
Cottage cheese from 1 percent kefir in a slow cooker. Cooking cottage cheese in a redmond multicooker

Of course, it is easier to buy cottage cheese in the store. But will it taste qualities meet your requirements? Many housewives have adapted to make cottage cheese on their own. Some cook it in a saucepan or oven, others have adapted a microwave for this purpose. But the multicooker copes with this task best of all. You do not even have to control the process, the multicooker will do everything by itself! To prepare cottage cheese, you will need kefir, the fat content of which should be at least 2.5%. Moreover, the quality of cottage cheese made from different kefir, may differ. It all depends on the composition of the dairy product. But in any case, the cottage cheese turns out tasty and soft.


  • kefir - 1 liter;
  • colander;
  • gauze.

How to cook cottage cheese in a Polaris slow cooker:

Pour kefir into the multicooker bowl, close the lid.

By pressing the "Menu" button, select the "Milk porridge" mode. Press the "Start" button. The screen will show the time - 35 minutes. Do not open the lid while the multicooker is in operation!

When the beep sounds, the display will show "Heating", but you must press the "Cancel" button, thereby turning off the multicooker.

Open the lid. You will see that kefir has stratified into whey and curd mass. She will look like different sizes white flakes. special spoon Slowly stir the mixture in two to three turns.

By the way, by the type of flakes one can judge the quality of the future cottage cheese. If curd collected in large lumps, and the whey is well separated, then the curd will turn out to be drier and more crumbly. From small flakes, soft cottage cheese is obtained.

Prepare a colander, place it on the pan. Cover with gauze folded in four layers.

Using oven mitts, remove the bowl from the multicooker. Carefully pour the contents of the bowl into a colander. Leave for one hour. During this time, all the whey will drain into the pan, and the cottage cheese will remain on the gauze.

Grab the edges of the gauze, lift them up, twist the gauze into a knot. Gently squeeze out the rest of the whey, adjusting the quality of the curd. Weakly squeezed cottage cheese will be soft, with a slight sourness.

Well-squeezed cottage cheese will turn out crumbly and fresh. Do not overdo it with the spin, otherwise you will get a very dense curd mass.

Cooking homemade cottage cheese in the Polaris slow cooker. Cottage cheese is a very useful product, especially if you cook it at home. Then you know exactly how it was prepared, from what, how the product was stored. There are many ways to make cottage cheese at home. can be heated spoiled milk over a fire or a water bath until the proteins coagulate, you can cook cottage cheese using microwave oven. You can freeze kefir, and then wait until it defrosts.
I suggest cooking cottage cheese in a slow cooker. Cottage cheese with this method of preparation comes out grainy and will be very liked by those who love this type of cottage cheese. Approximately 250-270 g of homemade cottage cheese comes out of 1 liter of kefir or sour milk.


Kefir 1000 ml


Step 1

To cook cottage cheese in a slow cooker, we need sour milk and a slow cooker (I have a Polaris slow cooker).

Step 2

Pour the sour milk into the multicooker bowl.

Step 3

Set the temperature to 80°C and the time to 10 minutes in the manual “Multi-cook” mode. After the end of the cooking time, curd and whey are formed.
You can also cook cottage cheese in the "Heating" mode - 7-8 minutes, but then the multicooker lid must be kept open during the cooking process.

Step 4

Strain the cottage cheese through cheesecloth.

Step 5

The result is 250-270 g of cottage cheese and whey, which can be used for baking bakery products, pancakes.

So many people Lately began to think that home-cooked products are much healthier and tastier. One of these products, of course, is homemade cottage cheese. Purchased cottage cheese often resembles a lottery. You buy and you don't know if it's made of whole milk, or most of The product is based on milk powder, the benefits of which are practically non-existent. And now in stores they often began to write “curd product” on the labels, which completely confuse buyers.

Another thing is cottage cheese, prepared independently. Homemade cottage cheese much more useful than the store, besides, we fully know its composition. Such cottage cheese is not scary to give to small children! I remember how a district pediatrician taught me how to cook cottage cheese for feeding a child in a children's clinic. It was proposed to do this in a primitive way - on a battery. This is what our grandmothers and mothers did. And it took a lot more time. But we have a wonderful assistant - a multicooker. With its help, we will prepare kefir cottage cheese very quickly, literally in 10 minutes.

You will need:

  • Kefir 3.2% - 1 liter (you can use sour milk)
  • Gauze - 1 sq.m.

How to cook cottage cheese from kefir in a slow cooker:

So. I pour kefir into the multicooker bowl. I install the bowl, select the Milk porridge mode. Cooking time 10 minutes. I press start and close the lid.

