
What does fiber provide to the body? Fiber - is it always "healthy and healthy"? diets with fiber

We are already accustomed to hearing constant advice: “eat more vegetables and fruits", "include in your diet raw vegetables and fruit." What exactly is their use? How do they “work” in the body, how do they improve our health? One of their most important components is fiber.

The latest research data from around the world shows that nine out of ten people do not eat enough fiber. At the same time, fiber has also been proven to strengthen the immune system and general state health, helps us look and feel better, and much, much more, no less important to us.

The more natural and unprocessed the food, the more fiber it contains. There is no fiber in meat, dairy products, sugar. Refined or "white" foods such as White bread, white rice, pastries, practically devoid of fiber.

For women, the norm of fiber intake is 25-30 g per day, for men - 35-40 g. Usually we eat no more than 15 g of fiber per day.

Why do we need fiber?

  1. Blood sugar control: soluble fiber often slows down the breakdown of carbohydrates in our body and slows down the absorption of sugar. This eliminates the blood sugar spikes so familiar to many.
  2. Healthy heart: An inverse relationship has been found between fiber intake and heart attacks. Studies have determined that if you consume at least 25-30 grams of fiber per day, the likelihood of heart disease drops by 40%.
  3. Reduces the risk of stroke: scientists came to an interesting conclusion. By adding 7 grams of fiber to our daily intake, we reduce the risk of stroke by 7%. And so on!
  4. Weight loss and appetite control: among the vast majority of people with overweight increasing the amount of fiber consumed led to weight loss. Including because fiber always gives a feeling of satiety.
  5. healthy skin: fiber, and especially psyllium husk and bran, helps to eliminate yeast and different kinds pathogenic fungi from our body. When fiber is deficient, the body tries to get rid of them through the skin, forming blackheads, pimples, or rashes.
  6. Decreased risk of diverticulitis: alimentary fiber(especially insoluble ones) reduce the risk of formation and inflammation of polyps in the intestine by 40%.
  7. Haemorrhoids : eating foods with a total fiber content of at least 30 g also reduces the risk of this disease.
  8. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): fiber helps to get rid of unpleasant changes in the intestines.
  9. Stones in the gallbladder and kidneys: menu with high content fiber reduces the risk of kidney stones gallbladder and in the kidneys, including due to the property of fiber to regulate blood sugar levels.
  10. Cancer: some studies have given reason to believe that enough fiber in food prevents colon cancer, although research is not yet complete. Doctors also link a diet containing healthy levels of dietary fiber to a lower risk of other common types of cancer. digestive system.

Not all fiber is the same!

Bran buns, whole grains and cereals are often presented to us by manufacturers as the best way receive FIBER. But an ever-increasing number of doctors and scientists confirm the fact that since the most ancient times, since the origin of man, we are NOT adapted to eat grain. And if this is done imprudently, we can greatly harm our intestines. Too coarse food removes its natural mucous membranes from the walls of the small intestine. But it is on them that our protection against viruses and bacteria depends. Human immunity is based primarily on intestinal health.

Compared to fruits and vegetables, grains are relatively low in vitamins and minerals. In addition, too much fiber can lead to side effects such as bloating, gas, and abdominal cramps. Too much frequent use grain also leads to a feeling of fatigue, skin rashes, joint pain, allergies, psychological discomfort. And while fiber can lower blood sugar levels, eating too many grains has the opposite effect.

There are also studies showing that an excess of dietary fiber can increase the risk of diverticulosis.

High fiber content in the diet is contraindicated for people with chronic bowel disease, diarrhea, flatulence, leaky gut syndrome, food allergies. In these cases, fiber fibers can serve as a food base for pathogenic bacteria, yeasts and fungi present in the diseased intestine. To reduce their number, a diet containing, on the contrary, is recommended. minimal amount fiber. Such people are prescribed probiotics, well-cooked soups and other dishes from peeled vegetables without seeds are prepared for them.

