advisable to leave it suspended on gauze for a day so that the milk is glassed to the end.

The next day, you need to take a clot, salt it and knead it thoroughly, like dough. After knead it into a cake and put in a thick frying pan, which put on fire. You will have to wait until the cheese has melted.

When it becomes liquid, remove it from the heat so that it can thicken. After all these manipulations - the product is ready, it remains only to cut it and sprinkle with cumin.

Homemade cheese "Mild"

Cooking time 35 min. + 24 hours of infusion. Calorie content - 275 kcal.

You need to put the milk on a slow fire and bring it to a boil. When the foam starts to rise, you need to add cottage cheese and start stirring for 3-5 minutes. After the milk curdles, it must be filtered through cheesecloth and take the clot that remains in the cheesecloth. It is advisable to squeeze this clot thoroughly from excess liquid or leave it to hang in gauze for a day.

After that, you need to mix the egg, salt and butter until smooth. After, we mix it all with a clot and put it in a water bath until the mass melts. Then you need to pour it into the form you need and wait until it thickens - it is advisable to put a press on top.

Goat cheese "Hard"

Cooking time - 30 min. + 24 hours of infusion. Calorie content - 280 kcal.

You need to take sour goat milk and add eggs to it, then stir until smooth.

After that, we take fresh milk, add salt to it and put it on fire, starting to stir. Then you need to start slowly pouring the mixture of sour milk and eggs into the saucepan, while not forgetting to stir.

It is required to cook until a thick mass resembling curd is formed on the surface. All this must be filtered through cheesecloth and leave only the curd mass. It will need to be carefully squeezed out to get rid of all unnecessary liquid.

After all the manipulations, the resulting mass must be put under the press for the night, or for a day - the more the better. Well, that's all - the product is ready.

  1. It is worth saying that it is not recommended to use goat cheese for ulcers and gastritis, or it is necessary to reduce the amount of this product. The fact is that it has a high acidity, which will have a bad effect on such disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  2. You can store homemade cheese for 2-3 weeks and preferably in the refrigerator. It is better to put it in a bag, so it will be less susceptible to bacteria and, as a result, will not deteriorate soon;
  3. From drinks, wine, beer and coffee are very suitable for this product. The combined taste of drink and cheese will be great;
  4. Cheese does not have a specific smell, unlike goat's milk, which is a good reason to turn milk into a more tasty and healthy product;
  5. The cooked delicacy can be added to various, even everyday, dishes.

Bon appetit!

Dairy products are in great demand among the population. They should be in the diet of every person, they need to be eaten by small children, adults, and the elderly. However, it should be noted that industrial dairy products do not always meet quality standards. Therefore, many housewives try to cook them on their own. One of the healthiest dairy products is goat milk cheese. It has a huge nutritional value, contains a lot of vital elements. Let's talk about how to make homemade goat cheese, we will give a proven recipe and discuss the preparation of such a product in a little more detail.

The easiest recipe for homemade goat cheese

To prepare such a dish, you need to prepare two liters, thirty to fifty grams of salt and four tablespoons of vinegar (9%).

Making goat cheese. First of all, place a pot of milk on the stove. Bring it to a boil and, while stirring constantly, pour vinegar into the container. The milk should begin to curdle. Keep the pan on the stove until it forms a fairly firm curd. Transfer it to a colander, covering it with gauze. After all the whey has drained from the future cheese, transfer it to a bowl and add salt. Thoroughly knead the cheese with salt and form a plump cake out of it.

Place the workpiece in a cast iron skillet (dry) and place it over medium heat. Once the cheese has melted, set the container aside in a fairly cold place. Wait for the goat cheese to harden. After that, the dish can be considered ready for consumption.

How to make homemade goat cheese tender-tender?

Use this recipe. To prepare such a dish, you need to prepare a couple of liters of milk, two tablespoons of fat sour cream, the same amount of cottage cheese, a teaspoon and a tablespoon of vinegar (may not be needed).

Heat the milk to about forty or fifty degrees. Mash the cottage cheese with a fork with a little milk, add it to the pan with the rest of the milk. Salt the mixture and bring it to a boil. After the milk starts to boil, put sour cream into it. Constantly stir the heating mixture, wait until the milk forms a clot. If this does not happen after ten to fifteen minutes, pour vinegar into the pan. Throw the resulting clot on a sieve, covering it with gauze. On top, cover the cheese with a cloth napkin and press down on the cheese with any suitable load (weighing two hundred to three hundred grams). After an hour, the cooked goat cheese can be eaten.