In the process of boiling, kefir will begin to separate into whey and curd lumps.

After 10 minutes, I open the lid and see that the separation process is completed. Cottage cheese separately, yellowish whey separately.

Now you need to drain the serum. I take a deep plate (bowl, saucepan), cover with gauze folded in three layers on top. The gauze needs to be fixed so that it does not slip off when you drain the liquid. I stuffed the edges of the gauze under the plate itself.

Gently pour curd lumps and whey onto cheesecloth.

Then I take the gauze by the edges and hang the cottage cheese over the sink (knot). This is necessary so that all the liquid is well glassed.

From initial quantity kefir is obtained approximately 300 gr. cottage cheese.

There is one more thing to consider important point. If you go drier cottage cheese, then you need to leave it to drain for at least an hour. If you want more moisture, then you need to leave for 15 minutes. The time will increase, depending on the increase in the weight of the finished product.

After cooking, we have whey. It can be used to make pastries, pancakes, etc. And you can just pour it if you don't need it.

If you make such cottage cheese in the evening, then in the morning you will have great option breakfast. You can add jam, honey or just eat with cookies. Cottage cheese is very tasty, tender. He is homemade! Natural!

If you are using it as baby food, then a grated apple, pear or banana will be perfectly combined here. Children will appreciate.

You can also add sugar if you like (I don't, it tastes good to me). Bon appetit!

Cottage cheese is cooked in a multicooker Redmond RMS-M20.

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    I really like this site, but for the last half a year this is the first letter from it. I hope that all the problems are over


    I really liked the site, I wanted to introduce my wife to it, especially since there is a need, but I could not open a single recipe. It turns out that on the site you can only look at pictures and swallow saliva? If I'm wrong, please tell me the way.

    • What browser are you using to open the site? There is a suggestion that you have disabled JavaScript

    The recipe is very interesting! But there is a question, is it possible to make more curd And is it necessary to increase the time in this case?

    • Daria, of course, you can make more cottage cheese from 2 liters. You may have to increase the time a little, since 2 liters will boil a little longer than 1. And the cooking principle is the same: wait for the boil and hold until the whey separates, then drain.

    Can you please tell me what can I substitute for kefir? we don’t sell it ... but I want cottage cheese :)

    • Yogurt (if you don’t sell it either, then sour milk).

      boil the milk and add a spoonful of sour cream, wait until the whey separates

    I will simplify this recipe for you, put kefir in the freezer, then cut the package and defrost in a colander inserted into a saucepan, it turns out the same. This is for those who don't have a multicooker.

    but I have sour kefir, can I make cottage cheese out of it?

Before buying a fermented milk product in a supermarket, we look at the composition and expiration date. Sometimes it seems that you are studying not packaging, but a textbook on quantum physics, and even on Chinese. Nothing is clear. And then you involuntarily begin to doubt the naturalness and usefulness of the product. And we will cook kefir cottage cheese at home in a slow cooker.

Let's explore the hidden features of the multicooker

With the advent of this gadget in the kitchen arena, the life of many housewives has been greatly simplified. We are used to cooking first courses, side dishes, meat, cereals, pastries in a slow cooker. What about dairy products? Why not arrange a small dairy factory in your apartment? Cottage cheese in the Redmond slow cooker from kefir is prepared in just half an hour.

Modern manufacturers of fermented milk products offer a wide range of cottage cheese with different concentrations of fat. But can they be trusted, how high quality and useful these products are?

And if you make cottage cheese from kefir in the Polaris multicooker, then you will be 100% sure that such a product is natural. A little trick: the higher the concentration of fat in kefir or milk, the more cottage cheese you will get. On average, from 1 liter of kefir, you can get from 150 to 200 g of the purest and most tender granular cottage cheese.

There are several cooking options:

  1. Cottage cheese from milk and kefir in a slow cooker can be cooked in the "Automatic heating" mode. Under the influence of heat, milk and kefir will begin to turn sour, and over time, a thick mass and liquid will form, which is called whey. The maximum cooking time for cottage cheese in this mode is 2 hours.
  2. For those who are interested in how to make cottage cheese from kefir in a slow cooker quickly, the second option is suitable. For half an hour, kefir is brewed in the "Milk porridge" mode. The result is delicate and sophisticated. cream cheese without preservatives and food additives.

Regardless of which cooking option is chosen, it is necessary to express the cottage cheese through cheesecloth. The longer the curd mass is kept in gauze in a suspended state, the drier and tastier the curd will be.