High fiber foods

Product (100 g) Fiber, g Product (100 g) Fiber, g
Vegetables Fruits, berries
Sweet corn(boiled) 7,3 Dried apricots 18
Green pea raw 6 Dried figs 9,8
Brussels sprouts (boiled) 4,2 Raisin 9,6
string beans(stewed) 3,4 Prunes 9
Broccoli (boiled) 3,3 Raspberries 6,5
Pumpkin (stewed) 3,2 dried dates 6
Onion(fresh) 3 Blackberry 5,3
Beets (boiled) 3 Sea ​​buckthorn 4,7
Carrots (boiled, stewed, fresh) 2,4-2,8 Gooseberry 4,5
White cabbage(stewed, fresh) 2,2-2,4 Cherries 3
Potato "in uniform" 2,2 Blueberry 2,4-3,1
Cauliflower(stewed) 2,1 Quince 3
Mushrooms boiled 2 Pear with peel 2,8
Bell pepper(fresh) 1,6 Apple with peel 2,4
Radish 1,6 Strawberry 2,2
Spinach (stewed) 1,3 Orange 2,2
Sweet potato (boiled) 1,3 apricots 2,1
ground tomatoes 1,3 Peach 2,1
eggplant 1,3 Grapefruit 1,8
Chinese cabbage 1,2 Banana 1,7
Zucchini with peel 1,1 Grapes (with skin) 1,6
Greenhouse cucumbers 0,7 Cherry 1,6
Greenhouse tomatoes 0,4 Plum 1,5
Nuts, beans, seeds, greens Melon (pulp) 0,9
Flax seeds 27,3 Watermelon 0,5
Soya beans 13,5 Bread, cereals, pasta
Lentils 11,5 Wheat bran 43,6
Roasted pistachios without oil and salt 10,3 Whole wheat bread 6,8-9,2
chickpeas 9,9 Oatmeal "Hercules" 6
Hazelnut (hazelnut) 9,4 Rye bread 5,8
raw peanuts 8,1 barley porridge 3,8
raw almonds 8 pasta from durum varieties wheat 3,7
Walnuts 6,7 Buckwheat porridge 2,7
Beans (boiled) 5,5 bran bread 2,2
Peas groats (boiled) 5 pasta from soft varieties wheat 1,8
sunflower seeds 5 Brown rice (cooked) 1,8
Pumpkin seeds 4,2 Wheat porridge 1,7
Dill 3,5 White rice(boiled) 0,9
Raw cashew 3,3 Semolina porridge 0,8
Celery (stalks) 1,8 wheat bread 0,2
leaf parsley 1,5 Lavash Armenian thin 0,2
lettuce 1,3
Halva 0,6


  • Foods rich in fiber relieve our body of cholesterol, toxins, lower blood sugar levels and protect against the development of many diseases. Hfiber intake: women - 25-30 g daily, men - 35-40 g.
  • Increase your fiber intake gradually, 1-2 g per day until daily dose will approach the norm. It is also advisable to drink 1.5-2 liters clean water in a day. The amount of water you drink should also be increased slowly.
  • Whole grains are tough on the gut. If you decide to include in the menu more fiber, resist the temptation to achieve this with whole grain or bran. Instead, try to eat more vegetables and fruits.
  • Too much fiber in nutrition sometimes leads to diverticulosis, bloating, gas formation, fatigue, skin rashes, allergies, joint pain, psychological discomfort, high blood sugar.
  • Contraindicated eating fiber-rich foods if there is diarrhea, chronic bowel disease, flatulence, leaky gut syndrome, food allergies.

Why does the body need fiber?

Fiber is important component in food, although not everyone understands why it is needed. All fiber plant origin, it is part of the cell membrane of plants and comes in two varieties - soluble and insoluble. Fiber contains virtually no vitamins, minerals, or other nutrients. However, it is essential human body, and should be present in the diet of any person who cares about their health.