Delicious goat cheese

This version of goat cheese has a fairly high calorie content, but it has excellent taste. To prepare it, you need to prepare two liters of goat's milk, four hundred grams, six and a couple of tablespoons of table salt.

First of all, beat sour cream with eggs well. Place the milk on the fire, heat it well and add salt. Pour the sour cream-egg mixture into the hot milk. With constant stirring, bring the thick workpiece almost to a boil. After the formation of a curd clot, put it on a three-layer gauze napkin. Carefully tie the corners of the gauze, hang the resulting knot over the sink or over a suitable container (whey will drip into it). After the cheese has completely stopped dripping, lay it out on a fairly wide board. Place the same board on top and fix oppression on it - a two-liter jar filled with water. After five to six hours, send the cheese to the refrigerator and wait for it to harden.

Homemade goat cheese with kefir

This is one variation of a simple goat cheese recipe. To prepare it, prepare one and a half liters of goat's milk, a liter of kefir and a teaspoon of salt.

Making homemade goat cheese. Pour into a suitable enamel container, heat over medium heat until boiling. Those clots that have formed on the surface, put on a sieve. You won't need them. Strain the whey and leave for a couple of days at room temperature (in extreme heat, the settling period can be reduced by a day).

Then heat the goat's milk in a separate container until boiling. Pour kefir whey into boiling liquid. Pretty soon, the milk will begin to curdle and form clots. Such a mass must be filtered and salted. Send the resulting clots to gauze, hang it over the sink so that excess liquid from the glass cheese. Then send the cheese under oppression for two to three hours (how to do this is described in the last recipe), and drain the resulting whey from it. After the expiration of this time, remove the cheese directly under oppression in the refrigerator - for eight to ten hours.

Hard cheese made from goat's milk

To prepare this version of cheese, prepare three liters of goat's milk, a kilogram (store or homemade), one egg, twelve grams, a pinch of salt and one hundred milliliters of vegetable oil.

Pour the milk into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Pour the cottage cheese into the container and cook with constant stirring over a fire of minimum power for twenty minutes. Throw the resulting mass into a colander and wait until the excess whey drains from it. Put the resulting workpiece in a bowl. Mix in the egg with baking soda, oil and salt. Mix thoroughly and send to a boiling water bath, where you cook the cheese mixture for ten minutes.

Tamp the resulting product into a plastic bottle, cut off the neck from it. Send such a filled container to the refrigerator and wait for it to cool completely. You can store this cheese right in the bottle.

Additional Information

Goat milk is an amazingly healthy product. It can be used to prepare various dairy products and even to treat many pathological conditions. So traditional medicine experts say that such a product helps. To prepare the medicine, you need to boil the milk, cool it a little. Dissolve in it a teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of badger or goat fat. Drink the resulting cocktail in small sips and go to bed.

Fill the oats in a suitable container up to half, fill it with milk to the top and send it to a hot oven. Pour milk into container as it boils. After the oats are completely steamed, cool the broth. Take it in a couple of tablespoons three to four times a day.

Traditional medicine experts say that goat's milk can be used for. To do this, a tablespoon of carrot seeds should be poured with a glass of goat's milk and boiled like jelly with half a teaspoon of starch. Such a remedy should be taken cold, in the morning on an empty stomach. Repeat this for twenty-eight days.

If you suffer from, dilute a quarter teaspoon of garlic juice in half a glass of fresh goat's milk. Drink every day in the morning on an empty stomach.

Healers claim that goat's milk can be used as a good cure for. To achieve a therapeutic effect, you need to combine the juice squeezed from one medium carrot with a glass of fresh milk. Drink on an empty stomach, then do not eat anything for an hour. Repeat daily.

Patients suffering from, traditional medicine experts are advised to dilute five to ten drops of birch tar in a glass of heated goat's milk. Take a third cup three times a day.

Yogurt or goat's milk cottage cheese will help to cope with. To prepare the drug, you need to combine such raw materials with finely chopped wormwood. Apply the resulting mixture like a cake on the affected area and fix with a band-aid.

If you have a severe migraine, break one raw chicken egg into a glass of freshly boiled milk. Swish quickly and drink hot on an empty stomach. Repeat for one week.

Healers claim that goat's milk treats allergies well. To prepare the medicine, you need to brew two hundred grams of crushed birch charcoal with one liter of goat's milk. Boil for a quarter of an hour, then leave for the night (six to eight hours). Strained drink take half a glass with an interval of half an hour.

Goat cheese is an amazingly healthy product that you can cook on your own at home. And the main ingredient for its preparation - goat's milk - has a lot of medicinal qualities.

Ekaterina, www.site

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