Read also:

In some recipes, you can see that a drug is used to make cottage cheese - calcium chloride. There is no danger from it, only benefit. It's just that this liquid will fulfill its function in the ongoing chemical reaction.

Set up homemade cottage cheese production

How to cook cottage cheese from kefir in a slow cooker? Once you try it, you will no longer want to buy store-bought curd mass. Such cottage cheese can be given to the smallest household members. Sour cream or cream will complement the taste of the dish. You can add greens and get excellent gas station to sandwiches.


  • 100 ml of kefir;
  • 2 liters of milk.


  • In this tandem dairy products help us prepare a delicious cream cheese curd.
  • You can make cottage cheese only from kefir, but experienced housewives are not looking for easy ways, so we won’t.
  • Pour the milk into the multicooker container. You can use homemade or pasteurized. Remember: powdered milk not suitable for making cottage cheese.
  • We select the “Baking” program and heat the milk for exactly 3-4 minutes.

  • Try it with your finger, this is the best thermometer, the milk instantly became warm.
  • Now let's add kefir. It is he who will play an important role in the preparation of cottage cheese.

  • The milk will start to turn sour, the process of whey separation will start, etc.
  • We close the lid of the kitchen gadget and leave the milk in combination with kefir for 10-12 hours.
  • It is best to perform preparatory actions in the evening.
  • After the specified time has elapsed, such a mass is formed in the multicooker container.

  • Let's be patient and not stop in the middle of the way.
  • We select the program "Automatic heating".
  • You will see the red or green light turn on.
  • We cut two hours. You will have to do this with the help of a watch, because not all kitchen gadgets are equipped with an electronic display.
  • During this time, the mass in the multicooker container will warm up evenly.

  • A little tip: before decanting, it is better to cool the mass.
  • To speed up this process, pour into the basin cold water and place a multicooker container in it.

  • If you are in a hurry, then the water can be changed two or three times.

  • True, it does not look very attractive, but now we will fix it.
  • Now we need to take the usual gauze.
  • Roll it up in 3-4 layers and put it on a colander, sieve or a regular plate.

  • Tip: it is better to take a deep bowl so that the serum remains inside.
  • It can be drunk or used to make pastries or okroshka.
  • We will make a bag out of gauze and wring out the mass.
  • A little trick: the cottage cheese will turn out drier if you press it down with a press.

If you haven’t cooked cottage cheese yourself yet, then it’s time, hostesses, it’s time to start! Because the cottage cheese according to this recipe is silky, creamy. It does not require the addition of sour cream or yogurt for juiciness. It is delicious, and the yield of the product just shocked me - 750 g of cottage cheese from 2 liters of milk and 50 g of kefir!

Ideal curd for healthy diet and baby food.

You can also cook cottage cheese on the “Extinguishing” program, but on “heating” the temperature of the clot does not rise above 70 degrees, such a controlled slow heating does not allow the cottage cheese to boil and it will never be digested.

I cook in a slow cooker Panasonic SR-TMH 18


  • Milk - 2 liters.
  • Kefir (yogurt, curdled milk, stetana) - 50-100 g


Pour milk into the multicooker bowl and heat in the "Baking" mode for 3-4 minutes. NO MORE, so as not to overheat.

IN warm milk pour in kefir or another fermented milk product.

We mix.

We leave for 10-12 hours. Convenient to put on at night.

This is what fermented milk looks like.

We set the multicooker to “heating” by pressing the “stop” button (the indicator lamp will light up).

Cooking time - 2 hours. Since there is no timer on the “heating”, you need to set the time yourself.

If left on heating for only 1.5 hours, it turns out even more delicate product, but this is already, cook if you want it that way.

I would like it to be faster, but only in two hours did the clot warm up evenly. Therefore, in order to achieve good result, patiently endure the right time.

After 2 hours of warming up, take out the multicooker bowl for quick cooling.

I have been making cottage cheese for a very long time. I tried different ways and I can advise you to cool the curd before you strain it from the whey. At least until warm.

I put the bowl of the slow cooker, or pot, in a large bowl of water and change the water a couple of times.

Here is such a tender curd mass should turn out.

We cover the colander with several layers of gauze or thin cloth and lay out our cottage cheese.

We tie the fabric and hang it to drain the serum. I usually leave it for a couple of hours. I use whey for baking bread.

If you want a drier product, then put the weight on the cottage cheese tied in a cloth.

The yield, of course, ultimately depends on the milk producer. I do not have the most expensive city shop sterilized.

Here is such a wonderful cottage cheese turned out in a slow cooker.

The very tenderness!

Bon appetit!

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