Useful properties of fiber

ABOUT useful properties fiber became known only a few decades ago. After the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, active searches were carried out to prevent the effects of radiation on the population that remained to live in the territories adjacent to the areas contaminated with radionuclides. Fiber has become one of these means, as scientists have proven its ability to absorb various toxins and harmful substances in the intestines.
In addition, fiber actively promotes digestion, improving the peristalsis of the entire intestine. It is necessary for patients suffering from constipation, hemorrhoids and intestinal problems. Fiber also helps the body get rid of excess cholesterol, so patients with heart disease vascular system should get enough fiber from the diet.
Fiber stays in the stomach longer, and thus, a person's feeling of fullness remains longer. long time. Especially popular in the 80s was the use of a diet, rich in fiber, for weight loss. In the US, experts recommend consuming at least 32 grams of fiber daily. However, it has been found that in Lately the consumption of fiber has decreased significantly, one can even say about the deficiency of this substance in many people.

Domestic nutritionists recommend consuming at least 15-20 grams of vegetable fiber per day. To do this, you need to eat about 300-400 grams fresh vegetables and fruits. In addition, fiber is found in whole grain bread, brown rice, cereals, legumes. There is practically no fiber in meat and dairy products.
It should be remembered that with this diet you need the right drinking regimen, since the fiber takes on some of the water. Therefore, you need to ensure that the daily fluid intake is at least 2 liters. Recently, wheat fiber for weight loss has been popular.

Wheat fiber for weight loss

Wheat fiber is a natural product, a high molecular weight compound made from wheat bran. Fiber is very useful, it contains vitamins E (tocopherol), B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B6 ​​(pyridoxine), C ( ascorbic acid) and vitamin PP, as well as carotene, niacin, choline, biotin, folacin.

What contains fiber

Human health and his condition directly depends on how and what he eats. All useful material, which are necessary for the body, we use with food. There they break down and pass into the blood, which delivers everything. useful components to the organs. But there are also substances that are not digested in our orgasm. Fiber is one of the few. What it is for, where it is contained and how much it should be consumed, now let's try to figure it out.

Which is better bran or fiber?

Bran and vegetable fiber are part of many diets as an integral component that promotes digestion and healing the body. On the one hand, this is due to the presence huge amount positive properties these products, on the other hand, have some limitations to their use. Is it possible for everyone to use these invaluable nutritional supplements, in what quantity and which is better: bran or fiber? Let's try to deal with these questions.

Fiber foods for the intestines

In order to eliminate the feeling of discomfort and heaviness in the intestines, it is necessary that in daily diet a person necessarily present foods rich in fiber. There are two types of fiber - soluble and insoluble.

The ten healthiest vegetables for baby food

A one-year-old child, for the most part, eats everything. And caring parents try to provide him with a varied diet, which includes dairy, cereals, meat, fish products and, of course, vegetables.

Vegetables must be included in baby food. They provide children's body fiber that regulates the activity of the digestive system. And, in addition, they contain a whole range of vitamins, minerals and other substances necessary for growth and development.

To lose weight, the first thing to do is to clean your intestines well. Fiber for weight loss will help with this.

What is fiber and how does it affect the body

Fiber is the dietary fiber found in plant foods. For example, if you make freshly squeezed juice, that residue from fruits and vegetables will be fiber. Dietary fiber is of two types:



Soluble fibers, passing through the body, "collect" accumulations of salts of heavy metals and excess cholesterol. The insolubles are also very important. They normalize intestinal motility, speed up the process of emptying and reduce the risk of developing diseases associated with the colon.

There is no doubt that fiber for weight loss is extremely useful, it will allow not only to lose a few pounds, but also to cleanse the body. The main thing is that both insoluble and soluble fibers should be included in the diet in a uniform amount.

Varieties of vegetable fiber: what it is, and what products contain it

Before you start losing weight, you need to familiarize yourself with the varieties of plant fiber. It is also important to know which foods can give the body the required daily amount of dietary fiber.

Types of fiber for weight loss

1. Cellulose. IN more this substance is found in all types of cabbage, in the peel of cucumbers, in bran, carrots and apples. Cellulose allows you to slightly expand the walls of the intestine, which will speed up the process of excretion of feces.

2. Lignin. It is mainly found in strawberries, peas, bran and cereals. This type of fiber for weight loss is extremely important. Lignin lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood, allows you to satisfy the feeling of hunger for a long time, which eliminates the risk of unnecessary snacks.

3. Hemicellulose is beets, bran, Brussels sprouts. The substance removes excess water, toxins and waste products from the intestines.

4. Pectin. There is a lot of substance in apples, cabbage, potatoes, citrus fruits, carrots. This type of fiber is soluble. Pectin allows you to absorb salts of heavy metals and slags, remove them along with feces. In addition, the substance contributes to the overall strengthening immune system.

Benefits of Eating Fiber for Weight Loss

The main advantage of fiber is that this substance has a beneficial effect on the work of all organs of the digestive tract. When all systems in the body are working normally, a person feels great, improves his appearance and the signs of fatigue disappear.

Benefits of eating fiber for weight loss

1. Reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood. Studies have been conducted, the results of which confirmed the benefits of using plant food. In people who do not neglect it, cholesterol levels are always normal.

2. Fiber regularly removes accumulations of toxins, salts of heavy metals and slags from the intestines.

3. Prevents the formation of stones in the gallbladder.

4. Improves intestinal motility, helps prevent the development of many diseases. This is very important for human health. Fiber coats the intestines with a special mucus that heals wounds and even relieves inflammation.

5. Suppresses appetite. When eating plant foods, the risk of overeating is reduced. When fiber enters the stomach, it instantly swells, absorbs excess fluid, and due to this, a feeling of satiety occurs.

6. By adding 30% more plant foods to your diet than usual, a person will gradually lose overweight.

7. Effectively cleanses the intestines, “pushes out” stagnation of feces from it.

8. Allows you to break down sugar, so it does not have time to form body fat.

Fiber diet options

Fiber is indispensable for those who want to cleanse their body and forget forever what excess weight is. If multiple options effective diets, from which it will be very easy to choose the most suitable for yourself.

Gentle diet

If a person does not have the opportunity to adhere to a strict diet, this diet option will suit his taste. All you need to do is eat so that 70% of the foods you eat contain a lot of fiber. In this mode for a month naturally leaves 4-5 kilograms.

Strict diet

Fiber for weight loss can also be used in strict diet calculated for 14 days. To do this, you will need to purchase a pharmacy product. A large jar sells Siberian fiber, which contains everything you need to help with weight loss.

Within two weeks, you need to strictly follow simple diet. Fiber is consumed every 4 hours (2 tablespoons of the dry product are mixed in kefir or water). In this case, it is desirable to completely exclude the use of sweet, fried and salty.

Fasting day

For a day, you need to buy 1 liter of low-fat kefir and divide the contents of the package into 4 equal parts. You need to drink them during the day, 1.5 tablespoons are added to each glass Siberian fiber.

Daily fiber intake:

Men under 50 - 40 grams;

Women under 50 years old - 30 grams;

Women and men who are over 50 years old - no more than 20 grams.

Important points in the organization of the diet

Regardless of what type of plant fibers a person has included in his diet, if you want to lose weight, you need to know a few important nuances.

Rules for the use of fiber for weight loss

1. The product will work only if the person consumes a sufficient amount of liquid. It should be noted that fiber absorbs water, so you need to drink not 2, but 2.5-3 liters of pure non-carbonated water per day.

2. It is best to consume fiber 30 minutes before meals. This will help prevent overeating and prepare the digestive system for the upcoming "work".

3. You can not use the product in more quantities than it allows daily rate.

4. Even if a person has purchased Siberian fiber for himself in a pharmacy, in any case, you need to eat foods rich in vegetable fibers. The diet must contain fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain cereals.

5. Get rid of excess weight faster physical exercise. It is necessary to devote 40-50 minutes to simple exercises. It can be running, pull-ups, squats, push-ups, jumping rope. You can also use the hula hoop. If you have time to visit the gym, this opportunity should definitely be used.

6. Fiber will not help you lose extra pounds if you eat kilos every day. chocolate chip cookie And fried potatoes. All "empty" calories from the diet are categorically excluded. You only need to eat natural products.

The harm of fiber for weight loss

Before taking fiber for weight loss, regardless of its type, you should definitely consult your doctor in order to avoid an unexpected reaction of the body.

With diseases of the gallbladder and liver;

With ulcers and gastritis during an exacerbation;

In the presence of individual intolerance to the product (it happens extremely rarely, but it happens);

During pregnancy;

With diarrhea;

During lactation.

It is impossible to abuse fiber, an overdose will lead to the fact that the body will not be able to absorb all the nutrients and vitamins that enter it. The result is bloating and headaches.

The effectiveness of fiber for weight loss is undeniable. However, do not forget that everything is useful in moderation. When using Siberian fiber, you need to take a break. For example, include a product in the diet for 2 weeks, then forget about it for 1 week. In order to consolidate the result and keep yourself in good shape, it is recommended to devote time to simple physical exercises daily and drink at least 2 liters of clean water without gases.

Evgeny Baigarin, junior researcher at the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences:

-The term "fiber" is somewhat outdated. Correctly speaking - dietary fiber, the coarsest part of the plant, which our digestive system is not able to break down. Cellular preparations are the sources of these same dietary fibers. Those contained in herbal products are called dietary. And functional - additionally added to finished products or included in dietary supplements.

Due to its structure, dietary fibers are retained in the stomach, and then the effect of imaginary saturation occurs. As a result, a person will need less food, it is easier for him to comply. And due to the fact that hardly digestible fibers enter the duodenum in small portions, the glycemic reaction is smoothed out. The concentration of glucose in the blood does not jump, insulin is released not so sharply and not in such quantities. Accordingly, the feeling of hunger is not so acute. In addition, dietary fiber serves as a source of nutrition for the microorganisms of the large intestine. By stimulating the development of its microflora, dietary fiber has a prebiotic effect.

However, they will not help you lose weight on their own. They should only be used as an addition to varied diet, to which a person passes, getting rid of extra pounds. We can say that these drugs are a kind of psychological incentive: "I take them - it means I will definitely lose weight." But if you add food and rye bran soaked in milk, kefir, yogurt or juice with pulp to the diet, the benefits for weight loss will be obvious. This dish can be replaced light dinner not to overeat at night. You can also have bran for breakfast.

Eat vegetables!

Galina Sokolova, MD, gastroenterologist:

- Is it possible, trying to lose weight, to do without additional intake of fiber from dietary supplements, and limit yourself to only the one that comes with food? Can. But you will have to minimize portions of refined foods, giving preference to food rich in vegetable fiber. Replace white rolls coarse grinding. Thin spaghetti - pasta from whole grains. Instant cereals - homemade cereals from whole grain cereals. Sweets - fresh fruit and berries, dried fruits.

Do not give up legumes, nuts and mushrooms. Try to snack on vegetables and fruits between main meals, but do not cancel them during the meal. Better to eat: long boil they lose half of the fiber they contain.

Women's problem

Mikhail Krylov, candidate of medical sciences, proctologist:

- Fiber in a special honor with proctologists. She copes with the problem that are dangerous for the colon because the retention of its contents not only contributes to the formation of polyps and anal fissures, but also leads to intoxication of the body. The products to be excreted from it are absorbed by the walls of the large intestine. Accordingly, the metabolism in the body is disturbed. And it works not only as a “panicle”, but also as a “sponge”: acting as an adsorbent, it draws in everything that is to be removed from the body, contributing to its self-purification.

Many patients, having learned about the benefits of fiber for improving stools, make the same mistake: they add dry wheat or rye bran to the menu. But in this form, they only exacerbate constipation. Dry bran must be steamed. Otherwise, once in the intestines, they take on all the water and aggravate the problem. I would recommend this proportion: 2 tablespoons of bran pour 200 g boiling water. 20 minutes to insist and take 2 times a day.

Another mistake is often made by women trying to get rid of excess weight. It is known that laxatives are part of the so-called. Indeed, accelerating the transit of intestinal contents and reducing the absorption of high-calorie components (fats) is the basis for losing weight. But here a danger arises: the systematic use of laxatives leads to a serious problem - the intestines begin to "lazy" and become inert. Constipation reappears and is aggravated after the abolition of "teas". But if you take enough fiber daily, the bowel rhythm becomes physiological and regular.

    Fiber is one of the most important components of any diet. Its absence or excess leads to detrimental consequences for the human gastrointestinal tract. How Much Fiber Do You Need for a Healthy Diet? What fiber sources to choose? Which products have the most of it, and which do not at all? What is the use of fiber and is there any harm, as well as what are the functions and properties of this element of the human diet - you will learn about all this from our article.

    Fiber - what is it in simple terms

    Fiber is a type of complex carbohydrate, vegetable fibers formed by parts of plants. Cabbage leaves, bean and seed skins, plant stems and grains are all examples of fiber.

    In addition to fiber, which is formed in natural conditions, there is also a fiber of the same name. food supplement. It is also a complex carbohydrate formula that does not break down in the digestive tract and is used for dietary purposes.

    If fiber is not absorbed by our body, then what is its use? First of all, fiber helps food to be removed from the digestive system faster. How longer meal digested internally gastrointestinal tract, the more difficult it is to remove it later without consequences, such as gas formation or bloating. Fiber speeds up this process and helps the body cleanse naturally. That is why fiber is indicated for those who have problems with the intestines.

    Types of fiber - cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, pectin

    Fiber is classified according to its content in different products or parts thereof. Consider the main types of fiber.


    She can be found in wheat flour, which has not yet been sifted, in bran, in cabbage leaves, in a pod young peas, in the skins of green beans, in broccoli leaves or in Brussels sprouts, in the peel of cucumbers, peppers and apples. Cellulose facilitates the activity of the colon, absorbing all excess moisture.


    This species is found in bran, grains, beet pulp, Brussels sprouts, or mustard sprouts. Hemicellulose, like the first type, absorbs liquid, facilitating the work of the intestines.

    These two types help processed waste to leave the intestines faster and prevent conditions and diseases such as constipation, colitis due to spasm of the smooth muscles of the intestine, as well as hemorrhoids and colon cancer.


    The third type is found in cereals, such as bran, or in eggplant, strawberries, radishes and peas. Moreover, the content of lignin in those vegetables and fruits that have already “lain down” for some time is much higher than in fresh ones. The main property of lignin is considered to be a special viscosity - it interferes with absorption harmful substances intertwined with bile acids. This process reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood, and also helps food to leave the intestinal cavity faster.

    pectin and gums

    Both of these species are found in cereals from oats, potatoes, beans, peas, as well as in berries - strawberries and strawberries. Lots of pectin in apples and citrus fruits. This type of fiber controls the process of digestion of food not only in the stomach, but also in the small intestine.

    Like lignin, pectin and gums combine with bile acids, lowering cholesterol and actively absorbing fat. In addition, substances slow down the process of glucose absorption, which becomes a salvation for diabetics.

    Fiber tablets

    In addition to natural fiber, scientists have brought to laboratory conditions a formula of a readily available substance - activated fiber, which is taken in tablets at the dosage necessary for your body.

    This type of planned introduction of fiber into the diet contributes not only to the formation correct scheme nutrition, but also increases the effectiveness of various diets, since activated fiber controls the supply of proteins in food and reduces the carbohydrate component. Hence the tangible constant control weight.

    What is useful fiber

    Latest Research in the field of nutrition have shown that the benefits of fiber for the human body are not only in the normalization of bowel function by accelerating the removal of waste, but also in cleansing the body of toxins and toxins.

    That is why so many wholemeal flour products have appeared on store shelves. People consciously switch to such a diet, as "rough food" helps to lose weight and improve the processes of the gastrointestinal tract.

    In addition to the function of the main sorbent of the body, fiber has other useful properties:

  1. It quickly saturates, which is important when dieting.
  2. Cures excessive appetite.
  3. Improves the secretory functions of the stomach.
  4. Reduces blood pressure, improving the peristalsis of the large and small intestines.
  5. Enriches the body with vitamins, minerals and other useful micro-elements.

Possible harm to fiber

Possible harm from fiber can be reduced to zero if you use it in moderation and not on an empty stomach. It is best to eat foods containing fiber, along with some liquids, for example, if you eat porridge from oats, then vegetable soup should be the first dish in this meal.

Note! The only contraindication when introducing fiber into your diet is intolerance to this substance or acute attacks of gastrointestinal diseases, for example, stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Table - sources of fiber in foods

The largest supply of fiber is found in the outer shells of products: peel, leaves, stems, etc. Whole grain bran is considered the highest fiber product in terms of fiber content - there are about 44.0% in 100 g.

From the table you will find out what other foods have fiber and in what quantity:

Note! Vegetables and fruits are considered the most balanced foods in terms of fiber and other nutrients. In products of animal origin, fiber often does not exist at all, or the content is negligible.

properties of adipose tissue

There is such a thing as adipose tissue - this is a mesh layer of the skin, which is penetrated by collagen fibers and is located immediately under the actual skin (dermis). In this grid are special "fat lobules" that form our animal or subcutaneous fat.

What is fatty tissue for? It is a connective tissue that provides shock absorption and thermal insulation of the body. In some cases (for different stages obesity) the weight of fatty tissue can be from 10 kg, and the localization in men and women is different. Women accumulate fatty tissue mainly in the thighs and buttocks, and men in the chest and abdomen. According to statistics, this connective tissue (up to 5 cm or more) reaches the greatest thickness in the thighs, and the smallest thickness falls on the eyelids and genitals.

The properties of adipose tissue include the following features:

  1. Energy. Fat is an important source of energy reserves in the body. Fat reserves are consumed during periods of intense energy expenditure or during fasting.
  2. Thermal insulation. Heat escapes slowly through fat, which is useful in cold climates. The thicker the layer of fat, the less a person freezes when low temperatures. However, in excessive amounts, fat spoils the figure, reduces self-esteem, and in addition, adds problems to the “heart” part. Excess weight- these are prerequisites for coronary heart disease, hypertensive crisis, diabetes and even skeletal deforming osteoarthritis.
  3. Protection. Fat Protects Everything internal organs from overheating, and also increases skin elasticity. Shifting into different sides, the dermis seems to “slide” over the subcutaneous fat and has many times less damage.
  4. Accumulation. Fat is the body's reserve for "hungry" times. In addition to the fiber itself, the body accumulates in subcutaneous fat and other useful substances. For example, the hormones estrogens, which are important for the functioning of the sexual function of the body, as well as vitamins A, D and E.
  5. Production of hormones. In addition to natural accumulation, adipose tissue is able to independently produce important hormones. For example, leptin, which is responsible in our body for the feeling of satiety, etc.

Daily amount of fiber

The norm of fiber for our body per day is an extremely controversial indicator. It is recommended by doctors in the field of dietetics to consume the substance in an amount of 5 to 25 g. This is what Western medicine says. Russian nutritionists claim that our Slavic ancestors in the distant past received much more - from 25 to 60 g of fiber, and their body always worked like clockwork.

A compromise solution becomes the golden mean at 35 g. It is this amount of fiber that should be supplied daily to the body of a modern person with a variety of foods.

Thus, it is possible and necessary to introduce fiber into your diet not only in order to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of toxins, to establish peristalsis of the small and large intestines, and also to lower cholesterol, but also to help your body lose weight to its own norm and permanently consolidate the effect of lightness and harmony your body.
